4604 10-23 U MO / to Recorded the following notes of Dad's journal. Those references have been taken directly from the statements made by the various men that he had con- tacted. Mareh 5, 1937. Gus Slade, Lehi, Utah. Pifty years ago the 6 coyotes in Utah County would eat a thoussnd peck of grasshoppers a dgy. The four months in the summer would easily eat 250 bushel a day. (See article in Harpers, 1905 by Slade). Mareh 5, 1937. Ad Robbins, Provo, Utah. 77 yrs of age-blind at this date but memory goode The first trappers of my day were Steve Bee, Frank Carter, Esa Carter, Heber Carter and myself. Peter Johnson begun a little later. One to tw thousand mskrats were caught in an average seasone I sold 1,700 mskrats to Robert Bee for an average of six and one half eents apiece. I have speared two rats at once, usually, however, one to a den then returning one to two hours later was often able to take an additional rat. It was necessary to cut open the den of icy rushes with hatchet, at times. My best trapping was about the year 1895. When spearing was able to spear 60 to 70 rats a day. Used a Newhouse trap of which I used 75 and paid eighteen cents each. The highest price Pete Johnson received for rats was twenty seven dollars for thirty three rats. I didn't do any trapping after 19235. Steve Bee took three otter at one trip to Powel's sloughe Beaver, otter and mink were not uncommon on the lower Provo River. When Robert Bee had a store on south side of street he bot seven otter at one time, eaught in a den at Big Channel. Mereh 15, 1937. Pete Johnson, Prove, Utah. Memory poor-age 79 yrs. Very conservative statements. When eating iin on one of my trapping days observed twice, plainly, free rats attach those in trans. The black hawk will ocassionally Kill a rat trapped tearing it back of the neck. I have never trapped martin. Two of us trapped skunk on Payson Bottoms securing 15 to 18 a day--$2.50 to 95.00. We would put chloriform on cotton on 2a long willow to kill them. 1500 rats per season my maximum catch. Jergen Hansen and Nels Johnson speared rats in the Damgish Bend averag- ing 65 a day eache I have caught 23 mink out of 1 hole with water set. Only twornighis didklamisascnin the south meadow. 4verage 15 mink a seasone in the willows along old Dry Creek there were many mink. rehSlz,to°séven otter in a season was my best record. Nels caught 18 to 202. Steve Bee caught some ottere I have speared 45 rats a day. Jorgen Hansen has speared three at one time. Have speared a mink and a rat at the same time, Mink often took possession of rat dens. Received largest price for mink ik from James Dunn at $4.00. My best offer previous was 2.00 to $2.25. I have trapped 70 years. Today altho I set 50 to 75 traps my catch is only 1 te 3 rats. Some days 1 travel from morning to night for 2 rats. Doubt if any ; of the numbrous trappers make #3.00 per day. Gnith baits with scent. Hank Smith's boy travels from Prove to South side of Lake running 70 traps and nets only one or two rats a day. Should stop trapping for a few years. Dave madsen says rats have three litters a year with an average of