G1 1030-82 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE FOUNDED 1864, To the Dean of the College and the Boare of Regents. Gentlemen, Tn asking for an increased allowance for the comming year I wish te cal} vour attention to the following; We are prepairing to make the iuseun a part of the teaching machine of the State, tirough the following methocs, dst A new syster of Lableing, whareby each specimen will teach something, 2nc By cooperation with the public schools of the State, with 23 circulating collection with prepairec lectures on Nature Study, 8rd With a complete food series of lantern slides with prepairec lectures on the Birds and mammals of the State. tn order to carry out the work planned for the comming year I have not asked for a single item that is not necdea by the Dept. In asking for an increased salary for my assistant Mr Rocklund T wish to state that he is worth more moncy than he is getting ang_I have had more C2 8 than one oppertunity to place hin with other instutions ana in justice dv to him and myself I ask that he be given the title of Taxidermist at a