©| 1030-85 University of Kansas. LAWRENCE. 11-2212 POUNDED 1864, Department of Biology We have in the Museum 13,130 cubic feet of space, enclosed by plate slass, forBird Groupes in their natural surroundings. In 3s much 2s the American Museum of Natural History , XN. Y. City is the only Museum in the World that has made a success of this class of work I consider it a saving of both time and money, to go to N. Y. and learn their methods, and I ask the Biological Dpt. to present this matter befor the committie, and ask the Chancellor that I be allowed Co" tne trip at the expense of the Museum, There is ample funds in the Dpt. to pay the cost and run the Dpt. the ballance of the year. I 2lso wish to state that the American Muscum have a generous polYicy toward education and their methods. Yours respectfully, ELIE Assistant Curator Museum of Mammals