370403-)|8 : : leaves under a well protected oak cevering. The wild garlic was un- € cx & usually abundant in places taking on the appearance of a newly sprouted grain. field in brillient green. [es color waa decided contrast to the duller colors of the undeveloped vegetation surrounding Phe ap=* mospherer would have pleased an Italian or Spaniar. We continued to 8 the west snd south along the upper outcropping of the cliffs on the : o' west side of the canyon. Aththe promontory we build a small fire and had our dinner. Collected a cottonteil(21) here, which was heavily infested with fleas and small ticks. The fire was welcome for it was tather collish and windy. The fog clouds would frequently elos@ in bringing snow, then followed with a wer rey of sunlight. The morn- ine in senerel was cloudy with considerable snowing. It was interest- ing to watch the snow flakes being cdérried upward by the up cenyon areft over the cliff abutment. I have often wondered if these air currents hav anything to do with the distribution of deer for we have found that quite a number of deer had used the top of these ledges Gonsistently as evidenced by the maygydroppines, tracks and discorded horns. - ‘droppings renged from(, too CL ane @ « During lunch we discuss the part thet the hil played in the ecologital setap of the a. After lunch we headed west along the escarpment, and followed the gentle graded trail at the base of Baldy, until we arrived at the rim a Battle Creek. The most unusual thine sleng the entire trail was the abnormal abundance of the Collembole resting upon the snow patches. Every snow patch seemed to:be crowded to capacity T would gudge that there were 40 or less to the square yard. ‘The weather at this time was not too warm to melt the surfece of the gsnwo. Also midges were present. It was interesting io note that as we aseended eu glong the trail the large collembols Sees minor in abundance while the small round ones became: i Dosen tetea ene Spring at & point about I mile or less n.v pecans trail, It is evidently a permanent gpring. Most of the “iveae was free from snwo but in some of tne fiat valleys we found a good covering of winter” snow, while other ¢€ pleces found plenty of mud. South rim of Battle Creek was Gompe red whth Yellowstone except fer color by One of the party. Wit hows as doubt it was quite a ho@e from this high:point. To the Bast end north toward Mt. Timpanogos was very few ridges free from white snow amtact i> hed se typical winter appearence. A traii followed upl the eanyon to the right. A water canal also was visible traversing the eenyones n.e. of and about om our same ievel. Considerable water below being distinctly audible from thas point. The mohagany on the ridge of the point had been high weter lined by the eeer; “looked as if they hed been eaten last yeer. The mohogany on the x north side of the ridge where the snow was deep did not shwo this WAtoe line as pronounced as on the west side where the snows vere mostly melted frem the fround. MHis ridges is evidently @ Taverabis pleee for deer in = winter months. At the southern terminal of this ridge where the eanyon intercepts we jumped up enough deer to bring our deer censes to o5 A few were seen on trail earlier end one or two lone individuals. However these deer were e&il in same close vicinity of sach oer The deer we frigntened were in the oak, on summy side hill and in the bottom of the gulch. They divided, going in afl éirections some in Pairs, eroues ef Tear anc five and Tome inci viavela.” Tt wes extremely interesting to observe that a golden Baghée had been attracted by the escaping deer and was seen to fly down and glide over the‘oads where the deer were passing. Evidently after being satisfied he flew in cireles upward and when attaining a certeal ltitude flew northward out of sight slong the bordering billie. Five minutes Teter two turkey —~ vultures, Lil ted tails and 2 Soopers werk seited by in seme general diréction as thé eourss taken by the file working back to Dry Canyon several hundred feet below teat “We peused to observe the flying gyrations of the red tails. The two birds eonecerned were always together and both taking part in the maneurvering. The most characteristic phase ce ae nS @