G\ 1030-8) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE April 15, 1912. FOUNDED 1864 Dean Olin Termlin, University of Kansas, My dear Professor Ternmlin:- I am enclosing with this estirates of the needs of the Zoology department for next year. You will observe that = have asked for more monev for salaries. I believe that it is imperative that we take better care of our teachers. it is impossible for men to do their best work when they are obliged to worry over the means for subsistence. The sreatly increased cost of living has foreed this consideration upon our faculty and the werk of tris department is suffering on account of it. I earnestly hone that yon may find it possible to provide better saleries for the members of the zoology department. These people have done earnest and conscientious work for the institution, even spending their summers in its service,and trey merit whatever consideration the University can give them. Out of justice to them I should also like to ask that the administration give them some idea of what they may expect in the way of advancement. “her have been here long enough now so that their characters and abilities are known and it will make it much easier for me to carry on the work of the derartment if their nrospects are settled. They can then either decide to accent them or look for rlaces elsewhere. Also I am asking, as usual, for more money for library nurnosese ™he department id doing all in its rower to make itself a true University department by adding to our knowledge of animal life and activities. This original work requires, smone other things, sood library facilities. “hese are lacking and must he supplied if the research work continues. Another item for which I em again asking money is technical and artist help. The power of the instructors will be sreatly increased and the instruction bettered br this tind of rely and I trust that vounmay see your way clear to provide it. Py your request also I am ineluding the estimates for the museum, “hich, although in the department of which I am head, I have had no controlmover.