Te\2S\-1 57 Fees / Spl ehh. aap 86 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ASC SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE STUDENT OPINIONNAIRE ON INSTRUCTION x 5 Course Title Wn ov sXe i Y a n& The faculty member who distributed this form has done so voluntarily, and not from an administrative request. He, or she, would appreciate your frank opinion of the work in this course, in regard to interest, organization, and presentation. If you will cooperate in the same spirit, the offerings of your school may be improved to the satisfaction of both students and faculty. There are, also, included personal items pertaining to the faculty member. Of course, no one can be ideal in all of those qualities; but there is an honest desire on the part of everyone to see himself as others see him and to profit by such knowledge. Please consider carefully your responses to this opinionnaire. The information on it will be available to your instructor in this course. Do not sign your name or make any other mark on the paper which could serve tv identify you. Return the sheet to the person in the class who has been appointed to collect it. Instructions: Please check once for each item in the appropriate =~ » 2 2 p S 2 column. (A check in the lefthand column should represent the most 2 ‘s & So s gm a favorable response, one in the righthand column the most unfavor- as 3 2 % aS 8 g 2 able.) of 3%