SY OR t Jn ¢ Ba~3 DPALL SHEEP OBSERVED FROM CAMP ON CHANDLER LAKE. no. /, Quy J4é, 6.004. (2), noO-2, a dl inland (a); 10.3 aay 7%, [100 hon C2). ne &, 43, (1:008.2(1)) no S, 47, Fi:000.™m (fF?) Fe. & Binge 07) I!38 2m C2) ne7, Aerg 49, F!00A. tds no 8, ae 09, 2:00Pe7 (ae Conger) Cs) eo 7, ane (2S, /0:00 4.097 (—m Comper ){ 2,). — 4 b00hIn One northern, weotet green duretlae (t) at , et Leateh 2 tment wheel. 2 Ruytiyl Lhe ascchthte in & . whee Atk Cee aap Lowe Hheees a Anes Awatlaey , It Lathed sopeal Loicw at the Laat, Mearmnrmnatl avd torde Collee tel Ar: 5) Cha thiemema, | Comore Tid. G Writenetice sricereeg.: ( wlerey Conerecea; ( Pccretie teeememue » / J Rupege tla artorer , Hacc de, stake LB 4522 ¢S", 2zeo fz, Bivods Lange, hn fa. a ee ae Podiins 4 Z3L6AM, tare bouth, 2t 6:30 4777, fLeanrel Aut apre. a plurred Tet ancl much Lauer ti feted . Airrettiny ov tote The generat. arte of the Su eud of che Lode | Coltoruca) otatnredt é nth audible tormmeTorw se ite ‘