44 )008—-| 53 suppose that these funerals processions are such a Common occurence that the civilian populus come to regard them as merely annoyances, These Hindus, as well as the Budhist and Jains and Sikhs cremate their dead and which in this crowded country is an excellent idea. In the case of the Parsi and- because they worship fire, they expose their dead at the Towers of Silence where they are devoured by the mmerpauss vultures. All the rest, such 4s the Mohammedans and Christians and Jews etc, bury their dead as we do in our own country. The Hindues have an interesting custom in the disposal of their dead. On® the third day after the body is burned they collect the bones and emmerse them in the river. These Hindus also remember their dead even for as long as a week or so and during that time do everything possible to aid the soul in journeying to the new world. For instance, twelve days after death their is a religious service held both morning and evening where all the relatives assemble. A light is kept burning for all these days in the home or in the temple. The Brahmins are fed particularly on the anniversary of the death and on certain days of each year. With the numerous deaths in the country would suspose these Brahmins have a most profitable business and enjoy a certain degree of security from these offerings.