530908-27 OFICINA SANITARIA PANAMERICANA OFICINA REGIONAL DE LA ORGANIZACION MUNDIAL DE LA SALUD ZONA III - CENTRO AMERICA TELEFONO 5175 - CABLE: OFSANPAN APARTADO No. 383 GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA IN REPLY REFER TO: ZI1II-2869=55 AARO=57 September 8, 1953 Mr. James W. Bee Museum of Natural History University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Bees I regret that we have been so long in answering your letter of July 26 in regard to the field work in connection with the Yellow Fever investiga- tions in Central America. However, a series of unforeseen circumstances have delayed and changed our plans somewhat. The virus at the present time is on the Rio Coco which is the border be- tween Honduras and Nicaragua, It is moving rather rapidly into Honduras and as a result, our field of work has been shifted to thé north. The dry season lasted longer this year than usual and the rains are just now getting to their maximum. It has been necessary for Dr. Jorge Boshell to attend the meeting of the Expert Committee on Yellow Fever which is now meeting in Africa. Prior to his departure we discussed at length the work on mammal investigations; he feels that if it meets with your convenience, it will be much better to do ; the field work in December or January. The dry season will be at its height . then and it will be much easier to get into the areas involved. We have forwarded the list of equipment that you are suggesting to our Washington Office for order, and I will make arrangements while I am in Washington this month for its delivery either to Nicaragua or Honduras, whichever seems more appropriate at the time. I regret the delay in this matter, but unfortunately the changes in the virus pattern and the weather conditions could not be anticipated, Sincerely, eee \_ Dr. Stanford F. Farnsworth Representative zone TIT