370403-19 f the gyrations was the closing of wings end dropping ebruptly dow- rica aninthen an upshoot sen 1dine the bird to its maximum he ighth with- out a flapping of the wings. han buydavsatines ikem ¢ downward again the continued the same performance. They appeared to be on good terms most of the time, however at times. one bird would’ close wings end dart down upon the companion who resented by turning over or to one side.. One of the most interesting things about this west exposure of Timep. was the feulting along our course. Several places we decided were made in e most recent time. It appeared to me to be memely a . slepping of one stzatum upon snother along the west ligb of the anti- elime. These blocks have merely slipped along their contact surfaces with their underlying base. The new exposed escarp- | ment carries alone for several hundred fect |: at the base of the foot hills, Several Slate colored Fox Sparrows were seen in sage brush elong way end in both instances the three birds were fight: ing and screping. Near our destination found the long crested and Woodhouse Jay associating with each other. Their ca nlls are dis- tinet when heerd together. The long erested on the one hand hes developeaé the mimic eall of the screaming red-tail marmot end other fete ealls. Our only fl ck of Junecos were met with at the end a of our tramp; a flock of about 75-100 of mixed Gray~—hee ? Pink sided and possibly the Montana Junco. Meny were singing approach. CGolleeted a hemiptera (27) under a rock end several Plies in a water box. The flies were massed together upon the water surface. Record of Census Weather- See notes Number of birds and ce observed— 222 Species recorded 22 Tinie in the fields Approxinately 8 hours. Distance covered- From 35 to 4 miles. Wamber of observers- Three Gourse Fallowed ANERICAM FORK CANYON L BIC ALDY GROVE CR IBATTLE CR PROVO CANYON ‘ et Gensus List Juncos 85 Mixed flock (see notes) R.W. Pheasant 5 Am, Magpie 6 L.S. Towhee 28 Evenly distributed Red Tail Hawk 7 Possible duplicetion P.O day ll Three lone and one group of seven Woodhouse Jay 6 Associated with the L.0.Jay G.H.Owl. 1 Possible nesting RaC. Kinglet 2 fT. Solitaire sis