44)026~1 71 Keele, Catan’ 1226-44. Visited Hindu village 3 miles north of APO 689, Enroute recorded the follewing pictures, (-10-26-44) The first bulding encountered was this ceremonail storage hut in its usual jungle surroundings. I have never seen anyone in this area except a small Hindu herdsboy with his group 6f about 10 cows. Ibid. in close review. This thatched hut is support— ed on legs and made rat and animal proff by the insertion of large circular disc between the floor end supporting poles. Inside is two baskets one used for their fire offering. Have noticed from time to tive that this basket changes position and receives a new collection of charred material. Above the door is arranged a series of sharp point sticks, each one piercing a type of food such as dried meat, dried fruit, seeds etc., as if an offering to the gods avove. A crude eleated pole leads up to the plateiorm. Outside the hut and approx 40 feet away is a religious ladder like contraption leaning against a high date palm(?). Large tree, cow shed and paddy fields. These trees are certainly grand old monarchs and I can easily see why they are so frequently whorshiped. Note the particular thatching on the apex of the cow shelter. The paddy fields are always located conveniently located to the homes of the people.