SAOS 2b6-/2D 3-278 July 1951 UNITED STATES . ; DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. CONDITIONAL PERMIT TO TAKE, POSSESS, EXCHANGE, AND TRANSPORT MIGRATORY BIRDS AND THEIR NESTS AND EGGS FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES Issued _...May 26, 1952 PERMIT No. 1716 Expires December 31,1952 and those under JAMES WILLIAM BEE of __LAWRENCE, KANSAS /the Alaske Game Law is hereby permitted, in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Regulations, subject to the terms, exceptions, and restrictions expressed herein and on the reverse side hereof, and subject also to any other applicable Territorial, State or Federal regulations, to take for scientific purposes only, in .._..........-- #2 ALASKA 2k ..... the following: **%* MIGRATORY AND NON-MIGRATORY BIRDS *+x (SPECIMENS TAKEN ARE TO BE ULTIMATELY DONATED TO PUBLIC MUSEUMS OR PUBLIC SCIENTIFIC OR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS) and to possess, exchange, and transport for scientific purposes, the migratory birds and nests and eggs of such birds taken under authority of this permit. VO INS HICH VA Ca WV VAY XR CH ee care Cee a oe KOT tinepexmit- be take ynienay = Hc ee too a NOIR me eo FHL BPE iSsedAhOAN OOK BHO Atay SOK LEWRIVORN VAIL VaeSs here aie ae THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE, and is NOT VALID unless countersigned by the Chief, Division of Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, or his authorized representative. Me tM. thay, COUNTERSIGNED: = J TERT Soe f A) CL LL A L Udy Chief, ‘Division o of Te anagement. L 16—60424-2