4A50| 03-3 A terraced sapluchre: averaging 10 feet high. This dirt mound probably is is used as a memorail to the seceased, or as a ceremonail mound covering the remains of ashes for some cremated Hindu. They are found in all states of preservation, some so old as to erase all indications of the terraced effect. Occaisionally the benchs are reinforced by ‘bamboo binders. In the more resently cons- structed ones the fence is solid and serves the purpose of keeping out the cows and any other animal that might have a tendency to deface the memorial. Bamboo barracades at the base of large tree. Generally associated with the previous symbols. Various religions are present inthe region and would not be surprised if several of them have 4 os —_— \ SS molest any of these religions demonstrations found along the way, The rice been represented, A Hindu warned us not to a7 harvesters still work in the fields, For those more ambition Hindus and In- dians use this type or rice stack for storage. The rice herminals or heads are turned inward. Stack on base of leaves. Limbs with leaves so arranged on top and purposely inserted in the sides as if a religious item to ward off the . demons of destruction. Evidence. of son re=>~ specting father. Women loose fear when ij cieuebed to do so by ihe Gane members of the family groups. Gave one Hindu boy a package of cigaretts who in tum took out three of them and gave to his father,