54) 206-80 Guatamala City, 12-6-54 Dear Annette, Polly, Chris, Jay & Grandma: How is my big family in Kansas? I wish you were all here to enjoy this climate as I know the weather in Kansas must be cold at this season of the year. In Guatamala you can choose your weather-from hot to frigid, or, as we natives would say ' de 18 caliente adlafrio ‘. Mailed a letter this morning and will probably get this short note off tomorrow Ai. 80 don't be surprised if No 2 gets to Kansas before No. 1. Also checked with the Embassy this morning but no letter for Bee. Diarrhoea not yet checked tho yesterday I thot I had it under control. a few days may be required to get back to normal. This A.M. went down to see Mr. Molanphy of the United Fruit Co. He is in charge of the passanger and freight department. He assured me that I could get a return trip on the same ship that would oarry the care A like arrangement cculd not be made at the New Orleans headquarters; also, he is going to check to see when the car will arrive from Puerto Barrios. The 4y. right of way is now open-the first time since the slide and a limited amount of traffic is coming thru. Then, I proceeded to the Palacio: National- 1 am beginning to recognize the Ministers by nowe It is quite an experience to see into the operation of the various departments of the Guatamalian Govern ment. The Palace is as said -a building ‘elegante' with ponds in the court as large as Potter Lake. The doors are outstanding but are marred by having Yale shock cylinders screwed on to their edges. The tapestry is royal. I went first to the Ministero de Defensa National where Mayor Official informed me he did not have the document in his office and would have to go to the undersecretary of the Ministerio de Defensa ‘Nacional to see why it was not received. So, I did so to find out what they told me Friday was not true. After going thru the filles they found the letter with permit was sent to the Guatamalian Vonsulate in New Orleans where it was to be authenticated and deliver- ed to the port of debarkation. This, they said, was the status of the matter, could not be changed and they would have to write for the permite ‘this would have been impractical considering the time element, so, I wnet directly to the four starred general-the ministeric de Defensa National. He called in a two- star and two colonel and together they decided to extend me a provieional duplicate permit and they would have the Ministero de Relaciones Sxteriores approve ite Then the Gustoms would be infermed and the guns could be taken from the car and held in bond until