JOURNAL 1965 JAIMES bh BEE (fone Te wa @S0f/oi-f 1, 1763 5 gen 7 Laat onde 1402) I ! Aneenpkhcc ne semepefes tid 7 Weed mectter bree ‘7 Leng fected J Premmaptees rome 1S MrereLcs orhieges By Janette r tid rt micratees CtAmgaeter V mecretice ackenge ter 42e pug 7 tenebfee bel ay eats ochingec Le 10 el 2S MrrsaZm 2b tonefpfortic pe Defected 19 meetoZee 3 mactolise wekregiate . 2% tnrdfected o cenep fectial 27 fre mance . 7 ” 30 cenet peeled Open p- ed la a ee LS Qed B/io mme CO Sheree Fo)). ) conaptfee ted 53 dane foc tea! 7 meg fected geo vu " th btths der Lerrnegs at $3 a TS 77 BY, ve " 76 37 v7 " 74 Ftrermagatecd erence 3 sameffpcctidl wT e 0 senepfec lid 37 vG a &/ ae 3s " go u ov rd 34 et bt Pero none RS fais one tze, ¢o " 6+ Le Lhvechntomnep- sy af 7) " 63 WmeroLie °S" tener gp fertect a OK Chreclon Lorrige- 6d canof fectarl & pbvcmenacae $3 4 v7 Mt 57 e jo mrecreteer selnegerler uy f 8S a y vovxoaeciilll othe 2 fe Danie ., B estiton tony Prem ub comet facle / £ censttectol Bw. PL4 g pe ¢7 t " Oe ine 10 nap ficTed 70 73 "190 Aap UF Bec i a re GY ‘ La nah wee fo cmap pected! IY Apreng a¢ ai yo" 73 tng fcted 4) ReBhrederterngd) JL c 74 Panmypeerce Leceupece 8 spf (des?) 620/0/- & (deat) 6 Z0707- & (diel) 63070/- 8 sku (cdeet) (dest) 630/0]-] | Skies G3070(- 3 630/0)7- & 43010/-/3 630/0/-19 630701—- 19 6 30710I-a¢ 630701-2as™ 6561/07~ 27 430/70/-29 geaie y= ¢2 63070/-¥S G30 /07-¥F 630/0/-6/ 630/70/-62 630707-63 &30767-67 630/01-7Y% b B070/- % 630/0/- 77 630/0/~ $3 6 30107-4947 6 36/0/—-F8 “0 u“ av wv vw a Rk ‘ Crerngetius mantels Lee Rrcrmpuccee marecesta Bow at a ane Rev pussca manatee lata att 6 307/6/~/00 630/0/- $3 an a a ae Reetheadlentornage ahb, /Il- 630) O0/—-@2 Daphrt. (31 BJ 20 -12.- FE Gee 2 at nenne’ 15°3- 73-0 Fe yk gm DS belkg Donen /30—- S0- 79-13 — Vb gyn vw Belew ff seme [86 - 70-07 - la- 1 gene e 2. Z [62 - 88 - BS 13-S3 gree g 5x1 tab ommgooe Bomng, oo were Pbl- Ftoa a) —/2- sagen ¢ ee SS Ge ZB 20 -/2.— ¢ 8 game 136 28-/9~/a~ BY Grua 139— BUSS 42~ B+ Gee 15/85 2d ~/38 -¢y. 1¥0— 5519-1 b— 1 Gone 0 ike Pomr/ 15 O- 32-24) ~/Aa~ VOgone IE D- GS — 20-72» Sos a (AaB - SS -f(I-13F~F Gra 153 —-S$F= 2.0 -/h— 17 Gone S69 -S7~1E~? Ye Al [730] -L38]- 19-74 - SGrm oO alee Tomer. (20 ~-SP—-17-12A-/O0 ge A¥/ — 3-20 -/2-— F/ 143 - S820 -/B 15 Gree ”" Lakhs Fmnrw Corernypeces: Leuapice [/29]-[33] - 22~/6 -22gme J97 ~b 8-16 -/3~10 Grn ierecagincin Bacapuce 12-70 ~ 22 -/6~- ~ aS gene 133 -SI— B7~76 ~ 7 S/-/b -13~8 gone D later BS mmr 7 goue F at. normal. NB ~S1~ 16 ~72~F Grae 12S ~S6 -/7-/3~18 Grew NS = S50 -S7T— (2 Vie me, QD and tho mi, € COntbin (Cenks of ben) Doughe G., Kanan. hee? Xo <2. Pees ee a pe, /0)-/380 def 220 atreces (The Centu Z Coco, bi toe tas DL SIF 3A asa at Lave of wae ‘J aE eerie eset RSE, F135), ta ae 7 nae eps tg a Heo ah 12,7963 ¥ Canton Cowher aie . at Ciemes 2 Oud Linas: & Chinterr, Tropes Aart 20’ O30 f O25 (Lie Whee 30 zor tua bmrcek 7 thei ts eee) SL PR | Go F ww ope ablope CLniient Cagle thane kh, “aeuks. yuepe 5 BSF on yy 4 38 - BhS-/2— 4RGnee Or tealis Fann) 139 -Gl-1G— /4- (0 Grea oD Wat oS osc, (St. BE 20 - /2- BB gyre? ut. normal 43-65-18 -(2- (4b Grre_ But nermel LOS OF-2F— 67 ~ SAGA tT pevmsk 1B7— 3)-20-/2- Bl gre ME.L, Sorm AZI~ BEH/G- 1% — ZV arre (44 ~ 32-20 -(2~ SY Grne Steaks mw | IIS= $9~-to~ 13 — 8 Gree 2 ut rprnct ASN ~ 66. 22-7¢~ 19 OF teete Somer [¢6~ 30 -/F-1A~ 4 Agno % 1X2 em b) Poms (23s - [94] ~ PI- 18 - Flore 2h neal (46-34. 29-72 ~ Hl Gare O beh Dorr PIR IE 1F— 40 gre % ut newmet (33 -~ 64-18 (3~ 16 ays SB lakhs Somme 118-0 -~ 15-12-79 2 et erncrdd (33- 30- 30-/2- A7 gre Oaks om (33-22-20-/0~40gqma teehs Smw (S8- tl-af- (A= aol gre F dvchbing (3% ~ 60-18 -/3- (0 Gree @ ut-nowmaLl /27- &3— 2-10 - 32 UA Nermnca 2. 170 74-22-16- 2bgme F Acrlanged, Uprfinat 1IN~80-23-(S~ 24 gome- 0 Leste F oll cr Oe FlEey 630/03-9¥ Rethrodentemee/ a v7 ” a 6 30703-9S" 6 30/2 3-/0/ 630/10 3~-/06 6 30/03-/67 430103-108 630703~/09 4307/0 3~-H0 630703~HA2~ 630163-13 G30108~WE 6307/0 3-0/7 $636/03~-/20 63501038~-/2/ 630r108-s1/ MWitersdeica aedrogae tin a a a a a ve a av a at aw “ 6430/03-7 128 -b0-17-12.-1 O97) OO Calis 4, Stem (Ab ~ S6- 18 -/A- 8 Grne Gut. nesomal Lr 91J-lbv- 29-74 -S8 que F ut norsk BUb~ 104-3) ~17~ 90 Grow SO Geliw Pomer/ A2Y= PV- BO-/S—L9 grmee, G at. Nene 218- G2 - 27-16 ~ 68 gme F ay. Nerenal YT 5G (VS 15-20 grass a a Oe 1¢[-b6BW-1G~ /2~ BB gma 1U¥3~- B2A«20 <12~ ISG ma» RB at mornel ITA-~ Yo Oo 12S) Ge WS0- 30 - 2l— ae VSG 1S 6- gb- 20-12 ~ Sr gms FP ad. mesma 146 - BS-SF - 12. ~ BG riws G at. norenel 176 -37-2/-13- 60 gra F E ox! Abe | 1S’ G- AE- 20-12 ~ SBpua\ cog. topes I Lyrep tome 636/03-23 07 | Ld iy Legh trsernaek a Doseesl then Coler fortpant anenel 630/038. 79 of IT ao Lhe eae ob — home. Nand (ome € Chnten (ute f trun) dovelrs G, Lanace’ Y Gg " det joo biepe C- Taggers 7 = repre No / TRAP 100 i aw. S,1G6S p)i Trapee pay arcrene! aedge race bey: ASF a+ baae of top (nat on Levee), S/-~/00 thue Center Y datges > Ome. 7% sme « Cetue er 6,/9463 ' 4% €g 9 IN. ochre WF mm. ochre OF anchfected 10 La.thio VO ttm offected GO a 1% Bang. Loco ee (Aeet.) Ue hepa tornega 7% ceneppected ee a a 3 poy 73 ul ' ¢ kgraptoree vy cnet fected ay ! (I semetfecbed ro vi Kl 1G vt ve ?6 7? Lppploneg J? 1. oehve #7 18 Aenep fered! SS oneereBer ochin 78 ' 79 , NG mnecretis Oclhee 77 20 Apron Go apne (00 wl 2/ 6r fo/ feta Opry “Ld br come ffec teal for es 22 cnagpstd 63 “i (03 fEbltrruen atl co bd 104 cmepfectect sat” . ev i [0J- wt 26 ; LG (06 begmeslor, £. 27 eppestid 67 if 107 dened fecde 2F “ ok = (O08 u +4 uw 4 nN, ortting 109 ul 38 ‘e 70 ceneppee tra! a ‘s 3/ a ?/ " yee i or Lynne Ke Tv m (th ‘pny 33 hep ee 73 A (03 wmeppeetid oY ut 774 Afriim 4 tf Y a ae apron AW pmesifected ey Be neg petted 76 n Wp 77 ‘ “ 37 ppruang , ‘ty 36 Mm. ochre 76 ue Lamb, £ 37 Ajram 79 ng deraf fected Yo Ss Go me (20 —wtciese (clee#) . 4 ; i Percrmqeces ball des etch G@30/0 6-8 Gl mm. oedkee ro +@,I9O3 6°590/06-—4 Papearon toca ag rromermae, pew, Hhapliner aed Lat mecg ht G3010E-—/ C630/06-9 63010@-1P 63006 ~- (3 6300 e@-13 630/06 - ct 63040 @-7 630/06-3R 630706 - 3F 630/00-43 G3ze1eb-~ 47% G 30/06 - S23 G30/06-S7 630706 -SF &30/66-89 63006 - 69 630/06 - FI 630/06-84 Sonu 6 Be /0b6-8'7 430/86-/03 630/06-/06 63006-1186 630/706 -(RO Wnecretece AYo ~7O/— 29~19— Bagme g ut. norpal’ pBS~ BA-AO~/2 — AG gre Pbk Torr S3B2-L4Y-17-~ f/- GF g alent san [G2- bY022-/b~ 28 Gris F ade: 17(- ¥2~ a/~ [A- S0gma— £ tet. 2ptrree L IR — Bil 2B 00 ~ BL Gye oO terker Somer /B5 - 23-BR- 7-46 gree Phe Tmo 208-§7-26-17- S2grne- 2 ut. rnermnelh tag naplorncge- Compiere A tyrrecler Hes prcbace . ISS 38 — 20 ~12 — 42 Gyre s eee ey larthnecenternage megoletes [2A- 60~(6-/A-~18 gre, F Gt, IS meen (30 -32.-/9-20- 294 gne 0 Gtte Sannd (323 -aa-20-//- <7 gre F J30 —~ f3e-20-72 ~ 29 gre Fut normal ) VG =~ 34-40-12 - BR gre SC leeks F mr 16S- 42-2 —/3 - Y Sarce® cet Hain (64¢—- 39-Al-1> — SOgpce % v4. Mermel 1660~ B9-Rl-1 a> - S3gme of Tee Zo/0 ye Kethiroden terrae meyabate 0-66 -/8 ~/2-/dgnee Mlrto fom zh. 100-70 —23-/b~ ahame O Gali Dons [12~24— 15-16 gyna 2 ut nemmnadl A0e~ ES-28- /S- Segqme Sf hehe 4 ma [92 — F1-A 7-1 SH US Ge A Cetin 4 prem’ (heed. feromurtive Marceuclabice 119 - 2-18 - 1Y— 8 Gree f at normal ) the 1930's (, btoumers toke Hack srovel sae. Sele. tins BaDiratens Hhe greuth of the path Yeo Unferceegs ererl, tvroas és cast af abet Gre FORE, Dedens sa: ae gk, 5 abort nn, hgh at & toviok af g , \< sea freo< ae Che weak noe 2eeemuhhg Ahere wea a Lokse thal woe MeecL, F tere ole es a 230 Lieber det Licroaptec! low cable oa) 237 rHearel Leek. 206 feb he. wa. as 2 bo pov eaetate . trrne ecb , oe 2¥o 2o Oa ttle ; 245 ae ee ee SS 2 z dtu, 2 mo 206 - pw (he Aturery ) re head ieee 328 26 34 eee Cann: e. EE be tx, nt oi8f., °F Peaenag eee a a Lite bperren 100 fos a * 006A hact bce Sar Jeray 3:28) he rope laa 7 eh lag 74 el SHY ret LG 348 & inh 2 Lire. & 2 tue Comer . Aoper Cotnad 0 drucbee. (nae An nnn Feth. 8/963 BG 630203-19 _ ead i opt bie see ee ease ne ee pple I Veo, Y2d “2g Wap ge% Oe) /Acb ht 135 40 Kee tered [rowel hour. £08 ) "4 Cap. conticcsd Yast (ome oh arpepertenaier) » His : hee Mag gol bpold heer Lor lope lone . fovtel : w | Gr ate a deg as ee Spo fod bog, a » "'@, Fern! Gg fow shgmag leone - ted Jeiencimeg, ater ES j ee Dg sting (chee gone) Fo CT a ind aE! lipo tdidp FAM taper Fyre, 94.9 mart kink & werk 100 1 mide Ib -G5,2-(o each) 5:13 fe ; che 97:5 Sager (4%) Routes 79.4 o x ok CO.’ ab Sakon }] Es WV 7b. §,/1963 pv ee ea 4 100 fet 1) ducal 100 fet) Castine (Cutts of leur) , Whorvgloe ©, Crmceat Jeb. 8,963 Let 100 Loops on thevt aren the marek ta at cfastly tho aber boca teby teLincun tripe 33-38). Taegu fH 32 Be Geen pees 5 Aenarky matted, bn beds . Traps 33-39 ee gy ee ther Ff SP ae 630A0G-20 Gets L963 / Chee 4.777, Kemgo Protner’ 82°F, ne~evoncl. ChechsA Cid0ty J iernber ae Pitenberw . / Ln ine 34 dperisnd 77 called 2 mat wractio! 40 fire Lccepece 76 Zo i! U) not ntil 9 4 Recthre an. Ur Baro Beiaaspess Fo Legrmeten h ve . UZ not eect 8] fer (tnet of Recthuc | 6 Kacthee om: Tv ow " GE 7 O84 ” Woo " 63 Od of hol GF net rractes/ Ye “ ” BY M1 9 7m. sehre G7” ‘ GF ou a 6O A piiiencdy, Yh fRuro Leceeopurd 6b " Vl 9p. wchrs - Of nad yenctinl €7 8 " /- anus. Yo SS ; (3 Leethc ™m wp of 67 u peeebe Vr. Go Ape on v3 ' ’ G1 igh weended lo “ JY Gro ; (7 " Ao ww ‘ $3 ' a4 vo a 04 Od casted v7 Beh on Gf ve ws ae ‘ MF 7 fy OTD ctl a) Kecthre mm Vi oprang 77 not ; nr Kacthie ™ 60 yd tol afoo6 och oka barnes) br nt rene tie! 106 25° 63 n , 26 Het mane kd od 27 Recthie m of | ZF fecthiem- 64 £Lactheo an. . 29 mek 67 L£. ~ o . OG on se ctles sm 70 Cec ns 2 Ee 33 Fare Meccespry 77 08 aug fet 7 5 Fasen eee 3V Frere Lecceopese Iv 8 | in 0 ij 5 Pere buserpese 7B UOT 36 Pere Kecteeprce 7¥ 37 fro Laccerpurs We 3S 1 ; er 7% Tem Te 6 wu fepuratier 4 rasan ate : 630209-4 Lecthrodentumegs 4630209-S ae a &302°F~- ee ve b30XG- 7 n a 6 30a07-F Mitreotic bibergtete 6 3e20e97-01 ts ” Lb BOROF-(2R Mere Mudd lire bo 3 ©209-/3 ithe eolentoregs meq: G3Z02%OJ-2O omens ficficliue, 630209-2/ Kectheo. raag Riles 63020F7- 22 " “ GZ0207-23 pres rrecececLecs 63e207-27 lac thredemiternegy m. 620AC9-2F “ “ 6 30209- BA ns w 6302097-33 Fererngeceee Lrcopice 63e2n09- 3 it cas G30209-3S™ " n bB02097-3% " it @ 36209-87 " a 630209-3F " “ £30207-40 “ ‘i 63020F-Y2R re " 6302097-US ‘ a 630209. S7 Kecltho: glia 4362109-66 ee y 6 30210767 ut 6360209-E9 or “ 636 207- 67 6 Z02rx09- FO 6320209-22 JAR ~ FF -lOiS- bA- oye NG~ SL 2 IG-I2— 7 gee 1/33 ~G3B-17~ /A~ (Caro /(3-$0~(6~12.- 8 arne YT 33-2O~-/6 ~ SB gre , vag. prrlorete J19~2BT-1F- 7 ~ £5 ane 162~BI-19- 7% = (7G rne- VBE Ef pFo ta aie Ra7r-Gb- 3)-/7- Go qme 440 ~63-/3 -/3—- 12 owe I¥2-64-175- /3— (dG 746 -b3-19-13- 14 game PEG BO flees PBs TL Geaeene 128-60 -/4— /2~ (Ogma /23 -Sbrle~12- Pome JB — 2-23~ 1e- IS gma. /16Y~ 92-23-17 ~ 23 gone 196- 66-22-/b6- 20 9ncs (68 ~ 22-23 -/7- AS Grve 168—-69-23—/5- AS gmo 174-975 - 22-16 ~ al Gotan (6 3-68~22-/6- 24 neg 165~ 70~ 23-17- 24 ame /S7~66~ 22-17 —21 Grn (82-62-17 -/2~ FE gowe /32—-40-/7- /3Z— U Gra (15 ~ Tt-16 — (2 - Boerwe . 130 —5 F-/7- 13—/ 0 ance ISA2—7/-(8 — 7/8 ( 70] - Le -~ 50~(7-hognee arene Lut TAope / BT pniparrs ; FF /00 aug | ESE-/00 aw Ehret Aves ee can Sth. 1 S,! TOS G3B0AlO-23 Fed. 10,1962 (thad «3 Vind 2: 3 fisad/ ve) [ape cndec reg vin LL List Cust neg hd Thape | To 7 me poss, #B-100 angles. Leb 20 geet apart i Tang netmbecs are thao feet Hterrnhers . i ed weentaclk He mage 74 Kacblis megola be 2 Lthno megetetc 4) dprymng] Fo) Aun 3 rot wartee/ VL nef vracted / 4 aprumg 43 Frere Leceopu yr Kettle rmegatate Sle Lereeeprre vy aphung) 53 Grthic. megabate btth. meqalots 7 nat DP geting? oY not uercted U fp nat outst ev Apeuuny Gf dpeuny uy! a 8G hero Leceag fet q net vractill 18 Ltlao megele bn 67 not wrtd yo" " 19 mecrebur ocheo $5 Ecthic magetal- wor 56 ek amend 57 aod veected Ie ethan. rmeqetate grok eo dprumy 13 ape vi Arcthc 41 10d veactil a ee 3 rot vet tr hare, Mevcerpicr Wo wo gan 14 Licthee yregee ha bow ww" ° 7 17 Tet vrertidS ut Aurthie rege tate Apes (§ Kecttr~ rnegebe¥e I] nat amaitiol 46 not trerctiel 44 Aphlinge veo ‘: 77 "0" 20 nat rrockel Veo GF 1" a ap ow A 60" ° a RS ow di b1 Racthre rue g ete Dow 100 “pra 243004 " 6L Pictles mega tates at . 62 notouwt/ wo " og ou " [6 magelo tee of re rar a A Ge 29 net aracticl 67 tpuny 2g Totet 29 frarrder 66 Aprumy 20 Lhapa bppriena/ 30 veeteol 4 not 52 depo not viectiel ar ” 70. ™ " 3> kaPhio Mmegatintee 7 Apron 332 not vrerhl Ty mod auarigg gv on " 723 fre, Leceopice Cn. ab) ty tlan Deve) BI on “ 7d * 3b Pens Leccer pce 70 Pere Lecceopect 37 not eeeLegl mG apring) BB 77 dpeuny 39 ' ” 7% Pere - uconire Joe: %O)0 TCO £S0asa=Z24 Laeprorvetion f rrewmenadte phatrw dhenrp cbinne f Cont nga. 6 B02R10-21 faomapne ap 6BC2A1O-s Peverngaecee 630240-¢ ute, 2 Cowenpae 6b BO AIO -1@ L380210-/6 a ”» b3B0210-18 ae “ w 6 Be2ro-26 &3Z0210-aF ateapeage metace GBe210-3Aa hetttne. meq aletoe @BdOrL.l1EO- 36 Porermigiene asanpect 6302716-43 fe ty &Bo2r0o - 48 batho mayattee 63021-4F Werke bso02n10- S52 Cathie mayate te 630>10- 56 " " 63e2/6- oF a “ ¢302/0-62 at a ¢3e02/76-73 Frmngeewa Leveapeme GBo2te-7% " “ 630216- 7S” “ ao 6302/10- 78 ” at 636210-79 faethro, alk, sream-sa on, 463021683 6362/10—~$6 Reripts hasapic G320210-§8 : age Oe ee 12S S$-7-12 - 7 pe A697 ~ 73-22-/6- 2S Gee (40- 65-18 -(2-~ gue 122,- $3-(&@ -12~ 4 game (21-55-16 ~ 12-7 ama. AM Ceeles Sone (deat) /27- $3 -/6-I2- 8 gree (3F~ 6/17 - 12-2 gree [68 TL, AP are (2.0-S@- /6-11~F ance /G2Q2-~ F2A-2B- 1b Spemmcage — 3 Oe poets 1b0- 64-22-¢5-2¢ ance J22- SB- 17-02-10 Gpne, 7 Lake Youn [50 - 33- 20-//- 5 Jamu /3/— 6/-17~ 12, — [0 grma~ 1329 - 66-475 - 12 = Gane 135— 6 -17-/8-716 [2A@- S6-17—-/2- go (68~ 7A~Aar.S—-/S— 2 7 grmo (Ja- 7F- 28-16 ~ Blane (6 5—~6 F-2a- 16 - 26 grwe (6 § - 73-22 -/e— 26 gro (a7- 6I-17 ~ 12-10 anna 150 — 7(-(7~13— (3 Gre (40 -G@2-17-/3 “14 Gane 165 —- § 3-23 = oe (O-S-F=/7 - B- kane 430270 -72 the 7 Sa (70 ~7¥~23-/6- 2B Gree @30210-73 (73- 7F-23-73- . Onby i por ko feet. oe pn ae Lect lan / oe bude 2 Z a Beunn fussbr! Cectiveer O-F Keel tuetizsy coptevt) el bail, tuende anach an Sond Contec erery 3O ov ae : pe a 27 Feb. /b,/G63 Noe .— ae heme Nand Joost. E Unton, doraboa GG. Haden a te 16,1963 wa /00 not Adekirgnrneel « : Atefipaorted by dpe \ wos culty tvotire ar AD wo2t dbs a | : cats 79 brani Gen gla - ro ye Soe eppert ex , tees B drainage ditch Toes Cle, OTe > O39246727 Whe fatten (Prrpitin abens chainace epee Yrgelin Trornreeetl A.A: Tint 8-8" Mma lor « Say opern ae +VOp s draimage cditeh 6 a iy tec No eee Nea a pian, = £ ®. lo 2 oe B Trop $ . . 77a for ‘ a £ 2 _ CG’: +a ps \ draimage diteh gf et poe g eee Me SAW ae wer Yet Me er e. } Me veesrs Pebs wud tbrpars Caren hago L100) reek, sept avel releLh, free of He anew ow ) te tre frond acl Fo" Aelehee . ft had tee tlecvatia OD oT paca rite en wet i Roeyp hele, aust Frercege / ie Cmeernapes Csvereal 2ntne arte green @obn (dee mop) anol coenre Poptatirn Lark potl or arty demnten TS Diag. Pacrvbr) 1G Akh. TAopo set telveen $: 30 Aru aul Luntight . Teop th ody 49°F, Monde A. meervotire rchnegned,.lotew raucbep 23 thes 7) he 6 302a/b-/ Wrterphee ockiogast, 16S 5-2) - 12-5" 7gme FEB Me fF FMP a 2O FEb 17/19 G3 F17 auwk : Taber atande 46°F. PEI) Fig hs Am at Linne Lal fe Joo Am WBN. Obant F4°F, Eoaly Pacuole 1 ned mrertaok 3G rad amracticl 7S fare. Loreapeee 2 4 ” 39 Mucnretis ochre 74 Kerthre. fn ngatole 3 Mra chro YO n" a 77 fond Y nat veactest v/ 1§ not va ”" oe ¢2 not pucted 79 LEG EME o * ° 43 80 enter 9 fara. Lecco pw v¥ das teh G/ emaoeun Dag 3 Ee-théo. reg ole Pane Vw Fr nee ie. . 7 toct gare Yb Legroptamage @. 73 berth. wreqebaboe so fere- Aeon pice q7 nat veecteet ey apr. - J/ nee wrtilact ug CO] edt gj ” rv " n ug mot, GL a” /3 VO meereticcoctire eee iJ met vets I a a as aot verte je 0 " vy apne &T “plus /po on " v3 a 76 fire. Leueopnue IJ ow “ vy rd C1 pedk trarkio sf Cethon mp0 US mneratss ochre Gr Mecrekes oelre, 19 not vot FG pry 73 ap, 20 ” is v7 a ey Pa 21 8 é US yrerrotier ochre af mot verkel az at ” wy %6 2Y Dneerotice setre er a GF uot vcacticl a net veeckol br mereles ockng 79 Ftro. Cecseenfee ° 26 oN ” 63 pry 106 that veld. o7 * - bY pnd f o a 35 ned vescted 2¢ mot pect! of fere- Luvecapere ' so " . 7 A prong a6 d —— 31 Merete ocho 68 w a 79 Wee Z BL meerels octre bo? nat wrecleol / tgproptemup Cooper 33 set eae die! 70 Pere. Leneopoce / Fatiyrace poneternin io ft: 34 91 neat veectet aT we ° Eecthre. rnegethelee Fet rg web prea g 37 tie octte 24 jy tiniatial VE 1 Ff, CFO OO Pm mmatly Drop Wiurnbhers ates. 630217-3 pe eee bi rregucs Dope 630A67- 7 @30a17-6 b630217-/0 63O217-18 6362.17°a¢ GBoaI7-AF LBont Sf $30277-32 £3027/7- 37 LB02r17-F 6302/77 #0 b3ens7-V9 6 30217-Y6 6 302/7- So 6302/7- 5! 6 Be2t67- SS 6302/17- 57 6 Bo2/7-SS LBOn17- O2 6 30 2/7- OS b3O2/7- 66 &b302/7- 70 63602%/7- 7 & 20 207- 92. G3e2nI17) 72S7 b& Bea17- 26 eter ee L3e217- G0 G202717- $1 6302/7-9% a B02rl7-F¥3 630217-70 6302/7792 6 302/7-77 63021T7-77 Qt 1 Aneel Sassy area aria DE ha j KiaD peg Lut rreytk. Te, ee Araperclir ; G3O0RIDT"AFT JGG~ 3B2-2)~ (1) ~38arrw 1OB~- Ja-~AB-/6- sBGr~w gels gen ba- 1)~ 1 — 10 are 1B2- $6~-A3s- 15 - 26 gyre at nage mgt 36-/7- 12-74 Gree tretretiss octnoqadeter /¢-3B- 33-/9- ~1 = 3G gree 7 ” l65— 4o- ~2ril~ b2rgre [BG ~ 31-19 33qrr0 1oe- 36-19-11 —- th ams at vr “at ad 47 “ L~EF— B4E~1G ~~ YA GH ae ae 141~ 34-19-11 = £0 " a 15O0- 3Bf-20-s~ 49 wt ” (SO- 36-Al~ po - Yoyme O1 Cea tie /O Im A graplemege Leoper< 133-21 —-20-Je- ¢ Barna oo Cieby 6 mm ees Tnecrelice ccbrogoedr 1$B- 3S-20-H- UF Gane 130- 3°-/197-79- 34 arnr~e a os 1S0-3B¥- 19-1 - 50 Gra ” we 7EBA*AAWP-AO-71 - LO Ce a? 14638~ 34-20 - /{~ signs (50 ~ BS-(8¢S-1/ > ¥6 Gree an oe tr tf 102-26-/8- 8-14 grne Goer petccs Laceteee (7S - 7A-23B-(S~ Slane 162-66-23-/6- AS ayne 188-6 3- ~ ASST H/F ZAGHO Cobban chen ber iap rrageladec 37 - 66-17—/2~ 1] me Ptrernigeccu Meetopere (00—6S-242-(S - 26 gre chtLe SRA -~ SI-17-f/A— I gone id 136-45~/8>j-udane SF Beka Mme J€T7T-3¢-20-s/- ¢/ geome te (772) -[6 a]-22- 1S- Sage Ineeretro ack age ke. 147 —- GZ3-19- (0—2l ame neg abla (AS ~ $ b-17~-18- 8 Gm Vanurniqecess Cie he [oe] -(2J — 22- 1S (8 Gna. eo 1397 - 31-20-11 ~- 2% a Aesfece 153 — 46- 22£- 27 gma wAernegecees Lecetopuce (TA-bA-AAH~S 6 20 gyw0 bared Aetomwnd 7 (nets IF st) Feet LP f fow 6302/7-30 Tafore poretevny cypy Drape ttt Laat ereg (eed Chee heot Pb tnep Upproactet aren north. Sent redbectbat sot sede cco, | wh hq bots Crass Hood. tytnud n & ne see), thence weed & see, 1 Dol, 7” te A468 heeliow 35 at 6a.b mbege (newb weet), Ontnreed Ip hich Lud Arod auclrehrn Brmgdth tee, 95 (t33) Hue hn Ls at 7 Seer 35, thenee 7 hte 34, Chenee SH mouth Gow Auk at 77 010, Hus w lL nace.9, thins Sh meddle tee.17, thener tack LAsetl Lax Aon anid Aber Ib mace Need, Cheer east Lo quddl tee tb, Chives S te mdtdttle tee.a/, 4 Hhernet Zrke Aso, relirnecl tee. 1h theses Aart Lo E s0e /6 , Cheer 77 Arecud/ . at w front Wome E x 7). Comer of 202 15 rates / horned oul, Onkwusel tart Li rnocl Le Unt. Lagpetat bane of Hitt aud cheeteed Daplne, potted wee Liohe and rebernel & tar, thie back bh rsectte 0 (20m) Hlacme tert abovag eine pool te 2 tual of prtpaced Laney 16 Charmed Liaplhne atewe Lebuteec /2-hey Aten aul, Bota . Shire Zope wre ded Let night td tharconed thes 4.70 A TT hak wb acy as ets kn a cay te Numnte.(0o L Bp rember. Trap Aame av etd rember ( pon ectonabe Lop aol Hwee. hig h.m noby co 1¢9 Ah 2vow— Ft” Mawnerate Coftined are: J26 meerate otkrsedr, 422 Ineeretes 1 , 730 pnecretica acktogaster, (Bl Aprring , S40 reeretire ochiogarda, (Sb MmMeerstes rcbiogerts, 157 tpeeretin ocbsoxneder , 157 7p. celine, ne! wctind, tod GPrrang 17a dad 140 Hh chee, (44 Tigi pemetties, Frcporcd the Akane ; 4302/7-/20 WitereLro /S¢— 3720-12-57 gona, 6 302/7-/22 " i 4 9— 32-19 — Mh- et gre 63627/7-/30 " " 135-20-(9- (3- $3 Gree @ 30ar7z-rt0 “ u [SS° 37-20 1h- $S Gree 6 302/7-/S6 " " IEG ~3Bb 19-02-44 Gone 630277-/87 " ul /'4 G= BB - 20 (2-45 gone “302,729 " il 153 -36-2/— (2-4 8 Gmeo 630a/7-/b/ ’ " ISA - 36-2) - (2- $3 gore 6 30217-0172. u 4 149-36 -ad-/2- 4S ge b30217-'70 ri “ 112, -2b- IR 10219 goes 6302/7-19% Pdeprrage (pint Taras (2b- 26-165 9- 87 gyaae I tectn 10 mmm? Sho kat ptico Zhe ove tothe. Chee A” srbhl ae 2, Lote Jue her BR Fel... 17,(963 6302/7- 3) reget og 1b ping LTTE. 1 Fact o fact re or 50 Linpe Goreng 3 ope aprerng 0 nea ae rete 1/0 Metres / 3 Lyneptornge dr eG Mies 2 eheck the Ce Te Z & (Poe uy abet bs On ee a Arena, Some . S aa 32m. soopt @) Lntan, tauglae Co, Riedad) Feb. 22/5963 facet ty 14 the of wv mmacel Chat see weed oe Seas te pee Te ee 5 A= LK AG 884 Atk ee hn WE Vk See FO 3 Cc , § = x 2 = \ \ " \ ; errr ee eee ee 33 : . : 6 3BO222-32. we ss eos par oa en ee Z Giada fy) Hoan ca the basse peers lioe spat th nin p prtlele , : pa pitt Lue unrtl Fe. 22,/963 é oe ey pila S85 7-10 - “3 ¥ gone, tp et Le fe poset fan ae itt oS a: 7 a 9S 5 onan tn. Kereee , BR ecedrrie nae, wii ge diab - Fibs, BO Git B ee (etter, Hote por Lett week fae teen a cleep taiflan f eey a pepetin, Wee permet tae feectiad bed to 40 put. Af, En erin al 4 I OOF a eZ 0 ot oo GO302R2ZA-33 Prem Crop ac paca at 6:20AM G3O2AQ-/ Mreanrater 743-33 -19-10—- 32 gme par tmarien tee he: hits amet ut, Brag Zz mathe bee A bet PaBe ee ea way oe Fe Led fle no on ee enw) Be Brrevrek foe eae hm Cy opoct ld Fn a ealy “Ame 0m -S tc tee V RY , 7, /FE Grek R/3S, Kear Boe ot fort Yo. ree - e fat tee S 424) _ Zte Jo. howe of Leth ae ie Lo eon, [tone . tpprod. 36°F ak Lu Lape wee teT Jevup Ge ew le 20 Lineght, Sheer fertty blondy. ak Lhe mae. OZ Jom. Roe ff. a Bbulorr , Mayle 6. Kineae FtE. 23/963 Cheehet fone of foo Liepo aed Peet Af ona be BLL. 20 ATI » Wiley 32, Peps HF alight nee 7] tusk propoted dawn dele af 56-7. am Breohsr, Pre of dno), GA melenge- 60/0 A ctrmcere fbegangy TE tm i ae weethe fvnanepebdohut bate lund” cay posing by tad tact. alten pet cong ptt hat pnd ot Og a red toel tal pene acc eid ieee re MI es G25 va peel pvr weohedertaes ‘ arn Z wed 43% ette 3 ae a male caondony we} dehe , Taney heotolen, tot poze) Cia Psd Lo fe selena 0 Dees hts ST NewAt.. Pps Poe: gh i o FeO APD TAM O3 0224-40 Feb .ad, (G63 Checked Aoplrre At fl Fone 7: Tenge at Thal C ' é AO°F. Jin es ee ee 24,7 (sorkee te getet aed pte Oe Danced ALS:9 puted “3 horned Gactho Guidl / Bitar av atmg 7 rede peel Mirintisieton + 265 budge ove wehatisr" 50% Opt crater - toed £ , Le Z d for Corcdioto Z. . du tree at Haan ghia a7. glen ge ot Drenpng ate P+ pagolrmenatde . a PeGg. Th eet NS ae (atwveitin Bot) ( La few at how (4.4642) tut no an cleke Sher ( _—— Ae tol coms prof f Yrovatag dnd hee bepomincl J pining fb SEARO AT, 6 FAD Lt Co EE ADE stole. ee Lact Lek topped acnce a eek oe so oz OD a ee Oi oh inc. Bn Ofroedtennn baw 4 He, RM ti gale ; St cpparently wie Sn A feb cowed aif 04 yoFnclay Yds 4 Are Aparrecue re at. Cerner! area. Pucehriat Bo the A2aocl. Ev bvicerecol one Laer terorge , Cet / foot atone , Chat Lone 32 2.2 hoo are Thap Go $ = 7TPEP7) Fo < “« - a nr * QS. Ttrigo EE* Oa ee po PDS OS eBa7 Ly frRl act grec, PNarmirnala Laplied terre 2 LH. Oo Lpreaplornge evar wet Cohen am thx Cae ae the eat Lhe frre wet Cogs weet ancl a Lief Lb tar, Lhe Loo eee toes. thebl is terns aver. en Oe oe a ee ll Brapeclion oof Lia tenre (Tape Ceckecl Sioot-m & 7i20A.m tet thin Soh of shy. 7 ™. ochre g 7 (Oo 7M. atte al Pere. Bu2apiee (e& 13 Pre -attio (of a if ‘7 1G Morte 19 Oo ea, wehno al 22 opremay 23 a4 2 2¢ 27 an. ochre (rub fergeee ) *F om. webre 29 mM. Oko Be 3t 7m. ttre Pe aprwnyy 33 37 ar 57 /-toee). a24e 20 Jtup~, O°, G4320224-42 TAs neeretey wrt he fret Miveehans | 37 Yo ¥/ Yr 72m. ockre - 7Im. ockro. 77 Crake ver - 73 repptonwe 1). Oeleve 70 7b 7 78 IN. wmetire 77 Kethre oO q "Oo 8/ §3 pong Gy facthoe meg - BS” OL Apreng B7 pra 6F Pero - meniectatiias 70 Aprung 7/ ou TP Aptiinng: G3 macho a7 W Karcthie abe. %6 ™~y 77 GE m. ochre. (not Lezec ) 77 Apr, joo. tps yo 7 Che. 24,709 @ 3 6I0RZAY-43 630224¢-2 metrakerw och. LZ £30224. 3 Atm tong ge GZ0nar.¢- 4 b3o0a2u- SF omecre tive wba gue lo IS~ BB-BI— be ~ ¢ Sg G3on1d- 7 63c0a2¢- /0 a 7 6 302/5- af fverrpecce Avrecpe 63022¢-/3 Imereti pehrogue tin 63022¢-/8 " , 430a2¢-20 a a 630227¢4¢-R27 n o eG ~ ¢$2-2/-/2- LB gmee 630a2¢- 26 a “a” 63022¢- 27 “ we 630a2¢- 3/ e 63 o22y— 36 Porernqpesee Aecegzirce 630a2¢- 38 Mttretee schreqaeten 150 ~ 36-20 — /- 37 gone 63022¢- 46 w of 6 3o22¢- U8 Rerthrontentomip migededs 63022¢-S/ mrerches se hnogaetin 6 3022¢-S52 Kacthrectentormep megabats b30224-S4¥ musk G3a212¢-56 a ip Vol 42 BS~M- 49 grace 63012¢-S7 a “ 6 2622¢-60 Glbarnna hee rears bic sc, bzor1dt-e¢ Inetreties achiegas Dr b3e022¢-67 n w &3022¢-70 n ” &Z20224¢-7! a ” 6 Benay- 72 mente LoL a. &G3022¢-~- 73 Wuerake obon2zd- 7h et ” @30224- 29 Aeithrechenternga magabuts 4302124 -86 nt ” 6302r2¢-84 a wv 3022-8 Rlarena Cencesuds 6302r2¢- BF Pesvenigeceee artes Seice 630224¢- 73 Mucretie ochiogaedr 63022¢-4Fs- Kieth ecmnLovrip megqate tom L3022U-98 MWuetehee teh regan ex ISS —3S-2l-/a- 07 Free +3 Jet. BWI GED 6302 24-44 $L00 ft W aud 2500 fe: 5S Chirtiw (tenter ) Mscag ia G., Kanes , Pek 24,1963 @302z2¢4~-/07 &3022¢-10> Arta = \ (Lee fprevrous rotes ow Char icrin go . Photod 3 0224-00! tod 3622902 Hone 1 the nosrral ad Avera & became af Khe gf fetl. VErhapo em eermmmer eorbore Wet. onthe hea ol He He Ava th, mamenely wll cece Set wren . AP baae of hott the creat bforenge Aout placecl Arnatt meceraLmen: sfonde: bes Ab JY 2 Hheefe . Zhe Apr eee JL p contin, prteges Aucol tert rp Renn. str pantie. a eee etadie, hea, trntcwsar be ath i felder, a i eee» PRE re! | bane aw < Fel. 26/7963 6302 24¥-4¢5 Powe at ae mara ded. ee ey AardeeaLock ret Ahe mre. Ext ICIS sue tere Nat ARE barnett = Lene th el py Lr if fee. Wl ined y Bae ipe “105, VL aD. At G: co tom at (Lak ee Lal cma Wit toned Bt Ch See 0, there 1 Visco a Ce ee AMMAR | (TOS 0303 OF -4b Waheareirs. Yotheg , Peas halen, Aeceghne QD. Kaweee PMarth /, 193 TJ aoe Ce OO PretactaDe, Z ei ae 32) of — tty tt of At 2:20Pm fAre 6 3030/-/ aif Diet gen Oona trfere tevtrat pepe Cethert JL am theo Ae appray , R.135. Photo Bese. ° 6 3030/.3 Kbbsccle | : LD IT ict 6 B80) 2 i a a ea t anXk Atprecent hitiret efAternrece of wd ange te deee SE Prefered ’ 6 30 30/~ 3 CaLhach peg epg BIER FEL 12, Ted E RAB, alee, tine Gxrtnted. cine fr BeGd aves. az lo Kernel Carébe. ane Cee. Bere Bais [titea lea ty Levit I tune pureed ty. She ope cece wet 77 Acerl arc the o we three tere. ofkis termed areh ad ome Micuwing, Atiticg, te Laken cad elorghe Poca fut Laugh. At th. wWaeparccer “iacst (Cnekble Seor/) Mated trntir atonrt WW sper. AF thir Lie LEE ELIE baw Aoedl al Lar? seecetehte tte 5, ° pba tape « his ic the area that Q bore Lizpscl 77 7 etwas tenet tut & Reel PD OI EY Ca Tle RPA ay, SIAL ACH OT C2OSBCLrT SE diriche se. 1/5 J 74 ~~ iN N ae prrtecliow Photss £30300 af ree thaws Pee (teneth wrthoes) dud artfce LL bevel. Fhe. dedgeco aud Grorncon ther ferbd : gitrietinee. Khtletsh Diop ree ew heeterwee OL ngou0 he ee G@ 3030/-7 of taed tet Dinues dcxca a? V7 t/ Cortnwens . bene /3 ow 7) Accde. Phets €3030/-F cf : Aree on Lelleccle — weed gicce teomenunely (10 Ad net teheh Lhes Pramynatl Bre: Cmacdirott Ate Arneng hedges. fhote G3030/—4/ of Artes eee , Dhoto G3 030/-— 2 etrcemg Cp liad of coeter tm Contoncred MN along LTB GS S/io mebes s Cou Ber 4 Le 1, TSE , RIBS. Phols 630 30(/- +2 aerece peltig few & Cw. Meetacde apreny oy ee bom be seen Lo Lift rhe PYMN CAA) I FOO 630301-F48& Ske oreck his vat leg tenet te pyete F pete ob nee—Carton fr faba ne gy A Resmedt Larhe) (2 prise) Aree Aud tel /O0 predteerrd (eotngencen of gonsle Ae -_, Saco daha. At 6:20 ena (CR MAES IN | guleh , Synaptomys _— = sly — U 4oxdo’ om | S cate TAM eae Spe lone | Tate! as") - ° *) ¢ ji Hillside bog | ° \ edd | = pik | | 6 ("- = e Phake opezele $30 80 /-/5— —. ze Z a} 3650/6 RAEI Rap * SPRING TRAP Bes | Las “TRAP | x yt a BL moe aot : K— TRAP BE rr DIKE 7 eapad SF ger, Apttly aon AnrLo~ Pr oe Keard a ter bale iw frut b S that Crary berdls om Ante. Vo khbuew vn Pasi iaet Spree = aE Ee Thole £6 8030/-/b “ tte mane Ow (ge ee Phot £30 30/-16% i eee » 7¥2-25°-20-1/- aoe At 6:30 ZE ; owe at b:ivyorm. at Yom Kil é Bees, herscesl drunk turmeo a spate’ s oe BOOT eo Ae ee i, at frean, : ead Le scot of chore (proposed tatleg toad . 2 Heiina te SV ANCHe A, FOO 6360308-49 . Irancth 2,/963 (pu sud neha ow Le for debit, Temps 3Y°F , athe hear 7!00- F004 74, Taepe numtow are ates geitenemterd - Fraps att 20 apart: 1 nat waited 2» Fare Lerescpire 5S 997.6¢e4r.6 t Aprrmny 5 mm. ochre 6 redarkd 7 net qracticl 8 7. ochre G nod veertiol jo not verted /i at ut a Efe F rs et Greed 27 J! va “ Bp 1 " SB Bs 36 tn ethro ined 4o Apruna 29° not arartesl Y Not wet Fo ” Yeo eho $3 om, acho ou vey Reethng ragebets (eck) §4 Fre Mecerprce Yl wtro. Lepizofites _ nm ie $4 Fire. Lateef 8 mat arercticl U7 Lgraplornge ¢ Bb prey us Aprnd €7 Hot ewiadedl 4G pot wertil 8S at ee So ” 67 Pere eceeoper? ST n i To fran: Thetanrtece Ca Cie vreii a t Kero Leveopire- J3 " ” vr nod vreetiol o¢ bprng 7a 4 ' UL fitto Aces pict TH Opracng Up Aprnay GL Syn idk tence Bio V7 sprung %¢ fit thro. omaqotetioe VI Reeth, yragebatic 97 | ee rot rrckel 46 at rectal 62 ue GG ope &/ ‘ nw 140 vk tecanheal 62 : 63 Leqrapterrcige G ey MPa OS” Reethie ome gototee bb oat vacled 67 t re by ( ° Foremgcres fase OF 701 ; Z ‘y PVitAtt 2,4965S 630302-S50 L30302-2 &20302- 3 636302-T 630362-8 b303B0e2x-14 4 BO Ben-/5 43038 02-19 630301-20 630B0ea-ar 630302-27 6303021-J36 630302-%3 630 B02- ~* 630 302-%¢S 636302-%¢6 636302-47 630302 - SS 63636r-5F 130-98 -23-Jo- 3) arn AUB - BI- INS HU ~ Bb gree DAE Ge Tae UG Ye Bi Figgas J¥S5- 33> (T so- BG Hanker /60-66- ais 26 ge [SG -G7- 2-3-/6- Al gee (23 -23-/19-U- BB Gontets 1294~23-/4-/0- 47 1107-28-/7-F- 2 gree SBE RAR-17T-10— ST Gree [60 ~ B4¢-19- 1/1 - Sl gme /$3~- 33-20 —- /6~— OY Gre 173- 73-23 - /6-AT gre 0% Lirt 0, tnLiie atin tudes bz, 166 - 70 - A2-/7 - 2OGnre (34 -Ol~ (9-11 — S/ amee (68 - 73-22-15 — 25 ance (3Q- S6-(6-(A- (Agree 630362 —63 Coo fern (#R-AE—2O UV — AE Gree? 430302-65 rng alates /28- SS-17~ 12- + Grea 636302-7F at a (F3—GO NI 12 / Zone 636302-F3 Kerormopene Lereopece /3B—-$38- - 38 /o- Sogn 63630r-FY¥ i A 189- 95-23 ~ S53 gree 630362 -879 a ” G3 ~ 38- 23-17- Bl gmee 43030x-70 Y yn 1¢6—- 557F~ 13> 20 9ne0- 6308021-F) 1$A~ 72-2ALZS-/L-A8 Gree 630302 ~%6 bstheetintorngy nigga 143 —be-t7-/2- 12. Grae Philp 630303,-/01 - | bite firtr tow, Auk ZR tygs he Ce tere hy weghads OH aac 6 Lhe. | Chew icici At O theehel Lrope . Croarecl Drea vis Le ‘i OCreacerp lmme-. € CELA , 2 Creen ad (i eed aldit Fonimiclis 11. Aasat arin ne Ba LL 2 Geran A) | (Mees mi € Clann, ap the S bod fa oped ALptroer Peed 40 bracers exe Comngianet a 56 Ppnaonrck, 2,796 3B 63630 2-S5/ Ped 2425" WwW Aooel Soo 7? the 56 Cormier Atte /], TIP E ak FC 1ZS La pod! toa pat het of! 7 the CUE EEE “ Seed nce tp fatiletee Dy: to Aiea martecl Trap /, Trapo /-27 he Abpitis GH Net i AME ae | WE" foetus f precincen J forrig foe tabinary edi degf ly, L rappin _y E ya v Ps eTRAP 90 ) Lphesis / ANDO SMALL TREES ANO SHRUBS L5 SPRING (eine. bea ‘ : ree fy a ~— POND * TRAP us ? 2 ag h o & mov s 5 2 wet & Mavsh wet Wha 2 wo Wr 8 otf 1 C)osee ie Lact 50 Leaps eek afl, Cnbghl auc Pond rok 2 pooo la, fou srmate rmccrr Benen ehtipd ch prmanial oat s/ TWtrch 2/963 6390303-52 Lome, ee ee 2 Chante , dangles &, oe ee Marth 3,146 3 Bt HB digmereanel As gplmeds of Geel ) eether Arawe or thie , aes weir ak ELS pny 2G gag fa tld bak fa rr | eS rae Cheehed Loop Lore nL tla tarry fost nw area. ateve . (ate melt meen cee hotlicle, Ato A.™ (teliates 9:00K.mM auel 0:00:70) ceanarer alt septs abot FUS4. 72. Apia Behog Ture S. at bf. Saadieeas “fosee 0" (We A fen ofrtae ee iste tages Pe but, Vahkarcoa, Petey ephed Hoe’ (Li fo at ot CurEpeced tret 0.0 C/4¢00 afert > of 77 B Cornuen dee. 14.) path BLT ata et ee an at Wesel of preponect /0°/y a ena See aw Crh Lhat are prec Ld ne Tox-oke fogs Rte Ge font 400! Bibel, Reictddantl Ce hod atrve Lat 20 both betas de pobetigughe Che rmtred: Area. a a oe Lt the Lape omeretee (Enteat 2:30 Rm au rechechesl TS0onm, Luup 66°F ), At S00 Pm Consobit i 2 we / 7K nan is} , Puwmntieo, @30303-/65. at SS = 7 Now Trtedcined. * 1°14 -37-20-l/-¢ogmas ho. €30303~-/05- aud Pnurtal. (tog aee ples tous wt peg About / geeard for 30 4teondas, Keo G teonaee fata by the Roreecleacl, how wAtendenage &3BOBOB-/04 a. Longe eho ire 4 t gorge Bae Locale ne frp htcted mn. ovhse Karke, tut nat tot mercer Ciel Gracetar eT prs Heft area auc nterued to 7E korners section ||, thewer 1 Lo 10. Ske wre atere a0 we the stategl devadld, are: Pe de / y prmest, thubude, 52 Pndret. 3/963 630303-33 dein adit ee eihc te P teBg Rog ReBiptein, GPA PM IDA B — Facgupe Beak 34°F. Tog with Gtoudt 400 fut ater dew came ont at 101004. tang acenrtinh bO6%, Pretd aunties Ort, dap Nee . TAs 20 feb oftard , / dono plermnge e 39 M-oetio 97 not A Apruary Yo pot writer Wow ow 3%. ottre Yl" " AP ys i Y dy «bth Yrou a So Rasctlon rnageboles OO not vrocte+ 42 4 " a! forte fom 6 Wy. othe UU Gprmnay Oe Apres Ton WS Ppnaptornaege Cc G3 vet rwhid G firs berceopues UG rod ved $y a Aprrng WT.» n ES 10 Fare Ceceenpert— uy ,, 4 kb Opry i| fer5o Levreope 49 at 4 &) fero Lecceoprer 1 nod aracted uD ; $6 Het wreited (Bow oe SJ v8 S41 Rero Leceopir- ns Jv fero 70 Apreng |S 7m. attic 3 et vik! 71 Apravey 1G Rero Cerceapece— SY aprweng Gr not yeerkh/ (1 net vieetiol JP sprany TP met rach 18 Rurthre megotetro Ub Pry Tf Gromy 19 Apromny C7] pprung GS Kartheo. nega Hote 10. oko S8& mocBre 4 Fev Leceeepece- Lt Mm . atter.e uF mA vrksl tS pry te Mipinaaaeg bo 9m. ochre 7% rot trek d 73 nod ot net vated TF rot vc1ectdA 24 . Bat lle pan (20 nat vet dS 20 Frere Leceeopre 43 Mm. bbro 20 not 64 notumckd 27 ov, Apr V a Loo A~tre 26 io ‘¢ dpromy- Ji Dyrrccrotice Lo 29 Faro rrarmcentrtee 67 | fecermappeces Cestdep ese 30 mettre OF potartl 4 (A thisedn torreep mega bie Blow “9 TE tas 3} Fery Lecreopue— 7 ; 46 Lape wat arated ar 73 al ned acti 7¥ 37) m. othro Aa 3 Pniret, 3,096 3 630303-54 Preacwrernerte duc premarater 4 eter of Lact n4hle 12%. Titermbpre’ Suclbee ntamntbherceo are atieo Zap 630303 -/ Apron emg Confers 6 30303-3 anata wedne poe 630303- 4 6 302303- 6 an “ur 6 30303-7 as wu 6 30 B03- 8 Kerernpecco ecto pee 63630638-/6 tt we 630303-4/ ft ue £370308-"S Meineke ochrogae tn G30 Be2-/6 frcrrpece 636 303-/8 Ch etree lee peat 630303 -20) mers hes tre Bacetpe tt ‘¢ i 630303-Aas 630 863-25 Prmmnqcere Lersopiee 6306 3O03-azZ te 6 30308—-30 Meervfice ochreges tn 630303- 31 ot nt 630303-33 nn x £30303- 3¢ fe Cverniptene. Checeonie £30303-38) Wirtice Cehncngoe tn 630 303-39 36 303-4¢+S doer é 30 3603 -£2 Gee 6 30303-S8 rnecinbar rehinga hn 630303-66 636303-63 630303 - 62 le thiedenLimnige aga babs 6 30308 - 70 PLrrgoeres 4p 6 30303-80 630303-67 7 6 380303- &7 " 630 303-95 Lecthrodknky, 6 gn ladi 6 30303-% (pemmeyocse. 133-2 1- 20-9 - $0 Gr /3S5~- 32-20- G- 2B gre 154 ~ ZY-20-s0 ~¢2agrne {68+ ¢/-2/-// S38 grme /4R-34-20-F- 3/ ame 78-74 - 23B,5-16- 30g me 178- 78-22-15 ~ 47 Gye (78 - JA- Af 1S ~ 33 arn /51- 33-20—11-3F Gro 177 - 7S- 22,S5—-/L - 29 gms 2v1 buch 19 me [2S- 62-07 — Jf[- 10 gruce 147 = 2Y-19 10 Sb anna ITF BY -21-1A- ¢ogr4 [aa2-J-[27]- 22.5-/6- 2ogme. JO —-S2AG= 13-17 Grp /60 ~36-2/-//-S/ Gre (#0 ~ 30-20~/ - 40 Gane (ot 45-20 - 11-57 ame lebb%-RA-1e ~27Grca. (@6- 37-21 -11~ 5b Goma Io 3~B7-2/~11— €9 qrme L497 - 23-21,5~/0 ~ b0gqme 198 - $A-23- 15-34 gare /¢3 —P3-19- /O~ Zo ame (S8~-3S-Aal-H— YO gre 130-63-/7]-20~ /bapie /40 -33-19-7~ 33 gro 1387-80-23 -/6~ 3Pame JB2Q ~ 6 2-17~ I 10 Gree /79- 78— 23-16 - Glare IF4— 2F- RB-/S- BA Gree /26~ 68 - 23 WG BR gre (7O- 73-23-45 -22 Graver 54 Manet Y,/G63 6303 04- 55 rpc. , /9L3 Checked Cinpe naa py pm Lh p hte) ppirern Cok diag ypalinalag, Checheok Luc at S:00hom ($0 heenrstar ochre ISG 204 vrecbeo/ 1oG A priced pean: [V4 Aprcna (67 & forretotecree nd (6° Mrrrehics ochre 166 Het vrkd ochre {ol apr) 169 Mheerstice oebhiz Jv mnie emul jor net ahiLed /70 Hn . ” 63 Cllr. megeleten Vitiel one sed 1, grap lore Gupine Jed sprang rear Drape leo. “Seroce a 157 Wives >Hhiroe lOS meerebce ockiy BONER) » 6 3030¢-/50 Preratee oli pte (oS 38-22-14 Sb ge @30304_-/53 (50-34. 20-1 - 4p Skull 6 nly BsoBate wy SFO ~U6-(E 13 -)2 grretirks b mn 63¢030¢~— (36 Ligrop lornage cre 43B3-24-2/-//- SU aree/ 64Z30B0¢- /S7 greene tice Cohn gue tm (S$2—-34¢-a/-// - 4S grnc0 6302B0¢ — /bLo Aa 9 6 —3Y-20 -// — ¥Y Se aad Tew GBZ030¢—/w3 ltharadrra Lirias ele te fB « 6L-/P- 13 - 10 orice $. A. nornel 6 Bosek¢ — (6S~ mehingineten eres l@l—~3F-2/—-/2 —~F ame 430304 — /67 Fa (Pwetotcene /G2,—27-19 - (6 ~ 3F gn0 4 20 30¢—/1bF ochivog ta lin (3¢-~30-19- I/- Re Gore 62030¢-/70 eo rack 7, 1762 Repeal fl PRRee, ae, At a pomdt th Ath. Aoatid, panel of Ahe proforecdaen at ifr me | EE teaigh (00 feet S 77) Corner tte Lo, TPE, 2135, platiyip hcl rettig Li tot antk Lage Dee, excels “2g «= yy PVN bhtte Jp (703 x4 @OEFDE*=$ 26 oe wacker np eae a Fee el RE tien Aone eee ay eed Hite Zaches), vite Lp 7 The rtzo ori: Cat fooraenenane, ae At aw feorwndt 2400 of £E and Roe S WO) Cormer get 2/, 4 tectla.d teas a meel, WE beret , hen Acdye, Glide torch wo we ternel ob Attentel loigtr ha Lhe Aeclhla.t Runrtlchek necl 2A hh dik. net new haut V2 aed plasel gu Lead Cae of Egan paes / Tan Jeo Apel bots error, oamtad Bria Gia te Bieasiel piptae tn : Fhote 636307-2 of euch pred and Wateoren Lire Crbher fom WE secloy budge at 4/70 g jn Wd) Comer og cee 7, TPE, RBS, Shot BSE, the 700 fed E of nal cormen/ deere, TIVE, R35 Loot. phat. 630307-83 Dolley lo doth, clharinny poowel aon pore y rece weet wet nto ghuteirte 5 this eHariee torlf ale Le ap ff Lee at 700 ft Cort and zovfat 7 7 SW terme of Ae. , Wtge, Rl3BS, hee Gree se peurt nog the lof : Aree - Qi Lracw 20 dase aren, at . 6/)0 ma. % 77) Cormerv teers , 7/86, R1ae. neoele three aw abel Ack Eacteliny riref Atecter Led rack - &30307-4 f-*9 fr edepunte lL asesinimof atm tenth forme rth otel Ahan o forex Aw Chote “30307-6 of illo Cindiszecedl FP Chu € be , henee Aver Unekeg Ad cetere 0 noted & Kerned Larhs cic v lat/300 fut s et Leiner see 13, TI(BE, RBS, ne brow we Sirol oteud 200f. &. Comtirricesl clerww. Brunk Covert, Stud Con, hiuLn, 77 Zo ad, (ote treebg. orn Uafariia, Thee Ww lm. Attnee 2 ne A 7) 2ervel prepoceal lara. yb PVA Ch 6,07 OF 6 2GOO4U Orv Marek J, 1963 Aan fives rma of Maret 2) At 1cctepne 20 fectopart dhickes Mev stuaterre, torre Atpeecte . Mmer<~h 2 aid 3, Let boos tekhvter SiZ0anre 7/00 7 ° Yh lalla tana ntl pout tnungh on) AMaeohk Of Tb = Lane Beol ; . fe a1 6 aiZd 79 hrange LoL. She oboe ect. GF ent one Gt Lae basse Leagpal om rrarek 3 (ase that dot) Tiege 90 Ae 492 tn othe grate Vdedge fortol Cute ¥ PNerctk 2 , 31 etotde dt. rag arrra a Mreeretire chiogtetn, at 252.0 P 7, rLaterocl : Ie erative cbvogarls 1§O0 -33 —-20 a -$ Sane « MarA otha Leaps 7 tk wethcney thes Page, Kath area Zit 2 tore net Mrecenel Ceonetivy Plamen fend atng Awwd Bete. Aree tunel LEM. Lestiet Boni 2 aan Wri € Benton, Manglaa Oo, Kbneae WNtre# 7/963 Cheehed ~ Are att Let regal at atnane ; Enroute at A Creel, Zrecleck aqiiol Gee tole » tte 630 309-/ xe . meh Vaurel Rometea S Xe (Po) Meo Cx, . GA Weal Gr rnleoge 29.7. F:20N- MAZEL, Breee Opprok 1 Cyche CG 1 ee learn At 29.2 Cour ) Retbdenr sn titrrt pro tnth Ahaha fire of awitn ' Ot 305 Au Weharise . OO ey Aten Srtane tutcede,, At 3/7. at rd wll. Line S dJafteries at B/S, thenee M0 77 L Anak D Lge, at 870 4 "Tee 6MNO0O807f" 27 Mt nfirn Le sorme erece, hoe sect agen, mgglng alt Cortera l pecperntns Gime MSN 53. ut oboe Five den >) Ct -hes s dn ee fo Tig eee pace F il fa ee Bente At Foo An eae et eciete OPP BO WH of enka Cbres aed Ana Cilio -»- “Cheer Choroctrcebic Cate , nether eee acl one of [50 ataut 7:30. Bae flack ff “re eeeled of 5% thre avd AF snawe, Be thew cnet arranged! 0 tondere prbocect “~g ; : Lc y a - Ginace 7 D pebstaake. eel Bees. Juneee Lipg= Mreks 32:6 a2 YA'OSA op Ws Ef, etinais 5 Ad at 3549 & erty atl Sica 2g Sil head bind, SHANG 7, 6 TOS YO net rctedA “] ¢2 m™. oetro V3 97. otro yoo " Yb - 17 sprung JO 727. octhro I] apr S73 9. echro VT apreeneg Sb net wt IP a i SF Cathe ontige cb Ees GO a | om. owehreo A 1. mehr BS Jb ua. Gea 4 trisretie ackio I” not wrted/ b DK hol 7 @ A § not rected G 7) otro pO Tet vrckil ol tet eee ZL wt vrectid el Eurthro maqatatte be ned eee! 63 6Y tt &25ZO03 0F~ OF 0h: Spey » 2 7 SPBAACHEA GF, 0FTOD 6362309-6/ lo BO BOF9~/ Trivtrotiee Senor 1SC- SG-IG LI S4¢ Ome. 6 30309-2 ISG" QBl- 20-72 * US gore. ByQenck Sw 638°3B07-3 regen rrsenctit 13 SI 19> 14> 16 Gane 630309- + Wueteotiee rchiegiek (47-3 3-20-1/- V¥gme 630B0F7-6 " “ PEF - SCP TI V1 Gye 636 B09- 7 7 nn ([$0~ 8B~20-1/- Foam? G30307-9 1Gl- 36° 2!" 12- 5% ame 6 30309~/! Cathet Meet 122-517 13-4 Grove b30d09-62e (2G SEIT - UB- 9 ame 636309~- (3 depmaptirrnigs Gopert 142-237 20° 10- S2@qme 6 BO309- 16 fithiocenlormgp mregete tine 130+ SG- (3-12-10 ame 630 BOG- 23 oopere /44-TL~ 2/- 10- Slome £303097-2S-° Peron pai acca IFV- 3G 205-12 -S¥gme 630 309-33 (S37 BB- 2l- 19 -Kg ms 630309- 34 ripen Dot 139- 2G ~Z0-00- 1 gre 630 3B0F7- 8S PreereLece Lace -Rij-z0-77- 6/ gene 6 d030G-34 132°32°79- 14> 24 Qmo 6 320B09- $2 4 ” (S9-GB-2I-11 ~ Aba mee 630207- 483 i a 16 4" $2- 26+ > 5 [goo 630309-S5 9 " ‘ 160 ~ 39-2O~ M~ Yb grre 630309-53 " a 158 ee G30307- 54 Cecthvodenlenage replete, (18- LO-17.5-13> 10 ge 630309- SF 148- 7270 -/?-13- Il game 29 6 F038 oF - bf et ” H2B- 43-17-12 Tame 630867-70 InnreZe acheogart (G4-42> 21-11 - Fl gan -303809-97 nt wi 13 5h3U- P-I/- SOgmo 6 350309- 7F ce ” 58-39- 20.5-12%- Sogene 630807 -87 1S1- 31-19-1174 2 gre 63B038¢9- F3 fyrnetin Bese Soin (S58). 3 -/7- LF gone 6303B0F7- F% “ Psos-l4@ U- 29-/7- - 630307-9F " of (/o.5]-[8s]-27~17- sad aan G3o3og-77 a aa R34-103-31-16-65 gmo TP ce BA Coxshpe Aeote plu @ 30 307 - on of atten an iu pean ysis bas uot ake Phe Coater of z 2 Jo. : Phot a het vet Atronntl Meo Kn aw, oe at sate ot mel nord Checa ge (6, Loo ye we probe vente HCIA7, ee ao Pnrerch (0,79 6B 639038/0-624 fictlard, Lhgconee %.) Kentee Praretis 10 (97038 fort F dud bh Mods Oe Ntehhund L.€4k bk: A evize va BUF nikiiags: . Bil Ch LOR te POE TS otlowiobL freved Aa Le Z, CLhLtew, Aeheanae Aegecben Mec De qj a. eae Stuck prapoeed Cterrlon Kew. anv AL 4710 ox Laie a fered Larfis tedicer, slic CLF... BnLirw 79. aA PAYA, appro ISO Ce one Fire, Redtoel P/uS on eles Lee Pate bef bro, p4o.t (fer A Ad brdgt yer WaRarwer ee fom a eee frre: Rept 9:30, Feu YSPAG YS a4 4 Avatek 4. Soi ee sen, Bo fertol aiclatng Wahid, Betton f mectdle (3 bee Lk Cbinsed te Leber” Lt Lich Grodan I! GArM Lert by Olowecks % Carcbinsa t pg F: Migr vee ey ys : Y hee begeoy / aud peep Certad. b ichadeee, en ents pence acest, shapes och foreseen Abe, [irs 2 Larclinnl, , [a ee aut | musket, Aearcern le ae xt he Left. 2 rug HE Bt pada feyrg Cy 7 C ce Felog) 3 tue’ a 2 Fagin bathed | brng b . 86 ei Gee oe Wf 3 branerg F iuteibe 27, pagers iy Lome Deere hapaidee ervndbpechew Wits Cerengienk dee 27 oe no ere: ieee cps Aeron Olney Aedlbthead, 3p U9 L Chechudasr , yy a eet phuet enay 2D feeb $51 2 Chichader, Dred bethied werdptcher/, 3 L Liege cet, PSB Acide « tke prone ww pup Chechen cbice, brvglite. 12: 00 potent Nop tadleyd? 20 of Deck eTans io fifa siete Aickedice, 2 Hal, ) horny , (envy, aR 4 pany ape Crole ating tmitet unitls hablaiole. 12:03 anbrsech a, (redlact Latch pov oe ew Pik: 7 kopecls a a a Chonan, gorrnene tala ch hpi) terials tinge, He NM. 1908 PES ee ee a fecbup burch , Sega og pend wat Budoer aun. 1 tirdinal, er, thusha discs, Chergei” Hor Kiger Wrsete pert hee se neg Live Dre, et en ident ip Sf, oo IR BD hth Cid G aoe. WO (Aedk- ce. Cee sed ind aly ovtut we YS Bee L sasgttg po bunt Joo put Bone bend, 12.4% Dee tgenee at heceal . ep Akad) a turd, FESO Oh el tN , Alartlrecel Yau SA) , (ageeriel 12:52 thud Aannege , EA afro: 2 AeSp ted | oven hore, 4 | gland - At ee hee 2B hinkinG, Brucd eue. axl povall bine; [OS 2 AeA. ie 26. ta dat) nares De Pa ee thelmy trBianee Aeteh "Fi De eon os mc / hag. are /'20 2 Md Lad, Ohachadere, pornca~3 Btencec , wrrdgechy, hren “ys 4 Pnaoneg Carthy toraginy Chega at Bea se br-—worted | a us LAS S tude ftp piin Cerne. l tinrdinnh, b timer , Seo ee Zi ee Marck 16,/ 96 3 6363) 0~ 63 Oitaee of the koncteteiree 4 Ch hay, Beng toting trerealy, tht Comp lid pe en PM ote iy, aE AG ch |} ome t ; the Doge T ALpliretl 2erhe | an athe Anode cea ipa. 7 62 A chickuslere A Aed Lethedblegrnlpcehonrnr , 30 Ante, 630 370~ 64 oS P3ON tL Kerprwinus, red betlied, Bchirhatece . eb ha pA IoEae cathy © 56, 13¢ [Act ap ermnet Aatirn trelily oprtad in ths Qrers 27 prneld Crdks, Acordinets, Wtlnteb ,30hchaclece ; 4 . taedbethed p89 fiw 8 at tend rua n7€. Sito Mouth eth Ap Vp . Bradys on. W) bordin meds of see 25” Zarchtether, bare atl4o Pm. 2.00PM. Zft rel Rios wemdiy. mt bh Crrehe WO6 AatgeS Cod r~W | Ped bathece, (Hed belied agent tpt ann, hele, Chethaclees Cncestach belie . Sod Auimege ay. [Aad belle J, : loldeqipance font ig Q2143 nel beable A he bas ¥ r9-Cbe. ‘ cr. 7) J f oe, Mi Bhs Lact, araganr favs Cliffs tm Laer RL. 2:30 onpooctes wfDae wow, 233 Lip BAOLS Roi)» Boek < $ : sf Hiren i BG ead fret fee 2 Concbimat, , Be ) /-ceglda Aeros feel rps Gert dapeej tate. ee ow B open Bite Lites HAHA. Wee Gites. “hc ncseay. eet “eer ee de Gi, AUG af Ge.nS, Fealact fom hed ¢ 2 @S 3 ptrmens | gan ee tee! henge lwaharseh Le wal mh mnge. Jee fckele, AS7 Pt We gece To Ae. Recke fence hetrmind 1s lop Clg fat G, A ned buble, xebhcbadecs Bizp (rb lelleed 301 Cab err Lap! cbytfa 37. och Lee the boot, hack perled ip | Larkel Ae tony PGE METI RN GE 4, Tae fo, Fea Ey Ce EO TEE | W gn Sd Se Kgl 5, ee Koad! cpier geced, intl faked Laer Comtacer , yee.) Merny ow fronTacig walang he< Pie 43:23 eotheudepe. furct Armen, Corn toen, CT gn / asf S27 Beep Hoarera’ Abo» / e-Atvat Pann ervete Gaittsin, ded hetler of, 338 Gprrhe oS : flan 77, BBs Manze fon S , 1 &N Ben | Mdkaene Maria Uellscdhe ays COP ee Reins Chiral berg . 3b tives TL Ganchiv foftne?. BY Crowne __ pCO Perraes a reed : 3:50, A. a 3 AhecOdee., 3 Meindl Coats. ox! tow t ford t 7 las Seg Lig Bs age Lf Conue , 24.7 of Karkhlbeyol t 420 fm, 2.392 I/le i af 2F,fL-~ ki¢oRy, Brctge at YES Hea te Bet. 2E7 3 - Karneet | Cpby AF nee, Mowh 9 29.4 /borney BA, 34.9 2 Gre wpperrucs » JOY horned Lake. Fudge SE torvrer gée/F7 34.7. € Cocke See 4G Iredtda at of lung Cromer Ache, B12, showh iy mate of good grerees, Ok gee caved 314 attr to 7], Ss paul ail ia or tegrlanits &, yg 36.9 t/Sjem oA S105, = 39,9 D bird popsse 7 LS LO ee ae A eR Pmnaret/7,(79683 6303) 7-65 | Thome. E ant Hoop, 1 eckbiwdl (Contin of Cover, Beet), douglas ©o., eae Naretk 17,7963 det 100 oh aw at Pol heed perkevreter ee Awl tiutheode,, luttietis firth 2°97 arc Le, dink olinvated Loy a fowl # the ened ered o7 The pe 4:40 BM es ee, tila dan: 1 hte Pa a Chitin Gud / Crow meetelh Feng eae Lip tor anak weet to Arta, E Lhe Cush, urtark ee Laat ae a nee oes ae teagle Lite Cicge wtuebk fat pp dane TO are offeouwk 2 bed that cele lth the esate moepo a a , Kane moved cleww Cucke Cher mel oe \ ateove Che eubiamee Tone Nps a theft —~ ANAL AZ praca auth Aaron 4u Bre $TeO SEDO LCON 1, 6303)97-46 ve pel By Sate A, 2a way the ala Tas Hew Deed Hen, w great ttl rant thelag oh mamta, toh ack. KeBuetnr. bar auel, fee PLe Spey awn, wan meh thew aud ChE Tet LS Acritasa duapill ee serth few Mit eeDgins pmnurcot. artw y AAatine , Sarthe fete, | eal Ped tea? Laer, Caiigtl gens 2 whet Nene bones af £LL, Soo, 2 checkaci Si Put 2, need verted 2 maveehro Zo ox 1 Jy " " 77 mm. aehro Bon 7 2G ou ts se 8" " Woon, aetre fo rad reat aq 2 ry" : ed Son a 30 Apreemny LF Po Aureapes Jo ” Gj ~ " 3; not eeatid oy Fine emerge — on + otter ope “ 32> Ruthie meg: S72 tm aetice Gr nat rectee/ ¥ We t-etice 23 pat anectel SS Apr $3 7 ” 9 ned vrectiol 34 fire Leveopres 5G patent sy " " iO” 4 34° 9. eebro 60 " ’ §u yes if BL m. +ekro oy” bb mm. webio je 8 a BY a 7 tv " 67 ned anette dS #300" 38 not victed 63 machre BF mm. achiroe ye BY ey ned treeter! 99 ym. wekne [5° a. etre Yo fitre Leuecprer b6S” Apri 70 Fire Leeceope+ [b Appreeng~ iy Seca rece li Li Rarthrs ™m G) potrutd 17 Prrtrekes 6rhkro YR . b7 Apron GR! ’ 16 not rnd U3 Fare Auteapice L6 furtthre segs 75° :* 4 ‘7 " UY mel verte! 69 not vted iyo " 20 " " Ys v qo mm-eekre IGF a Zi 4 4 Yb Few Arreepice 7} nA at” Gb Rurse 2 on a Ope 7 MH aetio 77 Pure, beccecprve 23 meenpts ochre U9 wet bearteol 73 m oetro ope sh net rake! “yt “ tT 99 nel ane Le sie od is Fo. ws a IS Prof, 100 bere Ltrtepus PNarth. / E7963 6303/68- 68 6303B/8-2 Mmemekia &363/8- 3 "7 na L36B/8- ” ” 630 3/3 -/S a 630318-7/7 n a £6342378-23 7 7? 6363/8- 32 ray telel 6 B03 18-34 ai b 20 31F- BS ere Bee OL qaeten 6 3O3B/3~ 36 6 303078-37 ’ 6 BeBIG- 46 Fercmageeees Lsecopeee LBOBIE-¢3 2 w 6203/8 -46 cr a 436 3/8- S17 [Lrernqpeecee Lecear press 636 2348-S6 “f a? &6363/8—-—S7 Micerelica tednsenlin, re at bh 263/8— 62 6 303/8-66 Mae thoes 63O3/8-LE ir a 6303/8909 meeretire oehneqae bn &4303/8-72 a7 "i &3203/8-73 a “ 4363/8-97 ” ig &BOBIR-7F ve ee 6363/9-&! a ” 6303/8-Sb a a 4L363/%-88 Al ” &636378-849 6 3263/18—- To Ferg Asepue 6 3263/8 -%6 63e3/F-F97 ve oe 6303/8-100 te he QO pneehe-five “/ hip i ferernagreecs leek Tie Bee pePructed 67 PMNéarete 22,/°946 3 6303B22-69 [Yao mi. Sank Yomi. & Chntomn (Cenkr of Ger) Klowghe G,, ae g oS Laas: Prarck 22,/963 torder Lo 24,7, 70F ph das Aol ta Ae. 26. AH pave Ategee at — t2lercle Cortaet, aud boast, . Fed a Lege cn ty fost oF nthe Leathy at (S00 feet E auwel 1700 fF S oF 7d) Cormners 2bO tee. at promt arte Cust S tafirs Sock Crk noted AVP wooed hvek, rhry tothid 04 thoy Lift, hed nat aerat ceanel fg Shere ar1ere ates Ar0ernd obrrelenet Keoceat, tm Comoran, 7 | ee 7 baraplrmaye | Aufl Lar axgprey, 4170 aud act/o dings ah 20" t. Ani rttinn fected Chery ap at Lek Lhigth aha Lybt Be, tod 2 f ae the one Ltd at abot, 630382=/) Prenat achrrgactn Y44— 31-17-10 - 33 gre &G3e0322-a lerthre den Lorrece mmiqaletie (40 — 68-17-12 - 13 Grn Boror, utara Howenrir, a teat pet Creek «rtd large Aric a . Peete ome Caatinn Y LD aL G salpny tal ae, Marche. 23,/763 Tem (iad Werth meeolle Tex G at Prrctge, ane 63 0325-70 Hlernr Oref, SE Stull Jowglar Coy, Pde. watch 2B 1963 Aa 932s. 7097 40 Leeward Stalk DY gs epennhed ho PY e Arnel SM nReES 33. Clint % Lt 0 Wee % 7 oe re BO eg RN a ese %EG ga Sey Bow Hihdlo E Te fom pre Feel, Cosel A mmetingitwey A Carcbucalls ; broumg Good, 2. peas. ee | pat beekeed , y | Bprwee. PONE Bh AGK Grethninn, gh foal, back 0 fowl widh. quar hush Joel 2e Eb oT beet, .( 12h Gal ee Cur‘ ae ee es ne Gf EEG rb, farkl te f / ee vatgot? OS Ja me , SF, aa pa et a ae is Tae Ponedh 7 acl a yptean ~ Begs (showy 1004 2 ped bihad, Fyre mo meen i (Crary 2, | f oe £4 Perris (0: eo) pevena re 2 Cocgliual, ORE 10:9) to Aer Cac ¢ pou A Cancbeecate 2 Chrehadeccs owen 7 Sp, ee if See Pe eS Pete bs vp, looky, 10.36 120 amact Lucy ye ee JE bes, A Corobin ZL, 18 Soya eat ee ee te. (rad golf aT 105 $03 efi rip pel ped neler se. or alt ee, 10; 50 jumiceh ee of pee an. MOSS CoChinkal Rekives. 1051 ~-(OSF Bomre 7 onde lang denne tall, wee thy Pet pirecaerh, a 7 F pte M40 2h— . to , A ferees Mor Anwbhetl, Aon), SL 2 b, esp a : ‘NOT Pik Comyn. 1 3 hha, 2 Corky ah 3h gO re 2 oT ge To me Ofer Aad Ath b AY Core , frm, ae! were Ce ee ps Pe Wirothee py 33 eek eo ee 4 carebeuly, _ Ms 37 fot age angen!) Wtoef , PE Lie ees, N40 ot A tigls Mintel! Chngtts A ted Lerbe.,: [i ee Papal Hits BORE a ae ae [iSO mina all ma 1), (new eetianes eck) Pe es (Ts 73 Date Co pescow 12.00 & » [rbrr, 2 Arb beehed $6 } ene Crrdimala . 12:03 Cog 72; We Red lach hack INaret. 23,1763 $aiz6e Cat€er lal, (272ry Sbhice gag, 2 carcCeerb, CG3ZO3BRB=-7 | ‘ eee poe Fo, ™ . eChag, Ch Like } /233 hegh Ch fe, $2 Dhue Gee Finger... newt GH plan KiLiniy D tag l Cipcet po ee Lift ctppe at j:00. no turd Come, V¥ aw tek heehee of - feng, 76°F wibkciye Cpceene Jie eae heck, 9 then, 5 10 4. dew Cush S Slat, 2p at furihae, manip imantl trrds on treed fisted & Creeze, 2 Concltuah Sane Oe We Cre ege , F Cagle, F fem , as / 82.03 os -Wetkehkw ch chef 3 26 a 1 COTY SAE 0 pl adsl Og, Bye Oh this font. goad zk hud why kuk oo On Litrrrrner, ' i a rod Wricrerkee wah ey urd a. gk 7 PYG 2 A0d beehed © NOT 7 3 eae | jz beni, xdee ae Pht, 6305 23-0 ard 62303r13-%X Oe ng of : 7 I ie ee 2.30 REE SY. Pnencthetoce GocK En oes 1 CHa, berhadece Ae leekered 0 peg " G Mersows Dine ZL ¥0 Et = Bee // da Pe /t poome 2¥3 pig? 2¢oAtedy Gin cile nt coat Pecans olde Oe Marne. Tathed fe brn Vebfor FOES Them F Levee 3 armen A Marrone ¢ B28 Achkihnadis, 3:30 by Lew htahul a2 @ Sy 3to 2 Kastes SB, 2 Cordrrnole , I ytmere a 2 ogo . Slack hee, hes t BH.orwl, (Aeeweg, GYS | Cutler, ong tp, 50 Ak Chatadn, F puese, fame Mock lang atthe ~ dag, F Corbina 5 Washed Se Cate Lod. There n Bard ie deh lt 1100 ft W tund 700 Put) of the SE Corner A eceZFis E, RIBS Coke d sw, open atont now ancl LL ro ww nL, ; Be tfr% +2 Tinian UT Y Zag feeacnee , og wee op Ee > ee negttatenn. for grap torrent [are gf aekeek on bape ie, Oem : . iva boar gf beth aud flows actively se / Aemevaca. om hare, A ” A ( Bar vaio Ng <299 Sb MAU AS KL eS F4+AITIUAO?D SYSNFTD '‘NAALTY | We TIALS OL AIx¥L YM OAS NAILIN Le Nv : a77707 Wh YA ZGF ON \ WP a kines 7 : FJ WE NGS ho IAS} j 7” OSE SOL} S LA oz fe (| ee N bi 0" i 71 Prinrctk 23/763 Cpe tenes Ae en GSC Bee IS et ein oo Checked fered colaie bad? Leen bah Lf. foe! is the ome Sig eoalee ee EE eee Pe . may Cota frost bev AG, AES al £y keh tudliratinds pent © Su whos qnaat it Leet, te mitre. - ges hactd mormel areas, 20 Lome oer, Cry the tact Groe rrecimele of olart or rather o aul old neeLe auc tur - gevende flout and artecnud Che onne/. hive thd. abirerdhars BESO, A Caceial dant totes Grelrat creed, GO tehese hit Ch 2. ti. preficlatin. po Ahemrmn atid SMe Neh pedal ‘ |, atthe a withint owverhesd Acntt Ah Daigee dee th brome foretateor beg tower aud ate, Chae bine of matinale Ti eg oe tnplhirek Qeae bo netahew = fed | mparreent Pnarck 241963 1 yo 63 0324-74 yi. Waharcrea Liwtr , ternalae Ee, Ranaae Prarck 24,1963 rate Deg Ae aa A” eg wes ee, es oe Left Kawrenree at GUE Aim, 45S tm Leoge fatten fonned A tln2own, Bic Cadet Ee orn oe a a, ot BS bah naile’ mile) vats of Win tom one) 2eLLDL anos Last tordey ALL Ae. “ae PE cd ss Bien. ad bose of Lee SE x ae fa. Fegt 7:50 Am, he Bes. Bere, Btheeha tees, 100 Z, fae. a «OS pasy, al beds, beging aioe thet: gow E,. 2/7 oy paenod IE ade bellé, 2 famcon 2 Raby lll 2 og hee eS aos LeWindy, }1:14¢pndboa, ©. rusenn & Litho fooo,? a Mc chek Z ins it Ll” 27. ay pe ee SH 702 2% - 1122S, oy taer70h, Z CeO OE oO Ze ea Set aiecenigeng ero ni mea as 1 i ie Ge ohio 25. y2 rads bello 2 Aah, punted ye [1:50 ( CO Soden rp osthetor A 0.8 ae) zy QO Aanacs, sme pepnne a1aLeZ—/. //: oe 2 Cordérralo | Wotke Leanrtiwt ” 2OO t+. 2: d welled, , i | : 3 | i | Y + é = ee Oat ‘ é Se X 20 ©: ° A ; : 880 ( SS eS g 4 S/ 1004 no? (Ge ota er ea Me Dis Mist ce 1626.7 2 < & oS s aa SS of as os a“ pnewrete 24/963 ° ie oo 630324-76 1:42 Spinco, Curie, As Rs citing, 1. Fotdov Lnlin) 20, 2ennolina Ld, Vs 250 dation)! 6, 1 fhe, pool) bear rig), ! chou, BIE gets Srna rob daonsy a7y canines trl heavens aatintiy 4.00 4 , Alu ridge; eter, Ib Sy pie ae bute, Chechodlaos 4 Croke. , Chrreued bar, S30 WY BY Girugt 1S. Vises Ge 2a4, Sacerec oe PSP at 6125/07, Aww of Che area , WewmeLer Wola eorwg dee, Be wis : | (ffl. the wae ar Sehonl ae hee /7, ol bebratesn , Tag he heey Are diernrretr) bn cplercle to 7? eee Maadidengpeaniss thorny. Kinane, ouglia Cor, Kansae Marc t- 25,/963 At Aatanrt /0:00 A.m rneobll ¥ pale Sie, ‘ Mer a \ a 15 FI CQAM eo twe fg CIJOZBRI-T7 DRGs. wD pect Bloern. D Cis (Cuntirdeate og Lien), hag laa Go., Cavcaw (ace Merck 3) for map J Cher area) Prarek 29,/963 det #0 Dope Oa ESB Sen ; ce sping 2 Lhe oe. a Dy iat oig at wipelan ad Aa "es TOLL sigpecte pitas es af ip agen ge Boo ppepap tb eset 2s’ Traps [- 10 os oO 24 | . wh tenet civ ioe tng pone Bee ine be wy a i ag ne Thin pes thf to Sa 0 tg . CHa arew Achaea ieee Cn oe eee sé hee. tf , PIBE R135. Teope art 2d feet opus, I 7 —_— Dt pret «' te? treed Vl yt. S Chintine (Coady een) Lexesbae Co. Kiveta0 “ee dat G24 pee (200 feet Fal, 42d 20 piped aa ode e | completely Atha hD). Arn] note ~*~ TO APO ravage Leth Ag ar g- Mereney, HARM aes ae ear ae Wuttetines . 7b Prateek, 92,2963 Onarth 30/963 Traemiomale Coblleelel 630330-9¢9 Moplnte act Lit rmgtt, Totep ruerntirs art ke fected Hem teva em 2 beet. hie, sue shes parchto) | dgpaplomip Coopers 40 not arac kel 29 not g- rat trait Sl yy fo» vi BZ Prtereers octhic, Yr Meerelee ochre 87 dig omg Bed U3 Aeproplomage Coopers Gy" na ; 1d Yy ned aerate gt &3 “ ' f YS Qneereer cekre » s4 on zi 7 tpranray vb fererrppter Meepsce RY" aa ene Bo a axe! U7 nNenokis Gelro 360 ne 7 andretegl 4 beyroplomepe Cougptre 8 pnaplomnep Cope 67 On ip 70 Wtiti0efies ortkro » YF 1 rategacbackig &§ a ' 7{ ee ttn Tiel yo nat wt. J §9 Oprrinng tw deyroplomap Coopene c n ” 90 tre. mmaniecelaLlice 13 2% arate o/ Seo " 7/ mot trekel 14 mnecretee chr J3 = ue TL um IS ned 2? wy Mrecratiew octero F 3 »o: i rh US Mnereler ochro- oY “a 7 eL. ochre 56 jek crs 2taet a a (8 aprung’ v7 n bp 4G prug 4 mrereles oc no LG on 77 Mmeereher oetine 20 Cpr SF a 78 not trite Bes RT sac es PS LO 79 u o 22 te bf ta ft err Kiel 100 Fcrermipeced Maicu belive 23 , by Coopers au : 63 Conermegatse, Leucecpres 2f7 n oY lactéro. Lemmmamacey LG ' 6S (ero, pace. we ay , 7 of nat PArtretie oodr ; 285 t G7 x ? - é Ure Z, Zz; 3 uF vm 68 ‘ rt ao 3 A 3 bo dena terrnaga Coupes 7 tn 3 as a7 Muecoher orthnro 7O 2, Aerpeco “actif 3 2gt Zu pat artantagt 2) ated weeePa Lopa eee ae 33 TL i By ‘ 73 n ' 7. 40-/00 OTE. ar - yo tt hee Marth 27 faned 29 a7 CO” ” ZG 77 Prtrefy 59,6705 636336-4%49 onan Uf athens Coplicrse Lh Ap, Taps monte ides lea: 43°03 30-/ pe 139-21 ~19-M- Yogrue SM bole Imm 6303 BO- DS Bo- 3 /FO~ FY~ ROM T-~$H Gre G 30336 -9 Soe perc I~ 23- 21-10-99 geen tenhn an 63203 B30~/0 Frere (2R-AP-A20,5 - (1-2 Sanne 6303 B30-/2 Leproplormep? coopere JBAO~ 2O~IGH/O~ 3 Ogeuo - Meera hee 63- 38~- 20,5-—/1- 5 git OB 26 rye oehiogas tin /63 Bx 26,5°—// ord 630330~-/7 nn ” 15 2-389-1/N5- (/~ 4A orme £363 325-36 teynaplerrcge Loe fert /37- 21> BO-/0~ 47 gyne 3x Crachi ann 6303 30-3 PMeerohese sekiegardr [J 0O- 37-20-M—- 47 Grva F utnermel 4630530-42 a oe (47- 34-20-~/72~ 1A Gro 630330-73 Fanti as ye Qopere (BB - 2-19. M1 3) grea G 11 Bemchele mas 630236 ~- 4 fewvgpius dike pun (S]~ 3S5-2/~ ro- 173 game GZ0B 30-46 [8 4~B/-23-/5- 2G qruae S bebe 12mm 6 303380-47 tes SS A-~ 3S- AO -— AS 4303 30-42 (/FA- 22—- Ql-//—- ¥ 9 que OF Cad cl Sonic 6363 26-47 Calon mips Ate 134-60 -/7-/2- 1? Gyur 6363 30-64 630336 -—Mr- Wiwroticg ochre 0 A /e7- ¥/~ 20-1 ~ 6 3 one? (4O- 46-20-70 ~ Yo Grae G2eoBBO~ 62 pronto ep : Gm DI Bow [1 — eB greek 3x oomb 13, 63603 326-63 (cbt lpn br ininape 1797-7 4#-AB- -/S- 27 gmat ul nervmal Sk only G30 Bao-6é¢ 636338 - bf eg [AAT SYUHSO~ Mt - 7 Pue S bt, 6 rw 144- S]- (9-14 — 22 Gree 63°B36- 70 fantpene Lececpice”’ /@b—- $F-238- (J - 23 greg 643203236- §S~ (ng oF abhtea (*3- 6O-17~'[- ? Gree 6303 30-70 (oar Parebnsntn (39 -— 19-18-17 3~ 1] one 6 36330~ 77 1G 3B~ B7-(G—-/2— JIS Grae @ 3° 3 30~-/00 oe Ddrueeclatire (34-46 -18-(F~- AR ane ¥ 6303 30-7 Mera tins 6 theyre tin SS G6-3S-1/9 HH ~- 4/ ana oe ae Whee Polesk | og 5 Manes Afar, WEEMS ge be be mune name “fo 7 Zo nA ie ae at? the Bevo Lk7 5 bp Pnarck 20,7963 630330-80 Ad 722 ; Rear rape 25, any a ome Powis: it Aha te, ; Bln (bop 40-100) ; Voted w grarek LUE Ws ont eos , athe 200 an ore foo feet Sof ALp me, vo! Bere At ALE 1S; net ob 2).K/. Bev, AD Fete jot oae Anny ator 9:20 4.977. At promt urkus Avod Low le Cha ow Leet (7! border of 20015 note a ghrehe , Ane brats fed ces fits 0: ie TO Pe ee (tutin g Gere), Aor glas Ge, Meet)» ; Prtireh 3/7, 7F&S Shire art /00 Rape ~~ the Atene geererel tren, tgpeplmge he Pe wes ( Ie elvoi a a75 Nh.) \y _ nese s) Ss 3 9 5 3) Crs eae | FREE 806 Fy Ke) 5\ e AK pea = TRAP 100 , aie re meen, SEP OE ER eee 630383 1= 8 4 Se ey ne at WSS Rom [Lafet He Cmptited act at 6:45. hn Aekernn BE eee fee 63633)-)19 ahle J2P-63-17-/2 lO grre his Arnal wae teptrect at 8:59 hr, at L4 hertigtt | Ath Boges 20 Fact part toneh tm Crom Gf Ap Corde Cod 7) teed propowt Some tre, At. Vio met .S duel H20 Jrtoute tLterpt done drnekl fords. Dt 20 abard 1S meles broree Propipo~g AAtn th Kawurincee (1830 Vtamtoamctts S21, ) 20 me. Wack 2 om. 9 Caton (Cuda of Har), dongle, —— Se a anne nena ZL oS GO. Kanena | Apfr€ A)O9Fb63 Level of ferepnncd Cmradtdle of 29 Corder, ace, 20) Prmvte at thes 22:7 at BS0Am. veel Cnhnuwe Wed AF eR. F | mtevhiwAré&; 23,3 /(»red- <7, De bmnany 235 Bredmurrnge (thas berebe ant tm 2); B56 (cedure aud R gneecewtare ; RBS | areaclew hai + 24,0 bridge Y/Cardinat | AF, 3 (rntadewtirk : 24,6 [ ometaeclre — 4k BELG 2 meccuntirke | aor f/f / mreteclaiw ark 27S / prteclocs — Lark» 25,¢ fectbcleer | Ba F ted torge 5 ASF f teegtargieye 2S'oa fearing § 26,2 (| rede aieCree Lope ; gk,f CLP 6 Aine. Aeew Cing tik Aparrocer Ad Aeocrat aren entnek thes) anion, pot Aetordler. 24,7 A Aredliver ye; 26,38 Pebsere | 26,9 7 Bed | Preecherhed . A772 / rertaclacebar he, ,27.7- OftforL Pate? ) Chuhn. Carty; J7.6 / archaeal, , aeueratl Aamratt Lerde - A279 F Pi Pern Ane 1 20 Linn of Abe led + 2 ? 7] 28,1 | Agence / Corchwel: 25.2. eeF 25,7 Grctge erces Wahareer Karer, Atwttat tts el L 27.0 / Cotton tb, AUR. fh, Peiceca tomes | 2G, 3 A onecclarrtinhea ; 27,5 Ath evtad Arappeng 200. 29,5 bb dict CREE EAD SEES Crrek, Q cca totbarhe- 298 euck Corey. Ale trele Atk Athen (00 feed on trther Lick Scere. Lbnurect §:00A.mM, OE POE GBOL0/-S2 oe 2 Cottonbsile rete on Laptne- She Aun utes Lape terenre wad, tr | the meet an DOL OLATHE fn Ave Ane Heseiteey (270 taller fer, 50 petor oe) duel tw Lope oe aul. oowora bli yuckee ( Com Lisi re -aere a Wait aes en! ofeccting, he Dean (om sat nwt hd ater y Lh ede ib kay te a Lint 4 eer Apart (ie~ de Ne Pechee, Fie be ot eo thet Chore were Hol more mnicewfrice - Ae a rable. f facd, ( neh cDrauras, Ce Gor esate. PP. tomes ceypportic! a hugh oe Sad ha ed Pps pe en & terme ler . FiLwmed BbO% at F202 A779. Stinted 1) 7 / Yo melee . cleft at 27.F. 29-7 2 Aechler, 3OL0 2 rratelocelandks, Greclursnge , 2 rebwiee | FO,2 [Creacrcocla, Cnt, 4s 7). 30.3 are fate, tpt Joe 21-8 Mowe “ ct pent Bl - Core Kear ¥ bheck let (ediomy / Hes. noe i vas # L dove, ( Careliral, drnste tree “nie ees < ) (pacer k , 32,3 + , 52.7 Créckge Act¢10 Bt Natale auce win fciaed sfonde, o2.2 / Duicaclanlark- | ROR ete ete F302 2 tedinng blanche tet ) ) ° ~ 33.3 { Riac j PBS 2 omtaclaeZrkhe.” 3% 6 2X meecloey Lerher , 37 re te S (wreb fortes); 33:9 2 tarchnete aul ere cidimapiahe’ Mamie 33, R tarcclerale. 34,0 2 ntachowarhe ,I4A3 / Ctirchrnael , red , [trie aE. 33,L Watearnte Midge 3 XA mtacliw tithe, / » 7 bsdlgt 2erece Wohawen, 5 COntinele and trate tarda: 34.2 Rrsewa > Boi / hornerl ~prtpplecitoAdes , Aante-, | , 36-8 Chthier Batley Aeedacde frrd, / Aedlaing tackler , IK2 [Aedemeg Wetec proposed Catonk, Dawn, J Sf GO OE 63040 f~- £3 Levpoetecl elas da nia Sener eee (00 trope 20 feb opat: ( dagreacp torre Gropane 41 not qretcteol pet rvracteck vp " ° tr ui “3 7 yy - Z 3 ff ST , 4§ 6 « . gb Po sg 1 dj ¥ 7 [0 wet 17 ‘ 37 18 ; JF al ST ao oe z! Gf AA GL ZB 3 63 2¢ og os 6x B¢ 5 7S~ 3¢ 7¢ 37 77 b§ 7K 37 | 7% Yo Te hed 86 OP Sgt aoe Doe! Fv hignaplorregy Comepene 93 ned wreck 9¢ Prrenctie BS yee 66 f ai &7 qomng 67 41 7 jo 7/ Costhredntonig aha Gr youd ely I 73 tacenetice ot poen Gf nod WW z 7 77 18 77 (00 rat l, / FEF CSO040/- 87 ‘ Seti Pens iy , ws ay ee ne ey boArZccreed fat ong hl, T 2670 Are PO oreerebere | 6304%0l-/ Lepproprllomncger Coote 4Ab- BAI- 26~/0 - 32 g7H0.F IX3 enb /Qomw 6320 4¥o]-/2. Kaspecboe, A2A28B-F9- 36-1 B- 7 8 Game i Beveje S ; (4225-8) —1]- 55 gma, Seater bream a . 7 6204 0/-66 gmockns haf oliee FOO” (02 BI~19-/0pgrue 6304 67-689 2388 —/0/~ 30- /6-F) a rr © BOYB/. BF Cormaccece moore la bans ($6~ F9~/7-15- 20 gane [Car 4-08 er G 2o0¢0/- 72 Wt tie Beg oedrvegne Cen (7h — $b 21-12 SS ome b304%o0/- 73 (67 ~ 37-26 //-S°7 6 F0¢0O/-F2 grape lommge- COB 20-1G- F— 1B Gro Sterke 3B mn 4? “7 Cowfte~e. 43204¢0/—-8x VrteraLn Ne ett ia (26-36-20 ~ 12.47 gone 63e¢¢0¢- 7 Oi thor Lerma AL La 130~SB/E-/2- 10 gra, 630% 0/-93 tracretise 0h byn bo, [15 28-18 10 20g aa eordouoral Sag ak oa Treen aban? Gt Ligh end eae Yd beyrinlhtol, Move An April, he sedges, helped rng. ee Ge. omy agen Chad tonatl Prarimnatl poricl n9 CP its, 44) oe teak <7 hee £ tea oly oT ah 83 Apt 5, (9 O3 6304605+- O65 2Mome.Y) Qtrels 3/0 mi Cher Lormn Conkin of Caer at trae — ceveda), howglue Gr, Kanes rut 5/763 aoe ; hee 23 mnroft Aree ), Let 106 Lira faty cts Ai. . Lop ee Ope et eee Bb Anwgpe Attge Tesch wk nee “y am - “ He ane Lpcent PLAN ws S f\ "\ \ / s ) ) Le Le Te 75-180 eertre 100 area, coe oo 7. a= FRY o ts g f se g, . ya = ipa. Te a coal ieee yc possible FESPUGi oO along frenae y " Booe! Bro wth 2 #echeblerre at svergrazed Sed ges prove, | meochac Sed ges LZ, £ o at Afent 4 fet ake dadige along tact t1de at Care ay Live”, hel Aide treat fear Cathntarh,~ Emenrk & Lheo area mace otdevahin- ( ; Si20 Pom), eleaae, ‘1:3 77 bre | IAT bhrrhes 20g a fernbdl Lrhes , 21.0 Lidge srtr Weharieaa—\ ol}, / BK Geel 500 ferkle Ss; ab dhrhe . Z2r3 brrdge. tre Watheruec (reed 71) } R2ile 6 roar, 23,2 Crmer Vrewb €, Lept afln. Tonbaght (bate At 0 when bonne L hasdciigene he | Lo 2B bay Oa... Afr’ fo, (Fa 6364 06-86 prt &,796 3 Shrapeetion Lerpbror act art rgd, Taopea 20 opart SN eS A a A.m, i Wed wise taal! tp rot antl _ of eA erratic Ron on “ eee fo” 3 UL —met- g/ e " fin oy fi JZ " ~ Be pretretios ebiogaalnw ou, I" Yeon! $3 aT tS GH its " UW mecrotece ortrngeilm gf ait, pum Yo rot mactt gy $ "8 o 17 rmatrwtise vbsoganlr bb " q merwtue ocho UF nod qracted 7 {2 net recaitea! YF " . by Reeve. prance ta tiie 8 n ao . 99 ned wvrectid L¥ J3 net arated FL . uy mecreie hn pul 738 (4 1¢ Pf Red ef 07 ou" Au 18 57 76 ” , ‘9 If 77 Loup leorrecges Cre fee 20 SF " SF Meretice ti \ 60 ? : 97 no ae oo (20 “ a én" " zy oe Mmrcretius ortrec é Ag Y oe | GS ned arte’ 7 meretive ochre, 27 oo 2 LOOT 2g 67! , ; Atirecper 2 of Cet. atten “" Wisneceabadene a bf wet ~ Ly 2 facthre . nage tin tame 3f 70 Merotice ocbhanguelern 17 beta 3v A 33 qr rneneolus a ee 73 net wrectid G1 wed viectd hick 3B yntertus 7¥ oa ” ae An Cimuseeatl BL nwt vee MW meeretie beBindBcinns Aart bY on " Te wat nace! ee on bg " 77 " on 37 1 TG . ia: ea arae heme? as Affect oT S 6304 06-7 L30¥06L-F wmreenohiee /9¢- S819 19 31 grace 630¥06— /2% evemageecoe Ace /9o- BS-R2~ 15 — AF gone GBS0YOb- BF Mtlirseheg (44 37-ao--37 gre 630%¥06~ ¢/ Synap tome Crofsre I$0- 23-20-(0- ¢S ama necro hee CB2046b- UE 45 ~ Z6-26- //- 32 Gree 43e0U06-47 [50-35-19 -1)- 37 grey : 4 4 630406. SZ. Rea rental nap Peep Pie H4B- 6S ~-/74AS5— /2—/bo gone GZ0%06- SH mouse octinogesten PDO BOS CBee eget 6BeV726.. 63 n » 1B3— 3(-18 -—1/~ A$ gow 6204 06- 68 mequiode (4 ~ G21 -H—/ bgpne 43Be¥v06—~ 70 Meershen 164—~ 2.-20,5- 72% SOqma fb B04 0b6-~ TA _ ” [0-37-01 9-/2.- S2qren 630¢ 0b6~ 75 nn ” /bb- 9 20 -/2.- A Sgro 6 304 66- F2 Nn rr $0 ~B3-09-12- 44 gare 63ce4¢06-~ $3 Peremapeecee. Mranecestatiis IH ~ S f= 20~ 15 026 gre _ £30Uob- $7 Copiers (41- BSG UL 50 Grace DS take barn 630406- 9% gesnofiea ental: (4o~ 3o- RO- 11 ~ $1 Gwe teppes CLerkew Retevoeer at 7:25 4.m ar? 442 Prtenge, Corelint Gad 2rmetl Cerda; HF Carcleak ¥Si6 Know: ¥7 Creckge ore wotearnae , Arbre, oral Cords, bre a format where Avcel Mowebeo Ao Cerin rated A Atretes se Vier; 47.1 Crockge ervrce AbHarseen (raw Te Wi N24 3 hetederr,/ gitbavreba fled plekins | bardenel 477 5 harved Carte $0 dinatl terde; Yb. /f/ AAG € , LF ¢ TAag area at Fae of Hike (Copfrnans plocs). Jil Cheebong Dreger Contoneced tn07 7 at 5S (6: 4SA.In); Ufc 3 mearletetarto: EY Coepere Keath | Corglrrenl-, F. /omeccloetart » $¢9¢)/ | mesclowwthf } / 2 . Amett Corde : 995 Op he, Leo; 49.9 Frtire » Aileces ZS: J0,/ i med Lantk, /pntaectoer | SQO,4 | oorcaclanrbardk SO wp Fatt lheroake Soret oe, ae aaa TOP (tached ° Sl) brerireoch im tatty Nave b j Aanctne Cmdceling won of act Tet € of trnettancla | S),) drnatl Cobe, (Aetaw )F 213 7) terol lazer, ‘ hi a at get. ae cre aged exo anviieratid a4 leael a SO-bo take. Bb Afro, (FC 3 630406-83 4yoo fz ) cdl. aso 44 & Chnten (Crte. of Lows ) Loglbe @s., Lgna . v 7 Oo oY Brit é, 1Fb 3 det foo Droge, Ra goes emis, Aether. Trege/-F7 sw ceases 92 ae ee | oe ie cap 1-37 Ta x ‘A 1 Tis $7 eign gL Hi Ppicy, et 7 ie oo Lyn iy Te, eed ee, Cy, a of me oS o7 bee aoe diss tite ataut Yo he Efe tendon Tove Welem Snipe CL aa my Aeon We (60 Larricder or ertte dtide | Lfpt af 6:00 Rom seen ten Pil. ae ee 44 Uo Aved LE, fever, ei ee tale, 6216 Caterineda, no toned Erhe, S37 ee Apert 7, (463 a RIZE, 7725 sel tes 62,5 at GIS AM, tll ynoke Been Ar2a. O2.7 meaddn lark, red pe ede Pa Corha O44 an POU 2 oninelee ten = Lovee, Ob pradl : O47 LoS, Carclinal. P¢:9 Gurthinel: | OSG gelled ge fig O54 R-meadewlarhe, Z ) PCocetide » 3077 akira. pe et Brat ee oy Pts ss Ot. aX pean cosctel Lape Se Bo 21.2. pack . pe te oma ove) Vatharuia Luer y Conrdral Arte, | hee brd O6.¢ 7) cred off ppraporecl class - 9 ocho rated Cebced. Ledge duel Monk of clome. ee April 7.1763 630407-89 fetoo* (ret reetkct 37 ” ‘ re ny re 33 kuths m, BY ned Het ar a " 36 Rithro m. 37 fad anractee! of a wd 37 Kecth m° Yo pp cng dl not vrock/ un, #3 s n ¢4 Lerthre m fw n 47 mm. o~, VO preg GS nat eect fo + ° S7 - 70 Afra 29 nod a " Sf FL &3 , &y " nr 8 67 * 58 Lthrerm BY dprang Fo net wnrectd Fi " " fe" " 9B 8 4 FY 197, oekro TL med arch % Lith wm. 99 rr07 OF wo (00 tps Gee Cre ne 630497-70 ee 630¥%07-5 rine tte 6304¢07- 77 630467-§ M 4 6 30%07-7 u ” 6BO%oO7-1/ u “4 6BOYoO7-/2 4 th bge%e7- ry a GBEYoO7—-76 ‘i tu 6 dOVO7-17 “ n LBouvo7-1¥ 8 6304ea7-a¥ a u 630467-AaS “ " 630¢67-33 Kecthroden terra mig elutes 630467-36 n u 630407 39 u a £30V07 44 a b6304%07-¢S ij 6 30467-¢7 ti a “ 30U07- 6 30¢07-S7 i 6304 67-SY a S$30Y07-SF¥ mMmeensvices pehengeein 6B0Y407-S9 i 4 b630407-6¢ K a 63e4¢07- 73 Meanvecels Irii, b30%07-88 Biwi meg hee GBOCOR GY Muctetice 620407496 Lithieclntemg negate 630 4o7-= 79 we ; a JO4~ 36-19.5- N- TSgrne [50~ 33-19-/1T- ere 15 8-~37-20-1- 52 gra 166- 36~ 20.5- 61 epee /67- ¢A~a1- (2-53 gee 161-37 20-/2- 49 gree [0- B8-Ba-/A~ #7 greg (S40 33-20-(A- Shame. [68 - 38-205 /2- Fb gmo. 158-3 9-1G-10- 52 gree 1b6-$8- Alp /2- SF Gre J64- Y(- 20,5- 4 2- Segre /30- G/~17?/A- 00 ow [3S 60-19-/2~72 Gone (32-6 R17- /32- 18 gree {S56 — 795-17-13-PE Gr 430° Bl-/6-13 10 Gms [3R- 47-19-12 12 Gone 13(-68-7- (A~73 gone /3BB- 60-17 ~IR- (3 grea (6l- 76~12S~13- (8 Grr0 VFB —3¢-UG-1 ~ SBGme 15 9- J8-20-/b~—- 8 pease: /S38- 38 -A20,5- /l- 40 Gre 140° SI-19 -[$~ A Ogre (AB — SG-17-12~ 10 Goro 164- 40~ 2/~ (2-35 7 Grne0 (34—6 4-168 /3- lB geet 135 — SS= (be S-/1— 40 gerne GZO409- G9) oct Ck 7, lnage’ a a, ag ee : ZT 7923 AL plat at bridge an Su) forner Lee 7, RIDE 7IIS cred go tla 0 Ae eee Po ti dge ow Kot Canb Tf Ch. Znw. Comptete, Corans coo et ee qt Quad Har OSPR rn at Ae. 27r. fo Buy ee ee: Ff r2, prrnter bower | 2 arta Z) De [ted leet, ie ea fil il 2 3 ee 4 ee 2, CorslhinnZ, loan yi ow 7 ¢eGZ, a a /, fry = lose Lh Lnenvee-, (chechubed, ¥ i ‘ 3710 ped tay re sth aD 3tO7 She oa Co | cbhickeaclee WI Mei oe, , Zz ) 2 t te Bue wipes Pediltt 3:20 Peach: “PD bok 3/23 pic dace er ee . 7 Sone 1 Shoe ile te ee ae tex (On aacr oe BBL Laan iy of Bett pd Gat oo. ¢o7-ro¢ #4 STG hiakotiy 4 peice aioae at pis Sede a wee ae ser 9 fot Asaf. Se ¢b oo JIYS 2, ‘hited Lethe { JSS Cur a F042 Cut. 2earenh, gr) 2 carn lvrcke fn hy, = ene, Sef ee: [Carbecal 2 tft te, B59 phedts 630 to7- 2 Ge te “rod Sey y Remens 21 7 tn oe fe oe ee ee) Thiers As ae eel aca ocho wine | hee ohh Ki10 fo ree Aebecrnn . anny aon pond ate Learned, duit Hie pated forge eee! 407 TF Cong 2 ban 5 fonrvablr bite Cath coe 418 Chiat S Afirrcw7? » ¥:20 Dnt ate 4:22. muiakiat an twee 2 Aedlicd Lake som above. Lo noche perte. B17: 2 thnrt, 2 Crew Yan new % edi wifi sn? co ee iar pach Cae ge eg pete Saar 2 a: emg OOS EE gee Sp RS p> fF ik a i a en oe ag mages aps eg eae Ae WL EEE ay Pe Fe aoe Type IR ) WHIM Your BARI reg ep re 9b L ard C9642 TOV $ Soba? gi i Ofarrk DAMGVOZ uu) a8 ] ah ee ead: sis ae 4 LD Ly, g je, oe am FR ccnp Cnunlaniet, Vocal Cotte AS i ie ee So ee rae tipi HES te pucdo tatrathetine , 2pboeber, temrdie4, type #7, ‘ear. Rerwee. Five dhanage fue 5. | gemd Precswbnoelne tacks a el Fok cael bane (Houwtdhrethe pote Gt fp i othatr SET Tap cogs Ohne anda, 3/0 lad >. So Y 7? eocle we. Varn O27 rpland Corot thew Le; are more ttreth, oo /o-o~o . 4o-tec Go ad Sac 4 2 bhice acs vi ne UN oul tpn cop D irib Tents 38 ted betlead fe S13 pep, ie a rm yf feces ON 2 | fpbeabar lacey Fig! MEE Se ae oe eT gp (2) dradge olomey Cand baled, eC Pages ny a S571 AedcbeleMerrLpre hee; Fe og poy oneal a ta To, A Ord rrel, [red beeLnd, < Saas Seaney G2 Need /cartbut | 12d le thed> oe boo (redlind Lihat} bol Cudleal, b9¢’ Carbiund 6105 AndLb pot at boo rekiomed (o peek C708 ptm Gi ae aaes 2 trcdgtad b Lge | reblicetleed me Aurvetle woe anth, Car, wae Z tT GS aces See oe Ahr, Kanoaa, AG , eee Aperit Oo 7IGS a teeghe fewnebe ap Wo ae ee atbaut 5 fret the aco, (tee ie Lael t tw te pod aerial Lomee a sie peat Ao wa a foronth flim noel ate poe Pn pe perfersndonee eres: poe Calas abi npr of Bagi al Yacante Sai tyke Af hn), Lacey lag tal tol qG- Leger 3, (76 3 to Lh Z ee G 4- ee oe aes oe eh : ard hack eet De OT ea STANDS OF WATIVE GRASSES ~ IN THIS AREA X886 EXCELLENT Ye } | packet nto, Dt cerae a Gnel- WU } Cn tae 3 1 2, Butte bs _Z , wave cle G7 Chewm tore cal excel htrret ete. < traps qs Cut an Arde meng — , \ : / Traps aA dred uel drainage SF Voppices W anel F206 ee ED, tpt Kacone ~ oe (G62 Cael on oneal gee ef Macertrece dei ee Onn Sie O27 nS ae es ee Ata 68:1 Mbaclawlart; A 6S. S~ Gottnailin as teoed 5 gig abvahe Carlee l® 64, 3 Aebiw oe EFS Cx Be. deragel On 3 2Q meeclorwi-he ; 70: 6 meting, Tir S 2, es Upp tes aharcer ! oneaclewtath: 72: 6 Aealarrncy teh bane cs wo, arene ts a. bh le Caxcwlinca€ oJ hh? Le ; ares ome 4 pL nie. Le 742 betidlee., rmeaclowtlark ; 7H, Stanaadlacs 1 95:/ Aeoodt S, peclamng 3 7593 Doindhe Lc Oran 74.9 Igtachhes; ? 3 meade lake! SiS | ortenton ta Bs a IS.P ¥ 2 ° Poy eee Mt 3 lec 5 edges, Co ities Crttreted Leapeg Ga laciad de tae. Fede cad 27,3 3 oneneles fords 3 noool (wifeari~a) 77/ A , ‘ana, acing 7 fee ge on ELT S| edie) press (77.7 Aood fe 5, 3 J peas : ee IHF Cordoerack ,rratt ? ® dude: pene 7:7 Creclige: tot Wadena BCarcchinabe- eye Aw aoe "pean tae; 90.0 formed Lake - s buco ethee ei Leal Oe Lardda, S116 reed Lirne + herrect Late 5 BIB 1 BA f Klanuce aparngrss | Ptr tnadh b / Candyuel gad te si appeal 71S mtacdantark, &2: SED ae selon, 030 dads 5 eae tare pits (ED acer ciicclinad ahead loth’ S4, 2 Aedk Ene be Pi chee eon; pclae pee) FT Bs Si tardlanl ; PS op ocate Crest j $6.8 Drache cints Wakesusea’, BCunelriats, B72, 3, Jag eres Pie gee oy — | meersebar ettiro L Mmers&lis ¢ 3 mot trated ¥ Flerormigreses guamtiesliw 13 nod tad ad ‘ we [& eT 7 pt Peo wahad % in Liiies BO 1 ot we Lure, Wrenner 23 ey a4 pot vrercted 2b ntiraeye teclion® 17 not rreck/ 2x 24 Bo Rextthro. : 3t. mot oy cies mall | Bnet Nt 3 Keto. mance 3b Lacthie meq 327 ned vrrarted 3 ul n 6304 509-95 LT, 1962 Aug hee +d Lat night: fo apramny 19 nwt aracted cg; pat arian ted 56 at ve Te epi 87 43 pms $v ped eet! ued Sprang lomege rpere Ge ” US fred vrected § y flere Leeceopsco dh Fie mnas: IN Boras, Mes dingeces V7 nod arerctd 56 prune Ug “e we &7] apr 4 ug 34 ee ee vo ee Na gnrecratie ockeo . US Kecthies v3 foo. leased vu Karthro meg Wwe ut s VU} not arated wu? on n 60 oe? awe 63 3} oy a nv opr e7 prog bs net vrted 6G 70 Flere» manne ?) Pare. hurecprre Iv 73 Vlad IY at a It Puro rene Pe pot tuted GD. oo ® 7 «> i i &SDAUZU9- 7T}@ 630409-/ 6 B0409- RB bBeY¢op- oY 6364097-6 LBOUoGF 630 ¢09-1A b 30UOF— 22 b30UC7- x6 6 30407~- 30 ay at Aerrupetes Mancesta Lie Oneeretice schrogae br 630 409G— 3S Fecemepsens manieecta tice 630407- 36 630 407-4¢ G304OF- Ye 630409-So0 63BO04UOF-S/ 63 OCOG- SA 43o0409-§3 bBOUuOG- SU BB OGOG- SL bBO¢09—-70 6 BBY OF PF b BBE OF" A- O304097-FY 6 BOYO9~FS- 630 YOF- 43 620 ¢0G-Fu b 30409-77 b 5009-98 ig ere Westen ve Vaid Z > ft a7? ‘¢ ty Frerrageera Lower puss? [6¥°4]>20~/2~S4¢grne ['Sb-35-Al~/2- 4 BGrn2 13 -- 5B-19— (4-15 Grue /BA~G1~ 071 1B arnno 1 F9~- 34-2015 /2 ~ 37 ym 139-2A-20-/1~ 3F amo (50-56-13 —14— 2B gyno IS6-35-20 -//- VY Gro [2.0- S§-(7 ot} — Bare - (V8 - S¢- 20-15-17 Grn 136 -L8—/2~11~ (8 Gyre 130-222-208 //~ 41 ono [50-60-18 - ta 1 Tyee 132-G1-17~ 7) © ? oma. /39- 32-20 -/1- Soqms 132 -61-179~ H- U ane. [69- 78-22.- 14-27 a0 129 bf- 16.5 -H~F Ga 135-6 5-19-11~ § gree . 143 —~SY-1 9-73 /8 Gree (74~ 66-23 -lo-2¥ ana. /o7- W- 23-5 -AS Gra 170 —-7§- 22-14-24 Gree 170 - 73+ AaS~ /S— 2390 (83-86 - 22,8~ /6 ~ Bogmes. 139~ 66~-/7—-/2- Vane 173 -~ 78 22:5-/b - 26 Gr-0 1387— G@/-/7- /2— igus 8 Gaons 8 ged 2 Ud rad , te Chita (Civil of Lour ), kenaglae Co,, Karson, Lex /O0 . Phe Cpr t 77,7963 7 POE! feet (Copa 1-50 7, Llge L206, Aud tape S100 And Plo AO autevGZ is ) (OO0d Ot whee Lrtne EET LT GIT by den Mureoetnic and bere Beedh 4 Lae et vat Bis ae eh Ue. Cprit 7,070 3 G304.09-97 Lee aS 323 _ the: owen: LURL - , teamed Lanter , Cherrrod slope. plpatew poctitndL Fire had fie aboaed 0 Cf Lo. tenho 7 Late a Dead tan nec tas na be bul nee excl A460 ri, @) LeLare (teudir Gf Loin) Gornggbae Q., Liner L/O,79b63 Cheehedh Bop Ane of 100 heopa tet Lact rughit . eft Arerenee. FOO. IN, Leinep. ee eR Kept Crnplete Cenewe S tuck prepossd daw, Fotlowned Aeqular kghuray lo Chalo Fay ow Peeseth, To. 2aet pricthlhe tory, tee 3/, theuee SG Zee Exck , Left LOr it mb, ened ff Crctye au , BES tud dare at FR, SLAG Preadacrtarh SE SB 3 mtacewbrke ; ee epee Lurk 5613 CherBir, (Conder of Trim ), eg 56:7, 2 meatawtark, SbF | meeclewtarck ; 56.9 /rreachowtlnrk., S76 sedivrng tlacktirk, 5% o tarcnel, 53,5 mescleerlark; St Kernsel Crk ; 596 Precclowtyk , 2 SUS Romeachwtrhs; 59.9 2 mead. ourlarhe & 0.4 thong cage Meee rou b S, 4 Mreaclewtarhe, red - eet es £0:6 ) chrche | a Candlicradt, /, a Lior 2 Onenclewtarhe, 6/5 2 meaclarwKwihe pt pee Sie ae OE , @2// 30 Csrvtircla, onal todo ; 62,3 amatl Crnobecy 2 bless bere. 6AIS Asacl es 22,6 Grutye one Kock Cee, Carclenred : GAWG Cech Conirid and patted Car, pow PitrAa.m. One redlacl G 7. Checker Aspe Budlmecbcmpepinde vtans leaping. Castevreriaal loth Aone Cony (Compt te Corraera). ‘ 63,3 rrtacewark » oso SG i, OS NA 6 3 Asoek fo TPE, 67:7 Hawt, 69,3 8 SAY Antawn ys ¥ j 78S eS 70:6 Cordinatl, Pho eel, Bae 72,0 2 rm todetylarhe } 72,2 4 Horvect Guihe , F3/ aauth enol propoeet Maen. Cprig 10; 7963 14,1963 6304/0-98 Wt tp ee Roppect (oat negty a7) arc! tuattectid Chai 4.2 . rt 1b,/968 ( Oneretus brogaetin/ R Apr, 3B Kuthrogtentermage Mey. Y tnenretery acho I amerek. actro lb. rH n aq Recomugettcs Lecerpr-a a ? er “0 mt " fl Foie Leceeo peo (* fro. Leecepue (9 not trrteo/ re m ” WW fare beerape> {Oo Pp (7 oe a / 7 tf at 0 fire Hecceenece 4f nwt arat/ any V9 flere Lerrtaquar UE red rut S WS med ar rete dA Vb Ries . U7 rat verted U9 gadAaetked SO n el 37 * PB) pot vet S ey 6°" #3 poy Gl nat teed SY Lue Lereeane- Go nat wre tea 87 a) 0) ny es" 2? 90 far» Maines TT ap ri fv kere Lerrenpinr 73° Pere eceopae - TY ind awe Ma! Gf- an an 97 GpK2 1O,¢F63 L20¥%/0—-/ OO re ee ee 630uv70-3 oe onegatstin a 630Y¥70- 4% 6B ¢/O- Ss 6 20¥%/70~ 6 630Y¥/70~-7 Pacmepeoct Lasarpa G Be¥78-7) 6 ZOU?lA~/A 6 BoY¢lo- 7S bLB0x¥70-7 6 30 4¢/6—-/8 6G ao¢¥re-l% 6 204 7e~ 20 £3ev?O -L£3 b 30v- 28 &3E¥4- 30 6364/0—- 3B¢ 6 ZOU l6- 37 bBOo¢lo-¥3 GBovla-4¢6 630410 ~u$ 630¥470-§) 6 B64¢/0- S58 6 B0¢I/0-~62 63et¢0-od GBOUO+6S 630 400-697 4 30e%10-7/ 6304/8- 73 bZzoet/leo-Jeo GBeY¥lO~-77 26410 - 8” GZ0UlO8-FGD G30kI0-Gl 630¢10-G4 630¢70-F3 é t 6304/0-89 A+ 7H + MEGA ES BOE Ua ake: 129-63-~16,5- 2- Bayne S¢S= 32-20~l1— $[ grea’ [63-38-20 f2- a a 15O- 20-19-]l— Sagres (70 ~7o~hA~ (6-26 ayn /G0- $8-AZ-IS - 3o2 Gone /GO—-36 -23+/7- 81 pw (hie bee aa hem 30 Goce 19S5—GS~- Q22-lo~ 2F Gren 175-7 8-28-/e6 —AB qe Tn ae 7 13- ] amd 176 ~ F& Io - aolageat [06— 7A-Aa-lo- age 174 -— 7-23 — 1S 284g me 138 ~ 68-17-12. | Ge 1BA- 63-17 12.-F ares 183- $i-22- 1)- 2 Fonee 174 -7-A2-/b~ Ao nes '73- Bl-23~1b- AF ares 123-77- ALS (5 - 2b ane 1 27~7B~23B- IL - 2Y gree 123—-2¢-16,5— F—- 31 ane 193-3 7-al- 1b~ 3 2g9n8 (07— 21~16)S- F- 17 ge {87- B3-23-(6 — 24qred 187- 30-aB~/7- 3 Ogre /33- 77- 12-17 32.gm0 1/70—74-23~ /7~ 25 Gree /¥0—-60- ahs-14E- H Gpaae (95- B2-A2~ 16~ 31 Gms 170° 72- A 2a— lbo- ad gned. 1913 - 15+ 22-16 ~- 4S Gree 19O-76-22.5—/§. 30 gree /8- G2- ALS /6— 27 grn0 98 A pprck 10,176 3 6304/0-1/00 ae ten “ SS CBr es (eno Ga ce. oe Can Ue é Gp ), Boxiglice Ca., fautets April 10,1968 be i lho rp po I Chi L pice, Bacal the adae Loca blg L/ ! j =< LO TEAR 50" J ] &, yp SA TRAP 20 gor me SN VY Uj Ma q f VE 0} oS iad ae vs oe beet eee ett ee De Z eee outhined an rel. Ti tu eet Rawls Lupropelable lLiutkyalee pr 5 the Ge Qr)ew Ane eG Fon tutecste , Whiteher, ee dk. Arn (Stud) wrtt he placed about 30 pul docet Roerady, hie raed act, Chavgis atl previnrie petercls atheeh Lit the D eamel Aarns at & frowmt Tomi. NE of the achiel Lam ate, Katlernbgl awne ip bar. Enrarcts at tt rtd 3 tetlatit SSR n earner gee. PAeuth ry Look Car, Qrdbinale Pe eS hn Dutld fan Lenn thatinded (ak Eisis Wer. Le Zwted tl rot een Meh. oF Aprits/)l PO Z 4 M-oetrco 5S mM. ortho b mucrotus ochreqastr 4 wy. oehreo 8 9 apr /O0 /) prenrethec cehrwe LD pee y {3 i a fs Sh murotw pelio 3 a S¥ Se mo JSG SF ve v7 CO Mrechig Ge meester ockre 76 7. aching 749 foto. maniuleber GO GB30441~ Jol Lorit |1,/ Fb 3 ge Ley : 20 feet apart. Le on Me /oo Apri ¢/, LP O35 SK.onry SK-ONLY bJovli~t & Bou 3 -b30Vi-Y G3Z0%I~ S 6304/6 630u47/-7 6304/(-17 ZZouge7- 19 6304+ 20 6 BOTH AR 630 4//—- 42 6 30¢7/)- ¥3 bZodsi~ yt 6B04N/— Fb 630u4r/- 47 6304¢)1- 82 6304 I7/- GO S304 /1- O22 630u7/- 64 bZ041/- 68 6304/- 73 6 3ouN- ot SK.ONLY 6 BOYII-TVE G6 320U4/I- 2F 630U = E- 4 BoWs/-~89 frrernapoene Leweepue! ‘7 ‘1 ft nv ev 77? vl vt 7 4 77 7 a a 7? 7? a7 vw? a7 77 ke Re onanicetls Les Kolar ca ; atetee as. 6304s = GQ Myitretive achiogeskr tlhe mi S tuk. 2 tho me: 6) hen tire (Conti. of Cove ) Hhewalas 3: Kncanes Y tet (00 z defeteped ic law Se pore alone PRtLAY 2863 Le tly S G63 si Be, ( ,- ee ee 7 . ataut 300 feet OF G304/{[-/02 MterwmLe Caccytt bast meyit : (YD Al-20-/I- $6 ome O hades Sar 188— $6-22~ 15-27 G20 ObkKe /o mw (YS ~ J2~2O—//— 3 Yanna 1O7-4¢0~20-¢/- S¥ Ge / 47 Bb ~/9oSe /]- 3.3 grne 157 -3L~19-/2- Agree JIG» 2G [BS F- 17 Gree (SO - 34-'NE~— 12-35 4me g, ut nermell 'S4- 37 ~ 20-/0—- ¢2 Gna 1350-32-18 -/0~ 35 grvee 1Sb~ 32-18-10 — 35 gene Aeatragecl 1BS- $0 18-4 ~ (gree [741) [82] - 17-12-15 Gnee IS7~ 34 al~ €Y Gots /54- 36-14-1/— 40 gra 160 - 3b6-19-1)] — Fgma 2 24d Om, Gye 162- 33-a20-/ ~ 46 goree (55-36 -Bi-ll~ 4 Bg /¢5~- B0-(8-10~ Yama F UA. nermel IS9- 3U-RO- ~~ ISGme (28-5 G-19- 12.~ 9 eymeee SF Liwtia Lome JI2T—- 23-18 10— 5) gma. 168 - Y2-g0-/1- 46 Gs [725] -- pre I Tanna S CiaLie/0 rm 1¢3- 20-17— (2~ [0 grea P 3N3 tml Sm LAT 24-1NI5—- 2ogrne 159- B6-20- //- Uo ome /0/ Cfrrk 12,776 3 63604124-163 4g ome San 2 Wo me Ww Chitin (eertin ¢ boom), Doerglor &, Kennseo— 72,7963 Cheehed Lop Ene aed ad oight oLept Hauninee, 7130479, Buip 40°F, Atharwedl depre toute ae tapliava) Sead propretd ham! 25 Clhinlen, thence deogenat ted % Si, Athenee S fe trudge at Arle - Hepd ternple Le Conetee “f feds nadid (00 fad “thes acde G This Lerit, at dane prelonge 755%, 75:6 mmeaclernlarky, ( Chey meearce Vncler closet Leweklad, thence a ete tb arecbeoreege! ); 251 G Acelarrng; 7O0k eg OD i GN es if ne ov eereseee )' 2.9 Mi deeemenae A 79.5 tneocleiw lar ; eee 79,3 pyethe wane, 7914 3 Rermad Lak, rmeadbace bak. eo ek G07 rnrtacloeQrk, S hisned Larter ; Wt ancaducrtast, 91,3 jpscktie)& 2 Kornedt larhe ; BT evnad Larhe; 82.) mecoloet— yer Tes 5 93) Kernel Crk; 83,2 rece mew 5, 95,3 tedecrmg 5 9 §3.9 rmtacloeZrk: SY, 0 2 rnsacecrLake, The2 omen hawk , $. Banwbcied P19 renbarvnig aud toatl bend ser Lack Ok 95.3 Ose dats batboaty ta thnt MEG ta kge . frerked tar aed ew Lope. preted thal thie ee 2, Deno. rr howe. 1 PS7 Pmocrmnay Arte , iw ig oe Barc 95.9 2 barclerale, Cree. F6;/ Partinal some matt trrcle y $62 birchnrk meet tude: G6,L Preocertark ; Bet aaa nat cooue, 94:7 2 mtaclewtarhe ; LiF mead — Crvtur he 86,9 , 67.0 (x07 daasinn); 97) meadoas— Lark , : ttre hag ba Comey 5 F7b Aedes ; epee g G29 meredaewtlork; FF, ape, pis Plaaleg Ae dhevrng ; $504 prance bar he 88S mesadatlurk, hore aide. 99:3 rrsadarnbarks, 89. mtedewtark. Me meet, 819 tremttwQk., 961 (Aedes T/e0 2 oneal teh: G/. 13 redemeg, ortadnwlak, Wr CLL | bgrwed tes; a. Y reel bahs; 72, 0 ° Pea claw Lin bk 5 Wt 2 rmtaawtrke 92,7 2tedaige-, / opines 5h ike, G25 Cardiust ; 93, / trtacLawtre : 92,9 hidye mew Kuck Grrck, Glo te wail taste 94: 7 open clare tar: 74: Fredawng- » 95./ Flenith paogengal Aerial, tha Toni of hag 10 etgne feast 7 ‘ahaa lar ee ame 1/ enteclhowbaete an Ape 2,776" nik Sh,SG63 G3Z04/2- /64 ChLeekeol Linplave eet Laat gnght, Leaps 20fatignrt, Ttup F:00 ¢/) °F, (8 tn, otto (an Loop 4S 20 2/ Le Ce 3 77 apne lo 7% 1p, a; 20,0 OES TS ay ad Carsten where read Mins SSC, 20-4 Hed, greg ate 20-9 raed Me Ss, tele ey putlirr » 2h) Ctudye acinee wahariae, Aft tar Lire puch conthed SU ptordt [lr.howr tefore Mrteght, Sop Frog det eee fo the (poet : Bd LorLagth ote ree ee o : a A . ad ek ae neat telivec : Y 2rerwk % Bo oe ee oe gs ‘ reed 3' Lok at Doe Ax. Tree Coa fi Pietvicg Meira Fitace Murlhetbee + Lded ob meee « / tn Cock YF Liv Prares py ene, jog Coprie 20,1963 IVio 630%420-//0 mi S euch Gomi 200 FEW Ontin , bruglar G., Kawase aed eee D7 ineprttedl Lop Lent sel rn tog arses (hops pF nial (Aad ). Atte heehee Lop Lene (Lips 2d-100) 2% demgon Seo of Foz FP Vas ge tel Rael, Va oid, PF Charter , Aowegtae Co, oe Aft FRacenee 7 30 A077. Jempe SAF | ahig eLearn , Ne zm. Ayretle b aecompancee, Sotbacreel G Dniteage acl tend S, b/.3 wirek Kawk , b/.6 mounel, naw &, A truetinrce - 64,3 ecetew Cark , 64,0 Civzetousl Pheu’ § 66,2 tricelge acrore Le atherreen (cot prownA urfies une | tar ardathicl Silo devs . Gu flowy : Ntae how Laa ee lin EA. a few the toward grmemnvtho: Ae we approached ar2a lOraw- aud £ thee tie Arte. FALL obal § eo Zz f LZ. Ahssose OLE Go. 2, BP Abd ELT eae L bned meee S, SGD BLES. Le th. bey term grnentie- Btn Ld Su Lose oe Cotkicted Another etter Lima BALgs, atte? Miter Boght, Es a 26-00 wwe Roni pend eect Checheck, ate Laps tuere placol 1 ) tenw nad a. av roe “eee, peptone a1 occasenall Oo Grok el nama Kew hed not atin LZ te thet heat ott dowetenn be ty iit hee ae LoL II OT ae nn TN ee ee 7 Bag 7 * 4 are ther , Vet 4204 2-107 to Lo WE. at hencl on Vacke. 17 hate BO¢ng-10 2 f det. aud Aedgee & tition po W tug flat sedge | Filiinned’ 0 Car, ot 64.3. Coredee aia of Gperlinenin Lode & 7 ee ee ys i ewe Seek 7 hemmed neh MP 71 Pretalwe Carte 3 TF V1tadevtacts, Vio Mmeslawlrk; FB Acad B Cac} ee ee re , Priclge so-cr clade, WB Acad 71) KG tercened ; (3: 7 klaeyorg Piead cle: (iF go ee {Re LILO Sh ab Oa eA Bee ge FEE OOD CLI Bh I OF IS A o SOF pret 20,7GL 3 Cpt 20,/763 Shapeclien of Laptane cb Lenk right @30%¢20-s yf frefhrovece G:00A. mand F180 Am. Temp. $2°F at 7/80A-7 neghl Chan. Abe Diops im Namur: t opyenl pn gn Pal 39 matrets 27 red vrteS a. ” " do ” at 7§ 7. oehro 3 A ygraplomep open 41 degra p Cormega: roperi 24 (actlacs mag pod prec te ct Uv IN. cetre + G0 pefrveete dS I " " “3 §/ p17. eehre 6 ” UY net arertee ghas’ Ged ents! ? Agnaptomnge eons WS” ape Fo nod vidctiel Ye Kisthae mer. a ee 7 ‘ ¥7 nat ati BU afta: 0 Ui 977 0ekre Bs pny i OY sin, weer 87 mr-acko - pe ! ; SO pod Ss z b;, 2 ie. /3 3) nat ants 87 dering vf , VR a Ponperceney ey aorhin 53 7. ochre G/ (le mA trerc&Y wy wpa awe Aus cess snaticl (7 ni n UW 97 -eehrw 73 ne i Eon a ‘4 mM othr? 7% wm -oehee (G8 ” S7 net weeks IS net rretie/ Lo ' SF ? a $0 gHohire Zi" : 54 3m. wnchee 97 Mat rete tool QL am. ache 60 ™-+thre VS Litho may. 23 Morte by Aprang 99 riot wertee/ 4f net webt/ GY 277- Oeting 700 7 re Bf ys i 63 1+ oebro 2600 e 64 dy napternyp Caco a7 ” 6S not preted! ommarg sy ; e ue 72 PrudaaLec a pp Oe Pn i png OT 68 at weet Siac 3¢ het tree oF ze A 0,0 ~4 3% 7. pehiep 0 EP hice pres 33 net ere’ Fi 290: GadLirs, » 72 aks " 7% Rint, a 7 7. 53 Liepe metrrectiS 2S wmeaecteyp 73 neat 3600 dm. eelhe-w 7% at Vt By eh epee, Ber of sisi ple pret 26777 Oo Cpt 20,1963 GZOERO- SL/R ‘ at aa 6304%20-3 4 3BOU2D0-7 4304 26-/5— 6304 26-22 GIO0420-23 630¢20- 29 6380420-382 b6BO420+-385- L30%20-36 636 Y26-Y4/ 6304 20-YL 6304%20-V¢b 630420-49 63042049 630¢ 20-53 Caraveiee, 6304¢%29-S¢6 636¢290- 59 630¢290-60 204 20-62 636¢20- 63 630 ¢20-6¢ 630¢20~-76 630426~9/ 630U 20-972, GIOU26- 76 yap limp 6 30¢25-78 6 36426-79 6364¥20-8/ 230%20-8¢ 636426-$7 6304 20-88 b630420-9¢ GB0420-96 630420 -98 a) it ‘7 be a? be ae al ft ofere Mutro tie fa thioclen tome Metrytire a ve a7 a? at a se wt a? ochingockn ae at aoe Metrotis rhiegacter Ecthedntonap . neg atten paleden v3] 17 2O-70~4) gree // 8-20-18 2Iamne 12 ba 2)-20-H-~Yl ame 2947-27-26 ~//- Vl gna 150-34 -20 -11- 3G gme 130~ARJ-14- 11 ~ FE Grove IS7-3S“IT-I2 ~ YS Gree 16 7- 5B-ANS* /2~ SO gme (56-3 S-19-13 ~ ¥S aru JAB Lf~ t/~so- 5B gre 16 2— $/- Al~ 12 1B gree 133 -62-/7-/2-7 gma 148 - BS-1GS~ 12> €) Gre /S9- 39-22. -13-¢S one F uta, 2 (A B-3/-20 10-2) grew ¢ OF teasseall. [1S ~ 28-20-16- 26 gn~0, J Cates 6. Sanu ISB - 35-Al-/3- ¥0 gee /6)-36~2)~/3- WS Goo 163-38-21-/3 ~ Sdgme @ Qxl Arb Tm /53~3b~22-//~ ¥7opnr0 150-3 b-21-(2~ 34 ayn f Cakes 10 rrp JA4— 22-20~ 28 grr /3S~ 6 Wel eee = Cages 148 - 32~20-/2.~ 41 Grwe 74A~ 7O-I7,S~ 12-]1 Goma /IG- 26-20 ~10-2Sgmse 15 3-3b-19~ 1- TA gree bP B- [hal Regan YB 31-1 FAH 3S Gre O tke (3 mow /S4—3 4-19 12~ 4 3G 700 IE Ba ZS WE ss JA 4 Yarns /0 6-20 9-10-18 grate 112 ~Ab~18-10~ 17 ana 2 od motel /5 3-3) ~ 20-1 3-db ame 133-6 3-1b-12- 4% gpa ame RG Omer g nS 3o4 ~ Ydomin to cook Yd ore. S Cincom. (Coucte. of Learn); asscglace” O, Kowsad pre Conte prt 20,/963 Stee ate vine oe whe, Largeet Arte, AL epaedr Lee Z vids se ved SN me ay} clinton cen fle Praadt E¢line we ge mol ae fer 365 | oe tw the Clatin, Raawvier Qe, Che, ditcrigscd ae ol ; ds . to Asgoetentidl wth the 2 My G47, : Mirahe, Leftten oy the : iS 3 Aang Macks, s Beangl lueZL A s - é i Kee tes ( HN xt wei w |f ts 7. foAoptr- ee a } pie y tw Atala led _ Y Oo She reaver oe. bn Be. ves PUGLE LAA the Tel? [rRaew] Creap32J ffiet ey ee “es “se L.. 82 Lo a a) : 7 ee. 2 Des dry sedge? eee) mnie, Lo Trap Th Ca Cheat sedges / tag ubrashes) a ee @TUAPS APRILAO ye bye »TRAGS APRIL 2T ERB plapee (see notes of that * 4 Tw ol, Tea & GSO4GRO~- 114 Baten Attrmmmrinr ob porntern tobi population had ; , ow We fe Mn Pied Grrek whirl / 3 helene ; ebtegl “7 LQ drrnfew- i ls 2 Ded oan as oO en de - gated i An LL 2- 6-8-7 -/-/S~/(8-22-23-29-304 , Cthertedl a trate. ? Yasue ti) tarwl 2A00 Ghat, darigtns by anka” Han wnnta un a0 poten 7 A G30¢20-103 fila tLecl Aarake , BL.G20 ;TailL G2 ,; at 2 Jarre pe on aetehs be Liat (iit: Dinan) Jt mag Ci .. ate 3 dovvrind ne inn an atries of ebiles, Ditch a apd: Akio 2 : Ite ieee 27d fe “ and baba e105 2/,1796 3 shakin (Pe ved 22nd Chit, thince Wpset Eh few ihs thet Ss Le Ease f vottheg atope . Temp SUE at 7100.7 ty, Lane . rode Covptete Conrus. Mateage. Ql 2 Tend an, J. Bhece erin neConel Bisel 218 rectewwng idols 0 pedtecmay $e onteaclorrlarkh. 22,4 Drtadawtik ALS bridge roer Rect Cech. 24.1 Coe. Ati y dud 777, home + ; B48 tevtral 5 BT Letom (Contr g Cin at aleve); 2542 grnedlee, TRY FOIE ieee ee frame ff Chute ; £5,3 277. ctov- 51 gue 6” 110 ~ 27-17~9- 14 gre [17 ~26-17~-10- 20 gyre AYQ-11/2—- 33 -18- ¥5 game .§ 156 - 6!~ 20~/S-AB gree F 231-10 8- BA-17- 4 Farm F PHS — SY B,S- 14 — Ql egrwe 7 138 — SHIBSH he (9 gret PAx3 plac peare, 1SB- 38-19-13 ~ 4 anes F 50-33-19 /I- ¢ Sagres of” 13S* 63 ~ 17-12-12 gma 87 Eh 8 omene 13~30-19- > 24 ame o” 12 5~ QY-1B,S- 10 — 27gnee F Sd I~ 28-18 - [1-21 gra « of” M4l- 22-20-/0- 6 Bame 145~66~I7-/d- 10 gree 1$6-3S~2)~12~— ¢S 900 7 AX2tnb 3.5 ane IS3— bY 19-12-1970 2” (S8- 33~2)~ 12— Banus o7 IS5~3S°20~//= Yr gner F 1@6-38-19-N- Sogna HS Ape AI ZOE? G3O4eA1- 117 620¢2/_-§8 Es 100~ 3b-19~ 12-47 9mm 6 B04¢2/-89 IGh~ ¢0~ 20-H- FS grueF 6 30U21-7/ Sr (38-21. 20-/2- Syne $ 6204 a/-93 Mere tis orhnezee SS I~ BS- 20-71-64 gyno A 6 BOYR/-9S (33- BIW 19-11 = DB quo $ 6309S 21-97 rn " 160~ 35-20 -12- UG ams 7 GSOU2X/-97 a /60~ 40 -21-13— SSanue $ 63042/-/00 Ceargreet mancessbetie 160- 62-19-17— 22 gyre F 6 BOYZ!- 79 Orr brgae Gort Se gle eee. Kate Dete, Meher, oe Masa - le spe Soe teehee He ed ems Poti ae, ety 7 fete boo feat to sasal ot aba 100 fat pes baat HL rede joe - “Qe ar Ceres gf loticler 20 fet nnicle of peta eee otoaee Linea Bree Peer fort fg Fue reel. Ge Hat Ln Tess f rete papi Are: tect & eaet) 100,33, 200, Bj 300, 3) 400,03 $00,2; 600, 2 (dead brtte,) 300, /400,4' (08,5; (600, 73 720, 2; 800,25 FOO ,1, /000,3; 1120,2, /R00,0) '700,5; /800, 55 1G 00, J+ 000 ,/2, 2/00, /06 wil. at ANZA Soins obe. eies, (pbatigraplee (teten,, 35m) GBOY¥a/-1of Center of Pap pering antien ahenrrng rtm Coy wth tabusde 6 Boeu2a-—/ela ey (lb ypprel 2, /963 630421-118 aE es CH, 2 3B0¢a/-2 CLo2t 23 74 mm. aelkig 7¢ Apremg 77 Apreny 7§ 79 50 frrthio reg, gl Sx fey BY Kathie g Money sete 6S bb mm. otleo 67 8§ WM. necting OF Jo Gr ay. otter 73 dpreeng MY Apeey i Lene rer, oe aprung 97 222. ccfro 18 7. oelkg ZO b Z0%-AT7~6 6380427-9 Yee 7903 b& B04¢27-/S— 63204a7-/7 6364¢27.20 6 30429-2422 6304¥27-27 630¢27-3/ ee ZO4VAZ-3BR 630¢az7- 357 630%4a7- 37 630¢27- 35 63B04¢A7~Y! &630%427-42 6304¢a7~- ¥7 630¢27-56 Sk¥ @304¥27-S7 6B0¢27-60 630427-6¢4 436227- $7 630 427-70 6304¢a7- 7 6304 27-72 630427-7Y% 6304¢A27- FO 630427-¢F4 b30427-Fb 6364A7-FF 6304Aa7-7F2- 630627-9S G30Ua7T-97 treks b63044a7-TF 636¢27-99 G30427- 122 i ere Cela rt ere Ry pa, MRO rs at Preparation bug hare Att Lark might, 6 30927—) | Python achroguetirs ee throctentomce reg abet Wnretretece oclieguelin ee Orcereters tetirogpetem ve / / t at et af af ae at af Cltresa, Lrtorcéaidlas ae ry) at se {6 3—- 352.~19-/]- 66 pe tAX2 eb. AI mw /S0~ 80-18 -/3~/¢ gua Calis Samm [6 7-3S-2I-/2~ Soqne o7 Bites tM apes /60-3Y- 20-11) -SBgmes$ RX brmotplat. Lear / 65 -3R-20-'%-4 79a F242 plas. rtare 12 B-20~20-10~- 37 gue ut normal (U7 -3|~(8-11- 3b Ge EIKZ plac. story 25mm They (Raerowd, /60- 33-2 1~/2--Bgms PRA e12b Sona eer ee - 41 Taoue 0 fasts 3 reme 1 (~ 33-20-H— $3 gus A Cetin 10 mow (@ %— 87-20-12.~ Stans A faatic bom /20 ~ 30-18-16 — 20 qn VIA normal 163—~37-Al—/2- SSqrue LAK) enck 3 fom) [65 ~ bl -2l~ 12 — BB gnso FAX tml 2) moms [S46 B47 -/2- 1S Gnas FUL rorrnrel 15 3B Blr~ QO — 1] — SOguis FAK) tb 2b nye 16 3-37-20-U~- Signe I tiling lh raw 121 27-18-12. 2 Bg mes Fut rormal JOS —FY-Al-l]~ Fr grea F Ut noun t, S37 ~ Al~ 20-1 ~ 50 guee F" alin Somme JQ 7 —28-19-/0- AB gree F Ut Hornell /37- 5a Hirt = Phyo gee [3B P- 20-20-10— 39 gra F. 2x7 plee stare (ol 38-20-/3~S1 Gree Av) plac. Ltare (YS Hb B~I7-13~ 2 gree F Cts Son ZY2~ 112, 33-19- Be nue.f ut novel 1S B-3SH14-12- FB gran F (KA plese 133 -38-19-I1- 31 gree & ut normal 1S 8-37-17 12—- ¢ignee 1 Centos /Ylomene /23—a7-lS— 8-2oayes 2 utne, 2 [43-3 3-(Fe HM —3F gree A tat, 12 try 173-3 8-20- £F- Sop S) Cale Jammy LT E~ S3B-1G-f2— SD gee F RX uh Zam al Lefarcb 26,176 3 S9°PFCS5— 1eS JA Se OS Ang Yor. . 7 CLaeke (Conkr of Gew) ,Benunghe- Co. , Panacea " : TO 23,1963 at Seas set ; 60°F, BDA mM, C47 RB , Rettcleer , 65./ sac emai Aecttcleen 45:8 oo 67) Bareliisl, 67.9 rreeclacrtarh, etre ; LB! £9.3 elawctin. (tant nf Moar); Ge. i grentiie 5 GS. 6 merelas— , GBF rcsirnong se 68.9 OBG Yertatarylarfe * CFD fe olan 29) Cash CES y SO eel ripe ideas 7 abe eri aman te TB, 70.8 5b trertorcley docherrert, a. pbieneas Zoe Presa’ Mylan & eared ae Eat ere EE A Pee a 7OiF7 2 kg tga Tiel dm Tt proticted, eb Dad eh dake ts Vio A teehee. , Phi BAovanres, 72 terned Levnsd) lark, 1:3 haar £20. Di kstesf itl tay pre lo) of fare. at trop oe 7 At) Cottected 2 et ee 630428-/0/ Caney 6 320U2- pee ore cemeclnye Co, gage S. near boop L304 ag-s0 ee ne ic ae oe ag pee ee Cortineced weit 1 Apron Area etlinec.d dane Grtaa 5 & [pe G3OF¢ 2E- 1a4 He eael KT Aas aie bee Ww eecle Pilea Rape a atts Lb st hang toaeig hap : tee Tey ar ae ov theese tith, at x pond no gest oop a Goan Ly, wpa large te gin eayitict, avon nat oppecka, at w {SEEN Phebe dda Ginlidl te Beetle ied hippos. about’ /(SAaterinda. Aw Se es pat Eft aud tan Soft cp Ap hell nud aloppee . Reincansaes Oe oe ieee, fod ol pee At Dl rreatee! Eke armel, tog gE Ce aay ld wi Lphete Lt shippecl anelremdicrcl npr cL tefore DO saat tne een et cL Fa sass Me pa MOB appa, sich Neat, Wie a The G debanecasig 2:0 Lernacl Lark y Uae dipnioa 2 Eo iaisgh bode, 7243 ele E, 72:8 news! now & 7. Net ny BMA, Wohernies ber: gon f dovanwa Afrarrocre ; ae ee a 24,0 frsrernag reread b § (Coston): 24.6 7 oe 70.8 tery owe 74:7 71 enol proposed Aeon (Cbintow Keseworr). 6304%23-/0¥ Aww CLT, ae | (Mae irald Spit 1 Yponse + Pinned, At Za.S brcdtlhme Be es eC gs oe 1057 ¥ Leaeer ylebacutega Ce we a SLO Cprtit 25,/1¢¢S 2% 7-¢cbro OM 7, achne Bene e at” 3b 37 ™m.+ehro Ctheclimn ofrmnamrretle thie A.m 2s 39 ¥p YI YY 43 v4 VS Fico mane 46 ?. octoo 1) sprmeg ¥y 49 CO Fre mance $7 oY S38 oF . S$ v7 = SF L9 GO mtchro Gf Afro F OM ey od ol op o7 OV frre prance 07 kero mance 70 dprung 7/ IU fire mance 73 7% wh roche CS Ee 0304286- 1845 Act - Kae WE LET wc arae —_ 7 7b Fh petieage 78 17 mw. ochin 80 8! Lire manec ¥v fLL0 i 83 ge eS 47 G7 BY Aprit 28,/°962 fe 6 204¥28-¥ @30428B-6 4 304286-~8 G3o4RE-9F bBObRF-72. G BOYZ -1E™ 630428 - 6 630427 -1F bZoyagy-19 430 bUG- AC 630426%- 3a. 63 0u28-3¢ 43c¢d 23-37 6304 2F-YS- 6 Fount -46 6 B0¥28R-So 4B OY ART S- 630 423-60 6Z0ULF-63 &304¢297-6P9 lo 30 428-69 6304¢28%-972 6 B04U28-7F 6204 78-77 630U2RR-F/ LBOULS-F2- 6 DOC2ZF-7R 4BOV25-T9F G8OERF-F7 haem rate Cnopierc Preeretn wal yan be el a Certhrodinternye megotetes Rromugeens Manin bebe Witroter 630428 126 : cacegict De oes, Aprid 28,1463 ; a, ae Le )YWQ—-40-20-h1~ 03 SP thes Yorn / 5b ~ $572/~12 ~ % B gor Gx: trek, (Bmw LY 1-66-19 ~13- 13 ymo oe ad nermreld US 7~3O~2O-11* Sz g | ¥/tnck 3 mm /B0-3)-20-N1- 27 gone But Neorrwak /G0-35-2)- /2~ St gmeF 1X2 tb fb mye 153 ~GO ~ (FH t F + Bgrne GANZ Ext 3 maw /7A~76 ~ 2O-17- BF gre Sul nerd VI ~ B/-IF- 11 28 grace $ at ner, kh /A7-33-20-//- 1 Ogres 67 Listes Ck (55 - 37-19- Il bO gare G Atl plane. stare SYO ~O@S-19~ 12. “Ha gract of LA nore b 1S0— 37-20-11 - FOG a C208 tnt SH mw 151-SS-1G-1 4-23 gma baker Mm 15-38 > 21-13-48 ge OO” teas thirds 1UG-ERNP-13 ~19 nie 0 Catia Tome 133 ~ 33-09-11 ~ 26 Grea oF ut nermnat 161-$7-20-11 ~ Sbamce P LeaLee Tul ommend [1S SE-16 ~~ 6 ane Bud Terral /6$~ 53-19-14 Boge Bvt normal I3S- S0-18)5—/3~ l]gmeo Gal. nerd’ | AB~S2~1B- 1S - 20qnu0 oF hits Sruaw (65~- 38 ~20-1/~ wigan EL. 1 farnn IRS - 29-IWS— 1-25 Gt" Gates S mw 723 ~ 50-17~ 13-1 gua © wt goiinrea D /Y¥6-S2- 18 —)S~ A2great UXBeuef Bram 160-3 721G-11— 4 Fame 2 AXA eucb IS tw ISo-SG-1 9-15 23gnu0 ud nerenreLl 13 7-E2-17-/d /2 gous 27 aS eee GSOS09- 125° G20 ee Gs, Kara 7,796 3 pate Lablircre Drats vnate batted 4. | & { carers poh ef =a owe Ee et aeons ae ae EE 7 +yp to so nuLio 1 4. oo fK ee “ce ee se? a° oe aa* ae a & ata*ar eee de on ee “he ae Js as. shits G3SOSOF -— Rat ert Ue ) (000 Ltt : Cees g ee. a &GZ6S097-3 at” agerct. 2, /000-4te Khete 630509-4 at 7a seed. Phots 6 BOS0G- = oe 6 320509- © 4 25: any anad bee kgod of G B0S509%-7 | ap TES oe Phe 630509 Karge ercect, alae Lillies Atereberee. Go punt hey re jad "po mi E aud fl Yaore 77 AinBin. (Center of Gum De sighace: O, fo 4 ee }: 7 \e) 00 Lajos art betvreen 5° 'B0 Qud 7:00.77 , (Coxe a Pg Cat, foe Bay at Ben Acker afer bois Be eating tlh (b-IF% 2m BB- ie ice 7o- SackecLle | Cepanig asee, Abed b inch Lng G30412- 126 /t] 260 oe Z Gud i US AU : 77 Cbonlornr unk u cD 7é ee, sos eC ] », Mle g lia Ce... Kanda. Cheeted ON : a 100 Lege Lhes Arm satis WAAL, weerne Act teetle hepreclatinn ancl atant § phy belacrd; this Latin 4g Canary aud ce fons pent ee ee 127 0g 12,79 G3 AI. / wat amacted 2 pot viated 2) meeretie Bebnogester ar 47 2, 3 77. eet 24 mmechro (118mm FL.) AS’ on. cetre RG Mees mmreceeechca 27 not veected AG 7 os 2 3O 77.240 Bl 7. ath 3 777.0“re B3 Arreeraehir peso piles 3Y Mmeetehivrs ocbegne tin BY Aprnns 26 a Cwetorg 87 ™m-atire 39 mt ruts 630S514a-129 Pracmrnn tke Prom caps hone ek Laat regld (rey (1) aval amipectenl Chet 40. 77, octio 20 Ape yf 3 93 297. Gethie. uy jot w4rted G4 MM. 01 4s" 7 8S P.ocke- Wo" " Go nat vereticl u7 | " G2 Optseny Uf on. othe 33 depot) hurfscleve U9 oF “pers SO Yd 7o pot tected 5) ned vracted! 1 Aprcig GR on 7 9% oct 5B 04 43 mache sy u gf yw CIS mm 7.1) os o0 " 9S a9. oehre SL fs %¢ grep toon Seren, SF] ou “ 71 ™. o~h—w SF ai u PF 777. awekro SF a GFon ae eT 60 . ep ere okie 67 . én 65 B- eho | fererngnesat / 66. tig]? aidtuted? i Rerernagrevis moncewbe tue EP wp. iil Facts 67 wacko ; ecthodortimgy megotee 70 : eo | Wits arn)etu Lee Th tr. chro 73 mM wrche 74 A.iaoche 7S” 27). achro 276 MHoehro 77 «4 ae TG 7m-otire T1 17. atheo 128 nag 12,6963 SKU “ SKU SK amb oaenlG Sku 6305/2- 128 tha AM. 6305/A-F = Mrurerehre predne ae fir 630S542.-4 ” ,? 630Sta- 5 a" ” 6305a- 8 n a 630S5/a-9 a” ” ar 7 bBOSI2~ 7 ae pr b3051a- 6365 1a-0> “ e 6305/2 = 13 Mi a 620S7a-s4 fe a 6305/2 ~- S6 te a 630572D~- 07 gt “ 630572- 18 a $3052 - 19 ee rt 630S 72 ~ 20 [elven rnepactaes lace 6305 /2- 21 Mmeerhdre AO pantie 6.305 /72- ABW a8 a 63605 72-23 at 30S s4Q-24 ae n 630S/12- AS 1 6BO5/2- 26 Pew musenrZr.w GBO0S/2-30 Mhtuvkre 630S¢a- 31 “ a @30S57/2- 33 ae ee 6360S CA- BE re " G365 4+A- BL ve at 6305 /2- 37 “t ~ 6306S (2- 3S - ° 6305- /2a- 40 “ a Leas ra-¥7 fe Widmedaede a eae eee? E3572 - €2,. WMerrwZ2ece. edie SKU 6305 /2- €F “ oh Sku 6305 72-50 “ oho a 6305°(2-6Sf ef ae 6305 lAa- 67 u Mw 6305 /2-69 us “ Legorodon Laspcdecs 6 365/a-7/ ve it 6 36S-/2-70 S53 ~ 3¢-BO~77—- Y Agno & LEE ok 113 -~26~18- 10-~lo-gme & vt normal We B-42-20-W- S38qme dl Lertic |) mm/ (bb- ¥3-20-1/- S0grmeG Ut termed 170 - 40-B)-/2- 4 8grrs og” tigtee IO mw - 1b 3>37-R/=/2— TR gree F IX ern 24 ren /20-33-/8=]- 23 gwa F Ut normal UE" AINE 10- ROG MOD UF normal J02~ 30~1F~ 1) -1 Taree F Gikhe Bmw 182- 4/~ ANS /3-See gro d tits 12. 153 -3S-20-(/1~ FO @ /MKlene& Bhar 1ob- 4/-20~ (2. Srene® Kites (4 mom /S9- 5P-2/-/(- 48 $1 3K2emb, plese. Lean S46. 36-'9-HR- CO GMBbS Ut, nerned (8B -BY-22-/7- 31972? ney. 0 (2 5- 33- 17-10 - a4 ome P wt perAnnal. die fo) VIB -2RE- "G11 - (Bane Fut rere Total hen gth 18mm f Lebeagert dectingtcl JEB-PS-1B-12~ (0 gqrne /b66-33-20-11- 4S gram J Cistes [3 mor W(8~28-1F-(0-( 6 gue SF Gebhas Sonny (4O~ 3S* 20-12 2ogma of akin Sori 18 -B0-18-1 6-21 gene But normal 147-35 -IF -//- 10 gras & ut norma 16 4- 35-20-11 - 47 gma @ Ut rermal 168- YO-as-/a- Y Bare w LE Lig (0 raved IFS ~ 35-20 -W-S1 grvee& AX! mb. $0 mae 130-24-/9~11> Logme a” Lilhss trmy/ [68- 76-2I~/S- 18 Grr & U2. normal Aettiogest 1O9- 26~18- /0~ 16 gra : Ee ae (32~-34¢-19-12-adgwe ” Lit, Finca 1S -B2>2)~/2- 50 gre F Gerbe Imps JAG $O-1G- 1 - AB gme og 1/3 §-36~20-/2~- FB gm F, AxXdint+ Jar /S53- b]- 24 14> 20 gona Ohuks Fam A48- GFU~30-17- (22 gma Lek, /Fonw tos aay 42,74 OB 630572.—- 72. Siu 6 3oSya- 7S: L3e0sva- 70 GBOS/2-2F £3a5/2-76 Snu- € SOS72E-77 6305 /2~-78 6 B0572-99 SXU 6305/2-f/ 6 30Sva- Fa &@30S1a-F3 6305 12-84 6 BOS 1a = 85 a a suo 630572-89 -Legriecler Lesprolie Jiterotice Prestige et Ze , 6BOS0A- GA Shy ees e738 Irrtiptuse ie 62085) 2+~129 195+ 3BR-SE8- l~ 20 gous ¥ be ceva sana, I7a- 43-20-13-Sogna 0 Ceatia /Z mnt (66~ ¢2-20- /0~ 48 gme 2 Ut varceOen/ 763-36 -20-1 > Same P (XA pba. stares )IS- ¥S~ 2) SA gna Oa Lg. 1 coer y /7l~ 42-20% (2~ FR gre KH Cention /3 mm (28 - 52-26-10~ 27 grea F tl Rerwna tt /28-FY-26- I~ 309ma. LIXR enh, pmnw Sd J6¢- 57-20 —blarew S 22x nh. 2b nen/ /74- fO-22- (2- $4 GeO Castes (3mm (72- 4¥2A-20-/72- 50 gure F Ax link Hau, (b/- 38- 2/-)2-Sogque Ft LxXA en 8. Ima 270-/03- 32-240 ~ 1 B0gmmne F BX Crocb flo. cas (38~30-19- 10-28 gyme 7 ferto § maw 162-36-2/- - dogma Fut remnek Oi throkont Dtiy (43-68-17-/A-/3gme @ wht nemmead q 6 BOS 12-FY F n TL MS pw , o%, deste peel 6305-12-95 7 " 11O~ 34 IG HH BB gee Q Balin Somme ony 6 BOTIZ-FO ae eS [39- 23-20-M- $a F backs b seme * i Prrerabce dectioryect, Bie) ae b3ZO0S1A-F3 Y /2b~ 40-21-83 gmeG RV Quik. Pm 630572-77 a? ” /OG~ A$ 18 -/0-/o grea % ahr ) SkU 6 360S/7a-/00 z hn 102-25 -17- logme J Ed, 3 mn] Zme. S KX (06.), Llewohee O., Kanzoe (3! (963 Risch flee poe arth amok anda d+ thack mls, Awe CAL AL ‘ 6365. 73-/ 178-35 -23—-( )- 48 Che 6 rane, 63057362 fleck Cheek traf Gp es Laut 230, bot OVigpse Aiea oflirmere pres vert the one ak’ manana /613 “[eureacee Sz. Rocvrence , Ce, Kensoe as aed Ke clebree wend. Che Crew thrute 644 ih gal: Febiok icy phrawwed Leu Le ile telD far the neath 5 lage, -+bnee, Lhe beds, ane Bal eT hae wth aly ec on phan ol fo potcoe: FDU Wig TEL FES 43,7963 G3095/3- 1350 OY bes Cafe oe pT aL Cs Cpa fae Peete s KD tritienT | 7 FAcrw Ts Premtheo Lhaewrth Qarertint £2 / 47 SF Bf 4G /§ ii ” G yy 49% 5S Bf Fo & V2. Closcetant Purtuehr Sj / ZO 6 86 So { a n ? / 50 S Bf q Kavearch, Crwiland 7 |e a7 (a ap #RZ Jo , an / , So ¢ ae yre 7 h fi JI (9 FU 7 FF SE 7 Stat Tadedeynist Gf SE F UO EF es" frearck Asenecnte Ff 59 6 30 5 ue Se ee ? / SS v2 3B &/ ¥2 Sod Sie. ie, SoF=3R-U 999 Total months 16) V2 ne, 482. = L,27€7 JE ee. B/yr/PE/, Ka Rawrence , Belen Sy Kove 4S, 19 OS at Agron, a 00 f.m wes Tomy. Be trench Oey Cla 5d Ae 4d tpeccte

IW. o-chemap qo uw £3 7 5 rot vuikd rn wy 7 apes (7 on. ocho By Hprmcuy 10 Aprung df pat leveled Le not rrtr_ted /l w. o-~ebre UG 9. o eo? a a rt Gad ccc genre [SS 38-2) ~ sl- tb ge, ates I] meme 173- 73-AS=/S- 2 bane UA poral 33 ~ 5A~20~/1- 27 Gomes SM Grtes 7mm (AS~32-1% H~ ab gma Fat reread 160-5? 21-/2~ 5b gmo% Ut rerpnad 131 ~ 20-165 /6~ 38 Greg" oF ternal L¢¢- 8 ¢1G-11~ 24a betes 10 mow [48 b FAB 17-13 gra” Cates S15 mee /RO~2B-19~/0- Al gras F 11k. Remneh (37 BI-NG-11~ 2 FGrue BUA Revel [6 3- 4¢A-19~/b~ FB arr0F AX) uk 23 mn (6B Vi~ BI-12~ ¢8 gros Stes ba Nome II 2-Bl-19- 10 - gyno BOF Hove € PGB Bla Row ll Ch geese a” Ket 5 ay 124~ 46-21 12-5 7m hiater (3 rr 137-34-20- M- AT gel” Lats Porn 1 59-37-20-13- 50gme?, OX2 emt, Pm /S9- 3S-20- 1 SOgmrg 1X © emb Sm ISG- 40~ 20-~1)~S4gmaS testing I mm 16[— 38+ 2/+ t= SAgns & skis 2 mine, /B7- 32.-20-/1- 33 gone 07 bistes Porn, (5 3~ IS-20-11~ 44 gmoF , OX2 trnt- 6 men /38- 20 ~20-Il- Sdaque 7 Cats ? ee [20-68-15 H— 10 - 3S gma F Ut. ne mrad P Ge tcn, B argngs /3I— Ax 19e (1-27 gre SF Kae hes Tomnes 126-Y4S-21S- 13-Fdgne4 PNA Gy. SS tye, ISG - FF - 20-72 ~ b2 gro F 7X2 ent, 29 ma 1S4-38-20--VOgue F Leet, jo mene Jobe ¢J-20- fr S4 gma $ pAxXl plese , Atarw JAQ~ 36-19— J) - 23 gree P BA peatrivregds /66 Taepo att at tulirwale of 20 fut arAati, Poxdk anwk 2 Arops enthnr Sb.b" of enck athe Cn Anrrza. ’ Bag Stout aren lee Aercetly S aft srncellhyat SJ) fe: . PL eee ee AXzot, lI GSO0S5!8- 134 Ds Aces. S tntelhyoete Ss relic! a longer teal thik, An fom wg area nated a Metticl ad” 2 Yan vad, WD Criciggl 11h Gen 3 cae) Chntor - Shia Orta Lowel Citesen Bead pups PF pg. ee COL wre Biel lg Moncans herty Cet Ain den the meet te rmectetLic wwutitnded sr Anil Gaol Barnches apart, free Lerthes wert obeect 40° thee » SX fone ene Ae 2-4 Cw alone Bhat de el ge ip tale pol oe de Ae eL nigh frogs are the . o dince Leo7 ; meray & dats, (8, ba opatlocee ; 4bobL abe toting “7, Me thiecentomep myetete oy hemugetics thane ta lire SF Drees porvctenc. Levey IR 2. forerngaene Lovie fice ZF stil 1S 96 Goo rae = Keaprotece g apg emotatee Pt OSS weed tpsretialls Hace Edeuas ay A Comrpretow le, Yio sit ek Beach Yao mi -» Wisi Menges, Orn 2 els oD Moegles E., xy G CS 9, 0FO 3 ho eeneg po er - Lop pte Z Aepeet ow ottrpatoew ene Jee (face Prev A!00 A” ZL Fi0d PA, - Lo ay eee amterspe tht Hltsier OI Si ee a 8 oe 9 OG buabe eat a 0 3 030 A’ e 3 — 3 Be Baal, “FY ee 30 “V0 Lag nee 6390S 19- 135 GON. a dept Hekeet; ablracd at ae cae Cite scak ; / mate aud & females proseee » ES preg timt. by band, Pn payee rete | Bue Lr ford A witwnidn lin dete, wet Gun Atmarerred, rita ace atte, Gee ee (hse ahaa len Ye BE ior Bad, SH truth clan Abant Loewy Somme ay one devise ee ee dL ecaes a BN ica Pak, Lies oa bpan aed L, the tar tlt thee Benliseiad Le cated, 44 pe heyni ted ut ees od, ZI z Metering Apes - 5 ft aver Leal, one abo Lhd au Tiee WA gard yao We lage Tee. 7 Seer: One ord! fed £7 thus Loeve. branche f Loge Tis , Wreactlerw lyre. elem es QAta , Chew et aren Atel ore alighted om raw pee Sy eee Sha otic fla Veh sng sootal GT retold Urn an aren lret Ccetear! Otinke. Dae male fed an Soege lus and Lhinflus €. BtrenLes tw $Y Heaccene. 136 GZO052Q9- 136 [one € Aucd VY me 5 Stecth | Cross novel Coli. F Lenn ) dow gbus sae favr18es | Lt, be 093 yg (au madd page pov May Ae 768) Tee the atone ae An ae ‘ Cee, ip es irae eee Wh Ate Zeer ete fant tna Fuad tun ofl hig a ALL Cee non, A plots woe Ble llannn Ip Fahne Khe tptrture. ana 2d tnrth Phot 630522-1 To abherue at (Size. Aird |b afar? Fete, 630522-2 To Su at shite, pooped. hot, ¢3052a-3 To swat 250% see Aud 4S Kur, Phot b308a2-6 7077 at asoh yee aud Yooper. Fro 300m 7o 7 at Spee aed soaperd, Ghote 6305 22-6 7s Sweat GEsce and s/bodut. hele 6305229 Fo wee? wot es 4 Chk 77 atone Focahly wrth pook forest ocepetemel ay ae” Peace anicl JG aftr, hee 430522-8 Re Pheto 680522 -9 To Pw Atomtapt cbecagdlicmies Cite av Lop of Jct at WAgw aca! Sb AL a pont shapes oni 8 Fao pan LS el ae Ao he. A Meh. Acuel ae ct titi ponies Gio ee Laem wt n Foreter of dee 12, are (Tees ae op ed pe one earfe Colorect Se nan nan fe th ela Sis Wi a cis) pilidisb werte aloes ony . at 2 Tp sedi es AN wo) hacerenes {f0.), Pong ee (37 GSO54L/~j{ a9 Clune 2f Comedie: , Ziaur a (ee ne At apyprrts /0:30 Am netebha Ahece ude oe ae, enc he aebeine of ee eee pede esc: Wee Gs final ee lee ee Leet Vi SEF im octet eeiets pr Pe oe a (AA rn epee Agree wohl, a Aas Ay goth MV? Astin *( Ate meet poe Yoradg 22, 1963) ee E enka (tub, J Cowen 2t trecervode); oe Play 277963 det Lag Lire AON, EPR ener arg BP eee Gh, Serene Tiree Aud Foe Ron, (Late vp Wonks hes Aiee (douth Forcln) Ae appret. boo fut Woy the Phyol By hy: Ath Zhe. fe oe Cpe Gud mreacenes PSO fn FSe is eo, AUG E, eae pe mi nace [fn es Ue Ge Noeweron Lo-vtrage Ue baked sro Lewtity OP. ees 9 OZ es Bacal ge Uiaieg teams Lhe terme wid other fo notid at Lisp ne iI. Lied lo petope Ant a Kole 10d a mttrLae., ob (36 G2O0528- 138 Phecapg T TE Mermrnate tatheeton on (8:204.99 - heoa.m) Bre SYP Ploudg, v4 taren Lint neg. ( tees am pairs , cddpmbe. fred caem veered). f. 9. wet. YO nod vreetes! 7? aga Ze ot at ¥/ Paap So oo» ” 3 Se grnedern heefo Vv mrochco 3/ y fe tr £3 Aprceng Sv ape i apr Yy Legrnncters faxzo 79 net viet be Fee ude * as” " a st hire Shed. 7 Kod Steal Ub mtarrcted 2Lf wn achro 5 mm: cebhrs 47 MN. o praca. uid mietrchin , Tithiaw, ort Meck. At /0!30A4.m Heaseetol svat, 3 lage, Fkra (plier menue 2 hurere) ob. « es apetemen co aan, 6205 B//. Woerneaennt 2ovm- Filenglh aut Naokete Sotlemrne , 3 Le S Raoonence (AO), giles plus Cr, PA koe, “ ts 14,0763 epee ey ers 10 fect ride bitch the bith Cl ane Pikeman e pid Le Dn mii € toad 3'homi 5 Karu) Pe pg Me Doh Co eee Prte J awl 2 Dkr. WtAk Bo ; Ketiner. pote re Rau 3 ped / at Ya clvatan ese Cebinesrcs "He ras 3 protee url mew 4eoles OP 3 Antenne . Bilivene, fates 3 Aarel sf Detecl | Atmecmy YS trae, Lat Yt avcl (at 7/2 urag. ’ Co pee ae A ee Ge bee big tree acl (pre Yonelly gor oi fo Keghe w are Aare. ita tacttin Lb Cewehktvasnels Ciraiinens bce tid neat of hchersssl im grote (fot begh). Just tam ebre fren fond! OF an Grew. Vhrte b3060/-/ ard b3060/-2 14 oon et ee SI0B6%]- 144 Gf ARTE, at We noted 2 snes MreereGrrr Bee Aen m1 wehengen ts) Detineern geotee #4 acd S MNere Cover, a oe Keoeay A Kae Bivrew. potlew Saud nome / at WS Ganwl SOL Us, wheglarcee. 2 ned, tleckhocd and wel at 4 ‘ tadimemnr cl Les Aide dcbiaendaiade fa 7b bg Cama. Brew gph i eda Aad Gate. Cane ete, Cael eae Ant agen HX pots $ a7 cokye le atauk 30 fect S8 eae avkeck Lrac. Meek botlane : at th Ate prevvens Lak, pow Leyte 630L0/-¥ 290 mn bate 9s tact, (3 Gm» &3660/-S~ n Y47A a ah 7 C42 ay p (20 Grew 4 3640/- G Aneathe 750 “ " 2 /@O vw 7 OEE veces Kee trakis pts a large thee rece, tore all crZhi. Ce ee ee Ske hhcerseer aul The ted4_1-eo TKermncgtas ttre dag eiths an the pow areol Ru. 630656/.4 fae CRbGe pig Recess cl zd. Mia we. ~0 the tea, oy ze Abnedibrid Reet ahu/ 200 € a Maprececlaheo Kheckite tine , Spo. € an 3 e out os Yacwrerce (Ro ) rent, Gan Bevigle Se, 2, /9O3 akune wee Che wtheol tuel uot Aree aw 27 €, God | Chet 630¢02-/ Sf FE ere aol } 630602-2 flocwen acto! tereeblbee . Meng P 6366402-3 AhedA And evooclan pilenhe ot Zager o2W Jo ee G4 aperlene), OR te.” sae ON Ghee: eee edn, [oO AbmeLue ow septee J th, rthegen egret Gud arahes. Vz, G3666a-£ a A) aeons hevek on Maecke eke t pect aterne. : Alrng Chis debe tA ow 2,963 6306 02- 142 . er A ie Gre WMAccte Poti Teed /3 neato J ve Lecce Pm lags igo Eee The mecha, et tein = A , So 8 nT wraptcad st ntatteae 5S net, Bh Pe bitiad JRE pretn Atel need he Se rer he gabe Aidbgionds 7 pres Eye 8 Kes abed thee. frie ree (ember, Butomtne)? 636608 / Ave. | tect bin kd | CLheeed ap sb afirde 63060 342. a ofece aperticre — fort aperd 630603-3 edd ditol pare. de dees merci on Tit 46 3e0b603-Y 62066 3% tnt Blin jes oe pf E088 cence We es Wiis, gd gl (eee Siar sore feat ices the Lots , dent a CearcnincBedh then. athe, Ladle, fi gtsingt vaeirbeeed a ere. Star Lake, engl pe Co, , eee | Gone 4163 feomcade dl 0 a BF esses) Chien teerrah Ges ui CL 30607-/ Cry, Arnette @ Ree 630609 X& Rotate ao eA peace 3 Cnmegs Las Be. Att phetae at shah 630609-¥ Briogcer 10 Trnuk, ve 6 30609-S et CLs dum Lt wel 6366097— 6 (ate, Fass aa. si aR ee 630609-f enna HPT fies. L£30609-7 6 30609-¢0 pein Piles. 630609-7 Gomer Ro thanf tae. 143 G3 0612-143 oma E and Dhow S Kawnrenr (Po), Moadeph Bettina , tovales 12,7963 hia xe the yf tha hanced hed mao dhe 96 Az. ctehe Balter Lhe Vsedkger 6304/2- C 08 AZT &30612-2 — &630012-3 ro 63067/2-4 Lie of aetaait, snrsandng 6304/A-S5 yor Bate, bok me" * iden tnd ws hoa tttheetid a2 tinaell tnate : GBOG/2~L No Mladuremenhy oe ox ener teh Chew - kobe ee ‘Ff ce dw Bod Te orchard ouek. rut Hho Card Aft rad aud flew sy bina enti moll a ate hey Jt/ whee Ll Sa (fh oh oes Tank 20 ning da ppek ware 2. Prom 2 nat ig a thachtlerol (@3060/-3) wmtnaecnret & grimy tock ae GS m1) Ltal ( Le ptt te tore of Lost) Sere 16 Cee gap ed ek Gf red peewee 6306 ;6-3 , Lue pt Rates trket, aun Cotter. aud (8 rn an Leute. hertk. terdy tn artes tal su lmaprtcercs ten key Lh apprenched meal hin ome LZ wertha ss’ aud Lathed. OEE pang. font sochecrats wa my Lia poed bh Ga yp le that haath . 6306 16- 144 had rer , Biome.) ancl Shome . 7) KO thes Agptele ad least ogead. 2 %o Iau. 07 earl Wo ree 0 Chentrr (Cele 9 lor), Carey bor Ce., asa. Len Con yo 5/443 Joatd bt fos fant pect tS see) alae ca lignetin, ,4¢7 G30T7TA20- 147 Lbrvord eleeDve oO Ar Lene’ we sel data Cope ~ mofo Grea’ proof <4 | Bint pote Ae hane ALkoeL, Connie “ 4 Cloth. . Hate pag - tetee tock tent a eS Jeprater Care AA bg) WW aheued — -g. — a yp eek M demeed ahort fhe Chris Manet Voc ch. A terol gang Loop, teu t pace Theale Ape tleut + Conta vi peeter Lugs, fork M bomccebaw — hesk eL. th Ant Lol V Camera, 6. metir, folie, Thy gon ge Odes a — ba OT- pepper’ in | Aofec ~ Contec / 5ak /pe M Aufes Pe heere Ait Litter _ bidet, hatter, forens peor wv fee Cela eee v hatter, ruts, Sralteat, ip prtt breve , Corvpace v Muth , Corsa, Crcece, of pan , “ foste, fate, V pethcbund V Alene, A chane Y med het ee trmte hk. Y EE ) te . Hmm off 00 Legh te unter, pustl v gpccheg ponerd “ Y eheetutwt outlets . # uche ,farte,etunte J4G 6308 03- 148 Raunreree , Gong lee le, Piisgtiee: JF (763 we vacatitn, Le Reo oe "eakey retin (as $0 Of ranean ; ile yullive +" at Lh Moats tbs eadktiinen, et ws ge ford tebe rok tealgno ow pbb- CR sek Ledge Der Avecrd tobe ove e< Oa De Bee Section. ho nate Chel Cot linever Le Treee, A QM we -Dae. ; Aone Bo put oz 40 hgh eae ou Lablre aalaes Che ily fe. 22 che a Gf abn Grrl? act L, freee. a en “ Ou Cine babeee b-bhnth 96,45 yo y/o Mi Athetenca f Jorete ss Ga tw eecle La. K/ OF fi New 2100 neo Antics 70 — Bm! Fe sg ee jas eas dal” Bo d. fe or bie deecohasd pipe at b tne. € Bleems ow SY, at gone es at YL3AY, At 6 fpowt WME ww SY at Creeks Crores Kaghewng Netkd 4 yale he, Vinal Ay 48 rk fn Poa, ‘ Ay . aeg tN PCS , 2 naie at 4¢/ 33°F, Come ace te fod Crp ffrccmele trewdde: | Poe 7 mre. Uf nen Ae. Li tek gu. figtuuy ho. J hearer | Soni oS Chea, Jame Fltma ome Feghaciney Joo neti 14 ernenwens tesths sme oir poate prtocores jlaued | om) bar. dam Le QZ atrte. Ltoscely ew Praca tans Ate, bog, rat, tyst Luk 2 omeble cot (oe — 83 & veil han (Jo ane, ) 8s Sy abate pce gy faba tle / am seis ? 2.) fee hte. igen teste tnd OTaoes Vome'& Iilétt Cate, \ 49 630804-~ 149. eS Brisyitgs be, Linal tagl) Ho Pamela (hagbrmy/62) ot ea Birds re pare elaety sib e casos porte Prtrnbey le each tate wrertinn Harrod, Favryr— 7 a a an Fela tb parlebn Porn Kine Yrrsr & Perle WPiSbT- jac be, Fen = 59 oe polit = oe ee TENG “27 Hue , rectly (4) vou) + So stad ; foo turds Boa hoo prruhom (4/620) Papi aah. . 6 A Gme RE IL Ei hay 305 tome Fim eee Prerecled 3:00 FDI, LRutone, » hetarte thee fee tn Chant Ra te Shere rat aa Seth OEE ES Perce pe Pte 05 ae BE oFOt-| Ja eke & ES fen ey obot — J-3 Borba Crake bn she! ont Fae st he fa not aS Gh lips eg Oe Afepes . Cow Lee _— in a aa a FG. 22 D.Pr re 4/1758, Mkts bande Patcnad Wommint, Cberade | 5,0 Fb3 Ses heen F160 - atte hao ride. pe ve serge Zp frorrt cotrn Mereg UME Crane Pack af ait pbok 3080S8-/ gue 6 S0for- 3 pe np lh Dy tele tuDe sce Ake z 3086S - BLY shaun / ilep CHIC. GE ‘heck On inenrede, dl St ei bee LW tig ag sear ee 4 30 bos- 5-6 Aaamen ch of Cocregm Chiud Vall, an re b36¢65-7-% fn pigpor avd m7 a- oe Ls Jhst 436§ 07-96 Gt ees tof en Ibe 6509 aF- Ol ee nountt un, td ne fe weaned ? hewrnapeses bn onde ab Bethe casein whl bunk S sitet esd ret" ne ant fad ontftj laa rin ey fae nachos elke tn oe 408 OY 190 Phot ee Nedr Cuobfe Crh Danrol Cea * fa [SSR piace Etna bay M22 8a Fa. er ee ee ee har doe ot &: 38 FRGCl mtenage Mreae Varks Entree , Ghorecte Fey bt TS pon a senoes gy Comp et to Linen . Left forpork ot 3:30 ¥2b0;. Plot Ee te pase Tae) cA &s0Fvb- Z % Phot 63086. tg fore at forsee Thee Deuwa Pots 435 80b~ x navog dongs form Helios : C3°80a-7 prove Ltn Poort; , a Zopoe Pttepe Fe Chele 620806 - 970 t ho, 630806 - th Gp ats a cae feed in 49 | kaa a Phot L30806-/4 Cerths's destdec Ope pte iad of orn 4306 66-0) Directed mr: Wake, Ake faeger cuando , Aediglar sbemed ext thru. the Le a Eig iaihg ees ee bp ant LE eg Bang nL wt pm s5 nd Comet fuetn Lome re aw the mar s CED Mig Li epepenent matlab Aetorcter (mre ow zene aud sre nee Gf eel lary), Pre renter Lernemetirg Arc lg toopora tow , Lherprceceples at Ate fie “ cote wk cm ja doe Pebeanap ony titles Dink Ws & anol (~ anche, i<- ; . > 32 genes CEE Kepnpte hes nel taxed ba. Bayer 0 &o7 Lotte (pal, the pont poCluea€, Cong feectl, ca feet Prere t+ WE Clint Bolten. ae a (64. ahh (62, pe et io? S308 07- 1541 nadurak Brodger Netanal rronimnd » tak Aug '¥, ‘4L8 pees Otvacksrnn hye . he ~ > vtech a (Exlacrr) Chile L308 Of -/ yeh. Lainfe art Cheha. Beh uretijptecavesd’ b309a¢-2 Ireki Link aud genial mew Le 2. Hacder Te Leecran 630 $o%-3 Chris, (atly bud Pag on Lakhs, Loaciney [a Prohe hovse, 6308 05- Crumekrrnin naticiat $a dge EZ se. C3050 -s— Ownctine ( ) oe Marg at toe newatet oF fowt fe. alo ented wn sift band hale codsog” tod Nei, Wot td erud Gerutl of Aternt /bee ©3080K-7 Owecknnse suck ; Qeol sé 0 ie SE LPL OP AA PY Sa b3080%-9 fond me tap of Oroekelmea . Hheee orrda 04 Linfeo ane 4 30¢0'8-/0 Aneel © one ty tent teh aio Peg Atedl. No" F925s/2., 630 O7—-/00- ap © b 30948 1 Pet ee Chk Ftd aha. Lae¢d¥~ 12 7 On C447 de Atte se f , / this runrber pouitd te Lack om nate | ’ 6309 07- [$2 ? bo 20808 - 4 and 15 I Cn ee Wn aide . bBree rN May es is. greta) Placrcn — fregiornd. « b 3090H-17 fan pe es ap b 303 0€-/% Claaeup f Live oak bal i herriee at G320TCB-1Y Anyrette C and Athterrag tains Limes Vehean floor L 30 608-20 CLowe - cup acih, &, 4 32802 - a) deme heede ye nell ben pe Se ee betes for 9 8 Se a 1/30 4-%f). Pherieg 42 OBB —- 22 ad 23 Apmis guy Beihln tee leita ate lkite Congons. Legend cleo Lhe trek. q pleeongyes £0 + 50 pe Bae Pieaannt gecdiccle tok A al bee fitsesck ok Lelie Borg Gi weaker an Aven, ptnedaatren te b 30 80k- 26 geatpctinghl, graze of Kachrvam Oudge Oa S. [(Kapt 5:05 wel tact, te ht grop- Hi budge a Ce loa tontage that Grew J, beads bboy ae tenet Congo ot facts acta Exif aetle ae Tanker Quel thrtline cherwe . bsttinn Bawagers Rea Cidge. Be Caagor at Gkde Peetid seueral frocuety anrkireet Chee 4.777. Fa G30S/2-4 aw Reve Ss. he 6 BORIARKST at tonne place aut ph & 4a Piha 6 308/2—6 q Auvretle Cv Tkig Te ect enol of Carmel deve’, Meow GB0FID- 7 Quid F wee Korne Ares - Kasgrnol Lepr k Le E preote~ G6 3O8B/2A— FHIO-s-/2a-/3 7 ponte rote, Attn freee \ Plate @30%/2— 1% af avant Somes. a 6 30G0a-/s-sod 4g Brgee Comgone at teemoloerns. Blter v yoteey Aare prtdvdlpes ’ e o 13,7963 op Le BphcDad Heap lasrvthtrmesh Pkpte 309 13-4 Lovwlece Prt re. 6Foeis-by a Prawthed orotinel ‘ ha lqrap he 4 30¢%/8-7 ZB Cteprza+- 2 He Pceews tebuter 2:00 Bim and 3:30 Rm. boris wrt LkipheLs , Prone 630913-29 athethyr a Lact 6308 /2-306 f fr G ~~ om of we Pha 6308 /3-31 Gecol wrth green of Perdicee and ede 9 ebiffe . G2 630912 -32 7 a Cela Tee , Phot G30F(3- Bd General ated of roe Freccena ; Loe 4 BOF 12.357 of Aerp Bomguee om atent Lite, Chirul/ Zang, Bug Conege ne Hath bark. Ubelh ~ Bag 14,1763 Lbamette C 6202/7 Y-/ arc LSD LEAL GE Or Kuff at TWA at onleaze Sf 3026, at Troprre p4L BBO Se Pe at teerate eid 0 eR Bi tee pete Std, Err rrgarthe of ™tnoge, 30/7, os Yoo Oe thrto CZ0f IE —-—S A GSO FY-6 7g theee ©3508 14-157 Pheh, 6 308'¢~-7 Qi-nretle Caw 21me general area crete aliffec Be teu, 2 Fiat i Creoles Cook Ae: ferret veecve plete 6 BOOBY NE buck 6F0BIE-F , hots 4305/4 -f0 of hebeees Hore dS ert’. Phote @23B0B04 WH at x OQeve, our tog granola. - PhoSo L360¢/¢4_-/% aceth 6308/4¢-/3 on Lop mnth Leo. lomngens Ce Aon Cle | Fin 430B81E—1Y of Kinetelen ant Cuvee , Covers BelAMer- G4 Yi10 Fm at mtleage “BIZ. , CovTmeced to or E tut apes Platecee . PK£ 6308/¢-'5 G metbe dee. Ciusk . SE LLeaver pote 4808 )f,-16 7 + Sheba 63087¢-/7 eee act Tanase Cntriced le Coplat lac pbetes 6 BOBIY~LE eee 6 BOF1L-19 a feed ruler trace rneneenesect- bo bots wn Loren ZF hw, Rhee at weet ind gy Congaw | Coonpetl at Src belcenlh.» Frit - Cupetal Leng Matt Mencrnent , ebet . 19, 6703 Piels 630¢/5-/ Comp at Frute Kin Ahad, 22. iLiad Vie 63081S-/ Z gories ba ob macntt 7 | Chote b308'S-3 Atrana< ie Lodat , Phate 630615 -¢ of Cak-é Careczere., 63208 /5-T of bazh Cliffe Le 7? unth, Forres R aed Lette € in foregrocceect cher. t pot Veet woo Chop ; ke Opnbaat helicntten worrgete * . 10 ao Ty Phatue 6 BoP/S- 6 tuo 6 BOR IS-7 [er Ltrret, bebo. Crhab raw al weed. Plotg 2 B0818-~F & 6308/85 of fhotke e3erS- 10 ¥ large Gere Zee cs fot f tug ky bonne Mant Ce Lorne Barb of tetored, hoB< G 30¢15-1) Amarr ahanrt (One. lef oF en Wace soncl. roe L Lend weet. , SreceDn at (100 4:70 at greloagt 43167. keto 63081513 7 Casle , 6 BOBS -7¢ Gf CopLet an de Ol, Dab en wer VAefcs 20 tal fern LLL Lhe ae eeredinepe: - Pletp + rs bray Be ~~ Lecupl Z. TICLES Abratpecetion J Mocmterpr<. Marvvareeeng Layer. wv Teg . (abrve/ Pitearl eens BCG ta Marbcerle . Neted a wi 20°mbes WE fleteewitle. or teglrorsg 24, Co ne Qiete- Wlevicesarancl . , Phat L50¢ (S17 VG dame? af Corge rear Kondletare rrolge Are, Lirchoe Notivradt TPanement od Phets 630 8/0-~/ a amnettle @ Oprarg tre CES ubone Cornfe rear Lacrclorgpe acca 6308/[6- 158 thee Am Keke 77 Le Kavelecope (Dictrge arice - ftota— peog pee eS 4 thes Lucdgeovarch , eta b sont-6 g don Goonte E onan Watt Bred. + Phoctoc b B0F16-74F of goeet near hamyw. Leff Camps duct hove Le tobn Meleoate, Cred , PhoLhe 6308/b-Pautio a ££. e441. PAE acl store Aenee, farnety am forearaceceel, (bots 630 &/6+/) Weleeats 630 F16-/2 me veg B G2,” me f Grob Crnretntetion work that oe trnelececeb& / fhol 6308/6-GB QRprertte at took. aT Arek, Whola~0 BORE -YY¥ Bee So Oebeert. Arek,, Phot. b300e-12 Cs toed fam b. 2k, (PhoLoae 208/76 -17 & 2! o eleee Ze Leb finper, klbee 1 tence GLece shots, [Uelbe 6 30¢/6-22 ia LW of Qk. Phos 63B0S/6-23 LhehkeaK tied , i“ 6tgor’e-2¢ gaud2r HS t-~ mn of Wek, b308b-2 5 Jarek. Plats 6308/0-27 bo St pron Ore, 630¢/b- 28 Gt Ceiae GE tah; 6308 1b->7 fe Ste Prem 2 of nok - b30G¢ 16-30 Tamariek dud athabtne of thru at Coture ack, Carary) L3Bo0Glb-3') GZeaks pe te.7h Fok ue , There® 6308/6 ~-32r Foreq ee a Celephete . Phot »30¢16-33 teh Bs uk Verte Qstrue Gree, Haft Crehes Dakerel Meruerrrenck® ABO 0A oA. ae , (Lar ; CerrtrL, nelererl forAcecte ¥ Liacle’, Lhis motiedt et Ee ee eal aretend Herr Con Heollactel Wi Rrehes Nall menirmrsoat hots OBOF |4bu8e¢ 118 ,1TOS 6 308/¢-/ And ¥ Mace, G30 818 -* Mart Aruel armaly ; bsonie-3 ptr farnrly 6 > °" LF -4 Rare Yomsers Pe | 680818 - 5 Marg han [Lee ; 630F1G-£ Lew + Lar 5 6 38eR1F-7 Raw t Car £7 ASO” E/e*S0. 19, ¢¢os7 2 af “seer G-' Lens dee Ve ‘7 BOPH-L 63 eacG + 436 /9— nema Kevan ; eS ee: Stipe *NAr177 629866 159 ee Befh frove (2:00 4m. mreteoge AZBBUL, Phote £30824 -/ af ees Conger Kieber oP [pete 43°§26 -2 og A Sasponaze , Le (7. tud)." 20 r0tt.d hithe ow rcv Pho ©5082 -3 duch WOR IL A of sensed rear oer Carupe , Yd Week Coool (fore off), K pony AT,776 Corns ateud ar iD peeled = VI Te both tact, 7 I / 1 & bbw, Attn 2 Cond, OLE 5 Loser gotbrrrtager fF Belcher, to belay, a fed betta green, S mewrneeig doves), 3 Aru or “es al Siv00 Rm rtd) “pprrt G0 block Lesowmey tent tone haa Ethaworth fleet at KU Compee- (ot G3092Zl- 161 SANDPIT. LAKES es CAR A coumty road. ’ a X REFUGE ae FU RN PCr CHANN EL- LAKE Lhome Wank (Yam E Ratorenee (Ro.), Aearag han G., ee fe ee Kifege Fake % hati, be Lhatlaed , Meet Cards flew aa 77 td tod af Kote Kahe. Ahress a Neck were rh, ‘turd tderreterndban Pht tbeacedinr, wae leert hitnlhet feces Ff Ome Mey Ot Ae 5 hit x od @30922- 162 1710 ma Nand I'lame € Kourenen (F0), restoteo Co,, Kiwaaes Sept 22,1963 oo 7 Lobe dad Press vs Povty , Iebmm Lobel My Sh 92-2 ee , [FS 2 mm Lugith $5 gre ow 4 Gols ese Mes DED pa gaily vsonaae bi og he ok ly pt ehemred! and fat Reemewed wee 15 Gro send. 630922510 186 mam AL, 18 grswtat, fli DT obh 6309 Aa2-S1 630 47A2~/2d Lipase 1S 32m Ah. , tAgme ut, g, wt fot. 630922-/3 6307 >2-~14 &309a2-/T 6307 22-/6 frecteral cendppor 25,6763 Ihe mi. 7) and Wen ome. £ Ke Bel, Maeglae Ge, atone) a7 1963 u“ @IUICLO- 165 - Lt aut thee- teal, hack wd a CU MN oe. he ot 6309AF-2 ester ) ASS Am CLS length, Bogrns weeght , MH, Babs B5orew Kia Lied warts. ou Betsrar g the shorter Lega, thin co net ath t ae ot the giete feito aoe AOA 309 29- frreret J 20s Lt 3 S Gone. uneeglt, g vane IA mm J gag j psesneee picered wt » 2A mw Length, Sogn ut, a” 6 3°092a9-S G3E9Ga2qG- 6 aw u Kerr was net, as this Keer, thorkbhirgl au the arta tet trkew ov prretrieted the hiep weeds aud (adbeclllur, dng Lhe medoble 7 adda, Keerauds 3 huh woepluucd / fren teow, [Yio m.D avdh Ulpane. E Kowrente (Po.), Moghes Cs. Lanese Ot.3,/903 Cnttected the tude Che soneclpcls: ( 600 2m) 6 3003-1 206 mm Aetat Length, Sogme o7 631003 “2 pectoral devdlipepen Lote, Coot 4 45, paved betbed b) thee, Asrns 2%, : luvktow . Le 63 1003-7 164 en as ia oe ee Kas ob fect tps /00 feet Lb ed Oo Sle adsl ye thd ane fin tapped wk Ltt wieda, Oct 6,1963 homme Ate ae above. bo oon haga tacts ( five am) L3 1006-1 delted . 320 mm tL, (65 Graal ust ‘ ” Ul omut.d, po gms ust? 63/6O66- 4 JlAamm7L. Mg wt Cats dm rear witw and 2 sth Were tw ore pee GAA Came St le 44 2 43/ 006-3 om 99% 6. thes date. This tonctin etatk 2 the She te an Ip ty woe for" ies Es fit way hn on el Catf v Angee ote Hewpt ert on -6 ‘ x Boe paneer ida Fe: OD gerne: _ 2 Hegteo PAR mmr 631007- 165 de E Rawrence(po), Houglac Gg, Lanes’ VOoL 9, 1963 Cottretid the fotteerng birds Atudprte : [Lioo Rm) &3/O07-)/ Racsirvg tare bage), a et Pee Pidoiy ea Grn wl, oa rer Lhav se the tod, daibiadl : 4 OO] ak Pitti grand Ler 410 yan Fh, 14 Gore wt, @ G31007-3 Mfiarrece - AMttiertk § or/o Ae BD 49 rein DB Bet 6/4 b 3 Caller clea tba. Lacelpete ; 6:00 PM EB LOCP2? why pee : 6G BI0O8-2A 431600238 Conad Ni Gall Alig noted £ Aetécleer , Ad 5 Fpreetatat Bet 10,1963 thge 2a te: Cfeohm™m fo ey & B/O1O-/ tivdprper , 2/7 mm FL., [Bhgrne cnt: Lb Bedvacn aber. Aaet 20/ ran TF. Lu, Gre wt, es : Y Ar hevtr deew at Mei \ ms TG ene oe om raed uO pe PD fete bat te thin ho ) a) Ce ae, The Miclpon nol nas tt Dasa pede withes tly few mee a ee Aparrew 5, the tal 30, Clnckbude 600, Corvbude (520 , beteAerr 6, tandpoplrs 4, Atmel Souteige Ae PED) li Fuhs 3, tora Aattl 2 (. bia.) ; wine @31010- 166 weeny cone pip a fa (Lana ¥lartttirge ) Beis Aveed ae trfdether. te Cenrterrnesl . (*home nN and Mame. E Kacrmcee (20,), Anreglae ©, arr, Oct. 12,1963 Otheled the Pens. Lhe beet cte (%00 Aon ) 43/01I2-/ hott brlbed fo 4310/22, ve ay 6 310/2,-3 (Reena l < fe (Hew a G tmmatl Ee buddew anertree the teetcal 2 G87 26 RS 2 Mette» 3 wepelecche, oe Cothercted tle, Beart tid pais, , (8:304m) @ 3/0 13- / /60 Imm Fi, wT eae dier , area (rpatlerdh F, ean Plt harem, Ant tner SO bback bude tc athe, ABisa wt Je totesca ee Lic! - (Yo mae 29 and 1Y2me E KS | a Oct 71963 CotteetiA the poudgit: (6:40 Am) 6 3/0/9-/ Batre $US vm. tebe A Sgyper wt; neg pee aa CAA al tate Baca Ee ah. alae Ot 18,1963 Ciekid the sbere lLotie (tanolpil) 2t b:00 Rm le 6:30 P.97- Torthe+eel daore Corerge Cea Lececatl. et Oe nD (10) gal ee fee 1 tee tepp ee aad achive , a ac! a OL 17 1462 631009-1 F » 20S mm tb, GP gra drerght F : OFlOIG-A a ed ZR mm7- 4, Fl Ge ttn & sas £ 3109-34 c oe L125 sm Pubex, G3 brio AD remy fat Othyn tudarmarae: top wvlbdlineMe,, it the unrng Zab , Arona tlas glo 3 hetledrl » 7 tecller, RO geet (6 thre JS amecer , bel) pect iwocipagine, Jtrbeerr prifres, 4omtaclucelarheas, Ahaanthave , Sen aed Vbarodecda- (20 fr peach), Se ace fie Coal fea, Jer Knee, oko the Wr Preller raced that Re tte Chere wa a or By b feer Me cesicith Gut ther wter re Bavot- Cllém inn, She Aten Caett die. Aorth. Buck onacle wh an ofc reperge & Likes Anugescteo that wak. ALeeo gel b, bate J Kouranie , Borolecs £0, eee Ont 20,196 3 - hlearl Armee Ge tele the t2tkern~ ’ Metamnsret 2 Lave cre, head bufow. He rarities fg 14 foo, blew. hat ore ov Se cas LLEL, ed an ah wth, Che reapiretcors F Che arroed Dc#. 10, (963. EO NOs ae Fo thet hifloed of 1930 ume ES RE ees et ee 7H F he aol Cudays - te 2 tec eee 02 . a> evsbocene Bncleone Lene pois Aaah iid al on tred whe wee COON EERE CHE re tipig i ontatthad ty *vttin ee PASE 18S ced 1 Tho met | 7 anc Ih me. se Kenenw Oct 20,/¢6 3 deft erne 7:50 Am, Rup aba tf 66°F, itee, _ OA wet ee sctuccling, | ferrte 7 wovcdluche, 72 flocte of thee ug Lent [from 2& I in Merb Hr 8 a. f oniedl erased Tia ha 3 matelarele nn Oe ek | Nte S otabert ten! tre G Ao Fa £0 Aru) rar Blew tebevele’ (ge LE 200 plthlen Face 2 daitowte traits wing ttc by oo gee ee tel fees og he oe gla kien toncleny Poti one leack, Uneaten fs Limbs Tart. « lotheet. J the nee 63!1020-/ Zoos gram AL, SOG ae aes. tft trrtiw aucl pchentacl, She ee Aieobs pects cme hie danne nfcnin apeg mea, G3I020-2 prctirat ‘ a abet L, oe iat: ee Sipe TO A fe one Ath acti . CL Lbater . 245 pen, Zi JOS. Whig terol tone ee “9-7 pT a at % Day tatin meccnacl oa th to ae? onal Z, (sae puamenesr mes) eter et ve JO he beg Se cien ad eS ee Se et eee seviretl moi, 62 1020-169 | ae Sha 0 bed dripe Rerrarred, 0 back war noted & dowel Wnetrow Corey pear Walesth, Veovinanth G., Kencee_ Oct. 20,1963 [YO me, 7 and WY2 mae E Koceremte (2.0.), Boregban Co, | Ot 2b, 1%3 phrck Pee of oe ae AD 13 Kew Dbre SS" oc, thncqug K€ pretlowtle. Bom lh. angg. Cethectet: aBin 5 an Bet 63/026-6 Ctmenctaw Ke tlinw LoBmu th, 6o/ . out | aunt bevel. Aandpepire 42 Accecleer, te cage dese Peel op ? || tek leet Koh, eI er (10 % oc), Apneel safaticr we , | Rovg fone, - hat / theca! Leat thet nabee dynwet tor lis . Laon grectrat : world popetatln, Fs OPO Eae Sate) Poesia — FO mnernites Beedle Rho a thc Zool *. 63/01y-2 Cal, 370 mn AL: aye tat B, rerg lot Sea vrinie aL Rtlet iw thy rw. A inn oheipaid 1s ates De Heparlinent AKL, fle arvitedirne we Lhd an the donth lohan (Rastrcge dS Farr tnvwe Lobe - Oc# 27,6965 . Kaente 7300 m e320 dm ot deudlpcle, A Cub portanrech aback SYODA:M : s 7S 26 SF ee ee aS ‘ 7. V bowl SLL 1g Wg PRS" cig Veeu techs. 0 Father, pT eel vil . — Q L Ly Ferbatines od Hare. Sap ti Nets moy gaint nabdd wneD 0 hop Boh daw Ls way th, , O51(O0rf- 140 1?)g me. 7 ane Mla ame. € Kawrenen (Po), Das ylew Ch Gx Ranta | oat 963 Nake dome odorvetena at sandpete dati ediae Poe Bete ern : Poet aero cence bad seen ann soc! 4 thes het Fie A EE ba, ove ideg yey se ew Oe tenga fines Anse y oa a Pest Meda ‘pain, Lenn thas bag tlood! say aren (4:30-5:10 Pm) tatimated 300 mak, 7 ee en ee ae UE Ege neo rude); etn ia» beat flies ee Ze fe see. =. Gwe Lho Liprrs X60 foc tae ketnaden : abou “AG hak,, only Life He nates, Lifton $10 thee thud preva S aud & thearce-, aud hettlhewe ture PAS Keliveers SHO Gace dtirdloces J at SasAm, Lore Goals afl ae i. LEE pegs g th Gee aA Te ad Eth Avccb, lice | paty aren n & §, OA AE L4UL3 i archon netid one. aa in Abeeo aieasp a a acdaa ted accel 7 Sct 30,1963 Ohecked studypetes Hhetvens S06 Aud S: ‘20 0297. eo ttorehe Le theories : Capt 4 Retlhetr' “ tg eae meee “ee eae Lites homed Lo ba ae br the Lod Math : Coe ee Ae tod pd ot Lie Oeag lee Bf athnttas 3. FeO Flee oe oe dandgpLe feed et tlk. Ff f poonco at 12:30P. NU ttaprdle, &. Astancmsn tak4 luisa doth Seti fen, tvlan. Lo tok peta We clicks in Aien. Cong pe der/pfreacen. BY2 wre. a : Z ae / Pov. 9,/9C3 Latode troecle Conor Cir toen, haw fave Katrine AL /d:00reem ) Le Bechara oe 4:00 Pm atthe theWatarien Line, . Groute L31l0a-/ Lxkrcte i ‘ } | ae fPrtecw (550mm tL, (AL wt. wer Peta 870 hie tind wae d BA Jeectttcnw Phe freee avhee here Lote As ager tein a a ee : fPtcennng glow AVtrk: coe bl , A ‘ena ‘Ss ait he the Tet portmes “AGT et ET EE I EL st so th pare MA thee aut Oke Lard Ge el - that porctu. Are Letur gone : girmmes Lat , 4 7 Apert | head peeticow 172 Hi ple) aaa, SO eee Tov’ + 3, +763 flatoA Pierson: ad Phin Cee, at drudge ww tw Baer oF at F:50A.y. A gee te AA teste sn bud 7-0 Pha wole/ oneved aplelesr oe tq a s. note,J a ea mre - 130%, ‘ _ ae oh 7 chute tenet, The epee | hg peewee Lather, trresssr2eh ; 6 3710 3-/ QTE anon TF: Peniet 2 10 gente « Lhin tuna wis Cphemely and atpaed prnpuceckle % ia , Laas Jems report sod = Pom g sortase, p47 dw Nev .6,1963 ney 7,1968 Shure ava notice. be Chrige UGS cd and Atprtsents Ahe mager Change ces daclitrrens Cutine pave! a G pene act Lc han c Kaw Reser ( pum Keserence te he Se , Wai hdd Ligh 4: asAon. Oay Clea, ne , “er SE°F Fup egeee Lsagls EE neg ft. a LEED tno abort unud. GLps y 445-7750 37 barge pes ° i G15 2 Fecrcdlenw. JOunmeck ov Gee deep. Abeches anthorut Leiden: @ 4 2. hecfinadeew. VSS bene usees Pur: ns rack fleet Leorts, ¢ Bi Cothey cyped Leeg £0 genes ol dh hb behled wrofipreher , 10400 Cok pum S. 19:07 TF ad aD (200) rececsenel anwar’ Lord, floek grbtfirehe POLO hawk. twetlaes ; } nests Comparten ffreoreses Chiiteefiee (16:20 peotiabhenuchretl Weg qeted ub lo'to. 2 cheshacei, 2, Reet, ceetiaie” imate, pei haa . Soca lbig ef CBI109-) a! BS Vio me» G aud /me- S Kacwrenee (RO), poligee Gy Ee 10:30 Atad peletag . Meet sy pound Comte 0) Ere Te tele hunts trrthydevatlne, /0:35 ped line Clad 9 EgEt Tce denned, 1 Due Harta - 3 beet. m sth, eels Newer . Mergent An Atle. be Anak. cats 77: phot sa Cones Bn Aedes tase thes hoes tiie . fodo 240 teschie Fo-4s aw 3o fet Che wel le Laat. 10:¢0 BeopeLeerc BS. BirneD 10:07 Of barte a so hb s SB mtn Oncek A. Guck beud Sf rw, wow t SF: iog S torte stiches af tesver, ne elena, in reads J Aner, Mewenek Anreo whi, tebnev Kod mw Parke 7 busnehe 0¢ eros GS Hio wt Rend Creeks i225 bead J ven , ree mE. A Lass soup, | fbecher . Bice Slew ht wrrreel 4—— 35° Wd bok Tree. (352, nes (weark/BR. berks) Pow ts Coal, Arrothas sete yw Tt Sricle Circe fore crew of bunk) 1'5° 2. reef, 1. 350 bork pvethywfeles Zaft. 4k F Drees Ort hig bechrev lM . , botcli 2. hoa cleo J hetteer, / 1 mathard av lever ' now 8) poles (dame one nates fpowmes Ree, Ate qeotia ) at Ltweal need Ahitindaey ot in es F Flere Siyaipeg, Gow tenet ot Lander “Laide, ° 12:14 meth Waharwee hrr , deed pelren. % 77 pole 077 Kae Corey tb Ches fitrnt. marek heer [lw ceccerriner, an Gane. Oneplocks (60 1a, ‘Vaid Coetercted Ati hb MLeL2d: G3H09-1 Pronhbhy Laer.” B97 mm AL, 267 gree wot, e, Boum Skie ter tar aGne a { rectng Liucl & /1:43 teewey Rewe deel dies nny fl tod » C2:SY 7 heetheer, they are warellents Mad ote « 4 Leg + Creek nN at /160- £62. terol nets HE, Cok on Ketle 1 tnmradtermun alors. Tha gee free, Wi alle Tag A Copenen tere + 1:23 Apert pours SE, 2 Kertdan las 100 peels d bank dawatina). /26 + haem ad Steg te bonds eevellges, 133 BV.0we. 18/ Aeawer 4arrhe and. f house aud . 052, Boge rock pn bank yf 5 ZG . Drechw os Usacaltrs Sw, Taw RR and OL , 185 [Orel Ee wide RR trace. 20 Nyfe rth! Goebel aug phe lle luce Phat ad bere : On Te handtber. aw Anee , Bu. Clafife pirat preted aul Apnaelarts LAE Arden | 4:02 QS. (8. leer . BDeibig tl x Lgigl bbw, AL honed WAtAAr ge “hoe a ME om 77 aree Anat, te gre RT aah de ewe face peplatel Ff the svetin, tre the , Barnet de St, Gigs (mew Ant gt seletelng) W569, Grrcleeyrite trl Ahesimey te fo mouth f WA nels, Hawes S & Aaplewig Ladys. He ¢ LL. fect enough wat to support bowroke . Hite Pon | Aza fevcult aheut (00 fut of the : holge tn weet sick netid a mermet tum ants ite Curw at the thee f 2 Dee, hot, a Cprmk Arma dvececa ted tot Chew NS Aole Sebwt 4 wttt beaten feath Comnrceted the Letoer. Kote terth om. terkee a t24%h Bleed nee po Poet + Lhra ner teed m Pec ho emate) om tant Yitenen, Mot - Atowrt DL°F, He hterrntd te te ore 7: Aha on ppremconce Liga, Wail Atbahucl Chis Lovie “9 Ate Armeght tondets pave te keck Loue fread they tummer Cd anttermn. Wikarned Corer houslus C., Kanone a Nov. /0,29¢3 Acowce phone: Let 12:30 A: 70. albany tea, ttiht comel, lange 67°F, A Lie Aever Ctew do Momat Ceruddlis Bm i Lot EG cet rte Canty eas Teasers enh Niet Pe a te Amett. Carole. 12:50 Mtl. Qu teeng Aaraeed by TS Asecr, FO of 1a Aotey , trme wrthent Leone tage ota j Woon Ait (400 heowen Racer and actrrty « aio. top a batinrnored Lite (this Loendeeled 400 AtAevreeGo, . b0 lnc 2° baewtier do) hots £371 /o-/ Borvetted Weirep 11 bebo at pom shore mragin Vrieck tutina Prone 7) (AiooRm). Bue Okerp- hharrned kok Aeacler! ; prevcheac ancl about to fet tego A darted oy tybitas fev aud % bark awd tert Chie Large thee Torre. pail Oa VIL, Dawe Cusce, breed. 2412 Leanne. Kucece Veco Phot, 6310-2 Guwd 63/10 -3 a fw eee at H20. Gf thee goood a L4G, Meron hift tee und fle dower Aver. Ate Ravrecdclecche Lill coetin, epeacnceh Uf portage (atbont 10 tebveecre Mae Mowe is — : [hots 4 B(1b-¢ Uf feet bots ewer, ST phate 6312-6 Le 10 a Geel 4onmae. ee Mental iweb Et btndeGrre ¥ , peta ly tit Chis aren, Ze, CODIL TE. (9), #00 BN bet, 20beb- whee. 49 Acd lect Larek, g th. hrm wd a g howl. Yi¥0 PheG Leaver. Osundisuecl ow eee : 7 _ Wa SI '/6 PHN). Pr dieonanary ore Aorett A elon dacte regete terns Came poveevie) Sahl S Liban bheat ine tho 0 mle Lh. Letrnse. / o Ammaetl a . Kuee Chink feed aver (axe ib canrplarnies)* rtm tied tfarrone Rew Aperrocess ) Coroliscal, Cheeta olece, Bonglite, methete thee, parece, Atd, troachpeclina 5 Gochens 2; F, abres 2, Larry! batlimn, manta tl, 20 fox Cee. ahio-rs ee, 2/7 mm , Moe OF terme Cardceis Appres: i_ melee Louw Abia an Wafhareces rir Bibece raciecdo Bn mi. Ean 3'Vrormmd S Laenevree. (PO ; Soup lace, Qevewaded, he » Barugfle G., Qarrase a _ abe ot be aren) May ae ae a ain ma vuctkad 4 the gertlece of the . Llagedl twat chet sleeg tired Coed Bt ; Hoy, 5, 1963 Fa heapen A \ whamelee Kane Cong Leyirt : Ath dare Bons Ate intl wt fone dogls tnt Chr. f = ie Lact ein cena H man 3 Bibi Cigtendebisinne mustlly Gris, Richt vag CH ge Oe " his heen tebe Cacatued 22°F) tered bb pe fOGPRG a0 fle hay. / | Wehauees bor, Mowglas G, Karetee y Per. (L1G OS aft Crete br tye USSR mm, YL DE btagh Now | 20 One 22257 ) S, 280 Red lac’ hawk. 55 piomennte chiffe 22 agar potegn audbrcd ttl haw | 3*4¢0 achee at pytomers tokeek Lagre tnerisawr, bee Lote on unclrn hide of Lina bah Js hurt Legh . Wisp aetawat boar | G@ruyner “ioo0fm. Tbo—wLee Tite tel ge on Ff aelle . Whe of Pax de . ve bate e Ara Cxrepues tort, pllcdtes se eed , Of pict Meme Ben ff acl cenerfice bat, Loachen Yirbing t mind tks 71. tecle Kaw Breer, Loren h Co, , Kintag) Flow a3,/9¢ 3 at rand pte ae Agwartner nalil | hike , (Ard Lact fark. CoLniin 3 oe ; Shoe le SRE pais 4 wreaterebichi 12:30 7 rcdge ruse Creek nY 4 Abc peg, 5 HUderG, (a affequnmn ah eet fa clce pfrrree): Aang derdpecler , (4:54 Plot 63BUIA3S-1 Of Yorg) Ammer Lo G—, iid OY Bud month sek Ney Laber, At brad Yf det Gf Rover - hat (@) some Area ug L Cat Maw Law backgpocel - [2:27 te Hala ft eee bh ccaniszit Oden, Aro, te S. 136 Large Creek (Neereereeg fers 72) Aned Gea A pone! (Koc laren SE, 4 Wot Lo par JAek-~2; 2 fbecbue. 7 Ze f Mgt Cntr J wrthertLeowle, tenina Tong PNY Yetetetinnernts larger tone ang ove wed Gee Eee terctlnsee 7 Lurned far 3:30PRm. AF eewutiie ge if Casters Reel wa Col tecled thr fotlacurvg, “ga lencle ak a Mol :2W Ao me_€ Eucla, dovgle, &, Gevows 63/1 23-6 rome oral a a aad pot. C3U23-7 | | eyrrte. Bor fmeles CLE Lisa Conde, OFa%— 9 Same Potent cpeltrudarn at Lotions. Koceb be af Matte 63//24¢-/ aud C3N2V-2. dais Kaw aun, 3%, me ears (RO), Mouglae Co.) Keonaete ° decntely 6B//24-3 te! aw Loren , “Yo mele E ard. to mbes 7? Kawrence (Ro), Aaeglee q,, Reece, focal by of 431024 ae e*/ome E Zacrence (o.), beng G,, Louder Pose Jed on (Gs, trainde to 0S 4), Kanda. eee ee ole ye gigas ye Dine, BIER “ye GIS Am. Fe SE, Hine Be Grp 2 °F Cae. eonés and S| mace the hap", Drek pyre Drvevecly ot badge pee 09 © a He. €, . i) thiahint jhe Fak Bethadb 2 blowup, And a leat ot Che J OO Det ow tere water im prolietbplaese 950 bduchs lft sedge, Cros ¥ hte & Fy. 2:00 igor Creek: amr §, 10:45 Catlbectedl tt daels for LATE: 6 3// 247 bbacenele! Mirgoreen) é2or-l., SFOgme Lit, F ovary Gham X BS mere a b 3/242 aeanadaa sree 4S) mm Frh0, CGO Sows cack Bevery 946 rm ———> Be ley prt q vn mn S rtde Agere t , DPhevllncu bbe tort, ao Clete rviecl gay aA NSo tha AM, Verned Lerten diudtew, Large gull bf tata tid rened eww raver, was laager Chace 00 Fieawhetin gn Grtea, (1'00. Abbe tm Ahrd ng ha tn Rice tar Qree W. [10 gerd towne ~~ ’ Ge. 1350 phebdeceX: ah Abad grotisin Lapeer, 2 Aedtacl igang LH, Licelpra broly IIE. babe p Beeel crmpatles [agree [20 Pm omerith. idle G_ a ge Oe Fironfelin t Afceee, 1:30 Heaner or S dete prener. Cothectiel: iad# _ 10 ened onal Aiod tlh bave Lomeee Pee * grrkiat, Pair Vadiet fourfe omer prot Bm, 2s barge ert 8. Rrnathurhe., 254. RR (ack) ," livid hue hears tang 313 Wirugoy C20, Word nsw bend 3350, Tsun cloe.o 4 Weewth F Cat , yi00 2 Aleeled mecgonrins ¥ | pratlerd, . Arrned decuplawen) WAZ eas, 1 bevidecre, Cartte bavigech ee pick deemed. « Arrwers te Sele 3S (00 F. ff L3//24-4 ant arm 360 mul. ABO wt. £ orate 20% GS mane 6324-5 Cte! Ahacted devthe, & appro 2/Fmm Aetat Faraxioee, Ae Eth, ures tusptnclid Aevn tune at that LZoel. eA nad aoler C26, theme 20 ance (Yama. E Ki Ce? Loseglaw Co, Kanese Now 28,/963 m Lj ames aed Sb anincetss enlecte ME of Town. ate Fokes 1 Puscted o2e Lote ancl 7 4 A. tteoleere, 3 dike ¢ neaclawlerhe, intl rachel Areal, Cin cle Hf nbifee tires) Raye: oven f Che tervals Loken 100k: frngbebily arg ~Aeeze Shan toy wn we tls Lae a de att elle tbe) Sons oe ~vittl nowt hiindt PAA wy 4 uk Revev (awrener ty fe Sate, ey GS1\a9- 176 Aev 29,0963 oe PF: AOA. T ALL, Wy, Welker Sele Ss... deme oe ee ache, spf fee Nt ; a arr ae 53 tenner free Picde . T00 Lome. article 1) neds 21/5 querage Aner, G40 SAuche Gi SO Cofpcege port ,19:06 Cho ruet % S, 701 )o Crwdk QD. Crerverrvadeeas. Kemi bart ¥ ? ow dtr bev po Miial place tyele At "Mar tw epee = and bevot grebw y math Creek (nud Cerf) Chekaclew, pric, pated beled, tered pecker ar Finer riuaveceeneza Tle aca ), Kier fe’, /0>44~ cppoele _ Baw bach lect thin bat weeb, wee Ahad bed Crnedinttle tener aetycly om 77 aecle Decl pw ttle drew. Mod Onk, Wnt © & mere Aaiger bse Cham pod prteraen O74, Cotsen thong louthe . Mate EAewt hy Cha’ Zegl G x tp 97 eet ae , UF , gore |e feob aud 4 eee wrth. Brnche- Le [2°07 Gee Budge gpeotin» Beewen tect eo goon tr 5 bude Vert (2°75 Q netbach, Gs 17 tereaw fecdliey Orr tates: i Temp am hades 41°F, 11S Cone bepure V 1tlinly W Sid [420 peadbent ct abr [132 Unde Utley One acreage Auer nf 86 nowt bb 5F Luc rin . toma padin BIC 10 mrwtlacls yy facttar : flew? cep Avieers o R35" bee bose, 3 heck, Jerty aril : aw Aiwk. 138 ragey eee S, | Lhece ete a a » Set Jas 6 Ate atluak sige wt atant do, Cm ant Ae atl Korrpcual enol Fe ” dedhe (ichzell, 1 Ww y ), 2°44, arch bry (RR) fo F. 3:00 Ltudl Arun Vrew lo mE: Dee te preted Ate of! Feud hs fan, Chip fe olmmaa? hand VM fitferrelientarn . 31S Rmathardes 3:25 mouth Linger Gch 3:29 g hewn Laer om odin. Cmacebrette roloraly beg we oid (ned: buat . ma Tee Aiud bank, - st - gtk bitep and bal dud. t how. #218 hanplocwe watin pate me S kl Baw Witt pach barvriire wv mechs PAner ted - bngfeeden% Dirnied he Caly #ESIDD. prot Spike En) 9 Fatt more tb aack, Temp ah 5:20 30°F cha cleen, Mlcend a Aviggts neadrate bah Led we? 4 7 2 < ae pe at } EB nerg pleated tap at Leevidinas 0 Knead By £4 y,, me ea Ae Le, Cred Joie of Me Sek ¢ | Kaw Baer (Mawrence Bruce Ly whe S.Lo), eee Ea Pig | cee 7/963. Leff Gi4fAm ot MSpuplrooek Pratgy Shg restart, roome toceds Mie, RAM ig, Ferg wad, RF Leng ev evokocle YET. ed fom sa, Week : Ug, thru ateut negorw, (OF mmagey Cesk Fes, S. a KekbLien, Ana JB nae ¥l muck Aiwdh Hee owt woes nevilinwng FG Pe le Ceconel Crus coerizbingtes hating the hour 5 Hbake S020 br ola (aterty Figg. og Aithialin co Premdh. 10/56 Bat beats I og oneal Mrued Gach Prom Wat 1:00AM: Waller, of teow oberd S.imebes Lacuee Thaw Dupe bavwd tare ore Merman bel nat Ch. it co csuad thle 4 peor. ' J baA thier weeks have thpaced a Censcdurb lh ayerinTY ee / Chou Spercencd Crerell, hove e600 At, tel Fo stub, Mave poche Crrene A = rn oe aera et decd ren maT» WEES [ridbacS, 4 raed, |Abecoow owmerree Wii im Asal Bare 1. Flor 60 tel ennge. DYES bud of Meee Leaco oe CO fore vkine Mop feng RR aed Eh Wath of Cck 7), ¢2ia0 / gl 7 4 , /25 16 Lucttorg Pre » (AR2 Waktrecra . “He nd hans stmt fom Cha 77.4) LL) cack ett hurne, row be & « AAedla te (195 actvtchy! Lene , bat Chore Aine, “Oarart, pork, boos other dels Gf. o petrhape Clown Borgel, 43 marsh heer (eve PIE Are dere be ke pon V0 Ld ¥- Crorighe Lefele Cofe. 4 /aud st) Dio mmageh Sy 2p reclal! | pracet bovck 4:13 Veh budge g KRiacke » 2:25 # DSS Thoth, Bock, btoes clousley Aap ths Proatir,, Cngfeetan, bt, Cdtahare pach, os hind tears tilig toried Bae 3:10 Aenc blithe . J eutfe gh 3138072m vee Tl ee ped ORES ted Leelee Mf) fee rea Lee tom TER. , Lee G4 arreve€ TOF Phim s Bo Pert 67/2 fawn, wet paddAticnl Poveatie Tek the eee ard the ’ thawel Lene tt abet F'/2 haere: We CL pakees! that hevehs ctuatly reed om Gane oro emalocard tAe Aver frbe JhaA Anchs arrive Lhe worth at Leen hak ate door) Cigpe Aor the reverr, Chere wmbtee ee aes oe F . he oo tte OA 50 euttdlfa Katetit, Recerdala shaders reflector” Cruples tbeest ous the cart tn then fpioty the Amer) ate Cane unhew thy sew nas Loew — “ a - we ,\ So eae PoLARI2zEP OM wATER ANS SovrRte 6 |> LIGHT, —_——— the wre tir. ina, pieces jie death a eed iad toa db woolen ' 2 70 mre BW and lo rns. 7 if . 0 of a@., ee old hee y, ‘eas wv ool , pico ting Atver aE wc, hee ; a2el the Wee pa 50-40 anche por Law St owacx, ~p & oheler per Kater ONeill Bi teanucr. < —_ ey kad hee,! 4 ppg Pk iin Aetioli dl Tieapens bt ia sp. Labipeserme no. £3/58-/ ee be Ade Baccap' desc ZL. seage-a & | Za 6 BOF 8 cherry emcee notin cing i aon oe ea OrGaee Mbit so dous, / bt Bbn as; thd pode as EE } 8 gia water arel thant wvtipelas er iene ; ee rn Glo bane fe fsa cia cb yatta ton press nnne wil bach © tod ff oo aa gah Tg ee erin: hae tes je fens Penta nent ? note in Cae ee Left appoctoes” cepts tly wt, Co a ° a Lornapewtnt ted plore ° 2 6 a Binet. beth ° / e ! ie o / O° / fesee. fectwn coe a 3 ° 3 [Letra dankpoper D Y 0 Y flaerdy Aandfecper 2 / ° / King betle d tain Lakers 2 / ° LEAL tandipg ev 7 2 6 < Lrniqratbrrated dhvclpepors e = a Dh, Deak & f e / hat lbithd puttedk orton e 7 ° ¥ ° f ° / imme WW aud Vloni-S Claten , Borighae O, Lantae chee S/ 17 OF Srapeted marsh ot abuse (ce nelis aprehac,/9ts), (mts Ww Cntr noted | iparraw Lawl . on W-tffidirer . Bevis Atre . af rareh Kad tact Lh naeneft . 18 heb LE , at “wz A100 ft 7h 100 ft to Chitown