761231-152 Student Opinion of Teaching and Courses Course G7O_ /7USEOLUGY Instructor _, lames: a Bee Date 5f4, 75 The items below deal with characteristics of instructors and courses which students and faculty feel to be important. following letter grades: or F (failing). These questionaires will be confidential. to the instructors. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Are the instructor's lectures presented in a well-organized fashion? THE _| Does he put material across in an interesting way? Ber! 6 Are the class assignments realistic and clear? Are the chats and grading fair? Is the grading of exams or papers done promptly? Does he use enough examples or illustrations? Is he aver haeen outside of ekase? Is he actively helpful when students have difficulty? Does he make students feel free to ask questions, disagree, etc.? Does he answer questions effectively? Do you feel that the instructor has an up-to-date approach to the subject? Have you learned things from this course which will be useful in your research? Do the students have an active enough role in the class (dialogue, class presentation, etc.)? Is the text and/or reading current? Is there the right amount of overlap with material covered in other courses? real page cempetalicnn 4 - ¥ a 4 Y baotng For each question give one of the A (excellent), B (above average), C (average), D (inferior) Write in after a question any comments or examples that you wish. Only typed summaries will be returned A+ ae Beh Pe Pee Pe BI Nw Rls At At Noy