( =) 420927- 1.0 Pullmen, Washington September/ 27, 1942 Dear Jin, How I miss you--went hiking today and I sure noticed your abséence, perhaps I should say that differently in order to more correctly state the absence clause. At any rate you know what I'm getting at. I surely hope you are well and for other than your job, quite happy. Things so far have gone rather well for Phil and me; I guess we are more than lucky too. We've both had a couple of offers to pledge--offers that pleased us very much individually. we have a very nice room a couple of blocks of the camps and board at MeBroskey Hall where so far the food, if not overly abundant, is still tasty end wholesome. It #11 helps. I have had quite nice relations with the Zoology Dept.; they want me to work for them if I can and have said so which makes me feel swell. It's a question of how much time I can spend on the job for I am beginning with 18 hours, two of which are for Military and P.E. 14 and 4 hr. respectively. Guess it'll work. The terrain here is much as I imagined it, heavily rolling and darn little water. Coming up there was a beautiful moon(what English) which amply illuminted the gorge and even revealed Mt. Hood dimly. Didn't get anybirds until we got slong about Colville Lake, some 20 or 30 miles south of Spekane. Here's the list: Brismatura jameicensis rubida 7? Paleo mexicanus ? Bolymbus auritus--anyway, a grebe Anthus spinoletta rubescens Pica pica hudsonia A woodpecker, perheps the Rocky Mt., Faleo sparverius sparverius Dryobates villosus monticols Huphagus cyanocephalus Out of Spokane I recorded these few birds: Colaptes cafer collaris Buphagus cyanocephalus Sturnella heglecta Fica pica hudsonia Sialie mexicenus occidentalis Buteo borealis calurus (Judging by today, could hfve Oxyechus vociferous vociferous been S. M. currucoides) Spinis tristis pallidus (species & sub- Bonasa umbellus umbelloides specied questionable) (Again judging by today, this might well have been the Eur- opean Partridge, P.p.perdix) fs you say, there is no value in repeating all these long names, so here goes for today8s list--in English. PS. I promptly fell into the groove again, sorry. House Finch er doubtfully, the Cassin Purple Sitta canadensis Colaptes dafer collaris Penthestes atricapillus septentrionalis Corthylio calendula calendule (sub.) Oxyechus vociferous vociferous Turdus migratorius propinquus Spinus tristis pallidus dJunco oreganus montanus or shufeldti Melospize melodia merrilli (Kitchin says nothing about either one Zonatrichie leucophrys gambeli (sub?) for the east side. He mentions that (This listle bird was’ exceedingly shufeldt's breeds on the west side and numerous all the way, and all of them Montanus occurs sasually in winter on were immatvre. When I first saw them I the west side with no Bastern Wash. Bhought they were the Gambel's with xektkew pink records. You tell me. This bird looks bills to match. but on the wag home just like our Shufeldt, but reterson I saw several that seemed to habe pink yellow gave both es eccuring in E. Wash.) bills which would make them the old and familiar pugetensis. I would like to leave the bleme things alone.)