JOURNAL 1971 JAMES W. BEE "F{ O1 OS 4 JOURNAL = }9O71] , heecegbaa Co.) Kawase, x ¢ y Aw - 5,9 TS Kept X fo ee at melesge S19a0.0 4&t apprey. (1:00 4.77. LixonaDe; Act I mmocle Lig - weed Riley fat of tarde. Lept weet Mate of Taserypehe od 519269 | TIVATZ.2e Redlacl howk. STIG ¢SE F Crscerd auch |/Atdtaeh . SIISS3 Prat aecth of Topefian ttre Liruprle Barns donrth. SUP8/ more Te, SIGE T BA Crstuw., edeopst gees Aonewte Qe fare, Temp 04°F, tung FICEI , faved, Aron Cae Gace ei Licer tovered Leith tee , ie: , Sroos, 50 at Empeca, Ledas dvrete Akew sus Ke , onal Hea hereto ow oid, ITOOS, elle pe Flwup Keel AA ' Si okY Anectlash ; S1022. fare, 3/0357 | SOeC Sree , Sed? Craw 51009 trarek hoewb. Ses ¢ redladd. £7757 Aedllaeh. stoet 2redtache, Stes 64 Merado drnfinehouge : Cenagp 15°F, Sie neellach. 57073 ~nrerat Lawhe, F107F Apparroed Kaveh - Po reaslucelurhe Ae _SIOTF Crean 5/080 A Nowe Thon ae 7 A Crtevd . ee Dien. aren) ww Ante, SIOGS Bmeacdsatarhe aud z Onse Bet Lina toonnud, F1E $b : BIOGoO Prtadecoly. fe , 510% bacheta, S omenvcloertashs ave Aree, TIO Crped. S106 berowe, FI! Ose, § onresclecotarhe . 5/120 if Cigcin, of | trarrece Hacwk, $1137 treeclevlark., Find, sfc! ano! ff a a Fonds am Tipede.~ Rawrrence Qres awe Avge, Kage au wuchele. Are ape demel tynatl Creaheds Cine sig Fmeacbeerlets, "11S marek bohot subband A. “S11eg Creed. SICT SGpreadlacrlarhes, S128 % gatadoceLrhe af Cx ate$e, 57179 mesclewlaudk, £7173 oe week rteard the Heat 3 paguns tneleage frm om). Water aee Greets a SS al OT Iona. 8 Ak Meat /¥0 se pweedewlade. /F! 12 meadetwlarhe,. 686 2 mescsluwbrche . at flock fear Oreeb. 199 ArmescloerArhy, / Crew. 'Go2, (arty: 194 4 meactocwluche . (9S 3 meecleacrExnha, /96 Apacrrve tek. Omaccdustte trrdinee oof Todge oligos . t00 dprarrocs Kawb, Aue of rddich toed uy Fé , 200 Pitccgprite Cai Mae, Snaedtones lites 20S (0 meaclewlarhe' 20% 3 Yreaclertrrhe. 208 Ymenclaowterbe. 207 5 meaclawrbabe. 7F\O| O22 Alio 42 mresclacw lark. 2/2 Garrescloutlarfsw, 2/3 a ee, Revew, I gates Seclee Hew ee rere Ta feng, wapiatealy eatin Laaiee ne eae) BS. Cer aud a ath Aermeornenaty COTE SI qntactacetarts , sarpacrtrass hock. ois’ & a Poripfrens rine Corned one tplande. 2g qreaclketinA. 2:7 meadocukh. Rao // qrétndcletelark.. 220 marah Kawd- Bote pstells, are park 7 Hhe bandetape prawn Eke ta def the mere. , ds Lb mesadactufer- 2 §& L423 Lawl Z a. 287 vata, | rac, lok gves hove mereeced is Age. 2.33 OkLotermnes Ene, “Teeup ash, a3¢ 2 rewwhaws _ 4Larpe. 235 7 rpiacdpeytardko. 236 F neacskcwslathsa. DG s/t wmeaclorrtarhe, 235 Ccbmend lime, tmeadoudtache ah Narrisern, Creech. Guel tuck Censceg . 4 32P 7). kevtratl obttrvatorir of nete Cre : Ametneetees nas. Kebashs t Asunzh lage dl af neces Sohn h hg TY races | Stagedl ot beth ore phere Aue Chisel , Firma, Oblahosna’ - Yawn 4,197) Kaeetgyn ta the weal. Ke flestryrateorr Fs : Ww tthele rrountinr Cothehds I Apetemedcs 7 oe/ swojot-| aud Tloloy-2, Be Forman tack, Cone ¢ of pa Ape ff eteape, Maral tarts in Orta Afrarrecd Ahseqtiag Carsbemale, , yorbods- shufled Vredtits ard monrah haste 1 tered rusrbent , ae conceal hagh propel hinis yr Cae ths og TL aa tee Gl a ae : poe the Mat Parco tole Ahad fe ed art the area, he rt art Lhe plans ot Ti OLO4-S ) \y y : 2 OF . < < = x Cu OU v Yo§ & 9 < ¥ & a x S S a Sein Seb SBS BO SBBSE SR ASSE 8 MOST SOS 6 Oa s ee pe MPA SRSL SSS RTS STs P sos sss o seRcs Pas as \ ‘To ee eo e Se @ @ C6 20 °% @ © © bee eo 82 6 @ 8 _@ oe ¢ o |. "00 My a “ali \q x 30 © 0) ry E> @ © e fry Tee © oe yooog. beet So 69 © Se pore rer oly ® 2S 22 ® 9’ GOO gre 4 e t I v i t ley z 8 7 Ss ark Lierreyy 8 gee frvyel/ -D ‘td OF: OL NYOOM 1L6l EO NYL ewan FINO ‘Nive NOSTSSVH Gi “FINS IOOST NIFAOL IG IMINIALl WINOTY SOX/F Fa WOILAG/ALSIG sysvey 7\ 0106-4 oS 7a sg. GOOF , Cy aad mp G/.b Sp bls, 63.2 Bich. 65.0 % kormmet Gurks. 659 2 “iaparnroc>. 66.5 oo 67.2 de tttcdundttovin OG.; #& ats OGL SF /Canclecal, Tl.o Linke, 70.7 f ee 70.% 2 puncco, 7 tile sipssoaeelk 7k FO Cee Aparrecun: 7008 6 Lee farrorvs, adrichke. 72.7 . 9° 5 awl ned much wim, 744 qrtlaws shepteds phieder., Ino : aq Anew auel setcet- Aavchie rormel grou Cover , 99.0 aa elle Na fain Capa. tee aR. ee ie Pe" 8.9 . to tren). 2¢ . 00-4 Anesllacf are Leste a. aphe Cincther ome 300’ teg ( 00.7 tp AUK anpww. Oa. of ere | tony aoe Ow Geter traonchu. OSS “4 Hornet Larch. O6.8 "F Afrdrro IA Amecw Qrrck (234%) (27%) Ss amuncdow mg ST eo ee se ce he OS whan tenets f bls wot areas. Mads Cire) 2 thack Coppel Chechackee- ill Si is Yaak anes kere, From Kure paw ace anclovoleat gf ett e pekee: aaa Disp cfs Che. aK netted aa Bactakeg) , 2 gnc anserger he Se welt prentne si along Hood | eee te hahitbhelhds BE ae ce Tn pci ig a+ ; ea ase aio tu fal Eran ° Bf an! no2D 2 Uhagjes, 2 € Sy eee bar «ape 40 Jeet Ie pracctten Seon te deer ¥ Coote iow. fltre 25.0 new tock 4 main F-W co. Se ee ee 26.2 10:10 4.04 ete 30,2 Bye bln Sracu Ze &/ 30.6 (2 Cae OE Tol ataenats JF2.0 trudge ZA getdenege aks 1 ofow Wate, ste Bie Bncwmdl ECs ae bBo rae one wee thre! ow SHI recllacl aud Hae, 71.5 row ress, 9 doe re oe along ot Anos Le chuok Cogets Locks 3b.4 paral fara ow rcliirn, Sack ots, ea 77 tat Carrmarence tis ip Mele. 37,3 oe 37-6 Xt ae ee oe Onrvoww. 38.6 2Aew, 37.2 ne 29", YO. trees, Ea ee o-6 Lge en oP? 3othee peat x cance ee Hie Bag Chere ‘ Cree dfarreces. 3.2. sgowent 43. ener hie Area 3b Crettng Lrarecage terol 7102079 =-8 Anas Lo etge of evelin. v7.2, fe teat Loong. Cagle Anes Se ee J. By fleece Nieancedl dkhere Arlt 2 Canesleac — 45.6 “Aedlack ) j cana toes so sfarigcer 1 20 fscon» 46.0 theaol of bay, 2 Kft //:30 Am. Camnetl nate grace Le tact Ceeacuss Finances Aree Cuscred! Sho tack & mar peed naw LS, Wwett OnEnwe 2 Se nce ely ens ape eae Buy Hlocegh are 2 Tires nth great horny meets, ads pt “but tac Apet . he LaGeet catorng cesta Dee ancl bensrcts of 20 reals, meg cokeeh as alonmat Crnplelil, auc the Lee (thn) terme 200 Aeon EEE te Oe Go) ah coe Hosscee) Backs of Droecke, Tor Ahad one eoeey [5- : Oi led , & £06 Leer Lacko' / red. nethatek . Jlebernreal do tar aul Lontinecesl Lo Shawasigy tee Crick ; oe at /a:3S PM. Waid 77 Ase leorify ¥ SAS peed alY, SS Row lo Aocvaryl mara Fyrceees, Lopgerhiacl shreks , S56. mndeol fir (00 Lize tprarocue, 30 fleeceow, 2 meaclecwCatha tect / ee FI2 tart cad dan. 7D Bendvea cen Php aac pate fi Ger tatallr, « wak, ofter tela olor. 53.7 we ered ham. Fraslne wn Lake demelaye tore -f Lact gear, 59% g0 Lee , 10 2 measlanterk ¢Caclinalke . 60.6 mam ee ant Lo ade athe. row 7 thee if eore - 100 matlardes wn “achawweae beblnew ba-sez , ft 28 al 8 OS pancbadd only wth Loe clache. 5 Case ow ch Lf? Pnatlarce . jailed . “7 ee ln AtL3S5 Am iat ae ae, Hpccgltey towrk ced 67-9 Atpllacl ow ef, av Kacrrrercee Crete attiere “aed, tee abhere a tevgl Nariow 7|0202-10 Fawrente , douglas Ce, Kaweae Felt. £,197/ Aplt a patlrerd Lit aud pomel approd 60 tlack SOX 10 rare ae aclyoitent torredere . More ranekes pa amet Y Keir. Foclaeg, (6 Aocns Latter are aetnic. Here weie a Anma€l ome HO j uw Qu peg ELA Cuck area, Wakareee, Jatleg, dowglae Ce, Kaead Fed. QP IF7/ aan ears (at YG Am). shztt Ni aust Leng. 38°F, PPA, Pe PREM ES BPE EE Ae ‘ ke pele ehutae? he = y Anta tere JF Lace ‘ CASE fires: Come bee Aectge » Somes. 70 . Barccltach 2 theh.coppet Chickagdae Leont Oe CN noted. Jai27 Arawnage anol Tage itr, Aeeewsee {2:31 water A Mess a deans pa pe ce arth, ferak pellets Lyre ptornap Coopers | Cette ted wl, sae eee ie (24S froumd of rckge ° ot2 akopea © A ae /Ai SO ; on teeth -evcl, FEB .28,/971 ROVTE &.5 mI J e228=12 Crna ad gpa eee be Pte os. la:Sy pooond of ruckge> Racite tt tirtlincg otene . a , Ji 0 peract Creek th araten Eee ape eat ne oe 20° horned Larhe Lft ridge . Ertimate the Léa - ' aia: IF" depearation - VL... Gmstesct Arnecinl ee the tet thawtaabas Lous. | [le top (prover t ‘ a. Lrawsrecs hs tpaitla a Palin, Aeamavagp atthe. Lenborrrntns pare whire om frevrecs gears F SN BTS prec_herd prblieto, Seen - ieee OG le OLED stad ha Cad Leobatid Les, had bao tut ty : , £20 pond. He ruth prom pla ted Drea l Nip henmel atid foal dipoccted brad tact drachage dite seed Westen Las ptAtar . peel pilin plies ar ot Gomes tine we horned orel Loft ther Tice nm oer fprtlete ceed eel ian aft /:£0 betheed roo pecker is le Kedlictl : wa Zine : bf soted beabrmol ash wale, | Gah fr tient, PS” Bhan Lee, gi ow Ackge za, of +70 Zack . Lhd Tee epee eee niece 1 flee $2 Buby 3 tobbetLeocls . 7; Go ff : ; . ence fi et ode Abin ann ama pe Aiugt Zp Baurcle obatrucd 1 Ly nett Apr tre 7 theehackeces , (er, / , Ackcchateee, b thechodee, Cheehkacbees, hp ifosct fn nidan alan nat) EO Are Drarnages, Phone Hows fruat Lracl be oftu of rebat. ‘ 4 Uundgh 4 Sa Ge Mnrenef Ske Wakerea hoo! been up Lo upper oper | eaten Va. Level, RE fer as. arzi FF ) Gop b tarclucl, T(0226- 15 tard pedtash freee Ace pfarrowe; 1S” Cobecrhalls , Could LepriGtd pfoactarn . $f. 2 form : a oe 5 Y pect Pawiess SS wot ed tase nidge ee, 1S Bees aby, bpurrewa: . Cimene Car. 5110 koak Jz hy 4 Arete Lorwrrany 1 bods marca leer ; occetcenal wel of Lacks groupe (to 5. ther 3-|- seis dh rm icdehcke Atoch — Coppel Chiehocles 2-I-|-7-4-| —4-3- Crors '-|-15-I-l-a- eee fo tor mendrwtnrk A- hotan 4 - Wad 2d, J. “ |- I-[- a ned lrthed woodlpeeker | - freddie . Techs . re ss ported ‘ AtecCloowr IW ea Deinerissd ane Malmeazen:| | pet tinc tluctenc $= 2-1 plete. colored qnte aye g - Dire tparrac Ray . | . tbotavheti /S-/8- Ornaccherstte team auc populatiar must be trgh . : Aes Lerols hn tharactingedl bg firs mm penton (105 Wclurcheerbe penal Ri dodoriad approd 6 mites wethout ceererianes Of frmere or Dee tparvredis, She enlire aren Peptetere 10 ad an eptimely Lowtevel TIOB10~\4 Howrtnee , rheccteg la Co., Kaneaet Pnarety (0/97) Dicks 1h pl hygeel eines weg eee th hugh and B7 anche evrole « hy itt ff mosqeate retling Latin 1. Lhador : eh gee BEianst phot Bale te. CULT peal Jak TOT Aawrentee, Mouglas Cr. Canacw poe veer ep po ees Cnghate aparroed leone 200' : My the Torna Phe tavete praned Ebner the Dr the Lol Copbred Abeut V2 the deatinee belueer Kees hifere the hawk bph the ise teed lig Che linia The apanor) aloneart Centacf. ~Kethariecs Wrted thru the Leese 4 Pang Resevoir, Seppereed G2,, Caretet! Prraret, /3,197/ Cinrnetle and DI mek dup ZR Pitas: Tal le 2 ols. peste - Lae. Shel at Lake Viet at (0:1F at mloge G14. We0ee hoop Lut of Cirde Ls Pr Rew va Lermpln., ery, Lhigtt ; fo Sw, nd chant Lene 68°F, 90:7 reclurrag , miceheregloeel 93.2 meuleylurk. 73.0 Aparren hohe , 73.5 flock 20 pidurrmga) 42 4 dlerbng- 95: stark of Keble trond, bia ehazheslan, 966 Aed-leblodl , Crout! 97.0 flock to tlarkng b 5 Crowe. S73 1B ponkoo. 6:4 More Leermpler Mood, Tl Crodye ot Kass if FOS B=15 = supe =Gonee. , : 99.9 2 crow, preacloretark, Pe ek OOF Ane broodk Mnacke. ony ke tu Lavemasw 2 flohe. O22, / aor ae O4,¢ GF dnaw greece fed 24 aw ise 77, oG_o 7 Rerifecerrvcbhe Ont mes: J eal 4 loge, O69 it fe penne Der Hitec d, ditibtinss. OS oF) Va redkheateY¥PE, 67S)» 2S ant 1? rs rie , es - 7 gris Ledle a). fa ane oT oe i a ts, Ine SZ Ze elect tAcekne And perth blrche deat tornd. , at 12:3 mam root 7, 63.4 meaclaertnrk, retlicl, 4 - ’ budge. Norte iwarea. 59 RAG Loseyl. Cesk Bren : adhncke, mreaclawlerk, 6.7 Hramoege aheutk Leree ar puch wadin on rm wantin flaw. W725 Q 7rteclecelarhes . LES froent , toat, a Fhccthude, /9.¢ 2 pp , 170 Le pinto”, Cad etic S98 ee oe. 2OG Haw, prtllyl mesgelowtlirte 29,/mesdclewbih, 22:7 meadow. aso Let y treadiapubute, mesdecubes/e , Dba a Rettder, , Abe ontadeclark-, 3// Coe aks Wygd Metls of ter Need Atveloprmant , 4 7 2HilimeiUs dud a 1 Shb . $a7 pmein raed, now 7), 343 Katt, Slaugte Grech trudge. ate, whet fe bed Toww the ae G50 tte of trmler . nen. at Cfbeme hood ,) and Qld Faun wit, atl aftr, Conway traler [3c bagonA bt, ‘ el at, sea , 364 getlow- fleeker hitther, 96,7 Maur 27 Ogethen, Lhenee vhs 2 (neud ) De thech ow aud ane tut Lount rumbty to wlinnd Io D , Shee G hole nof yt Kael ae D Prrrtes Pood Bur, OF9AE DP). Pbide 2. areadinvtandde #65 Rew WL fuadees lor? . Va ACrewe, 50.2 & tudl penraute Ete og Unreal perintcela Ce hide. Dn ths thet tombe Lee botinted 1832 Leroy S Aede tee and on : Tb. een leper pam ap SME Tg eae li TIOSTS= 16 es bleed guth wire re cee) bre pee Aernt Caacs 300" waitin, , te geatert peepee of getle perenabar and AF 53,) tolyratid 6 thoerteucl Arnereteerd Greetro thy, dicthe ete (Ue Cerin ee fern a) i eeseel Limtinues C, 53,7 %, Jobe! 59,9 Splat at of fom pord. Ld [ Cbvidtede , THY Lv , 599 Loggerhead phrrcke, 73.4 ¥ 3 aint ail pe ow rmnudband - Daheaelsesa NAL, Potennnsl Kawrenee, lecwebae G., Kapses Pitan I, /4 7) line Keard gecee pose wner Kouee at tor yorfiahue ru the feelers - : aang Mer sod Peer : Prarn F PRE igh tig Par B, meetelle 7 hy, Ra abecetl Fi0eh 77, Pees: le pccbinbpe es ectth, dager Kawrener, Gancglar 2; axe Wwio.e FRoiT TAR Kana a a WNprch-v], 6g7( ¥ é 7 ROS Iaies\ 7 fa “t 2 s3 v 71 OS1 T-1b . Sa fanaa, “13 Card pert Zt der . Pare toohm. Other brid, hems Avtre Aotine, Cp apernn iiss palf, plone 3 eg totrbaed oo Lionye oer. Lian pfnie Ba refiece Se Lo ; stprth cle now ate tobar Change Lizes, feet eteght ees pt balenk. Fiend 70 geen on Gotlnar Ao get. aberrant. Yeah Re lea, Moret 19,197! Tram braws Matt or) the Compass of Che lnm. of Ke - ene Spee Ef ee atl Prt Spent Melee one! Elie: Litt O baarpetigind a! F'00AMM SOF noChrusls 7: 30 JSo°F uw 40:00 Jor 10°30 SOF " t Wiow Salk hE seisle ov haresgne Ww : : a TAF an " ‘s a wn ened ALAA LA s2bo Fb ree Legbt ods Aud reed evcrhesd 12°30 Fa°R Chenote Go? ancl Mowrar Ss 1Qise SUE Brereace locedts, dark, drt t 7 no teow, seemed og jiee SRF bene 40 Ahern Bek more deen ¥ sereely alee tins & Ste). pot So°F = Sad “70 SE etna tad more thee To De Boke ce emn 2:30 yg °F tga, te tic, te tagte leg Metieneaeedl Math Psion denlenes alaee li, Rive 46° F c ea doe Gtecesec - Ute Sdmee 3:00 “Ye F ae Lud Conver and darker Fe ‘ BI3o ¥2°F Overt » vlown. asmnptet cnnud Slee frin . 100 IGE Lb df Cut mare (ie L 4:30 YE? F Bg Ehewiaagy, Peis eons 4y Hevelion), Ter Jioo oy) Lpped LZ B2°F aecd second coche Z mts (TO-LO PH, Ad medtnraght tn Mpliacmset, ( Ktand & flock (le cme sd thee) flp-g rored Pirnperotnn’ del Aeglt sro Chnwstt Dhtrth VG,097 ; > ai peracid 130 ger feud tremutee heh Aeauppowsed > Fos Joo 475 °F Gosnclrnale (eee Moreh 17) 1 SAlache (eatatbated reacdental Crea, cteot 7 Cordernrate on S thlaeko seus) Atal et tren bebimeen 23 Akiak & the dnencrecly ker bavo were sora, Metidh Lrmsctirable mftoreicenee clin re Gite foe” an perhaps high unuds of Dat regi ire 2¢ Cntcclershle 4 ec. | Orrarcte Al, 0F7/ oppHlid Ardeecwape lo ot L ‘“ : Ss ZS “xo. riche Auta boinduridin imell = 7 si uo PP bie g Oe eo ee ee Mtedyteli nf, 9d OY -tfarvrac Col oa. ees Hs God Dorje : é poe R ee eo ped. lirthes hk cvzelpecher ! sein horn. theres bacok ! apron baud | tL. 4 — tReet, I Carabhina Urrteer ! Aeuny 2 se as oe a eee prple perch 1¢ block Capped Chichadec b Smtitrd Jat Flew cAte & ny pwn ? ew Ya Kacer (i230 Ce : J, ? bas eee ee 7 d , Clea Pract tome wal & reliirne he wag el oe S 7 J : I ADS Bartlet. = Zy “ os feted farrce ang 2 Chechadees pros hice Giza, “LY Karner, Meaccugbar Kamene,:, Pngarel. FI,/97) : Cid For (2 42% foorPm, Hearol (pees , co ! Che peta betes, Dinas pnarck 25,/97/ ) ° Scio pete) wl Ady eutidiy And Lidag or ; mnairehe 26,177/ Centar ener ae 1) of Lhe, nas of Mamene, heard he Approd, 4tommnute” ro sithe, Jagan! Raarenct, , plleusler Cp. ; Racial At Avitow St ad Ge L/w. nek svette thet feathers Gui pan sa Cheek uuel opnbial /2 ene what brhete wm outin LW deaths), Ged vis o TlOS27=20 Waker vw, Coreglada Br, antag v Prarek 37,/97/ Tonk rang Ia tredlge 7) CL Ta oor ahe ; IS wae waa Ss, Aff at 9/30 A.M”: Lhrrreet at teemt Le budge at F:00ATA | atte keep Lat af lirdo a brdge 7 of Uintr fo the pi eed Lee, bins, ben SH Waker % toed | Shower E Crevard Stget School (7 end proposed Lom). At drhgerieted End heard preter, prhacke at dridy , Andhetbeel wordpeeher 49) 2 recleonge/, 2, Cros, 2 Aecleorng tlocktrds Corl operhind) yethor - Akvpled tvoodpeeker, ALG. 3 pecthath , 1 49,2 RQ meactawnrhe , Joined Link, €97 2 mteaclewlahe, $0.0 Coew Crs lrudge, 7 Onghat aparreues woln tleavaw eke, SOA 2 Priiagl banhe pe 50.3 afprortredd Kal , Soak gem acid. B- , nebtck, S00 Cardenal + mearlertluk pengerg Pevihteage head 2s wich, . Frnt Ahges A, SP? Reh Ss; fe Ae dhewrreine aud 4 Attirw. Feeble Ef elirecns place , 527, 4 lop foettheranete (Leel, 2 yetlact tke f LA plekere, cre mende Lar , SHI A peadawaik, pe ay S25 SF : nk emageig 24 Fed 8 TAD cantly Cal) Qe Ce por Sho AP peclevenga - SA / 7 S44 wth tha.tatlr, 5,7 2G rots ae rll, 7 recbkadl aed a yetlacahafhd Mrapeekers aud a Phvcpar. SL setend Crcap. wth deid. togdin. tect thane. Cawdegveah geo ee fF ance frou F eng _ SIF Now EE F S6/ ze Avtinre 10 arch gentvatly Lelriteted ; / Athrefee. “S62 : LehkhrLl aud tud Biagiiie., Gaaee rep Broek dep feenl Emmnele Le belveen 12 aad Loum inee . Fee Gourro, Vabes ) Prikl, Es ee ee Fi OSZt Zt Xe j Arocecgtan Ces cae) = ros tovoctel Arainage to te . ao fr ewe Bittner Viti Cwtored pornewe y Marina spree pee, nae saga au Cw ed pale aa oe AL — efiicra mee ante dws one Life pret. S =; PrerceZ 30,/97/ art eens bee ee ae nie i perme / OTe Fenaece - Princh B/,477/ Coe rated the arvrinal of the mrartere ned Gdns, Bhzes. tevids goin, EP sesh in, wher Sioned BE ies etna ad aoe -b0 ee tindag i oceeerreel aay Amalie Gat aow'y towed he rene am the why booms Drie. 71 0851-22 anriringtd 5 (2-40 burda Phey were net a0 Atgutaw a~ 2 othe, tut bovtd Le Cnriiclint rare . bate -Cobereck puice aivreck. Mback-Cppetl Cheehaclece otter ed as molerclialk Bure esti Aes , Dfarrec: , a2 Kanne Afarreces ee iy Ae ; Fain, bbcejoup ae, Gee dugegrorted Erg biel afarrece> tenel : Benes shieet G thet werme /00 spast ouunig ot Bevorse DAG preccence avhire a peroley tone, Lenaliected, . asc a2 hetmlinuseecs Aparna Le at) ersek rede. anclucled Cardinal (t as Fak me Linen), thats Crtewd Chechoolrer, Kherre? afro (hanang persoels of Aivne Lhe peotrw at Bn0aPm, hie mmog be th. acbirt Pe he gpl aentannt bit, Oftis Clas Lime Cheg ante Artrwomiiey pour no Lecalgation t0 io Lr bots in the pede, Oprl 2,/97/ 710402-23 flew atrove the Arigtth of the Treen bed ftew beek aud el eee Che wwetin ano tontieted the ae ths wr . hs Group avienwed af shack I304.M cnel 20 trernrtes Later. Sheer tehewine ne more Arde Apter in ae Sena ee eae take Cw Lhe Co Lhe marks oad edema gpt Sg gO ce fe Atel Frey anton d! SW ee Se &! qesat-7+ ee [Bite 20-20 -10 - EF ane A fete b nme 210S-e/~ TS (ie Beal 10 — Kaige FF eroer goer JAGHNGH Ae W128 ~ 38 gree fF phec: aearve- a ee LW) tet eee in me pet ae oP lar Ol soseraune pre aerporan sku ee Toratg 1S; (97) VIO SOl-7 ee en Wosos-§ TMeerohce Tati paies 138- A9- (G5 (/- AT ome ood Netionnpll wosel~9 249 -34-13.5- 1 29 grue. £ eee se ie mie atatfa pest co liree- pois VPIOTSO +10 deernga Gurtarcecce nn 3oQ—-/00- 36- 7-37 ¢-a9x0 : SOT Rae ees laa AeA go atevre thie Am A+ Yoel W/EeSoa-/ Sip lacy 1265 17-19 -16 © 48 ore Zarvie bomen FZIOSOCA-2 rte 4AS- 1B-14- B- 27 GP PAD Erk lo 7/0502-3 et ee 122.7 20-2029 = 26 Conus S esti, Gorn ee 7Flose2~ F ee pirstel 7 2§- 18-79-10- - BS gme oO ee Sk} Zi 0So4 25. “f go 123-18 -f]-10 - 31 Gms ees I” Bereg ~ & trtan da ee 144 - -~32~-26- 4/- 3b OB ren ie 710 S0f- 7 Veeo tg a0 = 1135 ee A f2 nme : VioSoL- F¥ ae . jtb~- Z34-20~ Ton - fOn i - 710S02~-7 a ei 134¢- 31-20-10 - 26 ars S Mee LLOLOR UG Lole $01/- 32-19 (0 bane Df 'Vam eke. MOS02-11 Fogprecten LS ate SA-IJ~ 13 ~ 1B anes S lakes Fon HSNO WeRNET Ian eel eee , 3 5 pekte ed 2 metentatines pet ecrerenelen 25 Chetan, 2 ae s Varricappariid Shep ase, oes 2, trtwhtdte A, ante the 0S 9 eaaee peork ene 18 Ad- 33- 40- Mn 3b gyn 2 chai pitta lina) iD e = (2B Bor I If- RAaGumea I hetey 10 mmm, bah oe Prem abere Lreplme dao Ralol cap line tuk) LD ray (55/977 ZlOSo 3~/ are a 119- (9~ 20-10 ~ 30 gro bet W, oy Cece fox VOTO 8-A [30-21~ 2o~ /6~ 31 O Leather 5, Cilaree Kat WHOS 8-3 ‘eset YB I-19 AAS —M- $7 Geo eho (050 3-4 ride. Le £ 7 Mua B8-I9~ ie 43qms & poet porlirtion, UOTO3 ES Legale 2882110 +35 + 20-1 3b gma, A luk 26 mend trkue Ahi Mets placed rw cone wth Le ® hegnepclow no 7/0S02-1/ = rbescte of ta teak fas fe Us ply eb hee ; ae a oe Patti an oar ott d bins le Lorde inl fh, at Cee 2 Oo hanna scl af Fio peo oe auc Goorm eee 5 ekNOU Z ever Skese were dee a ae — eae ee C40 Eousas ee p Bee plats \ 7\0504-29 Se Kac/Ucee , Ga, he ae ey a Tet "tome. 7), Sha pa Ga Ae CP.a) ; Cage es (aetaa xc Sa ea a Sb ee Ras Keaggy tego ANE» 2d GA the Cade, meerphees Mogi Led abl Zhe, aarmaty and other tiny « My. Lo 2 Pach. celrgeal ah Spring pt fort Abeer be bene 20 they Soo ct ILE P abepnn 4m oo search Kae. of tynaplonge See ee Vsel Poe Protagecs + tlio wld on ontht sere m Lp i Coge Lo EY eige Lal on crkele ab. “mammrntcle ne Lobe wheel. an metlag fins poset Let bia ¥ oo Seen fe eft EA. Ses bes mena 1b abay Tell pa tat EES bab eid a a Ge nies ba nee he ambi snare J pete ee khirk wth bge then trae au cee See do aly BOA ae Ueto potte batd ¥ thrasah agernet pit. Aovwer pou for penithate ; Cle. vende ov pre Ae, . your al SRO TON RO es : 04-3 phsrrfisd thot, to Ke . Piet @. We” J A 97) “ es At 50 trepe bby od) tortor hovers, Chis 49m snipe ed Lire nthe thcteewile. pee een Korn anast, tee Tonia Aap 4,097) , . Ondiuctek pret 32 pstiecbet (nae. The Matlin» ne f a . Mrrtaccnreel 50 Dope at frctdd Coplaet wi lakaet elas Atheclecl mem mele- , F/IOSOS-/ Rie ragetaet Aeoprta (50-68 - 42-/5— Wo Gus a Galan Smne WIOSOS-2 za oe 158 - 7l~ 2AW~1S— 16 gro 7 at yore 7iPSOS-3 os ie iy 169-78 ~ar-(S- 26 S tatu WOTOS -¢ “ 7 176-8l~ 23— 1b- AS gre PX) /R mm emt. 70 -72-R1- 05 -AT grrms oO Lee %e 10 men VIOS OS - SF rt ss WOSOS - b ee 1 3S= S1~17 ~ b3- 4 get glee deere? [O7- 21-t&~ 1S ~ 21 Gn 2 ut normal, fat. QIOS OS - 7 . Laer feces He (Slarana Vo 7/0Sal-6 : SZ Ane Bein Lo Ch be Pree ne gece Ape ay oe Clea Sd, Fa ae tre mack ra el pa ptrtd Aud toth tetre Concumest, ine ak The ‘ fuk the othirot the avlerser 247. Oe trth Leases L pre2ex lertds matin tenes fe tee Gatls To Le the Mmaytitie i de ees the Ferd vo Liarred eth pe Uiph ancl thy basen ta tak by we Tae. 2 Phere 10 a Cap and heen) movement at Lina a- ; ‘ Wena Ort eatin trom Lateb be, Zi ae A wttepparned ed Noree . Not only Lhe canes Mguarg ta Ad Ca ae eae She three Lrtccmad Lie ee ane rcceng the fredloug aI Che peut bom, Mize Y he htore tbat as nt tant 0 macrathanediliten, 7 Pies ff Che Pio k.: i s, 1. v Pte re anced (10 mei, wt Kaurtecce (P.0), - G., Ka ; : 15,4490 Sef 2 oe 0 defn fatlooeg a meron lark purply Maran, Crorbencl, gonna: eeie oe spi fe > Aotrt, J Conglnal Clenegory 2iralland). Bee ee ee eer Age fg fe Hei a ant. , battivn wrod catine’ bofbogl Z Monch i ¥ tactcling 0. nest (MH couplets) ty formal, . ee Figs tG=Si lYyome. 7 aw’ (Fie me a Kawwrewee (Po) dosloa z.. ey 10,6970 Pram nate sa wees dege Se Wb OS -| -/ Se a Se [3a-18- 2f-//—- Fb gene. ee a, I/O S 6-2 129. 19-(9-10- 37 gre en. So JAT- s8- 19-G- thgma Fo IK SneG ZI mw R1OS16-~Y Prin ti a /J0-33-20-/|-2) gua ? 1 eervecal 91as +S 16S5-40-20- //- tb gave SU ada faci PIOS 14-6 A $3 - GS -19--C/ ~ 52 Gono I loaller 10 moms 7/Oos 16- TP Fe [Al 45-18 — 13 ~ 8 Gre SO Cabeasts Seed Vos 16-9 pak Ameria b/-/02 ~31-/9- (54. gmo SVitkic 42 mom TOS ta~- 7 temp trig Coo pert Hl-~/7- (&- 7-27 gma. & Ce asaips Phin: vtewils, Cvrasrule Wiees ett Megan: Liste 18 ~ 77-23~ (5-21 ame Ft Ceatea Mmmm evovdtarde TS a: Hei Maraae , (| fraps) , y e— PAK - SPRUNG OAK -~PkRe —> 0 <— eArK- PERS 0 e”“K- @ERO 0f— SAK SPRYUKG )<— OAK- PERO \ OO OAK, Sprone 0 — enx. PERO, (FREIMTHS PowT on a traps each tree) TRAP eee SHAG BARK ° Cea al re Oe YAK PERO. OAK (BLACK ¢) PERO, SHAEBARI | HIiCKkoeRy ELM PeRo (4 4vaps) Ante ial aes mend arth acLnrd- atone Lephine): Sethe vires, 2-4, weree, papal cteehetcecel sere castes ale Atctheactel Danita Big *, 2 ? metas moter Loa t parcy acta Larter fewer £, at) a, enelege *, icppatinlee Fe nti ree 4 ; heady = 7Ti\O526- 38 Ae marie His iafs prectececol: V/O0S Ab /F Ferermageecca mometesbatis GELSLS EMEA 0G Gases hate micclowutark nettle tfarnraeth, me fore © gna to Oh Wat me Lk s ha Primer tate. ke mak G the Cad) soos 10 feet aurag a. eg Ceak (irbb soet 1. tlaeeer, ), shew Milos Wee pellet UF mcpientes Aecet ocin Chnola wbetreed cere fecwcr) hecherecl, ., Carolemral, sntow, ) eudeso ot Ss Sees Aire, Aeerusm thinsk, regal lhome .7 and Tho me. Le ii ras (oe Bogle &., oe a Anrtehord Whe ee ee Chechen Cop Ane 2, Lobe. Acps : 7 7/05A7-~ b Se ene aerate (42 -60-/8— 13-1 Grae MH Leake Pore Buide an anc Are; Tree Ainny leech, pases pte marten, leek 1 : Mall, v0, Che Aang, LocefLercl , Snell Affrarriocd, eve, Laclirn ( helene . Pave htc Manny bach brad taeda sete / ey, Arecrreene ) acordgtehery, petlaee— ahapled F/0526~7 Peat q aul ge. = 7/0526~8 Egg of Crew thiaeker A eciiteat Cbiplen’ ieee. 46 / ens ae pea ge ot mat caer gy Hag | fap wk a cached apf ag 28 eh a7 . he dame ae 24% Creep aa a ys Oe 2 Comnband agge ere sat ae F1082L il a ty 7 P/OS2RO-10 Deak of phe anh 2 Leotrebud les doce), a #ortace er » DIOS AB-3 T0527 =-29 Cardlerrats Are tach 7 neeli a a : fe 20 LB 90%, sokel, thertrrent, Bewbl se i eae, gt aaah bre de Mika? thas bate, ebatnnadl han S Localities ayirated L, te ee ie wile Deel wtersa thy reerns portkh 4h mak , A forages 0 gag epeccsscl dhacrnad on croweled arse | home 7 awk [Ho me (Zz Aaee ence (P20), Blcceles Ce, Lawtac 2E,1F7/ a Cheked 12 Cie Lapis 20 PIOSAS—/ Qrecretce (5 b- Bb- 19 MW 25 grea B21 trek I mpm 7105S 2F-4 een ee Dovricteclatice S37~ S#-18 -13 - C7 gone A teekes I rm { a 1383- S#- 18-13 ~ JS; Ff. Be S54 / a x ae Pt1r7 obatrueal 1 a a Gee ee IneacloerCurb . , prartice , ‘ } CES Si eae tlacklind., trharlk orote , Nasties Be ss adiale., 7 Lattin loved peevree, Grebe urere , Llmeree , parla warble, , epee Lees eee ren ee, sett betliedl corrrgeche,, thepag , Genmion Chr. , an ; Cardenal, go teifpfnrk, Ook MNP ms wee 7 Kad beaded arrdpeater, thrackter., Neked a yey a. iY Ca a rT Bone Pa nal ant aeacet Se Liga ee) ae irs ee at a pet jae pati x x x Kx K «x KX KX & XxX K KR ® KX K KX xX KK K KR K o ” ro" x SRPSUFD ZePTAWOIN! BE v x 4Aano aot3!S FETA) KX K & & & KR K XK n anol we me oe wo. On me ww Ke 7 One ee 13/, (Some 1 aud AYVjo me -W favre obanvect ths Cort ketf & Haeernecee AI taeten rrceclecuCaork tron thaeker Atel. betbheedt arrodpethen black copped Chickoolee pepe men ee 71 G30) -42 16 Ee az Le ot wwe AE ES wer ‘Yr Op 4) al Li 97 Sl rv Le 8 9% Maddy a 78 4a a “ oD 2 2 & 2 SS 2 = © ae bt 2 8 Ss 2 Se ey eS Se RS = x % x k x % @ \ eae Ke xX % Kk ¥ x * x x x & » i aN x ¥ x th * % x x x X a { ae x x y \ % KK Me eK x ho x x = az: 3 ws x x x x x 2 73 q 3 ¥* * * % % x x 2 we ee va Ko Bem we «eK x s < ne x * x KX & xX ~ * x R > =— x Xx x“ OK x * Kx x i s x x« a ee x x x x «x XK 2 t e x x — ee KK . ®y-) eC RR be ey . ‘ Y 33 3 ye > a8.) 2 a ¢—. te XK ny qe a is . ae ‘ SO. 4 2 ag I 3 ( > aw Sue : s 33 Fe | on x eee me i aes ; ss NYAS J & X a 7\0531-44 Ae ee (4yome. 4 aud (Yo nee. te) the Konnag Pemeer Ue Light Hugh Lone Aegat. gf. fit G mg a ~~ festcl). CoatlecLet tee waniocc.: Ledles tee ae Saas on op ro trrehee = a7 Farermcpatecd oo . 1a g 7G patie J/ Caclhieted thy Inaomenaty fo + i sania aire ee eee ceccusiccuscteill Soin peuna ear once oe: OIAY oe PP Pe FY Aor Lignaptomraagd Coopers als 3 Piceretis acter /\2 2 / 6 Forernapetns mabrctubotcs / alsieiclalala [alo facthindlenilomag? / / a Ligraectne berpaclive a 2 J\06\5-45 Cze): she J, G.. Rea a le or HD Betacel Pf Dro pri. Gt oX (Jere (S797 / Aer 1n Z aptraton . ~He growl 121 abinet De ee Lhe Zeek, beetlen , carr gng Car, yo Proeipiwce t12-b€XL trerek ae POL OG ; Ve AtglenL, Fhe Herglith Mbt be Bate tT Sve_head tug ee Be en ye ee PRET SO. thad wn ther poatel ths Go thou Curole crore pifsetea To ; : Hhe Guele de erigeele hs eer Ore, (geegns pe eas ware ee ay oS ox - ahepted fehers Ace ot Lecheceacle , Bode Atand ex deer in corded area. G ea 2 oo tot tele , redler, Aettcleer , Law tor, = 5 / sparred, ntchengtok, getlew- hetted Acehoe , : Eee ce ASC Aaa: Us et toch. topped , ratty ; 0 fGcatchin, parle ep, ey ba ta Coan heed (bebincen (alirton hook ls 1) aud Lg g rathyb 5) Alesler Co. Lurcac i yr oe Cittwit, commmandy Howe! Reaed Olroerd Yio Bente hd Ga for ¢ he Bad 2omenitthe nth Kephe fpos . Wiis, UE) Zs a. LO ee ee ee Bet ZL as. 71061 7-46 betas Pea S oled Preacher tarts , A , Aeetdee. (2), rrechneytanal (suyiny), Preacher bak) moeboratend , we one ren : (atl member, J tome pant) 3 Coewwtrrole., Oe) re ae, Cocwrbtred | Cie. Checbaclee , great Crested Cates. Peed ae fort tdeamnege Lo F (ermelmitl draweze eee ee - Lactlewl eehoe, Carctiual, , 4. ChrekecAee , (2), getlow. Qted) trehen , D a ee bardtinal wrrdpeeku, rel — Cethed ~vecplekey, Cardinal. Popo Lett at herd, Prte—loylarfe. Carolewel /-/-/ /~/-l-- Cee aE Gh : as 3-/ eee e 7 af, err - cache ots / To . ped azrchyprcdce / : nes : bparruw / Pram poe tone on to o.He ee / \ Keaavttjecol 1503 of Felirron v. C. theckhaclee /-/- < c Bemepeer MA TL OBIT — fs Lt corns ee eee oy ee matin 1 reer, derface Se eg , of Clave, Khare yo fo tar phntos of Annetlc € at Corp. Ske as Che tony Ptcrvi3e » Tap 2o2 7 Annritli aud her mother ox toed! 1 Gory DPOO DORIS PLE Fn ; a tere gaa Tins (dnp pas e PILOb. 2e* So Geren’ peed uf pond | Mics bot, 12 agportime Le CoA woes wre heervermer of 1971, \1 M TICGWIS+47 Rawrencee, Khong bes os Kaw0ae — Rp : CE, 0971 : V Waders for spore Leni. Crochet, ateg Lover o 2 eee tomlin ee Lo ee ee ee ( get Acreoo ) M teacher Lottery Lirmivnels carol mart (Cen pan fran mn) V ML pon Cericeipy Shaina ‘ 4 tftivd phaewe Kasred task Ligp V Pte Lap abr Peas pom tng Lng Cer Cancere v fencbr Aypacr i tee het baa v i Wa en. £ Ce ee aetre , Amre tl a prot vvcherrh x. lathe Pattison a pe eee Ling W “acvtacele tbe Hoste ee J 9a8, Caw paras oad + Cornmeal ey reget oe MO : 710726- 48 Aawience, Sg &.., Canene- Dia dad LOT? ; e77IC. 8. B2tf aft Wrtakeog at 2:00PM Decieria aio i oo SOI Cali peg 2 bakes Bs Pion ieds ge eee eS me 68! Riel fan Fe To ree SAE CRERS dg a ome SS-20 tip ied lied es OLS. oo ae acttlacl , ISF o sastleae So ee 2 Son eres a Lrarnage tT by ze . head Aagher hw eoalorn prrk Fee ane poe Crrevedl Ceclar he Miia ay Aeole Shore, area ) OF Gir Fm zea? SPAT, Tereeseeed ens? Ae 2 Cae at, 27, an | Las Ganrck ea? es stipes a Cae Peeved nee Prerteceg CEPF. c es pee es tA hte tee westl S Gisele Lele whee . a a ae aye 2 a gd Sa fe me age i wot, TT Ride to on prececleretarta I~I/~¥, frdeatont $5, Relay, AO. fo OR CNY, seen hethet-, porno.) Heck rela 147 (275: beg.) Atherrcke /-~ fotePe tI by fo (-B-E ~All Dw J Corn, tevollness (-S 1-2. , each ) Weaalosertark 2-2 -/-F- 7 Aornecl Lark d, brtetinn AQ bcs PHL | be ye ca ene see Lesher |, totekhe /, 710727-49 [req Cent, Cred $05), HONE ee; poets. 5 rea P28 Sop FPS B~2 -1-)/~}/~ 2-1] ~ = Cotuturde. 12-F~- - neteLacelacter (~'~I—-I-I-1 , ahkuks /.), Cron #rvetn / , wth Rag Pond Lyeg 7-2 aes Lb ie een f~ #-2~) (ee ~J-/, 2 Lincenng 7-5 Aiploray at mnelhege 3/3 | a ek babe lol~ Lm fmt el -L—f~/— 2), dink /- 2-/-3, ttrw Levrnthees /~ 2-/-I~ ¥~J/~/~ 2) ee | Seegnnes sMevarnres Kaw /, Apne hau L. /+ foe 4, od ees 2. Carol Cecetesy pla 523 ho - ‘Via oe Mang 23 ad me partion LawéE 340, ard One pbaeks sept gh BOie wail ou ie Cr 2, (32bnA J ok aut, deveriten Kenrnk 340, 20 heated crrebpccke 3 ¥f, pene BSL BA YOLSOA.M. i ae Ueeetid Cartle Kuck Pitan Ox nwbutA Jo putea mallee Fibs Bot are pt ie ound GFA pear a; eee yee: Creurbr Ling 43 spin ies Ciinss 2p peg ee ol (2 hangbat G Cdaow ae r — Mod a dui (oo Aepew AF UL 3P ly gual Wes Gnb Soma Whee oneaniennees Solna hacen faced Lo hein been at eee fa er gees 7T\ e722) +52 Bb ty fet, Gy iit EN aU ie 8 oellhel ) LO Sea gt Cee eS aa / eg 24,0499 110¢29~) Kfenaterngs antrvmedtiace 199 -3L-18 -/S- hs aoe QZ 2x i Bl meme 7/0 ; ad- a 14-34-18 ~ 14 — 39 ome Olena G meme Sap ee 7108 29-3 9 7IOE 29-9 ” a SK on ga et ere 149-48 - 18,5 - (¢~ aS Guo Lf Cats 12 mor m a & 84 COP BT TE ~ Eee 2 uA nero 7108 29-S PUB 37-8 I— of — 2 ere £ 3X2 truck (¥en 7/OF 29-~G mn /25~ 35-7 — /3- 20 gmo SM Cele /lomm 7108 29-7 . 128 ~ 5b -18 ~ (A- ‘Tgrne 0 GL, 1/0 ri 9/09 29- G Culamese minimis (93-81-30 -(S~ 4S gone ot beeles Sere 7/09 29-29 4 e ROA-GA- 31-04 ~ hf gueee 5 od nervrnial | PIO BAI-/0 “ a 206- 93-31-~/b6- ¥S Gaus oe Lic Corte 7/0# 29 ~ fl we a (97-68 -30.5 —le- 4 S ame © al. weak 2108 aS —(- a ee 185S-- 7/- 30-13 - Sar gee F Sraploe ccare 7/06 29-13 = . (VE BI= BA 15 AE nee GON normal 7/0¢a9~ 4 ii 5 199 -87-30-1S~ Wf gaue A haates Smee FIOE DF - pT m ul 196 ~86—-J0 -15- ¥ Grae f7 Brlie S mn orae= th 92 3 192 - 88- 31-15— YRame Pvt normal 7/OFAG— tT . a 198-29 - 30 - 16- 5 bane G IJxAplee cearo 776 829-18 “ % [9 SEA ~— 3/- 15- th green oo tots Forms an. Atone rermrmneals wert pattceted Pe i oo Se ae. a auel are: FAotine, 2 Renghthe; I Conacle yaw, 7) mented a hese fl pet cen . oe , Se ys aft Casein 2 Aeadtectrne werblers , teamonrag brrcl , fly coledr G? J\0729+535 PORE A Cop at $20, mileage £97023, At foriret tohere te ee Zul eee 27 SF7OWS , tna He Clstecs : t, Fie We as BS. oe oe ; CevanGuen el, Lf ~ 49 u /07~ 25-/7- 13 ~ ego Eto nermnan€ monly 7707 30- J " /0A-A¥~-17—- /3- | gue a 2/0730e-6 " (O[-AB-/7~- 13- Ta po Ae ee See Che thrrenemise- 150 -— YSA1P ~ (5 0 ae LO CBO F u“ 1¢S— 43-19 ~1¢4- 26 Gr2 alesse Sk.only 7/67 30- 9 " /¢o ~¢S~19-~/3— asgnes 7 atin freer Sk\ 770730- fo " 138-38 -18- 7¥- 23 gr- 7 lb, /2 ree 7/0730 -11 “ 147~ 49-19-04 - 28-qreo 7 teats (2 mre JK. omclag 27/0730 —(h /SA-Uhe~ 16 - (4 ~ BB are o7 tnt (2 mere 7/1e 7 36-/3 ak: /01- 43-13-58 - S geno GL ud nernealk 2707 30-7 " : 108-4 3~13-F - og £ cl. nereend 770730—jf CYylameae Mteminvcs AM -G3-3/-lb — bAgere a 210730 —!6 ‘ 209- Ge ~5/~tS- 59 Gre F laala tang sah 7/2730 —/7 es aes tance oc EY — 64-20-18 — (S G70 SF Gales Fo ™m.onky 2/07 0 — /§ . EP —6Y-20- (7-16 grace OO eae. 7/07 30-19 Cotes Mylerltimegw AO/- F7~- 3/- /4- G2 gre ¢ Cid pine tes bit thipmerké Keak s ogres 0. OR eeu ee 9/07 30-20 Catamiss menemur 2/0 —92- 32-/9- Sogene Pung ples aces 2/07 30-2) oD ne 19a- #€9- B1- 13- Ye gone SM bth. S men 7107 30-At% ve x 202~9[- P(e (5 -— AST SE Goa 7/07 30-23 " « /93-89- 36~-s4- 39 gee MH Calin F meme 7107 30 - at “ " 9-88 - Bl- 15~ ¥ gran Crtieh meme 3/0730-AS ae a“ 20a~ 9a- FISH /S~- I gone F ut reveal’ a Ar all fermair 1K foe Another gu 7/0730-20 to Sunes (apo hs Lhe chal See atl od only tea Late ee 4h hanes a eee = ee aaa oper heliatemns thaw od T1|\O730=55 /rak and Chor ptliinne, ty ttt rteetel atl birds and rremene&e at Lote tertaeie ee Obatvatore Ane Comretntaie ° Crocers aparrons of 2 adullst 3 gocug of adislt Luclarnene 777, Extariac oy ~ Loreptew. eee 7/0730-31 7. a uae phavwriey hagar Long gocartyiie care? Ge Onn e Treok tage eas with Hote 200 mw aed shushels of Hesvetid tol thats 710730 - 82. An Minera 0.0 ahem. Let con ratio wn . Cheae bones Lada: Dad forge heen aft |G Pe FR ARE eae « kets 7/07 30-33 gf te aud of cee mm nerth-bacl Quel, Wet w~ Atrtean abore kas deen //a pet tue on pegelation Mon at freee, thle Crown sfarrecd, Notin Chee sparred, biota , 9 mtbbetuts, / J En a andy 7rgeleter end tHE Plot ie: ile galt hgdpges fae They frecte trite le Aches to LU netid: A marnnet, 4 peta, tot, J pet, 2. ee: hoch , 3 keccoctiele , ppt 2 Macks ss es, a es On redige bed rotid 3 Mueordich, H+ popet, toile \ wegelictior, o Lusk at fuor of thee Abefee , Prom ther aig ress Bact, ee haan ona. pteto eae be 7 pegiaavien WE shore, Lotke /ocfew: A whet. oer sfarrece hat! [710730- 33 E 4 Are of 400 Levneser af poriert tortare Lobe wots Arup te net Like wn Chan (hots e730 - #1" og path Mog Rocke auc rrage LW, hols 710730-Y2. of Arrecs prebol Laks v Adige 7 phewce Phas 900730 4s | Rea cee AMIN Phot 7/0730-44 dud lS ary ceebony at outts ; P peopel we area, At pase 5 of dep ee be Sppeer: read pi ne pay attra the asta’, §- Phote 7/07B0- $b and XY of wap Loke mts Le 1) frure rvedge' Grom Chee prose Aeron b Lowits Lede petted (ZG itl Cpe Dedane) piste, marr, Coad pecegriney Phare such Licht 2 sing oe We Gens le Lede free | ee ee sol pa ee und Steg Oe rans plasrmg Wf Toke To Lendlvtrd. Z 71 O730> 56 Pkote 7/0730-49 en Ee of Ane hebictuton , Phekss ae Piote 7/0730-S0 ay ee ee ee) bade wrth = 77 weed of Ieddeocrte Kans Per sedleyer ~~ , (egSvhe Cresew pfparriecwy. Plak 7/0930- S/ a os ere ee ee Phots 7/0730-5% of Reeve Lode ¥ Medltere flares hited uth fh Gout: Chrte 710730-S53 a x. Cade crete seagittr toed Feake lin tocksrocend hlot 710730-50o Meek Formation at comm a ¥ aa the oo. ee Leprocenr+, topeceatly pase, the Atta te te bomen ad pean \\' 4 Aowctlere avere. KR prownt , 3 porith XA pecnk utr. sev welvel, Me meaceeremet Arrprrente the three Aten were bamn, W/o ack £6 r0r7, Se ce es ee that ths Phenatereg) Kate Large Heelan Lb 7 (0-15 freeak pethl, tach pelht gee Mo 7/083 -3 Att'y Spethele, Aa chiprncentes Letincpot Ae pet ee ee attic . nO 110830 -16 ens kameeanne’ “Alga " he adtdliteonel platre hire Lohue Lotn thir af ternorn 710730-60 Cnrette at rong Cotte Frou lo Cp . pnw Cony Loot 32°F 710730 -61 Owvetle ren Compe ; : ra 712. 730-02 Comp od Datcbygigannedl Lan! GEE oe 7/0730~ 63 Seth Creek thre Anew . F4-6-3-36-—- 3 — sob 710730-OCF Lee on reek af Corp PEAK 710730-€S wetke-Fovmnmtesin tf brcvors Ensclavsann plop °c ; ere. oe os arte one camp bibl Lobe 71/07 30-0F floes. Lhaphanlella TI O77 =>) te tee re. S axcet Kevten 5 of cee yess Poop: 72 ¢ So £4, a op Cutheekad the some ae — WOTBI=1 hematoma imlirmsscleiss 136 — 2G - 18-15-32, gre SM Cecles tom, 7°973I-A 4” a (S3B- ZY~N9-le~ jefe g 1x2 plug. asus F/07BI—3 a ‘i (Fb ~ $4 ~ 19-16~ Alama @ § x a emt Sem 71073)-4 " ip /0/- 22-17-1212 Gre TLL. 4. Somme W/e73I-S i “ 79- 22 -/7- 12 12, geme ¥ af. nowiesl Sly 2/2 73)-6 " i 9¥- 23 17-12-11 ame O ePccsnnl 7/07 3/-7 Lthrincemige v9 ~V¥L-19— 15- AT gua 0" Galen JA Pea V/O7B8I- F is (32-37-11? - 13- 20 gree of keke fo mw tm maby 7/07B1- 9 er /48~ b1~20-/5= /b gous Cates F omme monly 7/0 73/- /0 41-60 - 20-/5- /S gona $ at, newmeal SKimly 71 O731- 11 —— 9S~ I5-thS- 7- 5.5 gues ¥ Wat Foremments aes). Vii: dene Bie 2 tomas! Che funk fat gc aaa Soa wee oe aa pect as agar as Peso ieee alia oe eh ence fovre Fane of tects And Lielyte, Were teole Lites tthe adolticrnal opi taee eee whos a. rormar ther stomps BAl Corrsesre, Morece we ae Chis! CEE ness Beta Capi so alae gle keke, brerrey Kenge, re aahacen 5 ee, Zhe Ee alent ad 4 #3 pormtr, Ler om Lop 7 Trae temp Lb 89°F TOTS! +Se8 se Behe) Weert C Beet Mies Saf ae Eee hee, Ske By Soe Ag 2,/97f wot off erly 2/0 gmo 7Wofoa-/ hanna tornep tnlirme tae (50 ~ 69/8 ~/$~ $b LAK Str BA mn Were s ? /0$~ th~s¢- B- be) Polen cc 2106 02~ 3 Pheracomup tnlermgliee [OS RY ~ 1b 12-13 gre DO Ce Feces WOgo2 . 1 Pietra tice PEA ~ $0~ 20-12-24 gms F at. VO PraS Catia mores f J- esark di a arseh bing the anterior part of the | She Lact, Aivtyfecd awtpechic, Ae Atere qrammah rere 52 ed dpaey iply aaitntanad oh Sacha, tt einen the tnteuntn of Prove Martin menLincal! sendin bfetemtr+- Wb02-5 16 a0 frclowe; . te : k . F. c : es a A Canned x > ; wrth Lop and stake frm powt oe "7 Cas tele Lf thers Wig 2, o a Quite IN Sp * Se eee 8 eed ok. : © +ray eo os : : ° Toute o rae O Lettre Doce thas hey Arolecd Liep 2 20° 7 anol 5 W Daplis @ een tialigthe Grtas Ln eS + Poaction Bb: eae y 2h f Yn jeckectk Leet ys. seteps, hicdoncads trencaly ald Gis fat tades Cepia N ; ¢ 7, rep 5p nowt. O fo portion OD tuhene Lape Lhe Marte “orth Orn nk othe wrth Chiprrarh in mouth at poomnt marked + - St Legh urtbead 710803-53 Cat diegs. of degen Kreg Fook, 1280 pb, Buwg fangs, titer Ge, Ugereg ancora 22)— ab-/8-/3-/8 gma, @ wt enlargect 710863- 3 M0-¥S~138-G- Some 2 wt. normal wigo gs 7 : Ml~ #4 -13.8-8- 4, Sgme? P “F, norncnL 7168 03- ST Che thrcereeorage 7143-43-18 —/3— 238 gone Oo Bak if nm IIOGOB-6b ” J2B-3S-19- 13 - 20 geno J Gate sonem 71/08 03-7 . /¢b- 13-17-13 ~ 23am Wl Cate Nmne 7/OGOZ-8 PUrormaetecs tranetsclatice, JS Ebb ~20~17 ~23 gree SF Celis Frome 7106 O38 ~-F n HW [49-66 ~2/-1b~ 18 gr Lie ee] 7/09 03-Je 4 “ (48 ~62-20~ (6-1 B gyn FINS emt Yon 70 R03 - ee ie 149 -@[~ Bg HE Ae oF atu [OO Mane 2/0803-/> pneeraLic ‘ (73 —EI~20 ~13—-37 Gree SAX ¢ enh mn [66-F4-~2e-/2- FS Gomes $ 2rAV emt /S mw 710% 03-4 u (7VA~ Ol~ 2I-~ 73~- FS gma PELL [mene P/OGO3- 1S ” 16~%% 20-~/2- 23 gone LS 6x enh Sow Irae go tle Nigealt ge kee Sc Brae wees Fg sekienrac tks. one logan oh Pe ere af bras Flo Gos — 43 “w Aha ‘ Afe Lhe AtEAL Tuemtians. darlin “eet. — d SOE: = <9 oe i eee ee Chat tae Oy Dt ae trent tht “ge ere 2) SG aeH MG y, T1OSBCS= 60 wae wahigmegoes Bre Aelukt rey nae ees a) eae oe aOR, oe ab thateaiieicilsba price 2 Je ee) G Bi ppet, Cote ee a Bap, ancl athsared nat wtatroed ootat ee tts pe atilide ) —latled leewhece - Oe bag ae bm a a (7:00A rn) ofterved te Loetl 7 than ieee Ceo ee poafet ney oo flats ae /6 Ly ti Lracted’ , 2 he Me ee. a —— Die lb AAe Oe Arc Aw Atarte- aa Y tereled the bate (rex). i et Tie a ee ee Se eee decd lane in gusapes it aw Dang ce - : ey oy a pg ter 710804-61 Aho me. E aeetty Katee (outlet), 10800 $4, siomag Ronse, Bee aay _F,/97/ are SS Degree neetplad week : ofiw Zerlew ,’ 50 Hope L1OB0¢— f ne? desea dea 13 S— BI-bI— 1 F— 22 Bama oo fastis 8 rm 270 toy 2. a ” 7Y-2Aa-/b = 7)- 10 Gouo 2 ad. normal SRY Aes oe Gappere 140 ~4¢1-/8~/b6- 3 G ¥KR ened 3 mer J 2/06 04-4 Eeclamcas Menem 2IS~ 96-52-/o~- TSF G Ax3 plec.atans he trelatid otek ff pprcce Ah saliineted Cropp G5), Latl not prodeter. mummrnate 7 Lhe Live Awtre Ho! Neotel 2 Ecclamide Mreriemus sp ay (30 fro Drsee ) Atefpoaed, He Ane Proce Peeretiacs or 5 Bf facies Ee Lopored Reais hawt, OP 02 De tfjraces hat one ceoribel dee Jo Bilan T weer L conectel Low ee Qrechaniee wu a so! fore G chert, Esa es plea ae kl Pua clbee cate thet ; (AS Per bugil, noent — occepelal ret S20 D107, é Gomnr, aletater tooth paced agen? , Lntegleh of thutl /2/ 710804-62 Aettiner frm Presa’ ; 4 a, re pert sechiw, A fimece, RAatiow - Pantrccd a es 60mm an , Lhob—w0¢0¢—~ “BE bres vue Robby eee fa bey Weal. aahnt eed 3 gpay- Keaced. ) ee tateaigd Ae ee LET EGL Bae Phote 7/080¢— 7 raed and LrenedeG , hots 7/08 O0Y-F avinder Cee ee oped — oth, cea Goptae ALtece kh LAs. folate Lifoce? Lent az Ae ee anes Ge@eeeuas: Le ; mks VlOS OL ~F aud F/If0Y-/0 Af otel Apprecee Pree | Prearured one of Ube Cargect Her. track otenved te far - Tamm, Phote 7/0 904-1) of 2lA Lie ud dead tranches neccle _ Fleets 7/08 04-1-~ A teres les Pheke deo & eee 7 fe) a Asset itents ) / Xi AAetirnro , Loe 13 Avod. Vee: Zar . ZL le€d), al, CES OE locas, Becki: Photo VIO EOL -14, Gf Cea te ae Afrrice. Xptlm, 2 thechacker, Photo 7/050¢-/5 aud lie off ee F/OFO4-17 Oh ee De a 7 b teak’, & Aotrne. phots 7iofed— 18 Fo _ Phila F/0F O¢-19 pur cag fotcd post Pomp near Mertor take, hob WOb0¢-20 Proc pestd aud Proc fieoh.. Aanete tuleieg Doe be Lhew , Romie oh. Pee Va ee pp -hats TIOG04¢-AI “y Chtorniydermancs Mvabes enact ' Viste TIBbO¢: 32 a Sey Gf Che tread | Qavtinr, eee atehend, 3 tote, 1S herfeign Goede 2/052 2-22 oad aa, Le a Pheder 7/6¢0E —-29 tee! 2b Degen Stet Oo Brel t. 3 Jlad Vt509-29 f Poms Cook Leothdcete Lroken mi roche, Phot, 110604-29, of rbd tree, Phot 1/050d-29 cht, 7/08 04-26 ay eal oy ap. eee A T10804-Cs Phete 2/0804~ 30 of Holly Leke 5 of Libby Lake. Phed VAP AL. 3B) did Px, Lee CMO Y bate? Tis walla g ipa = a1 6p Kan) thie tore 42 frecheted hres 1s briderice orf Cores Y hLacelid : i A Z Lie dfn fate Dataker. , b Piet oye: 332s Fear of, pg Seed ou Gunethe anual cletlig Creek ahouthst. Yio $04- 35° bt Dw. Aesth ) 2. Cicely, Geel a , a a pote, a hernutk thrushcc . fasck ak 2:00 4.79, A itr peg pt dtr Al hayll om Lioth pow 20 nen, titel b+ creléhk Jamar, erAdéd Ze At boop SF WOFOL- 37 Of 4unetle at othe Jo be tornfpareel wrth 7/072G—/ 6 Mas ah Cathe urhkiw p~racer ok oo : 2 ae raph Va eowrnang 4 Cel ee oe dfeeeel meet SNES Ae hertacteete pfea a Cs urkrte~ Crorned Acta - Cheevme dh eres ro Imule py hae Petey ch A Ljkes Tbr hermct Chrah, mA Chiehades hoktonra 71 0804-64 hdc D a Fi gy Bre Bb Bed Cist 2a. 7G 2 a ee treull ff Corigen Lo P? Platte Raver 3 Bread , Sauteloge 20 weelag shin EO oe sires ee Z/RO Hee the; af prac 200 oo Lvs B97 cor ee tno. thin otttnwedL a pero dace > a To opeles Geng cu ; pe be a Ee AvttheA hood Compidt, - 5 9T/ | Cotemeed W At Loken euet of Lawlenrs noted 2000 tecbeem plaraps SS aw lake, Inotlarcls, La nett : Soocae pains, Oat Da ee Ie nelenge 200 a taolger povel heck - 307 toclyer Aeon hace » rnctenge 2.// whee? (002, ©. Lowe 220 Marat Lick . : Ws antelope Celerten Lavetrer aero! Legge, 290 tadge Arad hell, 329 Mer brn, well hee tense of totbete (Corl fockat Cothirtarh as lef frertt & Abner) Bonela | 24 fren Aseen , han kh blacks Frik Rever at BY? Mmuleage. Ales 2 Lerctebepe acct 3 teract teroly sw Ghal 24 melee , B tevttedt, V ne Poncle, 1s eo ee 3 AV Putenge 279. ar BG eee tae. Teer ¥ pracrer Hoge. pelinet gt EC Bech foaisl of 200. Aidan doge flab Leet somile, And Chececl aun for Aentrt plonta , W| totbets rbpccac) Natloe ee aes. 23 Hott Convel Kathe af 366) pravre fara. . ear 370 4g 374 fracice Wegsee Bee Ts. 13, frreeree ges 29 Moh Fred. Hay Ban Se tek WLewces. 376 pracrec Ad fell YWlanth 377. Lh Aattel are ~ Copp Alameng Longe wt act fly det aay, Cask sieew Apaoel Pog eosv-s, At 349 5 2h eo Oe. tefore Cf Oreck Cutinud ZG aA Viethr Opin a Oe R/O GOL- 2 of SNS SO IW nee VOEOAS~ 7 Aare | Phot, VPl0O50S-£ Qeol wb%tT of Conger tenth pronAtiena flere aa ye SEulagtig Menemes Geel / Plasmid. Lee ge oo 116 4 ope Y Wate pe Coup plo ein’ ee EL, Tet boon ¥ hegra An Aten. 7F SON er AS arg ep REPS PB RBs Gent aig tem pee Nay Be cs ceo SG fe aay NBS em AB SNR SH a Jie reo enn eg en Mee Tarp Gor Re SS ip 71 0806-65 fe ee 720 ft., hay peat ee UTE Lh, tay 807 ponclerncza ; ¢ 77OG Obs Dee a as 160 —~7/~ 21~)7 — 3 GL God oo hes : weg live pthotoo PIOEOC-2 GeewW S + Kohe, Men dena baat pag F1°F, Hie aun co veel acleited 5 de We Pt, Ee An lps Zz Pnotlione A= 5 Dales The beget I phawm , as ae whey ca ps dhe « Gti ntecal ta eget ae $9428 dragped hoor Han, ~Hoeare Zongtecdte Be ge oe Ot dam! nieittide fe gemrater aretion Low, At Fotiom atonted are Deen Ceres off So Lby Tig, bre eprerd ahety hate tray typ Lome nerve /§ northern bio Zo Be gp oa ow aot, oo jothas anc ee roo kek £ terde Che Lim tonite te rf vetre | Cntineeed Ce Cox ee I Ain op ee Aeple ane See ee eee, LA thes poor mal Tr. Abram Marwood. efets ts 2th, Ortr,lled ; kha, Key terofe cad 5 of Hes Chebobror sly feats bres eS ~uralhed ee fae oem ys 71 0806-66 hy ow bs ata watle, Ai aver ¢ The wiler ie 7 Clean aid opted ae F or /0° abhouy he Level ia Contiotled by the Carrs ovel xt 3 amg arb epee. go Hina be he moknay eG tae Ze. elas tht warcares hepioly flitawee floock ae Linezatl, th. Ape Peele Alon h En Titi Pion tel > ee a ia eT VG Shere Aeel Car he Leen serien Oo sae ae : frleces io Ro ee 2 ° a s, i: 4 . ~~ SF: es ‘ “ - ~~ Te Seg ed ee Fe oncogene Be Re sa eine te @ --2 Leadtd fee a thiwer oe pia AL Chee tte Goad bebew [rere So Lorbe se i ice aa Artaud are both the Luck auel Jor reese LBenw SD howe Nerthinn Viel grtew tuathev, leas Ae Genel ft oi Aiwa arvelpeeku, eee Aperon kowk / wn 710806-67 the. yee, Fleta 7108 06-18 the - Oud port DA ttle plete. Sebermned GH Cow oe. ads, aebror atk Ww tuk of dim aud Lhe Cette Lies) Ahn 2 f Dare Kote, herp, Keck Cason, 2k22 62 , Muggett Oleh 7.0071 ‘ 10307- otel auc ees 7FIO807-/ Ane HELO : [Bore here rane ae Fiogxo7qw-2a Son slewte: re aug Loptse. De heme Cases Ld « Attumelatiow Lone kg J Cones Lee NGM! ae 710807- 4 i geane OF Gt fm free fomes thea. Pgh bee Chee to thrmalic cherigte, WOGO7- frre tomed, ont fron Tree add one ( thrigears) ong, = oe WOBOI-S of forlncee orn thee recy frorrrted prujstheurs J atate, 210807-6 A seeck 7 Sasa ace simuntin kG «cance « Reet cage Bree Aokes at 10:45 rarleage FILS, Jotheerecl fouls Z Virnel, Extech phot T/OFO7-s/ un Lneke Sse mnnutlic, was spre. 3 me v 26 2, Ae rood thie Aetinmes xd qoreets heatbffecl, ae ht Che Aatant tee of tiled, hoes LS. At SIL79 nates o. gett a“, fhete WlobGo7- a Pine Confort Ss. ad 59490 A prove oe a AA S99! pbhet prosoqT—r% f Reteeasen Pied eek beth, Keke, ab td Gods 2 bbe Lire (FS Irallarde , 8 pertack, , + gertles j Se bres tna at SFb02, We that, Ag ta 5 om 5 4. ~flabsl. 710807- G8 fie ane Or sat poo en pec area (7 Co cd eiten. Clo? 222. traf tes BE ie tne SP ae edna 2 ate 2 oy eee aca EE x 52 ho es we ey ag aig oe ~ x Photo Oe / POEL Fy ) od te edtys Potts Tract - Lega ere — eo Li oe od. MRSS SC eae Weil ie ks a ec er (Permecen), Winenhep<, ' An prock, Photo 26s ee a re Preenteopie , Stmarcemspe (prof sale fe, Sts A Ga fa ens pk ee mayan he ok A freerie hego r Kopi FIA ke pole Se flo oe AP ircecse, Aalst, AFT9 Syd AY 7/OF ES 6 Co a Ved et 2 oo ne 4 Gat, CL fl os Ia a ee fe ee 7 tly Patent Za SIS IF ee Me fen a mee aor Le NS a ee ees Okeprrereé pres Vanal, toge thiacker Preacacwtark ae — Co ISIS ea LI SF SGG0S : pny: eee eos S400 Preylae, Stee? eens one eee se “tel LS) ee LW Slo Gee frond Hitt Pow Seydainaan ppg foe 710808-70 a el pen Phas o ohh 2 “ifr ee sadist (quoted battle ao pod betle iw a triles- Lb] dale IP wield Keep. ae BE oO EE Se oe Vivid (arte ei , ag iy TEE wale Fone Bonegoe) at Retlunvolr, tah &y., uted SF,C9AI Aramage abhene the ttlak Sonne v plight Co tata tla Lorne) . Zhe. peat eb ace P TY a ug the me we inlined Ze Cheek, Ke Pe: Aunpeetid Meatinret WM fir, paragele a ae ovk ttverat photug rep to Lea. Ad. FOF IY ~ 2 aud THF dz eae aud atfies t. : Cartonrafervus roche on F aecte “7 m Lage ), tog oo flere cud trade prt Tpoerd¢-Z OOM Akortd te ¢ Lhe ara . hole 7108 14-& LE Be Semen! om Barve Cathec ld bet anree - Als aon Drom Rie tae clone Viren Vark aud checked! the ofl Ceotleriirects (42 >), Le eee eet nq) T1O08\4-7\ ee eae pee Loe ee aud < haghhg asaed lacy Oxanport auc taetiw: Yi meunticen, € of freve, Hab Co, Ulab. Wet £9 OF Fhe Lippe Cat Lt CP ge) a eee tele Mrople FLaL MourLavue i prewwoce gears thea bat Cone), s Meo pe wpe ae Ce as Yo veal Se Y at (0:10 hav. JO Ss. fine kaha es = nag wullines, woe ete ps leer Levih, LL. Ae es cote arnage le nat 7 2b that Kat Photo pint sition ln es oe anata bouglas Lhen ee iff eons Cdk AI ee Haze ee, opt sean ee ad rns ges Ss SOE SENOS ae 7 tg. tn sede tips 7/°F eee re ee te ove. here co a Peet eer 7 Cee Ctnal te ep 9 rg Sch. Eke Heed oy Jrake rmeegiocrn ee: MEIC: esoee Soy s eran one GOir Te a Ornette ict, Tht 0 515 —l “f oo | SON ROE fhote T/OEBR (SRS Abome Bo Blee + Litto a & — ened tegond. . Vhadt, VLOvre oo Ve Nee ls-% ) nt Fasfpat ee Lene Sz f maple es Re of vote Here and PROVO BAY (MUD LAKE) PHOTOS 7108/5—-4(RIEHT) , 710815-5 (LEFT) AOC. 15,4971 NE 710815-72 Oprtenuedl TN) rv Maple Flat. Hire in trraedeatily 2ne Gusae ak sotiw oy Fae Lhe neggubeact. ME orale eS th Ep Fi [arch tsp Sle onegend ae Lane. See Ce etd see) Sy 3° keep ne Kid base g thes bowl). a A A a Crttinied ore down tract be Conrerclle level, thence a8 10 /F7/ iz af mu S9¢72 af Atoohm Pharneng Hoge Pe pane Skea plide a Ls Oe a ae. ee TD, ged lla! ero eaten: y othe 2. € bed. ee ees / rowbacs Doot for Busch fact, Tikeoae S79 27 Lescver, tlode oo a OR Phin . Lory Lath th. eee fi Cnet ee Roe es a ee Cole. 2 Lor al, Dn redlaitiwkKtlE, Kiff bing aud Crknudl=, OF Arde att 5) dha Changes (59 773) abat—pee 2- ee 7 Ct SITES phete 710 817-1 af plinepn pager: fora? ee thatel A catcher, liebe, Atemece dud Ligerde , Split mevnbenr Camg Aoveretr tabevak Mmuramied » abtdhe 7 7/ ieee ee ype fav Racacbree Fark 7JIOS18-7s Se WPS IE- J oe ee Sole, ElptAcler oe yes a, a ae Phat, JIE IP = 2 dye Aen auc F1OS15-Z dover rend focnd whag deme bnterd YL mnt. Shot W/0918 - Y Aaglecle ao al long. 7/08 1$-5 Clunctle C€ Guretlel X pe ya 7/0619 ~b yo SSeS wy Ne Oe, yA wwotliamblerrs aut hirrte: Weve '9 4 x Mtg tot 7105/3-F a Japenese sterol oe ! Lats : Soon pass mh ete ql OCIG = LF fied! te panto Paap AE ep, cpt 9/0918 - 13 Lig BF Gurr tg. ste hn ee Sat Sg fn me la dele Bed 77 Le Flea 22. SPA 7 10913 +f of Mis Canesten ee Ba. 710% 20-7 tao ay Luvok pep, ~ : F(OG20-F SER a : 110% 20-9 oe ELS ORS J 710% 20-10 Ataf 710 § 20- pepede aud fort Irie) 410G 26-12 Mipeds F109 20-13 Leerrel Ain Gee 2) 0% 20-14 fapid e2o— Vio gG pe (ST ott Lee Ctineer od tye of dente . 7) 0820-74 (OPAL /& pear bike Kolbe . 7p OB AO-I7 Bear Littte Kloke_ yiot20-18 End J Dip bt Little Hole: FOB RO 7G — pore LANE ate! ER Chae Epa SO oo 3B Groupe Retin tors gs / Pee be prensa | liane 3 Chgprrirk 7 oo pee ao pe eZ l bee BG see ee conn ncaa 7 tad. Kft Lea Arto and Lieve LES 77 enth nuleoge. ot Li vtiene Popes Golads Rate VOR RO-19 “of Sa Senge : 710% 20-20 : Vhewds PIOE RO = ES) Sa ete ee. Ombre north Ts <1) ee e auee hood firtlhs tl A lg Pee | AN Cemye noted A pateepl depp los a, OT oo Zo/, BLA ee a At Go32bl a Wp Rae: GO2I2 a ~ - eid ; Se eons 20d Lbrrde p¢ Gof aud 7 Centécs Baden: Ly Grecpe A Antlape (¥ Aunlel pe , Longe AS RONG aud rath food Kile . Frome Gainetiin To foretire Aothef pood fethe | ee ane CRC Cope ee Bethe, BA Yome, W of Tl Feet Roe Ae Yo me E °F 7). Phath Re~e~— a. fest hell, bthertuded rtmmile Ly Congin dre} 3 peli fell, Hele jord pen Diane, ¥ mag faten; 48 741OG21-7S 3 atarrse Hace ,5 ankb~c, 2parcrs - eves, sathreZe, R Ghee tirnalas Fe a Lent apgetexr (40 Faro ° tora lloctua’, @ pedaterge a a ae Aad. depacre made and her Entire lo WalsaZe, Le eripe ine a se) Ugeriins ; es 3 ag 2R/9T7/ Catcae t FZ, Bees ° AD Gore. Had Moe: Dr ee ae ae felon , SAactd, Pet, T/IS2D-/ ae FS OS RA =f » Cain Deemed z Ae ltlriisl Wb sanisie ( ee ig toe al Cog ble ea | 82, 0997 Cpteowenkl te Go BA oii Brteeneg an Af Con rmeee | Racer es ey pdt 5: 25,77 g/ Pheds Wepas Z. af se (ea Mee DD Ss 7 (0625-76 fe ae oY co eee, anton a, nee, 2 RPE ‘ O , anc Mmrtpered Jou es Auaol Pt lige 2 art DG Oth gta: Calaa ie: Aint Fal 1 90-19-76) : ds Cuttdlart “Bax of 195 21S, Faews, tak, The fore ya trrtlitdee Tame of cham , Aheaerpteor, where praenteck or rmacke, matirete , sige, fe) AreLebtuspredy G0: Lin Dritisll reen Mapes, A the arwtlaree , “z Y Set DDaare aval Farge Path cpr eimpeded eee , sothiy arecl Geedroulonle, oratvntita, Lawl thres. prenT , mentale meadow torth Lake dud Crnrofene , Hethrede aupen glade; Ob re Herre. Fore nad Demetlef fice, A iteresiee , Mesentaindt j dn Bet Seow. Perna! oo gf Peat, eee Jf preeented & pop C. Gan. ey POA bt. tLe Zonk Beek ) ftectnt 10 $62 es Cede P97 Tames of LG io, betad that Aung on Bes agi fece tne GA eee Dl Liat « J / forge, BY, Phe. Amara tte Qectge thes, Dette. t3 ; Bt Ofartoa Chelemonda, Bawrrtgethey teri Ae. Fo Meer ther - quclge ketln aeeel a thao pitetd af tothe bhanea + tebaturg ; Vg faleateiry wes 4 brateie likek tteats dein Geronghetle tnbid vowed Bote. Svied Bagge dé gL 7), Paved) tad. “Ae. c ase Ceeg bIIBS ack Ceeeg 7, 1915 GE aa eee Temn v- Charles Ceclarme _[ abso GIe, FIs One of the paintings of Paul Salisbury is entitled “The Strays,” yet the artist has never strayed from his objective of portraying the West as it really is. Paul Salisbury was born in Richfield, Utah, on November 21, 1904, and he now lives in Provo, not far from his birthplace. In “the meantime, though, he has traveled in the wild country of his native state and the sur- rounding regions, talked with Indians, pio- neers and cowboys, and absorbed the meaning of the life they lead. In his studio today he depicts the whole scope of the Western scene from this intimate knowledge gained over many decades. He began riding horses and trying to draw them when he was only six or seven on his father’s ranch near Kanosh Indian Reser- vation in southern Utah. He says that he was greatly influenced by the paintings of Frank Tenney Johnson. Salis- bury began doing jacket paintings for the Western Horseman and the Desert Magazine and other publications, and also for banks and libraries and universities. He has held exhibits from Reno, Nevada, to Boston, Massachusetts, and from San Francisco, California, to Atlanta, Georgia. One notable outlet is the Kachina Gallery of Dwight Roberts in Santa Fe. The breadth of his interest is indicated by the titles of some of his paintings: “The Nesters,” “Rivers to Cross,” “Buffalo Hunters,” “Taking a Breather,” .“ Water . Hole Conference,” “Bringing in the Chuck Wagon,” and “The Strays.” ! pele (or A ae ol - is an Lt. fr oo Paul Salisbury with one of his paintings ") | O62 eS eae ~— bi pia poe 2 i Original oul aintings by Charles Adams evelusive x 3 of marEebe of by Edith Gee T#Hmpsey, AlLi% Fome af Wary Bee Jensen 1m Prove, Utah. (ww Caney a, 7973 Or, murealinm home of mary , Covers entire wall of one side OR roVm. OrioinasL ol G1mtin gs oy Chavles Adams avelusive of mTarIEebe e/ by Ed: th Gee SHI mPSON., AlLin B4ome af Priarg Gee Jensen 120 Prove, btah. (aw Airey 4,7473 f} 7 01h murel in home of TEE Covers Entrve wall ef one Side OF room, TYOCeanTs G2OBAaT-)> W. thats Adamy 9108.25-] a ot 910% a&-F iu “ ” TOG AS- 4 Mt “a tr TIO8 as-¢ ft ft ah 7IO8 AS- 7 Sauk ely FIOR ASR i “ 27108 ags- 0: EActh. 7Peagarine- 2108 as -/) tt " 7/08 25-725 Kucotadte (OE Fee DPIOBAS- 13. rt vt FIOB as~ 4s Jere Bako (Eur) jorse Veg asian tt, thartes Clana FI/OE as-rhe Fock Sabiaberry DIOS AS 17: tl ae Li DI/OB AS- 18s yop oY T/0825- 19 yr1209— 1° len detenclene b006AG— I+ xhatenrzt 4108 AS- 20 Farce Salter TOY AS~-Al ee “ [2 tLe] ol (ele cge ¥ deat [Moree, Aecer , tear I " [iéentr, once, Merce J oe he erat latt. Lote” 7” [ tebed Had.) u ba bene” atl Feocnt yard, at, | 0 a. faze ne - we Leet | if Bong aw the Chuck Wogon forint (ol) 4? 7 \Oe2s ee 4 Pia, F/ OF 25 - 7 Ke T(OS25> So" 7/0625-7 Ongena MES Mecting” of 2 Peveze Sat leat (190 ~1976 Zo x B37¥V¢, pcan’ parvo , Ullah (190 ¢- (976 ) odode YG, few: (QEO So [$c yn ite) P20022, (Fh ick dmdcaus lL ane BET AT ge pda any pi Cages ae gape Beg. 25; (47), thote ox gico acl Ao frerre Kocletoler, BS min, XO 727/O/O-TG. Other. Loclaeslor | Cale GALS pigs. FIPO ID a 77/01 O-Pe, 2710/0 -7axL, 7710/0 -7e, KodsBhrome Lrarrapartteee (2Sonm ) Brae FD/SO/O —~ 7 7 PI{O/O-S auc 77/0/0-1O Stet, A L23bel tr Leek! Pee op eee Dobkerrwr Bsa WPIALIL , Firvce- 7 | OS25 ee ar wr Ga xX 75 193 /¢ 7\0825-853 (OF 255 B90 Onegenol wlieCa leis “Che ffanrywecter a a ) ree Periditn Cawgl the Cxtert &. Gee (abs E/5'+Se., Frevo, lah), © revet Aire dbr., Kacirence, Kawance bSoovyd) as a Ge fe Vent Keotecatar , 35 77 , ae 77/0/70 a See, Other 4%*2. 77/O1O-t/, T7/O/O-/2Z, POI OVO-13 SE: A Label on hock: Melper Corrrreeenly Pa tlery 25% Segre ae 1TO¢ ee 1 UAE; Tl VO625> ea Tikenng ae Yo alos, 9709/1 —/ xee. 710625-85 "Taheny OO Dreather 7 7707 11-/ 3108 Orngenat Den here Focial paloebers (42 ¢-1976) of Fare, Litade., au’ oe" (Koregrtat ), oragerad parent. Wa seiale gebel ancl Aantegece Achule . farcrcetaaecl Lap, 11,1997 (“/eeo) Se ee teat eg a awe Cle ptt fe Mi aw, (402 gorhakiie Mr, Farrer, Vern aati) Done Laachiede tatlerter, 20 Conlir Hhcet, Jackson, L- L §300/, nasager tetas | Ie lined j Loli, tential number iu p91~129 »1E-20, An oregena€ quemite. 0/0 10 an ink on Cack of dancae, vibes pomnDag Vd Ae: easteal 2 a pacrdé tt : , ek Avr Mr twlery Alle ae 3 ole; ee tg Tete Ae eevee, | thee az coment deel for 14, OO]2 (972) weet CHevicea!L of [Pfr Cont toner gd he ptrnt ce pyre fedlaeetor , Soer?, we ee, eS ae Ze T7/OlO- 6 SIL, TlOS2a- se 7108 a5-16 ywes 7 LC Teena eg F ee TSE ES TE TT TT TT Re ea EE 41 . 71 0825-87 ge i, @, Belaprie rea" Xa” board. \ oc’ 7 O62 =Se ‘wp CROs 27s 7 pew 71 0825-89 CH ae tna a re Geta Le pges eae Preare olerwitle, decmortt &, ti 0, Adama of (ark ty, Ulan. fainted tw 1722 19 Ua" x 1p (Aorigen tet) = " Seat” Lio aright (Lbevet. tnet Kagnelce B., Vert. ', fren ate Ge) 3 2ercle, oe ah areler, FO92, Vicece- eg aca le As ee d , Ficrehkaeesl 4 Cela Hixbhendt Go Fibs. ( 245° Pf Kew (402 yorbatire dr, He , Kees , beous). id ey ae /Po2., larmd g Ae é se ne 77/010-(4+a pW | alae blo , Other prints ace. 3S ome KC ih pt Tobie ce Ao SHO Os toh auwal Rep gl Bcd gs (359001 ) roe V/egas-ta., WebaSH ZH, Watas-Ae, We" x 18 Ve 7\06¢5-20 T/OSAS-/ ge a oie he ae bo i, Od ~™® av eas 22 Flog as-| OnLk G, a LSE Re era of Jos t yibetiede . Pte, BS wrde., ee 2177, | ee. (255 E /** So, fAcreo, tak) | preter © S73 . a Sonera ced Loretta Ban. (402 Yorbahere tr, He ” Fae iat bLovy) che arth. feta a er aes ee 77/O1O-~(7THX, 7 ee CHO1O ~1 7, VIG Gio Be ee Uil, Leclame JR” AE Te 7) O8BS-22 Fie, 710825- 3 yoR a 710825- 94 7108 25- 3B WB. Dreganedt. ol 7 MgSO Rak ctigrtcts of Taark , lak Zz aw eal maiies fa Riatan, oo h i sag I 2x Lb (EE toard , Pome Crowns. Fiem corel, cw tock no. 335, Auk prrretacedt fate.t Lt, fae (259E [S* Se. Shove, re eRe Ree Ke » Kaneae, b60¢¢. hy Otero Sees SETS faenZ thee pee pe Ga La oo geE, 7 Other Kowl belies” Are. 77/O/0-/@ , 7/0825 — set Jee Cie: teint copocedl parntenge is 7) 0825-32 2/08 aS-4 Qu gle T\CS825-36 DL Jargké CO th siete se pe x pe” ey oa ee ee ea ae (@SY¥ RQ, Eoestel wal iad hy Atnd 6 Kee. (ass E/S* Sey, EE ee ae , Merete, Lbowt ), Ap gp a AS,7TFT/ , he print os Ethan 5 aan Koeletectlor , Be P2284 7 aoe 77 1010 -) 8 a KOE , ame FI/IO/O0~18 a, OAC Er KocloeAtence Are T/O8AS-4a,, 7/78 AS. Le , CEL BTS Prariapartleced ah 7 1LOS2s =- 37 Pro Ifo 25-6 gee o 710825-38 Rese & 4 fa poe OO ie! een Aes de Sel , [Preece pi i hy et OGend’ Ge ge 2 eben tate a. par) Mase, * tals) Fed mar | fase ta ree a Be ame eae psc te oa ae Lelie. we, sat yl Ce eacban ng 1 V7IO1O~19 Ye &, as eae sa Hii Aoife tr thd PA ECD ARSED SELES OIE A PDD: T\ OB2S = O0 eo VWO8 as- oo Pihete wae bela 7 ANd a 710825-101 s PORE tes TL fee Prat of Ketat bee/) kdlinwe eae ed od pete my a ae eR eo. Se 7 tok pot 1D, /9E2. PLOEFAS-—/O Ey Eclth Peagerere y7 ye bf watirtstar 716825 1 62 7\)0825- 103 7/0825 -/O tens prnints (aratentetor) sickle: caltaenl hace atlas sha im tentantse rag Le << Aliant tt Cll ed), Sok Ax} gen tity worth ter Gln Gojucne peek , io F109 25-1) See LI x EAL roatin color 71 0825- | 04 710825-105 DOG AST~ I A eral color een, a anes Toveene! g [Peborst € Kr.) wet me. slident nf FALE Mager Dac ptepef 7\ 0825-106 WOB 25-12 lod 70625-1007 208aS 12 og fautine fector (beter ce) is File LE) , Copia [570 a , Frtetnt cere! Serres 2 cease! Caenstle, fi Rieae Kedettripre 77/010 -ah jf MAA 7 ag Vel tor \o% ferdotpte Fecal, “r cet EXO 71 0825-108 VIOG ASN guess T10825- 109 FOG AT-IB Gees OE Ga Cie gece hin ptte fi Ries: pe Pop AI8 Bi? Gf Mde He pita \\ 0 710825-110 TIORAS-1t 71 0825-111 7/08 as~rd ro Little ag pea Seuss Ce ree, Bee and marred Joohica ane » Born 10/25/1650 2 devthiieh, Kerk, Creglaiuc atect bed 9/74/1930 Tene, Liha de “ VOB S= Tre 758 /2OG-/ TWEE \\ 7\0825-113 (SyaoG f° Oden gf He Sarre. ty thir deevucline , ARF flartbaee. dee, 1975 dor "60, Mie pees a Ay Ley Cotlege at Ee ee att BDL a pe elout Leer Kia eeedg trvtere. oF. Lh tadade A Praveey DIL prada the Ponty | ptindet Re PSUROP SH te of aie daclhace tehe zo rading white thle ai. Carrees Te or oy the betertbreey ahi atte. dle (“deer evhals , Loot? Lach. ete, aa Me, | tbl, dorian docs Lad DAM, Hbdnbe Oh TG : Cob aed Aas othe we “ 4.x, flevarol cy ee mee 9” pa” SGOU 71 8825=1 14 F/OBRE-/T [é 24] wv 710825-1515 9/OBRE-~17 Oct of tthe tn WS Mest, Sttrefaeccl HRD DE PB a, (GON Bh Dh wll Fags, fhe Laos Acgnalecre Te preening te Went TS Fer, w Be W.%, Sliroarel Gx /Q- 7\0626~- 116 PIO BAS -1¢ 7 Ate? \) : 7| 0828-117 WEG Di 72 Trectet dey WU, tleerarcl, otf on Pave wal , feerehed fy Kotert fl. Klee ex pot at warts, Faery | Met Be is: cortd Fan neolalere 0 on Lhe Adertong ae tn fhe Case f Meeenter PLCS 2S-S7, C e 7\0825-\\18 GOOLAG-/ Vw \ 7i0825-=119 C9OGRF-S es Oe a Keerisccte Cte ee Babb 2 GEA ae paged em amy, pops: le obesdigs ee ypretondeate a Se Le ve faut dadesborg TIOFASZ—e2O 7 (OS22- 42o TL LOBZS- let Tat iattey Brine an he ole be,” TIOZAS-2! Tt OS25- 1) ce 710825~- 123 710916—124 710930-125 | the me YM auc (home WhHnevrresee (2.9), Liewerg Cas Gx Ho wene> cept . GO,/971 7/07 30-/ : Kaeprolee- ISJ-/08 ~ 31-17. 5-101 gene F Ce 3 ple ttace) a 230 ~-78- 30-/83 < (2S ork PF ren) 7(09%?Z0-2 7/09 30-3 AS6 -/06~3)S ~ / 1ppes oC Lester 21 mon ) 710930-f nn ” ROP- FL—-29- 1S~¥PGox0 AM Cokn 12 move) 2IOG3O- SF a n DIb~ 1S = BS = 1b- UAT game IF (Lark 22 we 710% 30-6 a u ae Fe-3o- 17-101 gn PB x3 eo (0mm ) FIOF 20-7 : nt nt 2¥o-%F- Jo-—/7- 98 G-~— F Co ee, SKU 7/04 30-% KMhArckjahee No measiremernr’e ) et Eee 2 LD xce Wat Geis A esa Pa! ARIE. Cheb bo Fhe has Camel approcek. He firll the are tut, lee. pbartisl L ehower secede Bea pened ye egy eeepeceedl ee freaLeee Zee zZ it Coes fe ee tock ZL the tevecctarveas of Li KrseeY - 140 (oo AGOVE SIEMODON (go x : = wf es 2 ¢ w yo oO ¥ ~ 2 -P Go Ge 3 aro aALZzoO 230 26 2S6 AGe 270 TOTAL LENGTH Ve WY and (Blie ma td Kacerence (Po), Deeg bar G He es tg dept Jo, (07% : Them fren area ppd Zo Pree Ste) 6 shone ante. Rntleslidl jo bee Lope: FIOG IO-F Fererrgzesss Chiccapecs 7104 30-7 JIOG3ZE6- 0 Se WN ee a fond (ephemeral) sorth. harnnecter ff parle HNN ¢ ite dates tf testerded aorls , ron) eurfoce S seed 7\[O05-126 [Yami W and Vame. 77 Kawrexcce (Po); GQ. Kanete/ Ock. 5,/97/ At appror. the tender of ate. 2b, RIGEanL TIS, thamimned a oe tele, Ake este Zo es os poe De pli, Be a oe 3 7. augl 29 we BArAbg Keddegl 23 SER K B10 Clerviavates! ee 30’ taghe D Jo’. hae : ao ar Area a S(7b@O0 Oe He en Aarctcal CLtreba, groin, ee LETS ey | Yn ’ s \ heoed a . Ave Se : ¥ —~o eS 5 oS Apa ttagl ’ oa | : — 7 | a 5 fons i : Conbynccoeco eZ . dAirtetion~ trirde m Pen. t* Bede i theta es er the Ade a Onte, oe a frirrptret frertern An flock fa A on. the go Loree Ahe insane 23: AS mee : TFiPO1 0-128 Se Pate Aéof MED ER YQ ancl eee oe eSB Cope fe so, 72), Kal Eu, Atevencorth ,, Fong), Oct, 10,197] Oe ay frecfer Karlrood at oe pele, Dav acreage ot Wade a 3 E Zs ad : ete oO, Vasco aoe. oe Paes at Face Som fo pred Bal ana os Gren Mah As Eda Pers a cp ah pes Raa 90° lo hate es Ue ee ee ae OTs borthirnrnust tail, Lu oe aogt L fewte, 125 ' acres pestd Jeers 35 Le edge of rater, (LLL of Bod’ Le nH promt oe sheen (OS ile wretee eS eau Rate Kar trocled the tant b'0' lo the HE. es _ Agpothetical Canal fo : - £FLsh Trap. Svtcfia7 Cc Me af Current iS fe a3 } _ 4 D WA = Se ba s N B-8': vr" Do = . B-€ + 100 0, D-b' = 10" a b-E = 35° a! 0 PRES ee <— AO arts edt Vase) Secs RIVER BANK PROFILE. TIF OLO=—1 29 Cet rE eee ae beget dot anebes Le V2 feat vce Lo Oud fade are Aeetidt week : elescakie e. dhocro Lhat there ore 2 ov 3 Layer the Coger eee eT ea os es ) aud Ae of teks aud a Paset Cagtof buutdua & of Atiaighl Ache jtome Ff coheed ae thfoced. ee ghans Bake pte 7 < of Che Lifose Foctelers, ted. ey hoe 8 Lf 13' begard the loot ehfaaedl denfoce rock A Sk pn ae ee. he a er ea : Def Ce patsy) Z the de 2 - bream Tha . He oe ae ee Des se Aches new Aland, those ts au elie top-offect rm. E sebe <7 ache aul are ae ; T0102 prom lop of Conk its ee W10/0-3 Apne aa atene with My, derenin shotbeg, at wate Leek | W/1010-Y¢ Jyoti. Glitee Pa atbrpd i eclye dubmugel hytden bb € excl abrupthy ther, fesetelio ebtinal tagone! tuad tif Hawn Hehe Fr offret! £2s Gat et PiyosOiG Maar oe atowe , Fhe Chinerd DeHs S pede of Aeten 10 herny trocted anny’ Wijoso-7 (Wlooer Wrew Lp ee | DLLOsare 1] err mos eke 2644 Contacts Fork» Theor the fan’ | WTO L On| PP Bian Ache reveal, trgvlegl roa wtelera, , Wi1O16-to Men, hehe Afenbacfutl TIT Ol O=—1 S60 Pa pees pot TI/OpTo SI a oe oo cletarl oof tials ban geld FLA OS O~ TE Li poeect toteler, on teack aS Bteewsbhin oe Ls. Masta bud VISOVO SL LV on Ls ot Vere TOTO Reale. at 2 Ji PTE Ce soe foe 7 eee oneenee Pt hed Le eee eS ee Fa ae. ee eee cron Ne eee? See yh ne a, : TELCO TD. 7F Chen repel mas San fested 2ctgee - D/(010~7F ee hee ae ieee. TCO(O(O- 2/ See - SS ane aly dose Lad codl Bucbate tne “he Lig Sate Keo, (100 fect w aud 7044 7) of SE comme 7 hee Jd, 7of22 | Lae, Log dk 775 ft. , Soe Peo ete Det. (7, FIT? eae Lact of Paidsd. Hol ee 7 rips oan puro wns os Ao TTA e eT Lepsects me asta Crsek Channels +, SAU, the Corprguratere of thuclihue oe TAVOVN = VS a Man-made ATriucher- ete ele en Se ae ee oe CD a pe cen a Piney 2 Se eee, oe ycan Chace Las beers haligremiteah thewgs ee ee aw the arounrke aud Muhkibuheow donde Cards-. Vipera} Rergert barvder Lo TUNOW~ fromecek wens Lounition , Cebinecrcle sa teeity ar Ztlor-3 oe one upitiec__ debe of dele Zi rorl- 4 71 1Otl~ S— Mii deh, S auth mud Crepe Heaven rth Go, finite Tl toes 132 ~ Oct BLNGTS ée anil oP Cathe Bot plants vr attine $Es e pée : Los ar kee das Gen Aas ina Gr) y J bf , a a Trt Ener es oe ee, eee Phe poctrermeg plowte amcre! other ted | AY, os, i ees note mee), elle — jAtiomen » 3 ft Ay SoG Re oe ee ees ‘ 2/2 above Che tench: we. Sead os oe es, No FVlto2zfal Ad oe Phuck G9 bbuts aud 20 Aree flew 1 tre dre ancl utuad- Oppret 2 Z 20. a vrhick wens poll tid berth ae TAeek, : hits eee eee Ne ee a oes 2 ee) oes a preecec . ee a? fees Voie Po waned | EA EG lt Gta Lapeer pret, mcd Orek, Keerneneetth Gy ., Alot Flew. 7,/47) Suse ES PRIS OES es ey ee ey Weir ee : S Lc‘ wartiiatte , dnmme Db Se ee J ppgphee oe eee 70° Lae of ae .. the rppte see GO plow of urate I: i ; Mev 7,149 31 COO ns Smee ingest ones x huget SS ~ rare: friteni nants Greek acl eae gee ca aioe barviticl 4etmariot 20 a Leng 1100 ft uw and IO fot “] SE Corner - we: | 107-135 =e eos aon Reopencietth, @ Kapads-- deze 30,7125, Kale, * . : Meee. DIG? Faoks Licup pote (Ae Octi0,(47/) by Coperepl rth woter Grob eee WO fyicherte of och Aheetin‘s Cue! howl (ng ee arth, agar. 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