45)1030- 136 32ND EVACUATION COMPANY REPL, DEPOT $3 APO 494 October 3, 1945 SUBJECTS Special Pass TO 8 Commanding Officer, Replacement Depot #3 (Thruf Channels) 1, Request permission to live with wife (ANC, Casual, 142 General Hosiptal) for period awaiting orders to return to Zone of Interior, 2, Present status—-casual awaiting for disposition under provisions of RR-l and BRS (71 points), 3 Processing completed, 4, Accommadations in Calcutta assurred by Capt, White of U, §, Army billeting. 5, Will establish daily communication with Battalion Headauarters for change of status and with Tec, Set. Plumer of Shipping Section for probable date of departure, 6, Permission granted for placement on same boat on return trip to the United States, Tec, 3 James W, Bee. 39678282 201 Bee, James W. lst Ind. GOw/t1 32ND EVACUATION COMPANY, APO 494 % October 1945 TO¢ Commanding Officer, Replacement Depot #3 (Thru Channels) 1, pproved, . Lorber OW bh cure GORDON 0, WILLIAMS lst Lt., Fa Commanding