This is Process News Supplement #2. Box 591,City. Free and nonsectarian Could the President Be Altered? Dead chickens have been : CHELSEA FISH PAVILION gutted, smeared on the white house rotunda. A S Jumbo shrimp, fat lake spirit of besmudgement | : crabs, mudcat roe, mull has polarized the Amer- , et, diamond trout, froz jean citizens against | | -needlefish, sting-ray one another. Neighbors | chops, crawfish--peeled ask neighbors, "Cana , 'and boiled live & by the president be altered?" | = , Sack, turtle meat in sea Yet no one knows the : : >, son, skiffs & motors tru answer. We can all 7 for rent. Cane poles & marvel at the amazing | blood bait. Chicken gut. feats performed by the 7 : sovernment physicians, HOWDY DOODY one déy we see him in . the rose garden with a ae What was Howdy Doody wide jaw and tiny re- doing the night the aqguced eyes. The next then vice-president day he's havingabiq . 3 Noxin exposed his dog lunch ta Italy looking so : Checkers before the much like he did in the . T.V. Cameras of the old days, the good _.. ; nation? He was sielies tyiiek health o11 of Flo : x in a little bucket seat rida combed into his watching TI.V. and eat- Haile. 20e foes r es / ing caramel cornballs around tne white house —| : with Fhineas T. 3luster corridors like those f as a hard-oak fire roar PeCiiul running rats a ed in the hearth. They the drainage systems of, were watching Uncle Mil- bye City. who of us can ty in 9 dress; having Teli if he's been alt- | cold spaghetti thrown ae eee A in nis face by Italian co y = A stagehands. e 1.V. Pe eek tach face ee eee | 3 = aaee” tled on e table as jal emphasis. We know. | _ though it were in a car- from sources inside th-— toon, when a clown-like at the president, nee | a i pancaked moon of a face example, spencs a goo i with han&ing jaw and ae 2 De ae. | yellowed teeth suddenly a A ape | loomed owl-like on the counting brown ee ose screen. The Vice-Presi- his face. Weren t we So i | same on. The dog surprised when we saw - ee a It seemed 1 Gre first photos of me Ef a harmless dog, it could ae Oe feet Gh a ; have been his own dead new moustacne an | pet on the desk. sut pepe ee e 4 4. and not impressed. Fhineas en Eee on ene ff ? ees 5 Oe ecee t a O € Set, e with the wide oe et | dy blew out the kerosene eto veg ie tee bh. Mays ae «lamp and Phineas unbutt-] This number funded by an 4 Le ened His shirt. medivcaved tO =o. Butcher. ' oe : {