D << 440924-130 One imrimpressed with two distinct wave patterns, one the large stable swells with uniform spacing and a secondary and superficial surface agitation conforming in alignment and movement to the local direction of the wind. The evenly distributed white caps are represented as white specks or dots, indicating the static nature or the wave movemeit. Actually they are much larger than they appear from our elevation. Certain limited areas of the sea support en extra sea withing a sea. The regular ocean now takes on a new appearance. This encroaching sea is more realistic in plan than the original being differentiated by color and pattern alone. It would suggest the mud flats of Great Salt Lake from the Farmington read level in Utah with the characteristic braided water system upon the mud flats proper and with the larger natural channels like muskrat trails leading back into the interior. Grequently one will find these irregular and linear water paths not associated with the larger false seas but ramifying alone through the ocean expanse. This new sea and braided system of channels match the sky in coler shade and is generally of a greenish blue surrounded by the normally colored dark blue of the ocean proper. There are certain instences and particularly during the early morning when the soft sun rays are reflected down upon the ocean from the cloud mass directly above, giving the sea a delicate reflection of a blurred quality. Regardless of how one might adjust his vision or clear the window of the plene the blur remains a reality. Many of such reflections remind one of the same quality of light as eminates from the glazed winter ice on Utah Lake when a white cloud near the horizon passed by. Certain of these cloud reflections, particularly below and on the undersurface have a suggestion of red that occurs neither in the cloud or the water surface itself. To the west the first high cumulus catch the early faint rays of the direct sunlight, generally a pink or light red in color and as it is brought into complete exposure the surface is changed into a delicate