4501(16-)\0 elephants depending of course on the sixe of the log. Whatever adjustment is required among the five or six logs on thecer the individ al log is spotted and moved accordingly. When the car is loaded to the limit of the confining rods on the side of the car care must be exercised. The additional logs must now be placed without pushing them over the opposing edge of the car. So in order to guard against this possibility two elephants are directed to the opposite side of the car where they take their position to prevent the log from rolling onto the ground. The trunks and tusks are extended into position to receive the log if it should override its mark. There is so much sureness in these animals that a log rarely falls during the operation but if it does they either check it or agilily step back out of its way. As remarkable a performance as this loading procedure is: one thing stands out even greater and that is their fine reagtion to ee and their uniave ouality of tolerance to the ervel and painful punishment for error in judgment or act. Each driver has a solid stick approximately 23 feet long and the size of ones larger finger and generally with one end pointed or cap- ped .ith a steel gig and woe be the elephant that fails to implicitly obey or exert his maximum power or proper behavior. If he hoes not comply with the drivers wish he suffers a sevier blow across the upper ridge of the ear such blows resounding from the large leathery sound board. Practically all the ani- mals carry a scarified ear, but most commonly a raw wsensitive and bleeding edge. Some indicate a limit of tolerance to such painful abuse and react by turning atound in circles or stamping in terro. Others flinch et a time when they feel a stroke is de. A more effective way is to probe the back of the ear vith a steel pointed stick. Other than a forcef:1 blow across the head there is no other form of bodily punishment but I suppose that many undescrib- able verbal expression is intendec for anything out complimentary incouragre nts. ith the last log safely balanced on the flat car the elephants and their operators disappear from the scene. Cne or two hovever renin to assist the