JOURNAL 1986 JAMES bh. BEE G6O0Z20)}-— J WOURNA L LSE 2/23) € Kent Keke LA, Lrokorwt &, , Uh eas, 79ST GE | elegy eae aoe aioe Tatil, ena fiw’ ore SE es bocvrers Geer (eat A Commer oma JT Oe hes Smee se a ee (lute), and até Leqaenet a a eee A peck ecrrens A Let es (On Atir) PIPL At Lor oy L, Onnec fective, SM daa dntnll Tach, eras 772 comme | aes Pnadte Cae A 22 of ec) prom - Se fret at about 4 set LF eel at Mary Borflisal Rm (lastniged) 9 2, yan Ze Lemmen ancl Barrce conned tn llatenl Areag ee ahi) Fon ke ae a a 8 2 / oe ee ee soe OE. ay Eel dere. ins tot ood. Aan Arnrtrctars ante inn Sa iy a eae sc 4 A reel — nechect sr ane acrtorne Aeeaceae oe thnen Des pice Otte poanley Go we a, Kone = 72320 rnahemiurn shaek , sagen asad Mash ee BEOIAS-8 Fe hg ee pa aes 1 Wreee™ vara (asad Dacd PY Pop Dn nehiin, netted oF heset 20% Chat preter or opttey , 60,000 AWWA CORTES a eet wee - : oe oe greece Aigone Aeon : . RRIL ROAD pie UCR SR EON Aw ef — ee = CADE ae, $ danddertg SRNDERLINGS Loe AR geese cies, am ee Beet rgd Ktmto net en ee aap pene. .6,/786 8:304-7, ard at 8:40 Am. Eo ns aoe le es {on eet Fe A Te Me eG lat, acs Land ome na of ft (08 fete) tnd acini SO ae Hie of bene lreve Te Lnecwrles, Me tanclintlinge tr mick ar 7, 1786 Qatet Load reght teat wind Aevelapel Gir A frome SE, nape vGptncatihins areentd ld aud akigllid om bench le EF. at froohm but high wirel at there awh 2:10 Fx - At 2:30 2th to abrendigalentd (dave 2”) BOoO{O7 -9S Flite ate Citand focrons 7:304.m Le neemr- tr FE, rarer Aven g — 4 Gr? $ a) 3 Defoe teeta Laake whe rumics tithe ph Con ay 2 sonny apaweee: pttinmteinn: Lhe, Dandle thf (z) 6 Hands eged pence Onegentace) fltgntitrn tee Th. ches theek f it . ye ee (joo - fof) sate) ane aba precent Chive t Mbewiec de wihupess out che to Fae (#) so ieee gidlnttys artw te Wri Ket (4) loo Bitvrziectio Peng. dtintiamucal a at r¢ Stee optirtatehen 7 Bus ruaee!) Geeee (4) Se Pees eg ok — f Zz. on. () g ae Ca OC) 20 Mucete- Kreetin! Cormetey yt” aad / i / tote = Dhestesl Lysis $ : . ys y 2. abe g? } pel tad Riiycl () 6 tet hle head (& Gmenrttan Oew C6) 3” viene Bas terelgce (6 hecoh LL. ~ 4 wk te -i t ~tacketl hichukee Q) 4 Rear a pects / irda mm preacne tad rat rbsorucd from eek, (64 / w—lim dripe | Recicleer Bardo ot Anacertic (Putrmno Ferry ) 2 Abvenne ftir I shclncty a lnsyapiel “Astonia z pea lela, 20 danelertn é eerie Ue fete tae : & DE Conner 20 ety ale / flied! i #] Apecces BEO0!l017-/0 Ae #50 ot lie Lal sn ms eet opt whee Avie woes fenmveg (SE) at a Aale af ID Would t10 ae: — Dataae OF S00 fF: toed Aig Atttrineod Ie 50 wuwes tn ] Meee, S900, att Lew whew the @ Tx Bath daeddigl cud wyentibelere tneteece/ Ah tet ae ee Carre ete, 2 FAST END i ee DESCEP TON ts, Bares ee, PASS oo oan N CJssnesr Ss LOWE TREE PT, ot CAMPSITE 164 77. PRES, “YN SACH SIDE RESEARCH AAEA = 0p YARDS. oR 82,000 Sa.YARDS SNEE-OOSH FT, GEN VRE SPIT ¥ A a OUT LIE (8L4ND TONRON ‘ 0 ists, oO Sfar7 ROCKS OR EAK WATER Y— 4/4 GT aoe - Oo ¢ ar. ee ~ a oO LIGHT oO 2IEHT O 2renr £60108 - // 5, /9756 Kart naght heong wovea, Cup 47 thes Am.1:50n,0 Sie at 300A n Chyehed wares im front of Barth. wailn at high tide hrel, ‘Se dese fe Bo, Blate, / dd forceful on shore » Krncked oir pvek_ pre hake that § sould pat-mare,” — Wigbhlorad tad wrsse wth night, frm 556, drsale formed dprrag thal rraned tl Lelt mv (arth Che: Ars wep aten écaumabas ork Slorbov ewes tome guete Z Gl nu PA 7: 50A im SO wewes CeeZng mt Ceaek tus 1 tree, ¢? tte, Boreas Cpprey, ¢” tagh, at thes Line ns tihcle Caps Waid Aneélion pare el Pech & Cher Am | 3 tommen gotdenaye, |Terned giche, 20 gelle 2x 20 any yp 2 racer» 5: 0/ | leas ‘Ge, 19 Mee. S07 awl. Created Cormoraced fle by le = P09 Yt few ins £, Gi Kerned) gcha Sire ‘ uh gS (idl —bnenatil rmecgarace | B76 Hormect gteka S21 FX AY arrows gabdlenegé | 7 Ctacea F; 28 Acute treet wrmerant , bnts Basi ples eps toeged weir, and aenedl Appin | fort Thre The 2ev. B29 plage Coromerent, Lormecl , $: 2 dete Call eres *% auler, Cuties plow E BBY 4 Black - py = ) Chenttle—Creiletl Conertast eo) BOOIOB—!2 poe 2 Be. mee we oe eee ger wey Ces 5. Aorge fk te la Math ¥io7 14 GAmerttaw Mnrdgeerns Zu PIB pm as a ye 9:19 RQ deutlh-Crull Omran LG a Z wg) Srcnethaat of Poy as Pa oD denote % Bo ee ere Lorne gate ae acl one “reatern de ae ett poesedl j End Complete cormters , Kept L Anacork, - ee Kept Ma Levitin Tote rwcd 7) at mebeege vane at /0°284:7% Bttenre Cluscarteo “2° 3S (15 nen - Arrenes/ at 1O%4¢OD (20 mix ey: Aalemner- Héctene G7 a Aro Plame, raat. "L Crees reli an atutt butd tag. abizht ada Aoee (> hue) om w pecle Seat Socered (atphar Baz ) wv ae = eek Poin? : of oe. ys t eg bar Zs svete. Are Y AG i, Aen pete L, Coot Aged ae at S BL iel MOUSE Aavaedig!) tae etl Revver. On Qreas ofetruenl 2 Lace’. ther fiortern, ao well ao & . Beer are Com — Cablinated plant oo NoLid teufel le heacls on freck walr Cakes, / MOUSE Dre pegeen eid, PO Cased? Ahr Chetebren he. TKernptore former Dotnet laseg Mae hratgloer Hating wt (149. ketirned le Cneacorte bg 5 eee er and Reyne BEOjlO-7~ 13 Var 10,1986 Pergp . S:0c0oA.m SO°F, , Preacerel seme eeneg Bar Zed Tone ag hewek sn Bart, the Created on fr" Phe aan SO Corteecctipie waves mw 2° 9 (A mnuks geevidls) ge: [ Avenue eng I,§ Mtoe! , 7 —_* 7 3D Piped as, Lvaweds ay ay 227 OL / teawe “eee IG t£e, 2 at a ae B, ie 23° Oru / ws a 7. F tee J a a a 2° as” ou J 4 ae ee Lee: A 7 7 HB BS” oR fs ‘ Zi 7 wee, F:104m 7 a " /l “ a“ A +f oe fon ar a, b nee. n n " Mt a’ pe” owe fon - A, Stee, PBtipopicea tolled A, Porvoo ESE , toaue Gesttaled cond Aboud birme eee j 9370 formed grote LYE Avi fee Oniclelied woatere out Lie! waders, Hee wheat Sates OE Me Ay” Fi 50 A tetel. scartel about 1800 Ahpye Mope Melee aul \ r-9 Eft lo rrtd, is1 V a chun thated a Glacicoces - Weong ee Abend. dilog, pes SO weute an 2 72" gra, Db Zoe , J? $76 A toed eagle eretl 3x Arrghtk Mone Nebel aw Fly hance of Hiphivrc a ret tpg OF Sommers gothrnage lave fo 22 ete , de. Ue Gurren tce Ae siaiid Grete sutmresgedl | 27 “ee, Comenen Gelolerntye Ti ee 2/2te, a ’ ar winds Wanes SOW 227" az /tooue per 35,/ tee, JO Yam Ze, arvel, Se weve 28 ne ce, JO, 5S j pelrectd heat Coekewatle ia wwetic when tub. in ‘ ( {1:02 52 losnes 411 228 ow 2 ae Ceove , HWioS Crrmmoyr aot. PY MLE BS ate. t2ugl Cate, gteke few 7ece, Lj) Be J Whoecg af Bae” Ow f Wonue an 33 tee, BGCGOIIO= 1+ é v ° (BOO Neer SO wert at 23! - teae4. or /ltopuwre eee 3, ace, JO woves 4, aut rtacarck area al v8” ow 3.8 cee fer wove jarve photo Seelinl Ff wwe Goten am Aedeareh At2a_- Chaatgpt> ay aebees Kewas a frerrcrcl Sa Beets wrd SSE Oftrreel Commoner geitenege , 4 Se a q! of wats, SiacHe. ha Yost Cian tee 27, 2/,24,/8, 20, 2/,2°,22,259,27, 23,25, ilies a elect » a’ Aesch 1 appr’ (Yo Poet ewaten seed Lad. oes tenew | 1), /8, A = - M1, 1 jl, 11, 7b AS 1 SEV, 2a, LIS SO toons ta 2! 307 je Ae ee (30 ° 0 B36" ge B) ate oy a ets dich gn, at 20 Pre eee 152 hgh Ladle woves treak Ror rig mer cheney retro Sb see t 3,3, I. of the enue, sine a 3,3 eo agence te Fund wnli 2nliin LZ, Jaw 1/,/986 Temp 33°r at Pico Am! Cheched br percecls of recbmigeuce af pewe 3:00- 10100 AM, Jed ~ treated mergoueir 35, 33, 3%, 37, 37, 32, 35, 42,37, 9€, 87, 3027, 28, 32,47, 29,49) AY, 32 a, + 30 AS, a7, 27,286,287 Picci... pened wisi oe 38 ,33 Avrnet 1 EE, AS) ay, “£3, ES, ES, Yo, ¥1, 39, 32,3),33, 30, BE, BI, 35, — Att Pipa te ol Lowe 59,57 FL O68 34, 36, 3H, 35, 35,38. (ed necked gree 2 Boe BEOlll-15 cide. arched reek Orly and pesrga : , weed weve J’ 1 aie be ST hrm me ee ee np gn gente Foon prnctennt fnstod sed of Le pe ee Teceatad Trach, Lisget &, Waediocgton: cia Copeeas Haettn es» Sinan Yaw J2,79 FL tet a CeaecBifut , i BO the BaF, OT Sell, 66 wud) Le epprers . 100 Wn Ae ae rs 7 a , : i aD SS eae ae e. x Mee ra as ee | ifr add, *S aud @ are ivhen 7 BEOI{2Z ~ 16 EVES Geomroremy Ce Aiutonrergcat wu oe: Horned giehes Alor, 26 Grd 2Y Gi:lh Armen, toed tagle ty SE end ape Selara 7 ie Hoge (crerege jane ) proceed Aepeee $.00A.79 , Cprmetesn ¢ anges Eat) slept ppebagce JOC 0 FAGLE TREE S AOPE ISLAND SE LPO/NT™ 7 pn atboue. Luc SE Font f KMape. tebard , 1230 Pee, Rs Bo) 2) 27,24, 22,2822, 32,74, 22, 7%. wih. Dis atiasit jarcnale pete “Tlers, Cog? Lpowed “7 4) SeOll2. = 17 fAs9S™ ns se Diese. td SE Pee? of pe Hllead, wnecnne. ' 26 ale, Mp Dine ert tervrags Celmed HoregerTat plans ae E af ee ea LBS Pace decane | ee — J*4O dieones De Wleawis Reva” " vlatotanal SB rerentie ai? pa tel on en 7 Zh Qe Aad Lene telhrreen , Arge tell Sffired + ,? fer Yo Wide | Ars Patien cipeget y hore , tidmend Lemigt: Fe i oe 19 PH, 02 tere AAs” eg b , a: Bo seg, wv Lurrint Intetdhe cChawaarel L BSE Ourrent entre? melstirel iy . aneaithtr | hae hacer marion tn Llattd Cand 4g B56 Sh is Lc Gl pia occa at appre 150 hg: 4.00 Omtaet gore deteoeen ahrre torrent auc! grten Channel BC6O0((2~18 gtae Be TR Gf Pe a EE GRIN #20 A SH Kage Delancl =, Gi50 WU hame tpred ao misttte Channel eeerrend Xe pation ey eee, BF Ray rence nt (atin &= se) Aud thew sveal (272 ) hb perrerid Abyve <2 Stra aye 22 Rem , act of agre, BGCOI L379 Xa Cynero Piteune , Vhansunel Traily, Shagit Ce.,, c/eekrrglen 73 ;/98 b Bibo Am tenn JF hveo unter’ coke Cape (0 wtte Caps) - Are; Foeceo Boe ay te! Le erie eto IP:Th A —\) 57 F378 Jor 2:02 Ever 6: 33 a2 (otanvatinn apprey oodm) Carine no. 264, HOPE ISLAND . wip aey (SLOaAND 4 => is eet ES OUTLIER ISLAND “65 PRE a aie nel Cima iar Nady lpi dad? ad aut ty the E ence of! the marin WwW -Ew reef. 3,7") dovecter, 2+ tare of Ape ~ haga om nt of lad Camyp, at thes Bee or genre Go Congo cve/ Cuptritd Lut ate pam ; (Mee frercaces Hheagtacn Poi jaca) 2 a helices ia Bel: Germas OidnieriDl , BGO119-20 Aas / C Xtal Kate Leoed Srckenist &,, Laake megan, INS cea ger pple ee : jj 4087 Je Js LEVELS B! pare ROAP, ¥ELLOWING Hyd FROM S DRAWN OLE VEAL PES SFC i 5 W%O DRAINAGE FRB A-~B dl x rN — FACE eer ON LEVELS $-2 AAYE CRORE Wo L $5 (Ox? (~O (/NCHES DEEP ANID 3B IOI NCLES , V2.6 AL PE SEC WIDE. 20 CAL /GAL PER SEC 5 PER SEC, (9 DEER TRA/LE& CROSSE ROAD #£RoM Go EoF Lost’ ar pee 1/2SEC 4 ee > Vx QT PEL QT PER Ske LAE ROLD Ip (26 WwW oP , QT PEL SEC 3 SEC Ge A 7 bias ae . PYAIN VALLEY DRAINACE AT . re ee = NOr7 SPRINGS NO SURFACE WATER : eed Jo DAY 4 | e WATER Tay Pook ROAD OF PROFILE RIBOVE wy WATER & QT PER 4 SEC 4 ee 2/223) . FAST L087 . LAKE FROAR Pies 84017 E tun Aocrcee , ery?” E& LOST GRE Pho for iq-2 theo: ome nin, Lowe tees dace ave neglile Lud 20f thes 470 | —_—_—") ATA i ) oo Se as pop pon ate Cc, omelets ; ALES , , Arammege £- 4 Ae Bee eee Farge vehicle . yy Tne 8G60|23-2! ayaa! & Leet Bote het Srowrbomeek » Caebuigton CLO . 23 ,/¢84 Dtetinwed « hap theirmet hak, ply vole atimnic€ Lier rear pier rialion af deen deat at Top foth, SE Corner Chis properly . Kf? Chita! at 30 at S4745—/ mete | 6 S22, Youn = at. fan, | Pheeceaeed Vath ef 5 ¥3B235:8 or 80,7 mite. New Gthons J aches Leng ; other Lees Fe: me Lew Ko fi Sbolxd-!) S&S pxcle Kocroe POR at Corp JOB Ave Muplorerecnec, Prats $h0)28- > Aggy) : Covet: le Commer Casirue (Thovdayed Tracts), Laget Co, taabengtire, pean, ae ad PTA. | Leng 37°F | Aagliend pine Aad tuacii! Ant rand precetetaper Epps) AD thes Line, tile HO. 5 7380 gutl acl 2. Corererrerr ctlentye 30° ote7 frvm ahore of Cong. DAYS & 2 Oe &+O0 IQ? dec ghy walleanbtin- TS tlge Rely Fete aur Nene Selart (mate Chounet tetiner.. heat Looker Nhe Seba - S tele 97 oy Hele Lele Te tangs 63 2 tuck tn Corr dor of Oretlir Getwnd SE (lepe baton need Comp wet, (63 7 tere Chmage » $30 Channel (as atnuwe | 18 Cerole ; dtaten glace pees ae Te song? Aeld ¢5° above tacky maklenrree , Con ¥S mm) Flick vf appted . 3,000 aAunhyw aAttecesel 2p anol 4 mentee abery teach prom (Fane Tee.) tp ‘heme: Se. Ap fred al a kt fa S &60/24-22 Ceca secieeeat A Zheer wertec at Lerus, Utevsuth Adfero ante ths mace Chapa ; Cratioreced’ nde 12°09 Erm evflew Ae owe th, Gewek af the Lue pa Aah lan eer pg Pmenernend a4 trong otilu trio de Ke outhne of eee Yecaet She Card, 7 | AvLre claee Login (17 2" apanLl aul Lhoer Te a ee ee SEE fintiers ee I F*/> AO-Erg, Pope oe alle. Qo a oS © ne 5 teil tlirlid Io frscl abog bemek LE bat nap ever te “ao the tran Pock toteek btmarnel snacks sued the nent in What S ton Gath a futtte atlingt Grew Lp the Se, Se : ate wth, a don gle Lager of ptoned. eeeD) = : — | “Ban 25, 1986 oe v ) Brown refer B60(25 ~ 25 oo fatagei Cimeranct Lerntir, tore Aloette ~ Cree Cotman? Deutch wre - Ateaatid trerganecr) jedl~ Mgudlad Lows sri é hSder Atatir , a ay oe, << * Forregl grote Cpeip tied, Cimertan ee vjelnib , Lhd Rar, 0 uf finy Cine, AC, )IF8E 30g Am Linge 6° A” ne eel’ Brethant penriee , “AS Leoke laa? Kt taew Lecke: rtecel. onof Leveetolera/, bee upets fed pias R20 ee ee a, yo Laviglad for 26 Lodge. ee ee a dillon. Goeceore - tnngec gutle aud Croco, tik” P Diem. (3) av Croce Ct) de neni Z. Lice fer 20 menetes , without ay teetened ty oi, Farda anak thon bff. Sree tmonatine tall tagle gah 7 omer caters L of Mme True. Melhor (hoint) abut | fon? frome wad aut 20 Yecle ther Aeon tpergigl, Cirelid! aed thew tetterndd at Babee woke Z£ atoeS Pie tehueen Us lernrroe Craw au, Che Petar rs aly we) Snow Ge BG0l26—-24 aimee : ee an No Veeew fang along ents Aaa. adespt at eee Ct ak wlll acclaigce tbe he part og Whe mam A fs an amine ree arin es uae ohio Mie 7 Petit Atala Lhe LL Pp 4, o) MICRLE BERRY 18, GUEMES S®UPLE BAG “ss “9 is XS per 1s, » Oty CONCEN Yany— ~~" /O0N eF Deeks (8, we) f ttt. lard oO ' : : yf , the boride ( Aeinhor 5 = tha Akecued Che palaces , LOINTRILS (700) frattane maase Wh FAH 06 on (30) 7HIN ( oepra) ; EERE rel R825 neat» Sve Duvet, 1 1 ame => wed, ALES econ. 547 AES Plea reds v a oe PE RON ES 3 “ty ) SOLID AND TEE os é ‘a ‘ oe o ie TURNING CHAN GIN & ai, sagan ea : atee PIR ECT COM Ovvs DO RD ‘ aoe om WHEELING Dewy eo 256 “es . 40 A —— Ve 2 K 30 Wy Q ey = gor 0 y . 2 " = 10 © os 24 @O P HFoo>h 1 $0 860120~25 Peed! sp oetee tle GL G tert thebhoresr | foe Covercers Passvrns, (I) Phage G) Wertoglen Ave PD LVEC SO : Uavel from SEE ( Lance fOr Pererlion of pmulen , aconela S10 AM pea PTR 2¢ Pia 3:28 Peo” 18:03 24g" $23. 2°03" 10°12. a'3s" Bi4b Ba aa” JO: 31 a7" 7 28 3'23" 10:47 age” Fid4S™ a’ay" Wea 2/06 e _ GRAPH OF ABOVE WAVE CYCLE. " hoo © : Fi0o 10300 (400 Uv enbasd 25°30 > | Cpt» seg Pe arglin am a gentle 4 ; ‘ ‘ Oteenvel Convastock aud Atrocensl Matt Koy Corsend L Eand Ay Terme. 732 = 32°F. jer 2%, S986 firts G64L0/2¢-/ af ae eee, es wth Caton watera Fi30 2omM Nn SOARS - ‘ ( " ef 7 iF 6ebeognB-~ » 7 Sree sowk Teun? eS, at 8601 28- 26 9:00 twin tee kote] 2agte Crreked 200! atene wakn wv Channel Aiea. deter re aus Mlope helene (E at). Gre . (). Ona qlasccaced —tomegat gut! batacest ee auc tegle a ee aS axa ade ghiad on Bez Vs / jhe Laie WP oss Pormaee fee hace ; ride 6 6FF Patel ones Lently tudmarged bonds VE a Pia fe Ateorugpprant ed! a. foree vA i: 1 ene a at pas o Pee tee Breas : Zz “ tu <0 btew eho mee se 7 ee oes ee ee ee iis (tates 7 boy) hechaclics fed on galls reed Uther - Raven flaw @) at that Hoo hag | & a ts “a LT, vy hae 8 ey feed lS different cviner Amerrtec’ Croer Appel a methece ao! ac cf L fraclee Fae aloe RMLs) Akt BinenLe “pitty lo =, WAIT Ee B24 Coed 6M LE GRAY neg rong AKA, BRON 8G0|28~-27 302 (tim Cck ww Lervreret on : BBL Adutt toed tagle in Dew Bevel Ahpe (Fazle Fic ) 3 Yt Herter teak specter Frost SG le Reseed i om es. tik oe 1S 6 len Let Vike, grebe hivap peared Fio7 gs Bina fete ttre: ct anal uf log Atel - 2 Leen De pies Prot (Carry debe /oy) Loented/ 42 Fords, preathy ath ‘cite Brazing ne aol ae Adhere , YS At hnhyht- 1 chasechen win hay (Acannet coitk tusenler. ) Ka Lommner's Lteserme ) Thacevaree! Fiate , ffogd ©, eeekvigi - 2 £e, AA,/9FS oe ney, at this Lee a Loy appar 2" Laney fase 7 E Luel 7:7. Bacencliy aol flaatad 5S faa? file ecer tentel at tntirecn tee! main Wd terrent at whack gereH wat §: 32 ‘ me eae tekecen Comp 4o4 BueE tuel of Nope at V notch KMape ¥ Sellen , Aig. G37 ; Bice edicts Conrepe 161 tee! i Cur btbe ack SFO Dole 309! oat fans Dre baal, i er, 1:05 Channel 17 Llagetlatnd whe lag pencraeel chrceton & S, "10 D Lal lege tee F385 MNeclethe Veber 7:99 Yd nearer. S euc/ Ahage Nolan! 10:00" Tjuat poaced Send Shag bbland , | BG6Ol129 - 28 TOWRR O OE CEPT ION PASS <— ISMWN DD CUT LIER (SLAW IO DEADNAN “7SLQND xa AITTLE d SS DEROMAN 1-5LAND BEO1V2L9G-29 L060 S7 ad Line 7 ie, Meta 3) Ravel nn plendit, eed Peis ot did rot attionpt ty ene teed tanmtly cores ehh L twatlacs the at whick Lime Che ~omonecleadely “ft, a: Curmrtnte se Joie totd ieee Tice on Klopfe - 10. 9S~ ae Vg Ornesth, water in duction of Ceerrend- /30 tet? Coed eagle on Top Cmefr om Autheer tela EF 7 Alpe ah, Mt LA at I 32. aeel Aefirmed 4) Le digd Zire otore ehoretre SE Nepe Selancl. (1+ ¢o Tutde stétl How Arid bartenty now GE (ate 20mw) W terrent. of BA high Lt, 2 Lf mm pee Mloge Selaecl at E 2clge a) Bees pas tay Four Corner tabarecl (H eusel (2>0¥ Meron Keele teneg A Lfpowtel on ebb, /2: 057 Eagle (ad), bed, porch (ree ebaee) + Aeletnel 12:12 Lo Cokie , fOr ae 4/50" 0 Moxa (%E Commer) at a4 pee Ly pacs ali : {R27 clog at V between Mape Sibir l aud Qutheer Melard (55). cer 47 seca Ly pare te : ca aw Center ; Mceeee bite Celeadey* Chango (elt Maps Uelaeel ~ie Suen oS ee that A ane Nearer tile eel 12? * ze. tn foefo ad ehiteme £ tut of taeds Ata 1 nS? 2 Barreco ne es af a weanegeed a, 3 (PPortrmmenes EE Gud / “es aS , ¥ 27) theepee Zee ao eer agin tg ae TALL. aes Cope. fuente |) es E reef BG Ol 29-30 on Sow Licle 2: Be en ene. Gans BIO, Tat Les pp. Deine, L Bock I[p- Cameo Coever than, eamslir of ttlaptieal ; 4 Leteger 3:06 reef Lo a) Araappeare Lt ttr_clir tvatir o3°/2 fant Yo 3 tepa rripe roc toneredt unth tole G E SOO Ccerrez te wtell Z E, 4/0 (leven Kock pet tovcrecl Tes HORE Fi02n Aim Aezk , B-c2 Levees nr Lerma tinn. of trl ancl mammal aa Breer Aeener , ( fir # Lasge Naiadaiahay.da Wiener inte pad elec on 2 Ktwrek win /fu 2 td. Lhtgated born . PK aren Ahoger pret v7 the lua Cad pene Caor- B Beda Be: . OF 7 ° Coprriitn: Meri: had, @ Marclenax . ote’ lenis Lueptekiod , Aiiisd Bout f fe eh T ec ecter 2 om ee Bh alae 4 sete Prercent $3" %/, nT oo ate . Be! Lacie CO ony Pecvent mor tly medtethe lag Antretan lrdgecr, oes Comes, grisea tly seta. etre Cot feral gute, 100'p, og Beta, oS iy at ra toa by Cag2r27- Lert print Ee (2072 Bisee gorcethy nearelore 7 2o% oan. ve 7% e) : | ; FO s x Devise dices me J eos, ai Sree cenk. td Aha led ; ce a eee. prey Btomenparnir? . aphitly tree Ley 24%, P < tneanTed omergpaoaee 70 Yo. ate log tat ates near there Black. Proce 4/0 aed by 3-4 ane ftedeect - (geen hood - nee 2tueecfee Pritt des ds teed 860 29- 3) Arita Craw Peel at varrcavcs places unlhir 2-4 niles Jange. ey Cog 7 walk pf ae ETE IF LI ES sl eagle id Ae oe Pen ie love ome as tobcl. ey oon en rr: Cree per ceceek, Mea Mitrited. omec has oan CS ene ts yle ' aE Lede Don Bd oe ee ‘ Tree eee g 3 2 tle trrpe (Cormonen are) once (adage, hemssalied’ Cie Bae, te » near there aber ple one oan Ofer wotirs nen dec Srtce. AO agp ae. ee ene a e>tte ars Aleck. Lirnlone gee a 1A clay Herlrut. tacked Chechadee. meee ge OS! free nateopeh Ss ‘ nee, ee ae Pore firch EE. ORE Ahurter s00€. dete a , Htettagn Begs. Peck tue Gert 2a) 7.7, , — Keele, . Pree. of , a ee eg wetliin sinclpptr ~ one D tcmaicbicn S60) fo ~ 32 Be Gomee eet, 7), Bteed Cor, ips a BO, IGFL HOP FL at §:00A.M» AO pWinel, ehctiek caleags ay" hee Svcd ViY¥S a yp a Ff Hore Oe E enck a acl ae Po, oa “po ee opef. fren Aut DPA were Hep Bn. 29, 1980, Alapped and aewerecal ot ee I 2 ee Serle chen Tree Hr ted! 2 mee gutls Pond 7g BLD pas 2/0 me. a a N CtrereseZ, Aireet afraghl Coumse cthad Joon e } Slevigtec. , Snes - one Pott CO a a ee ef Z Marker, ats 7065 at Ee Fi at 10:¥0 atl rb meter Br S37 a Ss Grae Sobol pian! ieee execs st tah 0 tah ye we Te Ao Kill, the one who eluA pmatl ™emmaly atrore tne EF Plies 1 Me tack Lhd ue ae Lite Locene mi cee ak. Haoplig Se ea os ee ae a ap ee. 7 Wacky dace ae. 3/,7/9F6 a Wis eet pa ae Velasecl , theuee = fad ZF, Marton, <0 Ceas Sebard, ne Wen plorhor pteputy Aa? 990r81L S 560/73)—-/ ae’ Z Sa thewrog fee Ulead Aeplt areol vnc CovombtinLabanel, csuter das uit, tapped GF LO/BI-2 . that 860201 — 33 Feb .),1 736 Shio Wm lo GtstiiceL on Nibarel (with Gand Mans lo chek fetern netet (Bm. wrdgcons OF Heyl pf Miteud , get eT ten = cf dtl ead aes tse aa: Cain 5) Sao Gurited BF Ameeaw Gas on Tha eee wee pe pac fe. Corded fr CZ ee, Vtctl tafe, I tagcat. Obi a tale Jteba- wel (certs ten Core : 3 ; (206) FEBS B3E« suse Cb oS wae va. FS CO-ED “- wees) we Apne, 8¢0260/~/ to sw Buel Ortee deol Lop pores bel, &Sb60R.0?)7 , eed & oO : pletatrir, O&O ROl—A aa 3 3 J An Chétanrdt, oe aAs ; S42O0rxo0/- 3 LS, we Bde m Crece, ¥ l nt Erie , Dn lap of tnd. Cnatlicteer the Lady ipote an otthaugh Gt pane ithe iprsece, thariglire fr. aud ‘ ACL. . Pkeo metied JR Cormeen mre : ate | great tse Pim and | nek Aor neat Lake, Chee JO Lbite]/ to) tte 3 +4 / - evan fiade fark, Cnstacte Kihe dan heres [2 aahiaglon Pel. 2,798E Jeng S000 + 38°F, Mbg porte, Clear, dun spew Dtetrivtd 29 J wetter + Aputh—breetid Cormorant B —tamnged IE Oecus (C Ahecharee- sonetidates 2 Lineal cae i pee ane O° Brig, an? Caan trdie: 9 ge 86020 2-34 fttatid wordipeeker, A! sw eS agen abel : tCaAvad~. Greens arth A x JS i Gteea. owe aes CRO. Ye — Lon, AX 2 2g i 5 SOMP FRO C4 scADE Leancdlerme Ahaegtl Datszedeivt Cee LrhrEBO WHEA CRmER, aka! Ziel , : ccamatit tes OF FIRE ICARS : Ltée AND POICVESIN eo RUNWAYS tent zhowad Bin I Disp geil ese, laneglnd ber, memaref at S ced Lhe thauel Le ferrcart Oe Tee Aer, tated sow Acerte Dinvn flussponse avid me a ee . eg le G I tre pete agg thet soe , Apres mend PF Leas Poh Gf owe | . ae ee Livte proclicee! Thee, seem Lee? Lee Cyllint Chas tide. Lhe Patani lll en Oba, Lorena «he sel G nucihe tat thostgue Gy CEM. vaez) orttend ) tome Le feels Ditis s Xk /G72 cho : IES, Iygted torne dorett Placutr. a Vue kighe 2i, Chevrrre Ceerle ase! wit Lac ethane ferecenl, Ke | ag. Yhetenr | (oboe he ee ae QUELAS FIR GRANCHES (Sidmeter a7 BREAK) ER 20e- ‘Go 186 17® 16o 1356 146 130 120 $e Jo G6 508 46 36 +a G0 DE Br WNEBOLES RAN ORCAS SAM TVA Wy AEH STAT ZSLAND. Wy Cb, JN eVoON ANCHES rE PARK 860202 -38 WIND OF PHUPNSEIDN E- Nov o2) , OPS -7 7TH WEEOLELS a 9 lo ui MM. DIAMETER a. 1 sh a 8% 86 860202 — 36 of Doig recede ee | at 7 td wf Cantadte tafe the tirnd yg sono oneed pf ftetrie ev Na tage oq Lake [(50-70') the aed Soper , One beg gatols at guttabs pecornys’ meer S7 codedle clectre de spats U4’ Lo pep hoes ae 7 oo (rnerac wl) FA (one (7x Lary ) Ame trewth yf ty FO"; Ore dato! Ly Ratline thege- Comnek the ot@r , A 7} thee Kerns ures he poence abdtrved 2A wt! F¢ Kartagein dicedo 1 sper unter near thew, a Le a- [i Creageee ara Bpertl he ow ced 2 gerd! AP dona 0th whlld Dh Bou? opr Ones Gud OF porn ee @ F0202 oe set then. Meecee 1... atauf arotetle Y he pbets » Mew Peck, tao a Ly? : Flats C802 02 T, vines, tbadeie silat Acts V Carel Caroll, Soe PrtaX ee acleacl 7 Lever * , 7 ee fia tan bile ah bea wih ve he we toma 50" Ai'foce wade hr Deorce sisal a uh drvtietiie dtince AH Leae7? FS tnentle. sh? pleced/ Lerbl. of Lt li a ~ wet yf the Leth, “He ponétiah e / Z. , LL AG». Liwtl Ao svme Flas alt= Rint Lh whade tl head 2, e&bivd the foil Se ah. Sees | head higd ona. 26 AO Luis ld fonts vp cowed early s the hevens tone relahing tle muselea 8602!16-45 baits Siyoe eral : eee fe bach conten ttm L0° 6 ts RZ20A 3m, Clear Vek the fotlacus phate ot dey Zoke. Kelirenre (O'00 Aim ancl //00 4D, ie Seb 79-7 trod Ponertal dhrifpt tomy m Leaks Hf Cine Tiee foenZ£ , ~ELOXIPR ee “BE & 77-3 27 a) parnpoo s fofope Salaun ves Fhe rnrG-¥ geo fer Pe te me Fe fant -§ bo AITS -Ebo0 2/79 6 ae ey ee eee Antawn tose . Fee are 7 F- * " rad " ” c Bie Rr 2 © suvbe E Dg oboe. the Whe» "GO a 2S ee / -8 402 797-70 : Goo 227= 77 een, Dee Bk orm I~ 12. From Alucies Bay Le te, S52 we tele sad, bo hiGe238 Cael ae ach (Ol at tulpe of Cras Loren teach dels , $LoAITH4 Atarn Keck m an Matin Ba : Vageid thriok, at Pracin at 1018002. Airet gme cbeteaed frat ML CM ey ee Abt Seb. 1d, FFL S00 ‘ 2 Wtcad 5 SE yO tes Lenape 32°F Leaelaped thatty ple # /b aout fists pn tornacls en torte, Cne a“ 860221 -—4@ Aa Crmnois Prue, frcraudl Taaile , kbegit Co, Ceakinglin, Ne ts Fad. 2), R46 by fo frkete S 6082) Aarceat. on Jheaal , esd +e 42. Flags tos act Pn snes Up ny Ba 2 Cotmetaenl rr petri: & amall gutllehe Cerol BE OBE Lt aes aelstt baetraag le en Bie, Soebaal fe fencer batt Mate lenke noted 28 Aatenare me gras, . art epit at 7 Counter tied AlecrmmelrXthh Aoale 2 Lt A ANhtidl at Mises: BP caeusspasl don ef zoleel Eeed Lagle hy al nod Bo’ (4-rée ) Arr0. Sag: 'é Zz 7) pre . S Laghes Kael Looe, . i Bowes 2 uf hi. Pome fils nts 7 fre /@ oe Atl 3 Aaeterrr:, Kleen ta? Mttrnenel. Lohee Cette Lueed stole N10 of foke ). 8 huppte hea de . Marek of Lofke , Se ee creep gon OF € end dpener Yel S50 * veel Gectly aecal. Fg eect cee — GAIAM Lise of hoacl & we Maks) at tal ested hue ae alias: i aceemmieiaas rai” Miia ities . sfpemsee Lect wt Jk. 75,4 Topeg band) sar, Yaw Or, Weeherigler GER. 22,798L v Temp. 34°R. Kain ate nigh? aned Dat Lael SorycPm, Am, Okeehed terrae ar Sttnes fier af a Ltentrttirc. Crow & Amnereban cer $A heeded Zz ar Augptiduall 46 Ae tetted Lrngficktr / Eted 2ad, Uperndacl 73 fig) clase 8G60222-47 Retired lo Ypenten fait dats ark Prom Kopty Village, ase Lond. ta. b homeclee) tobbete [vie hummel Looel, ene hpeneer ipit Birdos sons aubhepece eo ) , Ro ° om 2,09 o ‘ R Moeneel Oevlhe oO heed A Seco: EEL, Lipsy, Nelewed, Lars Sesame, Leoderrgilira Pet. 23,7986 (te mage of 4 ert page), Enrauk neotiel ¢ hiknet pict + Beith . BL< 18. 53- AS -2E—-6.2 anwslhirclea le, Zlroee fottcla Ne 5 iiaicihe Cone), Pert for 200° ancl fumbled wre, the Lop Sf were dees Ly paplire | Al in Lop Dice t eocse sven tay af Facdermone tog. 2 dla je Era offerrgy Fenecebe Se Pe Feb. 24/9742 Checheol Genrer Spit Aha Aim (7:00—/0:004m) | Tei. .S0°e 3) VWietey get 45 penitent won geet gitle . Leverett drank sali LoaLen , 43 Duffle henol (S0-8> sey 20Zs ) G Aesaer Abate, A Mo-edttigl wmrtr Garr tir J QR Aatet? Cott ° “Geka tine au Riise ate. SG0225+46 % b Upright Head © s Humph umphrey G a Head \ Odlin 3 > a & | 0PEZ ISL © = © Flat Point a $9 BUD) A Sees > ° ai MILITARY = = ° === z gi Ss MILES ae rast Island ' STANLEY a ! Q Shae ae < © | a“ 3 samedi ‘Mitt JHOUSC : > Spencer 2 a | & i Spit = = 3 9 a 9 : F ok REALTORS 2 Lovez OG oo 8 ee OOO R!| f 468 - 3366 guc OD . : GLE @ eN : 6 \ndt | BALD 1 Ferry Landing Fire Station © | 9 Dace BAGLE i A } a elke AG \ Q @) Odlin Park @) Lopez Garage | 5 | off c | = g Episcopal Church ® Islander Lopez : ae cS) i. ns 2 | z 3 @® Spencer Spit Park Liquor Store ¢ oO i & a sun es = rer ease ~” ®) Hummel Lake Access a) Galley Restaurant f | | © _ : J é ©) Clinic : School A i a + eT: | 3 - @) Bank 9) Golf Club zy a a wa Museum Airport \ ' 6 . CHANNEL ROAD | 4 | I scHoot |RaaD Q = @) Post Office @ Center Church T ’ z = Lopez Village Market @ Cemetery = s x We il 2 5 a) Island House @) Grange Hall . é | | | as ; ©) Community Church @ Richardson Store a 7 (%) County Dock t LOPEZ HILL RO4n —l = @ @ : BALD oe Islandale Service EAG! 4 See x 2 , GLE WA Jasper @) McKay Harbor Inn “a zl Be wore bows” ra ath 2 @ Agate Beach Park c=] pees oe ee Peninsula ate Beac! ‘ar | > 4 ' & x | a & OUSINS ROAD J $5 Kings 3 } a 5 © eZ, ES @) Mud Bay Park Point i ; a | a He ts HUNTER é g Abs - (a) Camp Nor'wester as ror 18 i > ° MGs | nn © i i Ss oe 4 3 : i aba a Jack Shears Point ee S . pe ISLANDALE RD. o 2 S AL iT — . ® & S | GALO », & os ios s E v@ 2 "a ” Sel S fs Oo ¢ RICHARDSON ne ee CAPE SAINT > 9 4 ck Mackay, e 2 ‘i eng. Be % 4 As ‘6 a g < ae ae i, /s x = o & wD » iy, Joe S > we, | VASO 9 @ e o: - qv & : 2k ‘ x So < & o> 2s p® Ae 2% s “Ato \s Re. * Se oy y s wet Point Colville Iceberg oe Point co (cer) a - 4 foe “A Yo 1 - (G85 2B a} Py al = 3D — , a? 3 hes 3? W. ~ ~ cid gL 32 24 > ~ 23 = 3 93 ce ag 4 3 ae 3 mek “¢ 2 33 337 = ge . N gq B¥ 2 ws é ~ 37 ~ J ate = ~ 4d 7 ae Fr ~ e J - rr oF G R a) 37 4 Enos a_ x ~ a wet Ss e ENTEL 975° eo _ \ Y2 33 7 a z & o - - jr. 9 43 6 oe: 8 ie JB yo 5 = we — 7: © ~ Cs s = 9 1 a 7 Yr Ye ~ S53 ~ ? ua |. = 7 x wai =e Ths. 10 ig 8 yy -/7¥0 CENTER x at pI 45, g “" - i 7 ée 9 = ~ ve ae a SS <-173Y q Cee a 17qGq 78 CEUTER - as al es _ - x i? a A SEN oO zt] & 13 — oe 8 « ae diy ae 19 oS se Bs = 23 Pees 3 22 ay 7 —_ = 5 or teas a 2 TT es he 73 ab ~ 18 ae = 9 = = = a7 9 23 7 20 ~ — 2g ai 20 24 ae al ~ s 2d S al au 2s am - r = 1 An ch. 37 ~ 27 oe — a8 5 = ae 28 7 eu = ex ag ee ay * i 4), — So 42 as . . er 43 _ a. a as " zz» oa oY ~ Se. oe FRO PROPERTY CéBIS BER ~STEVE KENAGY oe 2123/ E L087 LAKE RO, SNOKOMISIA, WASH. CENTER 860226-5) | Khel S65a2b-Y4 trem Tap Mareen phe atape , dle oes wy, 7 0 Beg RBS eae : th a a a 7eo We, a ¥Loanbe—-b a e “4 i a Faw, us. a ay i ‘i ) To Aw note , SbL6 226-7 a : aS . Fee Agr é Z ie ed ge a eae ] ao Lttrel : baie 4 LDU E Sioe Gg li npanty of Aas Lie at haat Lele | fel AF 7IES Aa. Gomer VKotaeed Theil, Pedtrue, bfaget Co, Waebenglere Aebh. 2%, 996 ope aca tan Quan he Keen Siac. Ale — tertile aed 4 sm Gite Ticse Poti tte: Pe pe ae, ee ie ae > ee as Oo ge), AG Bue. an 4 2 Yaa a agg Menkid atid tet Ae Ad phd, ested - manencals mek ff ) Aud Lerm aecray prom 22, Mile, pee oe Ge nel, AE black gtarel place ep EAT Chore: heack a Cee sii 860228- 52 frcLemmat a; 7 / oie wg chee we LE ae seeibactins hai id ened is 1 Freel a sig al ook” dee Be elt nl ceiatig, neg mi alo (108) ctl foci ke ns lfplitiade fool 1200. 20 fea! fr Ane gererathy on a PLOR2I—/ Aeemeet saa a > fReL 3b4eo> 2F— 2, es ‘Shades S4GOR25-B wer a, Deeg ae fgi20 hm oe ack pre, ina at Cl ye ee Prank. /, ee eRe ee Fy at cca ge xe mith hype a tee yo P24 ees Pea A Commoner. Gotelenege peep. 2 ee ae [0°22 J hi ged Wotton eles oo” Then. Ee. Anacortes, eas PS ABT EperetL tn , 9B 94e5 353-6729 282-1609 a mabe 21th. eed srnerces pe Latichetior of plants % Patina i f 5 iS => Jk SAHA = B Ny Z © NI 2. “paLp BLUFFK o A 1 THATICA ‘~) : Vee ak ~ Willow \g\, & Island.) GQA aN WN NAS i ; ost Soucy TAHATEHE, ‘ WF island ERK ( We 4 Ss : = WSS / Thateher pe Point D\\ * 0 ¢) Rock A& Pe » Armitage (Y Island “6°. Lawson “Rock Fauntle oe SN ee “Fortress Skull (&)) eeue Island®) ae (erab Island ate on \ }/ Jispes / White Decatur \ sS Island @ 28 i 6009)? poe AAIL - 1 2 SSS \ / | (| | / ack Rocks * | ___Dot Rock 3000 3000 agkellett tedge \ Cape St Mary : J fj i eter Ws : dee, WS mm) ae Wr A / & a We oy yee CZ CC 5 Ze > (OMe oN ° : igF 7% Of, Y- 0 I= SEZ Z E JS; Diamond Pt ompson _-=pt Tho ee 7 @yHlees e st a a V/s Ves Noe ‘ secmee Uy AS ‘ Wt SSS = SS a AS ale (iu o u 0 WE { = W I tl What | Rocks { { Pt Dovght( sx, et ee BPLLOW KIOCE | OTTER. t ! x Co fe 9 | i DEE iz | ; POINT” t / a : aos ‘ i Sosa { | Gar ae hat eine SAG BRE, ALT Ai} 4t2 ROSE PATCH i= OUFCROP a P | N eI NV. \ a } ' ¢ ly <— ORWeE Way ~ LOWER ee ( ! 4 D iS uae PARRIN E BOUNDARY Gioia 4077 { PoImnr ~~ 4077 DS f ae TRA, say 3 Pore : : 0, a fovse PE \7RAIL, C&ozg Shay SREEAE Pie Bourn Sojz aheiy Oo s S WEST \ oe eee *" FOREST a ; Posen. ie , A eae aes { \ : ( rN { - . as Sy ( Bieak. UNG ee. Ma A e y oA 4 \ RIDGE + PR LOTR Tg ME a7 ee tee \ \ ) See x \\ f 2 y r OU a? | ee ee ch i VWNG \_f Nf SEone i CLIFF MEAD ( SS ie y i ‘ : RIP GF. OOveL E FIR ay Z Von SWAL : ” is : \ &. IOLA T ED | 2 BER HOUSE \cersrone, TIPE Polmr- Cc ore, (ARROW Point Rock) i / YORIZONTAL ys TRAIL i 225°" : di SPRINE Cove a BEL EF ESTA Le i MIASS/ F C) SPRING A COVE i MON ARC FIR f wnt 2 a AGOI0I-— 56 \ \ “BEE ESTATE 7O PLUMIVE PROMENTORY FRALIC ESTATE S4E GEE ESTATE. GEE - PIA is ESSATE Vv. <— SPRING COVE POINT <- OV/SSECTEOD POINT OLEARY FLAT POINT ~~ SNCOTH POINT ML LICHEN PoWwT 3 FRALIC <——— PLUME 2 PROMEN TORY HGOs0i = 57 NORTH HUI PRREY POINT 1 N HUMPHREY CoE. SHOAL BAY eg HUMPHREY EAD S Wumparey OvARRY» HUMPEHRES MBAD YRCNT Base S SHOAL BEACH + 3 UnNvMrurey LW6oeN LEO REEF COMPLEX CO. GRAVEL Sere Prr HIE BANK +. SL ACH a a. PORT ie ox STAMEY —s ANCIENT *. Oey, Rp LACOEN ” & 2 12" lesa 3 ‘ y = ties : Povieea ch ? a. 8 ‘og ‘8#VIS%D i oO * 7792. * 1] , PS a. wee NORTH FLOWER Rock WwW SWIFT = en LITLE FLOWER ROR £00 BANK FLOWER ISLAND BIe FLow ee O<_ ER Roek ao SWIFT BAY PoinT oO SKELETON PRINT 3 SANDY PT \ i ¥ Me SPENCER SWIET BAY LA COON | SEIT POINT \ NOR G2) SPENCES FROST SANDY te Ree FLAT SPENCER 4AGOON ————?, Sourr SPENCE BEACH ; Jie Vesa Cane): ECC" Se Koga by lee 7 the Ree eae eda: 7 Ast Bak sky ye iain Kleogtacte — (Rerdutwt) Te tide Street KL. ; Hak, Btutuly Morigentat Tied Cite Futtade. Big Heaen (ed span Sagem Bocmaarey Pood AMarmaphicg New CL Preactan Mtge we oe : “ Keede f—? ee Kee Band FST 6, 2,8, 9, 12M heat Fe, cheer. Reelerae— > Keer Iie dt Lhaspe . KML. HPs, Rebridhe oe Meso hc pofcnd Mocene (14/4) . 2 bre TE WA 2 gerne, 7 bowtkle Fa decal gg Sfecceee fiesasdk. ‘ huterae Fioreact PF Mateds We Lncocl ie ay Pratee Fatale had Leinday Covet ee leccd NE eta int Coda povith Lprat Bag L 8GO30I1I-59 BC O3O!- GO EY READ. v & s y Pte evegenegoegg ences aaa cape gee eacge genes ange pone stage eee, © POLES NOLONIMSWM 'ITLIVIS © “1S S3WE G02 al ‘DU 'SWSISNS UNTOIIIW aPaISeD a FOC Fa6/ eee i j—22# 39 | ee , | | | a Gj ~ * aR Si | xiy 2 , 9 A 4 . _ ptt! Per! ig Be Lae! By 3 Bly - Lg Ne fr (HEM soz ° OF ACH OT 4.109 iu ~O sie SSE OBE 7OOzZ ie ‘a F , é os i a ORT PIG 5 fu ‘Mu 2s~y a E r ok ; ohh Ne ole mh yar \y 4owe EIVT ZAVH WAAAA fe — “"ARMATeY M,Z eIN a Q1207 2.4049 angers ooniomies | » “Ss 5a ls © 860302 —62 bas Estate erate ity lead) Zipeg eh slam Jean Cor, Waahreeg lors, PAA CK oo a, Lifted (000 4.m., De. Roce Pacnyprateeey dee 0s Rm. neted Lhe hekgecoy dif te Oem eanal fifetiahe. 5-6 auckes grtintst tacks aut Lute: wet inins pealen Petpede, lA forcrcncede, bg evaon ed fobed alk tHe main plrod of aclay cond’, StOS A. ITS Toe a Gpcd pt vice We fk wed bar oo . gy teary AF tad tine set eedye. Aone aide das pote. , tendbles tenets! moleral or minke tecklhlhy helen eset my = svn Chat La Lbtle SE ef br247 g Prd Sf Oe En ett srganigesl Ltaccnd pe i os ae a, the prtverig het Cet 2 tat ae mews Gull, athracled Le aXea., Bag gn ire Centre —— B fijoe ta $e fount 7 x s ‘ | : oe x des ALep? Se "SR : GA ie a7 ne CD ea te bee fetch. Laity pe Oe Heart, Topeg ; whites) Zoaach: a er ee pees of Ee Pah: @ nsiaes Mint! Penge = +i esoa~ 2. pitas abetted - { ‘Zs Y Head, Cam) from attr Kade. ee mn tery 6 tate LA ma Plat ty at Poem, oe ign om a arAm, — Cheg poe they ot appro, )S 20 860302-— G3 f hae ees G Hori. aud jo Legh? tarkor stat on wae Keeg SB eeeaat Le. (5) te Gt shot Bode derived Ode is: J ohrehe Ae erly, Ted eect oles a aig Aiees ee ete bacheng tom - At Sito Am a hkenct&- creatiel Cormorant Lone al BS aut prom p tele tocee. LH lacey Soe ney ney eee ssi tcl at y ta tr augh ot es ae tee co ioe oer Ce Whe x a4 a . . preach 4, 1956 Fred oe LjiraccLe plese! * i” ( grat ble tae (pbpog derore chaund) Coreneranct oe ; ee | . oo 3 — Dheweted dagen. ok ene B860305- 64 Mar ch, £19 8 le 3 phetas Apprel 7'30A9y 4g & ‘840 306~ i Mepndp-e, \FLOBOS-2 Artie ) fog m HF Ate Samenutio a Atark eyed geeneo (Oregon) patie) Matal Lact iw sammatere tet. . Keo Pies De flea a ens & ped-neched giche dernin Bo sus, tiret prince frecler aet marek 2, At hoo hm aeS acy C4 fas aud mowle tele of; (560 Bos 4 ele Tent preg ea aif et Race (2 nmne) ‘Sboe30s_ nv 7 a a ke ras et + -Sbesor=s eG ee. Ss oy Cuz. (nbrmehetl tut -§40308~7 ” Hi ey + ” Aelint port ) ‘bo 305-F fort og Ahoretne $Y Gog Cone bic, Pesise. © yy. a 3 2 w- : eee JO ee | B3BGL Ceppteg Head thacreng ciletp COkeerved the i Sibactaaa ie ee ala tuforcre tected) Tretkiel)), sai i ss asec So ard Aatern (2) : J v tntckes/ G en a the peaben Gelled Pits te, WwrelerW- Autre Atrarcettenefiacl certetel Conteris ‘7, birele ot.t 700° Names ‘ lune. fore mee} es Come. Wile een, 40S -3U73 , thee 2377. Phe Ul dal | £68-2L23, Wma sy Proler . TR ee. ye B) staal WE #2, -B3305 Aa porter Weke deol" viel Bhead aves Right Konce pecet 5 om (eceapihiay Newel, | | LA Ante Tretgbk U Atteage Civdm de Talephtne Co neletled phone | ihn Bahay B79 x rare Mr. mcckelem (ertiane L dun ae at ¢t00Rm Aatett tald eagle Lgt Pine ead Bete avin ie Bak. fe 860305—- 65 caput apt ghlmnig past ov lap of manne Lp hbk Pe the Dor LP na? ae Fe. - aruerad , She jbrtatnedl JB ae ye Merck t,/F53b Al 7:20A.m Linm. fald fe 9 aul af 7:35 soba offpeerd de te. pamianclvaliat <= , vf Aw dteremnme 41 Cen ar G02 AF) » 3 3 . L ere < WMiret. 17,7786 wend Laat Sé whieh entnewed mech . Menez O15- ackuie 7: 30° dered teeta (daneiey) evel da 7? ahearng the ph tom. ynreev work tveved + in pod. iaiiall Does the heer over ee AOA? b es wie alieo a Z gutless 2, (lacec ica —wanged LF Crntivtiled eon Ihe s0 2 A bons inate. foe Ss diay doeuties Cenetis Aurl sceacemel deter, kee ton, suend Lo Lapeg Vstlage torek meaccret tt mites alr Hood lo Otbin Fark, these Center, Reed 5 ty fort pd td, Aiue SC Kapes Ur lage. Armed creaud + blew b Ga Ki Zs, seat March FT, 1936 . Gos Am ony Lagle gpieeo (rut howe, b0% gente peter gail lle Saal Mle eee oe ES 8 telat pile ly s\, : 6240 dvs dasl S&, Gi72 rt whoa Ph, bap Peet orgle (ad) oS 960308 ~G6 bias Am. acl. atl Logte Le 7, 4°35 AM, fret slates — wrnged gett bm,, Linen, thatel togte 6S. : : oF 7:00 ideo, © Raspeni ee Blow ile eae IR why eee is I] Preece flew 1 aul nat te footliin , Bes lel Necptney Wendl, Lepeg Jecbael, Luvs Quen Co., awk, a ee pa sey Kix) aS tenet G02 fry, Z, 10°00 Airy pe taaee io Mie a. OOF jhesimiecen! tie, fo mines L. pit Dee BBO Bormes May at ae 8. et EE ag ea Narek A tGPL L MHarck Kecrd | S wteclaiA a. ee Lop (LiferclaeLe , [h thanetlirs, IEE atta Me scn, omee, AF Momiasedl Gade predator = Dos ts Wneganetis AP State 7 Leoke 5 haphhtiad gerrcrial Lesbiletd Biol cin parse, Maret 12,1986 [J naetardr O gtten alii Leal, /8 A ld, 1 akrvetlerg al aan ee Oe ateks.s hyena, als Dan Mie oo yd pls, » po fae! fifo nnct BY eo 25H Ynmi SE of Keo duet fig ptre hed rm fenton” % 4 an : wre B°SOA) 79 Crsinted 153 Glamencer ringed pth o lst tly Casein a9 Gorey He Fp ate. % TS Asoe ee whoo? & D z PE OE gen. YT 7 860313— G7 L002 [08% and 7 F prerpte eae, Marek. /F SG SL wLavne: taiesglns : cernigent geet le Flows Gellauydl tg pol lead Z, ‘5 F004. 207, - Noted 2 clreceocco - 2 glerteeal aw x 3o-4o° oe Ser at pia lirthe 20° 97 Water ‘Z ravine 4b High atroce sotrnd To Sie a IS? Fa 2IF free - at, foecter: Ahi! Ao ace F200 Rern arecl % 30 Mn, ae ee 1S mreep «| tt ee 4 donb - Crested Cormeotente, Cf armersk. near htchardarr nvtep: oe Leal, 10 pentatl, 2 tratlaady, 860314 — 66 sti 10 Cae he tuned Aare! mete oe fs 200% Sauk Popp § A naleinge fesclong: aut poclice, Has me Tintin! one tuelanceL i raph Lictede Aes bornt Cimber asrole atetl Aopel-. ran PRB EAE 17 6 une wren, ut bod ayo Sepia taot 20 Lid pleheeade Gx AALL ae 3 Cont”, ages Penal Te 798 b Lent, JS htterdle or (800 mbes ptr PreneLe ar, £08,000 mh per hace we 4 PGE Wee ae arn. FUE, USF bas lt oar oo 256-5292 Lire? ee Ai) 6 PYlarck 17, [9&6 Yok Lasts « hag Zo oe, Ce pp Auacortes pied tae dan epi fvia igh) nacd tha td pa Crorptele oe a a ae Sa Phes tons rnotaciatesa hf A aR i ines 8 Fo ae Crclemcerety fe Wie ee : 7 Drath RO,/GB6 > Ford foreeeee gett 5:86 AVN baardtart tonaces) a Fath eagle WAZ. odo oS _ 4:00 Aim eee A ght Bttowe eee : | 7 G02 Aedelek — getlyw/ tel ee Cotta GoxhasfSens 37) bios” spate Saat G76 bate tomgle. fbtce 11 aiss” ee ae Proce ella . i385 danni, » Keyl ttatieo tlocedla ' | Fao tod Laried gtag Agcserrel eaplaced normal - Lett G F247 fae Tas Pk NSS “anil leicayeoe ntti) foe ghee then plapls povekee Arremed 8GO320-69 Wirch 22,173%¢ Atvotlonws Ent 1 mated green, Lhei gear , ) <= (ore for erty of trench ae ae as A, ee Bee teva lees elon | ‘ ie ae, 1986 179 7 Tie lead, grartcl- 21,77 8 bo Corned F4 - hit perched on bots |mppect ge wKeet lyert a Ki eddeak | , or tnfloren tenet ore (iehaty Laced ( dewcth Airpoot Huemmerey } 0 gtacteatly Changrng Le a geernet Marth 22, 1. (6 ; ae Lun vg LAS ian , Puce. / a AP Bige Mion eel haber, (2) de Dees Ly Pease. tin ee, peak, “aepeared at pewler O° Qbass dorat qotden — Crane es ee oe ee » @leo 2 Yoader wal phere tot wrth poet Feat phew) . ps0 /32. white hilar % Sa is , Dhabi line Cfscy th g tee > sgh poled ae Aewcad , marek 23,7992 ee at S247A777 Pree at G!27A.777 | Qvokm AMMCr aut 2 bath Loglee, tre Lack a ord | 8G0323-—70 Of rg foe nee Hen, Head aud neck up — Aft rain at 1: 3. cate (fartr) Lipt feo ef, he shea bich,,/- pn Asef als), 3(7),4(9), € (be). Ahdwes' tim nt B95 tin Bly ac at he Rf fo 2 awn of ong Hind pte Ba Oi es cag enreteA Ls Ceef (/'30Km) ancl then fiw # te Lace on porrd south Grong Gwe, ?BORM 2X mew be aes feef Aud! dame grocep thet tx oe M Acef thee 4.7; 4" Bo AG . leans to? 7.20 Km umrmaliur eagle flew free Mocus abamy pbrebne 2a’ gen sas: aes 2 Bi0ohm, ELL tly, Narcbher peal om he Reef, . geben wetr near teeb , Bi 30Am. Bes peed go ZS atthagh tock 4th arroed teh water Line fartor sec€ Wnt? oa dee Vo Ft sine Doe ml wee : aterter othr Le ae Ly he ated le ee ee ee ee ee pe . & glacceacee— ee ee ee el tenth Ap ht ear atteevel 2F floret foacler , I-79 q: BOA. 1) Farber diel om Foo Lief (trtere Leo Reef ce weeenl 10:50 Am. 14 Kerter teal on So Leaf’, a ee eS Led []:00 AWM tyme he tol Cagtel pacicot fia. Focvee 30° shone pave 7 A ler tape hE penn hi PLAGE, ace. ad ao SF. ; 30 Am)” all hater teat of ff Ho Kee: J2:00 RW) poe fer at obec feelin. (2.08 Rom» feat A clesptaceo furple fowsck, Peed 12.30 Pm Aterhenr deal on Leo Kael aud Atmacns Abhhargh an weotor Ja-3) Ble Co F pornt heater ; + foeat- ck. , pt pope oy at —)ee , alto 2 TJewnetend ek eine (oats el ete Ana ae te 860402. ~-75 Bre Catete , (Lead, Sipsy Salad shen esas: CG. » sebrgbe Gprrl <2, PGES 703 ee ry porter teal tr Aichernig ed Aaedes of tee Kaed ee Peep eile 7:25 AM amis Harter teak on pects of Leo asf a0 fotlaces: a / hack 7 net Lepetet, " 2 © B on ” 3 SF ? 7 ? y Wl 70 ” cS @ 7 1/7 © y b 5: 5e lm eee a ae ty Phair Lime ' 6:15 Am Le 6:25AM Geet ache in whet sonatel the Lhe Fiat trebles R turpoce la cee (ee Dolce! Bias, i Dr GIT wtict fot ete PKeee are incteendlaal peak ser fpacenge 7 on Cf Gia! Bente pele. Tae Leo Cees. Rock" 4+, | fortes teal, Reed 5, /2end. 10°75 Am ey cle ayy als by bee hawsae howe pthrretine (46' ee hoteles to Rut. Ben Fk wee DiS MOrkck War (ne, aby Lak, 1.204 78 ree os 3 deal cn waler Araedeas Se teats paveret Foye of Gf perfoce at ther 1loge of Tele, 72°30 Fm (6 farter peal m seo “Keer , Kacd 204, and son Rrck le 3, /2°3) RI Taepreenct een” eae and Pronettal age Duords Migs b salon fe Aerese ante Spryce Foaleeprmperly I tone +ttned jettles foils 860403 — 76 Athos Howrat tn patverrcl othu. seeacconec, 4-16 feet, Sheth aw the treo had are ceng preg for Corde treet Lecomte, ang er Sneoone qrieek ao SOK SS. Lins pas he fromm F ffeck afrar/ Suro oe ea. EK ' SBOP. ns aeat Xoo at Laer Liole ~ ie iar are ae 7.20 flor Lele 2 Kix Mewse,, Memmepchrtey Meadl, eopitey Selared, ice Siam Ce, Wpahingllon. yori tl i 4 ,/G EL 7:00 Am, Mecmarereg terel (mfacee ?) fiw ff emt tes Mle ' Bit5Am Me terker peal oo’ Xo Key: 7 17:20 48... 0 dead. of ce Kief 40 fer toc rel 3,798 b For, re? tiie 3 es a oe Crue. g pat the, Hig alo DERE Tota tin, Face IG ips oe oe 7 lapels. and formed 2. 4 Craw orth ieag p aE ee eel nani 7 330% mn Lh ¢:cohm Decha dentrd tut dant at Kee fang! Fbsacsase? Ap Arent cenkil Sov fm. apdn 2 tr Aarieg, B:3BS seule tan Lacks at kipper La : onl apresourel 52 5S, $83 aul &/ rm, . 3-40 Be a fale A Aheretre Came within a e = ; 2, aetrndls Fila neces Ld" befgornd, fey eG ge BGO405 = 77 ¥:40 Am S Harber ata sian hack and qorth abing Se ee Korber acaet om Kad keef, S007 4 6:30P mn, 25 faywd— Liter poigeena for > S.4¥s hm a we F feecled miiganets, dled avn Garey Cae, 7,796 2:15AM A band. Caeled fegeer 4 at porch fecce. 2ud ancther grvned at FiBOAW, ee Later . Ke fore? me fect Atmntel JiusAm Two cgtnngs ip awe totd tagles Zi, , S130 7, - Lacled peyton oh foal pee wipe Hal. alreade Lt area. Aue Ban Dre theo 7 bt1m A2tegtol Grel 5, /78b 7 100 4m Ct. tend Cacled pegerr at fecoler Jot S Crametae. , Ce Atemd. Arrened I mninctie often ome. ertenesl are Cloris ne 1 BG0408- 78 A ea ogee Geeta hagee 2 aL heoceae 32g (SE A ] Lidge 7b Z prove 2tebee ’ ; a / ancl lated pregerr 2 / putea backed Chechoclee— / / Limmertean Croce / / - 2. / TJ teumacnel eae / i cagh (Are atone), tat. A aA Astin (parece ty) Ameren - / 7 Confer Kaw (paved t ) LOORM, Belin ie ce, bo 7, 28, petple pored | tend -egid prince 3o pine acekin, / H iG, Moves . (he porate fieder temecels of a "acta Loonie 13 feck anc a a eae 2” deep metat Harroe Lae arth ge 17, cleametin. Libracd beneith, forck Aas tofererrce Lo tooth hail 4 hartew hese feeclers) (0 Pm, 30 terete feel m Lip J | ferne stehiw 79 veered , wf Fi Q B60408- 79 ited Set, 2 Armetetanv Guat 6 pros tf ftetead (82,97) Atwitleewo , arth Renal Geet Sagey Village, theme. / aormmaticre tet eagle. faerrs ELwW Bien. Coated. ; Sliermptatey Larel, Feprselletavel, thee fier, &, Mlaplanagiler, april 9, 709822 7: BOWM A Arne Mtr 7:30 Aum feat aAect7 hate engle Wi petim le Harter weal’ Ls tht. but me Lao Kref . 30 PWT 2 tec dae sang wp Blew Paes Pon 3 andes engl ion Keo Lief, Lae Rm 2 Hemmer austen 30" a7 akin tone. SOS Shm 3 Crnaparte geth , pe fee asi cap eee finan Brit 10,1986 Aefort pene | Commen _Loor , 2 Scecth- luck! ormeroiile / Loremen Loos, 70 a (00 R220 97) gehaol Macree.. 2 cxratlurdee - Aft Lagoon. 12 gedantle , 4 Fufpleheccle , /£ GFArewces ~womged gills , Harmmnel Laks. § depptebencs aud 18 inedont feel cleee hg | Cgperel 11,1786 5 Bonne (uit : “ T deen Ahinreee L [0120 Aim, // boreporte goth fed ow breve Hop tihns to tosme.. Stetnerne 8604 |1—- BO Lewwk, O75 a - fa . fies, Entads, er 22,7986 PSM bY — Lee tn Filcoe, Lelaad, wan Area SE bee awe. , . C 9:304. of of ch, as Aether , 3 foe fen feecle, FE Rita fromthe pee asl a. on Lift food Aprcl 13,195 be dene. 4L)0 AO), Ci4¥S AM: 2 thometernes autelil, probed 300'H Loe Kea. He 10 menutie 1F glartowe- wor gutle diecad & Men whoa: Eee de as ies eles RO eee, Later fe ceah ed Geen» P Corners aendinds Aree & 2 BCirenect, Shere Contecleattle eg Vohice bet. atone The Lrd,, LT 7:12 Aion A stopped ¥ , Gut Atrmarnech ancl SCO4I3 - Bh ees fy hen ttn, adel tated eagle fle! ser them ot 42 RIS Am seis ied oo a ee Piles Diba. at Halembad Bytes ; Zoid. Te ee See Extate, tiga ia 14,798@ Ghar, Son wor. Co, Laahevceg Zope TIS AM A Deva dad. ae lies ive Nottat.. 7:20 A.7 Mmate o forrate (pacre 1) Leaue (ES Pan pepe on Flower Selarvel | TAP .e ae aS, G6,358 mm t eee ee , / Conrveso tack , 4 fro Abarcfe } Bs fein 36 ee 7; ie a aoe ee ies i pee, 7° BO A. ee peat loud rap) An Klee Alerecee . “Zs oe ae ° fe. Kprit /0,/795b wane gee. . fbetivtew 62047 need’ 71578.29 Glpaas— OT Bay pons eset aaa eee Te af OD ihaceed apart, Shes Atm Lp /0!00 AM 10 asging hata! tage sep tnemea! OE one Lire, 7 ’ ae een oe after 22 tiie tame be, Poeolr, 20 pons a 860416— 82 JOuUNIS AM AS Lrdos 7) harroe Ase oecder- , 95 4 Foc 10:/6 mmate frie teeter” 7S partieteo food Ie femate So PRI og eee. a JO. 20 A band Fated pigens ple ty tat ald rat ala ai! fea, Mricleracea Letts tn 5 nw tide Blahely bebord ane So-cd fer C°¥2 Am Aeaferes Hammmnrngtiid rm Aegan feeder head sla? treat Lr Extele , Mempehoty Weed, Cpreg: belund, Jan quan G,, thehougon pret 18,7986 $. 30 ALD. Starke teal on okeo Kees, E oaterr Lieeled Seve! perl 79,1986 7:00 Aim Sb Glacetaud~ Wwerigtet brest tiel tele J lewtr~ abelend , 44 orn 1 packs Y Love baved - le 7, Craet veuyian ee: J aici “a 7 Zz pe alan Aa Vie aa ee Aget 29,7786 1) tartoratata en > ploener Lach, no deals on Ko Kaaf, (ivhLenr cs Cesectre teak, Seo ( PrAlacww foek , ae ee psn AS TINS, Lusanter atl. proeced) a twee 4+ tetoviel~t Aerfeee cond th Aatends RE Seen MENT & ew a ee a ee ee Co v ea ae te aT erences L 21,1956 7-002 AM 72 glarccoceo- urngeel gecket on lop Keberel Hep RS Hock, aterep m 7) Cortland f caband, l 860421 -&3 Keo eee, Renan eater (ny 4 glawence- aud 7 tartan ed ae SS TT Sh ‘aeaeacar ogi mls cee Zoo) 2F5ORmM Clear Ae see 4 PL Signal Aa 7 Oral ~ erga tee Fb > Phacuta Salad. Y Place Selon , fin 2 x 3B py pach — sis 12, barber Leak 77 Plein Marek. A awed on 7) Cwevlasdn 275— Mlant, Ge Ataten and pa es, as aoe 7 Beraparte gectle a Ib, while -~prortd gear flew s Cpicl 22,/99¢ FA0 Pm J20 Ae eT Cprct 23,/ 99% tie wince Neu LS haencn A 7, 37 30 Aim [SB glaceteceo Gh copper eleaper of Hower Mlouk ang, Ib om Aneho SEO ORL EC A 3 yo Mmm 57 Lensparte ice a peee eet torngeol pestle ole 26 Benepertagetl, a Ee" sip baad, ta) oe oly ue Baten no terter v= a rt a $0 mina above mt par meet lglg ip of Gernuleo Corde. oe we a fe Tis wal ea eae oe See eee, aos, j B60423-84 18:20 Pox So. glascowces — umrngent gulls +n Lofprer. topes J F Lacwrte Lebaede Gre 30 on sock prominence 07 7 cel of coband fA as” Rm ag Redken wea! on 2? Plserer Koed pened of wri. Kas Rasf oe pe: Barapa gills sentry Fis tao AOS teal BB aisle Bn Catal: , phemgbarg jbead, dapey leland, door fin , teak, pert AY, SFE ROSA mm 3b glaarteces — waged geslle Lop Plscoer bleh sy feeedo 77 td Selanel, Tap o tpper elofec & feat x fies a ae, Algever Sélosef! 9:/0 ALT). DL teat Ceo K > mn D8 - tow hon Te relLone eae a th oo. PrraLle 1/0: 30A°YN bested pet oaves af feceetan., Tiana tare Hat 3 ; A270 7927 waves 24 rrr minuke. IS, Glawseoceo ~ Wonged gulls om Lap Flower Sebend, 59 on tock 77 fred bebard, aitidgde dorm and Coot weather trmby peu! ested rm Lap Placer Sbaud Si40P) waves 24 pe, Oninete Hud atl *ne®, Le -25;/98 aici liso a acme JO\35 ‘2 pepe fed Bayt, cane Atrades Coue Pp ee . J Gilive lectin, F 0A 08 ails 9 tia B aietle: Gar 8 persis Whar Cond, troet G the C ee fh prerple tominated, Otker Lelor phaeeo Z gL fo “ee oe present 4 6130 Rm Aagk Leole. WB ft, 86042.0-— 85 ise Ext, Mesreistty Mead, Mapa hebawsdl, Aan posers b., taedengii pri 26,/9R0 ROF ap glatetsed arraged gelle tn Loh Alscotr deLeaedt, 17 1 Accko 910g 8 kerker heal Moth Plow Keb, F on Keo Kanf’, UMN 7S ACN Loweet Lhe , wee ap 252° Oprt a7, 8b 7:04 A. B desiin. aller te S post Kee Mace ee shere. 7:09 A: / 15 glascesced ~ wronged gett Phere, DebarA > VAat tnd oy Beehe f a0 ace velaud, Fee Lie, - 3. at i atonut “mAeRe7, at Paw eed bcs ea LYSP.27 SZ karber stalk m feo haef, {i S0hM Ata ~ tlacktulk on proved froecter " pr foie. , 4ivokm ve Harter peat on Kee Leaf, P, P00 Rm 3 rele cbr ot feeder, back J Hacree.. cork feral cleo Ate ,F ‘ SF: 37h wm, 98 glautaces 777 Alheewer Nebenk ,b65 or froce at Lal ‘ , ee i Se ee - efercl 28, /9¢6 6'30 Bom Adele toed Ss So ve Hv af adel ot | tagte flew aes 3 F:00 26 | (O38 glaecteces — ange gills 0m Fhawer Nebend , $F on J0 ‘ee Bem Vitenetil Chiprrramte preter Lp Bb Metel ar Ome Sete. Uitshan. (SE KRentar ptabls Les heer, 3S AY) PE ee mn oar a Hine Le Peed eee bus peacence) ote Ad dug 78 hutplhend, Luript tou Bank Kaock | ou eee, 15 glacceous-loraged pestle , (2 Grmerstan. Awe . Fins lope, /3 —tetled dewrtifer,, ae. 3 Lerhay vutlines 860428 —86 1916 ett Master: (rail e ae) o e on ht an J Baad 3:35 A297 nae ot hat thag home Hees Arta. . G:¥o Bm fod 42 Meh tale! FT iow, ahs he “Coll, g Xeghle aud ved, wi panel pocectl, tut Lugbpccerct Z born? - ( glactocco~ ged gactle), 7 7p Atocwer Satanic, 105" 5 c S1380A 07 esis . ems Pheer poarcA; Togs (53 5 Aeels om 7 tb wabaidd 7b 3 a suycee 27 Gmapartis , no harbor acak, SOLAN dan Atauwt Ao Men eed anes Malar, aul sbree Ceermecteeo thrtrde , show ent 2 alaayt Ave flail tte - ponled geese 7 OTe. 7 of BO , Lhe ay a 606 4 SF ty Leo ¢ & G°20AaM) siepiararagiiiaiain mien iene: Aud faek. JAS 2.0 F:977 | FR placenta pone Pheer elacel (top) aud, 30 ww ache 7? trrel, 12:30 AF Fovadern peat on 77 Flwcvtr. Mmcak , - n me a pe prt 30,7986 Gis 7 os : oe 2 Am, ie foes ogee po Pilecoow ee! Pes apn, (Oiasra.m i tack oyetirentihore mm dee anf, 860506-87 Kew Lotit , —o fin Neca ,, Asher. 7,1 786 Prva, ben, Anmetle lo WL. Gnektlickenr orn Wess, F phe. oe 8 bo se7-2 6 Gov 07-3 &,/7 986 Osis Plitsicy haste prelate how , Bard. Cacled pugcors ex der (whe Gracy Zz op Tanniyy rte Us 7 “1 pun hapa) ve a adilt tatd Lagle Lhe Am, 7, 79S 6b Fegat prteto EAE BLOF OF-> By meee s eee poral. ap aes fd = a me Gorvck feeds soenrt pans ict sft rag 11, 198 10°00 Aim 57 Harter stabs om Kee Leof wether; af Gee. Moses. emelecoled! oo Anette 2, Sterne fan mnar ao rare VS shen. » Trang F, ye oa one ae MPs ited cleo Kee Pholi-0 ee ee dopey avd decreleng of ee Mocee, F665 //-¢ es. a BGO || ~ 88 Phkels 6 beaSl)~ 2. eneeH prea flats FeeTM-~S aereed pene thete gba ¥ firrnele adult rmeute err ( thaepe- tuk bby dectepetco ) and th Te May on ¥ Lhoto § bas ii- ve fy (Cas Payee gs ETE (24') oe Arf EUR (aliep a, 50/2." ee Korat lifes po _* 51” (7’) Mera Jone . po po \¢ corbin) — * Y get, eles 60 ao’ | Sg hh lal NG Aes fee Gated, eee pti Oy teats (2, 7986 J a Spey fap pacer rip lt Poles it A Aaltamanoter., Prices plea, Siete 2 ore 8G05!2-89 Serft Nigh Ranke Keack, While. . Qrocimed bpartace., gE Desitucn Soe, ee ae, | At fbee Naceer F taotd lacled fora terco at powder ; tt Crews headed Cocrtirde (3%,1/ 2), Connlahap , Keadle cep: ath Lifes Mtttiacw> 7 2 tm Fup, TT la cas are the Pd aud Laat trilerrctisale z Out: Horde 73 at feeder at Least BS 'SSP 7 Prag 1B 17 5b Piexiee F Aetee gos ro eee hax, 9:00 A.m JB" OB nl, a fesce pewdtien so” Jocenetsta 7: So F.” 7 rr S:00 Pom 78 glasetocea gee pelle on cper part Flacver pl om hase oom at 7 end of Flore, Lebar! DG, 19 Fb 9:80 Am” Leewnd years aautt at fesoler ance! seneeceratl attrt and cher veteneel trem lve, Aan tof Ziad le Khia Janet loge eo Fy sam, ee arbor teal Heo Caf. Tate hgh . whee Urmlir popilalnie Kerue Ch, geet, tuk derek SO. 900A mH oe Het Pos gmail Attere! Seo Kael yy — anes eos Adlets Kad rio featls pele 7 BGOS5!14 — 80 bower alepe f Are, 120 him /4 kantersecb€ me Leo ha, Fave heal, Congvented eed. rthir, os wpetin 20 minulin a ao ae fpriietratdte wollen Za poppong: (30 n Bhp Yotnwui BL apptvsili! is As we Se" emp a eee Le feel, NWAEN aL te parttutan tnomient tenese vf Cocle ot porete posal Aw - oo trocn Heccledl trevtidle # Te ictiiite ) Ree pre RR 5 Te epithe 9 Maw tal, 1 Pores os Pines ghey (RED pita. 7S “Raitos. gl voy Blew hee. 4 mute Leew (thek- Lectih ABE ratihead vx to {thru ara S'0eea FM & teond-Lirild sapere ays pouch. : Lo, pr ateh Sp pO Mires rae DO pele dE ee A bernrnen pleker (nll Chaftid pace) Lurmmed and tatled. 3175 Pm 7 Cnn Lailid to otek feecler Bice Extate, Kemphrey (fonel, Zepuy Solan, Sam fittn, (2,, Ua, Giod AN Te hartn Pd Zee 6°05 AM ré Kanf, 3/) on rAotcke at ; BGOS16 — 9! 7°02 A.m. ee ae : on porch Lew , uf Jitlme Kec. me Blaefha |Fentornrda) af 9:00 fm. ier 7, F992 10:10 49n adutt tet fee 2 there tn Kice ocese, (0 7% Roy 7b tendon peal af Pans Ree deel wen. wes Gee Ay, ope me pe Fatrternfes . tay pee Ate there are a eo Atlan ee sees fleCiam geet te 200 f2, 3/00 & Currents S 3°30 Pm = Qerunnt & 7, fod Goon aitethe i ae Se ae ae Dt Bias a Gordes til m geroler, Breciy. tasked batatind tad dift at B10 ) . Rain , Lote ay Blade Jalouals RLS Fyn B Hoke Atel m olee ; acl aan oS Ce so fea | z SE, AGP b& Se Aivdk @ tal mn. cue” SB Ancdk tw Lee Keep. Fathers Litter. rnorhne +, trin, pet isi RW eth le Bo A 7 : ee, ae Hi 6 lp y —— ee. aa ttre aud grammal on gporer free ath flies, maf tad ren, dome Yon pail Lis : ean ix iy ameenk aabenmnaaes — 8605 I8 — $2. Citrongt- ghet lrrrlin numdtir0 Popstationo Mary |8)Bie ‘ prope: ‘ 3t . poet Acehen 15 . frene abake g » trawn- healed toeotid ro : sated sas if oT ' fandlicled poiigcrr 7¥ \ Grmerteaw Naw / ‘ frye 72% 1 Qneete cleery ss ; frees fomch 2 , xloareaun-W) gale 5 ; deefouo bad Ce ! peepee har = Seg spos sy 3 Aimerttaw Cour > ain 2S | mmedle deer 3 S ‘ Glowtawe- Ss 7, 3B frekstesy/ | Hever wre 3 py an 2 eT oneal sef- backed Cheshisden 2 seek mtaet pene A é Ppa OE / ‘ ee Oe Shee. a Aealed louke } (fer uk) PEGs = Te, ( a preci dtcled Coerkes hs, ae: 10:5 4 more Sorter teal neo frack Leo Reef, OG om 2 Phwoe Rowke, sion. Resa 7a" See ey : hookm mo Aret Leo Keof, 2:36 Rm f lew pecathaniescenlasae aah pus along’ Bh Cotofirdl tp feve fone fenek | Te ge ee wa frend Or at cc dae admet fener ip ap foto fre ws} and mouth sen, and Lack : ; eomeLiiee The. Fine ledehin Rice datas gta BeOS5!\B- 93 bd g tau 6 = ged pent dal ong nd aga oe wl bri? dmestch 7:30 Rm B,REEE baught ~ Candlipesk an 5 lrsse, YO" peef ess Hsia S95 Pm Pine etek te porek feeder Kee Eatate, Head, debaaeal, flor 5. , Ga, ) Ceepineg Mie ee Pan ecam blared Tes Aes water, Bolin, no Afftrence Cetineernr toter a Kf... Le fletr jpfleclen - Lend Aflirn . at 28,1996 ae veeekle “Qt fo pot = oa ‘7 eon Meena /0° BO ADD A shire aoe ag 7 yo30 = D puts me Ey Lie oe ne fa ase a Maen a? ge es 14°35 Pom tera: eb pisacbn ize Banks ae ee aay hin laid we “ramenal am area: et? “fom nr oe naa Hepes la its AIS ua piles wis AS a Proige’, Ape oe dy map Mad ind BO0520- 94 Bie Ba : 6:00 Pm, Be Re ee 6 rm Alen Cob | 6:40 4m 247 Lk Croun - , ia ps ea. dee feecter, i aeeaane ee el ee, - tack Khechadee heehadee ped (i iri leita eal Z OG a omg that ah fey fetta append, 4/1/7966 ey > Shete ee al—-/ et te 7 of ie ant ) frets ocala LEDs has ome pene) OS2/ 3 spaste ett to ttle en ones Spots #Laza1- OTe (bene no 7 oo ee Attecay ZS Ss EGY ants Sn : ea $b oS 27-2 oe pie of ethan’ Utica « 2A Foy fhots 3 bas-at~ ie ae AE Lio ght Mead on approach. ly Hepey Ferny joonimal, — Shaed chealeni, Hiepeeg(Mungptrey Mead’) Hes $605 a/-F, Abeer frduc nw of Kaze Maccce , Adel e Ate7 year ©, aoe gf taig Ole sack a1 aI GF tae Py pale | asad 9 LOS Al - 20 Vhamnaphie frome suvdecsle of food, ae GidlLedr Ssirke ercdenee., ( [9a me. & aid Toei. . 4] ebtage /0. Se aera eee ee yy Legals Ge - 860522 - 95 Be Estee , Mead, Zepees, Soband, ban Quan Oe, lthshang tor ae 8O F986 Albeo Ue SE. decks. Bad (rete eect + oe (poeced, 5:05 AM ee aid mind gee. ha oe a ae Ly hhefe Getengl 530 tig Boe E dates te dees a J Kice Kaceae, 30! otf those, BF Doves afeeedto ; ted ; ([Celter 11r CL ? CRI ert. 42lp gees hgh : oy hnaifi ‘ | PUL Mm Aatesern oer fod. G:USA, 4M a sh a ies Hee Reef, 12 7 Atle A$ Loever Kock. [0:06 A, £o i op Flee dbarL, 2 on Mf -AS ALM, SF Leer a ona. Zee, ot Alec lls hebeaanter 2 pean Lact year, ‘ 7 foc meat to cD g Gan CUCM Tard Herts bir. thee peat. Fired he cartier Yue neaeenr Lame Lag 2 errclecats Hr breath gy 2-s, wn a Lemke, ae an eo SS 6 es. So Lot Lttend ot £0 , A : - bactkerl theckatie af deat ; rte @ ape aedeplaigtefot fe BEOS 24-96 Fie Extade , bend, ipeege sbaleredy ea ate OE: boeli f Zipp al Agel 7g eorkite ~ Me boi (78% Bee eae 27,74 84 | kept Chace! for fr ey. ata rece Sere A tend. tiled pezeone, ae Aecenonrnng bald, Cordar “lO: Crstemed barre » | eorntrctar. eter’ , ee (bam pewatlned /Glastace ET na ee E pe ee) eee Pelee tu Cet A ae er ee Qenerctas Crgseme tu pactine C Ss At. ope Geng? see ae FE nteGhe Ge pia es” ee oe [O°3S5°Am™ Ane aera pet Mae Jimi BS. 1S out == a ae /O:4%0 se acoiaieain. ee Bik vat 860529- 97 Bex Estcle paregehsey bead, Fypey Street, dom Juan %,, daahengten: 27/986 shun Lup. FIFO AV™, Varvatos ities é 8:30 Aim = feterwler /photee, att Lodex rear (ee oce, Photls F605 29-/ dewtot f* Bowe ehh Leh one Ae onan of Hes Waves, Beth Dee om tbge vf Cork Sn cases Leith; Aatomenged vegeta teen ae Ziclel fhets Lat 29-2 Tnwelernde® aria cdevigtes fer. punt Le agtt of Abant ttene + pirelrone Po ee ane yell fark , Khote *COTRR D tent trsp- Solum spathulefertian ~ Fr ; Bocemolarer Cart 15 adorns asealenr , ° fhets Foos-29-¥ chi, Kath. tie poten Gat Conglomerate z /Lhets GbooS AP freee — Clacenees Oneglormetate ey SLOS Ag: itdalenan. laa, Clan etp> of Aegtt Kawel ecole . S Merlin a aper, Siu), "hire 2 photo Abape Aiel coat Lerch —Yhkie , Puternites glo 3e sack PhAf Cl bE529-7 7 Yetaeee OA. Coseglerrcen te halen e., ze ME torner. Mee Mocterx on fi aw 2 An Conteivalte Linrtetorn, hore grad. 40° hapenyle 3 ff prlere | Older 70° x cle , see Gf dome Leda , ia 2 Ges 25-F Mpvnic: He nen ao ee ear | Certane tele that, ; -hote eae helaew Te aie Me fiels = EY xa ce Hien Coneplert of above” pha bie fats bdo 2G~// eS sae / aa WE auc prominent faeetF Bes, Legs dior part phate Dec cad pods Coe Gs. F Kikek feots tne adeno) time: Pf Lohen Lo PF> vhote Gp osr ner pa Are os Secheug PE me ae Ftact Salband ztene + pet heyond. a shee Pe Se ee frown onal pt "Ade Noor ena ee ecard pat [2 i panini 7 er es SLOSS AF- =o peeps py eed yp Jratic property itenZex, Hate wat, 2utk gmazreg Loe fhote S$ bO3-BI-/ 5 Piatt dus, con ee one a wee ee $G6F AF es Maas oo aay vo ; ag ee ley D hee Frute $G0rn9~17 tled « os Phots F6OSR9F-19 fw Ep ES Staaf asebasel cos Fhais Fber aI 30 Getlaes ; wet ball ba rat ee ss eg Photo Xs etondice Ar Cliff menclae on fece Estat oe 27-24 Tap Bice fate $635 BF-2 Lea a Blhiiffe al Pl eie ae Whadiena Chutes mengintir . Lot ptantbin, Giasl Atel hark ch fark cortl beplace hark , 2 Lien 2s at the 7. $leoS- 29-26 Top pp inlypaia, Fholy pie eee. 27 Con ghemerete aes —CGurtaceocco Phort» F bor 29-23%, a S Lr fp le ra : eg, Ce Bu OSBI-AF ret of orange. siecle 860529- 3o°> - hs oat Pe tf mneaclaer - 5 ant, el ona is — pana ° — Trad pot save Cs aah dome ran ic Gees (fo aig a sede “fk re patton clown (blah. Lacled heer sebrtecrs ) apo ae te CLS meoetloe”, Tens ee ee A a BS arenacered ; ae 3/3 omm , LarlLG/ mm. oa E608" 29 39 Of tbove tpetemer of Marnren hia Fh *” 20 Pm Te heal oe on, _ spacers Sat pba 3° ooo ppm (nage jets), 00 Adulle tnarea es id Ble lied 7200 Low ottin . nes Wie Dl beeee:: ey @ Aolerd | Jatrd . wee gitacd Qind FE, FLEES 20-/ ee eee SP A077 hice, Moitide., 171-77 +22-20~80 . Y emt, 3RIk eee Aug th i piaBiye FG on27 , q 9:304m 3 Karbor heal few J Boneh foot barge loch gutters seve tlacs- Lats hatlefhy, 8G0530—- 100 4:00 P97, Hg Ree! eae a2£a,, b:0S hm aelitt told Lol on Atococt SeLawed LB bath : Heep > 90 tn wale pee eee as Acland , Seu ae he ae To ) ene ck as ae ee ot pret ed al [748 1 thetelacd,) 4uspSy 3 Co tee F.00f.mM Wad oo Coes Distt ahalrer a ne alt ’ the Fae GEO plats Hype EBS AVM | Si40AmM A Gappiol iis epee are /2:05° Asm. Poratovee qian pull baugth Lopng edostsed at O° eget ali ot new hone ne mule leer Lae? 2 sagas co a. debits ag tn) ain me opal Sage b°28 Fm a wiaw’ aut aacebited Dalai , IS on frrmmenent racks PP el Eee 9 a pine gut cqpecelangy 4, (766 700 Am ee slim Lop eens 7 erect telered , ies tines pati OY thee Lp /3 cote pti, ee pao — (fot fom ena Titen Gey Dow pereefe. 10: 30 Aim (Sie. Fg Oe Pe , Cracenen” a 2:10 #n atutl Zak Gas hartley, BGOGOI~101 WS a aaa Wet ies. Exile, Karapreg Naud, Msg Sele, AacnSpuan Cor, tte I QNGS be . ‘paclhre mered S dui ee + 2a’ ae as «if fai sed woe Z ee ete, : . Bond an 20S Lx, et Te 7. hte foot, Wave acter ow ne S Hof Gferemy Sue BY’ Kagh Today. Se Ott, tadeal dad? day aa? I cctines guogrieneeah ; 2 Wont lipo te, no ola’ ee eas fant the, lg ~F~ aoe h0ahm & Harter Aeal on eo kof Sookm /l a now o 320 fm, ee 96052929) 17, aa F Bap : Patuned a7 neat uk, ant shouted Cmtern, Ee Pc caer Sis Pm. pe Aarder petal rm, Fes : ee. oF | 7:54 Fm» $9 glee oe 4 Se tm Ace promtnehee 1) enol satan | ee ee Dne parr in which Wrode the back f % S fet lian neobelope, oe Aloewer Sela Aleghlil pa FU) tosner off ot Mae. glawtnere- wang td; “ff Jo E os ee ee oe ee One parr d atartidl Ly Coputite, Feros Rerseced the cagte. Kore were tle pe oy wee. At 8:35 Pw thehotd eagle left ite Des perch tft 39 lmao Flower beter BGOGOZ+ 102 SYS Rom Tl Renton eat pie Pee : : : Leaf, 7 placrtacce wtoegeal yistle wsdl S:49hm Qe 4G Placaer bebaredl aol flee) at ter wel Z th. Wm. Chseel as te one 23, Vere ao Z 7: 3a AM 2 Farther dtal on north, thar lack antl Fan Aeitle Flovacr Fock, bt mmr wnslence att Left dteert netiirned ton? Certtoleratle /0: 22 Leo bine See Z , horn feccler,, not, Harmen, 20 at once. aclect# @ Hrene ee Adel} @ eth f Aeet of cleer Ln Gtaeyl , £ ) mecleryn . A tonath (barks ) Ip Aegh antler tach crvvrad, ey : ; Af weal Ein pres COS Ril He 25 Harber bral, 72 Cormerante, 2) glacet aces — SIomrm, Soman, Stamm. AICO STYS Rm, Les Cuap# 3,0 Aeale, * x parher seals, #2, 7 Larcher Lael tk reals on top rachs at toh tide, Tip nau Yttlage . Juncker, Oe Cg: Mati 2 cee sso Rm OAda Gt - Crecereel toanthr neat (dee previo accaruty ) Se rrerkennd gtacees Atparatedl tet ret cutie, & 20m. Se i) AOE ee ee Ahonen, yee ; ecm YS td. 2 ' 8 887 73 Sorwderde (trgemn. : i) ot peorekh fake, ancl IB 7 towhle- Crested Cormortnt pr Las Lay sorvth, tate , Perce at feeder (tegen) del chek L , BOOGO4=/03 ROO Pm. oes pe meen ceo ee ee, re Geen 725m i Ld fayory odd el ere Seienad G Foes - P amaal 4,795 b Gi: 20 Am GE Po peach by, Be Wo nen is Ban pee empory aa a Si20 Nm. 7: 20 Aum. oe 9:35 A‘™ 2010S Am ean tess ae ee a eee i fer tales St ek a... = a a ; a? Carnell — Covmmetants. a er 7 = = spe] ” //< eo tet “22 a tele Plow, Kaw, 72 (er atone rack at [010s AM a Lhd of GF Karke Atal, Be Alhrewer Vsbank ; 45 glacceacco— tomngee geet Se er capil aac! ee Ctr. 33 om Reed prominence 77 tuck tleed/, Ps Aafia ( pinealionn 0 bart hele gigumn plow ante Gil. Pa cai Cin ns and seats Go 1 ne (Bes fe eae toves ). he aclecet P prerte meacerecl Favidd foot yror., Aredia Gut Crrypariron ahr a. ae . pty eed vr hee relent ‘ond a3 nN | ¢ i Ee! LE EG iat pcb mand = Niro cen oe on =i ental 2606044104 [1°30 fram” A Aver ofZer Pew 2. Ss, has Pm pee a ene notre 2 aleelt Katlus atk Leow : aud | adkectt at a trnat Sk Corner Racces. Kaeriee Ctr Anoundl, Ke Kenko af Sec 3,7982 2° 30A.m seabos ste Scien td ee : HK: Flawtr Kaek. FA Ker’ ae” 3 73 te 4 a a6 3 a Jo / jo: 30 Acetone cot cae os Hind 2s 12°30 Pm 3 TY ~ Sod 2 ~ tn? + GT acne oe oy Ba =a) Ja r¥s — Atracg roe y 4'00 Pm Se ee (Atar — : JSO-5y 22m - 7:20 F797 i St erm a B10 BM. Po aa frre tebe sha ca ik 4,A9S ¢ Wartor aeol on Xoo Keep: # a= ¢ Pies, Pgee tree, Les, at4=0, at jozs All=0, or fetal “1, Be Gate Aden ox wee 45) Aittle Rewer frock 5, ) Cig Maswmn Krak, O- A oe ee Aarely tted, Tetel atl Asche = dd harbor 36 0606~ 105 MD Abeer Jetand, i pernes ap, 2Y Anok 7 te! vila So /0:26 AM ee Sree Gor eles ae ee Med ne? Age ee an ow E % ee | home FFB Coe “Ghee (3 ads? Croceo 10 hed | Pre | 77. 2 fey er ale dicted. Pi Sptuccl jn tte) Dice kane me! Ree ern ‘ 7 30h” Ving: facies ; tender Mn. on ee 5 CasaBent Ache. . hea Ral” th ttrmesl pled ou na, P4YS FP X2o peck 13 Ten apes t ” ahome wales whirens (Bg Alnener! Lmete 20 rly Fb" dhe erailin oa 7 Fz ne Be fac ay a ap Sal Taser mee ipl las L Geli ALLE f in sat ja ee OF Hatin, wead wn, Lea FESTR AO GT MaDe Bid oy s. BOO0COF- |0O6 5 pero rf Karkor seat (me dnebioed 1. where Laren? lay ee eke ies beid (/eefores) at preclr and erat Aencte dias * OLE thew hntinas o sTioging mitt shar ile / 308 Keeomerremaheted a AtcondS Lire ad feeder 7 , ene tomer vthne ly 5 pact Bee Maca. a0 "sce prom . 7:35 1M Therniend Chiponemke rcLired prom aeliity, B:00 fm 2 len af Graokhm Mceieh ear, ietesal ; S.30oRM ape Bad? - Cel poche Contd on Loe Kaf evegt 3 Kee Eatete , Lennpsdirtey Mead prey hebanal, tor fear G, Uatdag glee : Soot Choire tig Decade onary, 2 Compared te the bernte Toumeendal ATL from Local tusder “fey Poe G:00 Am 26 harwler state om Keg \ duce GR om Forth De Lsiins mck, ost on 97 Phen ace Cy Eee At ated hie (50! ov 20 tegend the jock, AD Atrmgaene aatnrminesl , J0:20 8.2 23 kirken teah on dee Kid), Absa 14 Glactaces — / 210s 5S harbor eat on Ko Kesf, att fi wht Love. a oe Len ferme ao teemmauy prom 1), pad JR? BGO 08- 107 4.360 hrm Fmuh deve fed tm Leowin of melons gisohm Ve eo Lief, . “= » Conger tal retire S 4 JO: Bi a} Po Ya Mia Tee tag E ihes Zo Keef, fa (3°47 SS FU fet 4 ve ry 2:B0F mM 68 % a % te Y. 20 Pon 4 mek Lew Rone yr bee Entel: ) wrebeh, O Lary ' ameke oS 8oF Co oy G: 200?) Walék 4 cheb in . at Kad Sliyf Filtlas, ~l Xeve nae? heer 22. ZG Lie on ena > a So Dnt LEI te, Re Live Ligether. at md Zevisel colina Gee Etat. ~ en aah ' (rrr pase oe Eee: eps ep Ta S ieee = the Sf tenctude that om tapity Galend Phe rete ne hos J: 30 8.70 Horak 76 eR ogee eee ae ee ae Fat for Pata eg eee Hoan has Trip Ye Sets 3s ine lod at 2 SAYOP ON) creat 6.2582, nee £60 b))-—/ of 7717. Kader , ie ry ae ae GL066 7 B - God fnrnpgnpy PEP Skote De ps 3 ane eee Oneae fho% eee Se ee ee es er gy te J fever, + whle- See eae face! Bx dfatriaces bee Bes Bees tes Tool Hy mm St) Corner. of Woet Sebewd, iF baie Gh an fon done (ot leat) Vase (8,198 b 8/00 8-777, es fe Sat 1s" whi Celecar Fire ALotise , wasn talasule ot rock, C:/0 AM 9 Aarbow etal om 77 Alacer) Kock, BG6OG\2-1\2 fet £66 bI2~) of yous go trkin Cte! tect tnt ade, 2 pet ao F ye fhele F 4e¢7R2~2 Leewnst gear ofl Lemute ant ome fa OO ‘E gtate, . het Soe bie 3 Atitt female aud Doth af > evel Wt ORS. aa aemeamiaiss AF feeder on 7706 atte 6f Wen Vhete Ed (a- 4 abel l pote FCOCGIR- S ghee , ee Genes iE) gato os “EBL gall era rcs Ce iia lhether whale), oe ae 2] to onal sn ae fti2ea RM ace Ee ale waetaedl apices ire, Sa a pa noe ae mi tS ine he anemiriag y/ A geetlar, | Cla ede — lie aly econ, he repetlirtal A kk, Hoe et yl ) Ladin, aehenagians pa re Fae Aacecrn at frorch feler, Fhe. ee ee ee and abewag? tx se 2 fever tr BD S, Firat chertnut— tacked Chithacler Dine: ee eee P72 Am 26 oartaccs ot maaan ) 77 tipper pep tte ON aa he Pn ect “eon ff the etand. ates & dacetielin Bee ante. Be Veale deat are. 2 ese ope 00 Py. ei ered Diagn fd oo La tat tcc Sens Be ee ene 286786 5 FP tee ee pit ES rneadlore- ae GC Gles pdnian: Le alas yo amd btrpe to neg bracts Laitys. to bept BGOGlIZ—l13 GL0673B—- 7 Chen - vr bietlo Ridge : S, Ghbo6/3-8 Je yee ee ogee Ftabee ieouime, , Cormis Pralalion wv ' oe ; pony poeany le ae. spel Opel Aerie ois CELI 4 SLOb6IB~F TO taut aerene Win Hlope from Rocmday Tend yo Fert , Limes. An A-3 weebs, “4 theaneter anol 7: (6Am Eacliin Befrctatug , B. 20 Am ee J A eee, )a:00 Pm that a, F 2 glacctaces — toonged Ge OO a Pitre aed talla. pact vmel teh wasas oe 72 end = titandl, 2 gulle Glaneais- wry by Cpt ins , SA Prorunenl peck mites tm 77 end telsnd, he names wit te Ke Lenegpra bin of Chere live jlere gq Ze x Lhe / Bs dibinn Ae total fn ta Kaf add Obey Aer andl teak, 3.30 2M, ee rz as a a a 2 afi ” ? - Hide Pag Plgds Choa pi=— Mad an water puat 5 Gf Kise Marcene, Plots §L06/Y-2 SE of bee Mane ene coe! Beahely L Left, decetin te peght aud int Erie tn Cent, Bred hated mreeees pRB the pain +f Uerr 5. Utwieb 7:00 km i-f rr odin, Flacuey Seland , Gl tw Ae cee Dhore. Bae. AD Pets. wth 0 Dead ad Baek G 15,09 Bp Fi 7S Ayn sj re eae one pee Keef. 3 wr a; Flared Koere Fo we tiarthey ; om Send Breas Stank € of perrg Lermnat, e B8GOGIS~IIt Qe Poti, Calete Fhet §b067S=/ Scie nd Slat of | fee Monee and v0 075-2 fe a te bs ty opdioen ey aS Aa, 1) Frater geet ME ere a bentatltnamaeer Gohow sfaccel You, Enrenk& Se eine / cratetched gpntoneted: Tonk oo Foe e ret ee et Leal gruup ye Hein ee thes 2x, S Gobo Aa ated 7D J OP@!t SE Go he Spon ie. Ss wes, ta ct au! BEES Lo Taner (nv ths Cree Heat Lae an AS BeOkIE— ¥ oo pom Laad ee ma © ie OLlb- ‘ ¥ Co 2 wo ¥LoLG@5s adult - ae $l06/0-6 BHAT FS Rome animal Ar Rives ( ae Mirtle Ridge, a RE6G1t-7 Eovobie-B ftps aad c=, pa. Pips an ae 7 G00 AM, gs Ae pride SR. tae finloé win? _ateen . mabe sealers J Bee Noceat, Lat Oa, ow CAr4 Crvm IN to “9.5 Blo F rms a BUS me. ‘ae 3/3 mm, 2 ee of Cher Fal: Phot cone mela eee feet See gy ee ae ca eRe s omens. noe 4 FLL oes a aE ‘koto ¥ZolI7- + tat as Bi or moma EOS eee) 6L0LI7- F ee -S/KAZ- aecie tHe 2, 18 nemapean mania 7 S60 e/7~ ae nancetatig Aablertri |, Li2 G)-[3 7], 23-18 - 26 gore, © Utirreg BGOG)I-|\|4a@ 00 Pm. 44 Kartbn real ow 2:00 bm. 23 Fortr salkm ko Darke whe Leaf io Late without atsateatid tock number ie agnense to tied pe Axwcho gecotena tes wrth the teeter ov, 9-6 aucl Jjand7 of ripered at cig Laws Lie, fe Bee, Mead, Beprery dubai da ten, Cy, Mowkringiler yo 7 oe oe /0:00 Aim 2 karte teal m choo Coy, Caf, ee ee Ce aaa ) at heed m ed ede of Va waclle. (Aon Classy, Miteey 27 isn) a Pee St ve Loo acto ae aw Hee Tia one eas ae Gf *hepman he Ceaze cl Edy Kuo rat suas i Ao 77E tewte. of Fee fe eae: we. a se RE Ll aacae dh a js ee wate on hee batty fh nny Bee Ebi lca? Dae eae BG06)18B— (15 a oe oa pot if epoca eae a ay ken. Estate, phos: wlelaned, thn jpean! G, Lalani Veena oF peer ier Ltare (etupt planed ) ae 3138 4277, her 1op- 31294 ,m, Azo age 26 Pw “VcLAme os R ss at “n7 Hin ree dol > SF Hapln. taa ll ¥ cs 7 oF AL Lettle Pilacun, ea At B30 AM ~ (1.00 079 = 13 Harte, steal ® (Sa Len eel At D9) Pihacees Kaed. pf Bae bop = Pi we Dome (3 Harker deal. ji tater toal OA 77 stent 2¢ 8:204777 aecl. BO gh MO BA4 97) | ye! Ae Bateglt one. hes I.2m at 6130.27 3606 79-/ Spo fone Ek Fs snag 4 ee Gre — 6 Psy teh ., toceptit % ee > mines wae 7. oe 1:00 Ry Seda a (A+che no. Ee Ae other deal pr oth, Maeda Arr Area. BC6OGCZ0~—116 ere A2O,/F BL ‘Biol Am § Khaerler peal an A200! oO) Peete Filetper — o dette i fn noe tt B= Aneto ee ee / & o fp RO Chres' hae at at (nt be © Am, tes | ge tak: pre nae be jen, E L Ree ee ae Yeene A#A,/SF9 Sh a8 Case pepe Boe fides PT Jewck Lew 710. 3 pet waible, C+ bee tlacee §60¢24¢-/ Loren voted lougid. ees, Lack #4] oes, ne ALY 7130 Avm oF. 320 A Py Lie Keeftock no, 3 Mo Bon) ag l ee eA BRE a ep ek oa 2o » ‘ ‘ ww 2 8 fi » Fe “BS 2Af BB eat eo of peeks (heyl Lote) Beat were hieloclyecl oe tree other best an wale, Aff of hem plageag | atin Veta alba Lie Kec# ne, b Loe. par nn some cr eee ee Aud hapltey 3 Og He 10 om hock nob bey wan, 2, er $65 625-/ ApereZ re ALD Mewes) (Pp isat BaS Rm Coe Lile, 2-37 bp tay Tole Aels ClO 2S = 2, of Biel sfoce TD js els flge., ae eeacamtaamaaas aaa pipe Rei ees B60@25- tt7 2:40 Pom. CS a ee ee ee a so" >, of Baseritaty (one. AW wathdt 20’ LS gh clad! rot Aeptueet! Uy the Abin Bip phot. «2 Lgl or A prose Ag on Liat, Kore AAR Aopegeted Jf ug places Om Thee ahelf fees pagitleon Al avigar 4 ; i o Coif 4 Aecke prom Sy we 42 7 BLEIGAS- sl pAlet sport. Ea ae (eee, ee act ad Aye. Herida Has oe fs Be F © B40425-6 2 ee : si en one ad Ctaraliey oi. Qt mented POA geen Fi bery 69 tng eeu J § thpaced Lulptn, CLO0L25L7 plant Wtyoly hl, Bho bas-Ss8 c¢ BS LObLAS—-F at @ Oye: ao a ( 4 d SLOLAS-IO “ - 3Ba0b ad -/l st 7 5 ve j re yea SeOG AST “ n ) a Z FEO0 25° 75 hs on 5 ee > c¢ fe Sb6025- 74 - - ; nadaleng orien j i BbOGAS-/ ee me > pegebor reer , ve tied Zo. B6G2S5 ~rh Vv ue , Llybhe flacver , 7 Camed. < ‘ ¥ooHaS- 77 ri Photo GhObAS~-/Z of Liacl Yin Roce (arkrng Lt ey Yane 26,1986 Saran: 500 end Fi08 Amy Ceyrerd pool rer sae a) ar? pov Cariyiing « (epl, 3! aud a “teen oti ots 2 oe Ay geet é ee B8606Z6-118 rae tn pa eee ee #7 oe 2 a? avel mek clenr at er Cher aflernoer . = oe ee ee 25° P.M. aol tea gel Gow AB,/IBS nate (yong narey ip apa “Sh epee epee pai ps gees oe 3/ oe pet rid aa 47 Aowk ere 29,1986 5:22 Am, Reporte mime at feccter 45330 A.m Aad, toch tagle Lee , fier erect, Lo ee Mocoet , Chow Lim aud v eS oe siakam, ONE G8) | eee oo 4o' : Io aes ete on water afpier./8o' Ss Be. ane 7 Oye 200" cs hee | ote Yea ee cd ta ph A a em Sie 860630-1)9 fee Ett, eod, kepeg bland, Jarry xesare Co, He D ois 30,1996 tomes 2, Led I Lo trilay Marten, Rewer ote seven lo Pricag Marker and helerte . hea adt Kise Moeae, J, @ af prada emagery 4 tries fitr ote: ao 31,1986 3:00 Ram 2x rkarbor neal om Ko Keof, 4.0K fon SRark . Goeemer EbL068)~/ Thccwwnnghllie. , 48) pm? toca, 1/3? mm Tacl, Sore: Bem Stuck FO’ wntencd ehoretne Lee cr open sfoer Specimen Pioesinn Veomngples & ttdle Ler ft eg tepid ERB: Zo a elena, Body SS 4 amr, Lael /S2 mone, oeta hy = page Atta are teaclen? om hetloaet Ae | rhe oh serAabake tale Plager lovnal red- aceled! naka, Cha resis Pooh Bec pie techn hea ?, 2 omits lend inn open festd 5 serfs} Kegorn, antlers F asad F Ag! C Legere 3 dette! SYO Am. Mionph seg 3 2 . 2 f J, (9 8b 10°05" hay roumeerob hint ri ’ o Tocumeendl ChAipmerb Chased Another : y ted ©, for 150" Zhs aren ane focmng tocvberd fotlosved 90h 8 cleat Tower deat Ls tated with 2 other CAyemimdes tn Aree’ fed on braced Com 10" taclinn giay | Mark - deped!, ome end refforeis AChpe At [0:00 IM, Bre Arnonizghit Lethe FISPI thew tad faded. om Lip Stodely bilan 1 ' AOR cine. 120 2:30 Pm, S52 ~-winged on. Lirrcteréos ga Bat. Jo rgd pe land, ee 23 ons Teo Keay, A,/GF6 Papen F120 4m. og at 5:30 Am 77 daficey Locnal Cale th, oe J seplielial, Oye mreauder Current Cneancdireel SUtart Keo tame LG poet $ Kew: Mate. Fe Persdites) feared , leak. A wat Ye S ee ae iota mat tal, 7 om Herth Aloe Kock. and) ow S41)" spss a? Bee Mpice fo ob CL eh nlf 602 4A. abbots lrcve Iatond,, 0 ara 7 glacesees — comged gutle. on nee, 9 stamoler ‘nt aaah I ended or, mathe Bl stl 7 obi a abig Rintd pipn glint d 4 (een of Phower blanch, F520 Am, Jo Harber seal, on 7) nh be, 29 vou Kee Leaf of Pe tape Rt dp ici melita S26-4/38,Weternal Pratme Feakerezea Keo Lo wre Mawdeny for FOE oases, Perce “9 70h sagem ool ” Plone. Sh, faa Z —— Pee F:00 4.77 ¥ mel deer ot feeder fe aor aa 7ereratnd Chiprnueis Yaontnd Spr il fy hel of jaan & Fi20Am Lien wttin, Leon J9 pasa fhe Nsvove: ° & heal an Lane ww ound, £ fou july jaladon On patouanne App Vapeg ep tee M3 704.mMN ie he Kap ne athe, Leal on Aaullerf pach. 96.0703 ~ oe fothotire 10S-T1-24-19-48qnia 6 bates Jom. Prom Keahlocee L,SISEG Bn ane, yeotegsen’. apace: ne ma pose pe fo Jronutte toa for jo lana”. boo Laake, secH abt 77, ct at ng cnttag og eee 2 860764-(2) ov finch pene ye Tauren Chipotle, 22atein: ubched Lothar, dark - a, ) ASEH Lie pipe prion eee ek, feo ot loca bd alaw V20h-mM, GQ KtmarireS at finden aa bs - ae 9°-30AM | fartor Lock. no 9? 7 tarbovisal Rook ro 16; ee ten se oo eG latin Ores wa haber peat. on, Phurcver boch. Alte 42 Ghacceucs ~ Lyte sot hg loaf anch 2S ton deters Phorteslacef “To (9 ont ted a a, 10:00 Am tke Leer toot bonile Leptlated 2b 0 thetyrhen tol nec Hag tonbericend S en I eee to 4 lege "opttas te l0i30Am Ro Rarter teats bekirned BG Leg oe Lee Poser, tee tut A3indiinkush rileerned tb BET po /0'3) Aon, a sighed ring at dew Jipeemate, , £2. Ds pee hae Proce And mottk Gnd Me en. gong asl the methane | THiele of yi das ig rs Kere are / Coban tyuter, , one sarcbhoat atid / fae Staaf Lwrthin S50 of dao Kasft Atk wanennats dnd turds hinptaced, 350 poll 2 pects» hog fron pomeeged WV [ZL wvctheece oe PoE TAL Joby gbiet at Kan ges ter, YiosRD | aH and of at flex Leacter ; oe thre mentee , lt gi ey fale then Left pot ct fe ha i Saf ted (erseheel af procter « ane Dre thn gt g Took Z J ehigorerné tier fod LTE de Ee, tle 4 race daw ore Peden o> Podagot th fae pracy a Pot tppearedl 2 ay, tin Bl teen lan Arts Jaen Yt reappeated Ftlmee art yy ese Gprvttnce Heder dtipped facing and uentehad the racdper §- 20 teernde, ae B60705 [22 Li3eRm 37 howls Amekered ov om Curorp od Agence Hrd , (hog Cw 6, Chris and mat gL tag poe ay bakes Auatanrtéa /,/7G6 [0:55 bn, 4 Karbor deal om deo keels on eek 3, ¢ 56. (fuehs ax Ke gaipar div~esecne kao Keof 20 /S234S bn é j) . LOL EF 9: ) ANE Gee auc the 3 yuthir prehobh i nea. 9,10,11.) S21 25° 4,90, Te area, 49 Harter talon Leg Leaf, a rthu seal im pelawle Lov 12:30 AON Phlneeh 2 neces (frecler op ben Nocese. , Henn Bese Loses. (ru Eales; Meapshreg toad, Vofery belo, Hany pietee lt, Calbeetad the ag | Yb0707-/ Prvrngeele manseatee )-35-22:-20-29 gr Ss 8 1986 4:40 Am, booed ele hin S paat Kxea sLocete. « 4S2 Aim L Cede Kies Kluweres. Lealer dicke . 4°57 Aum carpi eT S00 Am kat flees 2y Ber Modes and aa atore top tralen hice , a. hd thee reate Hac maneptited AF fee ler: otk gece ond yocug, broun-Keacled byeytleerh -omged? Ceed ~ ecled! S044 fat S29 4.007 pork ipcbbomes, 2} onbrae Leet Sal at feoter , S29 ATM, Laclenr , : S46 AM. Loki te ppg tengtl (irart YWit0 dm Keevircled meadintgmernts Ot bee ad , of Cheer anth Loge T- ateebanr/ ‘ A and ‘ 9 prrad URL _ jn wid L te cabbrabid dy Raven Mearurerrent on the Lao Kea tegken 110,14, L8,14, 10,/4,3, 9, 13,14,74,10,10,/2, 8,8 tum, Wedtf Jy 4, 8 Z, Ske. bturlar metremeler <9 deyyaedl nt, jo ugly, cook tend wt 10 40 ace Leh poouncly 7 8G0708- 123 Ore tantor otal peel 2 pide enethin pint GLO 10at wn ain, : Hest Noceee, Ter at 11.504. or, BHAA Cheese: Pimms S, thy HO% 6 Loouoly. pected iq obernce 7 thease rade. Yhey arteneel (jg Lene ) a auch etattihed theprscle, guh_ pl tale phoeee Li edabinc Gee gone the Jatpten tnd, Attnmnel" bLbe pre Prore : ort peo the daghght. oS sidan Glad tad Eig for tase at the , She atta Las been ectreSl vo and that the woler z tot, kaw tecel4 ee te an bfitelenalle Wim pacetng ; Ge brown ref Coethin toth. th, Lille, Kpwweves , (te She pity aqeernal with, challenge the bal tu irbag there tne! 2 oF o tke Corridere (1 : A). Min atteds tht Loff 6! And hans 3s", startle the heer remain of freter aucl Addo welolum approsel, rEarty Chaar F' Sn Channel ff marek atthe? Keg Cac? aue/ b gnabbarde 12 an, : bad Wem, Mepeqlellege - 2 eg wetted Ln reew Crt ee hy Ee 9008.9) and at solex De pe gy arate \ CottecleS a wore bevtle deem KanE thats on Lapse Sabre LG pom fonteg atl 8607097124 7, /98b S3204A,m, LE toot stepped! 0 Feo Keel ancl ceplace! f faetor nealy , Aad guigld ad 8:00PM ft Chepreartea MI7 Koel Leased teed ly ae/ 5 ad tape at hate withers als Roel cored! the Aolten | Ar, / Lt Proving at Sls Ap? cheeked Tia tad bpteat / ect ge ee : for a Kole . LALd di Dada a 2 ana 360705. 1 Loreto i 111-70 -AB- 20-34 Gr2 5 4xd placental tear, Lncklivg | L4S Am, 2 Aver bttliraovtnr Utinzeed / Ahonre , Orchid CLP, few af A (centar Mmeremelen , C44, 7,1, ba. She van, | Br30 A.m Aelitt toe mute Leen ate racked Corry for a min, B40 A.m ” a ” t EYE Pita ; $45 Am, hoteorr ote 4 shes of tread fect by hand, 3:46 4A.m a0 kerknr teehand '74 -Lenged gutta on Keg of, B:ScAm Touwraernd Chipmunk seed within 3 of feet f mete leer, Faat thonornint o Toewmatud Chipmenfe bauce heer te atlentee, pv) Fi00 Am. Nb rats athe ho far hey AY), [0:10 bh. Fined athe trown rat, /0:35b, 40 Korba deal on Koo Caaf, tideprey Opiates peice tend | oy eosin A Lee , 7° 4S Porn, GP rrecle deer fed at peacter ot Wee aces es Of fo S farted, Ke feeany enone Laffer eng fe oS née, Les, ete He f atl cegex Aermetiere , 0.0 Aotend ire, Thaw bierin Atco, Oy nlI8b Cotheele SI the : G607/0-/ Katlice pattie neganegeteed 3GR 17S bru?! -240gm9 Lt £ 4x4 glee peand, BG07T([0—(25 ey Aarmat ete Cepie! eee fag Lag ar? J0!00A.”, at toe Meetaa « Sreg!6,1Ieb (Cont) | °F Kantor seat om dec Kusf, Phone Af rth, (00 une otukar meete— mute, are; 17, 12, 16,17, 04,74, 10, 7. Dus Lrttle Alawn Kock Shacbe, tab [330 fm (lout. ge at Kan factor and fiat onre tence Laat perercle o/ dom goreonad, hele zoom Lent Sobigar ng , /763 0287, Mmerro -nikhyr. fete 13S Fe SS mm ne COPLES SBi5 Nikon pleat 3529722. Gus Bm A clits beth tagles (% cond bebo) Piss lm. GZ them tat on porch ls! Ee Por ff porch Zz aegia ps thee Lalor , Mine soley Leretnclecf Wher aoiprecctet Lffne where, Lf B 30 IN hehernid and waddle LL porns. ynanne at aterve; Res S30/m, Ke brace tad as be yirnucl ode, ~ne cle heen Aedrie atumy lhe xy tag! wae oo 3 A ; 5 I ae hase 2G) eagles hunted On Flocrer Mel anal, , a A0-30' apart 4 Aeorne 10’ ahone Che trbandl inc ah a nef Glarstel tinge! ¢ 2. eras Drghled senutd toth demd wid wlglbopern 3 mel, thitr tobon saghe peret 2etene ad the island: Lack of the 2agle Apert apyprol oS in at trek reat viatticdl sherk was 4 eg.f, thadt Lanne, he eagle w&ied tw tne poarlirn aud moved heed up f loom han wring helo: 24 20 Teme AeA Cha eagles Larry or at amet, eteo Farerud Hetagle BOG Bb nro Bacd Corr) br Kes Am at y 00 »' cheek Zo Siee Live 2Aoterene pw oor tail feoclrsy, wn porch, J hawd fad Bomb tebe prcces of hited from dowrecrag ; srfuccbs 8GO7TI1 ~ 126 } Pus Aon, [7 Kii-bor rad on Lan beef TE (neste - hand beg) 0543, 2, 15, (3/312, Wedble: 5, S, 4, Dien as, Away os, Per LIL, tobtacied CH, 60704 af oD, [hrerrapeec Mipuccte Tae Kot bee tne 166-385-221 9- Bl gyna of Lat, /O mm: 10:50 XG : Senpsand S fas 2S —heiey a at ode get Ge (1.00 br Bs aedl d Kad gt rie fack 4, bn Locks and joon krck 7, Vneaswremerct of kenge (roa le pretiren oud hound Lege) 45, 13,17, 1T, 1), a Wectth, 4, S44, 07 //:0O57 AM. dings g puke hee on denTieth prackgiwe, ne seal wn ap Heccen (EEE Plrera Suleid | N40 a boat “WA 891) B duiplaced Konto sealon Seo Caf, feased hg CBOE A ISS Boh arker recbhrbicr kaele on es Kael’, dhegtee of Hardscoment delermines Lame. of Aebetrn Greate, 7 /PYSPID B/seal on Lec , Prone ebaeckere , 4) 30 hm, [aroun tpt selected attornate boats prom perth, Arther +ttpea tre OP Bi Dog B, Lote Lf. Keaclatrerr On cack Lhe | Que Mbeun raw? Limted a ( deametes antbbired (/5~) Doveglons 4 Broo Ly 9 Kagh. ther tebirnid Lo OG Aa on nal detect. oD pty 12,198 bo 5100 Aim, ft food (Chefoce) FAA 97 8 ~ Cte fo gore F:00 41m Ute. an a Locust boat Liiplsced b of 12 Ahorber drat ox Ses ? 4, thes boot deipluces abl head - fOioeA mS deal on do Kerf, A rrttarnrh (oper tl begth )t5 a (6 tneh pn uber WWerumeler.. Go tom tda fan Celine in tact qreadire mu} of bad lee keatan 4 Can htinrene do tan yr. of Wear vacate en (pain ped ued eo ibe co ee Ow foiz0Am 11 Karberteat Lee hoe 1 7 aplasseseea ringed gulls and 2 Louth — Oth crrmeaiavds, Aan fe /2 1/0 ,18,9, 10, JO'AI Am, Baud! -latlpegeme im fF at Ate Leeder poy fered lind BEOT(2- 127 he Cob Gaited!) tottinre giog rgeerred aft Prosclor for Doral Lima on RBaceky, "Chreabean a beeen 2.20 P77), OLE RN pet opt re" 19:30 ha 3) lal om tea Ha, fhe preasunementy of dema Ar2 | 10, ¢8 15077. Wo scktch fy FF 4, 4 JA: ¥5 Fem, Goreng Antec bested Be cap Bice L, pecbedl af Litt bien Fa peg pre adult for B aeiecetctict Ae a 1/2 saa cohen te lift the walett Wmredictew, LIS FW 59 Kanto seal on ta Lp Se ee ee ee pila Trbromitin | 3245 077, 37 Aanbror azet on Lee baal, A glacsbaced-cormged gectls aoec! / Avett, - Create! Cracmcn tad, 6:00 Pm $ mule heer fel F mur ad cle, 7:20 PM ee ” Le jel ec Ppt eae BYaL yy , G0 ylacclaiud aren lpper plepes Alrente tlbauel, 23 af hose | eet 20) pary Of Uke as rea Lonig (ness) Lifter aud 7 Lecwer, Loopadg neat 2 i at ae | foot fron wel (Meg Aa ttl reich 10/258. ak TGF | Ginky ra. atten e brown Lat at Slee hoe trtiutin S1p9- piece Earlean thitineY 2 net alae belinene F:00~ 12:00 mn, 820 Rm, iy sama iiaaar aa tloom, belote fier Monee aucbonrpiing bua , pig oie S304m 9 tanker beat on kic Lup, Also 19 lanterns winged gets , foe fies ide flict Maen 9467/3~) G@407/3-2 GLO713- 7a L810 hyp 1 Rinker btoly on Lee and nly ones 017 7) Vafee, formed Custbisrnar, “ity aft toet/ to smracatined) and <7 temo HHinele of teaskar, nitrrms to, Photeg 8L071d~-3 G607/3-4 gbora-S BOO7I2- 128 $L07/3-7 $607 73~ g BbLo713- 7 A foc act audible toll was npoatidly 5 evher ag apne the 4/20 Pm b Farber Melon Lao Kee, A of thom messined 20 uncty cack 4tBS OT) Op Lastom apucnel Eonacerned 0. fesee of cheekew (ix tyr) Le ye ‘ re inh haat al The tote sonal preecs tteck wee putllool edge G P00 hrm, lind) Rhazady bared out of 50 glasoaceo ~woenged gills ow Appr Revches Of tabard 9 were aztlirig on neta. Sf t4 at four of stlbarndl 7 were. ig on vette PISA 2 gyorg poeple dren Spence feist 1 poewed arecirrel petand teA Ae) 104 ge eatore or Leatenrk the Jf harbor beat Fits bah The J that ‘ on a dead Tees on C6 ae Batd Blipp on af 8:20AM, fepoces IG: howe nod bee shttnech at Sax eoler 2. 2 weed, Large female! M06 eo hocbhact Le rmatle goers | S¢-, /9S 6 $:20 hm, atelfitrve. beh hn at feeder, Fed appliscaed gr hard, Fg9S 4 im: Sarge Cored — Chacon Coun Saree? no.6/, pathiot bord cantihe” thus 1) Lopeg daterel, 4 plawctaess -criraged gull picheicp or 9:40 AN, Da deo fe /b tevber soal 2/Glauteccs- ranged girth auf 3 Brute - tested Cormorants. Le trartrant were withece th! stlak . /0:32AmM, 43 herber seal. ore cleo /& glacterrd— , getle anus s- Arble - rested Cormvbarcts ; Gin Val oa Le) tat near the rf ane Cortivhert, (efpoemny Cp tirflects Fast te Ling be 50 f Ae BS, B. * Meter. Cartivkeclo 7 BGEOTI4~ 129 0:55 On Leg Reefare sbfarber Leal, 2 dahl, - rested cormneranLe, awd J glawtoces- wingicl gecble , M2541), Dn. deo Keel Uo karbor veel, 7 daidds breasted Corsnorend aul + plaeorio- torrged getlle, Shree of the teal oneatined 4 2,/2, IF pmecxprnetbx, antl. tn LotAl {nese end fiudfest) iets Ou Kasf , 7 Gant’ weak & double - treated tormortenD aud sibel. a, en tguatale. far. (20 ~ ws log: A Tinemetil Chipmiunke a as Lom figs bu Nout E chuck thar ae ra cea at peed Le feot, tase of Tw O | Geatertt Pominte barr ont } Onssrovaes eee day LaPaalg yon aA 150 inna PP ve ho ? a pucfate ep ne / At S a) " BbOWHA " aba a eel fated posed Sab mid haughetl of alge fat sda FLORA att fg Jf eiffe pele flaand art Li iy sn vanwve pie) Logg, hagts (poll fact sag | at bs Py seas 1 ee pe coved 7 pholou it envio of the eee ~-S Jon ay eg SIM|T C0714¥- G nt La rok. Booz/4y- 7 ii “oot aed Segoe Z yen Sho 714-8 oo co ef nw 4 ¥bo74-7 vr vt ce of FLOVIY-/O nn 4 , ZLOTY -7R Ty foro" B60V/4¢-1/F7 1 & HW Geog ¥ VE 4 ot), Li iy pet BDA Aitms Lata Dita Penta e. * G radlatled Kook batiner , thin ated S, po Lets ned t bee pea 2 at 7008), BG07 14-130 7° 30A.m™ (2 Karber seek on Leo Kay, 6 of then Leff betouse of 3:08 4. 5 arbor acal our Loo acd Choe on Tap Ia hrye ebvane— ang Zeke, hy these 5, 3 tyere SED, on Tt Dafoe, ~ ~ ln these, three orrvetinel /4 unl av 0 - at the atcchar mresremsltr , the herntom — fat - Look. whee A fete, AF nile vq LecPytotnclbatn of Hat Bre the anpured atel ff af gi2H $7, anothy. 2at F2I7A!, a the ngs one oA 8:34-4.2 lr toed fee a0 wane oleh Che After ton, wits hed shpat neal atan obey MMoapersneons H1— feo. tf tetiting Ulla teu to her Onbenrt L te peered weal, dilht 2 ynricle deer af peste, this af Linco jely LS, )96 Gt 5:20 Am, at Love Licks Lpetraed the YotLoccmes farber teal, a on feck 70 »/aoret) krok 7-1 fon fey Alocuer Kock, fdeal on, Latuth, Kock, 2, om 7) Pheer kook, , /s Od B35 Aim on Lo Rock 0 2 . of toh, om&oeR Jexaogrl . On Plawar. beck, JS dial, Little Haun Luck, pacab, ath on Les Lisle Lonel AIT 30d.m, 1/ harbor steal on ie Leaf, Que Kaetedl ooct prom crater Ard mavid thre Pt age Lap of baud, Daheusrely deal are. A Las ps teh lly ppche heptricl. Lon Eide Level eleap | © Om MALAHIAS O84 thang whore Uhty one lo Lop of Lazk of evet- {206 4AIm A teverren seth o- Lig Z aud frum fhenter . LrLired BLES por tr he thag&the, the higtseec! 19 harbor, wat anol. bub TO é 600k. Cthectid and prstined a Coder pat asin Hee Nocuse lepty bolded BLOIIS-/ La Llits he Hite Porviegetete 200 ~92~32-/§- 43 Gent, O Leal hmm, 7'30f9977 3 qlaueows-Uuinged” en ples Halton, ail och 4, Also ine thlng at ine aed sap Jatg 50 hagerdl, cbr Mm area append 200 E Ftthon Vert *hpro 10 0¢laeeowe — gles trtaled 22 Coreplite iptecte of f eared Comey | he litinize) at diewme ordinal; son mer 4 Wich apne 860715 = 13) aukhet, i450 27 Ucking fla. L theo Ref aeee/ Liepluced harbor seat, Ow Kee Thaw Keck, 5 Leet, 77 Flaca Lock. 3 Lar_lLer deal, Ie 1b,/F be Save ah Cater rat fred ot trerarng at lies, Nowa che ne Far and Loe tule Chinebe ora pra ade aur netghlor De v4) steamed one foc abocd3Anas oge , teky (7, 1996 Biko Aim 21 harLov tobi Leo Kacf, QR ete: Foc beim Reg p lS on. Attlbe, Flocwe, Lec 9607/3-/ fz manituteties tolling (60-7?)-22-20./7 gma o7 Basement open Le outitile om ome settle (unfercched) ), /5,/98b Le about //132 PIN, “F Came teh Hepeg Batrac| bea The Lede fut.) G00 fim, A ft ocett, P cuoliebs crud yong facto acl Moan plage, ED § adlett at fasdor oa ’ Woods Corfegutotion J peed tweha dereéthy fala GIR. See Cniae 24 ~2.9 Lie ab 8:4) Ain: 7 § on Leg kee to tr hued Lejre wrth 0 tof di ane Kucha*9-10-) 1 atepe f pret freee on Mewalin tela , ee Lprng Cine shrub) panera ¥oo7 ao-/3 4 7607 a0-14 os Like below Kee Mocae- ft uw yf BL0720-F FA Placed a. granite Le stein on shershice ob foot nal. Gerng Coa toent pine fli ney ry fad 4-S~ Jb: ows aed beta eon yas So Lnkegngirsyy | ioe Pavers transestelass: tachaslars hater | 30~ 55+ Al~/G- 9 ym 2 utnerne’, os 8607 20- |33 JRA 00 PW, A? parkoor weed despbaced ly boaT on Keo Kad bh ins Bae as ; ) beda dir. Aeawedt eg PAG tase knepaben A nat pect grovrn cock athiid Kead I peeke pow a2 Eovg- onercle oy. tn fae (6:30Rm), O eel of prrtad Celia places wrtre clark from ALarngiress q , adel of | one nememed orhen apgprocele we, erapd arses ropa 7 21,1786 9:00 AM, Atl ¥ @ wrurle Heer af yore ofartick ws THe areqimak wrativarieal leer of local herd. Ant whe urthe high pear ori Lanner! Hor’ » prod) F304, 45 Karbkor peal xLeo (> > Lack Bb, 7 ” ve Alhrwt Lebind, yt "Len hoof nek 712. Due ee ee es . fescht 9 (neti 4 tack.) gia? patie 1 enn an tlhbn wh Le (ily brche 3-7. B Wirth. Phew, kbanct | J fae Keel R. y tt /0, Wart him Lew ide —-335, ; Vhxrtea, 9b072/-| Kw ee eee of faring Cane eee 2 he FP ratssie piidtattien Cy toned, Land Y $207 2/- ated - Chop2i-4 bad. 1-¥o Pon, nee be hp hhneLne tn Prot ee bois LYSE) 32, fearker beal m a pe at PT OT acd | eo J a4 es at fice bhoure. Ligetiured a F Piscine feat et : Gt, rapa tet Fm Ett rattics , 482.- joa -34-19-S8qme © ut nero, T3017): D9 me ale omule der pool at peeclr at hee tower » She — y ) he ra tepp Keel or eee ee, a BOOT2I-134 ie ae lat ter aw Le mrythr. She £2 sof th 2H oath wee and Note Alois. iden. dee SoS hm, Kardetl Klecpnd patna and ives tarfiyng , We hated if Leeward (oes = 3:30 Lim, fo ee panera eer, G oeel Ausinily @ lice hen bisa B Ain ateces tp gees erin ine. be fe tal te oP fa at ype ey poop ch Attn wade ope ao et sabi is palates ee tertile: ylides 8:56 RM eae? Ter eragh ade atell aeLie, Klux Estate, herrphreg Mead, Ripeg babard, ary G., bn. AAS Vas seegpien GoOAM, 32a arbor Leo Leef flecks g-b, / on Loeb fo eines Load wecereled dm aad raral , ae Cseeva (Cimetlan "ey spans pose Tom Gosnim, % acdetfomule dee (sear. om Cannen tone, Lok 10mm. 8001242 -(35 ptuedeh To giocnd behind. a oe i Se — Git S AW, Anereasecl vegetation debrio Setar pwpthore aad Hele ebhhas lo ow Low 3.2 at /a:0 Am, strmelimes Cove fat donrd ts frm 6 ov SE ment Geil bes clebris prove ou. 10.20 Aim lehile drivers SF E Ltde. Spt etal y Pp Ol ape 0 tm number Ae une of prroashiol one he 5; Z the a Ls pe Ag ye G) Lop fochel up feet ie ; oe hrers, Lancher dirtk The gutl on & branch. 8 abrne the Lee Leff the guet on the branch andl plu peck to dene! eee ; jer brve Che bend, fs Chey ro - Dh the boned of the tare!” thad affrt a cath tntug Prsemele Gb0722-/ yf Dur - beanged eS 623 2mm ey 480mm weng », ¢ mrs G27 Fbb graeme a =| a et { wm os SW) FT oO Baga ts a \ YFT LAGOON ANDO Gurr. On PN ROAD Boh bon, 474 iesailh 6 , 7 Harker PORT STARLEY RD Mikes: 4 foe Nkederman , Rt), Bot 2385, fherk Rauf Kaori» Me +0 betd. / 5 Ang on § aeree of the Fo dtreo Ae at onee owned. wet WL iotd Ly a chebpst prem Sewttzerlanrd urho lems wae * bo Lima, Woah cece Casa pated the , N, propurrly 44 the port S of Shark fof, b aby. dua Liewe rate) on B16 bm, eel appa ae ph, achive. at ler peeclrr ,Aace of Leff, 70) 2c Bee Nykec. Ut pew priesiied, Bdnathlen assed! onae't. 8G0722-136 a Corn, pom ly pratechrinrceky Le boraceme the torr, Cothieled ferameyreces wmanctelgtere, Kellelnri Klee kKleceot | FLo7R3-2 fe m.#, s57# 1S 22-12 WS gemo , SY Leeks Loum eng BiyS Am 7 Meat oles Kua 7ASAm Kept Onteas Ly heck. txth tank, Af bank. Exet— Aone flowers} $bo7a3s-( (treende tefort § b0723-2 a Laromapecee ) ShasLas savoly free Ontos, at Seatcocand, Vhele Look prize for Seloncl Aelgh boce Pe ied beck , OE ee Fruits PLOTAZ- +4 fotelty as atone. arcl rove , Phot; ¥4e7238+3 Gorerel veers of Plocurere , Lae Aeovlws (Phot 0 907 33-5 from m tad of Ortas Sostnol af Enstacine atormng phil ae AIpaanband, — 14 plaubous - linge g lle, At8 tntarke channet 1 Stop in’ B0" of vin ES Atrtess Channel are. 13 Kenajparte gecthe , bat EF Coton 9 howe nacticadl med goctts f bping S pow the RA,/S9 8 b Hy oi. Pacsuiica dan, il Mead on Kokes dl nidl * Vb07RY4-] (remeptes é hobledbirg ,1Slo- 70- 22-18-13 gomas ¢, at. normal $607 a4-24 (hrarmgetes Manctelsater Kothelenri, 15] - 7d =~ 2R~ hn ‘Sgn £ ut resmell Cdatt bold eagle Plu to S port See Meta a AT 630A. at 70 “heglh and pian of Sly ” Lepeg ncn with plerfpect epleclon. oof 8607 At— [37 6:304m farcbor ceoucutaeiitiss anol then SF firey .200'SE. Ore Khuse . 18:00 Am J) tarbov deat Keo Reef ane! eraby ones tau rine 4:30 RM The athens kh vein cg ee outheio 7? agtieg shacerecl. ; Farm Kew Aouee at 435A; G07 24- 3 hactlivo Aether la 2YO- /]O-I9S- 18-LAGrme , £, at nrormel, Goe7at-4 “ ° 2R2S- 110-34 /8- S¥gmo, A Leaks 7mm, 8:30 Fm Flew 2 mud Leer, at bse. Wore zurcler, tut net addoecetid Anrth, tren 1 4& other % mek heer artrewed) Lakr, Fhots 9407-5 fom Ke Mocs ny Speaple of A portico on ahorrtne telesin prog han rhe tl Fo y a5, /99L ‘ fg. 9:05 AF mute clin, « fawn, a g and Letenc! goong Dheted at Gee fester en eeragle fete. ke adult? a KM catde ty Ce thin “Per aud i Re at er of thie of the keer or: ad $, 27” ow 67S ane? SF agdy ve 6/9 amen, $ RA S50 mm. Afr. the A tad din acon. seth the wary berth do yoony Are nee? tunclependenl af F G30 Am. Jao Rorter stat Xoo tre, one og omeactertch G2 amin ore phect fom fog wet ea IT. nag ley moved. eb, Atak on 7U, Flower fack, Mark. Lgeal fires uth a oc en. hit. Fac feathers out 62° prom Ard of i385 Pon, 87 harboreced mn Leo heel, 3:ius Am S yeeemamanaseiy An Keel Lectaz 3 Gooras~1 Heathes rathcd rine \ 2O8- 102- 53-19- dogma W Caches nem, Vhote (0725-2 anck F 60725-3 % Lad att her facon. a? free Maen. . a" 2L,/7996 SiS hem, A female. icles leer anal Aor foun Arievel af KSce- Peale Gisid peal one Cracked Caen I praimetig, Mev Left 77 Le Sotutae Tocapes sotir Lb fel the femal 9 aliece of apptes dg keno, he fawn Ae - Intranet! Lo tf rely formed re qwether FF! ; af 8:30 Lt année om bevebland & Rormdary Somnt. at 3:33 Bicwerpads ee 7 860726—138 Bae Klocae, nore feed wea vin peccler duel the @ tame Lown hud 10 qrenutiapand withed Ar , tat Lime J checked Kasnolany feet foint lo ee af foren was Lhere fet aneccoes petty SA petinneG Bee. ee The 04 Oe and unthn, proek fredthe paclirser of mother, Topol winatne wrihe codec ke of Ue cong tence tn Aged (eth but Je meonecl Abana hepech’ tL A or : 10:10 A.M, 13 taker desl Leo Lap Ne other thitrhkere | Tago Fc Marlen. bs fori: HorecLine on Fiacite Sa es: Bate wegte, SE tucl Shor Store! as Channel /3 phinetrrce ) Upegeen geetlemeda, 150 ° | Eoraptarite filler; generetly chetahale, Smartlhd mink, REGULAR KOCK. ) BLACK STAW lL BRRMACLES VEGETATION (marine) Hope’ é ads a7, /98S 8/0 Am, 4 oof ad Bee-fecclr . 9°14 A.1 “ad /? mule Leer ) 7: 3B ALM Gitone % Lept frscley lip Dial J they Pct Blhtal Maen. Leone on the anol pertey Ahrbe Along he Pinl, 1:54 Am, 0 3" tpebe, mute cle essence! dren Sind poete/ E attnes Klaer That bope, 2% mek tear watched the wrLar Lane, Brectinarily coho nITAm & PY nthe deer moved ine touch dove? at Rocrvedaty jfoentt And temamed 33 tniles wthoet fi / 10:15AM elated tear teal te Khe kul | Inn on Lope OteeLatr, 7 20el on Noth Plyupn Mock | GilS Pm er EG Oe ete Thatkess Phas, PE G7 fine horse, (CM nail, 10 motor anag one. Lane, T4285 pay, 20 bvete (1) sath, bby) belive, w rhetihn fare ancl £ Mee House, Vgerg Sb HI HW Ti Pans (eds bon tees, (a AG C L I foot Pik 86072 7~ 159 0:05 a pemole mute heer wud henry foren Se dg a tend npr. male, hag tersled and thin . Keg hth of Gre 3 daw af rhautclere; Ane abe’ poser) In" bik 3)" et ae IG 8G Spend 2 tegen VU ' 32,/7%6 emete, | Common tree » F mrarttel ' GO Ct dSiviff , oe Maida, 4S Bonapunrte getle ia yrtlheerleg 4.30pm, LO7unutic Lotin 2 Tountend Chimunda tal I tacitiimn Agel inert af frrter. 5:25pm Yicerg, prea at feeclerw “ 3/,/V%6 R00 hm 12 harbor acotl. teo on Leche a-l, il one DP Alawar Leek , /2:186 Pm Ae Rarteor seals on Heo Lang Lift wvctuntorcocaly wrth ne heorte sm area. 4:00 hm, 18 banc Latled pigeene at dick ptecler, beck 1% "in hee melern ard 23'/2" 4. Adame | Aarvrec Aeoke itdtd in tlle tocl L! Bee Exbole , Menystery Meoel, land, Lan ques Cor, tie J Cet eee Gio A.M, 9 G mute leer ad her: Susan, GF harter Ath Littl» Hocup Keek, rf salon 7 9t Rock, 19 AteL yn Koehe-™ Z aus, hee Kexf, Si goAom, 2 prucle Glerr at feeder . $:40 fi.™ 2 mute leer af dew, 10:00 Am, 70 dufores Awaba Pa a Pris A week ago b-V6 Towreend Chipmunk Adme Tignihlerw , 1:00 Fn, dfpeemen ro, 96080/-/ auc F60¢e/-2 Ranclarch Lrgrivni a Aestiy from fot posci 40s Rm. Ce) Ene ey ge aes, 6:09Pm, at % mele dew ptoler , | meet ¢ tem 954, po atonal ptt Metin td mn son OVI I > 8608 62-[A0 3:00 4m 24lRarter on Keo Keaf Som 77 Alacyew Kovk, F or, Kittle aay hoeg, Luger rukpe f aeohim, 17 ~wriniged! gulls on Flare WLanot 7 07a Laceor echo 7) k/ etlaud, 2160R Im BO a ancl | greater prbeetige on sheer ft Kogeome (m plecwnce orcad Gitte ook 24 Bemeiocd tts tm Soop hag (4jw beach. ' At hlimmel Xahe 63 tees Loathing ov wilen, 4iooPhm. Ael, an ae Sa En J TA2SP™ I} glaetows-wrnged guctls om Lipper Fhaerer Mba 33 on treacr alupes ot thyewretes , Jlumto0r Jorma, Aelegen ov Ay were on neala, Ag 3,198 Bed5 Aim ad. ¢ ork heer at Ber peecker, . IO:ISoA,.m IY Kartor scab Keo Keel Koel "2 cere “SS 24 en 7) A Lovceser Silnd Rok, Jer the ret of the the grat Pemba of boals or Zico pm 7 Comude her ot Bee feecler 400 fm ot, Fuste Leer at Man feecter , S45 Rm Hh ghacetoas~- won ged gebls on pptr pAbope Aheeror Debeud 32 on rock af Nw tnd Lrbinc, deg: 4, 19FO B:00Am, al. % aunol (thes: ) Fike che Logethen . Phe ad. 9 and wermate of fhe rao Bi30A7 An atk F of Leaf amemtyu gf the Leal : Lo fed od bee wbhptede, 2 9 fpsinetat tha or Onn Beco km 1% Rarter real on 10th Masser Lach. , 10 pthere bn Pres, fawns atrateh torn un feeder 70%o of the Lime . Fhe other Prate- chen thet aerctiher at Li fone! to a Lot gcar &, when pee Gow Lor party beratek the Corn, F tutlf eect /d0% gree Cie ee eal Td 3 aE ty is the Lag * Lord and brevediny fram wtobod. Sites. (0 feeders por BGOBO4~ 14 | BAtage withsud Few forrre , SLo8o¢-/ Fvcomepstus ronitubaliss Potleeleré 1B5- 4-23-18 -4 Jarno q at normal tpetl mtg “Frm cx Moceee _ deg Fd GE Ongants » Lp Varbauuer , Canada Cfporiticr. OQ. i ete p re ort fetta [1 BOAmM A yuthines donned, die? pllsiza Grniebeee hye mes Vv ) tome alynod thyck, othe Powr Grag or trkile ' Lp be Anctentie wheng forty DA thewwcd appt 200 _ swinged guvla genoratly don Printer Selavrd, theefed wt Vira ther. Crtinied 1 om Le 5 lo mtVernere Tigeusaudk TaacLe, ff aehey ene 2, Englieh oparrod te petlagt Foy tenho an Ln I @,I9F6 Chaka Wa tne yep ceseel Taha tren Koad hake. (dnohemeik &.) arrived andl we ae tun Marth Vantuever te 77 Canna at Freet. re fark, af € wud f stpoongy ererhendl acm wheck coe Uachte Yorrmunitet bebnsen Camp sh SYsaikgr' met at sige of frpetecl motion at ehpo, eg UhTBG Beg 8/1980 Cipe: pet of dag they Jo wnt Verner Thoutend Trgele Caangrs 717986 Kept 7T fer Chris” ate Cocege 18,7280 Af Oris’ fer Hepeeyy Seth dasetiaeg av’ 7:00 fm, - WS4VPL 9:20 Am. Kirbane and huthle destir toth mut, Lew of feeder at See Aloe. anc! fed for F onenutia yoos am, 1k farbrn nealin Koo Késy, Ram walt, sun CWrelulanr heey astm} | Aeak on 77 placer, Keck. , alo Rm “Bertewme aud Kittle Lectin, ped at postu at fire Noeue fir 4 minutes, they. Left. BOOBI! — (42 2:20 Pon abone 2 wrte been Arturned Lo perder darol foot for 3 mnulee. deen Tounsend Chepe-menkea amel seelinnn grag tgewniel) than pier Lats Mex , e35.hIm, To mul olen, Kembam aud Xitlle dak af feler for asvens Vurnnler, J tron haly, Kattiss novesyieus aetidie at fecler) freon fasky dn bicopm, bet nef Leler thaw bioorm, Tacentinol chip minh ative at 6:34 EM, 8668 )]-) Towmatnd Chiprrek 250 - Ml B4- 20-7 grnd- , e utnermel, Tate ad far Mauer Prywoned 4 spsctiontrd $:00 Pm /3% BerafearLi gctte Be donee. Adechud of , 18 wert fears tut stparaled up le (5S Ane or Live ftom Kimtome Gud 30 Am. ay. 1? 1986 ene heer, S20Aim. Kuenkorre aud Aitle Letina Kier Hace focecler. , J0:20 Am, Cin aclulernul Leer ant hor ad fuer 30am Tighter D Look toaHt Kee asf aud! theiplue od Aartor steal on 7. ALeever Lack, 4:30 Pm Rome pawn anche der) at peecln. 4ido Fem meh Leer of taal pear ad predker , £.35 Pm ad Po omcle olen ancl fasen, at fier feels, Foam gtoomedf Fiethine neek, ae dotleeled $40812~!/ gles goeded af fice, Katie. . $2082.22 Abytnn 6649812-3 eroatl tes of different habits than, Cornmren bee in arte, tog 15,1986 $35Aim Brmbam aud bitte pul, mule der, of Bue fucker, 8:30A.m #2, Gracceawd~ O7st gel on cefiptr V Lower, aboper A hewer. Jelsnd. J Aarber seal Xeo laf SLES oe 9:50 p.m, 16 Parkerteal Xeo Lap no rthnns in Grea, 9:52. Aim, (8 flaccerne—tornged gull top AL pe Thc, LZL.,h it on Lever plioo Am. Ad. F muby ater tt Kee peedler , 4i00€m: Ad P mute der and foun 07 klee fesde, Coch teparsted te 40’ at Lines « eg 5,178 Bios 4m Aamule Lee) at feccler | 2608I5- 143 4:60, Gaehenitacl KES ity bate etite at Dax, Rocrazs BL0B/5-/ a5 ees 2 Bl 3b-38-20-/03 gma. 2, at, 2owmmal, i 30 Rmx” DoD EG OS, firm sendin Aon veh. (open) ae ok Lge Z an wcll § 2urle obekr, Sale Ail) ome and She fpiteass! Aetitasced Ze ander The porch , alee dp 2 hacegen- the Lttved grog 4 2 taal mgd ; DILLUCOPNLAD ArL tag rove prtwlhar ty- fred tar and the thn, Wrtd 2. Lapyped Lar, A marhled onurtelts and 2 glaweoio - Vey Soeted Le ale foe tio mieten, yelp Gory Cet Gn F ober ce Upp Pathng Fal! To he. oft, dark, (7,1796 Chiro, tive ancl math tame tn sarretp ect foday at 2'00 Pm, Wie dof toe 2 Bite Dal OD nt Grog for 45 tmmnutin nl nen atta biked Aha yotlacs <4 We wre he on Zhe on oly ohn Me mane Fen me fa. — Phols 3408 1¢—/ poe att, tite daber at Bee Meee . firuty FeoelB-a Ontlr heer ax fice Vacuxe. Pho F605/8-3 Gen vrscle Leer ie om hae kaw mevecl “taal ne a Sy oe ee i “eames LE week, pond mona dt Usprece Doce. jar Psst tponratD tt, ibe. Kat of Kee Eel, Males pd copa pa Wee dA oy a Cedar Lice, WY secle head, /0:30h4.m Fr deal Leo Lief, 2b6 on DH Rewer trek, R Common herer hetblled o Lnues @) bade Kee Egat. erin: Cteence., & tard Cailed pigeero hive teow ee 8608 18 = [44 . Kforce hammungtirdle Home mut her rhserpecl it baat 5: [hee Leet 2p — “ah in grernal) an ferdoo fall “7 dey 6°8/8-L Lipernyene tanitr bata hollestn‘., 1SS- 71-22-11) - gmt, ¥, ut normal, etrct tached hichadse. visite ford 3-5 Luimes aclay ahee? Gree Ly ood fea Liole ia 5" prem Tap © + Rock, 4:30Rm Brand Taccbed pigeon ad porch feacler fee fpceae , Ctt1g. 40,/98% Sb0¢20-/ rvrregb tess tranetecla tesa h, 142-75-2.2-/9-18 gona P Ud normal, Ztom flee Lares. 8608 20-2 . fore he fide Bee faced joateus peckm. 4 EE AG jttiaeri, dame ile Anz Lontk. tread! XI Rand, 2 ty Le gett, aud} urth'sts. front fect Prtad torth anethin me withont pratt, 7:00 Pm. Moen, three . Water. dmerthu Saw Lad Ot. 15,7986 To Chris and tle at Ket Lahe, Srelenied Oo. Lrapedl shunk fod @ill fond 7] pranypodl on i Ss at £42 Weleh. Kool (Aver rood ) approy 1000 Onraew4 wre one plsck , - OA 14,1986 Kept Liat Kobe. anc returned To Thowstud Treacle thererer (br Conner) af ating Foner ne Fut and Ae San 8 Petr), the glauboeid vm Gets wore generally an aw Ae *he x7ho ag. ombes oF BG (O1\9— 1@0 Ofeprrey. a sescalahT gad apart , Cornpect Ka Wi py Pope inde Ot, 20,1986 Ke. Commer T anel rettoned ~ forg Ign Comet Hype 935A Ce IGA 779 2 Glanrteseo wniged pelle, ) Loutte- nek Cormorant, 2 geste cong pte GF? 894. mr B Glaartaces - SEO: 2 rranbleel rarrolede 9:24. Cormorant, | Ctynerntan Clow, A aid S glacbecd— ung i r Fe Ge Ie ¢ enacted rreerhly 9:13. gansous-toriged $e ‘, ¥2 73 prgcon ge, Fi vyS gestae Len A geclle, J rmeeruhet | |g fantonea 0 ‘ FIGS - 7 Tog ner FO ‘and romnged pote A tin J = ; , FIG yew 0:00 Oe et Lan Gon ae / Co grote fete, doryéd gee, 10° 0 / cbomnant Prtew gull 1/0 b W atlas Debyind Jb 88 A tongle glawtasid cmigetple,, 70:28 A dongle Comerante, 10:09 BetmeranL,. jon Crmerant. 1: fo y Crmmmant, /0/7 2 - brn ged , U9 - leneigt . i Sp conrrant obs page plist 0. 2 50" eee a, 4 Merlogecin Hhecka on roche telses at 6:30 Rm , oT iti et to and oe iikegen’ Ame [LOO As if Ebene Aly men ih LD. rae / LBamsgptusa manieutatise hethates. CEE 0B BA 19 8 gmee o Lente, ¢ omen; £6/620_ a Ldremgotus | WManttulatics tethealire 167-7 2A- QS- (F- (7 gre ra Lato 4 wm, GL I0 ao~ 3 Lerernagetia monitaba tis Kathoelri 1bS-72-82~18. 1) gma F 7:30 Par AL Ge BBE ee oie ane afftin Log Ke ie, Low til at fran tnd et Coveted on eh efit eo lanah, &GIOZI— \GI\ Det 21, 1984 91S Am Y gmurhe deer at gee clen, Sack, tee, egieezally 4 bLniticl head room in pote her, (joong ale 24 hgh, ad Mhouldow, F: hes AM, dn. Aeon bathed bertratltenes 2? 12:30 PM, Cin ei é Cmaporte qutle (3-10 J Ant Kree. eee pam 9:00 Am Ld Leet (000m OO antlipih tee rae gle arcnagtd 2 (/-3), fe ala) tm fice /forree , Louble _ set hennporngie 8 b3) Lin Pvtvegeck 2 L/-3 , Aid—ntched giebe ( aul aef aterue Fiesnm- /00 fun, Verikhtp rn sr’ cot LL en Re Meant FG fom 0 4 Aed- trtacted mmerg, fiw 7 pact [Sue Hocere | hash, ¢ Leck fia oy , he Lark. rjsob hae hear ore? ord at Kea. peacter Sook, ~ Cretemecl Aenght PE tempnalader anal Pebarenedl” tw " find Kl gemelein, 9 Gneblatcla. and IF Godurabla, Cd) tested oe be Marchoase ,olgreg vlalantd | . it eo" | G neithem perticle, 1 A ant tufpflehes de Od 72, /96. io ovizele, Glizings Lo feeder tL at Lene? avon = fiers tw front Alec Moecae brraparte 48 poocloey nw frowt at nerng, | re - he S | phecetoncs- wen ged Gull I) Kemapearte Beth, ie “ al Aeubhe Crealiol cormortnt, Comgn aw Lpen eel. few IO" Our there, & nasal tlt Lhe fro~ fo wee aE Comma” ING tense Tage Ts /. ne tenrole rr on ; . bond of Lgrat Jrvde} 84 metlerde, 4 Sard § 2 nesthar’ 86022 —-— te2 7 F Commmen/ mer eS peel fei ee F onmutle “Leer , Beta fed at feacler, ano! one. att Aina Goppy loge cit il ay eng ih nly LLG ool f Shag Selawd poperte £2 tract leon) ore Fea ap se ree pi eS Dla wleor,. rt Bet. 23,7986 ate Lreal ye prow at be ge TioAm 520 A. aa arias S ot feacter , BS Aim Bh Le Ot ns fe BB) re he ey lian 7 pate Wie node ne ke ee nk: SET eat notes 7 per? Liatd dati, oF Limed Za Lad gtr Gee ane imei eon “Op zea ae AL eo" fav. 4 foc Pret $b1023-) ol Frevke en IO Le agl + snnutin , Crseebael asitloct Ong tl Te Arba: aL bead! ste GON” Berge fect SS 22en pedaTeemotie ! adul4 F foc Comment poms = at tat nhg eae or Hs ie ad LOT (Let) an rot. 84 /04B-2 fe La 7 al 4e/ aa -.13- “93 35 gm. ¥ Ax eee $61023-!63 ano! Pin Area, At psdeeled 3 Pabedfachy oe Bet Leohed 04 9 wrth Koad Lermed 4S" 0 0, then at snlinrele ant Levis eiype adn fade. milage ple eI fitbacved Badd under Lacie erg (Aeghh) and ke ACA , ‘ Lo Lap of eddie aud boon cvne aterm 20' taken Fo A hobvatid. “Feip tebd Saud Lartehed 1 por seeonel Atng Couls tt Autlhel jeemeper per, Let ( clear Keeghth) 9 differen? Ziniee aoe an goinad P geen orale feck aitite <4 Aeake dor a seeend, Cd. a, 99 7:20 Am. tonate tat (mots) floc out, areund ancl fack LE Cormice Lop of Karce F Lente, Bhs, Hae rncacl! wo, 9th Leme anol At- 7 terol tn 7. Hapeg howl E of Bre 7°10 A-m. Dbatrned foClparmn Meas ancl Ly aa far aa Keo dey: § ¥ ~ Aeingect > 13 ped- treacle Iresganacre, of Lronmene boar anttre/’ 4 Kptmnecl 4) AS Aeneritan. eee, F 2 Ceronnan?, / ° Frew 4 Common Lin, Va Pacers jae Hisiles thee Area, Fo orucke oler 22” high at thewlolere’ JO: #0 Am: Ke Pomute hewn at Gee Mouse practin Ard a. Lar Oo pute Leer 2 % fect az We Petened ant of veer tendel F Left pecole ot 70:50 ancl mevecl Jom condfere and poclrneel Hew, Pp SA cel fp conn pa 861024- 164 Took 4 prelos wf then 2 lee new B8L/024-!1, 34/0A4-2, 8 bjorg-3B anw P2102 pre, eateey fe slg Teel wnt PAE tees potinanael, 1085 Am. Hhe anal Bieak petrned Zo feeder, Chole ¥ b10 24-5, S610a4¢-% ae $610 A4-7. ow Drath above ‘ Ve eG fow+r Lolge), ol, /D amin , tec de aon ted) chp fa. (ecad tame clown Lhe ban EEE 9 Les by, aseenl Ang ebepfe Beck Lreid Zo fatlow tm ehty, heed helecrmeed an latawe £ thot FLI/OZA- § of buck on top . Kae ? ther Atrece Chills and went L wen tlape and the trek potler)- ae Jemain tu Lriwk Jo Amunutes then the FG Af? aud Aan ptape L Meer, Jiaih blbape, wrth teh 1/5! ae the ton ae ‘ace he Vig Lm, Flat 8b 1024-9 ancl $b/02¢~lo of tuck petted tn Lac) evhele # fe! at fader a? Lae/ 12:00 Pm, 3 Larbtacseo Lexe-rmagetus m, pablelind ew lwoler, tar tre Latlecse Zep oue a cenghe Call that toundb Lehi o, deelant Catt “<7 4 three a pepe (muff- pe ete as ee brypped tf Ante The wale | A tettd Le 2 dere 50! Hown Lo walir at a Aslep angh aud Attaehid or d anether, Lrrgfester at Gf wats, LeneZ, St rattled att the cong Coen, F/9 Fim F St ET Line tw ater at ahynrgef- th. SJ! wntinnalr. 3S Emepart guilt, Lee Zicanfhe (Bee Moos, Leche, Veen} to tee Kap l butbecre) 4:30 Rm, tke z, fren) Gnd Aolatt mnirte Leer at oes , ake Left, hemarred: unted Aft fete, then ReLirned coy Le ta chiaptaced gti Toy tack.” Whale Sum mn ee Fer and plopped 6S away [B' teed wt tll Cemeerned Che then iunth me, UP andtthy, Lime when A wee af svieww tu tbelihn the Kath Chased the ale flost at a then. Aaritl not want I te aw BGI024- 165 Lhe young £ of to peeundla with tuck ¢ at , prhie Lit byl jarred kepal thr F trnrme chatty ares Lon Lin 4 dee the A we +e V2 Rowra frrctmog aren beck Leff to jercrtun Fhe anol 4 ate Mel Low az? and a pad, mated Bh 5 Bo ha, from feeder and Aker my actor por, /O', Kacewors priguenty fn 3 fone ae 8610 A4-/o ebiptinn ptowr, outicle fie. Hocese ; Oct a5, /9GL DIYS AW: nh hake & frog tava 7 and ad. Lip of bis wien ate are feeding, When Che fuck the 2 Re approaches ertthw. 4-5 and Thi @ rune ohenel fe es Softer a munals or Law waits AL 7. Gn £0 minutic they Aeliirned avad $ uxert Le ip etens amid ter and Haplated her at Lhe feecter, Beef jotted Irosny up Chffe tan tilanoel awe, fant fac Creare! Hower Fa a Leen +n Ce Ma Lope Home. The Lion wn A Lanckorg up -, AT GEE hE og and the AE tlay pumnsod Le Bech, am ihe wth, ohard, edges tava AE failed AE SVAIAI FE #. FALL BElO25—btb6L Pte etl 900, oriets Dials die Jace 2! atone Plan tis tmmmpien Burd tanned malls Teka en oe fat Be hg en opera eng wong, els in omnia ob CALLA PR OA 95,198, O4 26,19%b, Oct 18,1786 , Of 25, 1986 ge (ace # 0p 50.066 spon (eeepc Oct 30, /98b Relurnecl Lo Ke farm Soe tage Agteg 7 274 Vine wietianee we bh dbped thenks, on Chis aot 2 Lufey Debaud, why our pheence pe hugh J | falas 2] on.h at koe Mowese 86/0 25-/ ocrngcea mantles hetlelere AFB - BS- 23-19 (ne wt) , desis 3 mon, Si 102g.) Crrrnptusmanitiletirr tetleeleri /b8-80-2)-12 (ne wt.) F, Lf. Soronad, © GL/e228-/ Lererrecgeteed Mecrictestadtt ry tha Prt. /76- 80-22-18 - 21 gr , a, Liates $ mm, $6/0 29-70 Frwenegt tins oiinetecle Les Robles /B80-§2-23- 20-19 Fr? wv Letkls 3 mney. Od 31,1986 |ligh wwondle from 7? att dag, ov 1, 1756 Lmatt tat (: oe Le teat at 7:aga.m (Abinnabanol Lone) ae ade beg Maneparent , peghe theceels. Cleared Ftem cap B61/e)-/ he mata Aas (68-77-22-1 J Rogme O, Deda Pour: AG 1101 ~ 167 Riese AM A fiateng grap. of Tirole approv. 200' SE Koco Meeeae 100 G retiez. Loow . er pe 8 Rpt poten glacetetg — i17 A gutta, 4 Commerant , @ fregton gertlemnot, Acelad margarine} # tevstel targanior 9 oortsha yuck J2 WF octquan 20 Jor taeDttne BoNicd Oe Mo-wward there An 3 sefearade CotadegorO : ard, ~ 4S Amenctiw Cheton at clay at Kee Nace , - Coberred Crnglet ped thru Lapa of machena Leced tm fe oe , o pabecery bse? night Goring Sonate deen ped at @ cep firint Ferice lah nigh). 7rechs Dreactceng. £0 mm, | Bn Etat, eaphrng Mead, Lazpeg Neband, dyn joan Oy he Plea. 2, /)G8S ; %ire2-1 F mn ALLL 148-6 7-B) j/ Pb gre. £, //:304.m Aetlid! hinafrchire afeng thrrctne an font (tee Metre , AGi,/a Awdoal awd 2 Aewth tyeld Comoran 10 13:08 tan 8 Power Cntled om OL EICT 7 7 vueeigs Sutel. maed Calls Onne fim CSY. JANG a raft af doy AheLe. Leone em Dacongle SE Lee Monee 12 GLARE CD FROST Aeelance yen Hee feof Le Mee. . £80 Gg KEEF | RAFT 5 ZLZZEEEF> * Macese » ge ew Meee 861'02Z-168 Addotewta wtth Crthe Ceaw A FAO OE Create Pena teb (9 porlage Cormeranté 6 Apechle trecLed Cormesorcle, Pitt peeing ed = PE Fe 6 Benaprark gull , 2 marhld ete Io 6 of the breke Loew Rool todatsh. Jere and vucke , Chern - highs Lad rectly tandea + 35 Rarter stat, Keo atte FL Pelszre Cormerante, 0 gull, /204S- | Cabtiprrmia gitl on thanskine roche tela Kae Votre, TOHUMOR-& Formetes/ G4) 92-3 Mhiptinn 5:02 27m. ¢ ab Legd at bhettderte 4 Pier! 7 et, Ze: D1 wink, qnesaevion ) cL ado Le bbb. tf tmmecn few Aeclpe Z Su) Ke Mow: Be tact io tevenal al nip”, fotleusd by P grabs aie “ a. Conglomerate Crgtlel tock from geially Vale Doo anesosrec! Bare ope) 9 ? rece Her ad feel 2:20 P97), Wty. 3,79 Sb Cthueled De pottery from Kice Neteee (Leet ought) §61103~/ [arernageturd anitilatins Kathelers /p¥-78- 22 -19-/8gme F, Leeks aA Pr , 7 30 Aum Ad. ¢ anus cleen amd farms at feeder. P foot meacunol SOmm, Coceclyp poms OY Bord ow Litangll Te cialameae tm do Lae Reef LG teat Cue, BlahelyHMttincl Fact belard L Kee Nacute | 95 rele Leone (4 Cormeerrtant i ‘ _FROSF JA Coommennr Wlerizo ee 0 LEO REECE eer > 3 LTS TTT LA TLE FLOWER western greber, ed f if if) // if if a Kor pmet ftw NN a | j / i / f 4 piper 138 BEE House (? d : Ke Dy, Leo heef, 3h imprints 1x hatcbenp teed. Prem ko Cy L £ trol Spence fpet borders with (S.06e Note. IS Areke, Loon at deaf Atotire Ano (Stnsdentiuid) Aacle 861103-!109 J2:00 AM. Gbrelec Lom Seve eppandid wm ate derretiends prom Compeaet ae SN LE ee ee yicteis0 apltad laibsAim. 8) Rtrter teeh ata 32 Crunprandto om Lee Keaf, Belatt $ omests clas ot qari. Bond! epson fe fe aps beth; Waln senface tn toeencd! SE fess Kata. nbrrorbeber att lag, Plow. 4/9 66 Witten tat and Cuttimet. rage . 7004:m. & eek afipsrey 10" Aeameler $Lebes pot ter aad 10 at Gorn hate Oy tlhewr avoed. She pptlayfeak pea tilly Lecrereof antr AitieB ytenna, ten and tede the ea Pislesin toun ” Mowues C2 he fore 7: Lut nw of % ) 7200 28.777 nme hE ee Mine Hi ye ea a 2 Koenaftarts fits | glowtens - (peels x Dies, Rleriedsts 5 22 ttuf statin W) bev aenight Lone Aba? / shone water e satiny gly ageeisnel cond i Taseracnl oor porch. 4 cheer Lrache (gurl ler.) of focter Lat righl en catirons, SSoum And 6S Imm, Marbor atal 20’ ates bbs Almectids , F eaten \C: barclipp. Hire AA Stud Loptg olelerel , At beget Aoew Bank 32 buff le heacta at E sicle aft & Feiler boy I 35d) ave Luceks , of fought Lehe YO elartog Ae 13 red treacled Itr : 220 derhw, Ge & 2hrre., Jt3 Pere , fire with, rot (trebh aaraplace 3/x“wicls ), Lyte) bitte Corracerey | ¢ Atolinw , 3 bhie Perer- , a at fiw 4 nE at Kechardeon : @ termed porte: 17 Saffibiad Lacke- Viome. 7) Kcchanclogre , 18 Conete) * Memml Kake : BAP and 2 L Aerodedl Mergansert’; 2 tuppleherd, | Aomtriten) svidgerrn fond a sae aca teal aaa tag feet) BGI05— 170 t:30 Am. oferat faent Cator om Clouds at Lagdrenk. | peosray ftaws peeden Aart might, Liache “So and 74 mm, Tide this A717 Dr. Oct 26,1442 a Luft 10 "x10" fbeeled 9 ancl ante sprog Coe , Dn ther dele tov.5, 7984 14 Left Cove and fatlovedl S Lig aherebot Ho getehen [ont Voller tac ht ad flee Mace : Bb yos-) Pond toss rmantistetice AotlLAlort (58-7 )-AS-/B-/ 8 gone g 5x2 plocental pear, A4 40:55 A.m mentioned atone. now 20°S SF Ales. Apes anol ane 78 ot a fonly plagnd no Ostlectec! bells no; $G1105-2. Flat fark, death prom boy 7? tf Kien Matede , /0:50 Am Cut Meer E"of Kee Maree out /20' and movm Ss, WS Am Cut Pour a detiveen fSee Werree Aud Qa uf Ss, witha aie 710 Aretic, Loon tw areg at Lact Eb thes Lone. 1G Coenmner, omunbe. ape Paeed baad 36 stele _e . x ~- aw 13 2 Ated- Lrtastech pritr *y = t (40' out Kiew Nouds. Le gprurg Cove) F Dll lee 5 Meneparde gible, 5 plaucoree Winged gulls , bn Keg S35 Sartor . ovals lr ads “Lad omncent mag fy pay a ~ 2 aus + 3S KM, Broce, 7a gets forhon Lotal. area) Ht E fice. Nout oct Us af ocend. ' Viva he Lalor, (20422.) G2 Arche Loor, J Cormer ao Commerw Atte Lorn glide in Lefe portrons for 3-7 feed wrth. comge alaff S130 fhm. Ate by of heer at deecler 00 og Diag PF (AG hegh ) . encatdetees SS ase 50 mam tossbd! nesprbtrvely’ fe - gro 7 F Plev. 6 ,/96b Chet ole formed in tlear thy and Mmerel ZS, BoOllOo-17) lgthteled) 2 mramemats Prem Kiee ffaccee Loe? argh O6N06~-/ Lrwemigttnte mantulatio fothelini 5% ~ 47 - 21,5~ 17-7 gm oS Beka Jmm, FLICb~2B | Liveries tain terl tis Portiatont Me 3» P4- 22-15 - 19 gre FO larti Frm yoorg @ nich olen: 26” hegh at thastelod | eA 2472" Righ at ahewlolow . 49S all membhono adibincal inten | giocep « gree cleer af len, , tut the w Chatlhen othe sling wth gect Arecd ftaol fet. 7,198 6 Wegh sind! and Loke _ Dre rracle divs at perder Loed map hd, GL //07—/ Crermagieied anoniceelatue, potleeliri /8/-G2- 22-18-25 gore tialeo S om, 12:30 fm 0 Aowee rick a peecler, om govrnal about 1 menthe age, Bin Gated. vray Fasclrne Kee , per ecighter Catliol rom few tabers at tan thna Kodkge, UMeneli Tlatl tinh, alooha, © She Agporb ; Wall Liecks on area (Caco bepess Limdrarcime ) done gcc Caribou , Langer Arcliewa atinei ; eee anrrered ano A2L. ; A Ptonppecter Gow thers Uta tir drooke 600m, reat famely Leer, a7 olor, Bee ats at foterss Lrtad cock, Z Natteorn ae che | akice of Dread, 7 oe ee oe eo Wind Calbyy. Ling coud Hy 4orF a Nov. F, G 7:00 a.m , ktm 36°F, lind prom NE, Warner an prent (See Naccae. 1Y per anrineke. hg wbone Cleans, dome Clruols tn Aocetherm ime ° Mbpecnared We 7 / Mmenulie Aorsger : wenged gutle flyug 1 | tnng 2 86\109-172 10:30 4-m at flnghrat Hebotely yf wank Look, seperat, gArtloe ae , 7 q ne, detion, AEF tm Kise / " 10:30 Ahegheat nebreely HE wincle ancl mace the foelscem preter aha chanahth. rp sow ren 7 GLNUOG~ fl BLIIO09G-2 Sb1109- 3 9o109-¢ Gb 770 4- S- GE/IOG~- 2 GL 1109-7 FG1109- 3 SLIOG-F $4/1)09~O $611 OF-2/ GLMOF~ UR Wave thick te, Karf beaten ancl wweler spbertsel 2 ibrreee, a Le ancl there apragedl cut ote The flint ff — ted gporaged wale. hed was Chenneliged om E aicle Lychtawt Jaband Aitew ond atrart Channel Ly wo front deLincerr Prert and deertirfeband, Lhe Arse av Lee dpeke Of jeeakal ay tueo raf ad devene as porther out tn Lhe eotind % WW; and SQ. Ferrice set Peavene face avae L trace Kocarce diait ala ot Lvarve. on the srruel Lowd, And reporte wencls 65 MPR Gucl tuoven 30°’ toiche ( trlinyel) aud Jo’ Righ , hres B pew Ran haces Cet cnecntiaterr Sie ancl AF pros Trife te doply Uitloge. Cowl on Neempohreg {lewd with. dhe. Pramchse aatageng 3° Long (0" hea!) af eadbirnnd of / vegies fom x 7, eh Hageore t 3 bLereeew ge (vec | Ameren Crows teat net othe, Lucha, NG. ,130* hovcleedl Mor , a gharous- Lbce ternged guble |i gocdlenays [temaren disk anc) gited Gt how Monk teveft Bog | wre 2500 aherslons. 530 mani gulls are! 12 glawereg— Won gutta Atore Wever Anethn Ys thet (2 plawerua wipe, the. Leayer and pendeng tut L 90! proms shore. dee viel ch Git of & sm Cectineclihe flunt » Shere grein prlonle tnd thar debris wan Cont pusces Unlh tr bot nef of 8G109~- 173 to at Leatd 1S” Lanclard of oe the Soe nen a frsctig of Roma SE 4 frorools + ee & edit dee lew, peramet Lae; ot ees ee Ghae tut raf Grace titel uth buvane art! ¥ amatlynrole , F Amerctan! urkgeon , (2 gneatin heap and ofizrer . 20 atin, onactontspeid aden Ligh ON bo MED, oo Aor 10, 446 Cn Lo Reef wrth focke /-—& Lpporect anc onby F Cormeteny bm reed, Shore were, jt horntor sat, / farbor teat on NaertZ flower Kock , Sg trertae?, lotr Cobryr. ° | vee guerrel at J g clear ax /> ‘Ruigh at ahoutolers | Faw, Kita, Neoawvie Cotleelil: P4I770- 1 Zremyeties rtmnssistasDa hothesBeni 178-82 -A4-195- “ogre F td. normal ; hev//, 49 BC n past fier never. at ag 4m » Died pati pawl fron Bes arts haat might | Bbl]i}= Cth giana tier isi ie /87-B4-23-/9-28yme, F 4x ste eas, BG@ssil-R Sonrey vogtand: Ceo) -[] —73-J7-Fl6 qr + Plevr. 4A ,1986. ays Les on Sf tent Zo Cound hartor seal on Fes Ree. 7-10 Aim Laghi Lo Atel Guo the fLetentd tarter eee and & Glanitano— tur A gether y Gs FO Am. Lo at Bea Wh pfaceaes AE” at thautolere Pen Shea Aim and Leer wet Hak thistiate fooled Cidade, 2 own Crepe ancl 2 orange - Cracerte Wwielleng, ('209 P27 3 pom Grtirnet nd Xrated murele en Ld ore . LD oa 200" $307 Oh towes Vie 1 nates, 10 Mev: 14,1966 /).00 Am), F) Aeehle breghed Cosmerants and (8 Kartor neat on Hrtlae- winged gute fbn By Now. 4,19 8b dled! ELS ther fim Reh-tncle herd S of Kee dure Aa. Ad, fatal 20gle $lymg 27 at 280 high past Kar Klaccer | oe FR fer mminule , rid gd tm ome: ads meet fo Pe Soe ed dope alan gocng tat Hens gece #7 hetg pace and arte prem S, Atv. 15/986 9:00 4:99 goog 2 cage Faden by /0.00 Aim 6 ne ae a HEA , Ii 50 Aim Peele leew C) «at ch rth gong # auc! Chey M35 A actutt at, ana v D7 meh Lew at feed. te. So7 oA -daeead oe Ja To P ; 3 BEGINS A~ 176 fr Fae 15" from atone tm front fice Macece , Kecl- rechied grecie cee ‘ # pv Arex. , 2G pol Bont tare tn tft 2 ete aed fr A btentre» Sefand Aegh Caffe df Bileepf on ested at=2/ 3 Lilenee Gites ateptialed unrth the . 2 Hower Lever were: 35 Lewtls. tyested y / Lie REEF, Cormorant, Jt Corngorer Anrirried, ¥ BE é . Y Somes V /-2 : PG Gillet Gree, } = 3 A pactacie - winged gutle, 2 western. “oO Gekise, | ehonecere auRhht, Re ar Zz S Anh, tuinel Leuwe waler a et LA Yat faa me lo Aap wrt. LA terre a Aoike at feeder Kee Mocte, Sn the Lief week | Howat fomok Comme Zz clan, 1:20 Fron, “Kato teal swear VE jeaed thee Moor 20° from shore, BEE HOUSE . Joy. 17, 19Sb Wand fron SE, Ber Chu. S 13S Hoatle — heetid Cormorant 7? betioeenr Lew Keef arel fea They 4 Geet actors tondin with toig Lips prom 376” l Ln, “30 Aimy 300 Aetie Loon paceed 7) ae hd the Chee bls — Cette Cormorant at deat, As far cd S Laces see, deyend Bacndary Pte, Jona. 7 inet ania (A Glaceboced — £: 3S Aon. ? mute cleors » fous $ at fector, the Actert fermate ob goons F left peecler LO or Ge vs Lope “ehere f tack Fher, — Focom. remarried at fealer i Jornunutee §Y Bheet @ : 29 /akegh ah thartlenrer , ; 1p bark tyeol 4, ad esha ancl reemitln, are BSS AW. I adeelt tyes on Leo Kaul tonto , we ttl teds or Keo Xecf, Bye byt pgant fue Eb. at Keckew Lamt He +-Fhn Vprdon, $ler tliaight be We Hewes Thawte 7) alry, thevelins 0A 50 adewts beeitia “aod 158° Corre, s togles torere on Leo kauf A Aeectle— erected BOW — 177; ofr (1 0 mene afte. ) Counman? be gar n2Lirsersje x andi art Be grimdea 13 Kael aricneS 7 o “ve [Vi BO Gin atutt bate! eagle on oles , 26 Cormorants tat Jo hed net Land, aA 48 tale Lift tee hrf, $kico ZS and wytr Kee Mawee. ay? appriey Lo’ atiere Kpuae, MH SO0AR7 3 Aoutle- Created Cormersianls on Re» Keef, JiS2 Am so _ emer and Lee Keef. DEY 20 orrerant om kee Bef atl some Apeteca — /2'/1 Pr 3) Cpieramt 7 Kee Keep. 2: ar 4! Crna on deo Reef 3:50 hm Cormean’ naw all ovatlsthe forg eeaptaed 25 nts soaker | teow by ve! ao Lele chelidd Lt tireiind, pte mented % of Leo hag beaten: ZF Karher beet kame Zo peep tet ne apace Aovacbetle 4 thee leg t, Soonte Coametand? arruied and Luis te bard , Mirna addins Facke of teat tet hoatd nat 0 to nat Land #00Rm W Cormprent- (dauhh- buctid) and a torter seal Le, Keof, 4:06 Pw. A ng Chelle Loom on contest preret Kier hoase. , Sav, 18,19 $b Lem seen ceva of deerf, S-SSEL, Kegh Zole 7:24¢4m auS Bl 706 AM, agefarog WO geibies plier alee ty S abing akrebhne av about 50 high. 70 one Leip taveis Ccratins ease D ; 70 ot 100 hegh andl at tfteme kegk delocety: 7 | 47 Feoam 77 Logs 2gt7 > 4+£0 Keer ter Ltecretant wa fet wed! al a wpe Le 1S" x pramsebin, Ol eee SW) ET 4 a Fa tag [20 atone ) SPENCER SPIT 8GII18—- 178 ss pate Ae ea , whan Neen Lo. Heahimgtere | | 2602/8 —/ orev veghand rogkans S09-4b as “gm lagen » W take fom Length, "YEE B 0 RAAT trae clea acd faaons ab palo © OS™ Lak, Wi3BSAM™, Mo glacctaceo ~ vrngtd wr Cormorants 07 Albecutvtbend. Awimmrea, atene poetea ef erimmoated Heng, Gt ther Lorne 29 inclriclecalr), 3:00 7H, Lapea aclaaieaesis saiied Klee Nocwars, 3a, 182,280,232) pre é Anrtrage 3),57 gninele, AS avea Be" tet from akere., 30,29 ,3/,3Y 23. Aud 3/4 Aeipectn ty 7emmtine Che, Gracdpe rn we, BBE PM, 2 Grek Leow hob (S'ane Pronk of ber Nence. Vag hove and. aeeol (4° sounclinand, back. bent te PPE tat fom min of UEC ible goon male mite Hear net Mertyvect 27 Zekeg Moen at dag | #25 ES Cormerans S tm dongle pole 1" atbove olen enc fe 13 Cormerant on ches veechle. , £4, WLev; 72Gb ; , ree eiccae., , hah and 3 Fin anes Oothad a ile Cis ebn on ney 354.27 Bhictt F orl, heer shun oy SE serle fase Meeces, evhe Bore swan dt vox olen of Pri) techs Kee Klacee Lhe lew, Come Lb Spork cchogy heck Te filed for 12-menasbe at the footer , Ji2s4m. QR karber tel Lrcael 3 Loner es: fled Rex Norcas ren of Lome juat terrerth derrface at oppor. os Lovth | Leet£lan, tirdoce proce a qc Linn a Copturecl Upe 4 7 A Cancthe Pe barber water: , Lire sew eh, abe A Bhace wa Comctifeek por 2020S, PaSAm, Currents’ Ss Kew Aonee, fe Kalter no.! reverse aren tr ye, 2. ' JA ogo Ags AetLed Arta. ne, 3, SS CIVve. ‘ 1-3 N Re LICHEN we Point ~ 7 «-BGNIS— 119 Actutt titel Loqls fleur cy ener Lao auc aleghted Urn. Large Aetglas won Reckew frint, 2130 Am. Faun, at ferolew Kez Mase. 8:35 Amy, bbowly 1 fosnd telioeer. fre Mecrar anol Keo Kees’. 1 Commer. treetrer ) regen. gquttemet, / frtegce Carmmeotant - 2°YS Am i TOD EE, SE ancl wanes. 56 fer mine, , We ~ W907 on AlLezuer Deltond , Gi00 4M. nee no OG 7:30 Am, Vigeen guctleneba in piont of See Mocca. Looe ot nq teclonaride Loimes , " reeF ["A aee- | 1b heey | ore : | aeet once (Orin, Faee, All olere tn area Box 30’ hed Pera! Letinatly Za poking dete , reeks Aet/ 45° aed, 10:30A-m- 32 wane nr / Wren W (1: 30A.m. Wares JE, ayer 20° oe? tank aud +'arch, $0 woncs par mina, pom tabibone t~ I. 31 Am kbtreceron Gechhet Aevin tw front Kee Novos . 1A:00 Pm 6 lteter geo! frecten on lanth fart . aw adult tasd Cagle chroppect L fo 4 ot pestle, poccla) a Candloferh. aud ple lo, Araceli! (pint, St Lift again aud fener ta gust d ) Carel and then Lftarwa, 50 ttenthe hetin bo Aaulhle- Create Cormorants flew ts bame area anel Laptirsd. +f Landtefrck ; . IBI40 FT, RY wanes fer minek . Wane re bemce Am» LOS Cpgpes, [50 Cirle Leone, a/ tautlhe Crxcticl Crmenante , & POT corneas ame (2 paubaces- wrriged get ba Ly Lope. Ao ft- Ye ML.) Abe , Ji30PRm 25 Anes fer trimute | Uacctocso- cornged guitle howe btw tahing advantage of lod from 3E) Vlad. 19, (9B. . 8:304.m, Loltt bath eagle. Lees S ALeng thorehne woth aoe icin’ Jim, foe aces» G61 19-1 Chrome tr oreamnetelets hothalic (t2-b5-d2-79-25 gma , a eke F onwm Angth. . ° POe: 20,/98 6 Colleatad fottacnrrg/ anieele parr Aen +f Kiee Movcoat $b1120-2° Heretee, 8G1|20- 180 8613 20~3 Leethe For} 20.4% fLeethe LI) 20-5 Getlocer goeket was , Aegh nile Last 3 haga, apppter 20 glautscs - try A gels tn att Don I tgay delocd prees 20 Ladoo n Junut Aparravet Acer der this seaagre preg mrecle o” Leen, Attn Ale . Peo leer £5 ae hegh. WlrvV: AL, IG PS F:00A.m Cree Called Tee Lee mE foee Nowre . St sounded Lufe a Ley fizhed abt Fo ale, on Clg Urtlectee! ; "gy Kice. Veecte : 867122-/ Pirernepeeces manttubeatio tythelet (82-82-22-20 “25; Lats Foner, , Frey M4 Aim, Joon ot fedec, meneuud as” to at ahewulbolen Ai40 Nm An auth tot Lugh flow wee he ag akan, foart and thin 7) Ahony Croat of teelge, , 4i06f?M, SY Coimeotants 0 tertor seal on Kee Reef, Ro 470 Fim 200’ SE Re Nowe, 5 Hortte- tyeretial! Cormeseh ke, 2 Arete. Coon) and 2 Comrren tnrred) im freckrg grec, MAV- 28,15 bb fern ancl wena! Pron S atl rugkt 2:00 4.7 at deel 8:00Am £, aad goog E rrule Leon at preders tain OD ES Z Ker Macca Oblhected! S601232~/ Peverryutus mantbetice bathelins 079 - FO-AB—-/9- 2 Tgond-, ¥ ut normal net ractaclartyed ov entersec no flee. peand» 9°10 Ahm, Aduet told. ergle flew 5 poet Fikes Nacccan at 0! trom dekere, are 25’ abeone wottr. Lutls heat Are darling tnd hunting nv hook wind Gerweowa — swomgsd gtble 0 erg ah om Gf Hed Nossa Whin, winde Arne LN er 77, 3:06 Am dark gel A Len at tg od at feecter, , 2:44 Rm Achutt tagle leg CiieR of Kee laces, , 8BGII23— 18| 7 R50 Ram a ee, Cy. ty epeape why 2:58 Rm fpred 200 arcki Lene , 50 pebagest. Cormorarrte teLratr Keo Kausf anc Soe Waccae , Moe, AY, 1/998 hark - ane raaled Eowher ot foader. bas tlanadl Sp oft arden Aetett totd cagle flaw S pict lier New LAceher brenk anol ll 3.29 AM Cactinn greg Arteped a7 bes fescler, « 6:50 Am dim, Cath CO jase pat Bbee Maccre , Aegh aie beets oo bs dad Ahr, tijfe tata heed at ogy fet “7 7 W385 BM, EY ha, pean he heer mesecrl 25th” hegk at Atheortilert- , at, Pe nat fore fe Hose Fb) 24-) Forernagetees Thamtertelier Kotler Brg 46a- 74-2 5-20 - 1P gomas. le mormakt, 30S Pm, SI cormranG on the. F ofpecel rncho of teu Raa. 7y,, e planters unin ged gutle Cre “Zn pater iy ponte | anetei. Leo on 3 Loa the and Corenemrants pode Che wwoece - 3: as Rm Pre Kata gf 160 ‘high trer walir poet Ber Nowe cad werd ond Rech, L makhled mnunuhth Leva Yo. Kowr skithonk devon 4:30 Rm, “ goreng Doructe chow, 27 ‘at thatdero ot Bee feeder , Pleov. AS,/)9? & Tyo Am Wavew 28 S file tnrinela. . Warbor steal tw woes 20 fiom Akore. /0% we Wapes 28 fir meneZ $6125] vo) Adega ea datitins ficoh ae 170~ 82 -23-B 19g mne a7 Licker, bon | 10:58 Am Petes of weve attters ow there an - Ree. /lucete, * 6145-2 LE FON AS-/2. and SE anel wovee Ak per Inenule, Aland goons E thr Channelt teeter Flowev lband and Frat bbund oe aan ZL aprral spond L 60-70 Bem, /) BO Bm, Adintt tat eogle fluo S peaat Kee ower ot appreg,, UT fr teeerd, — Inte ew ot go hue Bed! ae€ vite for 2G Warned, fier. orine tz. Coen thot high F°30PM torined! reer 20° Lo a Aud rear S hiveetgrey. Mov. 26,/9F2 ¥: Bo Pm, Lkevead Cr halecl t a Limen akire tole fron €; fe7t. toanedl 300 ov'to fest atone Hee haf ancl mowed Losoly Mew. 87, /7 72 720 Am Rentt ond trmmatias bald t0gle himboag tm tocenol Aw Aue, Vio Am 16 wmrtand , F salt ppegtislt 9 Farle, Carley Mev. 28, 1992- . oo F, ize al Kee Mawee Call aptecmens snclicatis Pek” Ff worked, AlLee 20, /98 b F hotel. gh der fice ee) Z tape negli ighe ere Mees “hed A j B62 22~-/ Lelor tn Chiuid ad and! tefore dunrce fiom Ke Moccee. B&IR2ZO— 2 SL/220-3 36/2230-Y BLI220-5° Ticyg Cont reelersn, “7 : pong sttafes , FL /220~6 hel “ye Cue, hep? GL/22O- 7 beat $6/220-f beat €6/2 20_/2, firornugterss. Mantulates tableclrt )o2- 9¢- 23-19-2Y Gore o” Leatis Loum, CF Kes ewes ¢:20Rm! Or"g a mut, ler, 282" high ah tHhawtolers’. Aehet ate 29". apr fr b Heviee ponchos at fesder Anol Prat sence Lact pecorotec! anyoeernal, Abhee 22/,799h Wand atl nigh ancl af F:30AmN, whi Lercafpe- Aun seme. Apap lien Waper as fer. minte , Fhtem Klee Moure : I6/22)=1 manttuletias fothirttrr /YS- bl = %, ut-nermat, “ 6 hot, pinches at feeclen : / Corre? ant / feed from phere deliw Kite (Veaett, » At pd end Fopey, F aurf teetnre. RSVP 17 ymr- 8ol221-192 pont icy port tak nbd etal ager paren Bagge Wesan 4 tk hi pec lado ne G9 £, Yand aw ap: phee 23,1986 Cok Lacclaag Pld pgeasr Avek € ot eas fect all ital Jose, Kewan, wiv de tren, no '% So’ 0 trenudéas | Average oleve G4 deeenole, , Tiiiegics seuer tag ED appred 200 Ckenes, petirned [Biz Mouse and fed an harne aren antel 13: I0Am | WGEBT FIELIO MARKS F6/223~] fremgetus manieutatics Hable tire (B24 ~P3-23-)F - AU Gores o” Looks, 6 Peo, obec. 24/986 F 72.Am, ; Harte, seal Lo contansl awcduer there belets Boe Mewes, S6IAAU4/ Kerconrptinc manitecleta tethcbiri, (73-Pb-Ar-l7- 24 gmaes, oF bats £ 9 at 2:20 Rm, chee. 25,198 Cte, 2b,/9FL Fer 2 rorngteces Caplin, ther sale tee Kee Nocree. by Lopg Aland tut proparcd at a Late dale or pekisrn, from owt Facts. : Bein 2b-) Kerernrgsects pmtameteletirs Ketlatin 192, Bl 22-18 -AFgme of Lila bom: " ¥LI224-2 FLremygpteto onanteutatinn hebbeelin: WV 77 AZ HIG o 20g~o, ¥$ at. Prermadl, BEl221- 193 rhee., 27,19F¢ At £123) ¢ noat ahs, Loo , sherveFetynwhe %.-, Warhingior , eoblretool 3 mamoentle: TGIRZAaAT=—1 erarrrngatsias manitetatet aulnus 169-Gd- nnd fx Faience, a Lita, 4mm, BG/2a7-2 Rovemagetus mranitiche bir Austins 2OR~ 700 - AI-17 “22 Gore, F oo $61229-32 teaengetisn mmareeite tise Adaline GS-9 22-07-77 a7 Lectin Samm, ue Bren 3 abrne wpetimens “vere err 50 recon goossth Leopr Aet (0) opt om Conifer - darian poreat, decid SF aneken eel ae sod (aeled, Ethoat ano Litled otatrnel aiSeee preheat cbavnet 3B recl-tailed Rawhe at. re 1 a Loy a Cornriens Kool arecl Anghovey 0, Mee 2F, 79 86 fapane dontsl Comenesid or Leghtot Ag meg A Bes OL hoe Pazve-/ ) Cotleeted at Kantahno , Cato wrbere abe cour, peswlenee | 66/228) when tud /00-37-7% ~-7- 4S gone , F-, Uh rrermel pbhLle CTE thee. 10, 19¢ b fur of ad fone on sho stan, cleanin tata, this AM pn Adon. , 2 fae. Lereted , 200-900 abere. Alec 39,19 8b 7:30A:m Rfaebour ez Moeree Lpedt 22 Prue tes - 10:08 Am, Armgle made 1s om Ahanre ~beloe Bee Moves. A wwringla abe Aa, At 3.00 Aim 44 glautows—win tithir on Ov bn etn the ft deaget 4 pokes, Bene, pion Aarne Pose th Vhs Pooe 86 1229-194 9:pn Am. 1, 4 cL. 4.77, BIE HOUSE Wagh tee lifted olucpboreed ee ee > Pp Ea aypen Poni Go ( Ly Dglant zd fea Q honrs ete Akh gph Sioo Pm, Adurst yet Ohesed tin hinwotins ttl £2 pes FLAT Pojnr ROUA DP Pont Klee. 30,/9HL DLd. Lief, at /2°S5 2M A pedi tao Anta aa thee, 23,/9IL, AICHEN POINT Com 2 oleves ttearclad HW anel ah abr 7 45 prronde Arctonrer ‘op. ” 10 het. tagle vightengs tet Avre ek in 7°S0-B°30F™M: a te , “es ng hh ’ note Teetenaane Ait torent nde —