Lae eZ. YOST 570904 -108 CATALOGUE OF SPECIMENS COLLECTED ON ST TOHKN (SLAND ANE A DTACENT (SLANCS , (457 Some. Std Kocrecahun, Lt. Lekind Yurgare Saboorde 70957 570707-/ & ce ye 89-( )-1S- 19-38 gree, LAD BP trees 570707-2 3" 67 C)-1S-1F- BT gma, Brae $76707-3 8 thned L/58- bart: 205rn0, liakis Jone $7670797- ¥ @ Spe ee si aA— wt 10 gme , $70709 ae ot wt u Lhe 4b66- ut23 amo, Sytem 10 mmr). ale. uv ral S760707-6 J n Li Vu - eb Wg ree hicks Form $70709-7 of” Mauietisbhes cores S52 -256-63-26, Gat. /9omm- $70707-8 1 Anolle trurkatithie SR7E7-F eee len eee L298 - wt 222qm-, Cals (4 more £90709- 10 2 phde-tien ormaaw £1100, let. (Aarne, ovaries tubergedd, F“78, 1957 5 70708— / Sa aad ern L282 -Wwt aS Grtle y argent roo 3 omen F707 08-3 = incdrecen peteeta " Lit 2P~ Wyte 16 gyne y Ore 17 preory 570708-4 fh Onthertamesee Curate efitin 4:89, Lata 1/2 mer S70708-5 F it a ut L tS, Pretabng.. WS. pres US Ire S ance YS are: [spe te Boosh, dt Sechow Iabunel, Vargrin ebvade, erg fireF TI6708~-b g fe oy Loa, L. 350 » Largtet borecen- 2 teat S707 08~ 9° OF al, clepawttipice “bi P3905 5% j andlererepecl 3967 08- § oid oi teadis ob kas / 30 ae ae 570708-G oo ee ee 86~-C)-1b-20-¢¢ arr 570708- 0 F 82-6) -/5-/9- 3b gma, fof Bog Sages Poet sc at 49S5°7 ia aan FPOFO R21 Z" CR fhe ga Coes L,380-wt /204¢naw , ato TB werirecsy S7O?POF 2 : ae cecerenee SPOF OF = J 570709 -4 : Porsis alicapeisicais (Ane ) 570709 -S5 & Onshe trek tithe 570769 -b §& u ” T7O907 =F Atintitlio 5762709 -8 Aphatred. mderotoper 570709 -7F n age i 5760769-/0 2 Onebhs enetetithue n