541 205-68 care if they inspected the car or did any- thing they wanted with the guns and ammunition and I think they had a right to, but when the agreement was to send the car "in bond" I think they were guilty in not letting me be there at the time. Whenever guns or atmmunition are mentioned in Guate- mala twenty or so military people collect around and feed on the despoils as would twenty ants feed upon a crumb of bread. The only harm done was the reshuffling of my packing which in Guatemala City I can reorganize again. Departed from Barrios at noon; fare, $10.60 which I thought was reasonable for transporting one over tropical country that would take a year to go by foot. The tropics, in my estimation, is the attraction, at least it should be, in Guatemala. The volcanoes do not stand up to any of the cones in Washington or Oregon. Maybe I will change my mind as I have the chance to see the western highlands. The tropics from the air are more luxuriant than those of Assam and the appearance from the air is like the surface of a cauliflower. The upperstory vegetation appears to be more compact than in Assam. The hills and mountains are completely covered with virgin forests. The low broad valley appears to be kept in successional stages. It is in the flat valleys where the bananas grow most readily. The color is a deep green with a few patches of lighter green. I would like to spend a year in these dense jungle forests, especially those on the mountain slopes, but I see no way of getting into them. aA car in this country is as useless as a "loon on land." The best way,