? te 76123\-163 2 Ss Research Graduate students (resident) Carnes, Bruce Ph D. Habitat Orientation in rodents. Glass, Greg M. A. Interactions between Sigmodon and wicrotus. Harris, Karen M. A. Tree squirrel social behavior Heaney, Larry Pn.D. SE Asian squirrels. Honacki, James Ph.D. Interspecific competition between chipmunks. Korch, George M. A. Rabies and skunk populations. Koepp|, James Ph.D. Ground squirrel biology. Rickart, Eric M. A. Rodent natural history. Schwartz, Lanny Ph.D. Demographic genetics of Marmota flaviventris. Terry, Carol Ph.D. Ecology and zoogeography of small mammals in Alaska. Staff J. W. Bee. Systematic of 2 species of Clethrionomys; Mammal of Kansas. J. W. Bee - Dumitru - Murariu (Romanian Fulbright Scholar) Integumental glands in several species of shrews. E. R. Hall Systematics and evolution of Holarctic mammals. N. A. Slade Population ecology of cotton rats. R. W. Turner (Associate in Mammalogy) Plague in Central Java. Publications: Bruce A. Carnes Preparation: Effects of Interspecific Interaction on Habitat Utilization of Sigmodon hispidus. & Reithrodontomys fulvescens. Gregory E. Glass Publications since 1975: Gene frequencies in some cats of South America: Caracas, Venezuela; Willemstadt, Curacao . Carnivore Genetics Newsletter 2(8):230-235. (With Neil B. Todd and Ian McClure).