450503-4 APO 689. Indian baby 2 miles north-east of camp. M hoiding thid three*day old infant. jie had stopped to share some candy and cookies with this family group when we soon recognized that something unusual in the yard. The sense was sitting on a bed which had been placed out in the sun and when sae moved did not react with the smme vitality and agility as the restoof the women. The young one, which still retained the shedding skin, was lying on some dirty rags on the bed with one of them covering the head to keep out the direct rays of the sun. Noticed particularly the filth of this young ones surroundings. Even the blanket like covering used to hold the baby smelled with a peculiar odor. The skin of the body still retains many features which sloughs off at a later date. The umbilical cord had been cut and tied with a piece of very crude and brown string. One of the most pathetical things about this baby was the abnormality of the feet being both clubed inward, a condition which they were quite concerned about. At the mention of a medical hospital they frowned with a nine! nine! Apparently not potting too much faith in our modern medical ideas, One of the first thing they do with a new born child is to slapza bracelt or two on the arm with enough expansion room to allow the ring to properly fit the arm when mature. It then becomes inpossible to remove this bracelt unless cut from the arm. To see young babies when visiting théseHindu homesis in not an uncommon site and when M has the chance she will almost instinctively want to get the:baby into her arms, This same feeling is also keen for anything young such as baby goats and cogs, chickens, cows etc. We are informed by certain British that 50% of all deaths occur before the age of 5 because of poor unsanitary conditions, improper knowledge of handling at birth thru quack midwives and thre the many commond diseases that run rampant thru the villages. The cause, as I could readily see were in evidence on all sides.