vf 78031637 402 gerhahinre ) Korernee , Bogle G., Roreee Mnareet /4, 1979 Laat of serdar ter pm spend (ougwatl heck in) Lefh peorenl OF diprage gtd act nt a Die, Lager - Ba oy Vedog the prema , Lice sparreces, r at Nettie tfasiacee, toda wating pe pee MAY inion. Kevevorr, bexglar G, a Brwte HZ 18,1978 of recllucke /aparraw Auk ancl abet neo ame’ Cak, Ba4+ Lon ottt nes! _SA,000 braced [nae icc tetntd Bb trpccon) Bed undl[y BO Counela geeee - Jivgp. G2°L Aud he fort toh Lach Rorrderradare thd Alacer , he onda gtece Lnere porvvtten, Ho, eee 2a rete bal of yor grws greece plenty coatil nearly, that Che grease cnt sea. Lhe are |. hewed ie lee sacar adoten oO. Bnet tate theactd Aue ee a tarkene Ad tee tnasmlicieesl Yt Lhoked Aud 2, 77 Atill spy Hab ard atime an Lttareds waterfoced Tarn t - Shiae ew thrvige Csutd te Amt 12 bo Plea Ot ie eae a eatin hetas Gf pracielend , Creck aud boleh pork hacthl » S Leer Cieck 4O2Q pee tetsn es pi etieens. Sovgles C. HS nna: ee ARR aot einen } er aaa 7 wee) eee ee PrareLk. 1/7 ,/478 4, note! AA Ot TRE, ternal: Lae eS. tinder. Lhe reo nny mae DoE ee tackiet kad gatlhe,