550210-30 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LAWRENCE, KANSAS February 10, 1955 Mr, James W. Bee c/o American Embassy Guatemala City, Guatemala Dear Jim; Thanks for your letter of February 2. I am glad that you can see your way clear to stay on for two extra months. We will expect you back here about April 15. In the meantime good luck with your collecting! In answer to your question about saving both the skin and skeleton of an armadillo, I will have to answer that I meant "as much of the skeleton as possible", Actually I have removed the tail vertebrae from an armadillo but that was when I was preparing one here in the Museum shop where I had a hacksaw and certain other equipment whereby I could split the tail all the way to the tip, both on the top side and on the under side, and so pry off the armor and remove the bone. Of course I had to wire the two halves of the armor of the tail back together. I am conyinced that it would not be desirable to attempt to do this in the field; a person's time could better be spent in preparing other specimens. In the field it would be best to save only as much of the skeleton of an armadillo as could be saved conveniently apart from the "skin". Later, here in the Museum, the remain- ing parts of the skeleton could be removed from the skin as it was necessary to have these additional parts. When I suggested saving the skeleton of an armadillo, I did not have in mind nesesserity the 8-banded armadillo but, instead, the other species that is much rarer, much smaller, and much wider between the ears. You ask about the manuscript on the Arctic mammals. Fitch has been working at it diligently for some weeks and I hope to have his revised version in hand before long. It seems to me that you would be well advised to have a native with you in your work. If we had some foreigner up here in eastern Kansas run- ning around the country, doing strang things, who could not speak the lan- guage well, there would be chances of his running into difficulty and these chances could almost all be done away with if he had in his employ some native young man. With all good wishes for continued success, I am Sincerely, ERH/mr