SACOG OT 173 8 Collected parva Hawk anc varet thrush at mouth of Ghrncte Heatie | Wh, eeEeeneminiad trees et (OE Moa! Bae Bein Pen Mi Wotrue andl stecleton otinvect abeng toned (Lee map Sept. 9,952) atl PLLC Pott Portat Marra , 7/°a372% 0 CO 27°33", (2 ft, Bbaatere | Lept th, (952 St Aotrete . Pneaturernend 248 i ars ' i Curvature cuter condyles lomer Souamesal Astince 280 B10 6 82. b pad 326 FY 230 2/8 &70 a2) 330 avo 328 260 SSO asa 3 ae 350 S80 220 332 323 333 ¢So 333 320 339 366 333 2492. 346 250 3/0 aus 34S ayo 340 273 375° 780 abi gos" alg 370 670 235 300 29S aus aol 239 they dre of the dome hull,