py G90608-149 of ele gebee. TT fercrtheaaed Diacler awrenee Bolle (121% Fane 4X ) ) Spee freTone : drat Leen (Alancra ft) hebaege Tia: 22200.,00 pm BSS pegelator thukie Loken phe Ly, Length (7 2” 2Ar20 2h wrth, 24” ketal, 239s Lb, heath 34" Sie preg” tertat tenho. 67 -7L0—-//3 Geenee OL te ) A. tah, Carsiraaatcdee (2) Ltt howteveg. Overflow Leaks J, A pdltic tots aeltene 4, testy nidZ j Cocke Lows anol front feahiire Licks 6:1 tHhrenchow wat bw, ivtshe , Fire q. LG biteduhs Liuk not 2cecerate - J, Tb sale cal a bnasctes ated foore Ga ean Liv sequal age ee eee ’ Wn “Lerten showed put? Z tkige ff tewmclon , 20 foe eigen (de, (pte Lo edge AnH Lormer . o ad TE aed te taped /4, Loclet Guth? Yt (S, Tockd bel LET mileia te Leek, (Ge Water. trv, tlatd te Aétlerad Z, and thal hove KOE fH ud Oe one farre twatkr , 20 5 = Lt fist tcf omit Lact tock Lope anhe © on Li porh. “et A value thawed te placed telson. Lah. wed 7 fr