4A41008- !1¢2 There are many little boys with the no mother, no father, no dster, no brother att. (Me per diem!) Guide beggars so willing to offer their services and in a most curtéous manner refusing of course to accept any money at the time the service is accepted. However, after the mission is completed a fee and do it in such a nasty way. You generally pay him instead of battling the onslaughts of the milling multitudes already collecting around the cammotion. What you feel like doing is kicking them in the teeth. Very clear little fellows and so very shrewd. | Not a common site wut frequently one will see anhisterical nother with a unclothed young one clinging to her side-most pathetic. She harbors some exaggerated flinching of the head or twisting of the body. Have observed the mother to pinch the child to cause it to cry. Young five of six year old child carrying an infant and calling with a most pleading note. Young five to eight year old girl with a plea that is developed to perfection. Such soft soothing qualities of low voice that I have ever heard. This along with pitiful eyes and graceful approach add decidedly to the performance, All is well until another beggar intrudes and then this loveable disposition changes to one of furious defim nce of hot words and action. As soon as the grounds are cleared and the dust settled the tiger voice again assumes its soft and pitiful begging. The collaborationist is normally a non interested person (perhaps) who stands by to offer suggestions and encouragemert in donations. It is wery effect ive on those new soldierswho have not as yet had a chance to see the trick. It occurs more frequently with the blind beggar.