550226-32 Provo, Utah Feb. 26th. °55 Dear son Janos: 4 belated letter to tell of mother’s pas- singe che became greéually weaker in bedy and mind fros the tiae when you est sae her until the transition to the immortal came at 5.55 P.. on Feb. 2nde The constant breaking down of the ar- terles formed masses whieh in turn reacted on the central nervous system in the brain. ‘he spas periods became more frequent as time progressed indloating a definite pattern and the inevitable. 4@ Were aware that only good nursing care Gould be glwen and our hope of her resovory was dispelled by statements from all medios contacted whidh Indluded several. Theat it would be progres- Sive to the end which proved sorrect. «sith the use of a hospital bed, oxygen tank, en hand at all times (thie necessary when estrone cr spasn - oooured) and some one constantly at ther side night and day, we felt mother should ‘have no less. Phyllis and Jax oane down week ends and Phyl- lis was certainly falthful in being on hand when needed although she had her family to care for and was eaployed regularly in the post-operative ward of the L.DeS. hospital in SeLake. she provided all the drugs and accesories used in these cases and her lonz experience was invaluable when ap- plied to mother’s case. thot it best when you planned your trip not to disouss with gou too thoroughly the ser- Lougness of mother's oondition. Felt that there was nothing you Gould do that we warn't already attending to here and thot it best to releive you from &@8 much worry on your trip as possible. a0ther was speechless the last half ef her sickness Snd could take liquids only, as the par- alysie envolvéd the entire right side, vecal oord3a and swallowing. ‘The last few days, pilegm aocunu- lated in her throat. Swallowing becane more dif— fieult as well as breathing. Her heart mady @ desperate effort to earry on-it was not able to endure against her xtremely weakened Gondition and the inevitable. 4e 4on has probably written before now, the funeral was private,in the Culberteon tra- dition and was held at home with the jamed family attonding, together with relatives, Dr. Jones and Zlele and Jack deynoldge service wae verses and passages of the seriptures well read by wade Carter ThD-no personal remarke-ne susie to tear out your heart. Aequested no flowers, fhis was not observed to the letter as many pieces and potted plants arriveds (mother had fresh flowers .. in her reom during her entire slekmess) The body was taken to the fanily plet in a arey broad