4++0925- 136 series of yellow which in this case does not reflect upon the ventral surface but upon the dorsal exposure. Finally the sun is up and all the clouds to the east become an outline of dazzling white edges. The clouds below strictly obey to the changing color scheme of the sunrise. It is an exceptional site to approach one of the many protruding temples with vividly outline edges around the faintly luminescent body and then in passing catch all the delicate color of the completely luminated front. Many of these delicate clouds remind me of a few of the yellow and pink eolors found in Bryee Canyon in Utah. As the morning advances we pass into the mountainous ranges but of course with sonditions and proportions and complexities magnified and enhanced a thousand times. Towering peaks like the Tanta and Matter- horn are common sites with the valley of soft smooth alto-cumulus formations. These snow fields complete the likeness of the dpine country. Even the icy peaks now can cast their cold shadows across these fields of snow, some of them extending across the valley to the base of the opposite and paralleling range. The fineness of consistency of some of these alto stratus veils is indicated when a moountain mass is engulfed but still its finest of feature is discernible thru the veil. Other momtain peaks are completely throuded in these smooth emveloping blankets of strata producing the same features as a hill rounded by glacial action. Occaisionally an area of dirty gray wool added variation to the pure white snow surfaces. This new arctic would of course differ in many respects to the arctic of our earthly plan, one of them being the long tunnel like escapes to the ocean below. These corridors possess consider- able depth which offered them the similarity of the fantastic and myster- ous chasms leading to Hades, At the end of this cravasse was generally found a large darkened chamber with illuminated shower banners stream- ing down to meet the rarely exposed ocean surface. The entire experience is as unreal and mystic that it is simply unbelievable, This country differs from the earth in degree of complete involvment of confining borders, and complexity of cloud arrangement.