57O705-9 10-741 (a) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATICNAL PARK SERVICE (May 1953) COLLECTING PERMIT - CLASS Virgin Islands NP July 54 1957 NAME OF AREA OaTE issued IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS APPEARING ON THE BACK PERMISSION IS GRANTED Jemes William Dee, 1253 Ohio St. , Lawrence, Kansas- University of Karsas NAME CF COLLECTOR ACDRESS NAME OF INSTITUTION TO COLLECT THE FOLLOWING SPECIMENS; vertebrates exclusive of fish Locality of collecting limited to Virgin tslands NP st. John, Vo Ie Speciel conditions or restrictions Kone This permit expires september 15, 1957 Recommended —/ BA Recommended lepine Ao Hubler=- Superintendent This collecting permit must be carried at all times while collecting.