44051\1-30 Vay 11, 19. Barnes General Hospital, Vancouver, Washington. Arrived today at Barnes General Hoppital from detached duty to Worchester, Mass. Saw Max enroute. Oreanized for departure to Camp Barkeley, Texas. mneg 2b, /94¥ (Ase forge 39 yor Way 28, 194. Camp Barkeley, Texas. Arrived Camp Barkeley the morning of the twenty sixth. Already there is promise of this date shading the memorable day of June 191. ‘Sufficient time has not yet elapsed to justify a statement but can at least say that this £ camp has all the ear marks of the thing they call the real army. The last few days have been characterized by a rapid succession of changes, many of + they incidental to normal processing and reclassification. However, I feel that now I am permanently enough situated to register an address that will tick for a few day at least. Then again, nothing is stable in Camp Barkeley. 163] a) r Assigned to ASFTC Co A, 62 Medical Training Battalian. Have not as yet ab- sorbed sionee of Barkeley, except some solar rays, to justify recording may reactions, however, 1 doifirid it a sort of a neutral collecting grounds where some eighty thousand slightly dissatisfied soldiers have collected and who's pleasure it is to criticise and attack the army and its policies. It really is a tough spot and they may be justified; I dont know. It makes me realize for the first time the broad gap between the general army feeling and mr” somewhat emphasized outlook of optimism. The fine and dignified outlook does not, however, make Barkeley a less rugged institution. It will still take my chances with the brighter side of thinking. Dr. Frazers idea persists with most of the fellows, quote "to take a vood look so I wont have to return again", Personally am anticipating an interesting and worthwhile experience. The camp amounts to an overseas testing and proving grounds for mental and physical llimitations of soldiers. If one cannot take it im either of these reqpects, it will surely be expressed before they get thru with you. The Adjutant General informs his officiers that every man in a general Hospital, who currently meets all physical qualifications for foreign service will be stationed overseas by the endoof June this year. Barleley is the first stage in this processing act. Upon arrival and before I had a change to unpack