JOURNAL 1975 JAMES W. BEE (-TS T5OLO=1 JOURNSE 1275 Brownar the, T the Aw: 4, 1975S Pood I) eee 4.) IRE /NTERNA TON A b BRIDGE and Customs MERCADO BENITO TUAREZ \sb €ABSOLO ST ryhkrarvoRoes (Mex: co) Pe Church Crodad Vu Jardin with (area enlarged) t EL K10sta im Center og Calle S@aare - SEs a Sw pe ads po Perer)g : 0-4 pecltach. fet. / Crger. Yb ao GT /O.F tansepetg: Sak / | Dep petal. 2b 7 U, raw: 27.0 Crofers hawZ. S52 BCrecevr. FJI2 2 Crewe, recllacl. 37.4 redlaclrord fll, 35 / 2 am . 38-9 Gm newghleg. Bhs Alraews. 39:7 4eAklact. os sedtach . Gl. / tet totepe beg. 43.0 neclbiet. ¢3.5 tes | £7 Lllnekitan aver, Bret nanegleteg (24 /egbawrag rmeteoge front L)) Dong ga laud 50.1 Aougleteg Si) Aoegleteg 59.3 vedlach. 55.7 wdlacl, 524 Abbe, A Crawy, bl 2 Ay. red . Cb AeclLliat. 72.8 Asellaed. 73.0 recllacl, 76.4 5, Canackar Liner, Cbeuclarnn G. lene. G08 bf. huerh. Fl/ Cm Aougiiteg fe eg F/97 of Cm Anweghleg . hee a 32.9 “4 a Chevefar if teed. 2 22. LTA ae Vb bahesrea 4. bows. GE F. Careachac [eer , 97 1510 Agave Law Aft outchorte PAleterra Crly a2 (ioe 07 Oy. Karen Ciced, Crow. O49 1 tak, O59 Cros 07.9 rekLiaet, 2F./ pre tr pretelediplacec en Tie aun prt obettieel tonee Leaving Aaserence indi, (2S pedlacl. 14. robles, Ott hats unth tock lotun ¥ freang, Lerma. /bG wdllact, raw © ITI S Crocwo (6, /r0ekladd, (9,q recllieh- 45.3 S Croc. 24-9 Com Averglides | LE) Loon 29.0 Aedtlach. FO.F ®% Clewys. I 7 Acbtaat, F3.2. up. tack. 33.3 Cimeaervreenr birt, Lew im hondtbare. I9S 14 @ Lee, Ie Zon Aonghleg Ib redllgzt. 366 Zn | 376 redler, Cree . Ube 2 Ctecod: 413 gory tools Gf lape f Ane 0G EY way aot prod afrad Hy, bart. F+5.8 am hag +H. > bX e redtbeibd. fail Cred. Plreroa Anerssee tn ancsuk of Arve ave! reed ow Leper 207 hy egpaasne or Direc. 427 Atedtact. Lh race AbenteL Gy Clea + Comep treed prigeg: LF,7 Ap tewl 58.9 redtad. S10 op. tow. S19 dba, Urged. £35 nedtach. 55% rethich 55:7 telah yparioe howd. ‘56.3 flak Kear. Cr, b- 7 750103-6 Aparrtrees hack. 59:0 AME. SKS Atedbache. 60.2 ALM tio neret hawk al EncdL - CNO Aedtaet. O2.d Aedhleh, 2. dacoe L3n.d rAtdbrel 63.6 reAlard. b45 2 redloack, 67.2 tet hed L6.7 Aecllach. 69.) tedlLlacl. 74:2 Cam Aaceghiteg. 70.3 tedllaet, 70.6 jectloct, marek. huh. 74 Atdllact. Mower gee “oa peg. ong) Sparrene Kowe# 74. qnecllact Fag done. 212077. a 97.) nedbacl 7.2. 2ettaet ' IF 5 Oy Fo, s aug FO of Arkansno Lowth, 83.2 recllish | Gb. ¢. $4.9 nectlinl, Drew now Le pool, 88.8 Jtsllack. Go redlack . Llizen 95.2 22ellael. 95.8 pecllad 93 Chikashin five. G81 trees deposited padindag morning ane as appror. Bia dyth. 97.5 nedlacl, 99,9 Am 1 G7 Pou relat (Waraas bere 02,7 nedtacl, 639 7#Hbt:.L. O43 GOT DSF lim ‘ OD? omarekhawdh.. (0.3 Arollich 12.9 2. S3.¢ nesllaetl.” Us5- Aedlacl. 15:9 Cn, - 16.8 tnerek Laced. Td tom Aas leg , ficdtactl at prod tede Milage (5, /8,7 brow. V9 hedLael. F792/,7 ferngechs Ontraner tn Kanreat, 93.9 ap. Fork. OSS tp. fared. 27.) Onirpacs Mactrosd, Croc. 22.3 Aecllact | Bho tfarrers tucrd, Aedlecs. 377 Crow, 399 Cree, 46.3 Afanonss Lever. ate Merck S43 Aecllack , SI7 op. fared, S98 Atellad. ol2t0ettisl, 63.7 redLat. by¢ Aecltach. 651 neclhnch. bh.6 Aparna hawk, C8.4 recltad | Vl pecltach. 72.f mart bark 204 Atllad, 815 relat. 739 Aedla as- 30 J Yo $S Jd SS 60 6s- ore Jo wT vo 3 90 Is ITO os AW O55" loo 22-2 33.2 - 30 ¥ ay RDEBINTAIL RAYEDIFO £SD.Abawe CRa bl woe fA ACKe VULT YARRI¢C Laie WOISsc.. 66-07 750(O3= 4 | ISS AS 30 357 40 ys JO ee 60 Colo. eer” 670 6s” Fi 3z0RM 70 Carmppbestion GL07/0 “ee fa P.M Fb 7S) 20 25 frmction 28’) — 9 3o A4¢ORM 37 ¢o or JO SS 40 6S FO 97 So tS atc ve hE bes oS 4 96106 os” Hangs the 1S (0 GEST. . Si4- od zo : 2s Bevrere 23.4 So 3s" go Ys gamed 1762-27 82.8 fo S693 Am, eS OlLyrcta- 19.4 ao : 94260 Bhrowneyelle 61.2 ‘Ss 12330 hm Io Ss go 6s Go as” 16 Bad or 1o is 40 257 Jo Crmatiang 3d _ ; ar Inirtten Fh3 wo . aa Sanita $9.7 a Repiena 65:2 67 35S fm J0 } M06 Pm 75.b - Br oO i letionile. 02.7 7% 49° os Sv x Bs REDTAIL ROUGH LEG SD dare CROW Uf ie = BLACK VYULT. STAN 1, AVIS Makes. Mbithi MISC 26.3 3a 3 WY, Bh0 r SGr0 7T50\035—-12 GLYAlo 20 30 2c 3a 3 40 aT Aooknt Sil Rat Sinadern, 5g Coeack) 89 boohm, . 96450 mmolagecte Begeh oS BMS hag IU bo 6s 7O 7s Perry. fort drteces BO $4.6 aS” Fo IS 94 F500 os dA domenr, Til 10 1S ao 2~ 30 Toff Ar. kof ths aS Drtrtes gactie yo OS WO em 56 cS 6d 65° 7o 7S 80 or 70 Gs” Uretirue 0/3 94 £40 31/0 os” 12 15 20 Mesohg be. 26.3 oa 3s” ¥o IS Jo Ranproled K S2aY Nie 60 6S 7o x kev 773 75 eh o Ot lee F 90 Ke Drange 92.4 aS athe, tihe 96920 Gi6o4m 2s jo 3s- ¢o ‘es SO we £0 Bet C-ve 63-0 ae - WS 30 Daewesh LA 88. ay Lrelrrore t. ff G99 os” 97000 os 4/0 SS 20 25 3o 35° wWWoHYIN?E RED 7~Alh. IOUCHLEL- SP. HBlOK CROw fo BLACK UVULT, Wee 215 Mba MEc HIG eg. / Wd A2G SHS r (2%0 SE-C7 TDOLOB— | S G70 40 wWoobuta 45,7 4S JO JS 60 6S 90 S Comsoleger R. 7h.S As ao ghle. Co Lene PFS 6x Go 97 /b6 larrvrtontr. OVE os 8 WOH TNO Limearnoon kK, 33,3 we flack Rear Cr. SF H3 60 fas Co Lue 24:9 ai2z0 70 Arehknatign RFI Is” ica Puede. 97 2080 ---- | a2 AB’ 20 Turnprhe anP « Fe Arhanseshittizs FAY Ca andy 3 alata REO TAIL . MALWK CeOW BLACK VULTURE | F/M RRIS HAWK J\MISC, A679 149 250 143 19 (OARS 13 CORA } FRRR-R AlwkS $6 YULTURE 17: 79 oe-E/ REOTAIL ROSCHL EG SP.MAwWEK Choy Lippe CGLACK LOLTI HAezesrse Hh MISC. LY AS | | 750 103-14: Fong Leucon, Jefgerren Ce, Kentse Bue - 12,1975 Clune. nad 2 mmnad, die: Witainsy Hedin Zo check aw chads V gesse . 30h Yo Aopteres delocen Kacorence trol i oft Wheipatnmnetle, time eg leategy Beh tr Paon tot rletued / marek Law dud 22HLacth ‘ Ct pestle wy Laren Lhe Canoes 27] pees 40s Lee Mractes, de pertde S of homptonvitle. sere appror 000 atlanols wm Portal and o glorp of prox AG00 Anew + Flue geste, he geese were wothun “0 Prats of ron. ancl Avedon From W svirbark rotecl 12 oer teas an Lode, Area goat 7) q Aor detmed ib te : gab : 7 io | S000 Cin. ila: Yoel Lown. X ae Ev 7 to 3 ; ¥ pense 7 “\ blue Colter = foent ies : Nei v open a Le , ; BX \o “ 7 “ K 4. o j Seee math ar-tre % ye Vir 77 e0° SOO ° dim. Gunter , 560 oe ® ie. a Lf, ZN dra%) Arsatrs bee y weg frre aatlerde; t 7 Anugbetl HARLAN WAU foe m™~ iia, gee Fut tangems tas “imempsonuine —_— auc 32 one 2800 Snowsvblyes a, 000 Inattande? ¥ | Lee 77 of Ser wotr =e A (Lo trol mm 7 weds often watiz dl mpl Fmmneceter oftees 77. S8~ 7S 7I01 (2-15 Crtned n te Oyewkie, att walin progin drew. 20 deeds, geome, ov govle ame EE Capt raseeein arse &E ja a Pad | bho "Gf Aedevotr Aree wire so reclbarle . were no Atel than Corbin i. Lhe Daten. He geal aes ome Lacench (100 gros cen) fea i apeceldl ctor Le rate? Sonwrence, eriglus Co. Kinase one, Hod Li er, a Abident at ne. Aenese, teperted an athnce preabbact ° , Sgae (1948-1973) hath bu beerrermer teed cul , * Tht part J wat Gwe ow © _ Heghawgy 10. He poerecenelh ot the Cg ue eh, plo &., / MB IAGIVS IB, prcloeng apt A 50 Ary Lem. 34°F , bettas! BS, hy Jol ela, Ap, slots - Colored pence aud bardnal a ue, Vier . tiie O72 . tee Lb, 39 Ahtat vm toledo eo) thang one soe ane Aaaetd Ade | fereote +¥,¢ Arecllael ah pore asceceral, J hte dperrews. 44.5 Howl. 6,5 Ws Leesmptinad J frronits Hemp eke, 460 EF eg. ES Ama Cotreeee aw 7) potent atrg toca 49.2. 2 3. 49.8 Kaew Ron. onde Cpt ¥ ne lee, SOY ete me htucltarce |; Howe grouse qo. om BGS SA4.5° SI neacleLarts - JSA.¢ AeclLach IF, 2 - SAT, - SIC DS 5 S77 Melaceraee utr, “Ate been, He Lee, Lobes » Hibadpag V bat dloal ae” Aelia sy eg Lz Hf, SST J” Carachan geece fren Akstegen th Swidhiin, Yo dhe . ) Ct kadee, 2 Balrrabe, f flee 76.3 2 Carehad BN e. Fb6 row 7, , FA beled at BF. Tee Ofer welt arras has Laden a efferent Lepequra Comm wre pare 42, Que Akhil 2°2, tmenatere abd Cagles a. Lap Vornk Area L reerthe Leackt. I501( 8-16 | a Ei ee 7k. peels rin caney anti ponte Lies tb Lhamnples Y putt ip JO popes he ale a. Dueerrtiirve 2] Bax Boece ets, gololon - i BE EY fog AS 16°73 ~ Ze ar Haw, thaiicie YP dy 3 Aad ctece he, eget ates pga By et se NaN Dna Cancacte pores Coline omy Gel co hee tadiin, Caw tus 0 VtteletteaiLe, Atte, Peronad etewt tor 3 dingh todd phtemarce wes Tore desl (Orme. Lhe toh, ) ta Ke Go tte inte BP LE, Aap Bob date, Cuntid lols wud bile wily son by 2 Gis, agal, Apel fal, ped, Pag’ hang, tmeg omage aah make aie rn Met red gpa lope Trt alle ASS 2 ISG IORELSOSS fas Smet , of rel, Mong, A matt, 7 tak, oyeed, 2, coal Tnatt, 5 gtd, 2 gata, B pet $l oO fpes ead, of / 12-75 750118-17— Of OG F mg. FH ng, F mang, mach Pomecg A meade of map Matt 2 matt g g “4 a ¢ a 2 gee/, ia os, 2 phan Baan. So ey hes cinta Legh tact ged ws weenie Keown Ly SGo Aes ae F000 Cm Getter deel J cco mmatlarcs, bn sont, Laud a Lae , ELA EET Heke, bas, FH faag beth gutls tether Pet i, cs tan, tc ga lamas? Aneel eee LONE, ork of arta, on clefleccel, 7hig tebdew trove Chai fore evhines the ol Lhe tim ercetrohees Lite abut, Bacal don A. eee Ti ~p by the FSSA. ad Ahinned 2o Ga) Anon gtime : Craces tec hd ese uth aca, 6-08 20.8 Wii Accel ws wee, Vineet Cabr Le abo ht Apple aw lotr, Leng 50°F, (2404-1). w dam bs, Fo Des dfatace. ep tani 8393 wrheck 1s 00 Lev as ct Lar bese Cher tintin , [rorecece Aelucen here aii F792, Tet tr, aT hacocg J A+ bore fengencers, 65./ Adlmrnehater, Kh. Atports 2 trrmnaticl anvcl | Atebt tntdbeayler iar Lash. Cush ths Fat vucek, 699 6 4. necttacd. $5.3 0. cot. GFe Cmuptetid Pe Certerd Aauel Daw mma agel, t7.¢ Atetact. 67.2, J, 68. 2! Aer gredon Ael, GG. 2 Noes fee - SFT Morag Lrcdyp A howd gw ‘ ~ ores Lue, 72.7 row ph bby Hang t ck RR paca elspa He WF me , 77 clratrage FPS Pees Lag? ae fre Aagectar tertead uthewh Avwerieons TOF 1B Clee bperrrenve, S 7S Slise tfartern & 20 gerean . Aho etl 0, ak 10 meee ated a prot Abene The corti Level at Lag. fort 1.9 up Poet at toad Ao: Joo Aedetael 1 arn on ofan oe [Ox temvcelar Lan ase te 77 Lhe ree 27 kop [ornt. 72:00 AS ffow Vian acreag 2, 76.3 fark, 723 F. SOS row . "91 & Aredtlack A. frale apart, 50.2. y . $0.7 44. hake BU7 2 tzpartany Lande Vs poad apart.m Lore, 84.3 g Sark, $3.2 StiA Sirk at foottany. WH methine m coe B Wired. to other, ov cleecho are Arta. Kehtliclh 63.4 77 tee’ btrtuth tut net Lhe Lact! one, Cue ponnte flocd (O ferens ar SA thant 20 Liew Aparrewe. Prem “her front Adare io practine SEBS” 750118-16 ove tthe: Aen that times nev aut tle Coke forat Lact hasf Lheet - Gad 7 the bate andl tomate of Lene chebinile patlme, cack atunt 20- JO feed apart, his patton, Avnet tothe Com- LonotnteA toa et Lomnpeethe. FY.2 5 Ken Garrow. FY,6 ty fees ~ 0G 7) Crt . S49 a (2 Dee Oarracee . 3,0 Mote Rope K : 37./ G36 Leth Creche Prectge Wolter hf Y Wore. GF.7 2 tiee Gftrreces . Fh Gfromel. G79O OO buck. or Cenk, toad x rew E 20." 7 Maracleae Jorutk atl tac te Yo Garde, C0 watches a 07 marrtLr.k talk mreeroLees attel fret Cleaned SOY. Han ecet , Chin ALLS Leal dn, snbertynes (whieh tt bA nok to4) Aus gona thy Lali Cocke nob of Mmeccet, Bret leaned pect, Chin tell m grececs ty Egtee Le guscued lout trthoet, ‘ 01,5 datwrnng fork at- Ato Pm. O36 ADrae tparrowe. O83.9 F Cire sp. 2 penCes. SEF . 8 By f Kot, 13,9 DE Corner Sorry aren at F306 D4 N Sib Op teow , lb‘ Keg becwrag 24. 17,2 rn (i, Keweo nor, gland) 120 & Eat BS 232 Armtaclawtarle, 29.5 AetAtact, 1G-OS T501(8-19 ab7 Atotlach. AST relat. 25. (tail Keetentptir: $2 areol fee se be eee Se ee GOs Jternnppete Drtrfner 4 Sore aneel tuclof btaterd . Tamptradace get lip 55°F Fenny Qaswocr, gepporsen Co, Kansee’ | pow 19, (97S Rare Lawk rrgtes oo Tap le Fenng Eeseonct, Left 402 gerhahere , Ratrersece at Melenge. 979344 at F:i20K ON. Chrucbe taut Aerne bbce Cow 6 WW. Jeep. FSF Od heme Cardbrmat Gere, aps 36.4 /8 mneadsco-larks in one gtace, S4-G 47 3EO Petenptin Fe ttiel, RZ Cracoor, 33.S- New ty Hacks Lee, B95 KakeV te , wet, athiee rll Diace of Armee on lope ° 4.55 Cron, Y/),F rneclle-l, 470 fF G2Q,1 at Gils 2 Loew tegles wt ahatresl ataut Joo’ Atoue Cothinuget Liees on Satele Kav /uver. YHay Coreteol TCe 4 (2<—e Aemer trotley) chore one atighhd in th Gp 7f Oo Ie att 274 the 2. Phase teve borle aud se the chen, at! Lanies rahnng San, Bom teat iiweall : Pareto AP Filia TREE lis Attemiird ~ tepewatt Jacens tatotiakerk, After afaut F duck erred bash £00, / flay Aud one coches E Aedge and fhe ath sect e’, He one that ahghLd eu the . J LAF : AR Leaelo S30 rreed tn Kellsesle , Kaew), Cue ofew tenth CotonaLle offees ‘f / Ato, Phan tro, then avelen conkr panclten , vad ela v6.0 Ceterupte El. ve Retorptin Oriclye ener Aha Emer, 7% © owitewen Cow. Aree Ab Logis pyehert Conupeteocesty Om placed, tenth aes Trea (ilo mi) ot thy. ea , on—e Rolebt) Aen crepe Zine An Late tn S ache Aint pe Jerks Aetl tegerne Wo tortie! ver, he dolty Aft frrieh ancl mrocke Feerek out. Ann guet é Ah ferthang arta aul mm bth Arete STO wah unite 4G thon G the Push, vs bat only & Lote : Aortane Hever oor 2. thork Heatowe awed thew Aft Ave fovtn of Hees Lots cagles ) PIYNLYULW = @ ‘C79 WNYFAts NI SxEG L270" = @ anes 2 19VEVALSNOS - € . w COONS INYSONWIL VINA EG OU a MEE 2 ) P72 SIAL Lag L9bs PAISINGY OL SIS WIOYS OIF VupNly SINLHAS SFIIDCOA CTS 72ers o BR-oA El ari W be WoL Sl-h 40 NYS E/-Cl CUNY LS “i-t $/ Neve _£L6/- OR LECONPTON BRIDGE 7501 19-2 gery ‘ger t TOFS BeD cI asnep We rs WNnee NYD |B azo @ PIA Sere E€ DPS 'FIDAN CL AH FO TEFFER SON: agNsS 750( 13-22 ] = . Prdlge fron LL E. ts Greece hte And the alerted are the ones otennedr at Yirry Meevown. YR k 4 y formed Larfha, YE Y Sank Ze LL. Beaten 9.6 MMe lerercre HE zn,. SIT 2yl. S92 Ge Lowdk. $2.9 Donor sprtersycble (thes refers Lo eool JE the ww thin the rithege cloves SES Bark phere eck THerripcernvetle ) 53.2 2 1 SBS Arsh s MV rmree SM. Fh DuenLed, teviclpeeha Goreratins a Ll a gta atin JS Ab-newe Criaee at Che Prerlood fort aud tread S Ftbe Doeleck Len carent rly 470 mrratlaras in. the dame Aree othe conenn 42,000 tnatlarde. Frere te on xpcetele , ae ake BOT. Poet, Ae oper badly oF anters aud OO obetuedl ~geiticler,, JO°40, SSi/ to tut done A Arad, 477 are tbaae Jon Cm - fiack Lo Ltrtutar Later roi Plater. SOP A goles Can Aero Cherehesn Llelw(EI,J— FE Corner Attevety dren. A arelnats, f Lee pfarrocey, AAA. SEF Preaclenlork. G0.3 2Y. 63.0 Kaew Seve Lbemptow tudge | O40 wav h € G1 Sia oparretice OF y.s— a: , Be . G+,F this advintege front cor ff rae 3 Ae, farrrce _ 4 Ze ecbge of thar tealge (22. Aw Adult Laed ‘ees Lod a eee fim An hh nS Ef hue, ese Coie are fratash 3 rang Avot 1 65,4 bfprot 1 Bee Yarrsstes, (20 Lrve ) 4+ Lhnece, fheetsachres, | toerkee, Jo 0b.tTe Co tercol : ee 65:6 frat Arariage 5.7 8 quanin Lrernege water Chor. 64,0 70 Carchrineh an one Slack ound ; ne ot hen frrok. 66.7 Ctneliral. OF Rew Eat Lrnviigeres 7 Thin Ao0-cle , C7.G Rew W7- Bit, * Ges . OD Speucee . 69.4 pene, Aol 2 Seneretions andl aclutd togh retin 700 enerden ok aed 7 E Aen kge : 69:6 fhekud 2 Procleerlredk , wd Auth 2 A Frit AB Prteclacwtartic tim tre Groseft- 23,7 he . 71S ty: Aaah actpncthes eV Led Haan ra, Wi 3 ap. fawdk, 76.3 ged gorkekivs at (20S L797, op ane % e 750\| 23-23 Letornptiow eexrytas Co., Taewsoe tenn AB, ee fa Whee ge OG4,0 A* 1OI¥S Hf. 7 ernp 13°F, it trond Abul 9,1 tomencloretarks, 95,7 Letmyla. x one foe ash P72. Kokecreens Crcetorrieey, dike Progen tect GS net thnk Lack wrth Chock tank PLE OTE, ae ed do wg 47. Ol] Leelecole . Oho Corshual. O13 these 277 oS AetLleet, deca. ONS Merrlaculat, 33/recllecd, 95.7 Kempton Ro onb 2¢¢ Reempins Leerige © x Lt age. Ly o-~es Sithcot SH tindbar. A# #7: Z0 Le Cine lag teeny Mines TF CAO tae Arert+ he, ae (es Pap men of fem a a Waker Clear. oS. to Credse vf. nam . OSS Aeow E. SE./ 290. pou eA 23-9s~ at a 67.4 Marblankewd. 079 ST ORS Tyo Penitec tind SAn 72 Jeon tush, Lowees, ss athena ab Vas cane ceo ote Are Gite . “¢ Chae . aed lbsaen CA. PEI EL Le 2 az 03 poke at 12'00 Room a z Ting Kestvorn , Sexperers G, Kawcawe! 25,7973 Aunt tle Aud Li tpent Che might at Sareckiie /oent. fcaHel ote trdls rer arco Cork, Fatleacesl ected Aauk, fatirten et, Kacatol, Keemplon Ket a), 9-5 Keeempln Rol, Purng, by FE corms Hetero, Cun 77S Vi~quaen Kel te (arnctece /oont, ft ot ncton gs 8/527 , “4/°F coepeal Fete, tteeely & 5, Chea lonorté, , 20 te pind a oe dL ep SH. 6 AeATE. 59-2, 2tolbart, GO.3 W-S Lsneip bone Ral. 42.2. Aparryes mati, Sel fl nen ee 6s. hag han, af, 67.57 Cay Gt atin. tii, Metta. Aes « 72.0 wow ots oped & tact, Clszedt Dw - 7 tug YSTE PES pond on tee, JSS Cry tvtee, conti, 76,06 Copter bark , Fre ctl, dng Back, Wil gfny ionr sv seg Lee Ga aad ne otceck 77.5 ao Kok, tui poreggenled in tegle tora | 750125-24 76.) FS Crocs, (Bo > 6p Wee - or, Agffcutt é heap rom sant oe ¥ Cree Afanrvires « 5 RF 7 “. aks anemia Packie PA fark 7 aa 1G Hhetscceil Fh ere of fle esa enhite ~Copa. The ZY 7S gf tke Open cratin th 5 acele oy fPrecanstita tis affpror 200 rattardle aud 5 Ctrweslea HY (Ram ' Prerwa Aor 1 Conlin of few wolir. Continued cu Lo en0t f pinnate, aud mmole Che rte erent jrectin anol Cher Cntineed/ & ONS acele Of paramtuca to fern Yeti 2 thicpore ome flmk ff fre 2 Cocnbrrate ed cerece onanak tok M, Ate otek b whe 22 steers et cel ob enced Aud “7 Tepede certh tuckt ten ten Parle . Firece 7 Cut w- a atest Anta. ae Uncut grass obese rush chelinee (rn olene Some weeds was a merely ele. Edt hohe aofpgrer. x5” auc Meme ST Fuchele of A metlaid Leck ( feothae ¥ cree varae 3° deveg Kot jf ae Phe detamdA som UGE = tie og rie Ag 08 Be fT te — ope Eyam wets qn , wold yan OD ices Pre cdevtid of Neal evcept am Conv¥our : Area of nt vee rieige= or ofd Sar! a micpotine runways ' piles , ' by Crteds h Grace as Jon a. SR. 8H, Skim firing Basevve, 750126-25 Pee: : Fartadine et) pape Keren ? Sow ~2o NPIS 2 Jo TRAPS Row oF PINES 3 ured ° Yo. rar 3 CALE Jiwm the Daplrie atl Load night at + tour hefore ditwarislatemiat ly WFO/SbL-! Lepraplomage Coogeene S2B-17— 19-10 ~ $l gone, 25 Gicks Lowe, IS O/ 26-2 [13 ~¢7-18- F- Mo grec © at. nanpnal TS0(26- 3 Reverngaeies. Maoritecte Lees 139- 55-/9-/¢—/7 amie, 2 af wemet. 750/26-4 h " /38- S4-19- 13 - 1a que % ut. normal. ITO 20-5 n i WB-SY-19- 13-20 gree 0 Calis lo meme 9501 26-6 i , (30-48-19 13-19 gree.” Lislis B rum 7S O/20~-7 a Wl (RB~ $a (9-2 - 1S god: O” Leeks Sene 7S0/26~ £ 0 MH (42~ 58-19- 14-17 qua. PF Ceakin Pm 7SO2O-~F jt (AT- SO -/F -/3- (S gue FS at novnal “ ¥ [37 F3- 18-13 WS gre a Cah, Pomme au Y (38-FA-/F- /3- 40gaus Bae, Potcaas “ ME- 42-18 -13- 11 gone. Fut. normat IF O126~-13 “ wt "YB b3-2a-IV- 19 genus a” teks Gsum 750 (26-14 us a la ~ Vb-18-13~ 12 gma. MODs Yen ISO REST Ratbractortrmaga 1¢¢-67~17-12- 1h gone G at. norual 7FO/ab6~ 1 a AA~SS-'T- I~ 9 sen, 074 Labs Y neme 120-F3-19- ie 10 dnawe 2 ut nore nt 7IO/26~ 1 A CE9)-U 8S ~ 19-11-10 gue « A Luke Soene 7SOIZG ~ 19 Mrtnettiro Meee ects (40 -3S~14-2- S3.gne. Ax tub, Somme P5072 0-20 ul 1 ISa-33-20- //- 43 gous, = AX2 plse.ttare> IS56/26~ 2) * a (42. 31- dI~ > 4S gona SO Ghee Pane tH ot 75 O/R2G~aIA u 19 1¥ 5-33-26 ~0- A Gyles & Gt 10 Ten JSO/26+/0O ISOI2G-st 7S OfAG~/2 7SO/26~/7 “ 26-75 750\ 26-26 75O fedoo- 23 Inrrcretico taageee (Al—- 2Ab-/9-70- 27 gre 2 At. nermeal 75012. ~2¢ a i 119- 27-19-1622 gmo 3 at normal I$ 01 26-25 u ; 13B- 31-19-H~ 3b amo. S tints 10 mw 750/26 -26 " ‘ /38- 33-20-10 - Wo gynee S bake tonne $K.on 750/126-27 a ih 1Y3-3S-19- 11 - Yo gree oF Celis Homme 750126- rF a as 15 &- Yi~1F-dl- U7 gue Flak, (3mm Tamm Ake lane SO Craps ae foee clown. . f Leal SKU 756126 -29 Z Comat Vasn arto spas Ht Sean SKU 9501 26-380 OnaereLice (AO - 95-1 F~ 10 - 27 apa @ ad. nerunned + 750/26 -3) " " 182-39~19-10- ¢3qmo & Cates 3mm 4 SK .om, Sku «= 72" 7S0120-3 IS$1— 35-19 ~70- YO gms DF Bakes 2 mne 1$3~35-1q4- 10-43 gue 3 Laks // mow [60~¢/~s9— { O- $5 gree a lade LO gmp 1¢4~ 39~ 1G~ 10 ~ 33 aqme oF at mernel IS0/2b6~ 83 257°2/26-3¢4 IS0I2b6 -~ 3S ' a4 038 8 ' a /7Q- Y3-20e- /O~ Ue font: g a om) PIOW ZG ~ (50-3¢-2/- 10- 42 guee- 7 Meelis F omme J . ‘i ul 250/26-3F ' . /50- 36-19~ 10~ YA gene. Mth, U mee IS0/4 b - 39 ‘ uy. ~ 22-19 soe gue P Leek mad, 7S o(26~ ¥0 “ 4 (¥a ‘ v¢ He antiignhd tath of the Line the pris wae at Level a. ran antag thpalerep certs trated ey Acne Aarby ; Greet Amacond gteen y Bi Lari le AE oy J tethene f Dats so 29 ag Ze aul the mmr Lemen 4 : eek J ins ee; dy ne tmpehetn yf Man ng ns tha sg nn ld Pri-riegyatae Arto A aoa on tha perp ep ty PEM gy ce stan Jom eenth a port aeate fitrtad ; 7 Gt in abee, abercace, LG Et ot bent Panckes atene the gracencs the netcasary Ariahscelpre lieben S (900 'gprom whee oud weer ured) fron Lage fonk Aurel WLI. Creek (150 'Abrie ApBiw Cee), Ak ne tome heb L1thn or Caunchen geese reaed ZL Lhe 2050 prenlu/ 750 126-27 On Land goat 50! f main pool AAS tut tutre SF Carmclea Geese , Whey Aft aud aLighled agified . 300! be G thee Be of the Geer cvas the one oterrued Gro /9 9S, Qe Las the Lt toray wht, ar. at Leact Seco Crd , Ye 4A 70°88 a7-7S- ConlCen tra tion Or 4m. mbr o@HSErs Cin reday ea) B/je eons le ‘ Vala eagles aud «rtd borg 7 emrerraoncLhe infoce Crt Cone Are ee ne Bees, owen “yee Fema Loo Ib ports (Riot 2h, ) Aw 7 Ah Gur “LX 4 )o~ fbalo Cagle the Aum. ae iog anwar 2 N, oy te thenurad ow ohana. 7 / net (Z oft Kapatecinimeney Bae TEENA Bee 7 . sef atnll teal got aade Cinteo Kittormp Zon , GZ. Kentae Aan. IIE IS race actor baip t Leroy thn. anne th alseh im Label taghes. Loft [220 O01, WH Log Lead of hiplines omnby, 9G.) redtcd. 724 Kbralh euch Kellite, Eb ahiid RE, §0,3 rectal, 50.0 bfarrous Ancirfh.. 58 Xpheveey ; F5.¢ Aedlercl (dark phere). FS3 At tratlge creel Powe dee htt foattey, 9-9 Keeemplon, Curlge (sso m) aan aclett Laid A vony ap 1. Lage Aeatrtae Coitiavcedl on Thi 7 reoke pent, A Dram posed hy and cl bp Lhe Ares aced lus © rbacet et ee an Bxetider, Cxstlpnered Dae. Afler rhout 5 meneLea aa anc flows E tocr tfer feelola 7 The Ayferteee 700" pron . fbr oggpred V2 ele +O bart de Glitre ebova i hast 2F-957 750127-28 ot the barns lore phy Lrertly tact. A4 tfpred Wy ks beyond at tloatid al Aetna tnd tprwrard to pred Y000 whan 2 Lirnad ANE Spied ont LL. Hea cece ona Comic tare of Smite, a aw ane aE G9. noted a hirkyphae ace tink retiach te LY tee ow tealtad at mused te a gpocrey tfeapear uth Aud“ havind, 76,8 Aahervecess Cone tecrtgy 743 Aiberaen rooclasel Kassicl , JO/ Fe ve thy, at 2:00 2m, (awe DAA GAS BN mc E of Ketonptin trudge AK tote of Kaen Reties welibedl ang babult teed cagl for te hr, (tioo-“Y8otm) Hin’ tod had goocl ruff off urtute isthe m neck aud hack dark bets, pratetly Uesd Maer, on of ; Loun & the deur na Heo borhicres descent A Centacted ky awaken at a Load tg le Atvice Aaucl 8 other Vptrelher all im I Chess wrth... ee 4 OY Cock ether, aut all tonatt L.,, fp, Aue! All ata b 7273 Fe Lhe Prratee Attemgelin , dlaugbe GB, Foraae Hacer) deavey Che ante, belsey SQ Laved andl agidmnt m -- oe « pee = = GBSERUAYIOM [12.40 ~ ~~ Ae AREA SLACIC g POINT 1aias ae SS PRASE REOT AI. 15 &, " 43:50 Sg Po z CLUSEWIAYT ton gerkehirs rotiel 3 Aedlirts aud 3 aparraw Late batt nad heap and uth Cd ap ftcent Fevmale of Lolae otenned. lp & 42:25 HeLesh f Fe JIGR BI Dine, atl ep Ao z ee. obatryptign front ee at 42:2 redid an addutt told sort. in tottinurrrel ree at a pod Wo Aettine prone Maprranel of colge Devt podenk rtaweler, aipce ated uth teh at Jo* tetliintantse : tn eg ; ; Lave at Sid arcthis . Ws cana tae fe! fants fe A tenet ee ee ee a : = : Spd eda, ge crs psoas, SE a: tach phase redtact Hen werent bheriser lo Tha north wecle of Iver, fens 1130 second magn dromage unth /pat por 2 seemele, Se me placed na tiol 4 Ltmast , 8 ere, DIS FA mater Mramnage wilh (gel. per Bteemele . Jeu Pegrrd rh in one fleck ~ 3¢ Tee Afartowe y Are pean | ata Ld Muthateh., § grthprek-) I Cebmece, Me geenene, liu hk - Phrsc Bh Yrurren ae 750202-30 Ahi Stott neemereeis thew fered Vx og Lie ab tlaregh Areme tee! powaratle, 5:Qe tend ane bare nes dee clonw Cael, WE Marnage at 3:40.) ba cll ci bene monlimad wesc bon Arginege (mn btede), Yi 22 Aidt! Ararnege , ¥ 338 fot hee : Carlin the $799 bat tat 200'LE, ar acticlt fotd Lashes wae 4} guad So ee a ee Aver. St wae chesocl Bh Ot Lats hte ee toe Lh Ble Ot Bee, I oy a A ttterd trate bstel Aft the Cave about Lhe. Atom place a0 the adecl? Gras rhetiped (/I!50) Cech tome t teamed, Cochin, hud fbr 200° € duel wrth 0 Bid immatine total aagl . Ttay peconticattlig Lhe, pauls ts ths adectt ¥ forrt bimenatens, acbdga, ae a0 Bacula! fatten cuit the 10% trnwcclase cue as fogeyy hraafplhirs Ot xo Le tfeecct Le whether. the Aft OS ford scarands 24 1:80 atk Che oduct? Bowued 22 Cmtinan ow ot part obvi frreeenee telly The aoZs ae eee, 3/- 7S 750209-3\ Pitty Besewoen ) PEE Gs eae SEB IGIS Anmnett, arta it ae theckh ow fred 2eglec auol Chines 7 Garry Le check om beth the bat aa era Len - 78 593,7 5 en aes Bogle eck S Baud gerthe tot i the goth, jom 00? eae aah aS ee ee 7 Aven Keke tees pee temp ete by vo fe . . © ~ “ boned 7 rected evhen Laks I ta f£EL Meh ae, x Mrop of 4 AEmece, s Cao , bagh Lote wi ee on 77 heole of Keen as ios WE corny Fb Carwchioe Gf Ae 5 PMR totieh, tuco Lhe athineLe marker , 320 matbardes SFO O Poa. mergandengs [iS Kester dtoere, G00 getdlen wage Corrs | 18 fervtock , FE. ~ hetleck an a er ee Zhe rraclercle (F0%,) heated nm the ete, Ihe eo : 7) t£ebhge off Opener utaten , fie el ees maps anh S07 oar Vs wath wkte Capa - aw Cfecesten Zhe Ae de (Low tel thu Le arta mrt GZ ZL. ; A 30 2 mek ¥ athmike femod arnweecl ane/ otecrnetl on thee Dbaden. cht co att a Lghs browned wht dgpetttrcnr ; Od N35 Soo mella,h arriueLH pre ore 9 the gothinegeniceds, At 7:37 aw aclets 4eyh ures Seiaa cae serapmmaisind ses caaerh Sraeeamaparaml feet Bog trae a Lift auanl flees Ger, wiley Bia Beads ence alt Kap, Foomd tertted! hagharn d heghen Gud thin AF crvge ad gle aniked née Fo deatont Adge V puatet, out of agli: F trege 26 AF at 3:20 Rm Phe attiine mattarel t oo Lgt aba: 20 au flew =, Ao) ommatire bath soghe aves part meatete! Su g the tnedge of ten. Pitan: siaedea Loft tet the tascsgiancnitns biol tad Adinta Lo tj set Le the prrense g the voghy He 20h than atigtted a a Gls tntisa purgeronormee tawtid prem 2:20 ale 2:50 frm. Legh. dull) ro @ Left a4 2:5 aud flue Arend Lap foert torneh Yo- 7S 750223-40 Mgt ebttrcatinn port at ee ae ee ee Celt getat tata 987.80 ft, F7 SE etter Atdermenr ie ; 77.9 Lecrwe lo Lover Avock ateng E bees Koes Riis Ceyoucl Ateenpten - S Crecuw . 7S. b iB ofitrntitonee,, Be Ratatat ts, Baa 7914 Aart AACE . IF Attn fe. DP thr p vic ities an Baty eheal 200! attend’ pvr, Due orth, Renacelee tly more whee on , he, eile Paadsss taser leks Piena Leas: ateue Lue Bre ' #/,b 8 rtecloebarthe 1 ome Gite | t ll Pneselacertarfiic 11 one . 82.8 tresaclicelark, SY Hf aden i Aenea Hor gorteshire dle at BMecladl ariieg Haiai\etin sferr angie easel 203 | faterabene WIND tE \ g- RON y@, yoo) We GEese yp git ae : 1 Sem par Ss cee. ete e (green pill 7 oe 6k BF Dy eee pane ial + al prey a ae a, va a 4 gf Re te : melt pat OGAP POINT < 1 My 2 + yo? (\v pe FAVORABLE POINT FOR OBSERVATION ey? 3 TOWER W7 ¥0 BEOMEADS / /G6 LESSER BChUP } Joo Go.cOEN BYE } 8 CANVAS BACK 2b RING"BILLED BULLS 4 BUFFLAEAD 16 PINTAIL Yl 2s 750301-41 otigt oy scene aia slates at (2:02 4M, ar rlrage IIRZIS. EG, Tt eff 7) Affected, EE Enea ep anercd, Ao stated Lufere , Aebrex. , atesreler, O17 S. . AH Ae te th, . cf oof ups Sour _ che bey wee open frm heat efor a yer oh, lig wnnlecn hl Z both of Lp Leent (Io fi) ver. F Lester stacp, prectbtacl, Y hfftetesct. tev tut de fin water Ff Cate tet tedirned! Lata, he Loa? CM Lowen Mood tecntt Pals wptens Cea AM prBaarinay ee Ione in toll, goon Pron Aton 5 f Op fod bout dee [HRS grey. Y0o0 Aecesrntric Bikag Paths patsy . re Gege of 2 & fete, retake wre cras Cnecotiodite, ae Grocpee Morrter , Zhe ORG aL pod AS, A088 thee x Z tne : on, Le DGTEL TAG DIE tw Chatiing ek ethe ard more au general Thaw the Aedevatt. hetherg <. the water, he 0 atete- romted goers Tp tet he growg Cog EFT ne Cavcaclion , Fo Mb B le) Sine Achill "5. Lecter stain wie ake t. drale groupe : , Whe 500 gota tgs ducal tute generally Guth inc Leno Ll 2-~b +2 more ad powered Che S acte be puinikh rng hl yest ces ponesntly dndaLatd aed ney ° Zhe . yo Teta Gre A tuaf fp teheocle Gees Aesth, in one Gf Ly Cages abrug wrth Shemp ba reohose tot . Che toma th Geass. eo . Lut tubs. Ce Gronge, Arrvvve toad Pamy ad Mag Fornd at 19,3 Afevrwus Led F peor cog Rere , 20 Lree afd aA (Ri 80 Few Para clice AL $¢2-7S— 750301 -42 Lig. feemt in thar Loewe pod yf lorg Reseroin. Pani Garsclice loinrd noted the pirat Cebirty of Prrtivmon (3) fred - 50°? of Che bridly and 200 5 of rede arth a rarrord Lead > “7 fi he Vee mite . Shere urns abso ofa teator anth bipoed tartke Suv 7 tidge, Cut eter oo", ad (30 Pw auc Leuped at Kagk ror t evhere BW Biss ualy ecg 8 rot ah gd re EG Lhe 444 awel Aintel 4130 pn Rar ane ; lar MM Lrarch, ae sobe ol Loe few Seven. Charriel Conpteio ante Dhe Often Cesetenbe Gf The Lathe (Ase mop ): 1660 , 7000 Llim- auctva, o SO Pratlercls, IE tarhats, - Gor, I pain gana, bo semnp 20 fen taeds , 4O Atel. heats , tons Poneaeclerable. of the Bee ere ) re and okkeckhy, ) 2 /' 320 Pom of ‘32 ‘Quer Prasuppted atl, the par tut cleo! ned rete Feo muck mprenendt of Cucdks Wo SC Cerezy Che ftnenderla « Ae th of #50 act j00 top av Lae Lines (2e« rnop,) atk bees tn arte of Doping g the feat Sep fe Ee OG Vhs dahord perl, Chad ce, ia orig abeaica tno a hebrimssat Lees mathed andl More _fprecliceLiie. Phe, Five Lease propo 13" tart trcert (b penzentinted tne audarsiuccl srthar a. boslge Of tacgote dew. Coycti Ctecks at- atinwee« Qyupleted Leap set aX 613077), Auel om return Ltonp pote tal ther weno ringbeet én Che area 7) oy penwntetle. Aor tae I netics emia Mace” deported, OP Po Aten Lene Aateyer , DI mratlarols 208 Lofiir ewer (bobrat (reek h Yrtin channel ane! onty ateacek (3° Aw, fnreryanetrs Ln ol ole ned Anew vere Lhe metrgaretsd Peed Gi, wx Ltthe SZ fornt Aree. ar tip delawert, 730 geen horn deol Y3-s- Porng Reatrvowr 150502~-4% 2 Goractier loint Gejpperocr Co.) Kinaae es a eA Sees ee oes oeme a OnkieeteyAnG Bo hts Praca 2,197 main Line fark ra Ghl 18, Ltd ay : 9 30251 jorn Mare 7 To droge (7-5 Lue) faughy Lhe potbosemnQ «poe 15 750 302-) paplomape Ctatine (21-13-/8-/0 BS gene tute bcl 75 2362-2 122-18-19- B- 33qma, “QA 4} " ' dtd. aan : “ 750 302-3 , NG en F- G33 G0. OO hats Comme ° ; 155 302-4 ' 1 do 1B = 19-4 - 59 Gmer 8 Anenearyedh : 759 302-f ‘A 1" 1224719-1$.5-9- SP Gree: «if highee Kyi. 22g 3c " " MO~16 819 92 Fp oe Tt normal $ki 7503027 " tt WI 18-17-10 26 gyno, F ok. Hormel 750302-6 uw 1 (26-20-20 ~10~ 34 qd 2 oxremk Form 72> 302-7 ul ut 126~-19-AO_ 10. 34 roe “Cit. G Mise 750 302-10 a " 74-13 -79_ Goo $ nah & Go. rere. 7TS0302-1/ " " US- 19. 1¢ 6 A tte Serer caiman senna minora = f; _ os 27 7 S0302.- 2 4 je Youn 0 n HIT-(F-19-]0~ 3dqme. % (1X0 emrb 13 ) u u (27-20-18.5-/0 ~ 34 guna. A Gakes Omm - , ( tt? ASO 302-74 " 140 UH DO 10- 54 ama 2 ang pg ynen ht beegll) 7503.02 “fs su "12D AS= 19 ~ Gs 40 gma. Hater 6 meer LY 1a mens 792302 -/o " "(28 20-26-16-35am 0 , f tealec 750 302-17 1 " 1YyQ—-Al- 20- fo~ 22 . 9 BRIX) end 7 SKiow. 1S SSORE TF WMetenetees pedrege Lin, I~ BA-19- F- 37 LAKT enc k 7 me 75 0302-19 Oxthredemderng maga later’ /20~ 56-19-18 ~ Fone E iahas Smo 750302~26 " yw ? W8~ FY ~17-72-Bgme. oO LeeLee Sm SKen, 150D02-2) degonocten Avapteitees 425-93. 30-I7- bogmar 9 utnermel SOv ths preremebo woe Fragen ¥ the 10.7 from warn G vanes atige Hon Plea 750302-/2 4 75°03092-2) wine frm the ,-te bine of 50 Looper: Die totintacl taruthiu the aun, Llarted Lets 27 F100 out lat G:/S0mM, Lice Leynre pated at teuit & fbiek, J onic (bags 20 trsls tack floes) fees 77 rte poninsenta auch wn tfen wal NE of femendecte , On. flock ff (¢ fevtack, gresediner, tebirned Le fang aud Mtercled mammate, A Aecapchadiers of dead. tellrrty sn dnattr acid bay 1B of frensedcles, Clecrvatien stated at Sivod.m. Freer ty thes Lime v7 the naght, A dl Nat Kear vacabaeten in the area | When theeked at bobg.m ohetrnedl prvyocnd tudtfe , 800 belle retireg (tte? tJavtigd) al oe gf thant gpd jose’ Lago! ln te. 750 302-/3 /80 ¥ FO “ava tackwatr, 4 the rier tnters the (auras) Leet Sap Am. Gre2tes of Gt entra timains avte Aacoccated tnth avkal tinal be Leracate ee Ahe pypwthe YY ~ 757 750302 ~ 44 . AGEREGATION OF WAYERFOWL AND EACLES (M GAY ANP FOIVER, CHANNEL. NEeRTH BAF PARADIBE POINT. THE /C€ (S$ JST BEGINNING TO BREAK LP ANDIS EXPOSING OPEN WATER ANP ANEW AND ABUNOANT SOVECE OF FOOD , WAMLYE LWE AND WINTER KILLED FISAl, MARCH 2, 7975" 4 Vy | i/o 1 4 j 1 t L ! t t \ SCALE I) (CE COVERED MOST CONCENT RAT ~ 40 FEEDING of OuCKS DUCK CREEK An . ee MERCANS EBS ns ‘ sencey RATED RESTING GULLS rugs < MaiAkos, “rT g CANADIAN EébES¢ 1 MAMA DIAN AD ee PINTLI2S h WTE~ FRONT ED SoLDEN EVE ny ais ee) €BESE \ be Seaae Derr LLL ON EM @ £av. 20s. or B 26. Tower, OBSERVATION Sods CAMP ~s |p PoInr Noe + 0 FAYORR BLE Position ree _ Fee ° BSE RVAT iN “ ‘ ae gp 8 TOWER Teh TRAPLINE FS XT, 0 sae ‘ Seon FRENCH : CREEK \ yoo MAINLINE wk ,e? N FLIGHT Sa. oe, 5 et } a 5 © NN awe VN Nee N (CE COVERED LAKE. Say MAINLINE AN PLIGHT YS S757 7503502-45 Aasetea tif Heat feed, ao the frok prcentid thenrecbies af Phe pever ~ hag Cmtard He Aoncentin hed gig mirganst aeteorty Lael for th, four oricntid 6:30 lim Che gutle, reticrmed Co AE Fee > /S0 i eae. OY, despnatl wep ibrdeal oo Hener Up stedenr 02 the open teeter the bag, ad S00 Chere Aves ww Lomgetirntynt ee Bedaey (3oc0) fe Acvers Beet ster. cvaLire a oe Pe Fhe tacts hawe rmrenect og Ge dibarvare finer to feed att raqht or flown S % Qu Lropolorie thee en ANeted af 5 frcks 7 C2 hs (fl ee) prortacbe a2 meth a dmatl (2-/e) Of Inatlaras Aad beacep ‘Od tans A oe Atal 9 neteced one aclectt asd D2rapnmeatiet tat cagle at jos Aomp ant Aone do athetle, or 2 tide of flenenecclr (eee map) oe of He teed eagle (ber senpe), Ae pusat TOP VIEWS fet wat f Hhe Lees fe Cher Lome (1010) Chere rere 2 tmmatine Aud /atect? Cet 2ag% Dol Cha, Ee Ds bas) lacia, hase PIO danke wags as BL os ea, at a Ale, beth sevetd replaces the adult 2ogl:, Whee wee g eases Bethel AL goig ob ng eng toed La the oth, Lied amet tionality Y6- 7S 750502-46 treks 20 perth adsanete tenkt the tagh wautd Meee aud Che Crocs tenets (hen rome wncr de the teat wise the tagh Had tere peaclong. Yan cook oo SF Aarne OP howe theca engles fprck upgtrak pron Zhe teirJace of thiteratie. 4 fact rove the mergewty coolant Ths pag enatn tesadesy Z tl. ; Loppros 90%. g the benie Chad eogles ar. (hay wrote aes, ole woh ia al ss peer med deat a tuft Log (hark), Hehe fecoting A OMIT eee) ees x ae Phe Are atl ermall, the BAprod, Tinches. Se Aud the Liat is heegoty ported. o SHAD Hire ono tre area J Fo poe ee ae a gas) Ain } el Fes tlc teta by at i Pee th La buch ana slide le grocad wokas Ay aeideased fe frthy om wot preded oA cle feet asf tleanieg Zhe “ AA MIS a Chard eogk arrived (ommatiac but with SPAS ho terol ove, 750302-47 Ade frocnte at YS tae Aeletd artntl, flew tre ohn cogh- aud abeglelad tn, Tats om 77 dole of : Ay 12:30 Zhen were 7 Lagtes an Lhe Aree, TP LGIOT wl BS » hese F dened pat rome fore oS reomestes tobe wn oleot BLADE LT ~~ | abiiay aa eter one sokect . an nn acecle Quid Chere C1, anere in Liter at dye et /2:30 #H 1600, At /a:40 Fe Cavivcleew geese anak B20 snatlarda Atirnesl Kotte , Caf Area at (120 Aue Chrethed dou atofe of fermiete- ¢°~ Preratirie Mt tid Fawr oT atari Ae ALT ta plenty iad Y 200 fot ee svm) , - a Powch salighily te es tt? 76 @ Me lad a pond wba le the ruled ips Pay write: speaks ArLa 7 ' tic ns pe Py a Lid ' s ao Arta Aes (A Crgend To Ww) bfer auf L etaut /S0' no cleccho. $2.6 mreemtewlirk S43 Hareog( tt Lcennplin trols - no tagles Lift taracteae frat at gales al puteege F4¢ at 9:05; ppavoctawk ere. . (=) .O or 50.7 Boreace. S17 agp lagea sig 2 along - F570 Law Cre, ak SI.8 Aeco 7). Lower Apo bd 610 4torned Larha bal Horned - 64,5" meacloslark . 64.3 Keke Vow Node afew . bS1@ eal tin’? .. bBi Lome ad 102 gerthathare Ae vic Aa tenee- at 3 30h py? Ye-9s 750303-48 Mami E tuck (amt Kade Vlcers (at RR tewke), Segferer. G., Coarcane Prorat F 6975 7A. Joe Aabheneliern Ra ported a adertt tat ong lew 2 Go 7 Woes ei. poe Miartech /, -97S~ Wo aloe etgfortid , (cermpinsttin es a PIE Cormtn See 3 Tj28 RIFE botd eagle wins the abd Mar brine, prusclemes whet Mr. Ce ee ee i ol eed a 2AOULT BOLD EAGLES Approx / Rm Yo © - oL0 DAN GRYUME RESIDENCE IMMATURE BALD EACLE / Sly Grimern. Eee A. 7718S, LUGE ae Traret. FF 75- Let soo laps im preted € of KPI Raght wtb thhg Loree aol along aed Yeree tint fre Lo (ee: notes for Aun tovw), Lae eg 150 thay, ator sed a (20 ferhapert) tine F/-10o,te K-BAL tipsy LINE — Lene 4 3 < A ES pet oo TRAPLINE /-S50 9 : TRA PLINE S0-100 th s ‘ felotued rele x oe fr Fen Necncmatty Parr 777 a, o Cre LAF O Poxp 2 _ YG~ 75 man on Sk, one SK.ON 7? Gre. I. mH. men, a 730308-49 ented bre at 1:30 Aud Leriplalid” 14:30. at feo fim check Lune auel xe ateng Aoude - At 20° thre was alivago a dumeway heed m aban? J tact . Centoure, fence brne, sevrates secant bontaiine, heghir gracees)- Skis aren coe Mod. 1rkh trrdecleiatl: fort iv. z a Lo feed of mat pare Cad Ahad atog Chet Avede wow £0 tfteva tere ire Love (ethene rnwat Coal atthuargh perkips some toy oie Wtet Check od ttaut Si:00rmM dfere harmo tend Livn ehavge Ee ctrcerenig, Seer etna pte Aime Ace aen ad pom. Femgy Phas wplorhon beat 33°F Pannen, prom Le beer dutpectic! at 6iealhwa . J Ao {- S50 + 75 0308-/ Pinatas chronic ber 7 #0 — 3Z~/F~- 9 F346 me 2 Cel Titel 750 30F-2 4¥l-339- 18- 10-34 ama F ul Aenunal WGIZ0R-9 “ Ht IW A~ BS - INS - 1+ SO gms oT the tAnm Tropes 3l~/00 * 7S0306 —+ Metals ookey (YS ~ 30~1B- 1- Yara 7 Ck, 13 mem 790807 - 5 iF uy [3G - 33-20~ (/- 37qme Gattis l2 mn 75 030F~ & “ (YR- 35 — 20-1 BS gms 67 Latin 1d menr 750 3G @- 7 at zi W¥2~ GF ~1F- u- Wgmo. of Lates 13 oe mom. (S09OF-8 bes Chreelim borage ah Zig, (ie~Sb- 1? 1~ Pome of” tak, 6 me the Above tertre strane, The pned eotnl moheeting March FG, / 91S Chietheol Draps at Bood.m Lhe sq. Lanta! L dnacs ligttly of this Aes ZIP. Kaat neght Che Chien A over aceol tre sdlead: Boece tipecid a A texas : ya bak palek perhep at . EO the Loft? were Bud cot hond pricenertater | SO-75~ Fs Shu TSO 309- / SRU 950 2BO0G~ 2 sku 259 309-3 Sku /S 22294 SkU ZS 0309-5 SkU 750 309-6. SKU 7 5030927 750 3209-8 ASO3094 7S 0 309-10 7S O305—1) SIRU ZO SOO 55 1S 0.329 -/3 750 309-7 of 7S 2309S PS O8EG 36 7S6 305-17 750 209-18 75 6309-19 780 30F— 20 PSO BOF — 2-1 7S 2 209-24 PSO3OP 23 FS OBD9 3 3d LSO BOF 29 f- FPO SOD 2b POO SOO. YF Frm Aphine S1- 100 iw Middle of Mieretees C20 507. AS OEM 75 Boe. aq ASO BOF eS 2509. 45 Te eee ESO BBS 2 aa) 7S O 309 4¢ ese. ee Son ag Pracersehieg ROSS RST se i . Piese9-Se: J- £2 eto Adelle reg ht Garay M occ 4B -3L-19-1-FB Gme “at enbarged /4a-db-20~-//- 33 G ut fe[~ ¥0-20- 72~ Te qe Gud. ontargect J$|~ Bo~ Al~ H~ 4A Gree iO Lets Il om is (¥ae 86-21~ 1 2S gree q 0 entargeok 143~ 32~20 ~ f- 38 F tite Morne [46 -32->6- > SB. gna G RX ereb Fn |93-—32-'9-/6- 27 ques $ ut. normal /lo3~ ¢0-20-1)- VGgme Ey ee /d]- 3} 021 ~ Ht — 38g F uf. tormat 131- 2-18 - 10-28 ayes F ut. normal 1$7- 3S-Al- 12- 45 ge oA I31- 30~19- 1 20 gr? 2 yd permel 134- 31-20-/0- 28 gua Ei. rnermal 134 -30-20- 1)~ 2B ame G tut. new /2O-~ 28-19- 7- 25 gm fo Ge esl IYS~ SA-19- 3-23 gme a IES Se A4Y— F7~ 1 G- 13~L14me 7 Leal Fomor P42 ~S2-19~]F- 19 gues @ wt. nerronal /B2- Yb-19~/3- zoguea. OS Ceaber Emma . bake SF Mem ISB ~ Gt~19- 13- 20 Gye = AT Sis! /3S- ¥8-/6 — 42- 15 gme FP tof. neurel (34-46-18 ~ s2- 1S queen £ OF Mtisseal MB FTI~/7-/3- 79 V3.6 SOE HK 02S 1S guna - £ ced nbrmank 'S6-62-/4-/3~ ad Grune Gad. nesmat ope b8-28-/4 - Sb que ot Soe 1S Je 85 -aAl-so- aa ee Ot ela eal. oo 39- 2O-/2—¥7 gm. @ hE entargtol J29-AT-19- 10 ~ JO gee £ BRO ei 2 es (41- 33-19-U~ Brame B ¥ KO tut fmm 160- J6-a2l-s/~ ioe oo 136- 34-19- /o- 53 ge Lo AF. nesm ae JSS 36> 20-//- 40 ST Cele Imm o” Gils fod TH (43 —$0-20-~ 3-9 ome eS IW3- $3 ~19- 14 ~ 2 Damo Bh poet /3a~44-/9- 19 Ue gone. J tittes Gare INGE 8 6 2O = MO BS gan 750309-51 ; y - ~ . ot Sk. ON 7503 OF - 39: Rethgdtentomae eget (38-— EA-SI-JA o Liat a bons " ¢ (AR- 59-17-12 ~ FO A 2 ut. asin al 750309 ~ yy ‘i > 2 A 790 309 uy “a " ? (QS~ FER 1TH IAM ES oc Ciets 7m 7S 0369-2 " 1 2 fdo~52-le-lo- 7 gma 0” lets S Meme 750 3079-¢3 ' ? 7 36-G0~19-/%~ /4 que @ heets Ut. rermeL Fay Kescooie : en Sop Co. ate DArL. 1B IGIS” Checked om eoatinforrl aud Jeet en pees Kath mpbeo ge I? 560.5 at Zito A 20. heal jetta 7 E- My Cbearwg, thee lo 71 Appi Cane on 20h eb - joe ctecpet howd prom aed denned ftmgps (DF 42.2 3 carchrnaLa? | tector 23.0 2 ‘ 47-3 Caccaseimay of otirke Yee Dba BW atan. fee bE and abeld Soft a prvtosts oof Cacercuay: ox, / herued lark sud preedocutrh | 64,2 mtacleetark - 64:6 Aorneet Lurk. GS,/ Oty Spearman A nn Coo. Arde 200k mn thc i aul tytlhrclad, To peactow a1 , %So formed Larhe, aida LO Lire dparrocird « 65.7 forse Lurk . 65.9 F mearacstarhs thd iS Lies ofarrevt. 0e Lake pe on acct f 66.2 Harned Lark. oe-7 SS mrteadecwwLirhe , (onrake tod at edge Apchlard aud do Lite, uparrocre 46,9 Pmeachorwtyrte-. 67.0 20 Drees Aprrrawe + Teast 67,2 at dade ad of Petbsete chechel Gf tit owed dears ai pte Lrachs arf te, there - OS iat J L, : Ete tree om 1) stole of Arved. oe schre aren Were /B goers coo ancl V2. pe. a thacag Continued W) rm Acrd aud hreetly 1) of £74 an bcleett? Leet eiagee ae tg Vio Aon fren Lop. he arn wae on th dede s Ene docen Aver dec 18 Aang billed gutts Comm Aiser at offior zo’ atere wal, 68.6 black phase pedtact Pmenth of patleg Cue of ba Lee Cersea Lhe ever Lp the north. (0 yernead, feieh Aland OH a the Z 1 4arinal. GEE Oreck, 6 tarchiuats 20 eft Ante “od die A hapluccn, lealuat re . 68.49 S feee: 429.1 picigeyy OF4 Tnestaribork burt, (0 ye “ 459 2 Zhntt, 69.7 Gyre O78 Sole dparreno, 0 Ppp. Letinpten fal J Lee perros) 7O:Y Dn Ties Uparreur, downy 76.9 Kaw focva at Seemplor Burge: Tare acteclt Logles Zo Ul, tne tpt 2/0 mai, & of bntrance delawerw ner im 7) azdle oud one leppard. A rni. W) from trudge on 1) aeds fm, Hin hep feeth be Locate Lager tom Mere Geetavse the eno teres moet f the mejor Prsvetnny te 3 the health of the Tae Tame aS. Arelraten ft sw Ander, tt Aimee 13-6 hagflavteg at 7) Fovrg: Llc arrow. 79+ Slice yarrow 76./ T2081 B=3zZ F 2-75 (nm BALD EAGLE ATTACHING. DUEKS RESTING AREA BALE EAGLES LTTE: MALLARDS AND PINTBILS EF ‘ Fe t ie’ > ff Q CE SAowy a. i $ f ; / MBE GKESE 2A pe RQ ~ f/ # - a= ie fe — ano “ae 6b Sees a EAGLES =O we 8 CeawAcod FORA OSE CEESE PENINSL A PROPOSED TOs Efe LEFT Car NERe pee cee ae a a ear SG TRATIo4 oF A wR sg x at Sata OPEN WATER IO.9 Mree YrArred - 7G 2 OE Corner ftsevrin A 5 Nee sparing. 7667 Ose tparrncee, A prenveoe I7A Titpanons debtal 78E.3 Llavgt Cx. Biretze. Ae cater open - +6 gutle Generacly cleetibetad om loa tin 1d) fewering Lee ticle (1 cate) of _ Ladle ata, lo maths , 36 , (2 Atop . CG Putz, onty 3 gutle anol thee FEAL IF LarclenaZ,, 29 Tree Of ews amd 12 fence (20 ttt ) Weeantine Ae ettimate/ 2eerl are do Lie ww , Lorne. Hao heen Atranre ane! Atten Le fe Be 79.3 a gta /O Arte dared Lack . PG.S /S-Chew Affari? 777 + Lee Mparrawe - 74.9 Slee tfarree Lrow 7 L PuradeaceW. 0.5 (Ree eparrws. G09 (6 Cree Mpecrrocd. 8/2 GL FO Piss tparreces , €funcac SA. a ren cleclerko, Klee Mtns. 3.5 16 Lue tparrgced J2- 75° 7903) 5-53 Crusek | About A250 fut g tee in epper fart f Fog, 2 ee bey od AB pinghtlled wate, Caag 70% oper Aud Cher res ive, es a Oe BAG 12 meatecbarh £49 fend on Ofer Boeedl Amoce! fo edge ff conten. BF SF Ge Zs FO Tee darrond, 6 tarcinale, 2 Chechacteer, } Lloret Atk JS ay RA ae Concours Pe brnatetecte Chis epetccn mby, Sb. b PPO Wied Oe Fone oe Pr. whee perres. 2Y taal Char Cop ss ep gf tol ORI V2 Peewee 7, Bed | tart Ao SE Rete oo OR 6 A ONES OR OO NG! Or Fe 4 ooo Clay vg Fem aheor te ataut 100 feef et Bee GE Reet “oo tne ce Gla Dh pee Lip Shook Eo Lhe 4 Auw1£ 44 Cee eel 7 The DP. A eat as ae Eo Lypproy, ee en - B00 getlen eye Au eee Lod aud gpprey 400 Late rheseat 20 Left par rad Kiked! te 7 cecde of fenenecta | feterdad att Leoeks tu trots toon Hood (2ce map) cep Aved Lo Aircle Baw Ble ea) 7) edge at Lake valley toocl, aig 4 at Gi50 Am, G82 Sage kegete Tavchan, ire are (Saki f Pidehs macte dig ox. or 4eocat olen detiacin main amd aed! darn of Lin ataut 60 feet. Hhece Dricches t0ere StI AWE ar etn) de Tole Gases bole Ros Cogate Packs , + Mrerncpecee el dine TRA TORE eee PD I-F anche Ape) Ze see hee, f Pracle toad nyht are nly 1d anch (2 lowe doops, SEY IS 12@eeo-S4 Gb oO eee 75°77 Cocyets , cattartonet , rgcienneh . : ee Te Be Conte te yteq Apert) /0100 frre Leteloptes /O10B 2 ste, _, Aotebet so) = pecomieernad se pe coatifocd bat with, glaties toctd tin A more Lagos An June ow 27 Here Tacks toutd howe Leer rma Hy a G78 PO eee Ce EE ee eed oe ft eng Pertlen an there ae manna Lyles aos aul ndel DL, fore wea pe SSE | apmanivpens Ski rearmees do thocceaude of Heke trag tle aan ttpaee contd Lhe Vheehs LB fhzke. 10 Sen Att om cee om 2) tele of Open Aner wantin, Dn Formate bhig were Ce ree Es lento LAA p10 F ee ae Atbenmed tetat ghagleled tn Att tH 5 hows Ofer oeter . DOs ee Audn Horny 49 beiplaced a Lerngeact block of pred _o. (alt Angluth tierpl & Mlareny gull). Ake galls Metlirnid Adon thick fatlerer the old thitinn Led to Lentd corth cypprot. 3000 math .d, OR ee ee rated aud “tre AtTony out of crater, Linetherz /006 Oe al papain Mas an Che Fen wak,. SO (2 tnd ee pees dati, Here aiuel coors, Kare wire bone Ltaceps (fetter) Joo, +0 gatdenege endl fertop, othe! ee. 2 redial 8 treatin bat bags a Ded 5ur0q bard aelecly oe ee eee Viel Ore weit BE IS 7S03| 3-55 77 ALL Aud See ue eae . oe Die + tagh satire dlocka of Acct (3 tv perLacte) anol wotol Pana hae ome tioniee it comet fly pede Shee o a pertecetan bard fei 3e1 4 sceoncl as the bol torre bey oe Comte 7 ls a oo ie ree barighs ne tet, Actutt ott eagles totre in Liees 7 Gf the area auc the enhii popolet - Dell) fia ens. siey ke birta eect ae J Lee ow firngphetak Area V notin : : feaarenl pets DS Ae ies ne ee oe Che Ofproperale MA ale. CF me ORG GED Det Me, aie. ee S. an’ 77 Gt a pornd shee Past walks - fort cut We plsinceala, Sean ne Ss Powered portal anal am a partial Ctpaced tuced polek Lapliiel a See toaE, . Gifts 20 teemhe atte hy L pheceZh Fac frm he backs (Saeh ppotekes tock (aba t Me ae. pe peg) aad ae EG atated he Dat go 02. Gata, bel tind 4 peperterne), Ad the Prsiees vie Ghiaete So3 U progmenta. opt Gpade at 11:80 Bie Prpigls dectige lt tena loo CO cea el Phen Ge aE FE Gents LaF ph at atbylid ona Ly Sol aceny Aid reeled: Mee et a de Bo a oe Fb-79S5 7505) 3-536 Rept gadi B80 .ad ya, 89.7 dpartew tak wiv ead bee. at plus te eS) At 12:30 trll hey track of grocy number 12:30 heard Aes 1B gn ja*3; / " LB n (ABR Hf " f BE " IRS oS / n 12 i 72°.3¢ / ” iL i L238. / at 1 7 (2 Bb ih me {we uw fREST. / 1 n 12°36 / ® 1/0 n 12°39 ! 8 1] " [240 2 4 1 i Pag? / 4 oO " ARO UB / ‘A 4) u 12°43 / f a l 127.44 / ul 72 PREYS / u /bL- iL 12°46 / Hl (2d it (2.97 / 4 /y 4 (BUGS 2s ul 13 u Pkg Zz a tk a (2.50 2- ) a M Py / u De ‘i /7.S2b A $3 4 PIERS: A " {2 7 72.£¢ a- " fl x SEES S ad: “ 10 ‘ {2:56 a \\ 10 r pees 2 ! 8 rn 72 ISY. x 7 Ht PAF a ” s / 00 BEGET one group b redheads, 2 Aheaole, 2 getlernrege ge i eth leek; F775 PTIPIANOSASMOLL | Wea Axaid YNZ 17 Woes GY TOOst Ss" 27 WY Apu Aond Coinder/ Sa sean forte thee tan ten Ace OO ee pee Leola le Khe bsthirn, Ch bhacent 10 ae fotlace : 35, 20 ae 3s, nD, PS, PD PS 2S, LP, BF, 18, SALE , 13, BO If R, 1D; J, IS) DS, DO, AS, 18; Js YI, I S022, P27 99,7 Jt), JA, 2S fe 2S, 17, (hot) tcl Gf eesceces- Peomrnang 2¢doN, 2325, Fhie Aone heen flack of ata So hat dane leew pty 2-3 a pe evel. WR gerade ete L thee are ee ee ne er me Soe, aay tie Perce $D0S AS 7-0b Pap. es les res, : 5 SMW DSS bbrse firrivs Wane dren the toregen foe ta Le a Girth. ie ot f frgrrent preceded Ahir pote mages Qt repelly toned fo 176° edebischiy Me ber. OA Aparna Kewk. O87 Mecrrea Chlanigh Park, ous gate. there ty rated Weadle La Lined Aine Glare) Styne, Ae eet Sl | Ons ss eens ol. Ar 430 mac Choud tmate to Jo° atecl EE SOR in ene, a fag at Webra (Aecromernmay teock) sr rw tee (egqe. hat), /o./ Lact tui dam. Ve whit Cops tut wones. Crate teuck F5F. 80. 20 thet a 4) tral claw 12.2 Orertork rant. 4/ Ctnackan gece on weed ahore of St) termen of Hay) Llacoh fark . Vhieg acted Ze fuel, Segre peers eas woe beg) Ke (parkatl ) tras present, Lifpreu 260 ey a | Orlipices’/ ce) S fhin E thuc Tampemrrtee, At a promt 71 of higlumng 24, rhenvedl 290,200 ee Ree ree Fee pe) Ce apptartd to te Atant bo thes, YO anew, tm Arr BL foece ae Soxso Vorglt te ehaut Teel five fieatenily < tht io Peres Dt E ote: range Kea! vanes 11 Cath feeucl, Ske Hark neck ™ ay OBSERVATION POInT oO ) Q , ’ iy ‘ i , y “oes ed \ ©) ; ' 1 NS NX ’ \ 2 Ny ; d a a> a Pe rytS C2ouP PIOVED FAST &F —— LEAPFROG TACTIC HIGHWAY 24 ? Co . Ite fe. - a hint gye4 i SB-75 7503\ 3-58 bo aul wetlarice (1200) 21 tare scald © GB caccummadl Te, Jar eee, 17.0 iota, qihacneel B26 Aeotricg Letenepline EA poe Lee ee, Rood, 6.9 adett botd tagle, 97.) Lake Vesey Lake 0 ¢ , Ber. water new 300 od of Aamedunig FOS Yor yarkehire Kutna? 7 OF 4,3. (tn 26°F, Phang Keceoroth Netferern Ge, ————— . larctks (6,09 7S AnrtEei and Smads Dap 2 Seraclie Foend £ thik ow wrtizfornl Aud tot eagle. well peed ne teevor hy otetinreatcwsr aot ede they Le tetork a @mnyphe oa eft Kore at 776913 muiteage ad 2:10 A977. Pe wire . cvertacl, Lip 48°F Tork aut om 5 Kat of Pattee’ (40% ): Cormiees mS Cfraerries, Ale free open 99.7 aparied Kaw. 00./ Afarrow Kaw. OS. & Aad ~ ). gue Frem Kerte lear ste “Yo thee tnocwe, G0 Cauachorr<’, ofp red. F000 Aen. anat, J000 matlartle , ome Ceci eeacge “ ; HO Jie - . tB A2etr2 proviacle, getdensgs, Marat dick, seme staal geeee OTE avn tr dernt paecteen ae abeernvedl Par sG Ais za to J ee | tg tether here (and seating fereh) aud netted the tctecak 7 oe 7 peevig tabla M-S tr Cake ut w uudcl of penrniiule. no cececto Here or 77 frrrevaccte entil 72 E part Countid 2/40 ) at at Least 4# Aecling GT GL ty ches the, Degas ot Fo Lime wate the. boy area. Arvehechel a. thes bawnl te-bre 2 amattl thce Area. oh svecee! Benecele: marek 1S as Che Hferst clog Zhe Aree betel Le fe Green 7 No (5S meaclowlarks 2 one gta Bitiverl heme 10:00 4.90 at melange 17 724.8, heswrionit, Baragles Co, Karewoee Cgrsk 3, 0975 TUN: AR. Welhe of 232) Ww etelertin , Aported pret prepde marlc Alou binds Chott prrece the main j Ariel Thi Lek, Ze G cbaten, he mae anrtkharrinetl (2 ne). Dee Kae noted one Lub trtide 4 bntints tparros aud ; ee : La, IGIS5 J notried the frorpte mardi (2 tide) 1. Lhe steve aren Lhe fre bact Uke mane pope yp tn 7a 66~ 750411 -@6 oe nan wae y xe aoe Corae, Hane Lefpate Keer nth ktd. St A Cotte. TAtrn, oT frat, 7dhre. Werte. ee Sa ttont Cong Orr. 40tth portage or : ead mn So Liye po SOO GL bt 43) Whar, aud grere water Facet a teat Pts hae 5 igs 74 aco ind Apu tog 2 re , Ace nile E Oy ey of SaZol “efinl aha, Peth trowel. Pruiyt( CAMP) PONCA CARVER, HY 123 Wotan Kever, Suomen moth Elk Crk, Loughe CG, Kaveae Predcle. stip of ntbnseans a new obteacw (dee frttncrg pt Lac 7 condense fry jt ft a 750 YRO- Q 7Se¢20-B anton nt Barrer 2?S0¢aoe-u 73 O¢I0- SF py eee Fired ES ey, Hone Maw deen. a froctg Ha png ZL Lower Lvl auslal the Cane There 20 ro Aopiola S tad lint dam, thevgler G, ss Le olO, 1G 7S [ket 750420-7 Leow L ease bb Lg Gf rkye (a¢yrog 250 (feed) Poeented jo swell coud Aeanacage of mean 750420~67 272 me. Aucdl 2VamL E Ae Bere (Co Aurtctng), Beg boca C. —— Aeprrk 202, 1975. OGICSIEY co aati muita aie anita Sa a ae 7S0422~-/ Pentapacs Agrenlatace tchrwmocdes e 175 30-23 ~1Aogres F ut perma, -. Ke ey 4 Bprel 2551975" Took Claes Lo fasadiie Joend for leap eter Comp at F teole (forthet E), Berle 00 of Lawn sciemanet tetera” Aah amma a etn een, easeey epltncie., Aeoet Lote az P3S ft. Beroes Aton netid spforned ; F arrcetcenen Goat, Mic tg aes Ptihownnem., powrtirde, tro, torn avatlacd, jeg cL il Tad esc tae, enrtbsrical ) mecca ng Bows, Geter. heron, meg ttle traeleless) 4s 100 lange (Aen, Pearce a2 for pfosrton yf LpAaie) thle aren Ladesvonde fron High saber debris aud he wsitirm haul om a boolinr Midge, Gugel at Bprck 26 ,/975- Cotleetet Che fotlareey rntrmemate prom the abewe Leonor, (Canaceie bert, Fatrrg Resevoir’! Yeppersion Ce,, Khnsne,), SKI 7SO424-/ Corer tece Levetepue [62 20722,5-1e-aSgeee O teehee sa mm 7S50%¢26- 2 Pererncpteca MonrititbaLiecs- Fe 4S- 1% 14-20 gree @ ad. enlergesl, SkK.oN 7504 26-3 a aa 02S $0 -19-1S 19 qrus F 1x euch. (Zour . Mon TSO 26-4 egmoclen Arapvolbie L7s]-B d)-31-19-10.5 gms Sf Leaks 222m | « 750426-S5 mmeregptuae othregaaLon (43~35-18-F-37 4 no F 2X8 Omb Somme " 75 eu2b—b 4 a (66-39. 21-U- Ub Gamo of Lenten /t mm 75 O¢ Ab-~F et a (59 ~3F AED / BAS Grice £ ad, Culargect BY ee, - 7 75042.6-68 SK. en MM. gre on Skim. Mm. 7) | 1TH 7.” 2SOY 26-8 Pirtreties PR er [05-3 F -20-))— v9 poe A fake. LY Pew 2S 0426-79 ” ¢S4- Fl- 18-10-48 yma 2 /xX/emb 26 mre Woyav-'? a B2a- 152 14- Sg 2 a ze. ZL Z ; £ 2x2 yeh plat. tears (FOU 26-17 —— Acad 1 7O- F7¥- ZAK Se 2b grea Isr eyabe-/2 tnonctebelies /52-0G- 19-13 - 23 7200 Cake Fon ISoVu2b~ 12 +t /4/ +8 3-19 -13- 22 gruo 3 Lets Fmorw 7sogrbe-r MEA Peer t F siircsce Keternpetece dente Ahearede. 22,1575" \ dill Picnleae paged, [hte tramnate Ophirerl f Chat tate , Kore Lan Kote, dangles 6, Kanroe BS 9TS Troted Po perg P proms enone on rted asets of Coke, Ke ellaL et lan th ten oe Dias a gr ; Co ee ae Ala 08% mae i Mercato Walrrel eet Hil, Cee 5 Pe vad, bite Raccead : er 2. °°7S E (“hob Sues Bei ancl 780 50H 2 ies aaa Y At Insacune Get TH of PHtien . thetoe dicken prem 7 oe a pee irene a. Pines Herel Caein tit isd frielirwerinptinaty ATated Raewrencte, Khneglon G., Kage? Mt 2, L9AS mMeeteredh LghL aust Lurk tanols Dale ac wan ee, a Fron Concer of Coe. eoeepe ta 8 spa amet ie matt sd. Le woege | ep andi light we ee. 1974. Karurente ~Crotora - KLeervnpLor. ideviiaeyis aa i vn cacmrmgen ance “eryrr -€ the Lontact telireen 750525-69 CLawton Resewen , Domglar Co., Kaneed- RG AT Tae Cnplecnee Gg ELh Grek and the wahonnae. Tet Uc pA at Reel eg eet Ae ar the oe ee Zhe Cel re Licneem, garapierntey + AGI batted tetoe imchige bumlony to ee ee ae ty ie fn ag, hak oe S059 Coon Crck aed OG. 9 kakiwen Lever, farnutwatlew, ne Cto eee. Home, med gs os Flew Med Leia Se oo ee techecssel, hechccoeel, hehe vel, Hhackececel any, ee B2,8 ross weet. 2 ‘ Parnwhosial, aa i SncestlZ LAER RaR Ceres a pacing Ci ee 2 Crk bharracr Ce , hrcke, O pwclrLekel , a bhriheg, ae Hany at Lp ¥ 2S, nels e, p g s L Z Ce Few 5S, Se GaLe cactcdyentiton Sie €bhe tise nd tuted S165 ELM Otek bridge, From Lop wy Wie Legend (Acad) Left aucl eg a ee pe rE She io AL termpbetil, thacked, the lacs. channel Mai ag Chet L gas all ba B I SY Fe FE Lage. oe i ee | Lechecasel tein, a mem, chang, ok Msn oamctahatenaa ook Re ee ee Sen iting phrhs, Attthend wu, 4 Crcrbadle bh tfarros ee ane ee ee ea eee thos Se a eee Hahn ¥* 75O00/3-/ 750 G/3- 2 750 4/3-3 25-0 b13-Y 750613-S” 750 6/3-£ 2S O04/3-7 750 6/3-§ 950 613-7 750 6/3-/0 7566 73-1/ 7S O6/73-/L- 70 0673-732 2S 0G1B-1¢ 706 AOaCL 7S 0608-4 7S 604/3~/7 IS0613-/E ANOCLS 2/7 7S 06/3 -20 IS 0b /3 - 2) 75 e613 -ar ZIob 73-3 70 06 (3 ->¥ 7roG 55.5 BE OBA AL 35°06 (8-47 (O 750527-70 irheeyre of Gat , Unevererts of Keowee) Xe , Keaneae Mog 29,1975 Fekete 750537-/ Of Ahtevatinwn of Frat Che reer Meter of AA ml. Taken /0:30 4-™ 7h bloer , Kw , Meg. Hat .jleat tye. 9398 vel I Pe. ‘onet- Ded Haunsnee, Lavigles G., Kereses/ O,L97S wat aS herman Eve Lape olen frre Mat ip hl af eg toe nok, pan cag pe) ptt my pee a mmatleards (4%) aul Chose net ZL pb, At Sf ow reel A ytten hermes, Chnton Kesevorr Grea, Sut fetimion book, hengh C, Ficccess’ Sew 63,79 75— Aertiat BORE + BA terns Letideged tut. he Catlac/ math 2s or 7 Kengll sh wiht. Danis Pigirgccg ill ceneeney. oo Sa eae: Realy ae Coup of xpemers, laos Prot Lebaceec Aor - Leee. Ye 7 tf Mrtarnage dettor, atane « Aran Aout more pemgletche. cheer ¥ Abmgq Drop lorie a Aedevneg Flack borides, tinge retin Crowne, ahungere, tutphine Aut ether. RX ott erlionede Cf Ceact 4,000 Abt Lotd . Ceeente Hehe Palaces wmapels Prom above aren fort, 475" “pads Caee, an 6 Aeddeack Lrag fed ancl ateng dake, / Permmgstice monicutatce « He gorbehere » Aaccrenes , Mnraglae G., Knee Brrr (46, 1975. ee err thegey 170 rm (Fi) aud SS gree nk, Arer 5 na a ee ZF : Phetena IFOG28-1 , 7S 0628-2 px0e28-x9 eee Lac. ehinged thuwk rl. Litk, Renetne., oo Le Fee tips: AAA rreccre ow, Kee Lewes, Beexghan oy = Phote TS0b/2-/ of clewva lion and AliheMmctgbrenn 7{ 750713- 71 IZIGIS” need theagene elirnel inh, STathrnert (while) fetper 25/106 Haake for momemat chen , shut time, Cottons cates of Low) writes of tek Lote, re, Agatautes ae ae cet. Z te FOG, apa Ateac, starrer shits, webb. 2°L sereces, TF lds wed, Pape, Lagaey taal: darmilln p84, Uftrwn Cethe, putha Coots, fend apcey , alLinehs, povlea, Ho.-22, glaedes, btn 4Z2.., Adeche dlare, /2 vet alacar thrill, Lurch Can ty phone. T¥8— 28/7 TF? I ge, 1,19 7S- Apt X- ad m LO ULL at 2110 P79), Lup SSF, 505 Aoricle, ial eerie Ste Kec Ateempten Corifplele river. Channel aud ell 4 bade fehvetw pawrene & Topeka, Aetone , Exg Gad-rrow} ¢ J Gordie , 4, reel-heacler! wrodpreher, Parw svatlecd, Crown Chiacter, Croce , , cle heccec£ , Poeun intees) ar Aaccone Jerod bbl. A990 Wetauntee G. Lue, rectong, lech . 3025. Reteder , 3032 Charges Crec be» 7036.5 Gave fell anet aI sor wrerliner Rerigteared ont tiddgee. BaF. itt tl | 3082 dot£. at¢easlD, Fron Fabre ni urll Attord abe ter, aw thample of pratt, (Atbiaplerer Are hefortic/ ime ents taps tefeaddnns of ohucblee ) Lift vtaloue at bias lm. Consees of zee birole ome Aaah Arale of Qntinstehe ee redurrey , italics menics rniaclonrlatte, (ett no. 235 Zo Krccotaith at 096) Learn. Avvatlerds, tar) dtvatlee, Bobo, 2 Car suntlhees, tiyad ahiud peed Ritk 2 Carw eunebere, (th, tratlecs are af Carn Cut mogte seme Chip Aerat inna }, , erbectoe Lark , wrest Brugterel , 3108.9 Chhhern Lvl, i ee 5 Heber ne Ey | 4 te g of braglorde, F ores , Carre surntleca, ee | BS Atdhtathds Lose tain Ped bite, 19 Coevrbrrcle, Mis! ae A phecen — Hover, 2 Carn tvatlows A barn swathes, A y Pheatairres he wightheath, Z fan saentlawa., “tm divatlow, Chatle fever fret Batre, ) & barn terptlacd, Kedornd, FT Atala z*) 2D tan fathers, A Faw Lanta, Lhe till kd 2; 42,5 pt P'S 770 cal hes oprratrns farrecl) frrt Crneertiatid aren wef, : Winete ans gentrabby tars Gf decck vegetations ane mately 7* 7907 | 4-72 FET al Siggy 4 ELM, Konda aul tne NO eH Ate po neanelid ating Bhar Lada. Hho Coney 0 seer budged & the Lt por d blochay, caratiin watiry, Laught sencialernate Aerpeen, Cth, Lavsae 1S, SG AS al 7:0e4-2777, : Kid bl antdeD |. giatepaiedaiens 7:0 CLP pusanck Bee —L i tor an appros. iS tr Bere ox. Locen Cénwell tortliiweccte, a ruetes eharseal the Rs el nen arse 1 at FON aH, a) tL Ae fp- Lornple be Lear tends pam Hesse. fae weston Rfid pike Mead, 7 etal, ow | Taney xvi te, Aang ) drcke, 3 : , of Ger tetntlens, gtoedete, Zohn aud taclger Avod Beth Bore pte blac | wtetinn Bruaberd, y A tewnrtleecr , Coe meactorolart | Atdevmng : term dinathacd), asi, tevalemene, (with belive teva thuese fon a ange tee 2 Ltn. Led sLoeouch. od Tatas, p batednn Amy hid, Hace Bee tmgtok , 7 ey eee erate tt oe 7 m peotn7 ae : 2 recki~za , Borvegbiine. ‘ 32/8. Cokie, Aak td of content | porned Lack at “Quinter, 5884 8 At. Zewk. " 324) Cooper cigs Kawd. 3293 /3 nt muni Gi. LMG: batten Mil ages 9° Gorell Batrhuted 3 tneelirh fle Than, harssecng a Artic, S3/3 13 Lomeat grocasel agucerrel, Ap Leeched 33/L ALY ILEANT. Untd ceaclimeg, 3 rsolunnge, A torn Auvile we, QZ rrclings, 2 sunede , | 2 neclirrmo, , ) Pedeng, Aelia, Aedlerneg, re eberng, paling) 331010 Aiding, Aerlimng, janes Atelinng , Souk Heek flecrver Area wtat wh ied ih apt kaki, thaw tat 4 Derdbbied aut ret at. durtatthe por rediornge Ledinng 3220 Reublen . ating, (poet Lek tunting, Am moun, 3330 nrddh Frk ) a Ferme Awatlews , Harnad hark , trtadertark., 2 tar suntlhynws, Apes 333/,9 Colne 42 7507 (5-73 Porter at sso wele Chowge Linie Keng. Piel Bf Casati na the ees, Sea No es Ba, Arr Cor, Paty prite plouper!, I3SS8 font tegetrd | Clea above, 3356 Can ace tlrrele Besetialem tlh Cocky Si caiet ain... ep ee SIS} Lark 1g? "BR Pena, 3395 Fru 73 teniaull 4g, (Pre a Clavie gellar ak Prange Amend Gon es . these rear re pire wre ta :, SLOT NMecd at gee BYB7 Lecamew -aiwd, Sv3¢ dignts wea te 2S perth of henwer at SSI ax 4:10 P.M, 3539 Afrariac) hawk dinee HAuwrence, aes a. 3F#O 35°43 ag deiergies 5 Zoe, pte vets WL oe Kphewag AS Le Me Ft. Cat biss, fw sh Movie tl tm. Jf Ze wale Finda. evine seid, Ltirinn ted Grek Cmtinucd up the Cache Le Koucte Eve L a pont To rites hetny 7 Siok Meets aise Comat ( Map. of Caabarn aloe) WEL threla eo a Fouche Wivers Corgen ta. Lrg corel ita ce lei cesses pega haan d Chonetlen Gutice trhah tect oe ee ae Pati md Caceccel Aovatlithages. Ad tamp oberg temen ced Soteps 20 fet apert Preps avoregedl atunt 100 yit atere the flown a7 the anya Aug Cela PE Pere Spline aie Ey AB Lnacne tigi eee a , ( ; L Aft. Lbopt Coered with a fo fiwcte om rlehite, “dagetregh sn reclget Poth ehoenies. Shere “8 Omicelhrewthle ginclerr. of hare Led floor Levels ow M4A-2dor 4 Pu I507\e- 74 Cotks her lrglre Kae Rey Be was, Dk, down banger. from (Guche (ark, Ponta Ge Bt Qloracte KG thes Wet Coneres SF my Mey 76° 4+ 7:30AL.m Jit oe ef JO Lepe ow dete hell - ISBD pbc? (compe ee /¥b~b/-26-/b~ /Fgrne, o* Leaks Smear 7507/6- 2 _ 6 7 0915 (7-al~17- a O hel, Toe 25,0776 —-7 dt lb bfm 7h SG - (8 gerne a Lakes 1/0 ere 75°09) 4.. ” ‘ (Fb- 88-25-17 _ A0gms # Gedes Dosceme FS67/6-S os) M60-2)-19-18 ~I Fame O Lphee Pong’ IS erat ns nm (SS 69-21- 18-79 gore & Lats brn 252 7/6-7 Piuclerme ASS~ 13s 31-22 ~ Br gmr 6 ey bene Pe Ub eG Pitgonipeen PinwaticddDin, JF 3>~ 6-19-78 (7 ge plas, ptarne ZS O7/6-9 ‘; n 1B ~ 63020 - 18> If gone UF. Parmal re ZF tpoticd tinctppers ee Ge ae wp the Aver of bump at 6:50 d-m7. che bingy tee | TISO716~10 Canny eerth frachir auel Annette. Ashe De teed ee at P0716 - strel. / fotos Zru. Aft Cong al 45 G35 Mretioge at s/iog A.m OP 8593.6 at Perth foruche Mevacor Corrk (Laugt of Lecbatha tan, B5eu.u ford Aopen, Poxcittne Pack BEB: | ope tnwg - 3298S. Z Povcgic tte op Forest Boriuclry . Qi. BSEF 0 ccna SKU Kee Basie Dvccicals BOOST dlawel Lrowlea! Ho" atove Lhe ever, z Mave fice Cacteadas Grunt tou? Boos the 7 = al preracue. arth sta Aeailag, erhacan Khihak, thekate, olla oe Hives ttl! Uschi ues ie atlistics. as BE eg 7 3629.3 s.teL | cape 7xo0 gd Jn), 7é80 Orks Chre-belevordpceder, Fong oeee eee oe nad! clreasntet: Pe sade at 10220 feat. (36 36.0 een, (a aee Tasik Meme? oe Le decle wapettnete, Ue a op on Aethirsle oftprey. /o0’ ea. Thess Engebarann Apres snth deme clown Uses Bi Ege Alae sel So pinges EN . 750717-75 ime. WwW Cameron Shee, (0320 £4. GiscBetr Co., CotoraLo LOG ee Prine Tony, FE OF WM ; DS agwte= — Lge Liceenegiit’ 210 — 95-30 —/a-Sigm $F uS norene£ 9FO7/7~A n 185° G2~ 29. /$~ 40 gana o7 Liat Sonmar ~ as tat Meinnraf 7907/7- S$ 20¢— $2 - 29-1 ¢ ~ Sdqrne F : y ySoais= 7. Phendternop snlircreeal otis 1S 5-5 b -/8 —~/5- SF) gree fo 4x2 plee. £fbra, 4 /I 7S2 7/7 — L Z La ace JGR - G4-3B/-74- ¥I gue Zoey 7Fweaw 780 717—= 7 21S IF ~ IR» 1S = a gone ¢ La. perma , i ZSO7/7~G hthronermp ~ PSB ~F9-1F 1 - FA gro F WH eutargact / jee 2567/7 ~49 (*$2- ¢4-14~-)4-~ 3/ ym 9 4x3 place neare " " (9I- Y¥B- 19-14-26 gree SF Leet // mre ) I¥D~V3-18-/3- 26 grea. F 2x3 emplse, stare. " {PS 2Q—-4A-18. 8-7 Y~ BO grt $ AXb eb. Frenne x 7 /YB- ¥8-19- I4- Ab gene a? teats 1) pee P5Sa7/T—/f0 BS OWT = ft 28 O97 ph 1 Zee 77 ig 72S 62/7 ~ 14 I Y /SY- G7 19 -74- 1 bao yr Ceartie 12 simp 29 87/719 " 's [VE— YS 14> [4 2b mee 7 Ck, Wome et fe ee te es OE a eee ae eo Oe Yin) jays Lateef, lrkete ~ Coenecl Aparroe? | ftartrn , a trindter Desde, whe Cetin, Ld Ailey rmced Cerrttad eet aaa one : wrth Lael ofpreg. (amok a athe week Lock near y phen Lochs ofpion (0 per 200’ f Avoel wns tne A “o'Xad, AL! Mariekee ow panale on Platlen oembag a. wurpersa Zina ted wth yporeug Like matt Dn dunrolecel Cheeky Acerrolina ateweel 7m a chert for the fea ne Whe certoyy 6 Gea Tebaey 75071 7-76 Se pe Ne Qi ei fare, fe 32042, Karimenr Co. Cty SS ~to nee fen te ee. Bry CL AETS & Faren 80 hag WOE axe Crgctmerrr aprecee on biteketl, Coplicrert PECHII-1% Aethrncene rman! Gap pine P43 = Y]0 IF 1 y- 25Gmes Cals sommne SKU 7S 2 7/7 ~I7 " i J¥R=GI~18- 74 Rogme F Staptee ccenra 2S OVII-NG SIS HY S19 I~ AS Gre hele Hommes 7SO277-19 b " PHB ML-M-~ 1d. 2b ame J Gale 12 meme VGew=g0 : Cevlnwad end. 201~ PS-BI-/e- Soque F at. normal Prem theclreer evfoaure Lough! feutr mommels “Lit mr & . Che dag, Vike ona Coright ateue cay ene fopdiine/ tifere 7:00 Attar teh, Berrcicen ; Canal BeneLinetd tn about (929 wh. Ft Cth ZA need! torater , Ske «lal Cowal thes ee pele et Aim a ote ee Che toe? pole of Che clriile Ctam on Che weet acele abthuugd diosiithe whine AD pippatelore er Aes teeth plopen. Frise Arce area, ad 7 Bees pe HE. Brumhoty +2 Affret. 1000" atowe Ake ernile tenth Clerie shireslh Exgebrramr dprier fehoen, Dospeceton are Ret Aevmeraces sk, pet $0 Laat prt J dente m wv fede ff Crack , he 20 athheesr sn frets, he Aert Large Exgelyenne Auer, Pe 11 75071 B-77 tei £ Commrsnrone row laces , (0 320 4%, Karmen Cay Colrracho , af Pre Boye 2920 eae oe Pre 58 traps [ateoncl righth i a ee Poo WU thpodinre “ff Eugel - Prarem dfrecee ; QOD b~1 EuCamene (768J-[Sb] ~ .30-s5- YS Gra. Alastes Sore 75 O71E- 2 ad (9b-88~ 30-75 V3qma Sete Comm he: tee, Fw Ce ete ase, 10 280 F%., He a 18,7975" FAs So Leafie at aanvog Exgelrmann Mpricte ee LS OT1E- FS Reormytris manceertatin ISS —68~20-)7~ B2gme A Gets / Ommenw IS O7/I5-— vy n G., Colorecke / Ot 14A2~- 7/-20-/7- B35 gmd- 2 Fkrpltc, teare . PSOTIB— yr jp free privccspe 2uSR 1AT- 83-15 — AF gma . f By 3ack. Pnne ow a7 Pi 2306 + ¢ 2a¥~ /3)- 3/-15- 22 gue fax yeml 3mm 75°07/8— 7 Chthilenemee fat papers. LVE~AS-18 -1¥- F) gwen Kb emt (Ym —_ 1. za _ a aoe fol Pete 7507/8 - , /4b~ 4b -~19-1%~ RI GHER PSOE: G ExBiscceaa- (99~ 87 -30~ le~ to yrme £ 2xz ploe gear 252718 — yg " 199- 86- 80-1S- 39 gma. I lisks Fone 7S 27/8 - Ho Chee. Dtie ds... 270 ~98- 42-20 —/bSques. SODIBE-( Gerth PSO7/IF-1 fim ape Aft set chin Phe tay f dTe, nee Is-07+8— 3 4 29807/8- ah pice eee eg Aten RS oe ects pect ioe: ace aay, PioCeel Se LC Se a ea Aimarrceting Legtte. Ahro 2eLiel au Quslebors nae fr Sa an ater shel k at tase 7 slope, Boiss of Avatanche, rekicl Tih tom Ae Rizo Lowk potet FS O718-)) x Boi Qmrnette- ancl an e6l Gutilornr churck Lerrtan a of aon ole. peat atl mileage G6 5L:2 ff? tbe a2 F000 F277. From reock ebiveen Camp anel angen S . fr bendatwn.° Ke fo teas kaught aboot 20 ag hr 750 78-18 ExLarmene Oi ee IgG Tp Die MF BD ges S Bates L mere 750778 ~ 10 Y " 119-4 3-15 34 yma Steal Parcs 7507/78 — 17 Ww 250 7/6- 18 " " [74] - 30-15-48 gme Pudrermat, " 209~ 9B- BI-1b ~ Yo gore Sitnermed nepples prom, FOODIE - 20 Kurmgzteee manetulolse /b2-75-20-/b— 1B yout, J) Bakes 12 perme cca aes oe oe ee pilitamctle of fevtdts eee Lire ik, Bee the Reeky mL foe el cad TGS 3655 Prdeton Uiiesn Fb cP Dad F Cees CrBetlers Aco, F643 Sore mag fee Bansil ihag Zz 1 Bice bewdknng 1p bra tley unt oboe ¥ Creck , FCLG a A fbuss Grdetea ted 4 4p 2 | ; peipport oppact! 50 lataelin. ae oom offset 22 Huehardimn. aud they are Lon ile fap eye oe Haple Aag AE ae bsigh Oae egal Geruns, the rrdim Caw Aange 4 the tusct, Piisiaagis 5 edpotures, aptu the dir Limprotine troled , they drropye an eae here eine gt Ea it Li 2, Abt, . lhe. Che hl eae Kales Lp At-tre sertel Ze tranrnantannLy tatepe. 6 7507\9-79 Sho mi. 2 Watdim, appre L200 pt, acta &, Qtrorte 49 1G 7S— oe ; Io 9 flor aut at 6.204-7 jAstaA 3O repos acd Lust pight Ltyptivrect ; cree Cave! ROE Lard YY9R aS G:204.M 750 DIF~ I farernigttud pranttile le IS GB- 21-7 7 229m J Meads 2 ner ISOPNFH-2 5 hn M3 b$~ 21-18-35 gmel BxZeme I2 mm 7FOT7/9F- 3 Mt A PIS FE~ Ale 74- B34 m0 FG xR ents 4 per - 7FOTIG~Y } a J ¥d~ 62 20-77- 24 gre FPN Cre b (3 rene Worges hs ae 1S8~66>Al~ 47-19 F 30 y ook 3mm 1509 19. b , " IT Db -20~ 1o- ak 7 Leale Fomor ee Pea , yo (¥1-62- al- /e~ b gpue J fiebs 7mm 250719- 9 ‘ : [Sa-tb- al- 1b - 20 yne A Tabs 9 mam ASP 1G-F " " J ke ~24- 20-16 -1SGme Sf tle Samet Wo7lg-10 a) x /33 -579~ 20-)o-/dagwa oF Glen Fp WSOVG = Il n “i 150 -b63-28-16- 18 gma keliohrm | Forge a st enciniaas! 5 Suave 5 apeecyoon] WO. 758aF/9-F Kad temessca ily great aevowt of whith Peamnnetety Aoettst. PTOPIGH- 2B Plremip tise manttiuteties [$C -72-20-/o-/Tome-. SO baths Pom e iM IS071GF— (3 LE¢7~ GL-19- 16> 14 gma f ud alight, ; arlerged Wo7sGa lh v “ /4B- b/- 20> 75-16 gm 4 ud normal VS O79 - 1S “4 " pel~ S7- ain B= Teh -gaete PF Mite Satan 7507/19-l6 " " (ST = D1 20~rb~ gue O Lakes Prem 750719- 17 Caldmmess Mhinirnece 208 ~ 96~32-/b~ 38 gma Tendis Bmm neem. Marte! Lroptrerne at 6:60 Am, denbight Abremdg om crestor peehia’s 6130 ath of vatler, Athen Atel ; Otibhie Arcekerclbsonre pnt, miucercemr af teral Lope bet wnthoedt as these Aare Lo trnele, me GHidhin at Giyot.m. Xe TBrecwtrce inseail tieet - btroby, ad “Tr i Z havkger “4, L ey hnns bert Se Left at BL65 at 1:20 go 7ICG7IG- BO ede Li alohtsn Grex 3668 atli2ze 0777. 36761F Cees « 3679 frrad Clithies ekarcliow : Seametion 125-127 47 3680. locdger Aol. keel. a ttd hese Ateore! ff mag pee W Crocs | 2, Progpees , / traced , Cenkey putline (9652), g69l beth. 3628 J bFGF. 3 rr 37°07 ty my of Ch vegeta h Aowe, Hd Moke f ele . 3702 thochtiurc dines wutelenw. F708. dowel Loncinig, 3708 Ad Aske, 370c Golly thal o-tetryad ew hava Hig: b Citeotds ot Sp PIAS Game aye e 6 checeko | 5717 erat Forse! Lark < "atone ent 3720 2 meatlercle, Q frontecle 3720 Mnersk : 3I2S Ateeed Large lade ah tera Mews 8723 ALipe azhiuk Ad hitl B72 pbevo—naertehe hace 3727 shite thunk pol Aiehll. 3225 HOraonéa CL, AimiBe . — Hesely. Lifd dasomis 3738 por Cenrtinneah od 722.0 Pm - S7TLF LE ae ingore Cenk wg of Fund YL Macuscmal Cerscer- LF Ff, Soto : ; : 5 ’ gctle tn oppace te iz CaLLey . teh. . TINY autslep . ro tures pe ae S/5F. 2. anliloge. BASS yvrece ove pmge bea : SV ee X Ciytsitepnre al 37-5, 3760 ! Place, Cpt ws Coke. S762 Gocktefh.4 rel. howe - 3763 Autelene, eee Kye een om 77 2. Sle Of roel I764¢ tend 6a SEG rcs 22 en . Foramee - 37G6e F antilege om S tcele ome on 77 accte pthort ona 3767 71 eo. 3767 Centinneahy berepwrnen ‘ At tate Tantizht net So Lope ow 71 etpoewre sf a Met Chet POP D a, PericeBs tna Afprot Slome. SEY Cantinneat . Glee famed ot ths ata. DP acae Lops evere et aftr dhe Cobebbes Srecharclawrré Ate Bena ly Prappat ty Oa 2Oe Shee frrt Z At aw detivneh of the trek Lh t/ aned 0 ‘ uxien teen Te net te metiteton J te aie The Alene a feu frogas in fronels nets the Aachrooel gracla . 750720 -8! e * Brome, SE Continreat ey, Eee Lt tee ‘ Gly 2O,SGIS- gran Tengo Lat neght 6 bo? $= : Fees, 63040 = QF &3°7. ue ns aol les “v2 / SKU 750720~/ frornpe tees 172 70-20-17 0 Gove ¢ Y eth 7 rue! IS~720-% j LS 1 05> 20-17 = 20 gme s7 Pecks Fomm ISS- £6-20-/7- a! ge P Bx 2entk (9mm Prem $0 Drape set along Aactrod jughiaperg Aemeereg Unlarmttaa fess ht mAaneti Caley 7507 20-3 ” rtd sheopted fe e Catling, é KDaseens Leuk bend ating Dope | Va é Bhitonwt Lb f- Flats vi. Che strorcor eb, Page. S77 RL, Clarhs proc, 2777. Lncky mE gimebarth, pone aarhen, 5 woh ~ Crown warren, mon Lebe, FLEE at 10547 gh, aeese Te!) Je ger £, Fbrcck by Kota But proc postal Abrace rool to Aabicest, Lo a fond Yori td) of he treed terol oy Mocushars oak delase cept prcmnbin Cece az Fhate food the tceortern facta) aud tees ae : Pitas ded Dries: Moctiend shane Thee Cowen Komge Mitten, Ll Pipi we: gett, odetwen tofore, ewpteraety sie s Khe Engelrnore, Aprtivee Soto Ap ecLher. E-te Lewarn Arig & site Aig d iae Lf te 90° Ge dearer Ze of Kha cerplaer cere Lhe totct - Zarge tree clefpered tovere. Ceomerren Begernd fre tar DH MoedBwn» . Far. poheteng: Gta M ei. tompoaction, G Phe prcliue. MP co Beet Lo Chao cme tea bbher the , hie evenmg sat f0 Laps on F acele Libby Creek BS ay ottees Ee Dd been cece! S ad A gene ee 12 meme 7S O072a/- 2 vt a SS S~¢B~)9- Or Mie graces Lev kes 1/ aa 25072/-3 Eilirrece muncmce = MW S5- 30-15 Hague Mtate Smme ASOT ETS oe ”" " (99- Bb- 30 -/8= Fbgmo. Y Ix | ptec: gees emkea caetee : npn V0 me E sutQt Zeke) /0560 fh. Cebang Gy Ls at Ee eee eee en A PEGA’ 1973S TSOTA/-~ ST Aithiconemnegpe gepzicr. ; (#0 H/- 18-15 RY aque J Leake ii per yi NM 75a 7a) ~- 6 /V8~ YS. 1 9~ 1-24 gyre G 2x /tut- 3mm 2S5S072/-7 I " 1571 — ¥B-/ J 1S AS gene oO” Leas // meme 7oova)—F . te [39~ 42-19-15 2.3 gyno 2 ¢(3emnb. Tren 250 72/-7 (overages Mancertatarse /b2~ UB p 4-1 0gae 2 ts 1B recone 2 Sa 7a/~ /0 ” [S$ 6S 21-17 ~ Pagune J Gates lo mm 2S ¢22/~ lf lionwine 99-88-30 -/S- So gad Lut rece Lah bynall, glorcd tafe 7SO72/-/;v i [76] [67] -31-75~ $6 gme © alperpal dad cael fone 75 072/~ 73 n (88-81-30 - 15 $7 gee « 3° Lek, oo 7S O72) — ry hn 1997-90 —30 -15°— 1S grea of Lat. SS hege 25072) = IF fi 198- 89-30-15 — 3 Iqme. OO Pais eheeis thr expoeue at at ayer 7004, aparece! “hire Yeeniens ariel Aetareled Lase pba tacgrup bom Gf Compe Cee aud he creak (Ltt,) Phot @Fo7Al-/b of Comin Lapping crea emneng wnttocrt earth cLemencer Hvar: Aefrecn Highs wrblors in mein crew anol sberter vege tie Lehner. feels PS°2IRS-~17 Of Caneth. Kaley af Chizy Gama, Prat bridge of Armed oer Anctly Create , “ Vhots 7$0721-15 te as above. Wage torucle Racetol defploce Lraelerw 1 Whit posckin, Roth ebuol, NiracLireze Me aby Today, Chote 250 72/~ 19 Fal: POND Re tee : ow healirlhed shee. , Ihe 79 6721-20 Atme ao ateve tut arnung Anos Gf Lived g Lemal Engelascl Hi, of lirnern ek up Brmgp Y2mi.€, (Heo mi. of Th. E tudl f Mong hee Moke wtikia EG Che preset bompy, M50 Crepe emg realy Chom el 150722-83 Shlomi /3ho rt. § GE wml Weunglaus Lode /Ob50 $2, elie ©. AA, 19957 Ttirr Bmp 57°F Wop ag=t. 140 -38~18— (3-23 oo Lake 1 aha 7X07 AA- 151~ 43-19-15- 35 Gyma $ See es 956722~-3 . ($2~ 47-20-1524 qme a 75°0722-Y it i /¥8- ea a Nig Ligtes Sl ewe 7507 22.- o ut uw 152 ~ 46-19-/9 ~ 29 gro SP SxXQemta. Fyne 75O7AA-& it kt /43-~4¢3-~18-73- 28 gee DMer WB sciran 750722-~-7 d 13 I2S~ 38 ~18- 13 = ~Sgme * tigtie Somme 7507a2~ 9 a 148-950 719-7 ¥- 25° gone Fo Zee wh 7Oa7z22—- F: [drerrgetece SeeiecitetBal Weie t i one one. ee thal E, ‘home S E teol Macrglags varler, /0Ub6S3 Ly, & 75072a~ 10 Phenacernepe inlovrnedavied 148~ 39-18 -M tS gree 2 Hy 3 tomb 20 mem a Muga avheck mentured 5S mm im body hes, Ne ae At Fhe atone ee rae . Ow thes gree notcd a mute leer tone Le onth 50 / of Crater m. Tork the fotlorng phek here; | TSF 07aAa = if Annette. sud tract, at atone Corp irtk Fhe strringy Gage "eoruplersteeeeto on the toed drobe J Chirnge) 2 atl IS oT Aa -4%R of arcoet ane tdentlnns! Lake on E wuwlle (Be as ph 4 Aunetle of me ef. PS567AZ- ya concen 1a py a Satie forwt & Aff. GB Ke etequaol gu 750722+-8% ISCOTAA-IS Carne a0 privately pfuts post Ce BF eee 7SO7A2-f$60 0 A eal Cnacbrmamus Aprecce faedl +7 Conteal ty Aree tupt awe. Whe reed duptime <2 Pot otter by trae Gel cool! de mere ant dealath i Lhe Loewner Wawnge syeLirat , TWSOTAZ—'7 fete Ae Bhi, Kafe form of there Gruss may te a fete Aegpth of ane, thee Lices ane AemeLony Te tne cbagleranase Di ee, ee — Arzes ts (S20 feet Lk om trem anid the hgh wnnclke CLA Corelronk i ee fhemes tl, giles ttl cs lB daw tile Ponce | |e ace ocr, Soares SO 7AL-1P Kaha Aull dnitbloces H dectger (ote 7S0723-/7 eens rien, ao atere ated Let cer th MS frend Chet cies Shear wat co deromne acim dy aCoue. hw Aran oe fete 950792.38-1F Anowrng dentine pee? a Sts dontage gornt st GAnrey . “1, 000 2, Peter tewrael rarmnaL 2 Cole) om reclge. ketal Lo Lake Prat auel shat 75-0 797213-20 ouleet arth, Corpece foce in Fo~bytociid « Cte cwgl OS Sat IRON OU APES GSAS ONO Ahe tae? ect Frere Lads macks htvciat io Pelt bo Dheyer Chote 75-0723 -d! eer tk CimelZL cn . (26 Refuge 75972322.) Phot, 75°0723-23 of tise ease aud srhole Z bautolore Phony the 201d tad of Prrrie, Lode etetal Plu : FSO072 3-24 Lovnvtte sorlh dake ine tock gtacnd. ke Acoli 750723 -S8 thas feme arse io ttrched hg a ane Aft at entionce J roret S tote of Lhe, He heal Egehnemr dbrccce ei pliinsG himn Geld G igh anti’ [ho-te TSOTAB-AS wharree arscad ae atenei, Bot 75 0723-26 thd | her phot Mout te Lolagect . fhote 7507238-a7 atest tat wth snow Aft im : Pron a 2w7eEeé Imeriot Kade eof a apgeet Yorme Aleve Hewat prom beet hintehhnek teactong 2 Achy FAL mee tha J Lake, tre bank , Aauge - 7$°07238-29 chil IS0723-30 famearea to abeone tud nth rere: fonegtacenadl » 7I0723- 32 ebb rrmney aol Sremcemy Kong ove Pockegtocnuot 3 Lultargcment | 2S 69723-33 stone ap thorns LS Bowie. Foeytocmel feet 1 a7 Woke. Gtirrtrie on hight. Lane plod for het 750723-34 Fran tlofe below Xbdy Gnthetner aad Fhets IF67238-35° Fiery ewiilektyeete 77 “/ Bellarag Kade wrth, Aotns had 2 Hay gurcen (Lait). fete IS097243- 5b ind Mian. aah Ba. Cmarcleintte Aid abe mw FReleo 75°0923-37 Nefeoees natn, Med “ZF ce), Forvwncik, geolges arect Fete 9$0923-39 Aerre area tut LE +o Lhofpe Aeweling L L tL, ap pt ac pa goes an fr. From Chis Lept we totttidk a 2 avin ong . at Bee 4.7m | Koen Lops - AS 2080 a ace ee eee ee Remte 75072%-a2 get yee does Prvseelnc ltt AE pene i ie TOOT 22 - BS Uere£, tet 2 Seseerng ote (exbe) acsey Sgt, Aiken Se; , , BA_G AE (972— (tond) 7 ton tot 100 0 se Aaleet Fagelomamrre aprecee Ceeght a i ee ener Si00r Dn freon a Leap cemalen a Lavy Aerreereract 7SO72I- 2A LLM i 142 —k -/9-16-ASgqrees Cshes// 2f: bl clonal LAA the fadl-Cockdal trivcssd ts aaLi as Oe Cees 5 aon nth Lach, Latf digs Laugh, Cntnud Lo teridte at Flat, themes to stool Londo Se ee rene ee thot Ce oo Anmetentel Cay Artmnege - ia. Arak eben ote Pe pron) eects Bree one rf the &b ewe Crease af tote Arun, Athhicche sotso ft Kure, his Bicen fo 00 rt Con huche a Cary, Vem this area, of Lhe Craceorer of Aothy Crck act Sa lage re REE a PE Gene eigen NE EPR pattie soce feet, wet Has dfprnce aul Like the hel te eryppermec? phiuck ff tree Lragpecl a Aucl ao Aetercled tx Lhe Fe PLC a (EN ps oa 7 at SNS FIN. Ly Ey at WML Fennel tot. wv ftE ploeccle . LA xfs Obaisiat TLaD Vhote 150 723-40 of aheep Lisceks (3) ng th aap. The tronalen ghrece Gf Inset “7 te Hage (hols 750723-41 gn ee FlLate wkele é aud indie Sean pee At "“nrbeage- fe oe parr A alt IF 54.9 AAonen on Avcgele w. At mbeoge 2565 Retinal Avportelatioe tu Lovonma-. Meted upper S pert Lodgepote fence tlackith - 3370 5 Caren cla gays eer 387¢ timo 2 5 Bruck Curk Ong , Ciderccee Bele at WOLF G25 “eton & athe, ; sLhecngblecvore Catt at ssenaleten avd nat weet | -- ay ean a ad Cope. lore Avian ate. Gacle called peo Sati? Lat Slingo for Clams AE Comes 750724-290 Louth. Crash Cur, Wami 2, Pom € kyon ee (Pol, 252 f2, Carton G., Wd, See we yw 20 7a¥~-/ Cclboneia 84 80-29- Nb gig, S Leadon Homme atone srmsLnmne fefere Zoo Chix “290 « Ae roti uc Lhe mact pe ee om, Gatco Lefe ST Brvet Camp at FioF at 3976. AZuiduntg Jieed, Se7i. GcLavwewe. IE 7b frortecpprne Aroool feeth. . S379 ey 38399 ExcDaemene , 39927 Preamiect an. Qruwed : Po hot ee de, enter Percigled tyeetinaliny ep Zerrerr at F000) oy Spegeryeres Ps O72 ~ Lats ty a teens (peat 4 50780- 3eY, SPH saad SNR CHETE Uanel St Gp g ee Bie tte Fo Lope evicek, Hott : ‘ tonenatine , the above Flee penphel, eerie Bagh tnea!” a- rep totr. Lhe berut . : =i Aad Laker the ate! atk 2 feet AD gra, Bese AL Basra: teilherr ie Arle A, Cadena enees SE batted Wegormss where Caceglt tet Ci ate) oe Ae Henaternge AVOd Adceyhit art the colge fe Large, Enge TE yee oo Lroptrre Cae do foctee: 750724-~9 1 emt, ) nat O Betis Keke outed , obec $i, Aerey ng Altay Bn AGE [fpekg 24,1925 Frem $0 Fepes un Exgtlrnane Afthiccee oe $ a J] gas L$ 2x apgleoe. deanre PSO0T7AYH~-2 Penacernae: tnlermedetia 250724 ~ 3 Clete ineoeseneget pares (38~ 37-/9- Pim Fa gent LZ3xZexnb. IS peeve 7S o9a7%='¥ ul Ww /¥2- ¥YE- I pap ht BS Gree E Sy) ert Fmmr ISA Pate” ul at /¥3- $1~79-/2- AY gone A Leelee marr Pee zey of " 7 1 28-37-19 -/3— 18 gre 2 x2 enk Famm, 750724 -7 n " [1 8-50 ~19— 72. - 15 gmt ZG uf. nmormel. PSEO7PAY-E bite onc 1939S 3o-/4- tigman 0 Baten S peaw 750724 =F “” 2907 - Ga~ 32 ~/S— YS Gra OF Bader Stee 2570 724-/0 a 197- 78- 30-74 - 3b grwe a tales Jom ISO72¢— 1 r 793 -8b~ 30-14-39 oO Leke 7mm TS O7 oil jp n GS-87 ~30-15- #3 Putnermet, and geval, Z, . SS 1G fm BB-BI-1T- FFGrme , $ eA ELIS rw TSO72LY_ 73 Condomated La Cibley thks, thence Le aren of ruth f Ctby Kote whore petend Go Lape avers set . oo. 32593, teem Lraplrnie Laeghl 14 mrommal, i pecans Lise OL Aewle. ave Shere wire ler Uiache im area, ateo forme beedern, Cuacte foye arel. and 22 j hg entire g ets stent ariel eypoture Prony fhe Aupirbataraticl dots deere oth try Liipanree. he 0 a Linckoney Prammate-tutre placed on te. A An cee Chee ee tigpetel Hees Batey, 7507T24~22. io me. é, fro. pret 2 } outlet Katty Keke , £0,720 fz, rrssugg famg Aly a Lu. yey at, S975 Prom 50 Lape At ww Chemo Eugelmenn aprecce 77 vg Lthy A: 7S07TA¢- 1¢ Chethrionernye Zooper [¢¢- 43- 18-14 - Some $ SU2 ple. stare - tf 4} PS OIE 75 (43-44 16-42% - ao ge F 4x vplaccearr 2S OF AY 4g 1" 4 (FPF 1- 19-78 — FO LZ yxy euch Fon’ gi 7 2¥=717 u " 1S l= Ya~ 19-14 Begone 2 BxG phe Llane’ ete a *e 0724-718 " " (ll 33~s8- Me Oh Gere? 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i oud [85] ¢23]-) 9-7- Same. S Lake ¥ eae 507 Aar= 3 term ecee Mtnicecbe ee JSS -bb-2)- 1 7- 2bgme Sf teal Pome 756728 - of 208 -92-2IF7~1Y- fo gates £ Tnerguel pppoe Smee cs ee ee trelgers and Attlee An arrwvet Cort right Aodécl one Chiprncnt M0 mommnats cn Mops on & check at F102, . a IS" Priam. Longs Lael mht 57°F | a Artima tu sith tofied arti peig Lo. soon Ul Sai foe ee Deane lage! paur in haguct gee anes thud ent re ee a alg Lf a prbrtan prtilaciion, rove Drlezatale FO, teft 12:00 A.m Pon ° (noon) tk Lane Ha, I72 at mileage f228,/ bucl cctll fevel 7), 423) Gutelonr, Y283 ppartocs Harr€, 23d entiance & agp fe: 4247, Gatdlon Cagle ee ae er eee abet. Ee Cag hs nme ig wt satin ede coLite 4243.8 G frracrice hagas on atope ee OR PRE AeA Rete | fer 2 riches are tts Yas enuret LewdJ | irtirncven. ath otemgy beet! Aaete , 4261 Fontenelle, L2ee? dads Plate FEC eS naz ol: ere SW tud damm ArLa iam anes 5 tupntte 21 Gre F Bish Panam Nb2-72-29- [6-19 aro " CraLe A mow M3 -72- 21> [8 ~ AD gre BO ig Se Bens: ($3 ~62-26~18> 16 aus ae Se nr /72-73- 2/-/7- 2ogme. SF Gale Fone 1b 8-9) -20- 18-19 Grad. Or” Dele Pie 18% 2/- 20- /8- Hh gure i Gta seow Vo S~6 9-2) ~ 18-1 9gene 67 Cakes vnc /8¢-S0-2/-20-72gme.? “ut urseuber tutemetl /eJ- 73 -Q0~/8- 19 game FP DD btn (10~72-20-18- 2lgme 0 Kast, Porm MSb-b4¢-a-18 ~ 1S Geo oO” GEES Pome ie 750729-10) 750729 — 34 cee ee Sbol~Fl-2O-17- F gece, a” ZeZAe oh. 750729 ~- 4d 4 SU Eb -20— 77-17 gree Oo LacLee J ome 250729~- 4/ i [sap lee] 21-17-14 gems 0 Lee mn 7S5O72.I~ Yd a SV W 6S 2O~- IP 1S oped "lean Dene IF O072G9— GZ 4 4UB KEj— JB-/7 @ / Same Pat Mey pret 750729 ~ 44 qu (58 —68-I9-17~ 07 Gem Cele Fomor 750729 - WS a /63- 73-20-18 -I7 gree ft Ceeter 3 ome ISO7PAG- Yb 0 /¥b~b 3-19-17 — 1S Gqrne Mlle 2mm 750 72%AG- Y7 " 157-68 -Ab-/F—- 15 grna 0 Leatee 3 rime ISO729~- VF i /$S~ 93-02). 17 pre Steele Somme P50 IAP- YG u /S1- bb ~20- 7/7- @ goose £ £ atnermel 7S5S07FTAY — JO ji ISG b7- 20-17 ~ 1 gone SJ Bete Somer 7F072AI- Sba n 1Y2- 40-19 19 — Wh gree F ut rormet ate am by PiooA.m, Rarned Load might auc ever mmaccloly aod teighen | ip ipl ata Lhe dag Rite Ate ke 72:00 Pies pine Bete dianisiil Abin ariel SOIR Mse 7 ee 223-/98-35_/7~ 62 gree, £ een ae PO eFIS = Fh 2) - 78-33-17 - $e ges Ses Foie. 7209 7297-3 Be Jf BS- fSR > 30-(4-A7gma ff Bates 6 time bck foacony ne meetin sare ot Fei gérug salen ee see 39°F, Xeyt Motbatk Lome at S06 Am at meleage ~Yaw, LAG, b Comerpouee i eerie tet lump giocnda . at ¥¥S/ at 700Pm E radge TT telen d a, phat ita: Ard E ip an Ctacenat a FSb6I2G—-FS. ae ee poh fb pera ed thes arta natid 2 rediasch aut a ned tly ot ge Bes 7, at SH tethers cae eaeeaia tegen the FUE " hawe of Che moentaci., at Leoet at thin SS a lan of Log I /+7 ” oF " S7.0 n SAS u SAG " Sar7 " cae 7 o r2a-7 err go” 750730-\102 Motech ests » Mebeck Lirtr Tre ftom tacte Cover (hy rood), Lathes (3, oe, BO, [GIS Stem Wider Ot Leet gage fy ee 2) Cotten. 75 0730~-/ at free 23) /$¥~ 33-/S~ Boyme Z af. nrrimen€ , 7907 30-37 a n AUO—/Y¥/- 33 1S 31 gre F ut nevnel, Leet, Gewie= 9 " nm ABS —-/¥b-32- pS He 26 gina Sut. perme! 7507 30- Y ” “a 232- /¥2- B/- “g- 9 gene OO Bed pet? 71507 BO - p- ” n ABS I~ Be 1 FOGme Lah Saprovecacl 7507 30-4 Jeet PYS- 78-2/~- 7- A gene: 756730 i] Chithnmonie gappert 120 ~ 33-/7~ /3~ /4gone . oO Karls Somme 2 750730 —f nH , 0~ 22 19- J2— 72 gre DBF paige ® en 75°07 30 =G it @ dete Bie 19x 0 Bin Vleet Os ose 750730 -. 10 Premgetee [64-72-20-)7-tagme F fasts pone Mom 7507 30-° If 1] 1¢%~¢g- 21-18-17 gm? 3 ut noronel “ 7506730 - [2 ! IVWE-Lb-20-/8- 1S gents fw Geral " ITO730— 43 " 1b 62-20-16 ~ °F Goma fet Rec . ITOOFVB0~ /¥ ” ETRE GA BO TD Ae ee: at normal Stn 59236 - we /S is [(9eJ -[e]-20-7- 1s gene. SM Lele 2omrr 71 ols F507 30— 16 n 144-59 -20~ (8-75 grace Det ist aie Drops eheck as cacal, Are Ao’ Gfhart, ao sonprccce tl berth tatkh Chi Leak nals ff the pegtla Corr, remued - LLL Carmgs at ¢450.9 gt £:s0 PM, LY9F.0 Ces. ree Gil, Aé 500 pte 75-0 730-77 of Snake setenet nations of seats Loew Pthin ances, crpecrarthy tegoran Hommnstree Arreved Lipone fuemetion at ESM SSO peeved A ene Eee Oreck, Aruba SS } 75073\-103 vif Cash, Tami. © Offer) _____ tA, Kemeny Be) Kemeny, wee BITTE From Puaplrne aed Laat thaglt anrong tprcee, wefen, tober #72 | . IF OFGI- 1 Hlrrrmgpvecee Prancceta Lied [E4—- G9-2)-18- ad gue FUT. nermat, 7S OVS) = 2: jp 190 ~118- 30-1 Y— 12. gone $ inst peel PSOTBj~ 3 “CAT nw 9 Appi ’ 1¥2~ Yl 18-14 — RE Gowe xy tort Somegy, 3 veo @. ” a 130-38 ~ 19-13-18 Goma. 0 9 Gade /O remem a (ercrnqucue Himetectgtear (92 = 70+ 389-77 7Y Lo ot nermnk Z hy r ISY-Pi~ Ale 1G — ae S Listes Fone " " NS0—6 4-20-18 ~ /Baemea, df beke Imm i " 1YS= 4S 20-17-14 gree O Lites 2 mm 4 hn fb=9h.~ 19-17 = /S gma O tasks oman 2 . i )S9- 72 20-17 — Je gras. $ utrmermel . aoe Merptreiionre 47 PF baat night Kage Comnps at (2:50 7.77 az Prekinea ¥Sge-! Mates Chiponi_he pur gt 4577 Selihe ttat Line, Gt a marona tn Ww actle of Hear Fake Aoed Lirns Lop over orimtemdaann 7 photig npdued BW ryrens ne 750731-//, he toler of the waiter og Lhiz eke ee Adin. ad te Teves Frm the srcstekell We of Lr at 4625 jrteog < phot 750 73/-/2 of Heer Keke. okt €. Ate Lane & fren - nowegaten Lies Late (by fort). —§ Oontenecel up over ther rouge ancl Hag de Tank 7 of Cogan. yl baw a horne om, Oonmevetle Lock ? font oe Ahe Leal Ravens tn. sbagpe. icf ant, (phone £62-s9e2,), shag. had heey a Liacledne Lrtbremmect i. the fond: oe wh Aurel thence & Kear Kner Keffeege , eae AOE oa ae trites tort of te acbrrrnatratre : o 4 8 7 / Been Leonen Kefeege , ter of Lighaon Oly, thd. 1 PORE birde, , Ong. iparrer , covet, blacknseded shett, farm rumble, gttow- thachberel, Pank seweatle, Chyjcwatlres, Canacle gover, dvkide. paced glatty cee, egret, Atloleer, Cob putt , Fork; Lore » Matlerd, Atari ee) etait Mane 5 CAEL) OR eee, thet. roened gle Haren, oneieann 5 blur Keron, Creed strotepper P arteLinw Atrelpiper, Prantl gett, Bi EES Clack Lin, aporttect 75080\-104 ss na Lai oral feline TEO¥0)- 1 ese te Ege ne ge Sag SOB le 2. Lo Len Bical oe Ho VF5SOR6/-~3, nt the. A368 wf a rag- anteegt. Le) (ir teeet a rts Plagnige (snd Bea) ead 7S080/-3 , 7808 0)-¢ auc WoFoteS, Brute SP se ads Lorterrcctead S bo Frcro, ET at ¥¢:c0cefm. Slayed at Kon te gf [evo Parvo, Utet C, “lat ae: DIT ee Ae oe Oe ee eee ortactial he. BOL. recttatom af Datiiret Mealy ven2k te! bonen si Fbans are tucclorevng for 7,000,002 WNttltsnr Pe ee Creve , uted. Co, tet, F975 feos EES Sayer (ree 750903-1 5 oi . aun 3 Liev fopree the Mela te , Sa oe Si asp (a . Sy 3~/00 ,/2/ es ey Kke-% 7$0803-/03 3 el ed ee 108 67 Karma a Tha tbat, thon. Connerette fave pe b, 1973 Lo 10:20 POY) apt Aeon Pace eee i waters Ce Se ee Laage ; Guol nent neg 005 . az pewry, Lk the potlan tong phatigrophe | 7S OPOT-/ Sto trdge over ee Le IF: Lhote 7$0907- — va areber honekebre) 7508e¢9- 105 anc wn Lhe he. wb alee A ee : s Xft Lam 1 trite, scan joa at SO.20fh).09, the bibt moumtarr + dren Maret Bae og leqrronds , Lloger at on 7) tele of banger Ata fot anc mneacle 57 . FSO 907-5 Fremont frecptee , ag ee anhid Eeeees % Ho se 7507 oe7-E6 fixcsl @ i 7S OFoO7-7 Soacnkt Fatmment people one b AL @enrl., 7506 07-F OL #uft tbe “2 2 l, lp 7506 07-7 fag) act than had Cilia, be 7 75 0607-/0 plorns Fite a me TF ates ating the tiny, ab Affe Y Aapucte(raemse pis ace srt) pn TROPA of peomer Kate? Kee coe ee. os Pie at wy pa No, whe ieee one of Che neat Aenthy areac TS GDP Imes Raber t a LTagt for apprad Yamebe , Phok pene, g Flat 75°0807-"oy Wtter sondelone Rear, moutds a G Mouyntacin ), Fa PSOPOFT ~1s- ff Zha Mixe Cinelli: gnewlh fe [hots 7Sb807-/6 Katert . Uflnt 750'07-17 of Hrarg, at mouth Glmd. S Arde a? bast wy Cine sce tevin. Arreverl al : 75-0 807-13 b é ; AL. 50 907-19 “f Ake Hever, roggegeene fom on 1) Ache. Gf Asad heinlen Ae penne eget ae BL EAE etre reer’ job V5HOGOT = 100 Lever » EE an Mreprecrnent, Prick meetitm aul 5000 ff. sly, At Gerge | heggett G., Utah. ee 8,/975 Prive. Corn baad oright: 54°F. clef Lame aii elects Mutoh Qotr, Mevede CPO. Beg 3-77 ftom Po) -~ 865-343) ) token tacr Aenled a raf (20.00) aol AeLirced Ane a pickin mearen the dawn. (Pig) Chee weed Pathy cere Le tte, lke Caves te nee? Gham Laefeong, Tonk hevirat platagryte of Che oe 7508 O8~ 1 ) v Cr fprvecteore a Aaficcl, Phote I5oFOP- 2. Til oes ee Chris tin tar “4 Atte rh thet, 750909-3 ane: nah Dib hooks Mmer tepptes ch eel poet sapede | fhate 75e90¢- 4 F2etbryner wits Ler hack of toprce i Lfk dem at ‘SoA. aft, keds ft, Oe eee He 7S090G-S5., Pre Cotte AGL Annet cid QD wallet ¥9-/p= 7 Fags Getia, Sano’ 28 0Fie-2 epee puntepe ASH $32 - 32-13 —~ (7 gra Lut nen 7Fesio~ 3 Disery Py, (SF ->Sb-a0-1a- 23 gma! Gals 7 mw Iosio- feremgeewt 1b3~ 71-20-19 — 22 gunna? IX3 ples. 22 ora) IToBlIE~ S ” Ai [65— 7.2~2/~/8 - AZ gm O Gales (Onern IF5OF16~¢ we [O6~72Z-+2I/-/$- 22 gma ao leks (Ory 70F10 7 a (68-20 ~ 2/— toner O pe S hak Pmm- @..: wos 8 CaWencad Rumeracd . /96~ 88-3) 16- S7grea Milde Yorn ty on ) & he Canal Aelaw Auer ; Haft area Cp Widens Vaiees a7 Vack moce 7S OF 10F brk Adel flown thru pethage . Keratd Ford tu. Uacf Lhe pun | Crimes! G 7a Pr Loong cook of Kagelont at , 3 CB, det soo Kane melee E ee ad as fot PERE I CRE nae Traps att tm borne Lael aw Ahord giace, Prrotiteg ot Leh? eee ected ts leg eee af Agito Pig! Tho me.S, "10 mi. Ww Kovelauc feat’, || 800 ft:, Secmmmet Co. Cxbora che. eng Ay te Prien . Leng at F7°F , Left por Lieprboie F304. at melrage S5667./ Fs08 if- 1 Phanetorniges inline dis [135] [18] ~ 18-12-07 gene 2 Sx femb 2Fovm wee reg il~ + Zopuoprencepe 23L-/¥2- 52-15-28 gram at nermat, Lactalaiy, (ee -38 mertis $2 -5A~19-12- a2 Grae, F at enlarges! aoe 11-4 Sorel [OY $2. ~~ Pm 4.5 gree POTE ES gad TEOGU-£ Sores J10 ~ 43-738 ~ 7-5 gree @ af normal Sk. ont 750 Fl1-6 wiocicaell 10G- 43.= 13-7 - 5 Gene 2 at. nesmal \00 7506 11-108 After beast Dries np ecaee att baer magi, aed dome rime, 2S 7 jp Let enlaces om E siete of trathig Co, Gbtads and meactect! : ZS508//-9 Cclbethis Latrale ASP. GL~ Sb- 19 -(b 3 grnw 2 ad nese l 7s og i-F " a 2SG~ 9) - a/— IT- Sh gree F ud nevemat Paly 20g tl 7 n i ASS-89- bo~Ih- 149 gme & at: novel. hese Ch thee inere The pernmen maremat tun Tht Teuderpout Comp at Vime - yi ee E Aonetend feew , H,seb ft, ferret C., Oo-toracla he Drapes core ut at 101304-m ths A.m Bee Letre. acy Chealed Pht homes at 6:00PM”, TFaen tke Mprece CatlheeLeof (Se Loong) Pregl 70 Cxtamiare Cyt7I-[s7]- 31-15-Sogrs Fat tat WSOSi~ 1 “ 206-92 - 32-15 - ogres a 175 78 B/- 1-26 gree Zicles Sri VN tot the ius sisal pci clamp Be cret tails rset ngs tition Monty ahs) TSORII-13 Phreretice 1S - $F 2/11 30graa” oF Aes (- ve 17-58-20 -/2~ logrees Oo Bhs vlan 7S OF I[- (4 ee a MoFnN-'S Lore l= ¢)~ (a - 7-3. 5 Gener Fat. Normal 7S OF1I— Ip em 10% ~¢3~12-8- S grees F XF. ronned 750 811-17 wf 0% Ck-1B-F- SS gre fat FS eee, PSOF 1) -1F CoD 1916 - PIV pri. 879TH a hth 6 mn 7508-19 nm 400-Gd~3a-1e-V38 ame SF Lhe Somme Htem Ahe Lrefisim the Chrned atwe totleetet ( Conaala. gap Mp” ae | fieg. Covet ,4 ‘ Arecllacl tot ra Lee uf Z Comp at Teuckerlont bap, Vd one. 5, sooo Vom E Aovelaset Face ,/),)00 fT, weed Ga Ce . ay A ee laLvnanl to thee - Atle Cheek srrrte Ae ge TSOGTO-1 lowed Uy (RST 1S Graco $ Lastalng, naman large 7S0F/2 - 2 Chethrceneriey goppert + (32- 39~/9- 12-17 gree &” Lech, Orme. I Es lag are Oe en oe IS0F/2- 3 Leer AAAR-/346 ~ 3/- 13-2 Synea On Ge Sonam 750G 12-4 VI YS - pb- P= S05: a fe Ake Arnel te eee: Kioutoler. wee a ag ta 4 ene yf tc ar2a . _ T5081 2-109 Hept Teepe Comp at mileage S73Q at e:soam, eetinne/ ZB dhetlhnr hence vp! thre Aer keewen Lennel cercler Lonetetwed Saar, thtwce G pete , pw the fperecotk Sees Buen» C7 oe on on, Coternete vovtins at ataageel for Lhe Git arrewerey OF 10100077 Kemore , Cobevecte. AD AGIE Kafe 13042 bt mictage £9397, Wghthawde plyng are Arlene ft, 7%. 607s ae 6026.6 Kanwese occa £190 recltact foe. , al dhe taray canted Mewend’ . - Qinzececk Bh 9:50 L770 ak tppred 6576 metoge - or 3, 45-1 melee ate lath. T cad: op Cirds enetelen; L fut rhrnned, PGES Lard. bunting Aevrearelick Say eee ell cde viigisaenin Locesele Unkle Terglon) poten cag Abii Thighs aretir thru Cetd wovelpeekan preter hescled ibuehbird Aeehe eel arhih, — Crowned bfarrecy ange hraeken Coevtignret Threed ORES Aetitgl acelin flytateten 4 gut Lp eelere Rang MocnLacer btiaraherol pveocet (utet.) ; bbewche-necled ttt recltash ts d : eg Eas lo A. glreney ati » oreatlirw, Forreler Lernw Aucks- forme seek Careers Zeal 7590818-\10 An J Aten a G., Kanene oy L8,097S” PAots 2509/3 -} or mnecateeoe, Foret wethe uy aucl forme bee Ph aw Aim, Phot. 75°06/3- 2 b thew) Pelor Chonge glee. heat Yj FI7s™ Phets 7509 M1 Yf atene Art muscem ad Si00 PW. sdipt 18,7975” Pheote 750T(2L-/ Abou. Art nrneccm at 0:20 4m of pie, Ble BABE a EET aap g fore mk! Chrrw. Koriese, Sesser, be. a 13, 09 7S- a. hlirnvaL, © Aeobe Cerment watl, S Law second por Che aepeenutat- ton of hhetle at the Ley f Che A at ee 7Keg tows teen dten (Lowe) on of on tt tne ems puntlh ngfdin Aatane. 7hay mag te doreecl ts the bide F wath afl, haene aucl Lement beeones iin mee D erste eatimal, 400 fer Ay: faad ive The moat Baer Kamaae, Kovreper, Mougle G, Larreoee , Mept 78,1975 Mitinn oir mon Samten ruaascirne bod, Lima ,, ouglics " ene T5OFlo-1 mcetium with meoperte hindy x, s as Dteeoweng forred- Meh an hm hate Trem Spatnter Girt Neececem , Ll Kanone, Feerrenee , anvete dept 17,1995 re ) Phete 7SOFIT-1 . U3 matacl Cesbrieg : ae Se panos ; tbe. Sead af, /975~ Prdered Prove Bay ceruat pete Croc dele CnLr Laces. Mropeetescy, noth 3, frat prome I! , preolicel stall heed! Napsiekial ie named eg ies 750926-\11 Helen Terssmon Lpencecr tren of Ark, Cres, Contec) Zac ene) Henge C,, Kans apt 2b, )975— PRKete 7509ab-! Tre TF Lol fw : elt how 7? GIT 7 Phote 750926. 2 of Kaper aLindy of Lites Le 0 cron Alaction - a Lhe 7% phuer of Phe reste y Maternal oR 2, Kecvrenee, Movgler @, Kansas Leget 27,1995 CA tag eaecladl etsy, oth gift wile davrricilccsed tit! Pecwaiin teil cores atte te fig mn Atthergh in & Aaprcaed plight, Frtene WSR . ie Lept 29, (9 75- fhots 250949-/ a eet of detend abiry froured (Fue). Ob, 19757 pony mabe fr $e 7S 4O4/-/ ae arith Otel aff gett 6 Coot weet | Hat Vikivvne of hes begencl abialeen . Trere ugetlocd Roc)» Karrine, Aovglaa (., Koreartctc Oct .2.0975— Counted guockter, and maght. Aeolermye: FG g WISW emer Certinrneah Sark. 2s Emear bork Laeticl Samenetes auc Cnrrcetiol 4 150,000 detent flecks fore monde Log a 150,000 Cercle or a Ztat 4 500,000 hirds. J-me apifron 6° 3e0F- 7), fry Racor, Spfporen C, Recast Oct 5, 097S5- Airretle aud of weectiel uh, Syn Wellirs properly E of Fotetole Sellage , Rept tome at saris at mileage 73 73,/ Pirtheevecl the Dever Aver Le A a Phe, 7s-005-! Ae Cire stn 751(005=1te2 he Liccs leotteneracs cud uitleur ating the Race Kver) are grren wth kyo ROE getboed Cobor Gul art AnCnkaedl L the dikbude Colter, - 7SW0 OS ~-2, JEUW0S-3B Aud 75M OS-+ are of hittecde On acide of Kas Valley ) Aho —wg fate on~ Ze. wee Cet WHE fut AN£a, Aberee : wacel ty tenner tetocen the Lake aul S aede of haw Laks noknig J Hakclatin slic an Legere of Lice , at . Lhe “Cac? FpoeZs. fort Ape. : Xe. : WL FEE, LEST. (2 gears accel Fhe . he wally, ee ber Le Le alot ie MOG A ET Ort Ch tala Lanse yt hale TSMOS~ 5 Nelin. Foreemnraw Mcecrcen oof Brd , Lhawy. Konags, ase Rte , Bogle Co. Kancwne. Oct F197 Pleote 75° (005. / Clonent for setonn flaw, theatre an fartiat wally, Vhetso FS-1009- 2 anot 75~100F- 3 of Lobor de Lrees Cegered brédlecern, 2) bevton, origher G., Kanene og OA F,1975- aig sone the fem sin cane Crnparsel Te initeal benching Revit tetomate Chere are Only So ree ehells tenes Chee area une the lene thell, botleeft Are; Kaplocee progehs 130 X95 40,150 x108x df, Gleeabrecle Laplelec Laevrsccocos (YOUPYNUP. wadrta I2ZXSDXET /OEVIFUSOS 70 ¥ bey FL. ree tlaae 77 VET YEO, EIST ABS, FAXKEECN BZ. Lene shells tre arr 2 Ela ie amy Sete ce eT ena. fn. ant | ance . SA PSE BG ~F 7 Aud Caut wo ewer helo he Arapiesde howomg Aegheeh g wpler at ther Lome ay gear. M30. x* 7510 10- 7510 )0-2% 75 /01)0- 3 25° 070-4 7S /220-S 2S 1010 ~b 70 7070-7 7S 1010-¢ 2S /C 10-4 75. /0 7O-10 2572 von-ll 7S 12 1Ee le 2S 70 ro- 13 25 7 I: 2G 7070-75 7570 760-16 FEIOLO-113 Sonadese Pond, Penny Resevesrs, Gfpfperaca Qe, Kbwred Oct. 10, 1 571" Phe beawer prapicts err on dr. Kiyo Wat lent, sano ke e saert Maw dpenery Taney Juschtey , goto Gy ees Si alts , Cheese wehtider, , re Coat dugl Lroor. Xagt 130m Bod ete La the bom, mares) ancl a gecek, one Sonam Link plus the Prarter < C compacte . eipprenadion memeas Chase gece im Be, it Gainers, Peal esa Cos SR AAA Ca. = tittert gull wn ap wttl ao , ed ethan aoe pectert, Cade - atte! sata sha! acme: et eee ee eee ee at Leniael tetiveen the ct Ce Tet, a ee eS Kota als Oct 4 975-7 ren Lemp Lard 32°F Weather pufect anc pinelicelhy ne corud. 75710 tw I Preteen 7S 10 U- 2 Aaapcolece LIS IS — AF 1b - SB Grre DP et Heneveed., Left Lemp Gioo4.m. art w tudl of Faractian Soent we aberuest aver meant Lhe coced tiale Lode from (¥30 Amerceac pelctane ‘ fh 7d Cag te the mouth Prerrck Gxuck. 43 ConmvianG Acttrticed. 2 Parte tag ete tack a etna ten’ Gatien fort het birds ned ferelielion at thes href Geer OnZnecl Lwattes' Lads. Ola poet tefore Lapepirug Hocrw tgptawele aN TSIOL tls SELECTED Group (23)0F TREES \ 4" se ; UPTO 2’in CCU, . ; as" N ) x’ " @4'9” @/? . oe ? Oois 7 “6 18) & as” 2 6 10 +h 18 42" te “ oo Hg re" 37 TREES ABOVE ve A’ iN Civtum, ” Te Me ia é © git 3h “9” ca e Oo” a” ¢"9 w : | \ WIRE alg ° of, 2 ™ ” 3 2 eB Yet Reh 6 Tx 2 4 Ve Be ee73" eee v 2 Cr i TREES 95% OAK ae f= ‘o : 2 3 D+ ©," GABE BO a! WIRe v 4! ; ve a see x) Or 0 , tA ? 9° 3%, ° 4h 13 = Ligeti sere 3 e 3! ® s A 5 Ss Bs te OY cReosore 3's, - © 3,’ 3 - S 10" 9 é VCR EO SOTE. OSs @ EL. GIOFT. 1 : 3h C @ + ; ee %y,"@ a" Qo SCALE too! . s Re © 4 yasmin APPI2OX: S# ACRES ANNO 0 A 7 x, S/o 491. (1H SHORELINE OUTLET STREAM TREES UTILIZED BY BEAVER (oct. 1! 1975) 3 BYRON WALTERS PROPERTY (SwSEC.16, RIBE,T10S), EOF LAKESIPE WitLaee, SLOUGH CR, PRAINAEE, JEFFERSON CO., KANSAS. 1S Ne: TESOL -b1S ation is L pedlecee bemey jepetation, place Ltreew rteud ees acl wht Leaver by Lone ig anol thn fe ther sree At the watlus Luke Look the pty IFO /l- 3 Tree (sab) protected srcth torre . 7S 10u~ F Lose guretlhl to not anti hy beoodr 7x iett-F willae;w treertadtec/ IF 1EN- & nt ” rsrotl- 7 Atpeacrtd teawer 7510-9, crotkiderth ative Creodete 75 koe lI-9 ook bul Yas tinasivth we Wxsele » Lt cons that pherormpet otha Ceener te plu py ee yer Ke wet, Calaed Avowtocl be the bat ple L Love Poiiaas Veo ills eae Be Vege’ fp tena Cee (sa guna I you wige ¢ kaadha Gone tntheslnd,) 402. yerpahive , Aeevrenee, Basrglas So: Wartor O28. 4+2,7995- . LTA LE De tha lin foi tac ee 7 thin ataliionnr btloe arta ds hi Cabnepsan, nok a2 gorhebas) Trang og ithe Leaves af titer wire abe removedl ig a Ghttw, sfpell mee! elisetn 6:46 P.M Ard 7:06 A.m oe (95% , ele, eel mene gr Phe : dreckke, evrtr Argh. fetus approach - ek the Lie - og degeigts aes . | Recorder-(od-S) PDLOIS=1 6 Kewrente, hewglse Be, Mire OP 13,1995 Timp ab 11:30? = 92°F, rhearen Kew ben tharsclinrg ly high limps i attivns keke, Jeppesen 2, fantece Od. 4, 0975" oe 20:8 mites (tnteaner te properly) anol Drovel lerre V2 hocer. is ef Patintcone —Grrteadvvce Keele, Racwrente, ociglas &. Kasiaiad Oct 1S, 19-757 floated Attorder in Ter + fort Agtk from ground Leteutew ive Le I:v5q fx dv aren (aee acta) wen. Le lin Denix dana Movil dneieagh that glenn) Neteg eee? bevart Lirlight or atent 6:20 0m. Deeasemall, Lhe round titl decreace a ; a wetencl there atic tegerlar FOR gothahine, Kowuremet, Laviglas 2, re siege Oct 78,1905 7sbis~! hase Lake baked b, fat, IS 10 [SA a 7.9 01s - 3 penne pid laa. as 1o1s ~ ¥$ He Foccloua. Hive WS 10Is- 5 = Lune tle Kf fee 7S (01S -~ 6 2101s —- 7 v Sees a Kea TS (01S 9 ' Ws 101s -F Ae plelin Torrmece Sresrveer Meectcemn ye, rev -Karneas, Zasreuce, Boeglas 0 Ke. Oct 16,1975" Phot 7510 lo-/ Sprorcer rut Qt tucler Cnutincetion Andfleor 1s fowed . [hate 75° 1016- > Color Changes tm Lines te ) Abilene . , Kaw Lever 5 Fate Leef, A tenia Ze. a., atts Och 16,19 75— FIIs IVF ype BE OA eB Yala => apelin Largest Suet Proccnest \ do pec fed 2 geet tae Keron , 8 Aittiler accel / great Loiccial tie esate pas, SE See 23 RIZE, TIH25 Rates , ee ee) ett ee Oct 18,1975 Gy, Mey tes 1 $20! ————__——> Lhe Lree. Poses the 12 hacegee. Atawt Hy ty teforr tdeenreee terade are atrsocd, REN ae ees 2M ig Me ie Sn RE le stag tae Let pane: SAernin A oe of frvvtte Aud fonZincresl coe thew te here CSS ) Xft of outhet at ie him , appr Heel ed tay (28 , Aepper evd S (Boot xecece 2:25, Apper 28 E Foy 2:35" , Aeterw de aithdororptoes 3:00) a Ax Rocire. Youd prow Sa+. TAGS - 11s 2 Coal on Cake set these at 71 wed clan - Zhe Jee ee tte oo aoa Lode. Aaprcctly browne Le Ceoudy py far one parti near Ths Cafe | Lhe S aun of Gols T5\ 027-120 Fig Cecereen ee oe “a7 ri . pie Le bs Left p26, 8017.1, paige ssl Cote, eee eet ) AALA ey aan A eeD ee oe ae See :204-N fps ae eS deep comple Aemd, egos 44-3 cade ctw Coreeuray « lf Actholeer a “aren j Lata aint auc Ae - ee a a, Co yee e. ete 238 eT Sh he os ag FO Oe IRIN: ae Aotarn ) gat Flee Keren Beads pee on eos eT ee At Buagtt gtllowe uel one JO7e BAe Z o few lL pt rhe fest oot th ie oa jpn caps Te us oo Cane en Boe Fa. ~ ey ae BAG RF Fiona bone gpd oh as ASB terol fond Poly. 32.3 ol af 72.6 4 ws ad: BG ounlkt incl te A pth a ie tee 2 PliaAae.) Alita, A hkbnck Crown a rs ae at po gt oor tn aud Tete Fo gn OLS peose Le 91. ses adda ee yo. oe? 1p ie tere 373 Desai’ . elie the weet encl of Monn Gilad big Wp fret wre georges spite cbt Moe PAE tad cnr tieeds, Tolee7- '24 lt a a ed ee! On eee ware ie re 7 Shey Hecate (of vim aren) core /¢ Ateeks, | cared 5 Z pitcl bette qredb , 26 Cetaen atacy Geet, dbase F 12 Gece Lle Cand 2 fernZacle. Cleo Zhyn iii adie ee Las bp ptcthecdLy , 32 Lease deaug, 2 fertark, F Glteele wittecl a o p thin geethe - Riavt, gecleva llr, 17 At heacle, aX f frvlcly ant FOL tap ¢ a Gah fentioied ( geolivalll aud Cs Aman apd ei ee, 2 Cornotenk Atl le ctigl aw & £ ptAdletlhed £ rehf tac. 37.6 tock. Le Gi ep! a i 3 SLG Cr cttw Baa ete teed 77. SB 8a Lee pac. abe | &.3 acktetlhed rordpretce, % ar. 39-7 nen toed. 2F0 2 meachwLurcke. Trem PIE OG [Orta ttetinved /500 cont Lee ette (n) near ahne, 13 Conapark Je amy Ae, je Lore , | pred CetlLed Grebe, | Cermertul, 5 Aedheshi(heks), Me Mrnopade ee ahng Pp ae Fe bes Ahoe) tn toed dede of flenenacle. Aten!) Aen Cee I/a- 3 wmchee Crt — Chive a formecl sil , 4 rdheachd terdpeehers aril S Ararmage & fords G 7H V ened porke. B. the La age (hewitt noted 6 thease, b radheacledl woodpeckers, it Ging @gpetcaal rnang of Che utter that Kane teen Diermmer, Xprecienee , Coty gla pence ‘they were plantud) att thet Lhe f petenTad anlh Otel. ° ae the ww tag a and 2 tidktaLS . Lne rok - fat by teaner 48" trom water. 4wetll teaegl path S hha Bre. Amethin torgr sak Lat(fett.t 2€ ) tut rat he athe eat , A Cites fftwnted carth, trevagte. nal opfetid » wirrne. aids are fort 75\ 027-124 Pelee z TIAA faces aah Eicken 2 hed. tetlhied turedpecfe , / pe lot ut Aewirek (5) / Ded bong f Contorreed ee Telia pence Lowel at 656 al 3B:ASP oN. ai. acd, a pirro-c Vb ret, males . 67-7 Bay though. PALATE en San Crores - “ae Zz . Fou sepa ferry yy Atte. at B:35 0M AanA Clzedced-. lng Us Abaee hl GEF. Girne Kemme mae OGE.2 oF ne ne ks LGRS Put of ow een geihad pte A Ae Aft af 6'B04m. o 4.97 fing Secs if ® hese Poets SETS Let at meliags F179. | a caer OT IEG. FA,3 Coa 97.0 Overbosk hownd. at-/0:30 240 randetrer Gell flees Senn Su cust torn, terctik feud gooned ath Lire) thon urkin obuet dn tulr Kaew Vabley Aatenold 2 bower ebeyeZnce jothu thew 4 Bee. (IO omer awake CTL See Be pct Cclled yrehe LT toate clam wre. G Prerocel, Lavine LO A Leaferted ool iv Lhe piopey aid V 70 Vitewlew PF.d Co? cual 7 dao cdl Pees L90: KANT ES: He borcLinet ce reths Aid moreene Gf orks : ele. Lotlecwede - oi Lae? eee Be “000 Ce in ee LS Seika eacet The Aft aud flew tfprct “Hie mi. 5 aredk ateghtid eens eg ie eee (9) were Grtseen ZS art LL, Bre horned aud 39 ConS on NIE Lepenenecele, at F¢,9 Kock. Prac Aocd, 00.0 2 ce, J Ang letigeclle aed 2. Coot at 00,3 . o/0 ad ponte Lemmas at taae/ of bag, a fangtritts hee tad do coat begerd ffomt to Me, Pines) ep ee? qe! Lege Lez ses om Atkin L dam, Noted 2 A" buthinplaie | o3us Lo tuct harm . At wmtshe amen at 96.9 fort aun Loewerl 2 howe cbhanved, GL EF tud Lam Af fink See fen hee: mate, Pen AT acts ies ace! t young Legether, 46 thes aud JrRanaceen sul /20 Bee Getted qutt Aaddoteatedl, O819 Coef tutdanm. Cb./ Read perme lon, OT “SF Crocus. O79 Heigl Rel, O4F.0 S Cont gf King Sfaucgh Crek tuctge : BO akaae sel tet EE Ope Fella, 75\(02-126 Og. 7 ge 10.457 Tew Lo Lhrray he Cuca. Sarde, f/f Claes Boca de oe Cnet. Lo hight on heed pA eee ea et pleat aE eel Ok RS 12,/ LO TF La? ft . Bigpaetiny Cot Aang Area i) OSCR Ak: Vise tippiipil eis) 43.5- eel ak SF tusl pihge, 2 ont PSO)” PB oine ee oA Sea Ee heel. S¢1 Mie acacendae diana et kant 7 ; See CO Gaiters Gurtivin tut Lake © L), oy" hig ae SKS 3 coed, /¥¢.6 ola aust ae feet frreceet ++ tanthowt purfece trocinr, SP toot tony at Kap Feet 30 ee ee 7 anal opproe yoo trgpthen in bay Za ME. Tne on SO-JsG6 Leaves ¥ Leap’. Wile ecaths nee tat Aids ancol gotde Gn accel, fled LeacleD worl — pork. har ee Brencrant plans yrome EL ce/. Gln VET Left 3:20. 1&0 , 6 gettfanehe . 163 gota, On tray one . 17.3 7 engine hcl. 0.@ 2 A osepaca. 246 aestbla.l m rons G Prva prcece A2.3 ea Piacicce La erg orca Fark | 2A-F aa Eke Geel. 23./ Boat Starup. Sie —betl,S 2I,6G 2 Phazoge eek, 7 eee 247 Arkell Be Feud & A Lat. Feat Leaps of Aoere | 32% Letthe Sharngh Ok bridge. torokr Anporcle aul aol LcLgecre | 23.9 racdclheatet avec pee hee 35./ OL4 Teen (8 Std Corres) Ii loa? FF Aug belle gestle, [20 Cont on S tede Sark cx ahoreluee . Redlaat Ba.¥ ce Keckge. Fiess, 4 (dele Ogouwke om 5 hedke hang at conta, eclge al SY¥SRMN. WS frente, el Aa Mtrrrwoer. prey. 30 -f J, Fis Z J Lhe J f . SO nn ee Re. TEWeLLE / oe Menai) Raper 0 Aetna is, FORE ee ie Prarchteacoh at 4H harmprch reer gales [-cncns) aot rioor Cicteae S we OSE Sk PSV IOSH 27 Diasiietis f eeRicne, Ceaet sg peeaiepag ee Kretnae Pree F,4G 7S a ne Bel Denes tes ae Qewrenree te Un SE, ISI(03B~2 tlorne ae Aathore_ TF 6/03-3 To weet oiliivnt, tf Coen \ 1514038-~ WLS ea An) ee gt ERS Gl OEE 7s , Rong (sevein (ure blins! ods ), Q., Kaneoe Foe 5/57. Checkesl Lecwer ow watlero’ Lake. PD 1:2 Ob 13 malewges Teomp. GY°F, fy Ome) 18S AcLlgcl , 18.9 Letoran tx, hecdg 2O.¢ Py At: 22.2 Leen Lon Guchye : a7-4 SE Carng ISLES SS i SU Omer Geta etree <6 wet6 onl | eck ai 2 Gren (ehebiie of Ate Lorek.). 6 ed ty seal ag Merr_oge fe Lasse intbiclerl | seb loom, / Va. Curt , A Leste Lice workeler, POCk wetland Taste onl Aenea. Lact cy Feiss Slack LL tac at 607.20, 44 hey bleak Qeak bere + Femet 8 therckne - IS 0 Aetlha hbisigay — oe Comer, flor g Ent Jo*[e 27 Phew Pes : g /; nplinade ee aL tons to plank pil Thal aguth bod make ¢ batik nthe SO 5 ek cucre Cap Zirreal dy ee tbmrenge Heacl anol Ya torly & 2 Folly =p % Lhe phn Laake wn, girvadivapde, Etad Ldermaagonee: Pita Sok lg ee ad aks Lhe Laptecre , Thise k dots Gontia ly Phase unthe tered pregehea : ten Vey fisltacldanwk plas nat / i day tye} ate ¥ Harg fe sss tha ke puddle Dil iy as om ney Dt Peay ET eset CREE ET ons rca Hf Leal (reer) ou 10°/o Anghitl ars pire year on betines gered gear Xpeliette teach ride plratiy sea maces (arth wid) nt ree are ota tare Zo fond en ey frlaces rH tet Pracsen , Lo Begh He is Z aha ane Pea ea EG Pile on sich catalan aiptes — Gal ee ein dip of Lact bom he tach, Aypoted at intl. ” 75\1 29-138 bau Oe ewes ee cof Ln ee i nd (309 them) Arareh the aren g ee fr & os ens 2a ee pS 0b tec! are 2 2c nen es Pact des dod iehe hie ae, Grta at /o:004.m, PA Aaleseice: the Comp Rowe G OSC 27 Ahaeed “100079. Bene Preelorete lhe bevy Aropped Le 20°F. Shig aftimnern’& severe tee o eerelhe Keele Boge ve a LLL. Dee Chad Fae Ae /A:1¢Am 63°F gull af /2:160.m sod manutes ler the Leerp. Lin wae. oan ater? 2 tr LDn the Ling Jade ee a Kaha ree, Monge & *y Secses Zz, SG IS tf ee ee DE uk. dae eee ae ges GD A i ee D Ne Cos ge (gitle ne cece tow 77E arm Lee tage apswls hay Se eee Terry Recor) Seppereen &., ———— Loot brn ee 7 1475- thy §0° crereact, dence Low Claes, Temp. 20°F , gusan, ALF2ARG , sre ah innit ila Se ' WBC - ‘ pe ponied AS AaglttleD J BIG Deeps 5 a 6 , wee galls hinting 140 ee 7 Dilla pres a F An per Bakr Laeunrae. Lee One. du eam fos iS 7 ee gga Bbc CR rreslices © ee te te A277 owe AF thrche « 29.0 -F theloa ds, TSA 20T- 1S9 lords, (egte 30.4) 3// Oakley Crek . eke Newnes, ne 22 o% Anour 36 Cbcepaey, Howry aur Weed ended wone pice han $07 thsegay , IL.F /O ea kot Meme a S JSA,0 2 Clhaspogs 5 ftinace. F272. Letom, Al, Spencer. 99.2 Merry Lr the Ge, coli Leh. / aie 2 ho taghes $3.5 floedken IG.0 Abas Lrdhge Cd ale,, Rite) ple Lheal wtre. Fanches abact a creek ago, FA PF Cerhrnd. G77 frmeaheerZiL. 37.9 CLE ak 39,2 Thervjitonectle Lat, ote. enn ied os” F927 A Phgage . ee Cog. SGFF 7 , 77 « \Mmtaclattack , ary 18 Liss tharreess, Atk csgeage % /rectheaslrd ; any fa, 2 ; PF nnd: Pontes sak fein page 500 ~ratlarch ptan shore of Se Carne of Gig hlaugh lark | Or bonals f ang Ban, At thes ploce— + pe Aucl / Aedtinced wredpceker , : Legt Fos, GIL LS bud herr new marth. #46 @& . FAR Phot Aood, 7 ARS 7 ott lan ad at cid Ponte hee, Fomatlarde bir, tack tek. Lhe tree ¢ Efe, Jo ecko 02 walt abng online a Ae ame WIL Now EL fdnisecve . 43,1 onl, Gord a entre Lake 1 bre AE enclpencnente Le one red Zea ° ne gee on Lee hed, Morse Bbne cog (6") on socth 4 GRE Bowed Bide gai e, |, Peek z. ana Lake Hes Le trou Asack , 43.8 Phaszeqe “a4 5 tnetlar.d Licelee uv Lake. ay 13S opatlad 1 yo . IVF heael braruage ow Aig Kell, 46-9 po IFT. Now 77. “8.2 2 rood . SF : toed togh teas Lacsstrvay rtar 21 ened acd lle 77 freer ae Lock Diced teoferrs. Joo mathardg ttre aed feeling ce oe clels AA neT rtae/ Z caghke, CGmeretow meaner C7 meles Gul 2B 7 fiw Lo a grecye FP Ante , aneers hed net Atect L Logh Arkh beck Opgprert (So svekead, Xe Wbnatee hie Lars pees Spey ee tn ieee Pelee ee cAanea ' 751207- 140 proce. Anegh. Crt tach aclhitl . £8.97 mmaf, have. 5h 2. Grite ter Lrt FAB 2 6 SU? Ackbt rew 77, BUT Ss Gee Afrarrocg- Fas7 A genton Fee SBR Bead! Css Ad. Sods ae. F Kenhkin a, fretd B46 fertowfaewki S5.0 Phen Add nae E, facto F516 Atdlatl , § pu-cee. 56.7 Leong Pron Ah at Dnaerhecs Cgaerhecs To td partly tl So FAA ek ead Arad, i eget ad ford, Teed dhocea Does Bape i Gel apo ets 2b rug — Pete Guth ard / see repairs: a Fvssce, FST ene ae oe therlne L Troan Gd Met Ikea gare (40 Goosen oy cepa te fo OF SH wz rience ay sede tbseqay, 54 7?, 60-2 threke, Aan 40.2 a 40. a Te) ee GAS Aer AL Cane heae , ae 4 ep, a one Cfyrwtr 26,000 oe Vtthowe om £ trols le Folios, ag er eee t» Aederetes Cad 15 aud tlee ¥/, Press ‘ 63,3 firth fad gates 6 eee ei Pekin a PESTON S ede sss ars ion an Aa ? GEL Ree) ‘ SE ea adS,/ sd epee ¢ Eleeqaga (F Mable Z a Ie oS. 3 mearleerlark . A Brcdiseace so Atle an ante. C57 DP)? @ frtsvitticLn . IF “ ae Z, Ze, ) 12 Tree Gs, Gul Gpats Bb ie Cok ee Atta on penn it 200, veoo mallards TEI 2O7> Fat Le, cred fully AP prvtacl ented | Tee bcs el eg ey Z pe "aa aeceae A ee as eee Fat onthe nt Gia taas bbrta, Crowe rnr arco, /Aeelkeaed woeeckhe at ttewvater fort . AGF Btaneri.éas 101 7? Ce) Orage (Mee ) Ao eagles an arta tut me Rectiach Gepebeor wheal ava aletpomg at wal Left satfuth al 1:20 0, mad flaw S Aer ae Mas EE NE fie: Tired Gell ported omer at (1:23 a ut 0 OW eked tee Cities Aes Oe ee Termpe ¥60F sue ohadle 67 SAedlLadch: O77 Liflf rood aud vewthid poe ec Vries G Cede. att Lake 2 green comniged teat ea Apne re Lhievhoon aul atau 30 Iratlarde | ALO Lf7z, dein ese eo Ciael atorg 7) titabe ptsicniacele auc Atos! PAKS, Kargert tmprent Fb mm, drtatlhee f S¢mem Coot Fy Verbiinn Lo Bar. Le geser nated thie dm are sl tn bra ita an Aoft, op Put ah Lode dove, F Cauabic. geece oct 7 : Faracttas (arrmate gates at 67.8 at 12:15PM. 67.9 rcltach, GF3aw ZS. & » C6792 Kroees. T+ O gorrdhae Ad. 7€4 bparrewhak 72.1 Llogh Crk, ofan, to bnets tut Bante an eopfin fart A FB Ota. GS 2 Ose, Fe oma! . 7b mene ta cturt rood CS and at le frat J S72. ae tue opie. F Prana \r JoL2O07= +e ey ov . Tas larezy Co 5 LL, Z ah ot 12-35% 766? Be Ke gee biD; / : Kran x fy Maveghe (ord. 77" 2 Lekoneee ,/ Chusyag, Oreticeles J5) nee) ys . 1m nethards © oF ferne Zermce or fhe aft Zs wae Votes La I bg wb eee ; re Anke V1, [ tarctleseal eA flerel, 25% og p 3 Chespog TratlaLs otetened Her A? ALM tur Arps Bide, SAek ce « 77-7 Howe! of boy) 2tedlisle. thy & BS thea above hank terres. 5 Cone, Afverroces . §0.0 ye 29 matlyjdog arr & GF oft Loe +A, /2 200 Bag @ te)» One gotlensye Spt NeLcan hte een , Penearlocerfanrtk.. Sar Font tony at gah lond | being Hitt, Lt rect, 5h? gales g (xk oe Nite, 9249 Fergeeen La. p40 bag Llagl laf ROTA 5 FLL [tthicl. SbiS alesis ts pieiaketaieries az /0 —— Biel Céesteco. ad Hake li teey time Graepe of gee Me Dane, So aD faev . 00.0 Aeclecl , 21.2 barrow Le ZL, Qld Karagd t fi:2eLevee— Sd, Caz heone. at n¥a Ron (Ye 2 gorbedins) 79.4 mile Litp « Ferree, Berg tae &, Karst hee. 8 (97S vehue of heenar flee, Ke untl net teath to toy ar bbe Cee LD et etek ney eee bE: ees artcsvacl bb, Krein frippeba Livres - (et MAR LALOR CAL RATS MCRL SE 4 Ly. Llatughe Aitetie cy? eee) Cea 2 Cotterne answl see eh, mace ne Ther Kome ptrne ren the A aud heoka , they prices ; How Lhetervegs 2, Liat / ait Bhs Affluent a fut amt the tora Tin Parieng ee 8 2 Opp PD dard! tare mcd of ued hin Biated cevege haa AethedS ie — TSt268= \45 pobice Kebted LMomn off toma om S dédle of peue. Kactcene wie Coverecn Thaw ttttind ; ity Love Dapped 70. thes Leck atl smell, Top pmg ene ee a = omer a 73 heap tamer pbbte yor baffled gy Bus cnt Ahasetl pasgera Te Ac , heehee G,, Peas . Mee. 9, /9 75 rte hago ol a ; (Cenqpere-) Mer Seenclene , a bhi? ge Le We wae, ae a wal 4 Ave work Chhebiled cn Meee ee ol Le now hom. Ake veered caer Herne cn. thang ; eg Mo, IS SR2OP—-/ xo of aw Dawes wee ae fee GL au hid, Mea en ete agge Hea) Be ae teks 208 ee of tnakee , ane of Che Likes op Tha Ualubare Snabeores Ge Bitte Th! tpate- Glitadle % » heer ¢ ( pee ete Tah e Tpales he v hear, Lhe then eco. KX cree an areberfrela Lore qo ply, a pgpecs ors ons on Gea ee ent Te ae wl 2h. iting eel certo HeROE @ eh nlenmee Dee aX KX. , Mbasrotea 92:, Roreaee Nee 24,1975 Prepared gor (ig Kemal tatenet fark, Leipe: v Ketordler, aud Goectie vo pete note, took vw Aepecle Stk V Cotlacting tort , botlin, day tot, Cormrnaad V tntele for otene “7 v 25 Drops, 0atipeel 6S eee fe v Meh atepe “ Carrere, tiny, pebn KY Level hod, A “~ wont bette 4 bud hack V Aheepathenr Cat J Aas: hoot, V Chen Zocht fron Agtt Ammsogeenty tepleeibra v Cor a IO ; v Atctes wv pent Laan Dek bal pe fide TSi224— 144 S0S.i0 necllach 9.4 tehlhLZacl 75\225- 145 G., Kt202 hee . 25, a aA GCE A . <7 ase Spe FIVAAS=/ es ot ow ALines . ISSVAAS OR Jo /225-32 @ frou 24, eo (OpaRE =F Ote-G.OnmmayY aie et eS. 7FSUL2AS My (eakinaay Soced Pucet faa ty Z. a / s--& rea, 7 Quel 751 rei etch gcare Of fleet Cage, WTOP Blake Cearmattr. asigl fiw ig lac Racine fark. 3 9404, Pa ae ee BH. kK ie pale «sgip ls gencrat elas Wa ad ae Lreak Chur claus 9407.6 ak 100477. MOR. Tet isp tiiptte tasnistay Aeptonn mide and pthen bonds of Coase an indica Tk Pia. eltcot 0G2 nedladd Z2l.o lee 50.3 atollaect . 32.5 Atgllastl are noc 7 ae I3S ptglath Cas row ie ST bmp Bleek. FIEALAMTnL Fe a ee al nl ie Ni D7 a LEmole wn tet Augl Leowteredl ae aN rae 49.7 rrolleck. 72S Aeltad. 75a Aedlack. 77.3 pecllacl. 77.7 Cher dege 73-0 Aoughleg, Sorel '/3 afew 9L9 T buisly over © Catth Gena. 97.9 greasek Leech, . ASB Ceerrtrecace Caserta, Seg rtdtlach. 29.2 stattact G). 30./ Ty, 75\220-146 35,6 ElLclarawelo ign Bo 429 CrheLeeraler Layer epee - $2.3 i eee a apart. ee pedtal. G29 rtllact. Tarrmpeds auct Ct ee eed at 56.2 af 2:207n7%. tiie Bibiwaes Meee; marsetktoek Ga.) rteltacl, 02 rro1w. aud pirat Lorge as eee Bo othe high biste FB Apatanss Louth ZS oAestlas! 50.2 Vrecttacl! 83.2 aparrecs Kah. 94:2 marek Hawt - 7// Atellaet . 6043 Ohtakerna bled fore. 64 5:35PM. 27.0 Achat 3.7 Tete Co., mencteeCarks 7rw mmnere Cormenon decks af toot. At S:15h mn 96501. ptencleeen aud bust of Aaptor 2 ita ELReneat 75.7 at 9:30PM. shasta Layo diecen. Notte lo. Cre: EL. Keno, Ohhoherree Hee... 2.7, 1976 Kft F1S7, 2 See Oe Teme sigs Ob fathead Aterrokinre aoe eb Jat, (rota 9 hadnt es 6724 S Canackian Kener, mrore RE a regttation,) , 677 eclttacl, Fle thntach pool - Ig el gp Ray £79 rcotlaedl | 33 WOOT Dress gli ss eed 17 psy lle yee Lee Ho! aol De eee of Hl aisohea 29.2 Atdlach. /2,/ Ce 13.6 pa 59S) 1S.) Aedbael | ae Lawl . 23.5 pttlacl . 2his-gneted tok - 26.0 Laat feed fenale a 27% € Coeds Cech. 22.7 Aparrow Foewh , mrocbongtint: Si! tp. Foe Fost Se tinthanes gots 33.0 FB Seas. OCornrne Beiel Gee igptea eae oy Aorred larte. S79 Watkers (W:3rRm). bb wf. Zresk, eortk , ia) prana faethe. yy eda ppt Corrreren bercl. 45:0 marek Keevd, lfm Are ctelle weeks on Aght ° oc tt 74.) ap. Fear, me 7 Ged einnths on cet . idee Aan os wrote Yoo (Ryo Bah Dew wn [irace. 7B.¢ padre mal one een ape pe A oes at f:00Ph mm”, G6.5- pnaref. rie) Titre Lreces (200 tu Jeyae, F707 redlach 60 3 rettet, Lag gro Z 4 TS hee 147 67°F at 3:5%. hire co an optical ilbntrens aw Beek ohne Ofpptarn, 02% ¢ 707 - 12. $0 mecelowrtarte een ee Anes B28 cA MNCA OL, worth it, fost S38. ipe hort pw ere eae ea, D23BI¢L penn. Saale. of3.0e oe 20, foock atl SOA M sendeww 4uA eucl a Drew Ww, at Sor Im Pt.t,. 8 ° Sioteticat. Lermoff. VOR CoBeniizd donk Cezegecey . ' aud arrertel at tancleprenge Tefaw at 7:15 Pi), at 10/26, Lpucbigrrrge, ffiac * bee. 28/975 {37 ae (Go) mT . Kafe ad mileage wore 4 7:304 mM, 38°F. kome cleccka am porcl 43,3 FO Canale geeer , ancthn, Lboedk ie Po | whee enter i anctecee ZA alg a DT opto Ate, , LES Faw flocks §, gies Cas : WS Ne estes ae eo ee Cras S32 Eee ed yee Mea eee ig lo fhe A Shen a oe ial (6 ¥,6 Pipe Te Tbe vies. LOS By L809 ee rs Zerore . /Tb./ taalye af thet 737, /7b,t peareh tah . 177,35 c/ £. fo ? / Orre e ATEA gered haf . “77. 2- S98.S” 2marek fowte. 17,4 Abieped thunk Ad. hell . [9 5eb Zien. Stara JOIR A mart kewdhe, 2096,2 Corrente, Cp ees Ae ees anc here are 20 ol wells or flante ao Me Cow Lee has Dardoncres Joo ps ae Laat of Hire lea ed a ABHiraseces proceceray pbereds ¥ ot weblr ae 2/4,9 RO sade goee 2 ASKS fa a a 725.7 edect st go cereal tusd are ann fines fo bO Bi das G-Yo A.m 2A ST Fort Lhecklon at 0:¥0Am Teg lone °F. ijl sthadeh etna 30.) mark pel coetl Reap Rermpleli Cinaces of Gerd, acroes ee 75 \228-148 232.4 smeaclorwlark. 23¢,4 shreks Ad. HL 135.7 shuhe . A8l.c Raknifecs. 236.7 Ahuke. 24-9 meckingtad 22,5 Prsicd Pat de - ae ae Ao actenid try (pte) rms OE Rimesé Baas AYS 2 shrege. aoe a 2VE.9 threhe. ASO./ eer a, AS1.3 Avratl ; Aas 4VvS FP Ieee her, stroke . 955, Korntred hath. asa pedlact ast, 3 tbaped! ra: prc Bett - asy,7 dhrche, 255) rreselonGord . 2507 1 Bhifed thunk rd. hth, raed Fad, Lhrute tr trmathy, ¥ greene. Silex phe aii gel ah he ean CN: fohang on 256.1. Lome Lowte AIF-6 Pai Ek ated | wre. F aew ne Ged Pe ict a: Prtecvlawlak . supp ebds 2 o/, eo om Lark. . fl 39 fecmernoedeg anracloces ese Catllé , 2b50/ pe LIE public ee. Shackle. NG77 theta, 268s ehrede, A760 these BIB.2 AV7Y shicdha << ZIPs. shreds 2 cerwe. 479, 2 AetLac! Drewectcatanl. 280.4 phieh,. 460.) J tark tolarrae » 2It. J ortachoe benrte. 29,7 Jo Ark 460.38 Ci ey De 28S.0 Smacslhuk. , 290.) sparrow Loud Aaed, 250,57 pdlarh. 243.3 phrche - 274% Atdlat , 2954 mene proces. on kathy toe an rolbeg AVS Anedbbuct, er de ; © 69976 threhe. APY 4222 Apacreanw . 30/, ao thats - Jo3sF ferteirne Ad. huel. 303.F Meg Atp. Bmetee L Fonsi 307, CL Dhraaler. 309.0 1 horned barks. ot ncaa Des aeracaeat 0 Dy Dos rudd aye Bebe Bake. BM, BU? Se ee er’ 5 smacenly an Geese bhreke, J A pobethe Bes 395- Lirrnagef 33/9 tmeachaethakd threke 3.53.9 dhnthe, row Clliuenis sfiten te E on flathench lane unl ths aasnt. 5 fut tlos hoa rasa ISAC thks, 3orn2 ahik. , 302.7 shucks. 3t50 thehes | 36Ro a 374.4 phoete Cpt, ape? 3763 Kenee 5831) jeclbeet Shay ess 40. Se #202 es) eo Tortle ra and be ee? WP 3 Prikl tees: tae Bf tanta 457AAS-| Le SUS ens ee foe eee re 7SU22G- 2 of wenwrte Adlraneceg wt fb pon ol 7 HAS ee: This ZIG BP. send 2F- a. of TD\228-1 49 frorrteore Hae sewcrat fates im ote s pi ss Vln Buse freely fom, eee fee pe Qe rete! Acver . torntd Lond out Lerdh pceebe re Eh ines Ly ot lees Lpawlas 2, teornaat pend enlo the regelateen dhe heo-tr, JAacle sve a ag Got - eco Nbryrthene 410 Pee Sees oe poral Aud . Fe Pircke mate Aerts ”) -« wilh Kee Loande Cetbage, Beg Gerd Nateonet Tink, [fee Kbet. 29,1975 Pr Lip SG°F , 4l*Fat F'00 AM, Hird at Diacler: barkela:- wry Lote tee gp eoeen at Anewal hawt 70 er, BArde.. pS Wineiseouk Aprarrece) , otvrweel on deledill . bprarrrocd 3 aa Gace » Ais ia ODE po Line Lagiiad eae gasp hz Wiaclewlart fe Lacks bd pout (0:00Am at JO¢28,2. Sproce Va wag Lats coreyer Se EF, atd3ta Teevercla ppowrthes puwetnni fant Henagecartera rated! a ata pre jecodl appre 7B anmagy bt coe Ow DES Tice toe tt jail aie isn Conefe eee : et ramaene dow 2 fou moma tha trancad rwed Erol G 6s 6 pet, at xyas phate 751209-/ ii ee ee ae 7T5\229—\ 50 fork a nes? Spied ee Lon /botin VE 1A xF- 2 FPS IRMG~Y ee Ot appear hod tenet tbevativion thaly tree dnew on Che YE tbfoce~ Diy tet Use freee. Citbcicest a ancl at Ysre ad hearmaty da Ske aern. et rtod Het sew Creawee Actrgted « Ao Apt tahorry ptot, TEIARI-S of Chesca 4+ (7 tite) dourbe. perth Anne 0 etek Anes ae ¥453,¢ bitten tel Dy td cr aod af ane at bree of Le. 26Y%,ze 2) Fhots IS (2AG~-Le Le Lovet in | are ag the Vstesencee aAehse bvenlorh, her bpat of plot 467, ¢, Phbte 751229-7 hls Crk Karch avebek L 76 urtl tha, latte aul mL a, fibnn Crich Aight Gt 469, of betel Viste. Onirtberk plet 15 1225-% Le a antl totet on foreyroud . 477,0 pporroed Lark) 472.0 sage Crackin, FIS;, 2 fy 751229~9 “6 antl hide asl 204 tBu Kh wd LZ DE, YF2,6 Vsteanie Lift. TSIRZIR-/O, Libs Gab wtih Wrlheence fagl aud Atirdicel docks om slope ad atkaee * AHevinea. Coptered iw phot F7SV229-/( ace! FS/2Z29-/2.. at ¢3Y,2 plod TSVARGY—S3 Aeeeng tolewnie pLige Leerrecuccled, yeleanee Lift. Cutineed b atllahen, therice w Z Fanta "E Lene Conger, BE ele rae pads Zed noled 3. thaeté phacks. Fi Atraret pbotos eo 7S7229-14 To moll G Lowepere Zee gore at ae pe bcety RET ae Vawke Elie Lanzers ptr qheth, - “fhete 151227-16 @ te of Peal. [CoG 75° /22F-17 for “pj Fath sé ee me evra are L oe CORRE iN ang a tony alt Se fone S/a-2 aa J Ce SE... #732 Ad thh Lane GS, S2as S ins Mae? Le Thu Kinaen | De Pe, Reacts’; tichinis Le, porece! Thus Heautful Aretion of gresun from Aeeh ¥ Crgbere O50 ‘ Oo thandet of wt Li drow, bet ro deen gin flo Mace he, Cue A Aeberranate te tec Bhi area Gerned boekZ, artelornsce. PAL TW5IRAG—-1F yo oe Tt tg toca Bec Pr OE. 75 2429-96 ° Bad TS URRG BT wk Caos BAe . SboO FFIARPO 23 bf Lael. wth Anger -15)\ ae 75\.229-1\ 2 4 & 75192923" of mL rast J LrLpor lene ple Kawi.” -eantee plots ISI229 -2% Phebe 15 (229-26 -| pda Lo Et pth pnbight aud reddast Ave be. ha kirrned C, Partin gpoenetenn ot mitenge £99 ) hiws Lo Lo Drande Uctlage od (105°5G,) atT%iao lM or /30.9 rele Lops Pocbay Oumton tol Acd teterA th. . fakihe , 4 bege Dhreetore, prrath Aparrows j Yre f 22 % foie lrauce Vieloge ig Cad Makeenh lish, Lehoe dew» 30,19 75- Prine» Leowype Load meget 79EF. Shy heer - Rept Keo Lrance Uidlage Lo tevktinie Lip BAS Aetoas Jota tuil tos the peta lene, ate Cis eg Keud , thenee 7) Co Phorathkerr. Cheer Caak . itenge At above B00? 1o559,/, eard fae Last ought ae tne? LZ flee Weide pind pure W5/q 30-1 eh edie. Leaner pend, 04 Ah oe the rem tone ee oe pis, diy wal aban acne a tha heen Aufl Crus at 7.00 Aon. on Aco to Nad Fark. Adin bertelig | Qt 370. GG asmede Aordd . 570,797 1% mere sgepeengue of pele 2a atl ee in eae Ae Ath rr protected Qrteas and 7) sLoped S O23 0 Bo exes tirde , Is.7 weele Ann , Je Baie | cs sparrowthe Lore . DIGG? Coaye tt aeke of rooot Sey kt pee cage 2 0leth cud plage nth At atart (0 Leesnds Qik thw ela pda S799 Wad. /ark Tt baie = gen tle ee tbhyptet Pp GSIR F0- 2 oe tf mountaus & ke SS tle Pe SO where nie tae fire tee teal Loft ba $299 at Wibath are anol OCytivenS 7, JE4,3 Grea plicevtecndge . Srosil fad St ot S813, Five FE proche photos 751830 - 4 proteuloccd de thn SB diel TE(BSO- O Mp E Aetacs 2 drnale ye eft ancdat SII A Ne Fle Ce. 72, LIES 2 pelt lrawnt phrches ” S2 borrncling Ls Marathen £159 Crewe lecd L136. qnanekhusk 645.7 Mussthow Shiche Bont Dbrve wae I tere, Laat mght the Lenipira tire dt Di they toes DPF Beet ole d naf Ablecive ovriew . At bv¢i9 ah “2/4077, Bay fhe Letatl potier, unrlh Recor. Eat Fo\eo0+1 52 Sain, ESE.O fe < =) are 7S /230-6 : tesgaly Lpyorng oDate CT9R Kae, 695.2. s2etLacl | é go ed lael Zo2,/ sgt Bie ahinrk , 428.9 ae Hors0, 539.2 Entre aera re Leettercaseas Aindirclhicty retlaceseca,. £023 cecltacd# at eset encl oy tan , Klel Keo at Bo. Battal groeh te anol Lornmen ‘ Pag fost parclesnal 326.6 frist Cfackvritiine 5 F343 y tbbh velkinr, CIA 6 plack vutienre , F¢A4b & 347.8 floret _ Qutmacta af milerge S47)3 ar SBS PM Cagle free 6100 0), aftr Kbit Ko. Pere dhruks auol of Cade Mood flocks of brotlact pochtee V tern giackten , BZ. cheerclenl Praretion | His dvening wicitid Fecgivan. Tisgug. on WE. PAR Kage. fase, Fela - OS rdue. 31,1008 Peer Ceorge F.2°F One cleacl Coot rrvatere, Qt least 30 Couttot gpeckles aud ae Kirenery Silaebh tere Paar teel agar thes 4,7 freclioa Tigre tn Wleftce She de the moat lrmvencint tit, fe 8 aed eee. * ately td fer ‘ Lap mm Kagh 2977 ls E, at (08975 mtheage Lagle (aoe. 280 Mnenclacetark meet Csementinn, Cenak daxal thltan..? A miter, $95.) dpervrece tack Fe, / tparrew Koced, are pf itisen acetal &9S.O, Drerclece ted , GG.f B prtedowtar ter) GFF 3 onrentowlarhe, 968, 0 bperrow hacrt ariel enc of 2 Kise, %F0.b pecllathhe Cina. Arne tf Cagk tedutea, aud hgh : Lk. B22 fab, nut bon sige 937.3 Cxtarcma+ Cndinuee/ one Io Faken Gbicte fork. Leerrelir matpuenttioned le Feteen Hels lark Gebeer tat Fark, Thar (POW ITb pion berrng Laat 48°F Mehra g Ls neidaertark Cactinwren Cane nigh rule tong Arcl fed me qrocind, Great Ela 3 foun, evtet, Crocured pfarac Dhara toate wateypepet, Welerr, (Utter wt i qo Lleceds in thy tad Corviduoble raeceTine oe Prvebngbnd acl Ateartter on snecdle, One a deel,