550408- \52 all Protestents were scommunists; and were so nemed and so treated. The basie for the attitude of theee netives to non-Guatens lans ie & remalt of « mixed confusion of these several factors, Moet of my work was with the native population fer rewoved from centers of comaunietic activity where the people were ameneble end cooperat~ ive. In other places I was mistaken for & communist end the people would write goumunista on the duet of the cer. Mud end rocks vere thrown, the paint wea soratched, two windows were broken, the gasoline capwwas talen on five eocasions, the mirror was twiated out of shape @@ well as the windshield wipers and license pletes. These acts were not of the usual thieft and destruction of property . by spiteful acta of revenge or hate of one unfortunately mis- telme for & communist. These people were immediately enlightened . ag to my wlasion and that IT wae en American and was thée’:friend, I think thet 1 probably contributed more to the friendly relation- ship between our country and Guetemaie than aj1 the American agencies combined. Hy record-fed 66 natives a meal, geve 215 a drink of water or wilky gave medical aid to several dozen people and told countless hundreds about our greet country end the people to the north. Speaking of medical aid ~~in Northem Feten, there ia one non-registered doctor attending 70,000 Guetemalens, In Guctemela dity, however, there is a modern hospital whieh oan treet any emergenoy short of neurosurgery. In fact, ae far as tropical medicine and the native brand of peresitology is concerned, these doctors are mor experienved. then are many North American doctors. You should attain « list | of the medical men and their retinge in Gustemala. Oity from the American Embessy in ec¢ae of ezerrency. As far as your health is concerned you can expect. periodic attacke of dysentery. The first attack is always severe and inc#pasitating--subssquent attacke are less damaging but annoying. Until your system is contenineted you will never develop immunity which some after the third wonth! The greatest. soures of contaminetion is the weter supply. Be dareful and do not drink weter that is not boiled. I used a. sterile (distgilled) minerel water called Balvovedos water at 35 ¢ per five gallons, whieh is a fier price to pay for good: hebibh.and in addition it fe convenient to sequire, Do not drink milf or ice oreen(exeept American brends of avaporat- __ ed or powered mil@) as most of the producing sows are tuberaular, Naturally green vegetables grown on: or in the ground ere taboo. The esfest way to avoid dysentery is to eat out of cane. Thia . ia not slways‘ possible as the prige of canned foods is from tuo. to four times the price in the States, Fruit grown on trees, however, is good end is reasonably priced. Oranges ere two for one gent and bananas ere five per pennye I should not ettempt to advise on the conditions of the roade because of the changes that have oceurred since my travels in 1954, In feot the United Stetee Government had yiver Guatemala . $64,000,000 to get her roada in repair and I imegine that consider- able work has been realized... The communists impressed’ the eountry. by building e« few good atendard paved highwaya at the anpense of maintenanse of secondary roads. Although the ror’ ted and grede of theese secondary rosde are genera ly geod, the eurfsee is terrible. Their conoern is to have o road thet will stand up under rainy weather and naturally the surface is rocky. These. people just do not understand the techniquea of engineering a good roed surface. As a result travel ie slow (5-10 miles per hour), exhausting and abusive to tires, Meany roade shown on