Préeauency 43508\3-56 i") oO Typical growth Curve of Rochitortia Tess node! arpenter taken [fr Ven & Sa.meter area 2.5 Com deep. Fromm Sails pig 07S meters. Distribution oF Koch fortia Furrmiala. ShAew ‘2g tendemey foward Substrate Crestence above Lioga paale aad Surface pest tror hbo ea Crossovey at apprenirna ta ky 1025 one fer fesction. FYE Get ere yn. fo 75-0 %Oo &S0 $ CO ISO 100O 1080 1079S 1150 42.00 Greveth Guvve of young Transennélla fantilia (Goei#) pele etsy: body of a2dait Shieh measarecd 6.85 mon in Lemg th. fargest shecimmney eme fregu 7 PREASUrFES 0 7 34.3,