541206- &3 My red rings are almost resolved so I am now ready for whatever comes along next. Will write Hall tomorrow and see if I can get my expenses in so that my account can be revolved. i have enough money for current expenses but could not handle an emergency. The Xmas spirit is in full swing with Santa Claus in every store-most of them life size and mechanical. ‘they really :nake the most of this holi-- day. Ibarra invited ze out for X'mas providing I was in the area. very evening during dinner the hotel features special music, last night it was a rhumba band-tonight, a planist. The fireplace is a great attraction in the building as the rooms are not heat ed and the evenings are almost too cool for comfcrt. dhe Wayans are all wrapped in their colorful shalls. The am Embassy fellers really have a rough time-living in expensive hotels and more time on their hands than they know what to do with-or maybe they do know-Sanchez has had a different gal every evening i have seen him,and,;has a wife in the States. I have received very little assistance from the 4a embassy and 1 find it more educational and exciting to work out ay own problems. They are good to have — around, however, in time of revolution or civil strife, I like those iron doors on their building. Do you have any more word abcut mother? I'm afraid the winter months are going tc be hard on her. what progress has Suchan zade on the fire-escape -the harvest should be over by nowWe I thot I would Keep on writing until the music outside stopped but it is now 11.50 P.M. and they are in full swing-wait--they are now playing Silent Night- this may be it, if not, I will let you know how it turned out later. Love James.