94+!1205-75 when they prounounce their names, that the anti-com- unistic propaganda is still in full force and that tha teachers ( most responsible for the conmmistic «ovement } are being screened etc. On the main floor of the National Palace is an exibit of all the pron~ Saganda used by the communists in Guatamala. It £8 ene of the nost effective demonstrations I have seen und includes all the literature, décuments, radio- grams, letters, movies, ete used by the C. They have piles of well bound books, magazines, pamplets, which are nrinted in nussia, 2bout pro-americanism, each pile 20 feet nigh und 30 feet at the base. Cne side of the hall is lined with rolls of movie film on con— munisne The sight of all this literature and prop- aganda material, which would fil] several box cars, is most impressive. One side of the larze hell has evidence and the operation of the communist in Wuat. with pictures of the brutal treatment of people, the killing, unhumirg the dead, etc. Right now the an. sinbassy is hishly geared in their propaganda-bocis, panvlets, movies, radio, loudspeakers, etc. Cn the vay out to the tInseo de Zoolozies y Historio Natural, I turned to a nan next to ua on & bus and asked him if he could sneak snvlish, ss I vas not sure where to get off. ‘To my surprize he could and was fron Vermont. This ire Sanchez is vith she american umbassy and was on his way to the horse races ( 1 latar found out-as he is livine at the Fan xnerican-that he won 754 thet day ) Ae to info. en directions, he was unable to help me as he naa «: * been 4n Guatamala only two weeis (3 years to go) The iuseo is lecated in the Vity “oo and is housed in a one story building about 150 by 60 feet. The poorly mounted snimals 2nd birds area arranezed in clese enclosed casese Two exibits in natural setting ( 10'x 4') are peor excuses for this type of presentation. The director Don Jorze