S973~13 730116-13 Dre ecl Fracenr at merlesge BST, Ce hag feten 40d ona. hove OCimtinrcece L berthed lard! LkeL 73 0)/b-5 of fee Lb to af bebw the Lore. Phot 1301 (b-o Sf tatiana ee an w bile of poee’ Fhoitt TPaore~7 a mile or A tegend Le foes £ dhe E& wud Lovared Dottie at metlewge SOF ar VRI2S ODL freed Chur Mews. At Aucthe. (Meleage 535 noted a nedta.d, Kkotden tagle at mileage TSO gut 6 meter w of bechent, CoLo. Hehe” gay, , Finite, A deainrthes SC/. Vora Sad. Kicked cep) Bat Laght degnete on Che heli, Vicky Log Leer Charectiuge! Ly ek. of paploree) 2leeh? ae trclecatea Tye mata blag. GOT Glietlin , Orleracle Gee 17,1973, Pref carly. secutil ct a gad. Llartid. Cures at veut mand 454, at "10:03 Am. 8 horned Larhe bIG marek Hawk , fornek Lark, 6 terned Lyrhe S formed. at haghvag $7 (85 7yncleoge of tan) att herp Lest of dards oer mele. 18 Reve Larhe , 8 tormed he £8. Atorred Loritr, werek fowk, £9 toned rkh, 2 formed 4rhke) Dkerned Lerto, bo torred Lert, 4 ferred Larks, 40 formed Crhe , é terned Grte, 2themned Larhe, 20 horned Like, 62 Fo Lorne Lirks, 150 kerned Late, / Creer , 2 komme Larkes, Kor Zk. 63 /o forrest Girt, 12 hermed Berke, meret Leek (W frk Sabernere Zi-ex), 5 homer Lakr, by tf puecleeterks, 19 Larned Lacks, 66 2 Frney Lots: 67 2 hameed Lortic, 1 Rorned bake, 9 Rorned Lorka, 12 horvecect Aarts, 3 Borne Conta, 8 Karntd berks, 2 termed harks, 9 2 petlets Batley tim, f Lormed Carda?, Horned Lowk » & Formed Lancken, 2, 7? hrkned borke 2 horred Lite, 6 tomer Lake, 12 bornes Like, 73 G Lowmes Lerke, S Forde Sant, Ca wpi, Cho rei LUMmtenge 7¥). F Kosneds tarts, Kore! lark, 2 tomes rte, an © (Yew 75), Hore bork, Drove C., Lernedbvh. 1 9 berm nhs 9 hanes bk, 2 horned tarka, bo horned Larhe , 3 towed Larhe, L flor ed Leelee, i Herined lark, G7 marek tow, a horned tarhe , S Loge Carle, 2 termed tithe, & harmed Larto, (eo terned Larih,, Fl reacted, 2,54 85,8, ¢ hernect Lovkr, rrarch hawk Lorne Lark, PL 2. Aherned larte, termed’ Lark. 67 Fo, F/ Aopen. tihy fecwer _ Lrte, Corned Lark, 93 Lrenfisecl tama]. 24 9 herned Larhe, ail — fe henna ne, Rammed Lay gg lad ned), abcd, 2