54102G6-16 telephone 3661 ' cable tomtom Aoriven Tun : "ERE 4p we Nie AG Ese complete travel service tour associates 1015 massachusetts street lawrence, kansas October 26, 195), James Bee 1323 Kentucky Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Bee: We have an answer to our inquiry to United Fruit ‘Company concern-— ing the shipping of your automobile to Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. As follows: " Unboxed automobiles are handled as freight con- signments. We maintain a regular weekly freight service and aré pleased to advise that the freight rate from our shipside New Orleans to Puerto Barrios is hO cents per cubic foot plus New Orleans tollage 15 cents per 2000#. Ancaverage size automobile would measure approzimately 550 cubic feet. All charges must be fully prepaid." This shipping of your automobile can be handled through a freight forwarder and there are a number of these offiees in Kansas City. If there is additional information that you would like please feel free to call upon us. Sincerely, a Oda fer Mrs. Lois Odaffer.