6B50410-)9 /0:2Y Cheefoocleee, | redb-letleed yop dpecker (0:80 raat boned owl, VOCS Eel ee sor cal) eve , | prfccte « 70+ 3 6~teS breck., ED > ormenbenen ates LEA y lerrbyeehen, / ned. Tee Pal; 20%Y2 Corsbirial | bethed enpchpeche, Corcleinl , /0°%7 alist alae) Pita LOR! ay Sites Le 72. here, Lted TB CO1TO ae | as ._ a ae a OO. ota muta Ege Hooves, /0:58 Araneae eo fBowteenn a deep Lreasunk frck, Lack absent 250. tefs Arana ge arhee £7 bulro he Voor ». goo attire paspe , 2 , wht hits Hpirrecsd §, (redbarct & WE, festa ee (Hoey Urodpeeser [lito Whar Kaw GS heat cme wilh butaer.. ZB Gree. o7/ the mreboneskic epee it i 4 thes Bete obny edge Creede Here, fad ago a. ST het sass ogy Hort ser “bth ase Aomeg. De all ae Onheareer (abuecd 4/3 wag cpp bank). (2100 est tud Let before ttcelald hin nut, 2 bhe kira Creek, 2 wu Le 7, | rite Cowrned Ie | “aire totter tard rottt JAD Piss - NT OE ad eal dt whitince age pre 5 ei Ne pee eee Rift herrrng PAIS, Re furel © w to-tre es oe ee feed. Kirraned 64 myebeneete ia glen hase Aone 2:20, Cut 70 cgewret aclorely muarel, “ed 4 Che toad a gent bless S bn ss horening (feus) Fored geet eteept A frac i arel / Atilectheed trpaopecter ston apr 3 Chip fmitig tad Soe AeA. Dic retin, DoF) anal Chigr reeled (adrts seg ) 774 Con. 77.7 2 thercbirde, re bithurt, 786 GE. 779 2 theebacle . 90:/ Lorned Ler.k,, 94.7 Crea feeds, Bhd¢ G77. Piib mmeedew lark, /r1edlactl, 92,6 Meadow Lak. , 72.5 jer Crerrerde . 92d Sp. hah. meocdeetark. $3.6 Creed, 53) meaclary GH berte.. $32.2 thig buch. F4.0b E Zmwrclewrtlerhe. $50 bukge. 916 2 Cow turde G09 mesrbaerteck. oI & 5S. BA): Cutrtede Jowbe . 885 butr Water F710 7b ese poreal poet den bagk, Phebe OFOUlO-6. /rudalas: fetbra11~ Band Ca Ape ee ees eka 89.3 robin lo MarerAcadt, FUT GE. Gor Arioh Fae Ceti pabes , of G0 1F ted dow. Posie, ¢ Zl, Kango : Cpt 13, 19 OF : con aati et S200 fiom oh gremlin Meeenbisne hae population , 7 Ceo Vinge St Asods oo. tenatlictelkicw berdinoetehth Wl pring ,