76\23\-1) 73 10 five to ten years. We have floor space available for approximately 22 cases without stacking cases three high, a situation which is to be avoided. Curation of the present holdings will take about two years to complete if it continues at the present rate, and will require 18 cases be made available in one shipment, to begin the necessary major reorganization. Incourage communication by letter rather than by telephone when time is not a factor. Letters provide documentation of museum trans- actions as well as justification for increase secretarial help, thus providing profit for the museum instead for a gain for AT&T. Dr. Robert S. Hoffmann, Curator of Mammels has been on sabbatical leave (fiscal year 1976-77) at the Smithsonian Institution and there has conducted considerable K.U. Museum business by phone: and correspond- encee . Dr. Norman A. Slade is on sabbatical leave at the National Institute of ental Health in Bethesda, -taxyland for an indeterminate period since January of 1976. He is studying Uniten Behavior Systems. Respectively submetted, 4 James W. Bee Acting Curator of Mammals