JOURNAL 1970 JAMES W BEE FOo\io\1- Lovo Ferny Caseusin, gol ferten Ger, Zowcec: aw /, 7770 ee pversst, anocsed a Hace Loet get, Seong VE° F, O89) BP, a Lee FF -2F . Koudas 2 pod beud the setict, Micpstntedl Mayda, ail bagend adh L f0Y%, Sededints. 7rleoqe OE at SF-2¢7 be AN 40/56. wpb peop At Gott bude b Ferny Gee, G62, mnedlandA. OAS 2 tecllsch, one 2 bark fhase ALE pt ge Pete eat I4.9 Antec | OS), Karl Hawk aud Adbrrche - O74 B -.. OF.7 8 pretclhaewhihkr anal Afftcy . doe ‘dicta: CFT sparred Haws, 40.0 (3 rnecclato _ , Af. PDD ai AD pi 3 prove FF ce tune Opprpachanl as Rg St ON NS ES : ce tinea hfs oy eS I eanlege 24,7 SY6 fs few Leirne ff - HES Bo SOIT 172 5 SE enttance bark. with Grtinue 7 bb Feccn TD [8.0 1S gfermeoe ees Jot Gir. L Aff op er fE2F eee are = DE Lee aol Lovered 101th atacs ttt walker 3oo* 20 Lroe teres and 72 al dlat, —Cetared) B96 Fo bet tse torlera’, 25.8 Pees ew fis recllacl, &84,/ Map fort. a4 IOS A.M, Baw Fhe ari! tv~_ll Cheek ope 4oov-tot- a YR Git at Ee Bipods 0k ae ane ea a asia Ay ¢ AND BLBES 1: % x K<~> ae y a ANSEL ER ees, go PIALLAROS ; ANBOTUCR APEC eS HOF GU, MERE: $5232 CANADA gF oof TAH E 12,2 MALRORES t ~~ SS WEREA NSE: ICE RIDEE JAN & DBIALLARDSL=> F CLOSE ‘ pr savas | me ‘ E NM ft AT PE a PLL O BY ICE, Nd 0d0 SMB) BELGE 7 Me ANO GEESE TA N SAN 3B (CYCE ~ { V> —~il 49 4 , x 4 | 4 12100 . TAN CO MALLARDS EGE SE JO; FF CANADA G0,4 F7?: WeLars me Tan 3 (Open? ter) BN ee ARDS AIRE TAME CANEEES: Wwotw A BLUES er OO eee ane “BoB Sey a} 3 R40,2 fone ES. MALL ARLE ee DZ ecu tehh, of Laden d era. Ce at ley suottd palmate Jee, OOO yrathird cleehe, Ate apes Lotter duet fut at Mrard 21000 J ey a Le flr potn®, oft port auc tintineed tp Db Prac paid , Shere art ro robhet or aggre nal fiael, ateoceatee rll gtataso Un ie on Lot, She 77 td Kage Vernet . thie «2 Lock Bush ty Obese frsuch Vovet be beg 27 Gf Hep foant Me Main | toate, te SS, A+ FH Btnnrod? Lhe teks betaciee Ff Lee thad the Lesa. Here tt spre ovk 7JOOIOL\-4 Tin. vir pial cna. ee ee tarde, ee gr Ate aga re Cornptel ly fe einen Kia 5b hgh 150 50g pont roote, below, @ debstontrl Gu Fee ) LL | Shea V horde ae . nattarde, Pras. atard ently tebe Le proce boy ome Lind, startecl Lhe Te a Zz 2 fuer BAe flere pose the at a Lord doune Fcstenele ariel thew a Che ; Ahe norie heelraced Lo 0 at the Liz the Heche Geren a aD aad pokil dn ace, rrherd bixpriatd, tell hurr sn plron Mtns aud at PLeae tangs Caper | J Zi ee vn he: Lixin of ite Vint & hong fret Uamilelle the 1) aertove z 4+4bo tude, de these Guels ride An Aetal Count # trove abingy wath Che Af Z, We Mey — O FDI. ‘that (04s are privet wn sof ther pirtbhet, do Le the Atkiat fount of ——. a 2 more teehee /O‘/o or SHO Cagle per [oe onal A tated co a“ ~~ sae Ly Betas Fhe lo, hit e red Atbaecf 20 beeonde apt Pee Y a | ( JOOIO\-5 i tbnek — Oa tale ope cog. fg rte ley apr Coor, 2 ZL. OB. ASN eS ancire Loft auel trore atipees ted th AHAterne - _ alas ; poi pomt AAS F Corclueale , a rd ag hpace Karrio pfarrecer, oe 3 Che ehaclees, / = 5 OferAGteS ; 7 [frrbace-Abepfted fichier Jayng me 4 peek Se ead es 5b ofeet apart ef ae FE Et ey Le ae te Ss o Ang Sua wilh tmtinue lo 5 Cac of hints dys ad de Lead. % Caw 4 a Brarnage pase cael citi A ty eee og Hiaspeie D ira eral. of: 00 Atd -betleea! opcode 2109 Capel auecl dpecerel Tooke /lo Pht ete, Ee sete BITE 2 ehectoLeee , | Asd-betheed erverGpecker tnacbareae jee : Ararrnage jew ro0ert above whee om tree UT ical raid aneee WA dy Ot, ree Petty ac day a3 ohana Bivacke . ‘ J Crocus r_Whge Z. 2:26 Cpt les Aaa Bi od Dngpe te ee tre baclintatl Aoaek | Bias furmmapene Last, tpearret es Locned Lop of JOOLOL-G a 2:30 iat int He he Up O feet below Avck 4am te tested So i tron gt eha Ei Wee aed Ho mb Lag f at that Acebernt ae ce =i? (BBS new Heck rset. ely te Rises te poets ae pein p OM LE, aes et TD Leta tig Gant TU, at DH? IEEE 7 fee 7 *ho mehes Tene we) wee. Hane putts od hed elton tj el 6 gtd Joni Aertlkh . Clb tptd there are now Nell Gctle te dete anigl £3 ontin Sew) ow 140 Titel , newhly att Let bed aeeagt fr war ihe paren Coe peat ner eae aly in oonbacel, f. Dnnee epee ed Ale. DP S| F103 ne ae ee Cagate prion tly rhesed awe 2 Hetil hte Bef Colinliacd Back. ios new soe mewkh E ee epee On slope bE 2E Cad gmnijicss neues ol Scien gil Son ark 7 Pekigen nthe fn tgs 08 SE Lhe eed fore S): - Fa font. ba pdf tach bby hong Credeed simace aw AO fro } Kad tach, prd-lethtcl trot peeber , svondpicchenr . sy 3 Cergeette chiarnage, ads Gare ofc es Aucke, we Burs “re ae, 71O0|O.= 7 hae bnaels Lp rotid 1% dele (fer ago Pies: rea lope. 13 op lah . Posed ap dhe Gee oe on POP TISI On on pee Esch £, rocket tt) Letiveen (3:28) ih tates fee oo Teka ise Each” Will Ombre Le Lp 1 Ln. Kebbethid. fle oeteee eb. a) to E. _ co / COTE TE ag OL i fe 4Aepel, ageerrl tackle Hgpant 9:43 trocrnel Luck GANG hebrew Lhe dam. 7 tgcomene Ceeo S tut dem. 552 Coed dock. fiebueew hrre ae’ pond pounrted ZZ Aiochs aud 2 Aatbertact Cleared. spony punk Eo mony rated Bo tak on Don a Bedins Mparrocrd , g Le. Lagleee , ee ng aud | tow , (7 Narres bfarracue /Arb pat at eae fe! eet Lhe Paen fo a ae ee so Lek ay S120 Tee 300foo Pratlarke tore fo main Theft tated at S25 aud at 5:30 hrs: Bead yreern Led OP a. pn Leo banctH ttew a ceebtby ko Lag Led Die Eumh fort encbes decane Y bight trae rev aren. 000 otecniat ce ee Ce tad darn hea trl orebicke Ceol of Cezrecke., Ce cemcee! cttimak that at S30 there turers 30,000 rn wed Ke 6:10 hyp. bpnp BF | fo Rercwarr, Jepfpirten Co, fancies — Lee2 afr L, Vent wc Gardens? Tho mile. Gs thes 7. Midaidl ated wif hace ges, 7 Tne ns ate, coe OD iON ; FG % o Ho mele arken Cha ; étage . f—* ie wil tea fad oo. fe ae I pe ero tha? fhrce te Ari Lame One oo a y Lime SD attewed had 2b staoky fl the twolin aud tuere Mentronénd , (0:20 72 matlaihe Af 7 Ofer wal acl 5S L pthn thar. 10:“t guerre ann row abmort BCS Oe Jae 40 Inatlaihs lof t Ss, the relect + ukiate J the mats anter atecidens le tv — . : LL, a Gd tL hg pomeys Ldhted the Aergen bictipn tine Dm, phinwts fend at tho Tene thore ta 2 melermunr 7FOOIOS=—13 pEol/ [1:30 bo matlerde Aft avcat te Ss, SF Crewe sr therebene au middle of Cok frst ov rratinced LIA cree (1:28 45 metlard Left io S Ws 23 matlarde Lf Co pra thts &. . ee Aofph beg ewer seal thac.? 20 athere Lhe ovtherd (200°), Wish Shh Litlhed gneved tile Area, ; W389 UU mathnt GS, Vito (A lS, Sus ZS meatharcd,s=l, &, ee 0S: SpeP Legit te a Uf be FRA teclarcly 5 Left Lo S ancl Yomele, wis SoOmatlan to S. Onk de de gnocle qecee | PACD A LLG [LES 17 gatbae Ae BS. itl & Ptalla.k. & S, orLie Db Noe (3 Aangbetlad gctle ee Aree. oviniporel, Veco fer Sout aia mitlarh (feCfrelatonwsn ae » WSO bret a w, (Ai0e tlre aie glean, jadednmned oe ey, Cheer thevatiow ay lg cette At Je ane they eutrhertL eccsciel 'B ia Hi ee ee tig wud flees Afro = heghe | /2:038 SAG 32. Geile Cag batted) arine age PRU te waler . L425 flroeno Aud dheees Z aud Abietelhed out % 3/4 mehe, . S2:R29 Cow Aee 4 Anaad Loe. tek bigtare Ae Jtkir fo tba o, Yr, Atttig Tadd ‘ TA ° pias: than V Aneed geeee rae, ave Corrfpaet Vilpre a lo A oner the Koek Creek Gukge 12:50 skh draw thee EN! tee ome Mertec le om Picea : 4 Bene Pome Deatawy,. Ccagh Basia: ian _ bade ) sore Lath na - , Wis Bonul. 4 Birtcine . » SA Carita, Bigg botrheoA, at abet IL Wh rub 1 of tne nw the pre Line MEDD thee Aereckirw Lo 4. ee. a 7OOLOS-\4 a frvotiec mW Z, oT Se eS. 7 Lp Leo oe — Hage poke A£é . the Paead be De oe lay 290 of Loe LY cated 2 Off paca ng tas of WA J) Ate arvuvat , Brthive, Cdoat.L Mirbouk IF 1:10 E-* 7 yews Grace: flece ovtrheud, en, a4 kegk aad t rbacrded them TE ba be far 0x0 pee te them, Cheree & © abaed Cute om brek, A L057 thay ao 4g athtlrse aud Asaf fpicred out of a bac Liew af edye Ff Aseke tart ah tuk 2, “5 arin tatlecl av She “ft fe Gt [£23 oe Qo Mde Cagle. hag Led rot Ze cage of LE yf po eet thre petevnri aback 23 Ng Oo Cortech teas mreechy Ritsrenpae tottcad plane flere . he necee 2&,.tbd anaes ie eee a4 all lined Gate et OS Laod fect i lles plone pene DIS 2 redhaste 2 Lier abhasedk 56" LLL atid mole tip Atbsnarntd wn Tes Lorne (50 feck tidy . aw be fo , the Lig jini! Tnwecas Me a. L , CP onto got age £142 P.M, On eaten he ). art Ld eppogencs 12 Corb tuk S eipeecns are Git Bh criboahe “yn Cty Ol GTE GS 700105=-15 Diencel war tee. Lien fees? 1: $3 eae of LAUt é S| Anrcreac. dor at 1:50 » Only tardeom 3 sede of fant toon / ; nD - aud 3 @kiclatlece. Dee Mop at ~ Hetes, ttt RE Lrrels otatrwed t182 2 Geils) ; 2 aud F ” phewe berid ick ae niga at eS, ppbeage Sb , Dinetl bors 2 orkid fietel on “pe. thin iwnreet rs n a ee hin Apel, G02 Hrarusge , es slang _* : - aS,7 Afarrew Lowel , CSTE ee eee ce Cad of Place Ce), Cu, Meopaeeiee Ce aethet aud onsale Xh.2, otiwratinn me the 2 othur oft Grolier of typpn om Carrng Resewrocr . we. Demat letD Bese aud Lie . ° / Soe ee esos N70! of aucthet aad te opgpros, SO X FQ and Len. is Ew , Cotntel /ory rnatlarda // Cook, Spe lp Couwel 12 ri Leal, eee Curse were ow NT LET HOMERED EE. teas trod nelieets hed Aeueely - eek caacatel Aho? aq Jo feet tomy Lam tunrlhk tel fda le Atluel hound co a frerlane deqrmenrh Pee rs eS ee (9000 ) thes Barrons Carne coffe corkhe a SZ FO, 040~160,000 pnatlorde , Lg te aw Antheaee OUty the - Of 40,600 gls0 JOO\03- 1G Say Ka et eee mat barde- ee. - DT Uh Ggle Coes, ie bigs Pauck of inant 7 Tila ale “ett aia ane BS hoe teen A mentment ea laie, gare Bia daachns Lthe S80; ob PL rig di fie i ee EM Tongs ww Che ees 2% ee ll om aed web ipcent o ented La few ER a tect pares Sees EG ance oe a, eT 1 ao R oe & ths Sw. ep ‘Lh, Stu, sa tot Ao. PO Phe wthacke sehig cone a mace “7 fee dei dawn tthe spur bak, aad anertcoedl SE maps IE Lh. a a ee Lhe wats, Pi tee of pee a lid ther W, EO ie ax soe eb tee onan fay oe ee trth ths broek Kfaree oehae eb TE pine Cre Th Pe Sal) Ak nallerdle Kove Cl Lape pom nate F:22 ttle Ga Maal Oaeaney ty golds Hate Ble BE EA tee act Lift afpreg. 2/3 of the “To” spel pln for ateeaet al RIS Pm, _ Pree, case, TOOlOS- 1-7 ep ay 27, Sa OE Cmte Fonts ge Larne tinal Ge roa atm nes thy Ranch, FBS Bas naitae dang abit Ou) en ins tha oct meade ta fs 2a7 3 Bit] Anethe snipe oa ye ne pare tee B vigennd le Cg Ie Vepns ofigodiicd tow f Co tic tpl hed are Jae Fe - a (Lowe Evoke EEE ec ieee teheticle patlhir_da: fleth, geses eet SL ad than 8 bet BSE or Cant, Pg, Cee Oped ES Zs eee fon Pay ie ae 4:08 2B ner ape CE itt in doa wo pool fe LS abet 4:20 clieeko Z. SIZ printf, Hinwrh os Awl ee ” db Balas Ty 20ecleuehs a7 pe, pee png Riek 1 eG ee, ioe Yao wants Lvl, 4, ae Baud foes ag Ya eget” Titer ees Ah 27), Lf or ged ff ie 7 #:30 J,600 Gch hi. opts Gl meee wn on Aud fibre mogaag. O18 an lea LZ Lag lacet lesa val i Sie 0 wei AOL" Lies wo, ae Pas heret asf JOO 105= 16 Lereled ever Che Lae U Se ae Gertie sa geen neparatid ud 50 fertiniied 7) ah f hight thy Lh» tu 50g AL BPG Dpitens A (Va ml Long) fen jae pita sec trie ye mar hLttynrite (0,000 arr-cherrtera le , Las 4G #5 ay, ptlerde, ster atont MernecLee Abent ALibaagl rath oe meorg Monn is ti) mabitauds Conenry po 0). J, tlle tank opt FOR, Pe bat cays ae Fil iffe theron ed aud é 3 fee F2 S107 700\103-13 cede free own, SIP Tew af (22 fer merwk yan Se Let etl % Zn Se Be a ee nua, aba 2ihe AB TM Tad gfe ob, oo? Inatharces shit? Braden x ; oo turds grinute stvhel Eh aan F? mal I MEA UE a hums S00, 1b Rbaeet Oe Aen “ Forth PAae1t “oe a free | j ti fornet a “hattle tower cheeedeas Zhe Ele Slatin he Knee Vette , house Fe th. 1 ote oo eng heal AED Lice Va ehdicabastng i final BE rh. gig peace Te pert an Lofedy, Has? epithe ppg Sed woe clam tb fad ne fetid pick tle beg (abel pila te oftirnern % Sark, io Lhe ericwce feeerocee 7° dBi Cline rapie i pp PEE eee 7 pee fofectetirry on the Loke 1d aw , ent A ep ent ae 6, 1970" node Cheehe wm Heke al Ferry Keseverr te Btu LS! ie ee tho , hy tear, BSS Rot. , Grp 18° F, Port. den ha Lrg alitixyrus Pibctnt ow gon 3. wil hig Lat of Ae repli, and meactacrlarfe , Wit reklecl, 2 mtaezwleike, “7.9 Karlen bavk, 7 Perrag Lame S93 Bmtsclowtlerke, $0.6 SE &tiene (fd, or-@Lh/ TiVO1OG-26 6/0 ~ tharfted OC. .. Ci aad Wie. G1,< E cewek he eats wet coc off cenacd foo pure rae 29 Ome Gngun tgs bs ABH, we gretlants Left b Siwy , J3 foot pod aw wetir uk appiol 25% Preller te OMS Pecos, crete, fe rate A filo notin nL 2 5 Sa boke, 4:36 Fl00 eres a fon © lh daa Po ln Bk ae wat beep Cfyprcy 20 Bow Bred 200'ls TY me pd, lezen Shwe Lntve dom fs E BG co) Aetece’ ol Facrt, havaks (melted Boat MS is eg Vail Ceres ee winds ad Diet a SE wines field Loe Gh? leek Gudlge. 67.4 Cech Cito, 2 fewead, 70-6 DG Datla To a et fag BE 70.9 her pried He water hed not Legion ots ta geet re mn Apo (fees Py t om thier teole oe ye ee Jacuwde ree ohelage ant aeeseeains Bee Bi fica 78.1 at S304 mm. oe fork of *0tlacce tbl ee SE be Er ets oe tha Dew eck pe Recerper pai 1 Hii ed if hark Racal Cemefitrabire hed TOOMCGcS? - pg ITOH , oer cee apeiron et ite So OE ead re waist ff ttlinrd an |, Bett Clawed dip Da to qe wi ge Certs Gey -9_2¢, at ombaze LZ. Bacto I cd oo pales é Fe ty plied é3.9 ee hee oe : ohves a 2 alarbnig s 0 tw (pane oct ant Lele pterrt Co Mccte fens f aoe [523 anton Tabane ot entge G Airen Ge eet fawn, « 7a fe a er ae ae - Lhe tev 7 ‘ 74.9 thebew., vn aud uscke Gali Carney Aan bat will Cntinir wd, tne BGO ES G lag fave ts tome ane Plane , hun. Hh fond Ff for eee ti ble apes tm ye Y boy Bhettofpe 6s 110d, Die arwweel, 6 Dipaedé TOD Gh Lift te Aare but debiirned & Lob. Khare ae 7 pnaee aud 2 Chee ae ae Ca 3 a he Zhnt hflaered by ), fod be Merinice werd rere ek a Cogs Le epee eet ane Cauntees Aft olf ee a abet Mhe on Lam» 1A6 o Sos Yaa Up and S, 43, Leff ot the borne Kn gee Yaamnatlard | Y 3149 7) Cancel ini SH trotters lef Hirt are afiprer 70 Lf bat Lhe ptr wucatin trkack, Made the ns S49 tthinde , 0 mallard Bs F519 68 Conoco L Lf & “We 7 yg Sent. ham af olan d mullet, crhine Cheag On Lareclerey to forids n og teahcong ah, ~“O-CLh7/ 700108-22 (o Orinsbeci 7 LS, ave /Omatlarate . BLOT s - a fis ie 5° Covedeoer Lift 6S, Lk) Cyperedeagbietias? : iG teee: ZiO/ eee os, Zi ow F Conate oeeee $b. EE a KitS the ofer proud Mepaperta 305 gnatelardes vtrtrnent S. He Lat Canecla gowse tifel ot ¥ienw ‘ ue 9) a9 ih = Lffn the prudlin ale dl grevvncbtiues 34 we 7 ae =" 4]/~715~ 19 -%. ayek the Cenvaues of provinces Mick Le the hams area. (nee notin). J\n gerd at 4:16 Apok the : Ns phot: | Knwbee heres IE)! PUA F pen oats 0 of dre “GE aoe ta located Oveteek Soot aud the 5 tnd f aul teteec.,. the orth baud train GG a oe EG a hind ap tad . dod of oat aud Aune WE aw w71 tim Lecce vase bes law) a1 a treed! true b SW torre G tha beteoewn (oe w tud 4 Aan), ee. peg 9 hicek- gees Ls Ntifonecble en O or at Lead D Lhe Go le oy Cb Lat. : ELE . Ch. 7 Aesotratid urlh Pha cltrietion LinsnZ tb sien, OOlO8-2. Pownall wee wes Raptinn aud the ote hides. 2 '7001!08-23 418 latched a pba aed sed leche rolpeetiy fgik ot bodig Cytert jo! see Ge oe oe ee oe AY pluts top % j BO tidied fh He idk ahorge a lelensen Gatil aud € tual Aap deft Cvetoete Olorint at 4:20 aul Crowe Oe el ald Sf EEE ee aud Paw, 7, FAG - wn ee eee OOTY S32 nor Asal , 33.8 eee i MeateReeraa ey PR cena. 2 F4.0 /F | €43 Lerrnadf be Coat Rarngte cod of ffrvebicne’ SALA water a Gls et, Defi d, Yo fer water z& 0 FOO OS—-7F auc aw yeess No Joo/os-§ oe frdg. Crcaby water , FW) teret ee kee Peake I? At 4:30 pAhacle+ LJ Li gal Ane AT Ban S Eee aeccens, 2 Gorhaad Grr mete , wile ct ee are Bd bd ne plea Png arnatet thes tae been 550 rratharde arront Seton Lhe rrotbharols evrm PF EJ pied boned , soob slaving pil Lhe wetin. Khe Sivicondaby. ee fgen. thorwtrnre eta LR Gf bh. matlacdk, are — + Khe water . Hine Pmaret Hanes fle bg abirg Avot Li: So another Y222 a fluke € GC Garere wot, t, 5 whoe Arrnue a4 Abarth 2-3 fect see, Ow AR pvageet S tnch a flutre mrenrhr ly thee, lode 700108 = 24 e. G the , Ad, O7- Be ) an Lffier dene Che the ae ; hog A pa ime gh mrs Mates iihtsuete Pobaiis ‘ SIOO Aercho, teu spat he cal dawn. Atk the Lone 2 toon Pie Gee J&, 000 tnatla, bo an Lap Paavt oft wraler Id woeed : Bhat Lore are 36,000 1 fend S, ow AE 000 Drscbcwnel. CLM (tthe Teac “(Tieg) AA, os handle tbrooac. rnatlardo S pJend aud ; Leek oe 7 7) at PO EM EE BGs ano-vernent oy ay Atdigat aol A be a, LY 24 Sere nn tee “oboe Jap ford tk “aE, Ey He Aereronw 77g WL a 40 Qbow fee ta wtite urth anaw lhersne 2h ae DB S fick Cuvch, Mays Aone va tlear 202 acd free 9° F, CLS rene pest 0 EW GA tag + at $130 hm, at AEr*GLGt oe 700106-25 autlel gate Caw pee Auncredo lice he yen ay Te aa if mans foul Mayr a4 thes & tran et Fheve are, 50,000 rralllaks 5 ee mee ate ferret We 7) darteewde wm bs ee GO, O00 an they area ( fare 3), Si #o FIM ie if trends 4 evees:) Kourinee, Mewalar Ce fences thth wrth Comgo 4° belye O, (4: 30A.m), weoawe on tle pide cof oo 8 approcehad L urth. 2 feat hyfore it Kacwenee Alyrgler Q2:, Remaee Aas LEED FO 19 tardcirats ad frrder at 7: 30h.777. Beret EF, 1 AGL Cohuk aeenecnted thier ann the tee Amel J Cede Le Cee pf ene, Henge , Getene! fae Penh . Cee ay Cea : Koel thar ttre Aobkerne fevebing om the es i ee porte an Cy bard ong ce we Rewrenee, hevegles Co, orcas a ee aww 7 (970 [8 torddimaalarused ay” Peed, 7 7-200, tthe Maw. af /8°F. Fle Sowenee! tanh & Lager of cee Cun d Lheee Ava Chit tw Lhe Aix, Ke och, Lael td Coat of tome f eee turds (beth AVF) cmere fovtred tenth cte ardrne, th Laol cone brs Aen VM aprew Obout tents of Top b eel jf o N= meee Auf 4 ZeP We wv hs pte pole | Che toroge nce prs other ; é. wrt peed fee fot cn Uf Careline Chan o~ De-AL HF 700108-26 Talis Resse Deport Go, Eee ane. '7,/970 cheekd Fi keg, oan der, populates ne shied V tanall Dende’ apt haute at trtheoge or, Bras AVM , Lev fan tO"? 5 Aight areas eqanntinetlcet. Ti sarge Beaute, whet Aerie 40 Often’! on BH n,5,4” thank tut Abcae4h EZ) , ee sand area ia spew but Oheed Legund bE, Pram. Z fi 24-57 will best Cnnphle Couen, Ferrey Caw oe O7,7, Zarb ferig Corn Gif Kore cece ne hints heahwtin Kostrence Y Corr . BVOS 5 Ctnchiad , QAl ZZ. Candreabse, 21,9 40 alate cobrnid powees . 22.) A ferrcene A2.7 FF , A206 S” Carndliaeaile-» F3,/ Midsartgh axial antes Yon So te. SO Luce oferriaces ¥ 10 htee, B36 SE Cntranee Le fark , Pb é tied dawn (at $1042 OO CET chad CLIC nnd ts 7 Re ee oe ge at aut! rehired tect, Abs E excl dawn. Pin oYoreee, 27-3 So BPs Bion Doe EO, 28a °° aud Stree 29,4 Plow o Left A&G a thcepeuge - 29.7 Shel Ql rnd) thuuro Thre bah gmp Ww Aede Wes dawes PidaaecD chains : Nee. wind D6! batinvals. On Avod The Binal 1a 424", SOv7 5 fuera. 3Af aoc fo aff. 317 §& Larchurcaly , FR. 3 ramnage S01. efter duel Rentbrreled, 33,5 ip x Aedge aed roc ocr Grede Ua bownt, 339 sag Veer, tk Hoses djote. oft acl te khowt "ps Largis thew Last Padi tbctitg Lis Rartonl Z2 tawochaw geese Leff at 9: 357 30 lpr ot 438, 9 heh t+ 9:40 wheck Omabdahs the tums of OI gerae They atk flew G ler) Lode , Hour 53 rather te ir De dandy ot AE eat offpomt | Be eee the les foveretbe yp the edge wf the thew bade of Ava 7001 08-27 wees 23°, by pun oh ea ae pct Les aoe Lut Pie La a ot la wy 6 tl fot a Qnus., ee fp) ane! Lph ot jémetian Cenceco atl Ecce Cho Rates putt punt hn ah clea Nel. a page bhurchlhand wat te , sect’ A Luke Lo ty Koa Lhe 1G ebek sagas od na s Light brad) an Aer) dae pre: nat fy /0:08 pe (Oifo ZB LOles J Cutie, eee vai Joala hens (CE -w). 2 Adughe Gon ete pe an a 10129 ae mip alee lad oe ee Wattiel baph aud batted, Loe. Speen pent ceegpend Pt a a ge DQ thx af ee Gree ivntre 7 map cache Gen /0.¢0 at "iabb ns adda a fide tte fp pd os av beat fie aude ppuseted, /b' a Tia on res seiey: Ln. " Gpaaginae Hh afi rm) Pas 2 bb prey Bees dame fom sp wag ab ade pees tek Leeeeh Ly? oe thay ; pao ied pod . “tes of ee a Te peg ae Th ee ‘T; ral peed of SE COL Lhe bntkinkicd | ee a Lich — Dgndash Co few Bouck, LF er WeaEe Covet proche aud wunalz sb edge J bake rw Ate. this do at Arartage wrth open perth puch le 7. IV:45 antrenee Aecglith cnimtmaae ranean J Re ee - Sheet an Lobe Laue slop bot. Antréget 1 ) Reed 4, ae ena stein Levitan Hep loan t, Sd Mab, Aes Pe, O B nrsenenww, P23 ,¢ Pow om teplaude , 235,F 2 beriaine A E6./ SF : C6, prot, SO sng OF. + Sige OP Fw Daa Arcade | iy eam 13 & CAG Baap ates 1 {fis (AL D2) , Miwa stat Does heey Llanres . af tat ATES, Tae pdt hed oP ye oes eI ea Me Be, Aaswed uk Eke pgee, See dag eaecaas ay ee Dipl Dacia 9 Vie thet pale 1 ee Lian, i Haw Lebsp ; 10.08 for ve 100% Aud stented Te poe een Op wed ener ice al od inethy 5 IL Leb Crecect pie ene ee woh ro ima atop (eied = Soran aie oe. /0:to oe peptone ene U2 105]! a ened ant foe engl fE- HS? 700i 31-34 the Dw and PE Re. lee ea ark slr ed to fos ol ow heme obgtez, JOR Loghe pls Lo trod aol Ainplaced it. at fore ig the object laff ty the trace. the troed plow Clot Hehe, Tite? SOSH Lyf ye Ducat wanird led, soo" ther hotinned a Uenat. Lone sagen pagilid am open wmatin 77 of bridge. LOIS bag ftw ont ont pater eo” tcl Adie, petcrcced . 7 tip | LO° Rk, JOLt7 10:20 eagle > a ge At ppome , O° 2.3 wae yee Bae 10" pedo Uf ie (O25 Bigg eagle dire S Reema Ke eagh io ee 10°29 ping. Praet . ora skhorf Cree. i gat ADbavin de ; Lhe Kae wrested pr ther weeratrpa CO9¢ ton gth fang? 00 Le ee ee ee 4 tui at Lhe Lipadld th : tse ahah Lbs ¢ OG" kage at Fie Hi ei ys ; th, Five fi the Fragansas Leph alo} Of ew CA a (he Ace, Ce Lb approached conlk, uf abyra? 62° uy ch Lhe ar gee! LOG th. bande tad AE eagle Gove chine fo do eto nt La ung mae Fils trergauscr? - Sie ag ; eed (rea tgtine (Ede abeatit- were ee: (0:35 Bogle ee ween ed afer water 22ek of food (150 ofan) then relitnmed Lo ear rood Bud Blagh led) oo BD sig dn, Di ek he tea dif ak Ah, Gar 2-3 fash coud Thin a. og Lee af of epoeed toste,, 'Hhis bail deems bo, Le hind iu wal. pelle. tha (O:ud Prirnak fowdh. es z Le) oe oe oe ohedke suet Cadge fe Oyler 10:50 Loup Lar fan Lar beew ang Lert 10 mipectis and womd mu et eee a, Cpt LiL wk SEU bt Se Tg fan bb, fucking ow ww ope baat 7 Ka Apa: dep: Spat typdd. M@AS 2 metlarcy beh ted te pnd © of tredge. Ui: 18 2agh Left 7 cee ob each s Dorie, thinee € tn treats goght OP ea Ged eT res 00 7 ane eplanobs From - Cemetirg Aedkge) cud eereled, eee Law at mnroet r&therleflint flghh at S 4 Littl Shugh Atperted Le gnererneccdH . haters ph ths bee 0 Allg) pn Malla he a Ahe Atached thy tprlherugltseber. the Ee Peden) vat A-acled) GL LA Ad: : 7 a ta li te Lt AEE, AAT Ae Corarner flag ht wth, the lorlan fawk, At Was if woe t&il re, pee . Aes fleglit, 00 40 9 Bate aueetaui. Aviert- tied went 2 ) tpeteacad perietiue , duritaet tomingl ee fe U)umted ° Fo dn Che sic7e (he It-0s), TOt ste Ano f cog cenerepderr, on 2tfhlacenree/ , he the jee wht ce Ao tectnig the tight thin of Thdaky, here VE-OL4I 700131-36 a TN 41210 Pies? Lote pr) Ate tee Dil § tag where toouce Lowe fee de ZF | , ibe At Ofttr~ ; conten Lge. ey, oS Loe: rao the tf fell ever ttedcor. Leyt pas i Lhacp, ott, [Wi3b tagle sLittl Owen lo € (Ceme likey Me ge cial Lescaial PN aa Dee eas FATT RAZ 11/237, VES Set as. ee FS Gay Co. 3 5 RSS Lattl, tharegh Creek, Ardege, LY a ken, Opes cw rif fle LPO Le el tae tee) aril other oa Lhe rte few u-etee atact 50° of trek Channel. 26.7 Lop keel ns epbaucle . 27.3 Aevegy 27 fend lo Left froze - SO {7 Llrvgle Papert 3/. F Aracuoge: haley ofa tracted ccemanibealtey pacha Aiwepptearcd. BOF ctregthleslh Fe, Dleee oo, Fv. 72.9 Lop Heel ard foe ye ee ey a Be Chpgcte vase Gnade. 5 etl tirtteonnerre tlh top lawn t Corudins — Checfhecv21e of Kat , ee STD - LISD &F . (2°00 4 Lee Yrurreis By BOD tte, aka pee Cn tine Late, To DF sd Moat ture. : ‘ ¥ - (2:02 OG irae, /20 Pree arra_r , 4ebhaehLackees , Aoereg wo ont, - SBO4 EF yyernes fo Afurrorw? - Aha led Aflarae.— . ne \ i areal ; Ze tok” m2 , /2'06 Hole thartroco Zo Ikke Lee tele Lop Dawl pe the Aron dette he Pi) aes ake. me. i tha 7? a /2:09 w tad Lap Vornt, Fhe. byplenne og wale tw are 3- ite ee total dy te Zl se. Ane te Bp Ne Pt potlon cox Teeg Sethe, He £2° OL4/ TOOLS 1 = S79 asst f wale, aac ce, es as atnuf and 2 tinal geaee gral tre 7 {20 berelo, -Aere art alo 20 x alate Canmat Aafere, tupeces hy Lowe © the Ge pre: (2:47 SF 4 . SASK Seed fhe wth dad ( kemnenge at shoe Op. ob (50°72 | Lk. OW forn? G ap linn t P29 2 Dee tharracer JOA a CAI 2ST bop id a MGA, Btove Aven & bowl Yo TF lA rice otevatierrs on Gen pore & Ww, at 4/17 FZ _ Lite! eo is wong! pid doe eee Geta... Bt bf ae Jornil, Se ad ee ig ae aut feb ers metireal Avbkele the Mearch Dftu (0 tong atone auc the. Lift sealer cael plas over cee Le arteed chore , at 30, at op Vomit at yalloage 33,4 Belou ze. noted Chat, teak of ia me lortact Uf there , 33.6 Lop cyplaede, B= 2, ? Arnel poor . tniretk hawk | BIO Araege - 343 Diin Avod 3b Lonel at Lift rood 57.7 Slowegl. Creek, Cuctoy. re SEO AArAbtehL FF7 mace rar, 4 roe, 400 SE er biiuee, Raw wo ban. #10 Carck €r.0 Ble on Med wy, ma Bi oe Bene ae eee Ra prado pi a ma /yoean aaa pottinn Cee Pee Sws lo NED gr: LArnr2rved So [Z etme af #3,3 N se, at-oli00?D . Eqd dhiurted eenVveor 700207-3& . Kaurevcer) Lr: ee ieee Ce., Lge. Feb 7/7970 i, Gy kee le fe pice Ohersstow Lhe 4m. 1030 Tenn. SL, Kawrence, herglae C ., Famceet’ Feh. 7,14 70 sl acme Aina lomamiedan meme fel at a dart peoclars om View - Beis AH Nee ee ere, ott Ee nneengs: of eine Th Oe ae Y2, Taine JOSS oninutew , Cantara~wwle sodtul. Oe ye, 20 ah atone Lire, food omerereet 6 asec Ache cra ae eee Fieswd fla Dtbpernsen te ocd Ab # wn fatten of che & uel of clams, notiol thet the ote wetin feed 7 of Credlge (See Yur 5/) Kad tilineled 7 20 Limear oftnrege Ao we pod ebaut Wy ditiree of the Agacrkis (wacde ) AhoreLyie , tut net te The fer water the me Oger Hic . ee ot eg 3) Ga ate Love Mo thane De ae contol SH a 4 og, Bo athe Low, Ofrwtie ate open. CA. heed: Dam Dri ial Sto freres Std port 7 0d Ateend ead tempered do atone niu that at eg as Ferny, ALE other ree derface rw Kittle Slough Fag Sod . ‘Ke. Dade suas OC Bibs Aagl deonaLi gf peed poate Ly, hy the Oia ate ib -39 ‘700207 i en ee ee ee ner eee on ee THIS ey 1 ON too 1 ¢ Fe Se a a nae re tne ae Lae bey a a! JACKSON 1 CO { | 4 Bi Se ene se en a ete a ' 1 + i i ' : is Ve nape pet Vo “RESE ERRY a a fe can ne ga yee ’ a: Po FFERSON \ 4 SIEFFERSONY CO. "JACKSON ¥ CO H i OF , UL K I i 1 LPO! f == 4 ~ Yue Seton an AES fee CONSERVATION | 7 : ie ee RC RR sue ¢ P pase specs aon np: am we t feiak Satire teaainaiany i 2 ~ Rone r Lc bmn heen nef 1 Vee i IN, eS o ter , wa spiel ON athe cK 3 AMO a CYkAHSRED On ICE tédge Spe bt % i ja specie — a a rn a a ey pn pe gaa \. Be: CA-PLS/ 700207-40 wel to S. tut phy htt a ae fraetine Tt Lhterncledcl 7b S the promt eLire does mates au btrupt tm he the E. ther port bh lode (or re0 Channel a4 em see hat ploorted posed to 77 are oper . uw hw Ontort b ofin wat at drudge ar . he the Pestle Fovunt BAe, Lespatibyiens, the (eetrclings 10S Gemertte, AANA D RE ET eee S00 matlaide, tr8Er€e aur the, heads legend Char area Bln. ene apg@rit +,000 Matlarwhs fe, a decree farther Le the S than Ogee Gn e lenanter. all matlardye totie of the 7g (heer ffpomte. Nec he prathathy ee 2 — / White. Pirdtcnent:. do the perth» Pra Lie, we Promccpal aren for Huck tke, . Mere ace” agyter 5000 maethirhs, 80 Amietetaw Aiotl Re geen etary lead, ST Cormmercee/ Cleliren.rre fordo Sttpisrt Y frre Ag6tt (tuucleenr) « LHe water prow Fool ofenen to the S aut i (ate mop) Zul : d WE, POE SA SORES eas the 3S Cegend ban ee fe! seat lf Ptroaad fue Qoidec! the Cd the oftw 1 He 7 2b ge ole trnks Lag eS ancl sv. He regent ty ee Aeadl. Am oft arta of svatin ‘of 100 Lenene frerk a Cermettr syne 7 200" aw Nhe wowrnrdlir tote. Sobenae eee ao i dae: other cuede” Pbgllag tere. sees , he Wigs Blah Pee al aad te Precis,” the _ y tat otleol the pesecdl hemestl eormmter terdy , (2. gtkloed — LAGE flockise wine meted. (Kaplores om map.) Ade Lhe Creek, a, fas es en alike "Tags aad men © ERATE vee Arwol ated @ thn stateh Geomntin rm erat dade gy Cher bay, CA ~OLB/ 700208- 4 | hired: Kansas, (otis Lote, Farerence, Mhecglen &,, ee Aet, 6/970 ee ap" 1 peeing Pow dea. 85.0. 9. eagle Le. 3S 4 Soham SSL ies ee 38.9 SE welanee L Park, w+h z- GE cc yeah iyt boa eager Khovgt Crete . ee ae nthe ae ado g4& NE, deed ateig thar on E Acol' 2 57: ee ree set oe a oa oe ope Pind A eet. Teen 30°F . Bey erat: B jumsene (aba tga pt Aes [2 guncee ar 30 Lue afperviecus APSE es ag ford ow ford om 7 of Taek ee ed bt pew te. Later ca Lot pr ne ua neeaay Beate eed aired food Tis? post — del tee abe x Fd 7 tue! pace a igen CAL fore re cteaad teks es E Bee nape Ne ee RI 008 th CAL att aes ah et 3 ant ¥ Pleas EN ~02b7 700208-43 Bete Daren Lake wotin, the water 4 oper gov is eer. Af wide Lud a oy TA? Geewed. sue, brainege at enteae | Fas 2 Lee tharos ae onieretinis ed boycekaa) sas SO shy gf tote tetivern Coke aud but qraas Hofer fretd . GiBO° Grin org bile A angle antelHe eek Dail pea eeps, aatel: Balm tintin iw antebrt thellars lo hegh areh, outrthreccd L r A oenes Cte the or SSL, 740 Reel ie Baal Boag: Zot ali of tonal prot hare . “S "bend. tral cn Chas Channel autch at ai fer porch G Cag. Ln Spt att well 9 pice, tis Doe cad hweolre ; His s ivr tack Lo mouth 9 draumge at Dn? wade : hee tite ele t chee Cf zerord H! , dorne fag OL Sy 780 Past eyeliner Beas ee Gh knee (2 anncliaw 2% Irore, (9:53) Zest packs ob ther ford , Cre purple Citmita ti, Lé aapndin dad nrth G57 Lou! pout of E hide J i ne Wale, open 30'.€ i 30! of Ww keds of auch /¥o' up Esecke of mm E Ache fort. her os Cha dort What tas fer TO Atlan, ou Ahortlened j xe tipi Sen ei ce Lo 77, ? Ny a Lege Pop: at , 1/3 Bal CL bbeof Led Vick Bee ees LT 0s fern bane douw Lh Lote, sora Aoume, 4 puecs, 3iiee efartecre, BRR-@EGS 700208 -44 J0'08 o€h ee pe Mo te 10% 5 open ersten, gust L ny ikon ee Aanall thretle , Hae 11,, eve Aucl Mere macees Gebatbales al Ga hy ied os, LOE tofiger Luck . So’ tesla,” /O"17F a ae Phovnel int. thish whrte tee; test? ley » WRis theusted cee (3-8 sche thech.) Lon Tes wake eal ted to mata tnd bat hal tha pemelingrocind. olracnagye tnsle Lok henel ena Tine, JOLan 2 e4&Reckees, | getlow the fid th He feta s eee : Find, a Mee eaas tts 22 Long pee, fOia5 food om gle eat deen 2 heb, Chat, As Lhe Cite, botiwksS A Lbvaiiees ee A [Kor at AEM Cn Grane but ten WE eis ces ark eee JO. 35° Keael of LaLiial Lntrnage (Leads ow Lesnre a Powal wctouyt, griue Hil, Kote evil in clraceoge Le feat abrugt bine i Aramage (at rock chffa), Croke te tegend aud 5 thik. gelled flecked 2 Cheehadess. 10:42 Level of hoawage Lo Feet of handy lecinape lO+¢ ee ew ibiiola o jberefe- Cp{lee eels 5 Ahete fort I. Ie lta athe Cheese. - trrifler Clear: JO:¢6 2 ed Cife 5 hee tfartacer . 10:52 ese Pa Lefer Aint of Meee, fttoag Feu eo Z a on te , Oise Craw witht ataleaka f le , mn ef _ Lices , 4b ome LKore F cand Cher tine, Lenmeber ». Wtoo pens oe tog sey fr a ae “ Zoe Vammed a bent ee oe pig eee lonely a hen z fg tpannedse» Atort /00' ink ie a proline om tut nee Paes t oO iter AN-GE LS 700208-45 Lire si eon QR Chiukectees, ("06 FP Aparato - ys LuerrtateL 2 LO & eee oD oe poe w7ZZ tonle, gree ee ay ony etl I oy pi og or, ats Za Sere eee lpg pe SE cain be i Fp aap era He ee etn ib sees tds pile. Mt: ae [1 25 oa - ef he ie Leugl Aen coccagen emasied ee ee ee cae ial ce bin ar ripe or 7: al MS). Ahef ed ple eter oe peter S eS ee 1), Fakir. Jala oa cc of lief toc castatld ng od pg at “a “haa ree CO Lhea Intctatirnee, fe poste ead 11 ty thtmine L Lyt— Jie] rea toned Le make frond birt. 205 Poids ve7 £m [mug « af ee pare /2/ 0% Mrein ho NU an a athe eo $0, plea ausl pen oe chiveksptch soft Cope De 74 Aead af vey oy alae. Po Aral ton hy Ttrep: SO°F , aachug Fe x7 QI OL aT JOO2OB«4G Dide palen ds Pres ghe apenen eee Zo Tio seca md ark on Coenen ET tasced eo eoed,e /, l eo Zofotro bn tv — PF 02,08 Oo EO, ie ~ ippror /o ee peers srt Poder seni d mee 3 feet), Ah firndieel, tt a0 octane (estoy a get ae Aw 40 secs, Ont 30 dees; err 3S pees, Out 30° jn 2O toe ht to tere, tm Joes ;3Saces ; ime POE | Sci es Deed im QS Aeed ' out 35 ace, 11 JO deen 5 Gut JO neces ; rw AS deed « Gut 1S Abed! poses) at ete The, mpiccsinaadt dit daece ane uae eee, seciekacin | kept atl /ai 47. are writtl pple Lerten, - Ptye Bagi: Finn, oo. 4 2 thcapacte) 4h -0¢4h7 700208-47 Bee feted i ttewie Lepefle jin Ciel, wiiewe Harty are oS 20 Grrspere/ Lhtottirk Aervtrey Oreefea . Ok aoe fay a pe pat sgt ee wer je fy enc af 7 esty eye off Gre poe iee Vie fort AB LOS. a Mfrtrrecenl Frere Lher flor Cors ol IFO bag ee, ele pe Ge cette peticelly re so DY Atk Aucl tegind the ee ees eee intn) generale eae: rat 1 olegt Mar Care (proper) ab NS oii tm einai of the walks. sult, ateat Ch. cute f dap rot yt he AE bok bo a. Ri Prete ow oe Fitacl ™m 2) tede ie Loy rap Luh, tea ths wear a td, a i bo Lee APD cian th awe L1G 3 ; ype VhaG? iitaiziangll eee e hue art no ntel 1 there J Die poe ioe 7 hiy Heve nrned £ Op eae ia fol aii fei a noe 2 GEA TO | lf leat Deen ey 2) tw Hermnek prlrrege auc aw dome Aree, S50 Mare Otyue Lebyert, (0 pod ot a 7 tage a A hachadect, BOR Aned. Dire [eG ea ee ee. 8A ~*PEbS 700208-48 [rt ruclitatich, A few mot rune Cone Cotes Bebeteinc ol: . 2)}30 | ike cen aaa PELL tune Gf Ca hkg 7 Cel 2:50 gE a ere Benoecd, Lift areas and at SLi Se Bie Lin ocesr, f (ark ot 2.05, Augth ge me ptrislue 60 mi, proband She = 9 ort 2 ee ee Anal outs ){ Sterghe Cask udge le hap Fart) Akgte -Coteredl yp 8-2-8 /F—4—/o-/8-AS= ) Joes Aperrow 30-/2-2-3-4-8- 42-30-b0= (7) Hg ee? 3 -2-2-F~3-3-2-}- 2-2-3 = AO aes (-f-1-1=(® black: Coppel Ch chaclee 3-2-2-2-2-2=(@3) prerelease - mclaneliatle ¥ Areneveege gentratly Lun tebe lic titevkite 13-1326) prtow- shafted flecks 2-/-/-/~!-I-l-® hteyer - Aten Aptis = Cligal amannal ticrwl Breeds Cory ae < alg peg? ¥ Bow he nertPhiin gehe rectal /—/<(2) ned lethesl unucpeeker /-(=® thie a sod O.. wetkincd A000 eee oe eet age peepee a BIS Lobb (epeheerse off clecedes b mecipassscry) Z : Kerug Eescossn, Sebfertere Ce, tan4ad Febh.10 V0 Paarl a ence of Toclias (38onm) potatos af tee Adeline orn theretne ee the hlorigk Ourk area at ate Leliveen Fi00 —4:30Ph mM. dni Clean? « Zhe tf feed nv Qkheretiie ves fod natized off 9:20 (ae mop of Feb 6) aud toe Phe mtn eee, /2:05 tre beyne Map an atone (Aornt of ) hid nat aceertanr this borne Larncleberys wrt priecud up & fret, apenas, fe eng ey or rock 700210749 oe al 2 alee teria dl pha ae re init pled | dirpbegecl D> wae Gee Re the tte mto a “Ma mooth aunrth shyhtt, ok reer dateavond (overage B'), thie row g he rttblratn g thes a0 ww Oh Cd be Areoreled OF ~92 bs 200210-50 Pp es ay pee ees ee See of ee. me pions pol aiphaciics pprcle fode, le ment Ahi EAE ae Deg ee tasers tbo: Be Te EE, OER AE pe re eae ie 7. tibat Gopeed swith thn rornitte Lobe Lemst Coucd $0, klawowk ppemtlosen Macweritedcwast Miata prccal Ve apy eens ee Pa Gp Ore Acntio ah Lhe mroncinct og Lack wii Leiner, Fe pr td Pantech (tevmneat KX ; BS mn Kobe cherie ftotee lohew : 4002104 I TE Nw shor geen Aetee ££ FOORDIO-2w Je 7tv aut ik A-eopte Otte antorrd eet Ppove alwars. Berra ans 4 ; Ae Sf Aevote we Cnr chesicinel AtrteLre, CL Lek PA abe ae JOORIb-2 Fo v? cy Loew «42. aeZigin FOORIO—- 2X Fo SE = Biter. Petrie dno Sedges thatel deve log ae e/ Zz dkrute he athaeteS2Z xf, bead stg Pine 7 7JO0O91O-7F feo SE hone, 7009 /0-F Fe SE Feow Antiebico sn Aerren. Partcecue POCRIO~F Fo Wea. Buticbnis snth parprdh tutes S fe Fo SE JOOR1O-/0 70 Grartims ard donee fF 4 JoeQ10-0/ 7 OSE Louwetle CUatgruet ° FO0a27O0/2 TOS Se OG nb tent JOORD?IO~r3 Toes A ak e ‘ae . JOOA *O-— 736 7o S$ oe “te ff on teeline JOO AlO-~/S es se Aeark on ‘ 7002°709-/6 &%S S Chon€ ee O95 SOLID LED baton Cs-oeLbr 7o0ca2l|-5} ths. Keneee, (ettvs Late, Aoeeterce, Shing GS, Buses Het. I, 1970 lo tlers lake oper. tog Cocaly 4 Doce ye az 9:30.74 Renee [617 Klabovnn , Koeerenrer, Pong kes &., Feet. /6,1/7970 yietecl (4 Crasebethe, (S mater aid 7 fenate) ap hitb aceite ina: a Agvpw Offitey . 2eO S One led, Pasiee « 7 pore dekine sere rth bhe Cosa hell | Jane. 7:00 4.77), Llyn - Keys, Potters Lake , Pturernce, Mergiles Si, Fo tans fel. 1b,t970 . ott ate ne CALs be Tocbay proms Lact might) Loos Crnp) 1620 Teun. St, Kacrrmnee , Oo, eee FeO .69 1970 . rates Gucl 3 female purple ak oly ancl Herat atte ohinrned he Peat Pape Lie ee ES whe rneS_ a Auet peecler , Ao for ae Dhan ull, Chi ruthehh te. bite ty Grea abl terrnehe, fast Lips te tsaa te Zhe Attlote - fe rcv peeter / bal / gettin betbeed dapticeher | (occesy Cees S-as thnk. opped Cheehalee (22d) CHirdoivwtl &-b (44 mong as 76). suvidir ud fees Lun ned’ wrnton , Prarek / 1970 ditvtenr 1620 Ttun anol 402 , 24 ae freee -7 (brut Sor Go qeare-) hevyetepedl Sreckuiee ee ee Ded A partregece Te I fore sretirest, focveser, thet phucthe 700301 -51- | ony SUTJNOICG [AEQ) OF S2dtAdag ay} SIZ1U8092¥T ‘Jlaunos) NOIS pS hajjoy, avy] CP 667 G., inne’ Oriarth. 22, 1/770 700326-52 Lrg hesswain, Sto tera O4d Byguarhin, Zep To ee Gey Gumette Pm aud 0 meets F Lhecveir. teed Diacten, cred fe 7 towt atutiomen® bk droge (ots 3 y oe ae fete aren entil Late Lertight dud thin aermed Le goortt Aoww or eave the 202. = : ~ wma , Parekh 27,1970 Ati tented cba nt ct ott fate ws the basa of Che Anenecn | of Den aan . ~ Ake Lo 7 anol a0 far Aeericbcl o the oth Ctedye “ababrents (aed Aytuay 92), Ss chewed 0 the Leer Leary. Ghee, aces watt, aan artas (dee maps ) ane Airmicrecl ap_rrod , Foo. oe autre athacled Z wrthere Go’ of Lame ty a aud at that Lime wth doxtencertare Louwte! hu the moet detached" feateres 7 the ila siete: tell : at ese frlerthfe tft in 7 9 eed Mlatre Che targa . eg. Cetleel, 1 Cypred, 500 tercly sv arec/ 7 ae seated tat cttands to weet (ated budge atetenent:, As one wertK' afgrrnd. 80" Arad Agree, Geovetile, § dicntel ancl flea aries frvtacl. 2 . P mated b feenake » hear terale contre Inatbatds. 2 Lite Clones’ Aadorette, grag aa hctedher “7 7 = Ketdinel Dick a Go ae ee EPr9Lh7/ TOOS27- 53 Qe the wel sacde vi Lefhe (Ae men) we Pete Aud maw awe : ) (0200 Aeceha-, NO eres ARE at Ge (Ht UES pis wal Ite)’ ligt tog is, tnrddeceattle } thu, Diredo pracacd thie tht 20 ~ ated port of Aeod. Ad Chir fornt rtanued 6 Hhee Letvori? tac 7 Daye, meee banned te uericshie wiacthinatccn odavre stipincaal Beste fe tenesldy ated papeceacly pg ee i occeert ive shat fecatiers onel Krse ae preteen atly Pemmagh - J eee Ltt dre cpap ed 60,0006 thee Anacigecee sixth pereentages of G0 Anew» & to thee cain 77 actress The Loke. we ees: aeiniiteseg latte! tol S agile )) sect ete Peet nay 7 oor Hameever, hw Che do eflenrerne of The flock (0) aud E) ere Chemrel be Aicken arkfect dele, che tip g the tonk row abet 2 fut above Lhe coakn. Rr thes fren Lottie 2% Cool aud sevtrat fierctud matlercl (it beret 200) 1 feed feel a Ta’. plore Dinan Gans eerd ls tap Othin Cerda aacetentid unt The Aven Ararmegt ad florcted tet 30 perntarcts , g atenellere, eae, Lomateckh Herrhe, FG Cras) Aparracira, readaertarhes , / Ab. thrcktude tur 2 thie Arent). Relurned DW tnd firectile Fort wrth Conve. i AS tl Eh FPA CL. GS 7\0327- 54 Aven Ante ; ee Sis Le) ode ANN oe See bot Ltinytrstinrrs | ei ae, Ct a pront on the We tunel of larodocs Fant at the mirtdle ov decencl Lirnoct Risete proms Tha 7 fowl, Botlreted aw Ector pot-sherd (He POOBAT-) J tec Se Acood , a gla al a pe Se ae place , He Ae feet 7 Stem) thew : LetinZeob Ahs Nemrbew tog ee tI n- 5 sw Laffer. Lt Lo at Chis (hs es d in aps 29 ted onlg w fee. Chad they frefer open togliia rf . ee bie ps! 2) em, 177 aud |S ; 22/3, (S52 2¥, 17) ; a i2S5 777; Lb, 1 BIT Fine, AIG Mme | RUG AW, B20 PS. PR? 177, at thar ar0ea. thar W the W Pomt of faractes Voent, Airlieg at Beas Made ise deste hss, SSS AMISH INS IISSS PISSSIIS 717) S ai meeStiine 2A TALIS RAISIN ®, ST? SSSES PP aes 3) eS and jo 7. Aaesecated wrth the sing. hebled gutls won é Prankbore . Above the Laks S he Prave Be as totro teed tayler, et, Bol Bil LP Ses todd tinted high i Lhe thy. "Fico thes powrek (tang font) peh 2 fhe , tegrral tate Cobted preecore pe nap Yleeaies, dleecks wert we the poted dtede Lake Std fier oar yf A: SOLOS SI F500. ee. 2s hecho, ad 2 howto dre af SO eg nat att parte y The bake. apt uhiellord bend ms teaceat the tee Cepprg hai ; aa 70032 7-5 tamp at the moat tactiom tfinecer 9 ot 9R wkunre Aol eee Ce ee At 6:50PM, the Pee eme yeene es ee Baz eee Keneas/ Jilarete AZ,177O ae od i i eine tw tt ten gn ne ee ares S/ ee Hey abet preclon f hs sen a Contenisrcee Bel Lasz pro Kael Lie Govan at“ b'30 aud ime 750 Lad paweed (eee Fy: Drrovernrert tts use, SP polemncat™ Lb 926 a soe cag rc nell wey he to HDR ne leona. A 6:30 erp ae. aucl ae the (a ae ty bell, JS premarin CAS ARAACELS sill vatowt ees Yusws achieth att black. Theva, tvrth tohte napa 7 fae Moni enn titan gt eee AN Are are not oe coeefe- hefrred while PS" 9L6/ 7OOS2e-Se Love Acteett plirnage ttet th Lock eee ee, pl ee there are pertepe %°/o Ares A gtten twine ly cecnves twrthent whkete and ~nrtk oo oe. iva 4. Kirn! 20 another gravis of gotle (10%) thet art 22 tb chade / srk martes sw the ptirrnarcee. Heh yly Betig. Fe Aidt at LMA tage we, wile, Mee a eth Luter the Choweled eg tabdcd rade to J cheba shetrvakiiw but other a wrth. heater sear techy, CL eer Bowne dete Poiig Za ?S Oo ; Atporate tderela tpeta the lLetled Seeger ee ee Go K20 Aver, More the. 60° Length . owes Yo the wart of oo) Cay, ea ale nae a ape eee ank wR hal rnithciedl thntldoc, OO ee 7 grette (Mppuen 0) ove the vataraek of at Limmes Fut at the tore LEQ or wd xd | [ietwetsn GSO ancl FiOS bLoiuntecl AF ipl ae taylan oceasternetl Rm 3, Aud Is : jaghd aie Prtanatadll wv Zorg at For the entice guts fluglr ter. (eppred 150) Lt Lhe seeorel tebrrdl, Rrrceteo or &orcee Gud her setthid Cock Ey tani 2 Beet oT dave te, th, beet of thes 2ekiw, Le GE i Eee tslend inte mot oftec tial ete ep i pss Liobierl. J the re the bleend cebaud bo Bisirnee Hh: lial rn Minit PF ne eae an the font fag irene @ 00° a aro thane geeer ageprod So-SoO pune ZL Z fred cr) Cofage Sg JRE Rete T AGE, 0:30 at che omedive Left. Mig aba nerdy tact ao JL 1t wecattone, the entiit park Lift the 5 Phe tarne Area. MY tack of theet heces BLE 70-20 Onaclease 6P702L6/ 700328- 57 Bees: AZ 9:30 the Feet other, Te Comhrrrcecl 77 atleast Manual 200". ALPRSTF a Joe or the dame dege ao Lhe one thab moved 77 af 9:30, “Antherivect Lo 5 Cte. the yore 2000 Letr1e. Oth en area ad fo:30 whew cue At ome ; BE Canacla Ligts para hawks balan Ostia ts mst otdtrratow are Kew mea ancl rth a tactigracuch 7 poker ucts aucl ata deabarnee auld anew Ate ane Hhat the ttrele- y Brrr, tirPiane ore, a areaeae BOLT ha hn fae : ~ ow Suv thes peletrrnretip t { I~ ene Prpocl these obser | be pow taf aes ta Looky Arup a deca fg ar OP pee efaue MiG ef St. acl burke snte frraper- fa anne wth bpos Bin apa ag anes, S 7 eae fre ridge evroetd Metal oftprod , FOO Lerle. ane L027, Ke pone fio & oe 2 is ~ S ? Danner 6 ase a E. t REA N ANT AY ea ee ee A | F eu - . ; a N 2 Bus Ractrocd tranel Ls tuclustiah arta (4 Lt) oo f—-(-/-3— [-1-(-/- a= (—~6>- en Met foie -/ = G2 Act: Zone Keene apiteel plynig aba bfar cat eee Si pad ae | Nhe Tropnce wean ty Lhe teat dg th of —-/—-/=/- 2—F -/-2-BA-/- Ard -/-2 - /-Q-/-/-1230 [-U—t—b— le | > 1-4 f—/—1 1 = LA Pmenecloevlark. [~l-l-l~1-I1-} =7 Ladagtie no 700606~] Are 2%, y SS Corberd A-R-/ 2S Ce ee Aether f—[—l-/-/ 2 Leathe 2 Arman , J W nche 5) om Cantal 1 5:40 oecl form Hover Le ead Aeorer vatley fart) LADO cg gcd ees fa Patt PLO sh O 7 ete ee h- ILLES 7006G0G~- 74 clithereecl (-—/~ s-/2 ies, hk Coreen f/f trem thracker |} } AeA Lact o At #70 Fm. (200’) Dowai. ential on one God Joo Ad sil cuacl pth 50 foot Arctica, § 7 Aotirwe / pi Seem: a conor nn ; : eee Lele . Horse ten. S¥ PF feeol ana, Wide”. Ctnsliral 1 , C Z Lervccunis leaden, Prowr7in 4 dae / Aas eo teed eS aR ae orthsrt Girate / thee - aALe mete bathe, ob GT. , puta a 7 se eet AEE ae yon breeted! Calelen / ented bey oe bt fp Cowdirdk |} SE-O0L6/ 7O0C6OG - 75 au Comtiniad w Arwihos I thee ya 7 ¢ Arotam “2-/~ 3 Hotaen i Pegs” Kikive as Fos aud vi ot £20, L Garvin 6 - > Gvete /-/> > amiga By Att betlch cerrdpceter | tetas pmfa 3 oS” thch lord a ~ [-t-/ > fut f= S 7 7 Te bop eee aoe fe Yo mite b, Z; Gh. often f. fm hetloleer | Aoool : Aetan / Zz . “77 Fr bageplecnecss 92-0467 700GO6G—76 b:2y eelge of Koke User Late . Yrtacleewlark, ft opttow - betlid Cuchns | Flees nw aerees Lake L Lriseo om hu. deole Lbuekh@tirde 2 si20 Aoed leaer fake at tcl of Cease 2 b 2 uf 8 2 Z. 6 3 3 3 2 wPi~ ~ | ~ iS I~ Lm ~ L£L-9L4/ 7096GO66-77 a “3 o 0 4% 9 + yt 5 fc ve ye Y S02. 118 26 9 & JO 7 34 7) /7 Vel + 41 apesiee ToTAn 410 Aawnrenee , Stake Oly uatinonts, Douglas &, Kaneact! 9,7970 Checkuet tdepcin tifllacar ‘thorns 1f totinecned Aentr. and danikg Je Aacheced Lineda. Peal tenaficccacer Gendiune ac the tunoletevted bencletiere te Prears ths eZ. ch in aud the Sota. At A debrce ony ruemtie fetid Ged tu “hee sr iobormer Lplrinceliow role acedl 73,7970 Chethed. parce femme To Sco m be 7007 mM. Ae the Lhophic charmed onty Actes aw mL 0 Fret teetidl plytatohin ane! thee . Lead xpath? Bria tadiieg the cticat tercle 2 ‘ Lircllernore srceke , cel ge Canling, Mowery dose, ficken POLE) BA fay Le sfoniah sac. Called terchne a 50’ wrth ey a ae a wate Arrived, teourtl th acd Then fopubatid he formate Areaelted sath urcbrs a conn ge: [fete leere yd 700613-78 Yi Ge RE ea aint teat ree Letrnecl Fearn spree ne ear here pevclny | Co Gud awe 2 tttenele flow to a ssa Atmmnaimide am downt ow feount froectn rs Joho, act ilas Recetas Ae Eke GILL, ae ena Be, s Coiba oy ste FO Q — GED Pelee! Kaw raticg. td Katerteyec gle 6. Kaccear or 49,7998 welrrusrhe 9 Lo Creek, there to & ras Chime! Lo aide serves Lrweds at Chemitat phat Otaorved the Lorre Coker. these merders: ‘pgenee ( 5! 30 Pm) tert / May sgt (-2-/ Jrrcew / Mallet arende / a-! -Atted Crehee /-! 47 otto - eg mtres /-/ Kaa a putt teks Ths offect pn[aQ-3-2- Gf -F y Bary the beck of ores Laud) Prenton J-1-1-1-/ T cscs 4.6. t+/ Cordcerreal. | ypltesd —ploptiel flaabae ’ Lebarracrer | Awet- , mamma A 700619~-79 Sat ee AeZie. , Of A procnt Ao rre sIlO pee Zhe % fem ez 9006/9-] Mrarrinph. mrnes tanfer~.- A S60-/AY-7/- 27, - ohutlnly rmarmat tac teow stent! miprerrone Lips tut oogred (50° Cattod / Afarrocne Lreck at £55 Pm» Farw pwatlewea (-2.-/~t-/-2~-/ Grachle 20 ~6-3-/ checaeeL s~/-/ Eng ae 3 wry tinal / a LLG tleckhhryrd / At oa pornt apo B00 five fret x Ay avkile lacteol : : nat Ye , . | dun A DLL GD OE GD Teiapat a Bie Mreaclraewbarbk p»!/ Aichecaeck nF puke / _ vacates J—/-7./ e fa Dex prgrins O-teate. /—- 2 R.R tears £:3o [Caw dee edeeal Lencenrtiten J grackletn) Fa. ) tothe bitactia! F ) a. b-rd ae Cceheo / brichird pteete. / ae ae 2 Eng parted 2-) Atath,t, tuckoo henry of -7—/ thes ay / Hitchoacte abs {—/-/ fr hormerl / Meta (~ 1~l-2-2-/~ ¢-)~)- WeadprrlLerk Io /~)~)-/-+ %-}-)~)-2-1 lotivkets }-/ pre Jaden slo RX. tuck at KK Dock 2:00hm, 70062 1-89 shad Kihe Vitwd to Reconstr, Teer: a nara 2/, 7970 a eae ern Sots ipl ai A niiu mee: ) fantag, dail 2 af So 3 Osxtlipore trate, robin, Fan Cogn - my, eid ode Aen awd, Sete oy , fetta eT Cam ee, fe Lene goons oeciat Lobe, LX yethae Chink, (te ear ss a, (plain ab Lowe Heer. nese, gua in erento, 2 pacowiges ape acon haigbod, ies prrLe, me OSA oe ree er ore how Sed oleae eon x 2 as ° heclecdid ‘7Q062 1 -6\ ; ' i 2 Karn dwathune, FS: £7 Aoecee, os Hleag pga, ftaeet , Ht - titted iworrpeeber, Le. Aceharlee Love, ) Sang Tet wren, td. letlhed woodpceher Pibitfaainy ewe, | ch ays a Stood. . pirtasct L4.7 foe ; a thcti,, FL checpage: Keg) Arg od thuetird, cant Hed ged Pee, Z, : Cs League, ; . po , & eg , Lilgpacet. , yetlons! Lea wl, 7 pavcsen( Ae Ge Oe ned GE or Lhe berAe) ~ 7 el é rcolry wve Jbaa Lt ‘ en Lone, ae ” Z Arto Preteacs) foetet, / Aedlae 7. , a tne DL! bu bodl hatisntacl, ped eged vires, VO Aramregt ad of Att Cola. Corctirna torte, Pyat ether Aedtncl Hawk, Batlerne orerte, Cinlon Atel 3. Cpt atewe Hrauwase at //:03, Mrinal SEZ a? ) A Bhee ha obese ; al pore, new betleel f O tardcal, LZomoceet berwmat, 2 , real letleed. ,, Merdlerael GY Loe [=Ge oe oe, seordpecder, 6 suc (t) od hea Ef Fo broad il nated ot ba A lt wiv po ia ety os eee Sp eae th, ee ene 7 gelloe — ae ~) Lark bffarrecee, Aertls ead belerets hai tr ze eee Timea i meee fe a 2 gee! r20 eel , Pg BE baci clase titles Sage Cheekaclee , S/R oo helieneadt ot ject 7 dBisctinaians /- 2~ 2~—/—-2=8 molige SHIA bala} lla} = B= |= j~A7 Bs Colo lol Frade fea fom fm Latttry, [nlm B~ so folaI-§ im! WhO bBo bf Itsy Aeckeceee€ /—f-/—L/-/— lol /= Jn = Ja 2 Wee og 22 - 2-2~2- 2~a-|- lm 1 thachtlird 3-29 -2-4- bo /- lala [= 4 “7 Qreate /~ Alm 2 2/2 -3—/-/— /~l= A~/e |—[- 3 = B- I-|-1= 30 Aptan /-/-/-|-l= rreadewturk, /~3-2-l- 2-2-/- 2-/5 Zo ypttees lted Laehes 2- J-[—/-/-/-1-2* Ze a? “yellow threat watly l-/= 3 170062| -83 Meee [~B-h2RAS of fale Bnd fade Rela feas hettet /-/-/= 3 foe 12 ~/o B= 2- 222-/- 2-2-4. /-/= 33 henge le “4° /2-8- 9-52 38 Moovrnthgw (-(~2= # 3-2-/- 4-[-S= & ri“ horen / CoApsol Chechaclie 2 /~ pctappiase cd 2 jag Pinos td - lelkleed toro fiteher /— |—|—- 5-1! l= 2 lock - copgect Cheekhaolse I-12 2-2 -1- 2—1-1— [= 7% ace aceet J— l= fo F/* e hed. ged vere Is f-l-l=t—[-l= 7 Cornnlrrre. Wrrteer /-lo lola l-/- Y¢= Lawton tChancetirde A-/-a-lse Candsnak /~/—/- 2- 2.-2-1-(-l- Qnl-l— l= /- 45 £9 Lttnpecat [~/-|-le f nedtach Kuewk, /-l= 2 oO N Ng al fiedeatonrt /- Pniekrat /- tren Hhraeker /- orthard arith, (- werd thruek /- akhnrcke /~ Ser Cte Caleher /-I- I> 3 Afarrocs 2- -CULds Cucthoe (- coeg geal ene Anapprong lanthe /- 4. phoete /- Clack ~ 3S pliche /- . Loria d Tetet 53 ttrde Ad. headed Wwrrdpecher /~2+3 aX 790623-84 Raced pe aD tr a 23,/970 Saale Fe LhzetA pea Sante He on ee, So. — we shee lai, 44, nowrnd . a8 eg. a nied ip Sees, : Lote pep , glock be, 2 mocers egies: Aeeredine: of st Mareted Oe Gaclbore curd, 19 Bang’, thcepacge, pte fatlerngesrck, Gb hace - Lad ula, Batlimere orate, ~ SIS0 RR bude prt. Cuck, toned lie Bi Spare, fag» ate an fo ee eer OL aE. Sore, bas Sng oferree, , , ) 1 fetbons — Bee erent noes J : srk, fev item “7 Bfrarwr ous : wntadaertard, olin, potin, roten, a tlhepacp, MALT dove , ated te, the th belle theehov, EB. areke, te} hand, gtace happen a tn , Aobaw Abbr, Anrtol! 2 turd) Soave Ehret 715g cl otal of Corecess th ty Kasse, Daag , Kicsaee rt 24/976 a a Lift bor, pe inn 88°F. Yrtace - thug led Peaker, i eee ope 700624-85 to reas, J oy LES toon opprat, Poms per Qotlontacl, Ce te. Lotte, _ apie AE ogee fe ee ae et Montoog ee Ts a tet tf el ecb ZF Z, EERE LIAS tusbos, sacle rn ‘ y farrier, dighn oe “ fan aS ° AVG AeA « et EE > o dome, id few, peace oi ale aise Coerterd, LET OEE cat lap pred ap laate Las eee Cocwtindd, Col obnv tan ioe om eaclacr bark, Aoben, yD bait, race Woo FO 735 pany sachin foe tale tees, sls ees , at can ph TE saa ; 2ret ee bow, rrteecticplert, rArben, Loteviile, vend, actor, Haak 9 obs Duane: ee a an Bs F'00 Gf con Ot aumactel te of dome notice Lo Carretute the conte f tees on teeta Ee wag atl Line oe Aten te. . setae epaeitrl Bae ps, fee nf ota ares LEZ of Cod aaeweretiin Oud Anse ental FO Dj ed net Bo oe ade Has 1OO0GCES “86 Rateeverns , hacegloe Ce -, Bar1es aoe 2970 , oo frre a 2 gorhed Whe gil Reb igs tos de Rahececy vee er ee t/ o Aeterel dnl, ete Z Cusrerl lea? Wire Traeks I . 4AK CUE. 1 road Apierreed 3-2 , Prank , Cherri beargpt 3-1, Len in Se pra N totavtti , Attirn 2, Aettdlesr ) Py torlosetarh }-/, 7 ¥, Bell vurec, wreinlieced,. Mbnewt: petal De leehecesel, oe sy ain ercdon ge Aang, Wintel Masta Abed, macthec ed. tees, | ae EEN COT Coceberd, A, eck. we ie tig poocnmee atel . tne Cldcheings D on "ZL evtthen 3 , premabieulante, , born tewetlaes, arrtoclnerlark. , Coertiercl , Cand tum Clace vey Ime Z Ly 2, , thre aCe Cem Asm on Say AfarAcera, : *reaclacrlart, Aédtesny 2, Aebecrasl , Lark , Latte, radenng 5 ae feceacd | aa Pentie nati, Ate ve O, Hetllirovin 2, Mathrnne rok , Aoton Pont aiden ts 6:20 Dredge, Ante , A, Heeksuul, ft tea Pei Bd post pes bfarrrc 3 8 laps com of Cota ts View Aake. JE Ab liracgs ven ritmlei) | ee yo eae de 5 Saale pm 2g eae 280 bogus sooter rte cont eee st Eo Fas Soha 4\ 700626-87 Bhs tiles, Kummence, Lege GB Lanset Bere 267/970 ECE ial Zoe : Cee on rasawecl. tog hand Cinels +f ergs Le Aces clact Pa fcc , Si oe ST mm Hone, Carolrrel, a fea bested: geass Aebnkinig 2 [oor eae Beate leer Prcctge Ce foes ce, Contig ~~ Cd 9 a, com ; Acs, Hebcceacl, a a9 fo A grccfianed ES as Sse Se 7:00 foci adc Laas 2 wee ee done tl (5 spe Awe , ax ‘ oe ed Loo Lane ea Attend, wns , poder | Arvés, rodeon, 2 rae Soar Se ae v _ c SP RSG TO Cowt re. AS PE/, few ppt AAT _ 7007OR—/ peg a ihe NO RO 706702-6 Qurellie bret POQ@PO Dax . 7POO7FO SZ ~3 en ar 720297 O2B- 7 gored pte P0070 1- fo " 75 POO?POR- -S Tro me See oe 7), Chao, - Aociglae 8 Mw 7970 fre OD festa Lup feck, 7ae7oe/ Ce LER a LES SIG EGS > parI B= dd gree ge! eee ppprece S20 gee. Keren tec Omens tl, of Cen , ALICE 700626 - 88 oe The cbead eb Drier, ther antas antitparth, gpctd, ee oe ee 7 Cestitees PU etceoh Mee EI aes he Mab the it Bl a pt, sipluaree [<- eee oppre tage for guily 6] katesruaee Cory. — Kees er, Meciglar Cy, Pocetets, 8,970 fibro Deyn Migrant Conny Le ment Cpt Back re Hef atl hase, athe on dotiater, ahsvan tne oft Bi¥cCh mn). Clear, no unnd, Lowe G7 °F Aun, find Betts Atesyniged teen 0. Chechadee,, aiaitay Ire es PS ficlles CORLL EEND a dipeel raha, Atiah Bal binch Dateeibp aiding, Minclnaih pcan, gsstucn fe Cr OR Tb A Dot mien Aveie taudceerc.e, mere pol a pe ot 00 maa ith Setnagfasas Gyo PF, wool hehryn dernttiec as. Ph ecechs patch on Chg unth 3 eqga, more there Vie wicece ben tool. Kacrse Lineds we mel at base 4 etipy, CGft Bt Bixe Karrtg Lee rect an Locreet hire aude” mieten ami aan 7:30 bew tnd atwmwetu tel . 4:3 pt eres ipettene flome SK, trea. 289s a0 ped one Ntttrietd area. Pruedial at KL bree . ar Bip te pad, SY°F. Getlae. bette Custos. S Sarge apni tisagrp gcerea’ Akt. oe poe of 0! ad uclore 700708 -89 Portaged Lenet . gis Creclge 1 Bcotore . cheawl tttends aun Aver. . potted hawdpiper fer , watn Lemp Br°F , Bx? e (- wtb Cougs Lhe Mackay fa ve Kare Cetinrd ot 35a Pm. Mang Ba tlomee cia ace tage Catbonsewidls ac! Bias tie ely wWatheren, Wid C6 ahatacT? IS” MPR. “00 Poh pewatlaw tebond! of atut (80 necks Afprourtitk 7? kreet Ales hirer , Coniat Mpted appro SMPR. nn i Pann 38 Ades Y mesucler at Ntud . . ge Yip F hese 11 rans , fe Mew DE ees sp ee a, fe StL. a a ) tlre) | ipa Aewug la, Coy (uae 2A, 1970 Lie: pies Hany mer) [Articertol < relat? ae ) Btwernige “pes pony ey 700722-/ Btertige « cabrteress So 7OOTAR-2 _ F£ Petsented L me ce hitetir of /opcha Zo0 aw Mronck (470. ett Ufetemens sted Ly E. P Wetter wn Kes mremmatl the « ot Brathan fA ; J grimy focre o7 0d igeaag FI furs 20 orong For, He fperrcocs (As ut Ane! JGclager) 38 Lacy, peated j teait gyms * 200722-90 Parente, Gergloe (o., Conese: Ferg ene Pee hans’ . ARelebet ~ voles for ura Lin goray fraud Aas Ahoes shaved lelbeue. Lrehr dtcehat ue Lape tvateth — brtteterbanar L sLeates teope weet Cotden, Apel foe onal © pape ptttle — tae Cernw ea pee ao? pneal Lf preter Aeccrole V Leyes Aaurte, ebsabes a a we" 23,/970 Aufl YO na wt (255° ak rileage 4/725°.7 Maedl Afpigd | 2 mPR, G9 Ve lear, F- , 3aeF. wie facto 24 Le 7epehe, oi! eae go, | Dudyteliaie, writ be Keeps Cmeglhte hevaies 9 Preacher b,_fy acl keerhs aol othe arte twbhebie Ko. Y . BAofher Pyrote of Cede arth Ee a eee , , tee becsecL thee J how tur“, Arvallger, Afarrern , “the EM basal tay wloruriacsh Loh Fh fl. fefirha 700724-91 YIILE Wananmeter Aosd. POG Wiliam Get sie, et sacktird, g ee ee pogtbod, R ntaelecolanhe, FB /. tapas cl foracrer Loe, Fes racing ees Aan, Got Ke fg , 4 pee chor Larts, 792, Axk. Bocolm. ftuplh marti. For Cerobatin — 2 a. Ate Ava ) tad fark. FoO6 Fork, meelerelark, bS¢ Athena - bay Guten s, prtewlew,b, 966 Saboerens Kner, meer tik” $77 PoP sun, Joiet Ans SIE fabne -Nernecs eta. Lo F1007R, Lagt fab SBS, Prtactoetlerk, @ Cackren peril Z 2th, Prem Gre entl boriplete as sanolitated cthirreat, 8-~F-/-3-2-~2-~/tA-tholie), nite — bartarte), /-2,-/—[-1—(7r20clowwla£) 3-/—(teesseerLad cotta), /- 3- (Castor t) —(preadbows tok) Gy seetbe ) /-7~{ Bz Preactaelxtfo ) Pree cba tarke)/—2~/~7-}~/~/~ (pnerdowedat) 7007 23-32 eae Weegee ead et Aeriawee Id Sa Gf Coonptcls tins Leos ws grtalecuturk, thet, Pistlae Soi Tein Eth: Co bene redone 1teeA, Lak Love ti, portadoretrhe, 729 eA 240PM iv ttm nse, tment, ael a qreactte tek, abet (chic, clad, elec, 790 Four, GH Fi00 fm. Pitan tle LhiA Prat cesss bes irae Places hve , 4 Via, G93 Atlin [810097 aad (‘4 fendece Tositg cs bron | 1 OPH 7007 23-23 Lanes and Ce Bruglird. Pee eat PES OF F006 9, FO Cfarracd An Lassen abe and tcentl Anca. Lf cog acy wal. LYS igi Gy. At (01007 RM, Doak. Eee py, pee ) Kenan ety 24, 19 90 shun wp , aan ' Laat negbht Men Eng SIF, Mek FOF Dirge Pm), a? b:5PA.970 60°F, a pen miget. iy aol f Light ‘ fee wang at £:004.77 penis neck puree Llnanh sry bran POD pect recut a Coon, ee 36 Ge aan Fypret teh), J fornibeie 1. herglircl Drown Lhrneber | 7 groctles. db 24.2 dent ante, ahi LEE cpp Riel af! Waitara eae j aerth 4 gang OD We nrepS of Ahan Arve tun Orbe Prcvceele : ALL Aether ancl Brotlcawe . eo Praca noel of FRO. Aisles taint dads, ee ed thaptad plerhin, BS! Crexg Dyers, ChY fp tiraclaes, 77: hove, Pet gfe wreetinn, Lngh nd, rresclar lurk, peebeonag Deng <) os 73% ensrere, fags 7. clone, WE » B92 as kdrchin. PIS, Cla co ied Lig ayy the bord 9 eh pe bo Cormnrsncere Leta Ale hak Lkes Dee wce ba whan tpecd toneicg gad 2? Chraeker, 9O2 mae notre fracic, en pone, Lar sal ) ttactoeutnnr.£6, meaclacelsrh, “e: oo Lol, ony ns sens Gea pane ina Es oa 286 Figen, seclarmy Shee 737 of Teg fewe, Eibig = So IB. lo. Wl ASS Dig ted gs, ters Li Got Belen, it TOE ly ee weed, S Tigh ey BL LG Td i, afi par Lialgat S brecners oetlul, pe ed pel rl totes, Spal? N cbigp wuowletoran, be a ee ie LRA AAR | | Lark ten baeg BAedernge, chy, 700726-101 GBA sSroed Vee, ee Lerk, ete, Be is aes 4 tigied mh rd. putt, +0 Chiff twatlanc, 207. Love, preacectirt, Lark ) Aedlecrng, boerhod, Corterd, Comtud, 6weelenphalarept, 78¢ Cobden uh ory Linh. ) Lark ) Creed tarh jticeha, Ff tiwwatlo~.a , 77. Aarne, $ ) P77. ove, cola plat , as ie Creed, + fark 1 996 Pace btakell es 997 Xbb / py PIRI FSB Capea lt: C07 Cueokinaw, 2 217 okt , 4 COff pivetters, caer, f 005 tied sh. rt hell, bork p aot y COGS devantlaed, F, bbechlinAt, ‘7 A , 06 eg GF) pod olsen Lraod Aen, Crees, Curda Aare, Jeo elipf 2 Ee BS °F, oahu, OAs barter , J Cliff Bore thecoe ong oben thavecl ove, Aackoweg, 8 tbe f diva thas Cl pf ttn elas, 3 2 ORF z — : izob, ) 033 t2ctleat O percke lubrae £6 2 fet in awe, mnegfpee, ney, 036 aparece Lod, Melee, Aedteosogy Ope | , ¢ Clapp tevratlacie, read “ge og an 4G Alateharn. Go rhogee— » Cf F BSR w hin glord, Aorned Lart, mtscleceLaik, furk, Hornec! Lark, rertaclacr tail, foruecl Lark, Aopreres| Lark, toiner! Lark, Aff ewatlacy, ) Waasced Cake, Cte Ober . 7 Y / / 2 Aten Aertel Lace OSS Cntrith hae Shorvred i mar, pooroud Lark Atreed Lif 6 thehliddl, 3262 2 revere Che Abord, Lark, ) Lurk - OF6 Buf pete. 7. ola-»b, weaclacelark, 2 & Lire, a Aeera Log, Heat preteen ) eaclaetirk, 08) Quel tt Mass Co. Band, swathes. IF¢ Plage @ Line, baw Lud, 086 shew (7) ek. 987 ve eth 87, O88 Qeetrh bao Co, Coruterd, 090 Kew Frith buh, A terra Lerke, o9ykotaen, Cliff tern ttaes, OFF Mectatin, (02 Sercethand, honed Lurk plerned Lark, Jormed lark, , Hermnet Lark, (7) auclerne , Atrypeds themtk rd hetl, «Leen OU 26 Welhertrech, Horned! Lark, 117 hecll Crreh, it ealateee, We Wprtaclaw ark, sioaiadle 4 Sewe, Z2asy. Beng Corel, 4423 dial?) eseke 700726- 102 a Kernen Lah, Mieclewwtark, mecrlncetrk, (as: Foe Cor Loe, Drto-ctle.wGit, 4 termed Lark , termed Lark, DortactaerLard , Prkarluertark , horned! Lark, 134 Magee, B, bhuckAbe A, chek, Act, £& thacbhberl, A Grrevere thichbandt, +¥s arty, Grek, Je Raagreo pond Oftirre , This 49 aw Are That pho tf pegperk Code ( Ant 2214, portedtetw art, 749 Cattacds ., ey Pnrdggece ,1S7 Mets Crk, 6. bbochtrig/ meaclerrtark 19 Doane larn, 2a7-22%, /78 Lect Pathe, Geet, Berclapore i bark renboleaione Katatiner. Continued 7 Le Vaseghn Usgbore, Cartate Co, Penta a7, 1970 /0:15 4m, wb Be Corry hh, feterd ZL jCorecle : etiee CLLY derathoe, Aticped Bee, Le, (tte, rnteclorularh, toet. , Mhrehe, M3 Tarboro, 3 urbe ) rntaclecelek, 18 Srrwre tbydelik , ewe / if Aevetleed , ARAL hertlorn, mtscdeculark, 230 oo Y ynteclerrtark, Act 6 cbf f scnelacen, Z3e rrclirve Cs, bene, Plots CA07BID) vf tered oF 2YO D : ~ Ader. | Ji 25° 2 F/ Guy tnrG) 2 ff ein proved an. dep, Lud Mingeutl, 23 3 , Lue. GO°F Adu a2 fhe , 257 300 a Lion” i el ae 2s¢ Valin Mh 27) T Co., Azaie Proven, at ard, 2 Fo etedty are we Kd, 300 Laerk, Bctlhdenr, 309 tunteret. Ge bet jtcu pence AMirted, rvecewluh, Krrrecl Urrh, FIG Stree l ratd, BI nner. forcler , Sreackac“ark, bed) Lf bewa tlaer, Lhiped phunk rd. AL, LAO , 2 tena Lark, aia sare I forced leks, acrathyer, mae spike ae , Cate of divnalleas, EF aud 7 pp Dnke 2 , , prcneenn ) S92 sesporereden Lk 2, Aechmea, 543 Wetter Ivy Lanek by prc 7 ke, J borle Loe: 28 Provkb.. | 2 Leaey pee he 3 Wasbir. pard pipet, J Aellsbern, A fornslee InetlardS chichs (F eoek), Apentacd,, Coe, 5 Alice Zeal, 6 , 27 Avroeat, / Cobf » grint Ching Kien, | tad eng berd, Heft (1 ¥S okge lhe, Fterhh., gutl Fir, bbe , 70 Frornhha. geile , 7O0727-\103 parva Lark 349 Cy, Scheceko Bagi’ fo theehlorrd 375 Rageneid tem 7) ectoalindetnsd CQ tren Heat (Check, rditt) tneacired BX 6 nels, LY U/ tnchordual THasses ZYOXCO pem , LLL» ., (20 mm Uride (Pont jase), let Olas + barted or bean, AF gg DOT TD GOCE EA ah 2, wise, Metal Githeaitass Uegetate. iu, Cobay, LowlhL Bas i flcphiee Eee pire i oo 42 bpp bed pt; LZ, a i ae ALE. aby at wb ire Loews lneccl, OLE LEE . ks ; 3, 1970, Ten, cd F:20 pm SbF men SEPF , prev 62°F. leet Oe fie manne 10 fepe th dn Aenee foret of | letstinn (clomexous), M4. Kemtoek, Atoka Coker and Co errrd, ee A Aer Here eg « Tops 100° Prone Aver , 70073/-1 feroynepttces Manceccletes 20/104. -23-"P-23gme S leek. PP Percens Phen bese of wth otend Teg Woes, Leekesn, bevrd K tochewsfler eZ, 70073/~2 peed Otis reop [AS -E-B-1S- — § -1(Grrve & lbdle b rm » Khana, 1d Ormed Chrrek pet tatepaclines im mersate « (177 * A hae [rt LOA A pains Vale srk ae Yyq Leer Chow ow Ege Pruvee Capnrt, overtaat Mek wrth sete’? Law, Aeeret Chricle » Churdemiuck Cave at Whose, “S° thd, 4AS Jerr82¢2 . A gutter 10:40, potiw, +40 Shares Kiver, Apnati buch. 497 aphetke 700 731-8 Mnoeuntine al coler,ame dergpwcesuel TOOD3/- BE nt ” aon re Sone Lods (Sram Lary un ther Aree, 499 Exeter err, S06 So bale goge, Aardhere arth Qyrett Aorfie Art Lovered wrth dead Dies Cog fines, Womg J the of the reper. 506 tard [sildh gigeere . SV Etthametthe, Kiverz Anber Llitly 4 5 STS Aird -lieled pcgemne} Aobane. St Kathe iv. S57 band Fuse SRO baba peer Or. FAL Kertrllee Cr, , tock tear ow FOOT St —1 08 Aarctriopd Cacke aud tpt wrth karte, We terme poekr roe, Cornenteag/ Aamatt Fade. S80 cPXrows. $30 of 7 beeen tls porrel om dtiges, / Aeetins ) Cf f teva hoe Ruer teewnies rte af ovat hgh mv. 532 F Caudl Bits pigerne, & eve prides Ubu wh Kn, Sawethero, robin, Sheen RR), 542 fired forge font SI Tame ‘i ; su Lopes ISB Weleda breed TSY Setlen, AT’ ISS Kester Keds Lookge , FFE. Prurdekalyys Cori a Lary svilblnero , 363 a. Apt nitrrcwawA (eda rain. aciote Lhe pool). 54S tae clye erece ate frner Rupert at AiASA27, affink goo Ferengi @ we, eee sree atoet (ertapt a) qucttictived pw there, B70 brinee Refertat GS, Seal $-v1o meh a9 dg tne bate, Tie Oa in Ad gory EES Pre ine Ae G00 one erm, 2 Jeena 27.0 nye - Ce. (Taher ) Ben dd Spelt CL acter a: pecibones brat (Boni Gatl,) ehonD forking Conkbery , Se rape hey 'VbS~ b6 the Karrrnecet Fick aed Gelb, 2eeneck ont oes 9 Vd ge jaar Ton ta toy $i goad ata Comannrtisl fred, Gs g Meas the unthobioenl J the for Ae = daurte, Che bert Life (tetimekd at a Mell. an the Aran) eb the marme trial, (Reals, tome hind ff th ates ete) tore Comogh fecingeeded. Ki trated Lhe Bim" pttuhhed in a beast the desert of untblege” Fiemialentioe Lineted Lo 3 lage a soeeke DEBT last Circactrtege we poe fot , fH pou whe fat we Png, pot) faak aud jet or ov nese the bathe (260 fut tm heme Corer). 4, Cmtioed Lo Cuedion foahermen res off Varese Sibernd, Coractiae dl with tore weber the'Lerad of posh on Lhe prowt, Hea h mrnemendt FOOFS1 = 110 Cheeked cnrth Aenbase ancl Charges ase * 60,00 fer teens, Fo Ouran a ee, a the By Ae a Re ee ee J ma —— Lan prigteL ce [Ke-Clee kore tu. farcbored Fee. fopret 7 4 (Aaeroge | ttre barrel): bre nm ee ee eg Oo oe Coit pale a Oteaiced Tab 24 bivemend Od gears f Koaetuell Jirh, That tire rm Pray photegsiphad ri annatie ob dood at Provriee Recpert. 0. 70073)/-F5 Ketter Salaun, Pocus Ceprd Brilak Qbin tea, Creche. 19 7O OOP F004 EX Bergin, ¢9, pred 60°F, ff fey on ei ape A portuswter tenant a rs fv g Sher tw Arnatler Chane pescoce peart a Whe rae gruppo lant Ae Othe Qerrpype£l, Vari kd fort bolivand | Lig aia fink mnrde the prtetagicpie : fee botbiuhiee fort Ecteverd Gebone Plant enteat— abd dark wales, his Coehel tw J res aud mecertdiwnr. pope, “0 b hl etepstans , cea. pede Bx Colored geeriee tesrkerterterr, WiTs , a ee "naw Renew, naw at 2nth Cede, thiecrtne L644, ar2,tontommen Khe Lires eat bentsnen Leeechirsces , li fre Lhe freed, 7Ates 2 feertr acl 1 hong Age \ Jai4t2- high pollen 3 = geet 7 OG G ee 8 Araptw fai S35 sernd burtehhach eee ttiat Tis, Ot tne jateddach ti, otiesr 37 arr sales leg fon JOOFOR-2Q’ 2 '/2me.S Barner Raper (teuntheuee), /000 ot, Karen Yalow n MB tired, Costner nernisyr, (eNom atlear. \v eee: CorTinwes or po asl wd N03 Fr eter Lb sied, 107. CL tertah lod . Fao weet affent te BLL Klee he wile asap ha antl pc winds” ond pga (etn Oe aS EEO Sage Oe tee LGR DOT ET vide oe pnsattle Abuser’ 2106 ODES by fin Bho Geeta3-3) Sones asa G2 —- toner fot Vjesn py A bavg where TLoT4, ES mney hae god ae Biba" oneaee Pe hotest, Xtal Cnlsraah «. #23 (nab eagle poius co Pihe@e FOOSO2-3 Cy the Atatine (asad wf Pod Belwnndan ste ag te tanga fon etoed mtbr. Ft Gud é Pre Ee bata 4 iff eaate one a hermloch - Qo 7008 O2-— v7e a WwW HevarLoaL att Fees ped eae’ Fes fore Op bone es 700532 —6 ateale 710) Sa ne ede es » Lice b. ie FOO A> 2% pieces oy roche Vitor of cap peopel seis, S'DOPR MD, Wises ao gent! mised gor fasorrag TOOS6O2= 115 aud rae Proce Ape, Ah pgrh ble a otroh dface Lebia tid Fis Life cuatiieg Luchsabey non. nage ed. clot k redasinee: Gow Jewreet Liad, GLETL. hold plas ee Lhaowid Lt Leneloged propraent ee oe a rtae tess igo ctonting a appa BA Ant! adeche, i. ee shed not te Leaabeged t Comarca be an offacde a ly Asselin Chemee Lackerd, Mra te ote, Cobresretea, Cruada_ tog. 3,7F70 730A. Lonnp 65°F. Pen Caer Oe Drea Lig toads ohalived , opt /O.SO4TN, 2ao ras pects , ¢ gloeoe we rnegt Geette , S Hecrten , 1) 277.4) Crete? , Fiirniasbteriio, Rectetmritue, 4 Chef’ Ch hades, 2 gotoben -Cruunadt Pec in,
  • aNpmae Pattee Pom 7OeBaOY¢-/O Q)0o- s1an- ae (7-26 Gms $ ee LEOR OMe a " n " 183- /00~24-(8- 17 anus F ut, permal 70Gb 2 Ue oe " : " [80-94-23 ~ 17 ~ I Taree. F Meets mew 7o08o¢— 135 ” “ ° 1B1- GS-2 3-18-11 Gee Y ct dtd Ga Chase afecsies ew thier Criserrtice ae alae /- _akt B30 Am “ed SEF. Mo~ Leet meghF 373°F, Aue De gg te Ce ee i Carnes. Kispert , ak the Poona, aamtnt sane emmatiie harel sar wee if) flisege wneaged gull typetial otanuatine Aloe oteruationre unel le. arpa ian eon 7o08e 14 of Crireee Erefuct from! eo (O52 BApartacte, flete 70080 4-15- ay /not B user Charla) jF bud 2 Fated coghee . eS J tued toghe pA ae ose en Hu ted Gan intend at mouth of Chena. avo 2 heck tonter. 2VP Hatel togkne . Dheeruecl 3 meew qertly a 5 eotsTLne of a rie ttRarccrige Leiber nen - Cheeked — 3'00 ag (-/—-Aa-/-{-/, FIZD ZR Aopen) ann ge: 130 Le #00 otitinedgetlyat /-6-)-5-2, “ied aig MiOb ees e , “Lion Kowes ChLounrbe . 415 hketd 2agle , Kk toed Lagh., 4itb eet apie. ZirF betd eagle . 427 Aoven, betel Cag he 700804- 115 3 pcotira?, 4:40 2 tetd cage, #43 2 bate cagles “pI Lobb Sos Kitimat Lorn of Channel: 2 toed Lagles Sieg Caed eagle, 507 frotd tagle, Caw dee je gutls at ore obinvatinic uo cedar getrf Cfawmnmneke s wie both caghe, 4: Bea Ctircwailbconads Frade ‘ &., Porn teatloc , 1B getlen 2 Ei gf/ as aa 4 evel ff Eome ath. he not telarnle Compr, Zon 2 Pot targles oon, 2 CD nyle © pee ra FS: Jo heed Dagle , Bite botd tagle , 8:37" 2 Fatd Coglee Gti Coxe Dilla, . GF! 30 beten ft Gtbte flows trnsrgeuce gril Lhe fatbacweney Vp be Lhe Le terere. tay Led auch te Omelechd Lhe Centut), eine Aue Cee Farther. , Maraprebere., Exglore! GSA oe Th ae Dg. Le ptecalece” Aad Aecd,, Eng lid coed poplin Ngagag actnrog a) dagu mapy 2 bl Binet Bo Eye nda cpap 0 Avlateen db eg tn the inboard poteoge . Ebeept for slormg Af peer £4 a ath, thee the Cohes ve noittenre Minnere Ze. the. peagele ar : of fae “oe eee : eaen | é ahnre Cid Diao B-6')- 3 rere l Bes eh eral n arerticrnecd! abut b-/2° Ete 2 a 4 here Cmdbeteire Ball Cnea Beeb trees Ce ee \u 700804-116 tescked ov Lied at wate, Level as These tonves cvvubel Gmporge and Lirnege Lhe bonve, Bre Contd Lornfare the waveaeki.. pecan. Kew are afipticy, 2 ‘duck Atte arth cack Ze, poorly on spell oven, toh onaad Llane Fes oe om dg tindjridieltla ack eh ne ae ee Apts ro Coats aud @ma ll Polen serena Ae that Ls set la fons Fol Re ge nd Meteted ae ed, Gi. the eee ha ath, tLeacl Ae 22he. ete a neenwed teyfrpobad! Vil. A heaclee Cla (Chore ok Coe on Ys Sis! aa. aA were! A2-J-2 fenifim J— 1% f- oy pg ee Jao A-/- $B la fo fiat 8 Rupeh ol 7 on = Price Chore rhecsed tt hapile fined Llseokan a, J gf & 2p , Avent te agptot. G0, Kacy Bey Versus Sabacsd, Qilsde Obuneten , Crates 38,1970 Qunwd at at 9:30A.m. nEnuel SG UOffF Otani, theyre & et tide of Uireocte Slow at Ang bead, Ae rise retlen Cathudial Jost 4: cdagment of Demag forvet, tod Aadrole Nr Tae Weave, A Leemtbamen , 40 an ttingh of the Poti plead wi bh ¥ pack e (at Gmi n aus aSmi E Tofine , 1000 fk, ) 700806-117 chive ; Feliveere Sete Amy te Varneouner Sbrud Glial, Gburdtaua , Grorda- | Fine x St po OD, Se aig 7208 06-1 Raoncgeeenm Ly bectiesg 2/0- AD -A4~-19~ 29 grees $ axa Cut (Simm) 7008 06-2 J99- /0S- 23- 20- 23 gme PM plac, etare-. 10 0806-3 ” 208-(68~24-)9- 2¥ ame 3 ut. normal Jo0OkOb- a ta montetas [126)-[36]-/9-(8- aogme F Ut. normal 7OO80b- 5 Psi ie J) -2-/(9-RAge + £ place. tear’ 200 G0b-6 Firermageties pense GES 17% 88. 20-/9- 22qmeF pose, atare 700B0b6-7 n ee en ~Al- “18~ /b gma SF Gehe Pome Sk.only 7I0GOb-F% 1 Gurgustie yy 2 - 78 - 21- 18- 2d me oO Get. 10 mem 0 7008 06-9 Pempent » entiraedius/ 70-8 - 23 - ~18— 2) ame FS bet. 3 mn a 7008 26-10 i ad 164 -8Y-23-16 - 2) grae Stealer Free " -700806-/) 7 f W793 ~ Fi 24-18 - adgue SM Betis 4 meme 2s) ob 25 woere £eF are deole ds ol ats bog che gone A er ey SO terres tn Cherced ae ae it Se at, eae i ie al iy Cactd (ERE eee 2D rpclenge a GLAS PI, Ernuk are 3 Lobes ak ee oa Ftepe Uctushel Crtenisecl \\o 7TOO08O7T- 118 Bongteot , Vartouwre Seborel, Geb h Ghyetcn , Gunte Oo £999 Trip. S6°F OL GF:Y 54.77 2 ed FTC Fetch a Teach, Petrel, conefet aehore pus beock - Pneater eck en mb cere dppread , / 38 corms 09 ¢ tbat , G6 Haak, Pele , yt aneegbt Sem ay prenk Gf Leirberriat \b/, Crtadsng ove! aqarey abo Yio mete begenol autre apptet, //0 aur Ware-ccerg : j @ a soon tS FT pegeets | (ecaeseme ttf. pee 4 Level, Fhe hom an atprty flew ptr edge a a Roeehegk. Pe nereay Peek BT wel Lud iplctan : Aow FOBGFOT-~/ 4 700So7-#, Kowt Levee f) borrera hire al reported L pebiee aud plseed rabize a Zrcatpofer , /5O j J Courteher, hetleleer, ZOO Cee el 6 plan ong, / Merrmanine , etebban ? , Chee I~ Ut? Cheelaclee red. Chior ZY Co, wy trvegfeater , oy lr ~ Other, Athens , Kent thewk, aud bose tench 7OO807-& BAuneth DAS WW eek ; 700800 -0. Camus dite of Kugapeer bofoainad ut anes 7008 079 cab 7p nin el 3A pg tesla 700707-8 " “8 “ . 900286713 Keffsr + Perfrvriacces . 7008 07-G Ry pono ont 0 aud 700% 07-10 Abenaenact ductlg audacgr — Foenes HZ toil ge tod his bay hae the boone Heoedl 9 Aiidbvas at Bisrglhnnie, had ative mot! tach oy ln tatebere fekerned Z eel his aka ! cheyatigr a Plege te hice, ek. mtted ad His tet 100 Diag. on eeplancle (fred orme tenek ) rnin, (Linnad polack nf toden ambed Io dgapatapprna [resend tad) bdbngheee le Beas caves ret 22 tagle ca an bei Anand Arie | A Sk. 6N, SK. 8H Bort E one b'/o me S Tofine , opgrer fo At, 7O08O8-\19 Kengbes 1D Grae O bate Jone 720 8 /9-_ 3 i (I3— 35-19-13 -~ 20 ones DF lactic F tere 76 069- 4 e /ASS BG~ 8 = 72~ 19 $cc, none. 700%19-5 (xu go OS py ody he wth Ln, In tobe, ae Mmarmmats etre the. onbg ones Bohn q., ee! ie ol tbat, the rutled trek prom eae, Raa co 4 ercete (ais | feet lerole ) and timed eedlh Pherdivetcic) AAG , he population te Lore. Of the Prarenrnebe than tagles Lecter, theatre Zhe uit wen pl haya x 200 pert Clone the Oust the wdhge Cite ther tip to Lap og Botely ptrdigy ig COA OE drnatt flock of jr, 7008 19> 129 Pop OER Ae ed SPL aed eetenge #7043. ci af ietins Pheiaed pt Pilclenge 61 arn, eh fod 610 efratraw Carvrkd ha 2 aparran Kuwte 6a.4¢ 3 Apicrrned Laika 2.4 / Aparrons Koi, 62.9 | tharren tinh 63.4 | dfarrus Cad 63,7 / Aptrrey Kak 646 | Afperrne Fewk ES s / i aed —_— (a:20Pm) 651s 67, e Od ee savannes begennruy 08.7 ] Afparrece Kowhs 7317 [ tparran Kae Z& 76.4 j 77.4 oct eet st 28.7 | Aprarracy Kurd. . 909 ted Lact Karsh arial magpie Bhd 3 ; S13 tue... Koad, 17 Drege G34 ; ans &8./ lees, er ee a $3.7 8F. 2 Eppa pont Cth) L pabieecacd & eT: oe 762, ” Fintan oh /4o Capniiiente aE PIeOE aD, Abchinnn me Aprarren) Kae deel aah sme gavained ie ses Planing age wi Tou, tke ‘tuclartet, Shes ta Q. preew 224eLun- hrtated tg Arran mace bake. Of wourtds the whil B acecstinr of Chee raw parton ww Che the ager . O80 ne Lone, are & oreagpeee ta? sie centh hee Ciynraen of rotbdhat rved then oh Bpneg fe IS ) fom grmcrtone TOI" Mb and, eng tvag wep To townty bane Line eatre 22 rowel! Aetle.~ 206 Modal C/ 700819—) 30 A Lntel of 43 rotted Anedl hetle cep A Lhe powd (Madaett hd), 312 ot PISP.ID a. Male of 57 rood Aitls Riteel ced Wf ltcecee 53h a S at B7-45Pm71. At 4734018 Camp at fare Quirk eel eet 00 dyads an Qrlimmesen Dicolentate , Whe nage Croak bernforrncel Lb Atoge of Voss Cock, ome of thine dagebrurk bart, Ataete a af (2° duel Ax" an te ait Baws . Chu fot ag en oe et Oh for ZL tepor) at Loree 10 neels 7G frre: ante , Chol Creel “tuto be terth Ake hpctltrn, tether An or Ateacesr Ld jth Che fad 03 tual antbe ee Sa , fp Arte At & matter cernecnety Gf Aetng a ticrnae Lend Neagpearuy tet ag Priten Eat, Cin ce lal bash mod nena oe matloro. Cth tin 1 Atle poal Aart ther Liurgt A av the pogebhruiek Ar00. Lue grocpe appeareel do a : tin , Fae? ov be. : au Khe $eoceratl . typ anit tour Che Creche ehoneal oF Lh Lenhight cue 700B20-15! (sez, £800), 7207) nda Orrk , £597 fey brn GS Canteen, Co, MY uAF: ete eee, Oy A2,/970 hom Aopleict bn Arkirninwa Caceght: (AF gma 1) FO0620~f [principe tt tac! (Sb~ 68-20-17 - 3 gee -# Axdemb 22 JOO’ 20-2 " /bb~ B1~-R)~/§~ 22 gee we bE ute 7OOFAO- 3 " [08- Pl~RO-17-A7 Grrr LE x2 nL [3 mn 7006 a0-¢ " [61-48 -21-/8 — 22 Gree oS tnaetie (0 nrw7 sktenly 20 $ 20-5 i Wb-6y-r0- 47 ~ 16 gma 0 Tete Fone SkKtOn, 7 O06 26-& " SY 4¢-£3~2j)-)7- (3 gm 6 ud survial sun. 700 6 20-7 fs (h0~ 56-18 -1S~ 7 gum @ ud nervmnel tnan Lerngpe Laat rrght 38°F Teen p Che reer Sak, Lef~t area ot SYS Am At mileage 475408 ail hemterretd S rurel Sher EL , Bl) me atouwt a pabecehs Aevrtrot tfretees (necbatbaey Hoot? * pred Z dgsehe) Greta. 3 sparta Hache GL & pans . 37S 2 bparrer Lowte. $16 tprarrecd Cased . Cre ww plopas of ceblivreted Ginries acl sheeke tbc bteaiucs Arte le ea fof Ot. I77 Chthig, I78 inoaed, off S79 LV meecbaew Aut pt nh ad Lon oth proraces Ape Me pomnel tis hetn putt aid ducks SRS Fa Pore Keel, lie ee cals Pnenthed eange Aervetee Ereet bin Lope Laks) laredt relearn Thag lift at 00m. telge q bake om Steck. Crimette Guid & rode Aagp ow mreclow Ridge from timer Farka to tore of medteerns Boos Fook acel notion . Dhin pedhge beer E of Sovteeud Lak. wetl hap Lewd Bat ff att terdy ancl marnrnay , Ceph at YEA Sav sock thre 1) of Prorvrer noted FF avet 2 syosng marred, (hig moved grace tly ft Ategle pn Law Abide aero! meaclecs. Cathal . CONT TLD. Cabiml b porn , Mocs 9 mene tuk f Age, Lalrben-mantled , abt heacled i, Fer ille tal tipeba, 3 alas cn 5 Ga -hesoled , Aateine . hn wtl Lbde f Lean ov WW sche babe. Ww: Crpeered dppacraes, Menge ) 1:00 wean ad onamathept, papal bn berigte , LOD si tigers Speen’ Cgdaiceges » Prrwi a trp fied took dertral tlarmplic red dna for budy Joo8ao- & Le 7008 20-+4, 4LL FIGORES xX 00a] 700820-1 32 FOLLEN CHLA MYDOMNONAS NIVALIS SYZEF RANCE 7FO0a20= 135 a A Let LT | = L | a a rN rN o— pate ee eye sees ris