S1O0D20-102 Ailes ia Tian RBS Garnraw hawl | gre gh gs ABL7 ‘ee ci fo te 7, oe 2 Ee ee hes Zz S aee peu fone, 2 $2.4 Antelepe, ZVYLZ 7 anctipe,, ¢ ba ledpe Sanlelofpe, AVYY,7 6 es DVLiL SHE. PR ciel ob antelope . QVv6:P 2 antebhfe, 2477 ee AVE, A antebpe , 2VR,Y C Anthhe thee Art tn the Crea 7 Caundduned. 29,0 i etllboba, 2798 F autitpe, ome tecck, 2850:/ Authe 45979 anther, . , F lintetapr y trrtarleeuretirk, ASST, z (EP ice cating 2 Large Kernec/ ree, 20cor antelope . BOF PF Geel 2 auntelage . 25S, 7 of anther. 256.9 Menela. 26,8 R anthe , 2SF,/ ? hed Cia telegn Kage Hevets ane, Lontrg 259.9 Aantihge, 260,39 ankbhf., 264,24 - (RQ Anrtilege , Dapericw Kaede, PrtiplertarKk gigl? Grteew Plnedebinale, A635 es Ae ede ee nas bei 264,22, 5 anh fe, anitine , 2o57 2, oe 266,97 sate Sl Gee hak Niaisoncr sigs 5 ROG,oO Z antelepe | 27/,0 Ogee ne oe coe att tht arta are , 274.0 FG authfe, 274.7 oct twthat nod tial, 2 ree O Aukilod. ow 476,0 “(ack # ae PP by B 1D inte to J, 277,3 facet os large 6 pe po" an ts yg prmng at Z a 7 Tee Pele, ROP oe 3B Bitte! BIO 7 ete fA ee: (Hee popes means Ut there coere Ss pauses Sergi ted Thileage and dere wttae a Me bo ot general wrthere Che Dome pretroel needed Lo make aid Atetigl t) ZENG PG antebpe 29¢.0 tetth.t toed Akl, le eee ZF LG Cat lomon dares dwn, aurtlins ass S 7 fo 3 04,5 eae, 2505 3S Auntibze , 290.4 Keths Kalf here 292.8 2 Antilefer 2973./ Be anthfe, 293, 7 AanZkljee- 294! A Brecwir Met tirde ts, FE ee ternd of Hlachtacny , 2IL7 anions ‘Dt antlelefe , 29S 3 7 antelope, APS 2 peel yp Lay Pood Keats.