ZOVa So the United Fruit Company deesn't care for the people but are interested only in getting their money, which is, as I see it about the truth. It looks to me as though the United Fruit Company will probably go the way of the British in India if they continue to subjugate these people and keep them from advancing as they normally would even as a primitive society. I think that their desire to go against the Company is more than Communistically inspired. Met a young kid who is going to the National College and he tells me that gas is 40 cents a gallon in most parts of Guatemala and that the roads beyond the immediately outlying areas of Guatemala City are in poor condition. His father runs a drug store and pharmacy in Guatemala City. A talking parrot in the back yard has been scolding, laughing, talking and yell- ing like mad. It mixes in with the turkeys, ducks, pigeons and vultures. This morning when I arrived I gave a letter to the hotel clerk and told him to send it off and I would pay the postage. This afternoon the letter was still on. his desk, so I took it down to the post office and mailed it myself. Each stamp is a 1/10 of a Quetzal. The mail service seems to be conducted on an informal basis. Might as well use the rest of the paper. For supper, had soup, bread, butter, another whole fish which tasted like it had mellowed too long, a plate of boiled meat-- looked like vulture meat!--beans, potatoes,