54)/201-53 the hotel. The price of the hotel is $5 per day which is a holdup for such extremely poor accommodations. Right now I have a Guatemalan in the room shining my shoes--he does not speak English and although he is not doing a very good job on my shoes, the odor of shoe polish is acting like airwick to the musty room, which is good. I anticipate a very interesting trip tomorrow on the small train that goes to Guatemala City. Although one hour by air, it takes all day by train. I will find out what my regular address will be in Guate- mala, so until you hear from me from Guate- mala City, I will close for the present.. Love to all, James. Pee Tell day that in Puerto Barrios I counted 175 bicycles and only three cars, so when he gets his new bike, he can come down and join the crowd. Tell Chris that the little girls and boys do not wear clothes but they still dress up their dolls. Some of the kid waiters were telling me that there are several cases of yellow fever in the village and that nearly all have malarial fever bugs. There were a few in my room so I had the steward bomb them out. They all agree, after telling them that they should have vaccinations, that