ee wort, ey Arnette an a Ltlir, ard te an Cigtepnte, COUN: Levies J rte ew Guatemala Roundup Pushed as Uprising Against Armas Fails | (GUATEMALA ® — The govern-| k ment pushed a roundup of Com- | munists and supporters of ex-Pres- | ident Jacobo Arbenz Guzman to- day. after beating down an uprising . aimed at unseating anti-Red Pres- ident Carlos Castillo Armas. At least 100 persons already were un- ‘der arrest. “Government troops held . Guate- ‘mala city and other strategic cen-' ters in armed grip. Castilio Ar- imas announced that 10 persons avere killed and an undetermined ‘umber wounded in a brief clash iyesterday between loyal forces and rrebels seeking to capture Aurora -Air Force Base, outside the cap- ‘ital. He blamed the Communists | and Arbenz’s supporters. ~The anti-Red government—in of. fice Jess than seven months— promptly, declared qa state of seige —modified martial Jaw. But au-, thorities announced they were in control throughout the country... | ‘Machine’ gun-carrying soldiers, ‘mounted tight. guard on military; posts “and strategis points. A 10: p.m;>-curfew went into effect in| the capital. | A présidential decree said the state of siege was necessary to snuff out the ‘‘subversive groups” which ‘‘in connection with Commu- nist elements .disturbed public tranquility and by an armed ac- tion tried to overthrow the legally | constituted government.’ : Press -censorship was -ordered ‘but so far no checks were’ placed ‘on foreign COLRCEP OFS dis- /patches. : 85012\-5 se Bf, SGS. 5 Abeer en) Rancena “